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English Learning for Curious Minds, Episode 237: The Amazing Names of British Pubs [1]

Episode 237: The Amazing Names of British Pubs [1]

Hello, hello hello, and welcome to English Learning for Curious Minds, by Leonardo English.

The show where you can listen to fascinating stories, and learn weird and

wonderful things about the world at the same time as improving your English.

I'm Alastair Budge, and today we are going to be talking about The Amazing Names of British Pubs.

There are just under 50,000 pubs in the United Kingdom, and many

of them have amazing names with wonderful stories behind them.

So in this episode we are going to look at some of the most

amazing stories behind some popular pub names in Britain.

We'll learn about the stories of eight different pub names.

Names you might know, such as The Royal Oak, and Eagle & Child, and we'll even look at the stories

of some very strange names - The Drunken Duck, The Swan with Two Necks and The Bucket of Blood.

No matter whether you live in the UK and are a frequent pub goer or

you've never been to the country and can't stand the smell of beer,

I hope you'll enjoy this episode, as it is full of unusual stories.

OK then, The Amazing Names of British Pubs.

This episode, as the title suggests, will be specifically about pub names.

We released another episode, episode number 111, just on the history of British

Pubs, so I'd encourage you to listen to that one if you haven't done so already.

But we will start with a very brief history of British pubs, to give

you the background before we get into the question of their names.

Pubs in Britain were first established by the Romans, after they invaded in AD 43.

These pubs, which were first called “tabernae”, served food and drink

for Roman soldiers, but were soon adopted by the local population too.

Initially they served wine, but soon after started to serve the local drink, beer.

When the Romans left Britain in the 5th century, the pubs stayed.

These pubs were, compared to today at least, relatively unofficial.

Typically one person in a village would be in charge of brewing

and selling beer, and people would come to their house to do so.

So that people knew where to go, the brewer, the owner of the “pub”, would hang something

outside his house to indicate that it was a place people could drink - normally a green bush.

They used a green bush because the berries from this bush would be used to add flavour to the beer,

so whenever a thirsty traveller saw a green bush, they would know that was a place to get beer.

Fast forward a few hundred years, to 1393 in fact, and pubs had grown even more popular.

If there's one thing that British people have always liked to do, it's drink beer.

These pubs had become so popular that the king wanted a more effective

way to collect tax from them, but given that not all of them had

names, and there wasn't a centralised record of them, this wasn't easy.

So, in 1393, the king ordered that all pubs needed to put a sign outside their door.

This meant that when the royal tax collectors came through,

they could find the pubs and their lives would be easier.

The problem was that in 1393 only a tiny proportion of the population

was able to read and write, and most likely the pub landlord wouldn't

have been able to write the sign himself, so what did they do?

They created signs with memorable images, and the names followed from that.

Initially, the signs were typically of obvious things that people

would easily identify: The Star, The Bull, The Sheep, and so on.

But with time, and as new pubs opened, new landlords, new pub owners would name

their pubs after what was going on in the country, or in the world, at the time.

So, if you are in the UK and you see a pub, you can often tell a lot by the sign hanging outside.

You can take a good guess at when the pub might have been founded, you can

often understand the history of an area from the names of its pubs, there is

a lot of interesting information you can find just from the name of a pub.

During the time of the Crusades, for example, it was popular for a pub

to call itself The Turk's Head, The Saracen's Head or The Lamb & Flag.

The lamb, by the way, represents Christ and the flag refers to the flag of the Crusaders.

Later on there was a boom in the number of pubs called The Rose & Crown,

which celebrated the end of the War of the Roses, which happened in 1487.

When Henry VIII broke with Rome any pubs that had Catholic-sounding names had

to change, so The Ark became The Ship, and St Peter became the Crossed Keys.

You can also see the dominant industry in an area by the names of its pubs.

You'll often find pubs called The Golden Fleece, The

Carpenters' Arms or The Bricklayers' Arms, for example.

And then as soon as people started to travel even greater distances around the country you found pub

names that appealed to them: The Coach & Horses, The Station Inn or The Horse & Groom, for example.

So, without further ado, let's talk about our first British pub name, The Royal Oak.

This is actually the third most popular pub name in the

country, and it has an interesting history behind it.

Charles I of England became the first and only English king to be executed in 1649.

A couple of years later his son, also called Charles, had tried to lead an army down

from Scotland to take back the throne and take revenge on the man he thought was

responsible for his father's death, Oliver Cromwell, the leader of the Parliamentarians.

The only problem was that Oliver Cromwell had a large and

disciplined army, and Charles the younger was easily overpowered.

He escaped with his life, but was pursued by the Parliamentarian soldiers.

Cromwell had also put a price on Charles' head - £1,000, about €200,000 in today's money.

The soldiers were closing in, they were getting nearer to Charles.

