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Steve's Language Learning Tips, Learn to Use These Cool French Pronouns: “Y” and “En”

Learn to Use These Cool French Pronouns: “Y” and “En”

... Hi there, Steve Kaufmann here, and today I want talk about French

pronouns, my favorite French pronouns.

Remember, if you enjoy these videos, please subscribe.

Click on the bell for notifications, uh, and if you follow me on a podcast

service, please leave a comment.

I do appreciate it.

So why am I talking about French pronouns?

Well, I was thinking the other day about what I enjoy about different

languages and what I think makes me feel comfortable, natural, native-like

in speaking these languages, it's not the use of slang because slang

can vary from region to region.

Uh, very often it's not appropriate to use slang unless you're really

comfortable or until you're at a stage where you're confident that,

that you can use it and it's gonna be appropriate in a particular situation.

And if you are that way, please go ahead and use it.

I am perhaps conservative, my age, whatever.

However, what I find really works well in different languages.

There are usually sort of these little details that make your language more

native-like more elegant and make you feel more comfortable in the language.

So you know that I focus on input.

The language has to come into you, lots of reading and listening.

However, there is that a certain amount of time that we should spend, in my opinion,

on some of the details of the language.

I've spoken about this before.

So when it comes to French, I happen to like two French pronouns

... Okay.

Now, pronouns, there's lots of pronouns in French, they work

differently than in English.

French has gender, so, uh, you know, you've got a pronoun for ... first of

all, our, our main pronouns is sort of as a subject of a sentence ... they're,

you know, the most common ones.

Then we have the pronouns, you know, when it's a direct object

and then an indirect object.

And even there it varies, you know, ... I give it to her ... there's no ... and

these are all things well worth learning.

So like it's a demonstrative pronoun ... but none of those are my favorite.

My favorites are ...and I've even done a little lesson in LingQ about ... and

I'm gonna show you a brief walkthrough of this lesson before I go any further.

And so that for those of you who are studying French, you can see how I've

composed a little lesson using only ... and I'm gonna go through saving words

and phrases from that little lesson.

So here I am in my French page on LingQ.

I just uploaded a lesson ... so I click on this and I open it up and we will

go back to the beginning and you'll see

... ...that's not the pronoun that's in French, but ... so

you could save that as a phrase.

There are many pronouns ... you need that all the time ... are there any?

... are there many?

Okay ... there's another one.

You can grab that ... uh, ... what do you think?

What do you think of it?

Okay, so all I'm suggesting is I would recommend that you go to this

lesson ... and you will see lots of examples of, you know ... I'm not

afraid of him ... I even need it.

Uh, so, uh

... which is a very good phrase while I think about it.

... I'm going right now.

Okay, so I just use this example of a lesson that I created to

illustrate how useful the ... are, it makes your French more elegant.

And I suggest that when you come across ... in your reading

at LingQ, that wherever you...

and unless maybe you're already quite proficient at using these two little

pronouns, um, please save them all right.

Now, you have seen the lesson, uh, you've been exposed a bit to ...let me explain

... basically means to a place, to a thing, ... and it also sometimes can mean of it.

So ... normally is of it or about it ... I have a lot of it.

Uh, ... I'm afraid of it.

Uh, ... I need of it.

... and then we can combine the two.

And ... there are some ... So it's not a big deal, but it's different

from what we do in English.

There are other handy pronouns in French.

I was thinking for example, of the word ...which I don't

know, it sometimes translate...

translates into English as one ... one could imagine ... but ... often means we

... ... so it can mean like we, but it can also mean they, it's kind

of like a substitute on, uh,

... which interestingly enough reminds me of, so ... people say, They

say, ... can also mean we, and I was struck when I was in Brazil because

in Brazil, the in French, or at least in Spanish, you say ... is the people.

And I always thought ... like in Brazil you say ... meant the people

like them, third person, but it doesn't, it means we in Brazil.

So it's interesting how these in French ... which can mean we, can

mean one, can mean they in different structures, but ... is not my favorite.


I just mentioned that in passing because I thought of the connection

to the Brazilian use of ... but

... if you can get good at using those two little French words, I think you're gonna

find that your comfort level in French and the comfort level of people listening to

you, uh, is going to take a step forward.

So a small item, I thought it might be of interest to those of you

who are interested in French, you know, And, uh, just a last thought.

Uh, you might find it interesting to look at a video that I did uh, not too long

ago where I talked about difficulties in learning French and another one where

I talked about how I learned French.

So particularly if you have thought about learning French, you might

find these two videos useful.

So thank you for listening.

Bye for now.

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Learn to Use These Cool French Pronouns: “Y” and “En” ||||||Zaimek "Y" i "En"||| Lernen Sie diese coolen französischen Pronomen zu verwenden: "Y" und "En" Aprende a utilizar estos geniales pronombres franceses: "Y" y "En" Imparate a usare questi bei pronomi francesi: "Y" e "En". クールなフランス語の代名詞、"Y "と "En "の使い方を覚えよう Naucz się używać tych fajnych francuskich zaimków: "Y" i "En" Aprenda a usar esses pronomes franceses legais: “Y” e “En” Научитесь использовать эти классные французские местоимения: "Y" и "En" 学习使用这些很酷的法语代词:“Y”和“En”

... Hi there, Steve Kaufmann here, and today I want talk about French

pronouns, my favorite French pronouns.

Remember, if you enjoy these videos, please subscribe.

