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Steve's Language Learning Tips, Language Learning Motivation with @Will John (1)

Language Learning Motivation with @Will John (1)

Hello, Steve Kaufmann here again.

And today I have the pleasure of speaking with Will John, uh, someone that I

spoke to about a year ago, you may remember, uh, and then we're going to

talk about a variety of things having to do with language and maybe sports.

But first, remember if you enjoy these videos, please subscribe,

click on the bell for notifications.

And if you follow me on a podcast service, please leave a comment.

I do appreciate it.

Uh, Will, you were, when we last spoke, you were a soccer player

with an interest in languages.

Maybe you can update us on what you've been doing.


So, uh, I'm still soccer player with a massive interest in languages.

Uh, but this time around, uh, we started a project called Goluremi Languages,

where essentially we just walk around the street and kind of surprise people

uh, with our language ability and, uh, the idea behind the channel is to display

everything that we've learned and also to talk about the methods that we use

in order to actually make this happen.

And, uh, we share a lot of similarities uh, you and I have both been influenced,

uh, quite heavily, as a matter of fact, it was actually pretty much well over a

year that we, we talked, you introduced the name, Stephen Krashen to me.

I had already been using comprehensible input to some, some degree

without even knowing who he was.

And since then I've spoken to him and all this stuff.

So we have a lot of similarities in our methods, but, uh, that's,

that's, that's what's going on.

So now we've got this Goluremi Language YouTube channel and TikTok that's

kind of taken off and it's given us a chance to, you know, to, to step

outside of the world of footballers.

Uh, briefly you played soccer, professional soccer in a number of

countries, just update my listeners.


So, uh, you know, I was, uh, I'm from Kansas City in, in the US and I

started my career playing in the MLS.

So I played for the Chicago Fire.

Uh, and then I played two years in my hometown, I was born in Kansas

City before moving to Europe, playing in the Danish Super League.

Uh, so I played there and I played in Serbia.

I played, uh, back in Finland for a couple of years, um, Croatia where I play now.

Uh, so yeah, it's, it's been an interesting journey.

You know, I can't resist speaking to an American about soccer, I can resist

reminding you that Canada beat the US.

Oh my gosh!


Sorry, I just wanted to sneak that in there.

You won't remember.

You'll remember in our, in our first interview, I'm almost certain

that we talked about soccer.

We talked about Canada and I said Canada was on the up.

And you were like, oh, that's surprising.

And here we have proof of this now in this two-zero win.

So Canada's a dark horse.

Without Alphonso, without their star player.


It's a team...

it is.

It is.

It is.

You guys are coming up.

All right.

Anyway, leaving that because I'm sure that the Americans will be back.

So we crow while we can crow.

Uh, your interest in languages, is this as a result of you traveling and being...

because the average person from Kansas City, let's say probably doesn't see a

tremendous need for learning languages.


So what was it about your background that made you interested?

The traveling is not a part of it.

Everyone assumes that because, uh, I traveled around, I learn all these

languages when I was in the country.

Nothing could be further from the truth.

Of course.


When I played in Croatia, when I played in Denmark, I did learn those languages

there, but, uh, I spent three or four days in Italy and I speak Italian.

Uh, I learned French before ever living or playing in a French speaking country.

Um, German is the same.

The catalyst for my language learning is my mother, uh, who

is unfortunately passed away.

But she decided at a young age that it would be better for me to

come home and not watch, I don't know, Pokemon or whatever it was

that I wanted to watch as a kid.

And she said, Nope, you're watching this.

And this was comprehensible input, as it turns out, uh, for kids to

learn Spanish as a second language.

And so I, without knowing it by the time I was around somewhere between 10 and

13, had a pretty good grip on Spanish.

And, uh, that got me to realize that I had learned the language without much

effort at all, as you know, from this, uh, the, the method and the way that, you

know, you guys do do things over at LingQ.

You're not really forcing too much, you know, you don't stress

people to speak and do all this.

So, so that was a huge factor.

And then the book I read the book The Count of Monte Cristo

and that basically sent me...

have you read it, read that book by chance?

A long time ago.

In English.



Well, the character just struck me as a 16 year old that he had this ability to

travel around the world that he took all this time and he learned these languages

while he was in prison and all this stuff.

And then he had this ability to just travel and do everything.

I really, it struck me and that's, that's the real reason why I can do this.

I'd like to get back to the whole subject of motivation because it's

such a big part of language learning.

But first, uh, I'm curious to know, you know, it's been more than a

year since we last spoke and you've now launched your YouTube channel.

You've got some videos that have gone viral.

Can you update us on what you've been doing?


So, uh, we, we stopped I think it was at the end, it might've even been just

off air in the last, uh, you asked, you know ... and I said, uh, in English, "no",

because I just got into Sweden and, uh, so yeah, I, uh, I learned Swedish, you know,

uh, at a comfortable level now that I can communicate and now it's been, been great.

Uh, you know, the motivation and it's so interesting for all the people

out there that are trying to learn it's it's regardless of the language.

And it's just something that I just, I like to hammer into people who are here

that have just started their language journey or are about to, you will

be super motivated at the beginning.

You will gain, uh, quite a bit at the beginning.

Thanks to...

you will hit a dip.

It is guaranteed.

You might not hit it in 10 days.

You might not hit it in a week, but it will come.

You will stall at some point.

And you've just got to push through that.

Uh, you might even need to take a break.

Uh, I'm not saying to quit, uh, you know, if you've lost all passion

for it, then it might not have been the best choice, but if you're still

interested in it, that dip part right there is the, is the turning point.

