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First Impressions

First Impressions

People say first impressions count. What do you think? Can you understand a lot about someone from the very first time you see them or meet them? I think I'm good at judging someone's character from the first time I set eyes on them. It's easy to understand if the person is my kind of person. First impressions count most when you meet someone important. If you have a job interview, it's very important to give a good first impression. The interviewer can decide if they like you as soon as you walk through the door. Are you well-dressed? Do you look happy? Do you greet the interviewer? All these things are important. I also think first impressions count when you meet your future in-laws.

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First Impressions

People say first impressions count. 人々は第一印象が重要だと言います。 What do you think? Can you understand a lot about someone from the very first time you see them or meet them? 初めて会ったときや会ったときから、誰かについて多くを理解できますか? I think I'm good at judging someone's character from the first time I set eyes on them. 私は、誰かの目を初めて見たときから誰かの性格を判断するのが得意だと思います。 It's easy to understand if the person is my kind of person. その人が私の種類の人かどうかは簡単に理解できます。 First impressions count most when you meet someone important. If you have a job interview, it's very important to give a good first impression. The interviewer can decide if they like you as soon as you walk through the door. Are you well-dressed? あなたは身なりがいいですか? Do you look happy? Do you greet the interviewer? All these things are important. I also think first impressions count when you meet your future in-laws. また、将来の義理の夫婦に出会ったときの第一印象は重要だと思います。