He realised that his only chance at survival was to climb up a large oak tree

and hide, waiting for the soldiers to leave and praying that they didn't look up.

He hid there all day, while the soldiers searched for him below.

It worked, he managed to escape to France, and in 1660 he returned and became King Charles II.

To commemorate this event, and to honour the tree that saved his life, pubs were named after him.

The sign typically has a picture of an oak tree, and in some of the

pubs you can even see a little man hiding at the top of the tree.

That man was the future king of England.

Our second interesting pub name might be particularly amusing to the Italian listeners,

as it is, if you are pronouncing the pub name correctly in English, The Garibaldi.

Of course, in Italian it is pronounced more like Garibaldi,

after the revolutionary Italian general, Giuseppe Garibaldi.

Now, you might be wondering, why are there British

pubs named after an Italian revolutionary general?

Well, it may surprise you to find out that while he was in exile from Italy, Garibaldi

actually did a brief tour of Britain, and was greeted as a revolutionary hero.

He arrived in Tyneside, near Newcastle, in 1854, and was mobbed by adoring fans.

He cemented his reputation as a man of the people by mixing not just

with local leaders but also by spending time with the working classes.

He was greeted as a hero everywhere he went.

There were huge crowds of people waiting to greet him.

There are even accounts of servants taking his used bathwater, his dirty

water from his bath, and putting it in little bottles and selling it.

And of course, pubs changed their name in his honour.

Our third pub is one whose name has an interesting story, and in which

many no doubt fascinating conversations have happened: The Eagle & Child.

Let's start with the story of the name of the pub.

It is thought to go back to the 14th century, a time where especially noble

Englishmen needed to produce a male heir to inherit their title and land.

A man called Sir Thomas Latham, however, was having no such luck.

He had a daughter but no son, and try as they might, his wife wasn't able to get pregnant again.

He did what was pretty common at the time, and got his maid pregnant.

She did produce the male heir that Sir Thomas so desperately wanted, but this boy was illegitimate.

So, what did Sir Thomas do?

He needed a convincing story, and legend goes that he left the baby under a

tree where he had seen eagles nesting, where there was a nest of baby eagles.

He then pretended to randomly walk past and “discover” this miraculous

baby, which he then took home to his wife to adopt as their own.

The wife reportedly accepted this story and adopted the boy.

The child was brought up as their child, and was in line to inherit Sir Thomas' estate.

But on his deathbed, just as he was about to die, Sir Thomas confessed that he was

actually his illegitimate son, and everything passed to the legitimate daughter.

And there is one Eagle & Child pub that is particularly famous, and it's in central Oxford.

It's said that it was the favourite pub of the authors J.R.R.

Tolkein and C.S.

Lewis, the writers of The Lord of The Rings and The Lion, The

Witch and The Wardrobe, and they would meet there every Friday.

Next up is a pub called The John Snow, and it is a pub you can find in Soho, in central London.

If you are a fan of Game of Thrones you might think that this is a reference

to one of the characters in that series, but I'm pleased to tell you that

this John Snow is significantly more historically important than that one.

John Snow was in fact the first physician to realise

that cholera was an infection carried by dirty water.

In London, starting in the 1830s, there had been

outbreaks of cholera, and nobody knew what was causing it.

It was thought to be dirty air, but John Snow didn't subscribe

to that theory, he didn't believe that that was what it was.

John Snow made a detailed map of a small area of Central

London, and put dots where people had got cholera.

He realised that all of the victims would have probably got their water from one

particular water pump, and believed that must have been the source of the disease.

He persuaded the local authorities to remove the handle from the water pump for a

short period of time, to see whether this reduced the number of people getting cholera.

It did, and it was later discovered that the well where the water was being pumped from

had been contaminated by waste water, and that was where the disease was coming from.

Although it took some time for Snow's theory to catch on and to be accepted

as how cholera was really transported, he is now remembered as a hero, and

fittingly there is a pub right next to where the pump was named after him.

We are going to move on to some really unusual names now, starting

with a couple of not particularly pleasant sounding names.

First, it's the Hung, Drawn & Quartered pub.

Now, being hung, drawn and quartered was a particularly unpleasant

punishment which has fortunately not been bestowed on anyone since 1782.

Long story short, it involves being hung by your neck, then taken down and bits of

you being cut out of your body and then you're chopped up into four different pieces.