Because if you can get through the dip and stick to it and keep your

passive listening up and a little active listening and a little bit

active speaking, stuff like that, you generally start this exponential jump up.

Uh, if you know, if you're following the method, correctly.

So, um, yeah, you know, uh, I would say just to be aware of

that, because motivation will wane, uh, you know, when you pop into a

conversation that you feel as, oh my God, I can't understand anything.

What am I doing with my life?

You know?

So then, so, uh, and so you're motivated obviously to learn languages.

You're also motivated to help people learn languages.

I can sense your enthusiasm, passion, and so forth and how, oh, so what

are you actually, what are the kinds of activities that you have gotten.

yourself involved in?

In language learning?


Oh gosh.


You do said something about you're on YouTube...

oh, gosh.


So, uh, so right now we filmed...

Goluremi Languages.


Go check it out.

So Goluremi is the name of our, obviously we have a, we have a rather large,

uh, soccer, YouTube channel and soccer company named Goluremi, my middle

name is Oluremi, and we just put the word G for goal the Spanish word goal.

We mashed that together.



And, um, yeah, so we have filmed videos, uh, language videos,

in I believe Sweden in Croatia.

We just did one in New York where we spoke to, uh, we went to Little Italy

and just wanted to find out if the people there could speak Italian and that video,

it's been popped all over places and we're going to, we've just been asked

to be a part of a documentary now from, from that video and all this stuff.

So, uh, you know, we've had some, some guys and that's obviously our goal

is to, is to reach people like you as well to kind of give people a good

base of language learning understanding to tackle it from different ways.

I mean, I think one of the things that you see in this is that many of

the successful polyglots, uh, like you, they have certain different

methods, but they, they all have a few things that are just, they have to...

Luca Lampariello uses this, but Steve also uses this.

They might differ on a few little things, but it's just clear that

there's a pattern there and we want to kind of point that out for people.

So that's, that's the goal of the channel and that's what you'll find there.

And that's kind of just, what we've been up to is, is, is, uh, speaking

to people in the, in these different languages, shocking them, doing some

of these old videos that you've seen online, where you kind of shock people.

Those are always fun.

The reaction's great.

And then the other goal is to simply educate people on the best methods,

because it is truly, probably still plural, even though there's a lot of

similarities and, uh, you know, making it simple for people to do that.

That's it.

That's what we're about.

You know, you mentioned the dip.

That's interesting because one of the reasons for that dip is that when we

start into a new language, we achieve a fair amount of success initially from

knowing nothing about the language, not understanding anything, all of a

sudden we can understand something.

We can say something we're very impressed with ourselves.

But then the reality is that a word frequency declines very, very

quickly so that, uh, the initial few months we're meeting the

same words over and over again.

And then suddenly as we start to hit words that don't appear that often it's

harder and harder to remember them.

And that's where it's, I think so important to get into content of interest.

You can actually get to something that you're actually interested

in hearing about it, reading it.

Then that sort of the interesting nature of the content will keep you going,

because I have not found that, like after the, I consider it more of a plateau, not

like you have a sudden dip and then all of a sudden you take off again and it, you

settle into a sort of a, a long distance.

You start off sprinting then pretty soon you realize this is a long distance.

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Language Learning Motivation with @Will John (1) apprentissage des langues||motivation|||John Language|study|Inspiration for learning|with|Will John|Will John ||동기|||존 |||||ジョン |||||João Motivation zum Sprachenlernen mit @Will John (1) Κίνητρα εκμάθησης γλώσσας με τον @Will John (1) Language Learning Motivation with @Will John (1) Motivación para aprender idiomas con @Will John (1) Motivation pour l'apprentissage des langues avec @Will John (1) Motivazione all'apprendimento delle lingue con @Will John (1) ウィル・ジョン(@Will John)に学ぶ言語学習の動機づけ(1 윌 존과 함께하는 언어 학습 동기 부여 (1) Kalbų mokymosi motyvacija su @Will John (1) Motivatie voor taalleren met @Will John (1) Motywacja do nauki języka z @Will John (1) Motivação para aprender línguas com @Will John (1) Мотивация изучения языка с @Will John (1) Will John ile Dil Öğrenme Motivasyonu (1) Мотивація вивчення мови з @Will John (1) 与 @Will John 一起激发语言学习动机 (1) @Will John 的語言學習動機 (1)

Hello, Steve Kaufmann here again. Hello|Steve|Kaufmann|this place|once more Здравствуйте, Стив Кауфман снова с вами.

And today I have the pleasure of speaking with Will John, uh, someone that I |||||удовольствие||||||||| |today|I|possess||pleasure|of|talking||Will John|John|um|a person|who| |||||memnuniyet|||||||biri ki|| |||||||||||eh||| |||||prazer||||||||| And today I have the pleasure of speaking with Will John, uh, someone that I И сегодня я имею удовольствие поговорить с Уиллом Джоном, человеком, которого я

spoke to about a year ago, you may remember, uh, and then we're going to talked||regarding||a year ago|previously|you|might|remember|||then we will|we are|going to| |||||||||hum||||| hablé hace un año|||||||||||||| mluvil asi před rokem, možná si vzpomínáte, a pak se chystáme con cui abbiamo parlato circa un anno fa, forse ve lo ricorderete, e poi andremo a с которым мы разговаривали год назад, вы, возможно, помните, а затем мы собираемся

talk about a variety of things having to do with language and maybe sports. |||разнообразии|||||||||| |||Vielfalt|||||||||| discuss|||diversity||topics|related to||||||| |||çeşitli konular|||ile ilgili||||||| |||uma variedade|||||||||| говорить о различных вещах, связанных с языком и, возможно, спортом.

