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Crash Course: English Literature, Frankenstein, Part 2: Crash Course Literature 206 - YouTube (2)

Frankenstein, Part 2: Crash Course Literature 206 - YouTube (2)

responds to his creature with utter horror. And what is Victor's mature, responsible,

heroic reaction to this situation? He runs away, making all the dads on “Teen Mom”

look amazing by comparison. Thanks Thought Bubble

So, the monster blames this initial abandonment for all the murders that result, right?

And Percy Shelley agreed, writing that while the creature was initially affectionate and

moral “the circumstances of his existence were so monstrous and uncommon, that… his

original goodness was gradually turned into the fuel of an inextinguishable misanthropy

and revenge.” But is the tragedy inherent in the creation

of the monster or is there a way to pursue knowledge without responding in horror?

Frankenstein is more than a little relevant today as we struggle to figure out where technologies

like stem cell therapy, or genetically modified foods, or cloning land on the ethical and

moral scales of the social order. The pursuit of knowledge is good, right, because

that's how I'm even able to talk to you through like the magic of the Internet. That's

why we aren't hunger/gathers anymore. But we don't actually know the outcome yet.

Sometimes we forget that we're still in the middle of history.

I don't think Mary Shelley condemned science outright, or explicitly discourages learning

the secrets of life and nature. Now the experiment definitely fails. The question

is why? Is it because Victor's aims are just unnatural

and evil? Is it because he can't love the creature he's created? Or is it because

he let's his ego run amok dictate his motivations? That's a non-rhetorical question by the

way. I look forward to reading your answers in comments. Thank you for watching. I'll

see you next week. Crash Course is made by all of these nice

people and it's possible because of your contributions at Subbable.com.

We want to say thank to all of our Subbable subscribers for keeping Crash Course free

for everyone forever. If you want to subscribe you can do so over

at Subbable.com. There are also great perks there. Thank you again for watching and as

we say in my hometown, "Don't forget to be awesome!"

Frankenstein, Part 2: Crash Course Literature 206 - YouTube (2) Frankenstein, Parte 2: Curso acelerado de Literatura 206 - YouTube (2) Frankenstein, Parte 2: Curso Rápido de Literatura 206 - YouTube (2) Франкенштейн, частина 2: Експрес-курс з літератури 206 - YouTube (2) 《弗兰肯斯坦》第 2 部分:文学速成班 206 - YouTube (2)

responds to his creature with utter horror. And what is Victor's mature, responsible,

heroic reaction to this situation? He runs away, making all the dads on “Teen Mom”

look amazing by comparison. Thanks Thought Bubble شكًرا يا فقاعة التفكير. 感謝思想泡泡

So, the monster blames this initial abandonment for all the murders that result, right? إذن، يلوم الوحش التخلي الأولي هذا على جميع جرائم القتل التي نتجت، صحيح؟ 所以怪物把所有的謀殺和下場歸咎於起初被遺棄

And Percy Shelley agreed, writing that while the creature was initially affectionate and ووافق بيرسي شيلي على هذا، وكتب أنه بالرغم من أن المخلوق كان حنوًنا وأخلاقًيا في البداية، 珀西雪萊也同意這點 寫下怪物起初非常有愛心與仁心

moral “the circumstances of his existence were so monstrous and uncommon, that… his إلا أن "ظروف وجوده كانت وحشية واستثنائية جًدا... لدرجة أن طيبته الأصلية 他的存在是如此可怕及不尋常

original goodness was gradually turned into the fuel of an inextinguishable misanthropy "ُتحولت تدريجًيا إلى الوقود لبغض جنس بشري وانتقام لا يمكن إخمادهما." 導致他原先的善心漸轉為無可消滅的厭世和復仇的燃料

and revenge.” But is the tragedy inherent in the creation لكن هل المأساة متأصلة في خلق الوحش، 但創造怪物的下場這麼悲劇是必然的嗎

of the monster or is there a way to pursue knowledge without responding in horror? أم هل هناك طريقة للسعي وراء المعرفة دون الاستجابة إليها برعب؟ 還是說有別的方法能夠尋求知識卻不會感到畏懼呢

Frankenstein is more than a little relevant today as we struggle to figure out where technologies إن لـ"فرانكنشتاين" صلة وثيقة بنا في هذا العصر بينما نعاني لنكتشف أين تقع التكنولوجيا

like stem cell therapy, or genetically modified foods, or cloning land on the ethical and

moral scales of the social order. The pursuit of knowledge is good, right, because 追求知識很棒 對不對

that's how I'm even able to talk to you through like the magic of the Internet. That's 這就是為什麼我現在還能透過網路的魔法跟你講話

why we aren't hunger/gathers anymore. But we don't actually know the outcome yet. لكننا لا نعرف النتيجة حًقا بعد، 這就是為什麼我們現在不挨餓或採集東西 但是我們不知道最終到底會發生什麼事

Sometimes we forget that we're still in the middle of history. فنحن ننسى في بعض الأحيان أننا لا نزال في منتصف التاريخ. 有時候我們忘記了我們其實還在活出歷史

I don't think Mary Shelley condemned science outright, or explicitly discourages learning 我不覺得瑪麗雪萊徹底的譴責科學或清楚的反對學習生命和自然的秘密

the secrets of life and nature. Now the experiment definitely fails. The question إن التجربة تفشل بلا شك، لكن السؤال هو لماذا؟ 現在那實驗當然失敗了 問題是為什麼會失敗呢

is why? Is it because Victor's aims are just unnatural هل السبب هو أن أهداف فيكتور هي غير طبيعية وشريرة فقط؟ 是因為維多的目標太不自然了 而且很邪惡嗎

and evil? Is it because he can't love the creature he's created? Or is it because هل السبب هو أنه غير قادر على حب المخلوق الذي خلقه؟ 還是因為他無法喜愛他創造出來的生物

he let's his ego run amok dictate his motivations? That's a non-rhetorical question by the 還是因為他太過於自信 讓其主宰他的動機 順帶一提 這些問題不是反問

way. I look forward to reading your answers in comments. Thank you for watching. I'll شكًرا على المشاهدة، سأراكم الأسبوع القادم. 我很期待在下面留言區看到你的答案 感謝收看

see you next week. Crash Course is made by all of these nice يتم إعداد Crash Course بجهود جميع هؤلاء الناس اللطفاء، 我們下週見 速成班是由這些好人製成的

people and it's possible because of your contributions at Subbable.com. وهو موجود بفضل مساهماتكم على موقع Subbable.com 也是因為有你們在 Subbable.com 的貢獻才有的成果

We want to say thank to all of our Subbable subscribers for keeping Crash Course free نريد أن نشكر جميع مشتركي Subbable على إبقاء Crash Course متوفًرا للجميع إلى الأبد. 我們想感謝所有 Subbable 的訂閱者讓速成班能永遠讓大家免費收看

for everyone forever. If you want to subscribe you can do so over

at Subbable.com. There are also great perks there. Thank you again for watching and as 裡面還有很多福利 再次感謝收看

we say in my hometown, "Don't forget to be awesome!" شكًرا مجدًدا على المشاهدة، وكما نقول في بلدتي الأم: لا تنسوا أن تكونوا رائعين. 套句我家鄉的話 別忘了當一個很讚的人