Episode 237: The Amazing Names of British Pubs [1] Folge 237: Die erstaunlichen Namen der britischen Pubs [1] Episodio 237: Los sorprendentes nombres de los pubs británicos [1] Épisode 237 : Les noms étonnants des pubs britanniques [1] Episodio 237: Gli incredibili nomi dei pub inglesi [1] 第237回イギリスのパブの驚くべき名前【1 Odcinek 237: Niesamowite nazwy brytyjskich pubów [1] Episódio 237: Os Nomes Incríveis dos Pubs Britânicos [1] Эпизод 237: Удивительные названия британских пабов [1] 237. Bölüm İngiliz Publarının Şaşırtıcı İsimleri [1] Епізод 237: Дивовижні назви британських пабів [1]. 第237集:英国酒吧的惊人名字[1] 第237集:英國酒吧的驚人名字[1]

Hello, hello hello, and welcome to English Learning for Curious Minds, by Leonardo English.

The show where you can listen to fascinating stories, and learn weird and

wonderful things about the world at the same time as improving your English.

I'm Alastair Budge, and today we are going to be talking about The Amazing Names of British Pubs.

There are just under 50,000 pubs in the United Kingdom, and many Existem pouco menos de 50.000 pubs no Reino Unido, e muitos

of them have amazing names with wonderful stories behind them.

So in this episode we are going to look at some of the most

amazing stories behind some popular pub names in Britain. |||||pub|||

We'll learn about the stories of eight different pub names. Ми дізнаємося про історії восьми різних назв пабів.

Names you might know, such as The Royal Oak, and Eagle & Child, and we'll even look at the stories ||||||||carvalho|||||||||| Jména, která možná znáte, jako The Royal Oak a Eagle & Child, a dokonce se podíváme na příběhy Назви, які ви, можливо, знаєте, такі як "Королівський дуб", "Орел і дитина", і ми навіть розглянемо їхні історії

of some very strange names - The Drunken Duck, The Swan with Two Necks and The Bucket of Blood. ||||||O Pato Bêbado|||O Cisne|||||Os|O Balde|| některých velmi podivných jmen - Opilá kachna, Labuť se dvěma krky a Kbelík krve.

No matter whether you live in the UK and are a frequent pub goer or |||||||||||||frequentador| Bez ohledu na to, zda žijete ve Spojeném království a jste častým návštěvníkem hospod nebo

you've never been to the country and can't stand the smell of beer, ||||ao|||||||| nikdy jsi nebyl na venkově a nemůžeš vystát vůni piva, Sie waren noch nie auf dem Lande und können den Geruch von Bier nicht ertragen, ви ніколи не були за містом і терпіти не можете запах пива,

I hope you'll enjoy this episode, as it is full of unusual stories. Doufám, že se vám tato epizoda bude líbit, protože je plná neobvyklých příběhů.

OK then, The Amazing Names of British Pubs. Dobře tedy, The Amazing Names of British Pubs.

This episode, as the title suggests, will be specifically about pub names. Цей епізод, як випливає з назви, буде присвячений саме назвам пабів.

We released another episode, episode number 111, just on the history of British |lançamos|||||||||| Vydali jsme další epizodu, epizodu číslo 111, právě o historii Britů

Pubs, so I'd encourage you to listen to that one if you haven't done so already. Hospody, takže bych vám doporučil, abyste si to poslechli, pokud jste tak ještě neučinili. Pubs, also würde ich Sie ermutigen, sich das anzuhören, wenn Sie es noch nicht getan haben. Pubs, тож раджу вам послухати його, якщо ви цього ще не зробили.

But we will start with a very brief history of British pubs, to give Ale začneme velmi stručnou historií britských hospod

you the background before we get into the question of their names. ||antecedente||||||||| než se dostaneme k otázce jejich jmen. Ми хотіли б ознайомити вас з передісторією, перш ніж перейти до питання про їхні імена.

Pubs in Britain were first established by the Romans, after they invaded in AD 43. |||||estabelecidos||||||||d.C. Hospody v Británii byly poprvé založeny Římany poté, co napadli v roce 43 našeho letopočtu.

These pubs, which were first called “tabernae”, served food and drink ||||||tabernas||||

for Roman soldiers, but were soon adopted by the local population too. pro římské vojáky, ale brzy je adoptovalo i místní obyvatelstvo.

Initially they served wine, but soon after started to serve the local drink, beer. Zpočátku podávali víno, ale brzy poté začali podávat místní nápoj, pivo. Спочатку подавали вино, але невдовзі почали подавати місцевий напій - пиво.

When the Romans left Britain in the 5th century, the pubs stayed.

These pubs were, compared to today at least, relatively unofficial. |||||||||não-oficial Tyto hospody byly, alespoň ve srovnání s dneškem, poměrně neoficiální. Ці паби були, принаймні, порівняно з сьогоднішніми, відносно неофіційними.

Typically one person in a village would be in charge of brewing |||||||||||produção de bebidas (alcoólicas) Typicky jeden člověk ve vesnici by měl na starosti vaření piva In der Regel war in einem Dorf eine Person für das Brauen zuständig. Зазвичай пивоварінням у селі займається одна людина

and selling beer, and people would come to their house to do so. a prodávat pivo a lidé k nim přicházeli domů. und Bier zu verkaufen, und die Leute kamen zu ihrem Haus, um dies zu tun. і продавали пиво, і люди приходили до них додому.