But first, remember if you enjoy these videos, please subscribe, Но сначала помните, если вам нравятся эти видео, пожалуйста, подпишитесь,

click on the bell for notifications. нажмите на колокольчик для получения уведомлений.

And if you follow me on a podcast service, please leave a comment. |||||||팟캐스트||||| И если вы следите за мной на сервисе подкастов, пожалуйста, оставьте комментарий.

I do appreciate it. ||Я это ценю.| ||schätze| ||thank you| Я очень признателен.

Uh, Will, you were, when we last spoke, you were a soccer player |||étais||||||||| |||||||||||soccer player| |||||||||||piłka nożna| Uh, Will, du warst, als wir uns das letzte Mal unterhalten haben, ein Fußballspieler Will, la última vez que hablamos, eras jugador de fútbol...

with an interest in languages. dil ilgisi olan|||| mit Interesse an Sprachen.

Maybe you can update us on what you've been doing. |||zaktualizować|||||| Vielleicht können Sie uns auf dem Laufenden halten, was Sie getan haben.


So, uh, I'm still soccer player with a massive interest in languages. ||||||||огромный||| ||||||||büyük||| |eh|||||||||| ||||||||ogromnym||| Sono ancora un calciatore con un grande interesse per le lingue.

Uh, but this time around, uh, we started a project called Goluremi Languages, |||||||||||Голуреми| |||||||||||Goluremi| |||||||||||Goluremi project| ||esta|||||||||Goluremi| |||||||||||골루레미| |||||||||||Goluremi Sprachen| |||||||||proje||| Uh|||||eh||||||Goluremi| |||||||||||Goluremi| |||||||||||ゴルレミ| Ma questa volta abbiamo avviato un progetto chiamato Goluremi Languages,

where essentially we just walk around the street and kind of surprise people |по сути||||||||||| nerede|||||||||||şaşırtmak| |właściwie||||||||||| wo wir im Grunde nur auf der Straße herumlaufen und die Leute überraschen in cui essenzialmente camminiamo per strada e sorprendiamo le persone gdzie zasadniczo po prostu chodzimy po ulicy i trochę zaskakujemy ludzi

uh, with our language ability and, uh, the idea behind the channel is to display |||||||(определенный артикль)|||||||показывать ||||||||||||||exibir ||||||||||||||anzeigen ||||||||fikir|||kanal|||sergilemek ||||||||||||||mostrar ||||||||||||||wyświetlić uh, con nuestra capacidad lingüística y, uh, la idea detrás del canal es mostrar

everything that we've learned and also to talk about the methods that we use tout||||||||||||| ||||||||||yöntemler||| tudo||||||||||||| todo lo aprendido|||||||||||||

in order to actually make this happen. |порядке||на самом деле||| |||truly|||

And, uh, we share a lot of similarities uh, you and I have both been influenced, |||||||сходства||ты|и|||||повлияли на |||||||Ähnlichkeiten||||||||beeinflusst |||||||benzerlikler|||||||| |||||||||||||ambos|sido influenciados| I, uh, mamy wiele podobieństw, uh, oboje byliśmy pod wpływem,

uh, quite heavily, as a matter of fact, it was actually pretty much well over a ||довольно сильно||||||это||||||| |oldukça||olarak||||||||oldukça|||| |||como||||||||bastante||bem|| ||bastante intensamente||||||||||||| abbastanza pesantemente, in realtà è stato ben oltre un uh, dość mocno, w rzeczywistości było to całkiem sporo ponad

year that we, we talked, you introduced the name, Stephen Krashen to me. ||||||nennst|||||| |||||||||スティーブン||| L'anno in cui abbiamo parlato, lei mi ha presentato il nome di Stephen Krashen. rok, w którym rozmawialiśmy, przedstawiłeś mi imię Stephen Krashen.

I had already been using comprehensible input to some, some degree |||||понятный|||||степени ||||||language input||||extent |||||anlaşılır|||||derece |||||zrozumiałe||||| |||||compreensível|||||

without even knowing who he was.

And since then I've spoken to him and all this stuff. и||||||||||все такое

So we have a lot of similarities in our methods, but, uh, that's, ||||||Ähnlichkeiten|||||| ||||||similarities||||||

that's, that's what's going on. ||что||

So now we've got this Goluremi Language YouTube channel and TikTok that's ||||||||||ТикТок| ||||||||||TikTok| ||||||||||TikTok| ||||||||||TikTok| ||||||||||TikTok| ||||||Idioma Goluremi|||||

kind of taken off and it's given us a chance to, you know, to, to step ||||||||||||||сделать| ||sort of||||||||||||| ||tirado||||||||||||| despegó y nos ha dado la oportunidad de, ya sabes, de dar un paso e ci ha dato la possibilità di fare un passo in avanti.

outside of the world of footballers. |||||футболистов |||||soccer players |||||futebolistas |||||Fußballspieler dışında||||| |||||サッカー選手 fuera del mundo||||| al di fuori del mondo dei calciatori.

Uh, briefly you played soccer, professional soccer in a number of |brièvement||||||||| |for a short time||||||||| |kurz||||||||| |kısaca|||||futbol|||birkaç| |brevemente||||||||| |brevemente||||||||| Uh, krótko grałeś w piłkę nożną, profesjonalną piłkę nożną w wielu

countries, just update my listeners. ||обновить информацию|| ||||Zuhörer |sadece||| ||aggiorna|| paesi, per aggiornare i miei ascoltatori.


So, uh, you know, I was, uh, I'm from Kansas City in, in the US and I |||||||||Канзас||||||| |||||||||Kansas City||||||| |||||||||Kansas City||||||| |||||||||Kansas||||||| |||||||||カンザス|||||||

started my career playing in the MLS. ||||||MLS ||||||MLS ||||||Major League Soccer ||||||MLS ||||||MLS ||||||MLS ||||||MLS

So I played for the Chicago Fire. então||||||

Uh, and then I played two years in my hometown, I was born in Kansas |||||||||родной город||||| |||||||||Heimatstadt||||| |||||||||città natale||||| |||||||||ciudad natal|||||

City before moving to Europe, playing in the Danish Super League. ||||||||||dänische Superliga |||||||||スーペル|リーグ ||||||||danesa||

Uh, so I played there and I played in Serbia. |||||||||Serbien |||プレイした||||||

I played, uh, back in Finland for a couple of years, um, Croatia where I play now. ||||||||||||Хорватия|||| |||||||||||||où||| |||||Finnland|||||||Kroatien|||| |||||Finland||||||||||| |||||フィンランド|||||||||||

Uh, so yeah, it's, it's been an interesting journey. |||||été||| ||||||||yolculuk ||||||||viaje interesante

You know, I can't resist speaking to an American about soccer, I can resist |||не могу|устоять перед||||||||| ||||widerstehen||||||||| ||||karşı koymak|||||||Ben|dayanamam| ||||抵抗||||||||| Víte, neodolám, když mluvím s Američanem o fotbale, odolám.

reminding you that Canada beat the US. напоминая вам|||||| ||||a battu|le| erinnere|||||| recordándote||||venció a|| připomíná, že Kanada porazila USA.

Oh my gosh! О|| ||Gott


Sorry, I just wanted to sneak that in there. извини|||||||| |||||insert||| |eu||||incluir discretamente||| |||||schmuggeln||| |||||araya sıkıştırmak||| |||||infilare||| |||||colarlo||| Lo siento, sólo quería colar eso ahí. Scusate, volevo solo intrufolarla lì. Przepraszam, po prostu chciałem to tam przemycić. Desculpa, só queria meter isto aqui. Извини, я просто хотел засунуть это сюда.

You won't remember. |No recordarás.| Não te vais lembrar. Вы не будете помнить.

You'll remember in our, in our first interview, I'm almost certain ||||||||||почти уверен ||||||||||very sure Sie werden sich erinnern, dass wir in unserem ersten Interview, ich bin mir fast sicher Вы помните в нашем, в нашем первом интервью, я почти уверен

that we talked about soccer. что мы говорили о футболе.

We talked about Canada and I said Canada was on the up. ||||||сказал||||| |||||||||improving|| ||||||||estava|em|| Abbiamo parlato del Canada e ho detto che il Canada era in crescita. Rozmawialiśmy o Kanadzie i powiedziałem, że Kanada jest na fali.

And you were like, oh, that's surprising. и|||||| E tu hai pensato: "Oh, è sorprendente".

And here we have proof of this now in this two-zero win. ||||доказательство|||||||| ||||preuve|||||||| ||||evidence|||||||| ||||prova|||||||| ||||Beweis||||||||Sieg ||||kanıt|||||||| ||||prueba|||||||| Y aquí tenemos ahora la prueba de ello en esta victoria por dos a cero. E ne abbiamo la prova in questa vittoria per due a zero.

So Canada's a dark horse. ||||cheval ||||Pferd ||||cavallo oscuro Quindi il Canada è un cavallo nero.

Without Alphonso, without their star player. |Альфонсо|||| |Alphonso|||| |Alphonso star player|||| |Alphonso|||| |Ohne Alphonso|||| |Alfonso|||| |アルフォンソ|||| Senza Alphonso, senza il loro giocatore di punta.


It's a team...

it is.

It is.

It is.

You guys are coming up. вы|||| vocês||estão|| Voi ragazzi state salendo.

All right.

Anyway, leaving that because I'm sure that the Americans will be back. |оставим это|||||||||| |laissant|||||||||| ||||||||Amerikaner||| |dejando eso||||||||||

So we crow while we can crow. ||кукарекать|||| ||chantons|||| ||celebrate|||| Então||cantamos|||| ||울다|||| ||Also krähen wir.||||krähen Bu yüzden||Övünmek|iken|biz||Övünmek ||cantiamo||||cantiamo ||欢呼||||叫 ||krakamy|||| ||カラス|||| ||cantamos|||| Also krähen wir, solange wir krähen können. Así que cacareamos mientras podemos. Per questo motivo, ci lamentiamo finché possiamo farlo. Por isso, vamos cantar de galo enquanto podemos.

Uh, your interest in languages, is this as a result of you traveling and being... ||||||||||||seyahat etmek||

because the average person from Kansas City, let's say probably doesn't see a ||durchschnittliche||||||||||

tremendous need for learning languages. огромная потребность|||| tremenda necessidade||||


So what was it about your background that made you interested? ||||||personal history|||| ||||||formação||||

The traveling is not a part of it. Seyahat|||||||bunun parçası

Everyone assumes that because, uh, I traveled around, I learn all these |предполагает|||||||||| |suppose|||||||||| |presume||||||||||

languages when I was in the country.