So that people knew where to go, the brewer, the owner of the “pub”, would hang something ||||||||cervejeiro|||||||| Aby lidé věděli, kam jít, sládek, majitel „hospody“, něco pověsil Щоб люди знали, куди йти, пивовар, власник "пабу", вивішував щось

outside his house to indicate that it was a place people could drink - normally a green bush. ||||||||||||||||arbusto před jeho domem, aby naznačil, že je to místo, kde lidé mohou pít - obvykle zelený keř. vor seinem Haus, um anzuzeigen, dass es sich um einen Ort handelt, an dem man trinken kann - normalerweise ein grüner Busch. біля його будинку, щоб показати, що це місце, де люди можуть випити - зазвичай це зелений кущ.

They used a green bush because the berries from this bush would be used to add flavour to the beer, |||||porque||as frutas vermelhas|||||||||||| Použili zelený keř, protože bobule z tohoto keře by se použily k přidání chuti do piva, Sie verwendeten einen grünen Strauch, weil die Beeren dieses Strauches dem Bier Geschmack verleihen sollten,

so whenever a thirsty traveller saw a green bush, they would know that was a place to get beer.

Fast forward a few hundred years, to 1393 in fact, and pubs had grown even more popular. Rychle vpřed o několik set let, ve skutečnosti do roku 1393, a hospody se staly ještě populárnějšími.

If there's one thing that British people have always liked to do, it's drink beer. Якщо є щось, що британці завжди любили робити, то це пити пиво.

These pubs had become so popular that the king wanted a more effective Tyto hospody se staly tak populární, že král chtěl efektivnější Ці паби стали настільки популярними, що король захотів створити більш ефективний

way to collect tax from them, but given that not all of them had způsob, jak od nich vybrat daň, ale vzhledem k tomu, že ne všichni měli die Möglichkeit, Steuern von ihnen zu erheben, aber da nicht alle von ihnen über спосіб збирати з них податки, але з огляду на те, що не всі з них мали

names, and there wasn't a centralised record of them, this wasn't easy. jména a neexistovala o nich centralizovaná evidence, nebylo to snadné. імен, і не було централізованого їх обліку, це було нелегко.

So, in 1393, the king ordered that all pubs needed to put a sign outside their door. V roce 1393 král tedy nařídil, že všechny hospody musí mít před dveřmi ceduli.

This meant that when the royal tax collectors came through, To znamenalo, že když prošli královští výběrčí daní, Das bedeutete, dass, wenn die königlichen Steuereintreiber durchkamen,

they could find the pubs and their lives would be easier. mohli najít hospody a jejich život by byl jednodušší. könnten sie die Kneipen finden und ihr Leben wäre einfacher. podrían encontrar los bares y sus vidas serían más fáciles.

The problem was that in 1393 only a tiny proportion of the population Problém byl v tom, že v roce 1393 jen nepatrná část populace Проблема полягала в тому, що в 1393 році лише незначна частина населення

was able to read and write, and most likely the pub landlord wouldn't |||||||||||senhorio| uměl číst a psát a majitel hospody to s největší pravděpodobností neuměl вмів читати і писати, а власник пабу, швидше за все, не вмів

have been able to write the sign himself, so what did they do? byli schopni napsat znamení sami, tak co udělali? Was haben sie also getan, wenn sie nicht in der Lage gewesen wären, das Zeichen selbst zu schreiben? змогли написати вивіску самостійно, то що ж вони зробили?

They created signs with memorable images, and the names followed from that. Vytvářeli cedule s památnými obrázky a z toho se odvíjela jména. Вони створювали знаки із зображеннями, що запам'ятовувалися, а назви випливали з них.

Initially, the signs were typically of obvious things that people Zpočátku byly příznaky obvykle zjevné věci, které lidé

would easily identify: The Star, The Bull, The Sheep, and so on. by snadno identifikoval: Hvězda, Býk, Ovečka a tak dále.

But with time, and as new pubs opened, new landlords, new pub owners would name Ale postupem času, a jak se otevíraly nové hospody, noví majitelé, noví majitelé hospod Doch mit der Zeit und mit der Eröffnung neuer Kneipen würden neue Wirte, neue Kneipenbesitzer

their pubs after what was going on in the country, or in the world, at the time. ||depois|||||||||||||| jejich hospody po tom, co se v té době v zemi nebo ve světě dělo. ihre Kneipen nach dem richten, was gerade im Land oder in der Welt los ist.