Nothing could be further from the truth. ничто|||дальше от истины||| ||||||vérité Hiçbir şey|||daha uzak|||gerçeklerden uzak Nada||verbo auxiliar|mais distante||| Nichts könnte weiter von der Wahrheit entfernt sein. Nada más lejos de la realidad. Niente potrebbe essere più lontano dalla verità. Nada poderia estar mais longe da verdade.

Of course.


When I played in Croatia, when I played in Denmark, I did learn those languages |||||||||||did||| |||||||||||aprendí|||

there, but, uh, I spent three or four days in Italy and I speak Italian. |||я|||||||||||

Uh, I learned French before ever living or playing in a French speaking country. ||||||vivre||jouer||||| Aprendi francês antes de viver ou jogar num país francófono.

Um, German is the same.

The catalyst for my language learning is my mother, uh, who |катализатором является||||||||| |catalyseur||||||||| |driving force||||||||| |o catalisador||||||||| |Katalysator für||||||||| |katalizör||||||||| |catalizzatore||||||||| |katalyzátor||||||||| |触媒||||||||| Il catalizzatore per il mio apprendimento della lingua è mia madre, che

is unfortunately passed away. (он)||| |malheureusement|décédé| ||verstorben| ||vefat etti| |infelizmente|| к сожалению скончался.

But she decided at a young age that it would be better for me to Ama|||||||||||||| Но она решила еще в юном возрасте, что мне будет лучше

come home and not watch, I don't know, Pokemon or whatever it was приходить||||||||Покемон|||| ||||||||Pokémon oder so|||| ||||||||Pokemon veya bir şey|||| ||||||||Pokémon|||| ||||||||宝可梦|||| ||||||||ポケモン|||| придти домой и не смотреть, не знаю, покемонов или как там было

that I wanted to watch as a kid. |||||çocukken izlemek|| которые я хотел посмотреть в детстве.

And she said, Nope, you're watching this. а|||нет||| |||„Nein, das schaust du dir an.“||| |||no||| И она сказала: «Нет, ты смотришь это».

And this was comprehensible input, as it turns out, uh, for kids to и|это||понятный материал||||||||| |||understandable information|language input||||||||to the |||||como||||||| И это был понятный вклад, как оказалось, для детей.

learn Spanish as a second language. выучить испанский как второй язык.

And so I, without knowing it by the time I was around somewhere between 10 and ||||||||||||around|| ||||||||||||algún lugar|| И вот я, сам того не зная, когда мне было где-то между 10 и

13, had a pretty good grip on Spanish. ||||хорошо владел|| ||||maîtrise|| ||||understanding of|| ||||domínio|sobre| ||||Griff|| ||||padronanza|| ||||理解|| ||||dominio|| 13, miał całkiem dobrą przyczepność do hiszpańskiego. 13 лет, неплохо владел испанским языком.

And, uh, that got me to realize that I had learned the language without much

effort at all, as you know, from this, uh, the, the method and the way that, you усилие|||||||||||||||| Mühe||||||||||||||||

know, you guys do do things over at LingQ. ||||||na|na| sapete, voi ragazzi fate cose al LingQ.

You're not really forcing too much, you know, you don't stress |||не напрягаешься слишком|||||ты||

people to speak and do all this. люди||||||

So, so that was a huge factor.

And then the book I read the book The Count of Monte Cristo |||||||||||Кристо|Кристо |||||||||||Cristo|Cristo ||||||||title of|||Cristo| ||||||||||||Cristo |||||||||||Monte Cristo|Monte Cristo |||||||||||Cristo|Cristo ||||||||||||クリスト |||||||||El Conde||| A pak jsem četl knihu Hrabě Monte Christo.

and that basically sent me... ve bu da|||| a to mě v podstatě poslalo...

have you read it, read that book by chance? ли|||||||| ||||||||by any chance ||||okudun mu|||| ||||||||por casualidad četl jste ji, četl jste tu knihu náhodou? L'hai letto, hai letto quel libro per caso?

A long time ago. Už je to dávno.

In English.



Well, the character just struck me as a 16 year old that he had this ability to ||||schlug||||||||||| ||||etkiledi||||||||||| ||||||||||||||habilidad para| ||||seemed||||||||||| No, ta postava na mě působila jako šestnáctiletý kluk, který má tu schopnost. Beh, il personaggio mi ha colpito come un sedicenne che aveva questa capacità di

travel around the world that he took all this time and he learned these languages путешествие|||||||||||||| ||||que|||||||||| cestování po světě, které podnikl za celou tu dobu a naučil se tyto jazyky.

while he was in prison and all this stuff. ||était|||||| ||||incarceration|||| ||||刑務所|||| když byl ve vězení a tak dále.

And then he had this ability to just travel and do everything. ||||||||путешествовать||| |||||capacidad||||||todo A pak měl schopnost cestovat a dělat všechno.

I really, it struck me and that's, that's the real reason why I can do this. |||поразило меня|||||||||||| |||colpito|||||||||||| |||atingiu|||||||||||| Opravdu mě to zasáhlo a to je ten pravý důvod, proč to mohu dělat. Realmente, me impactó y esa es, esa es la verdadera razón por la que puedo hacer esto.

I'd like to get back to the whole subject of motivation because it's ||||||||assunto|||| Me gustaría||||||||tema|||| ||||||||テーマ|||| Vorrei tornare sull'argomento della motivazione perché è

such a big part of language learning.