So, if you are in the UK and you see a pub, you can often tell a lot by the sign hanging outside. Wenn Sie also im Vereinigten Königreich einen Pub sehen, können Sie oft viel an dem Schild erkennen, das draußen hängt.

You can take a good guess at when the pub might have been founded, you can Můžete dobře odhadnout, kdy mohla být hospoda založena, můžete Sie können gut raten, wann die Kneipe gegründet wurde, das können Sie

often understand the history of an area from the names of its pubs, there is Často pochopíte historii oblasti z názvů jejích hospod Wenn man die Geschichte einer Gegend oft anhand der Namen ihrer Kneipen versteht, gibt es

a lot of interesting information you can find just from the name of a pub. spoustu zajímavých informací se dozvíte už jen z názvu hospody. Schon der Name eines Lokals enthält viele interessante Informationen.

During the time of the Crusades, for example, it was popular for a pub V době křižáckých válek byl oblíbený například pro hospodu

to call itself The Turk's Head, The Saracen's Head or The Lamb & Flag. |||||||cabeça do turco||||| nazývat se Turecká hlava, Saracénova hlava nebo Lamb & Flag. para se autodenominar The Turk's Head, The Saracen's Head ou The Lamb & Flag.

The lamb, by the way, represents Christ and the flag refers to the flag of the Crusaders. Beránek mimochodem představuje Krista a vlajka odkazuje na vlajku křižáků. Das Lamm steht übrigens für Christus und die Fahne für die Flagge der Kreuzfahrer. Ягненок, кстати, представляет Христа, а флаг относится к флагу крестоносцев.

Later on there was a boom in the number of pubs called The Rose & Crown, Později nastal boom v počtu hospod s názvem The Rose & Crown,

which celebrated the end of the War of the Roses, which happened in 1487. která slavila konec války růží, která se stala v roce 1487.

When Henry VIII broke with Rome any pubs that had Catholic-sounding names had Když se Jindřich VIII. rozešel s Římem, měly všechny hospody, které měly katolicky znějící jména Когда Генрих VIII порвал с Римом, все пабы с католическими названиями были закрыты. Коли Генріх VIII порвав з Римом, усі паби, що мали католицькі назви, мали

to change, so The Ark became The Ship, and St Peter became the Crossed Keys. změnit, a tak se z archy stala loď a ze svatého Petra zkřížené klíče. измениться, поэтому Ковчег стал Кораблем, а Святой Петр стал Скрещенными Ключами. змінитися, тому Ковчег став Кораблем, а святий Петро - Схрещеними Ключами.

You can also see the dominant industry in an area by the names of its pubs. Dominantní průmysl v oblasti můžete vidět také podle názvů hospod. Ви також можете побачити домінуючу галузь у певній місцевості за назвами пабів.

You'll often find pubs called The Golden Fleece, The |||||||A Ovelha Dourada| Často najdete hospody s názvem The Golden Fleece, The

Carpenters' Arms or The Bricklayers' Arms, for example. Braços de Carpinteiro||||Braçadeiras||| Třeba Carpenters' Arms nebo The Bricklayers' Arms.

And then as soon as people started to travel even greater distances around the country you found pub A pak, jakmile lidé začali cestovat ještě na větší vzdálenosti po zemi, našli jste hospodu

names that appealed to them: The Coach & Horses, The Station Inn or The Horse & Groom, for example. ||||||||||estalagem||||Cavalo & Noivo|| jména, která je oslovila: The Coach & Horses, The Station Inn nebo The Horse & Groom, například. назви, які їм сподобалися: Наприклад, "Карета і коні", "Вокзал" або "Кінь і конюх".

So, without further ado, let's talk about our first British pub name, The Royal Oak. ||||||||||||O|| Pojďme si tedy bez dalších okolků promluvit o názvu naší první britské hospody, The Royal Oak. Lassen Sie uns also ohne Umschweife über den Namen unseres ersten britischen Pubs, The Royal Oak, sprechen. Отже, без зайвих слів, давайте поговоримо про нашу першу британську назву пабу - "Королівський дуб".

This is actually the third most popular pub name in the

country, and it has an interesting history behind it. země a má za sebou zajímavou historii.

Charles I of England became the first and only English king to be executed in 1649. Karel I. anglický se stal prvním a jediným anglickým králem, který byl v roce 1649 popraven. Karl I. von England wurde 1649 als erster und einziger englischer König hingerichtet. Карл I Английский стал первым и единственным английским королем, казненным в 1649 году. Карл I Англійський став першим і єдиним англійським королем, якого стратили в 1649 році.

A couple of years later his son, also called Charles, had tried to lead an army down Через кілька років його син, якого також звали Чарльз, спробував привести армію до влади

from Scotland to take back the throne and take revenge on the man he thought was з Шотландії, щоб повернути трон і помститися людині, яку він вважав

responsible for his father's death, Oliver Cromwell, the leader of the Parliamentarians. відповідальний за смерть свого батька, Олівера Кромвеля, лідера парламентарів.

The only problem was that Oliver Cromwell had a large and

disciplined army, and Charles the younger was easily overpowered. ||||||||subjugado disciplinovaná armáda a Charles mladší byl snadno přemožen. дисципліноване військо, і Карл-молодший був легко здоланий.

He escaped with his life, but was pursued by the Parliamentarian soldiers. Vyvázl životem, ale byl pronásledován parlamentními vojáky. Er entkam mit dem Leben, wurde aber von den parlamentarischen Soldaten verfolgt. Йому вдалося врятуватися, але його переслідували солдати Парламенту.

Cromwell had also put a price on Charles' head - £1,000, about €200,000 in today's money. Cromwell také stanovil cenu na Charlesovu hlavu - 1 000 liber, asi 200 000 eur v dnešních penězích.

The soldiers were closing in, they were getting nearer to Charles. Vojáci se blížili, blížili se ke Charlesovi. Die Soldaten kamen näher, sie kamen Charles immer näher. Los soldados se acercaban, se acercaban a Charles. Солдаты приближались, они приближались к Чарльзу. Солдати наближалися, вони ставали все ближче до Чарльза.

He realised that his only chance at survival was to climb up a large oak tree Он понял, что его единственный шанс на выживание — взобраться на большой дуб.

and hide, waiting for the soldiers to leave and praying that they didn't look up. a schovat se, čekat, až vojáci odejdou, a modlit se, aby nevzhlédli. und verstecken sich, warten darauf, dass die Soldaten gehen, und beten, dass sie nicht auftauchen.

He hid there all day, while the soldiers searched for him below. Celý den se tam skrýval, zatímco ho dole hledali vojáci. Dort versteckte er sich den ganzen Tag, während die Soldaten unten nach ihm suchten.

It worked, he managed to escape to France, and in 1660 he returned and became King Charles II. Povedlo se, podařilo se mu uprchnout do Francie a v roce 1660 se vrátil a stal se králem Karlem II.

To commemorate this event, and to honour the tree that saved his life, pubs were named after him. Na památku této události a na počest stromu, který mu zachránil život, byly po něm pojmenovány hospody.

The sign typically has a picture of an oak tree, and in some of the Znak má obvykle obrázek dubu a v některých Auf dem Schild ist in der Regel eine Eiche abgebildet, und in einigen der

pubs you can even see a little man hiding at the top of the tree. In den Kneipen kann man sogar ein kleines Männchen sehen, das sich in der Spitze des Baumes versteckt. У пабах можна навіть побачити маленького чоловічка, який ховається на верхівці дерева.

That man was the future king of England. Dieser Mann war der zukünftige König von England.

Our second interesting pub name might be particularly amusing to the Italian listeners, ||||||||divertido|||| Друга цікава назва нашого пабу може особливо потішити італійських слухачів,

as it is, if you are pronouncing the pub name correctly in English, The Garibaldi. ||||||||||||||O Garibaldi jak to je, pokud správně vyslovujete název hospody v angličtině, The Garibaldi.

Of course, in Italian it is pronounced more like Garibaldi, de|||||||||Garibaldi

after the revolutionary Italian general, Giuseppe Garibaldi. ||||||Garibaldi

Now, you might be wondering, why are there British Možná se teď ptáte, proč jsou Britové

pubs named after an Italian revolutionary general?

Well, it may surprise you to find out that while he was in exile from Italy, Garibaldi 好吧,你可能会惊讶地发现,当加里波第从意大利流亡时,

actually did a brief tour of Britain, and was greeted as a revolutionary hero. |||||||||foi recebido|||| skutečně udělal krátkou cestu po Británii a byl uvítán jako revoluční hrdina. machte tatsächlich eine kurze Tournee durch Großbritannien und wurde als Revolutionsheld begrüßt.

He arrived in Tyneside, near Newcastle, in 1854, and was mobbed by adoring fans. Do Tyneside poblíž Newcastlu dorazil v roce 1854 a byl obsypán zbožňujícími fanoušky. Als er 1854 in Tyneside, in der Nähe von Newcastle, ankam, wurde er von seinen Fans umschwärmt.

He cemented his reputation as a man of the people by mixing not just |cimentou|||||||||||| Svou reputaci muže z lidu upevnil tím, že ne jen míchá Er festigte seinen Ruf als Mann des Volkes, indem er nicht nur Він закріпив свою репутацію людини з народу, змішавши не тільки

with local leaders but also by spending time with the working classes. s místními vůdci, ale také trávením času s dělnickou třídou. mit den lokalen Führungskräften, aber auch durch den Kontakt mit den Arbeiterklassen. з місцевими лідерами, а також проводячи час з робітничими класами.