But first, uh, I'm curious to know, you know, it's been more than a ||||любопытно узнать||||||||| ||||neugierig|||||||||

year since we last spoke and you've now launched your YouTube channel. год||||||вы||||| ||||||||started|||

You've got some videos that have gone viral. у тебя||||||| |||||||viral |||||||popular online |||||||viral gegangen |||||||virale |||||||病毒式传播 |||||||virální |||||||バイラル Tienes algunos vídeos que se han hecho virales. Avete dei video che sono diventati virali. Masz kilka filmów, które stały się wirusowe.

Can you update us on what you've been doing? ||bilgi verebilir misin||||||


So, uh, we, we stopped I think it was at the end, it might've even been just |||||||||||||auraient||| |||||||||||||könnte||| ||||||||||||o|||| |||||||||||||poderia ter||| ||||paramos|||||||||||| Quindi... ci siamo fermati... credo che fosse alla fine... potrebbe essere stato anche solo...

off air in the last, uh, you asked, you know ... and I said, uh, in English, "no", в эфире|||||||||||||||| fora do ar|no ar||||||||||||||| fuori onda nell'ultima, uh, hai chiesto, sai... e io ho detto, uh, in inglese, "no",

because I just got into Sweden and, uh, so yeah, I, uh, I learned Swedish, you know,

uh, at a comfortable level now that I can communicate and now it's been, been great.

Uh, you know, the motivation and it's so interesting for all the people

out there that are trying to learn it's it's regardless of the language. ||||||||это|независимо от||| |||||||||peu importe||| |||||||||without consideration||| |||||||||independentemente||| |||||||||unabhängig||| |||||||||bağımsız olarak||| |||||||||indipendentemente||| |||||||||bez ohledu||| |||||||||independientemente||| da draußen, die versuchen, es zu lernen, egal in welcher Sprache. que intentan aprenderlo, independientemente del idioma.

And it's just something that I just, I like to hammer into people who are here ||||||||||emphasize||||| |||||||eu|||enfatizar||||| ||||||||||eintrichtern||||| Ve||||||||||vurgulamak||||| E||||||||||||||| ||||||||||强调||||| ||||||||||叩く||||| ||||||||||wbijać||||| Ed è una cosa che mi piace inculcare alle persone che sono qui...

that have just started their language journey or are about to, you will |||||||||||vous|

be super motivated at the beginning. ||motivé|||

You will gain, uh, quite a bit at the beginning. ты||||||||| ||||assez|||||début ||gewinnen||||||| ||kazanacaksın||oldukça|||||

Thanks to... Dank an...

you will hit a dip. ты||||вы попадёте в яму ||||low point tu|||| ||||eine Vertiefung sen||||çukur ||||discesa ||遇到||低谷 ||||propad narazíte na propad. werden Sie auf eine Senke stoßen. te darás un chapuzón. si troverà ad avere un calo.

It is guaranteed. это|| ||garanti ||assured ||garantido ||ist garantiert ||Garanti edilir. ||保証されている ||Está garantizado.

You might not hit it in 10 days. ты|||||| |||atteindre||| Sen|||||| Možná se vám to nepodaří za 10 dní.

You might not hit it in a week, but it will come. ||olmayabilir||||||||| Možná se vám to nepodaří za týden, ale přijde to.

You will stall at some point. ты||застрять||| ||come to a stop||| ||parar||| ||Du wirst stocken.||| ||Duraksayacaksın|bir noktada|| ||bloccarti||| ||zatrzymać się||| ||zastavit||| ||立ち往生する||| ||Te detendrás en algún momento.||| V určitém okamžiku se zastavíte. Te estancarás en algún momento. A un certo punto si arriverà a un punto di stallo. W pewnym momencie utkniesz.

And you've just got to push through that. и||||||| |ve sen|||||| A vy se přes to musíte přenést. E bisogna solo superare questa situazione. I musisz tylko przez to przejść.

Uh, you might even need to take a break. ух|||||||| uh|||||||| Možná si dokonce budete muset dát pauzu. Potrebbe anche essere necessario fare una pausa.

Uh, I'm not saying to quit, uh, you know, if you've lost all passion |я||||||||||||страсть |||||arrêter|||||||| |||||||||||||Leidenschaft uh||||||eh||||||| Eh||||||||||||| Uh, nie mówię, żeby odejść, uh, wiesz, jeśli straciłeś całą pasję

for it, then it might not have been the best choice, but if you're still

interested in it, that dip part right there is the, is the turning point. ||||||||||есть||| ||||||||||||Wendepunkt| |||o|||||||||| ||||||||||||転換| |||aquela|a queda||||||||| interessata, quella parte di tuffo proprio lì è il punto di svolta.

Because if you can get through the dip and stick to it and keep your |||||||спад||||||| |||||||dip||||||| ||||superar|||||||||| |||||||Tiefpunkt||dranbleiben||||| |||||||||sadık kalmak||||| |||||||spadek||||||| Porque si eres capaz de superar el chapuzón y ceñirte a él y mantener tu Perché se riuscite a superare la crisi e ad attenervi ad essa e a mantenere il vostro Bo jeśli potrafisz przejść przez upadki i trzymać się tego i zachować

passive listening up and a little active listening and a little bit pasif dinleme||||||||||| l'ascolto passivo e un po' di ascolto attivo e un po' di

active speaking, stuff like that, you generally start this exponential jump up. активное|||||||||экспоненциальный|| |||||||||exponentiel|| |||||||||initial|| ||||||||||salto| |||||||||지수적|| |||||||||exponentiellen Anstieg|| |||||||||üstel artış|| |||||||||esponenziale|| |||||||||指数(1)|| ||||||zazwyczaj|||exponential(1)|| In genere, se si tratta di cose attive, si assiste a un salto esponenziale verso l'alto.