He was greeted as a hero everywhere he went.

There were huge crowds of people waiting to greet him. |||||||para|cumprimentar| Eine große Menschenmenge wartete darauf, ihn zu begrüßen.

There are even accounts of servants taking his used bathwater, his dirty |||||||||água do banho|| Existují dokonce zprávy o sluhách, kteří mu vzali použitou vodu do koupele, jeho špinavou Es gibt sogar Berichte über Diener, die sein benutztes Badewasser, sein schmutziges Есть даже сообщения о том, что слуги брали использованную воду из ванны, его грязные Obstajajo celo poročila o služabnikih, ki so mu jemali uporabljeno kopalno vodo, njegovo umazano Існують навіть свідчення про те, що слуги брали у нього використану воду для купання, його брудні

water from his bath, and putting it in little bottles and selling it. воду з ванни, розливає її в маленькі пляшечки і продає.

And of course, pubs changed their name in his honour. A hospody si na jeho počest samozřejmě změnily jméno.

Our third pub is one whose name has an interesting story, and in which

many no doubt fascinating conversations have happened: The Eagle & Child. відбулося багато, без сумніву, захоплюючих розмов: "Орел і дитя".

Let's start with the story of the name of the pub.

It is thought to go back to the 14th century, a time where especially noble

Englishmen needed to produce a male heir to inherit their title and land. Англійцям потрібно було народити спадкоємця чоловічої статі, щоб успадкувати свій титул і землю.

A man called Sir Thomas Latham, however, was having no such luck. Людині на ім'я сер Томас Лейтем, однак, не пощастило.

He had a daughter but no son, and try as they might, his wife wasn't able to get pregnant again. Er hatte eine Tochter, aber keinen Sohn, und seine Frau war nicht in der Lage, wieder schwanger zu werden, so sehr sie es auch versuchte.

He did what was pretty common at the time, and got his maid pregnant. |||||||||e|||empregada| Udělal to, co bylo v té době docela běžné, a otěhotněl svou služebnou. Er tat, was damals üblich war, und schwängerte sein Dienstmädchen. Він зробив те, що було досить поширеним у той час, - завагітнів від своєї служниці.

She did produce the male heir that Sir Thomas so desperately wanted, but this boy was illegitimate. Вона дійсно народила спадкоємця чоловічої статі, якого так відчайдушно бажав сер Томас, але цей хлопчик був незаконнонародженим.

So, what did Sir Thomas do?

He needed a convincing story, and legend goes that he left the baby under a Necesitaba una historia convincente, y cuenta la leyenda que dejó al bebé bajo un Ему нужна была убедительная история, и легенда гласит, что он оставил ребенка под Йому потрібна була переконлива історія, і легенда свідчить, що він залишив дитину під

tree where he had seen eagles nesting, where there was a nest of baby eagles. ||||||aninhamento|||||ninho||| дерево, на котором он видел гнездящихся орлов, где было гнездо орлят. на дереві, де він бачив гніздування орлів, де було гніздо орлят.

He then pretended to randomly walk past and “discover” this miraculous ||||aleatoriamente|||||| Потім він зробив вигляд, що випадково проходить повз і "відкриває" цей чудодійний

baby, which he then took home to his wife to adopt as their own. дитину, яку він забрав додому до своєї дружини, щоб усиновити як свою власну.

The wife reportedly accepted this story and adopted the boy. A|||||||||

The child was brought up as their child, and was in line to inherit Sir Thomas' estate. Das Kind wurde wie ihr Kind erzogen und sollte Sir Thomas' Vermögen erben. Ребенок воспитывался как их ребенок и должен был унаследовать поместье сэра Томаса. Дитина виховувалася як їхня дитина і стояла в черзі на успадкування майна сера Томаса.

But on his deathbed, just as he was about to die, Sir Thomas confessed that he was

actually his illegitimate son, and everything passed to the legitimate daughter. in Wirklichkeit sein unehelicher Sohn, und alles ging auf die eheliche Tochter über.

And there is one Eagle & Child pub that is particularly famous, and it's in central Oxford.

It's said that it was the favourite pub of the authors J.R.R. Es heißt, es sei die Lieblingskneipe der Autoren J.R.R. Говорят, что это был любимый паб авторов JRR.

Tolkein and C.S. Толкин и CS

Lewis, the writers of The Lord of The Rings and The Lion, The Льюис, авторы «Властелина колец» и «Лев»,

Witch and The Wardrobe, and they would meet there every Friday. |||guarda-roupa||||||| Hexe und Kleiderschrank, und sie trafen sich dort jeden Freitag. Ведьма и платяной шкаф, и они встречались там каждую пятницу.