Uh, if you know, if you're following the method, correctly. uh|||||||||

So, um, yeah, you know, uh, I would say just to be aware of ||||||||||||осознавать| |więc||||||||||||

that, because motivation will wane, uh, you know, when you pop into a ||||угасать|||||||| ||||diminuer|||||||| ||||decrease||||||insert|| ||||diminuir|||||||| ||||nachlassen|||||||| ||||azalacak||||olduğunda||uğradığında|| ||||diminuisce||||||entri|| ||||减弱|||||||| ||||maleć||||||wpadniesz|| ||||slábnout|||||||| ||||減少する|||||||| ||||disminuirá||||||apareces en un|| que, porque la motivación disminuirá, uh, ya sabes, cuando usted aparece en un perché la motivazione si affievolisce, quando si entra in una to dlatego, że motywacja osłabnie, uh, wiesz, kiedy wpadniesz do

conversation that you feel as, oh my God, I can't understand anything. conversa|||||||||||

What am I doing with my life?

You know?

So then, so, uh, and so you're motivated obviously to learn languages. ||||||||очевидно||| |||więc||||||||

You're also motivated to help people learn languages.

I can sense your enthusiasm, passion, and so forth and how, oh, so what ||||энтузиазм||||и так далее||||| ||||coşku||||vesaire||||| ||||열정||||||||| Posso percepire il vostro entusiasmo, la vostra passione e così via e come, oh, così cosa

are you actually, what are the kinds of activities that you have gotten. ||||||||||||conseguido ||||||||działalności|||| siete effettivamente, quali sono i tipi di attività che avete ottenuto.

yourself involved in? |involucrado en|

In language learning?

Hmm. Hmm

Oh gosh. |oh je |ojej |Oh cielos.


You do said something about you're on YouTube... |||||||YouTube

oh, gosh.


So, uh, so right now we filmed... ||||||çektik ||||||nagraliśmy

Goluremi Languages. Голуреми| Goluremi|


Go check it out. иди|||

So Goluremi is the name of our, obviously we have a, we have a rather large, ||||||||||||||довольно| ||||||||||||||oldukça| ||||||||||||||bastante| |Goluremi||||||||||||||

uh, soccer, YouTube channel and soccer company named Goluremi, my middle |||kanał|||||Goluremi||

name is Oluremi, and we just put the word G for goal the Spanish word goal. ||Олуреми|||||определённый артикль||||||||цель (G) гол ||Oluremi||||||||||||| ||Oluremi||||||||||||| ||Name ist Oluremi||||||||||||| ||||||koyduk||||||||| ||Oluremi||||||||||||| ||オルレミ||||||||||||| ||Oluremi|||||||||||||

We mashed that together. |смешали|| |combined|| nós|amassamos|| |zusammengemischt|| |birleştirdik|| |schiacciato|| |つぶした|| |mezclamos|| Lo hicimos puré. Abbiamo unito il tutto. Мы смешали это вместе.

Goal! Gol!


And, um, yeah, so we have filmed videos, uh, language videos, ||||||||eh||

in I believe Sweden in Croatia. |||||в Хорватии |||||Chorwacja

We just did one in New York where we spoke to, uh, we went to Little Italy |||||||||||eh|||||

and just wanted to find out if the people there could speak Italian and that video,

it's been popped all over places and we're going to, we've just been asked это||разлетелся||||||||||| ||estourado||||||||||| ||aufgetaucht||||||||||| ||patladı||||||||||| ||esploso||||||||||| ||爆炸||||||||||| ||popped||||||||||| ||起こった||||||||||| ||explotado||||||||||| ha aparecido en todos los sitios y vamos a hacerlo, nos acaban de pedir

to be a part of a documentary now from, from that video and all this stuff. ||||||документального||||||||| ||||||documentaire||||||||| ||||||film production||||||||| ||||||Teil einer Dokumentation||||||||| ||||||ドキュメンタリー||||||||| ||||||dokumentu|||||||||

So, uh, you know, we've had some, some guys and that's obviously our goal |eh||||||||||||

is to, is to reach people like you as well to kind of give people a good

base of language learning understanding to tackle it from different ways. |||изучение языка|||решать|||| ||||||angehen|||| temel||||||ele almak|||| |||||per|affrontare|||| ||||||解决|||| ||||||Abordar|||| base de la comprensión del aprendizaje de idiomas para abordarlo de diferentes maneras. base della comprensione dell'apprendimento linguistico per affrontarlo da diversi punti di vista. podstawy zrozumienia nauki języka, aby poradzić sobie z nim na różne sposoby. основа понимания изучения языка, чтобы решать его с разных сторон.

I mean, I think one of the things that you see in this is that many of

the successful polyglots, uh, like you, they have certain different ||poligloci|||||||

methods, but they, they all have a few things that are just, they have to... ||||||||||есть||||

Luca Lampariello uses this, but Steve also uses this. Лука Лампарелло|||||||| |Lampariello||||||| |Lampariello|||||||

They might differ on a few little things, but it's just clear that |||||||||||очевидно, что| ||||||petites|||||| ||farklı olabilirler|||||||||| ||różnić|||||||||| ||diferir||||||||||

there's a pattern there and we want to kind of point that out for people. ||vzor|||||||||||| есть|||||||||||||| ||pattern|||||||||||| ||desen|||||||||||| hay un patrón y queremos señalárselo a la gente. c'è uno schema e noi vogliamo sottolinearlo per le persone. jest w tym pewien wzór i chcemy go jakoś wskazać ludziom.

So that's, that's the goal of the channel and that's what you'll find there. |||||||kanału||||||

And that's kind of just, what we've been up to is, is, is, uh, speaking |||||||||||||eh| ||||||nós temos|||||||| Y eso es justo, lo que hemos estado haciendo es, es, es, uh, hablando

to people in the, in these different languages, shocking them, doing some ||||||||schockierend||| ||||||||驚かせる||| ||||||||szokując||| a la gente en el, en estos diferentes idiomas, conmocionándolos, haciendo algunas alle persone in queste lingue diverse, scioccandole, facendo un po' di

of these old videos that you've seen online, where you kind of shock people. ||||||||||||schockierst|

Those are always fun.

The reaction's great. |реакция| |réaction| |reação| |Die Reaktion ist großartig.| |reazione| |反応は| |reakcja|

And then the other goal is to simply educate people on the best methods, ||||||||éduquer||||| ||||||||aufklären||||| ||||||||educare||||| ||||||||edukować||||| ||||||||教育する|||||

because it is truly, probably still plural, even though there's a lot of ||||||множественное число|||||| ||||||||bien|il y a||| ||||||plural form|||||| ||||provavelmente|||||||| ||||||复数|||||| |||naprawdę||||||||| perché è veramente, probabilmente ancora plurale, anche se c'è un sacco di

similarities and, uh, you know, making it simple for people to do that. ||eh||||||||||

That's it.

That's what we're about. İşte bu|||

You know, you mentioned the dip. |||||plongée ||tu||| Sie haben den Dip erwähnt. Lei ha parlato di immersione. Вы знаете, вы упомянули падение.

That's interesting because one of the reasons for that dip is that when we |||||||||Rückgang|||| Questo è interessante perché una delle ragioni di questo calo è che quando

start into a new language, we achieve a fair amount of success initially from ||||||||||||původně| ||||||достигать||достаточный уровень успеха||||| |||||||||Menge|||| ||||||||oldukça iyi||||başlangıçta| ||||||||uczciwą|ilość|||początkowo| iniziare una nuova lingua, otteniamo una discreta quantità di successi inizialmente da

knowing nothing about the language, not understanding anything, all of a

sudden we can understand something. aniden|||| de repente||||

We can say something we're very impressed with ourselves. ||||||impressionnés|| ||||||beeindruckt|| ||||||etkilenmiş|| ||||||zadowoleni||

But then the reality is that a word frequency declines very, very |||||||||уменьшается|| |||||||||abnimmt|| |||||||||azalır|| |||||||||spada|| Но реальность такова, что частота слова снижается очень, очень

quickly so that, uh, the initial few months we're meeting the |||||ilk birkaç||||| |||eh|||||||

same words over and over again.

And then suddenly as we start to hit words that don't appear that often it's |||||||сталкиваться с||||||| |||||||frapper|mots|||||| E poi, improvvisamente, quando cominciamo a trovare parole che non compaiono così spesso, è

harder and harder to remember them. těžší||||| sempre più difficile ricordarli.

And that's where it's, I think so important to get into content of interest. E||||||||||||| |||||||||||conteúdo||

You can actually get to something that you're actually interested você|||||||||

in hearing about it, reading it. |entendant||||

Then that sort of the interesting nature of the content will keep you going, ||||||интересный характер содержания||||||| Тогда интересный характер содержания будет поддерживать вас,

because I have not found that, like after the, I consider it more of a plateau, not ||||нашёл||||||рассматриваю|||||плато| because|||||||||||||||| |||||||||||||||plateau| |||||||||||||||płaskowyż| |||||||||||||||高原| protože jsem nezjistil, že, jako po, Považuji to spíše za plošinu, ne bo nie stwierdziłem, że tak jak po, uważam to za bardziej płaskowyż, a nie потому что я не обнаружил, что, как и после, я считаю это скорее плато, а не

like you have a sudden dip and then all of a sudden you take off again and it, you ||||soudain|||||||||||||| |||||spadek||||||||||||| como|||||||||||||||||| jako bys měl náhlý propad a pak se najednou zase rozjedeš a to, ty... come se si avesse un calo improvviso e poi tutto d'un tratto si decolla di nuovo e... jakbyś miał nagłe zanurzenie, a potem nagle znowu wystartowałeś i to, ty

settle into a sort of a, a long distance. ||||||||dystans establecerse en|||||||| se usadit do jakési, dlouhé vzdálenosti. establecerse en una especie de, una larga distancia. osiedlić się na czymś w rodzaju, na dalekim dystansie.

You start off sprinting then pretty soon you realize this is a long distance. |||бегом|||||||||| |||sprintant|||||||||| You|||running fast|||||||||| |||correndo|||||||||| |||losrennen|||||||||| |||depar atarak koşmak|||||||||| ||||poi|||||||||distanza lunga |||冲刺|||||||||| |||||||||||||dystans |||走って|||||||||| |||corriendo a toda velocidad|||||te das cuenta||||| Začínáte sprintem a brzy si uvědomíte, že je to dlouhá vzdálenost. You start off sprinting then pretty soon you realize this is a long distance. Empiezas esprintando y pronto te das cuenta de que es una distancia larga. Вы начинаете спринтерский бег, а затем очень скоро понимаете, что это длинная дистанция.