Next up is a pub called The John Snow, and it is a pub you can find in Soho, in central London.

If you are a fan of Game of Thrones you might think that this is a reference Wenn Sie ein Fan von Game of Thrones sind, könnten Sie denken, dass dies eine Anspielung ist Якщо ви фанат серіалу "Гра престолів", ви можете подумати, що це посилання

to one of the characters in that series, but I'm pleased to tell you that zu einer der Figuren dieser Serie, aber ich freue mich, Ihnen sagen zu können, dass

this John Snow is significantly more historically important than that one. цей Джон Сноу значно важливіший історично, ніж той.

John Snow was in fact the first physician to realise |||||||||perceber John Snow war in der Tat der erste Arzt, der erkannte

that cholera was an infection carried by dirty water.

In London, starting in the 1830s, there had been

outbreaks of cholera, and nobody knew what was causing it. surto|||||||||

It was thought to be dirty air, but John Snow didn't subscribe Myslelo se, že je to špinavý vzduch, ale John Snow se nepřihlásil Man vermutete, dass es sich um schmutzige Luft handelte, aber John Snow war anderer Meinung.

to that theory, he didn't believe that that was what it was.

John Snow made a detailed map of a small area of Central

London, and put dots where people had got cholera. |||Londres, e colocar pontos onde as pessoas tinham contraído cólera.|||||

He realised that all of the victims would have probably got their water from one

particular water pump, and believed that must have been the source of the disease. bomba de água em particular, e acreditava que devia ter sido a fonte da doença.|água||||||||||||

He persuaded the local authorities to remove the handle from the water pump for a Er überredete die örtlichen Behörden, den Griff an der Wasserpumpe zu entfernen, um eine Він переконав місцеву владу зняти ручку з водяного насоса для

short period of time, to see whether this reduced the number of people getting cholera. на короткий проміжок часу, щоб побачити, чи це зменшило кількість людей, які захворіли на холеру.

It did, and it was later discovered that the well where the water was being pumped from Später stellte sich heraus, dass der Brunnen, aus dem das Wasser gepumpt wurde Так і було, і згодом з'ясувалося, що свердловина, з якої викачували воду

had been contaminated by waste water, and that was where the disease was coming from. були забруднені стічними водами, і саме звідти прийшла хвороба.

Although it took some time for Snow's theory to catch on and to be accepted I když nějakou dobu trvalo, než se Snowova teorie uchytila a byla přijata Obwohl es einige Zeit dauerte, bis sich Snows Theorie durchsetzte und akzeptiert wurde

as how cholera was really transported, he is now remembered as a hero, and wie die Cholera wirklich transportiert wurde, wird er heute als Held verehrt, und

fittingly there is a pub right next to where the pump was named after him. adequadamente|||||||||||||| příhodně je hned vedle hospoda, kde byla po něm pojmenována pumpa. Passenderweise befindet sich direkt neben der Pumpe, die nach ihm benannt wurde, ein Pub. apropriadamente, há um pub ao lado de onde a bomba recebeu o nome dele.

We are going to move on to some really unusual names now, starting

with a couple of not particularly pleasant sounding names. s pár nepříliš příjemně znějícími jmény.

First, it's the Hung, Drawn & Quartered pub. Za prvé je to hospoda Hung, Drawn & Quartered. Erstens: die Kneipe Hung, Drawn & Quartered. По-перше, це паб Hung, Drawn & Quartered.

Now, being hung, drawn and quartered was a particularly unpleasant Být pověšený, tažený a rozčtvrcený byl teď obzvlášť nepříjemný Gehängt, gestreckt und gevierteilt zu werden, war eine besonders unangenehme Бути повішеним, четвертованим було особливо неприємно.

punishment which has fortunately not been bestowed on anyone since 1782. ||||||imposta||| trest, který od roku 1782 naštěstí nebyl nikomu udělen. eine Strafe, die seit 1782 glücklicherweise niemandem mehr auferlegt wurde. наказание, которое, к счастью, никому не назначалось с 1782 года. покарання, яке, на щастя, нікому не призначалося з 1782 року. 幸运的是,自 1782 年以来,还没有对任何人施以这种惩罚。

Long story short, it involves being hung by your neck, then taken down and bits of ||||||enforcado||||||||| Lange Rede, kurzer Sinn: Man wird am Hals aufgehängt, dann heruntergeholt und Teile von Para encurtar a história, envolve ser pendurado pelo pescoço, depois derrubado e pedaços de 长话短说,它涉及到被挂在你的脖子上,然后被取下来,然后

you being cut out of your body and then you're chopped up into four different pieces. Du wirst aus deinem Körper herausgeschnitten und dann in vier verschiedene Teile zerhackt. você sendo cortado de seu corpo e depois cortado em quatro pedaços diferentes.