Click on the bell for notifications, uh, and if you follow me on a podcast

service, please leave a comment.

I do appreciate it.

So why am I talking about French pronouns?

Well, I was thinking the other day about what I enjoy about different

languages and what I think makes me feel comfortable, natural, native-like

in speaking these languages, it's not the use of slang because slang

can vary from region to region.

Uh, very often it's not appropriate to use slang unless you're really |||||||||chyba że||

comfortable or until you're at a stage where you're confident that, |||||||||pewny siebie|

that you can use it and it's gonna be appropriate in a particular situation.

And if you are that way, please go ahead and use it.

I am perhaps conservative, my age, whatever. |||保守||| |||konserwatywny|||

However, what I find really works well in different languages.

There are usually sort of these little details that make your language more

native-like more elegant and make you feel more comfortable in the language. |||优雅||||||||| |||elegancki|||||||||

So you know that I focus on input.

The language has to come into you, lots of reading and listening.

However, there is that a certain amount of time that we should spend, in my opinion,

on some of the details of the language.

I've spoken about this before.

So when it comes to French, I happen to like two French pronouns ||||||||||||代词 |||il s'agit||||||||| 所以说到法语,我恰好喜欢两个法语代词

... Okay.

Now, pronouns, there's lots of pronouns in French, they work

differently than in English.

French has gender, so, uh, you know, you've got a pronoun for ... first of

all, our, our main pronouns is sort of as a subject of a sentence ... they're, ||||zaimki główne||||||||||

you know, the most common ones.

Then we have the pronouns, you know, when it's a direct object

and then an indirect object.

And even there it varies, you know, ... I give it to her ... there's no ... and ||||||||donne||||||

these are all things well worth learning.

So like it's a demonstrative pronoun ... but none of those are my favorite. ||||démonstratif|||||||| ||||demonstratives|||||||| ||||dimostrativo|||||||| ||||指示代词|||||||| ||||指示詞|||||||| |tak jak|||zaimek wskazujący||||||||

My favorites are ...and I've even done a little lesson in LingQ about ... and |||||||moje ulubione||||||

I'm gonna show you a brief walkthrough of this lesson before I go any further. ||||||Überblick|||||||| ||||||recorrido breve|||||||| ||||||przegląd||||||||

And so that for those of you who are studying French, you can see how I've

composed a little lesson using only ... and I'm gonna go through saving words skomponowałem||||||||||||

and phrases from that little lesson.

So here I am in my French page on LingQ.

I just uploaded a lesson ... so I click on this and I open it up and we will ||przesłałem|||||||||||||||

go back to the beginning and you'll see ||||principio|||

... ...that's not the pronoun that's in French, but ... so

you could save that as a phrase. |pourrais||||| ||||||Możesz zapisać.

There are many pronouns ... you need that all the time ... are there any?

... are there many?

Okay ... there's another one.

You can grab that ... uh, ... what do you think? ||||||||penses ||prendere|||||| ||Puedes agarrar eso ... eh, ... ¿qué piensas?||||||

What do you think of it?

Okay, so all I'm suggesting is I would recommend that you go to this

lesson ... and you will see lots of examples of, you know ... I'm not

afraid of him ... I even need it. ||||même||

Uh, so, uh

... which is a very good phrase while I think about it. ||||||pendant que||||

... I'm going right now. |vais||maintenant

Okay, so I just use this example of a lesson that I created to ||||||||||que|||

illustrate how useful the ... are, it makes your French more elegant.

And I suggest that when you come across ... in your reading ||||||rencontrez|rencontrez|||

at LingQ, that wherever you... |||dondequiera que|

and unless maybe you're already quite proficient at using these two little ||||||versiert||||| ||||||proficiente||||| ||||||biegły|||||

pronouns, um, please save them all right.

Now, you have seen the lesson, uh, you've been exposed a bit to ...let me explain |||||||||narażony na||||||

... basically means to a place, to a thing, ... and it also sometimes can mean of it. |||||à||chose||||||||

So ... normally is of it or about it ... I have a lot of it. |||||||||ai||||

Uh, ... I'm afraid of it.

Uh, ... I need of it. ||ai besoin|de|en avoir

... and then we can combine the two. |||pouvons||| ||||połączyć||

And ... there are some ... So it's not a big deal, but it's different

from what we do in English.

There are other handy pronouns in French. |||útiles||| |||przydatne|||

I was thinking for example, of the word ...which I don't

know, it sometimes translate...

translates into English as one ... one could imagine ... but ... often means we traduit||||||||||| 翻訳する||||||||||| si traduce|||||||||||

... ... so it can mean like we, but it can also mean they, it's kind

of like a substitute on, uh, |||替代品|| |||zastępca||

... which interestingly enough reminds me of, so ... people say, They |il est intéressant|||||||| |interessanterweise|||||||| |interesująco||przypomina||||||

say, ... can also mean we, and I was struck when I was in Brazil because |||signifie||||||||||| ||||||||impactado||||||

in Brazil, the in French, or at least in Spanish, you say ... is the people. ||||||||||||||ludzie

And I always thought ... like in Brazil you say ... meant the people |||pensais||||||voulait||

like them, third person, but it doesn't, it means we in Brazil.

So it's interesting how these in French ... which can mean we, can ||||ceux-ci|||||||

mean one, can mean they in different structures, but ... is not my favorite.


I just mentioned that in passing because I thought of the connection

to the Brazilian use of ... but

... if you can get good at using those two little French words, I think you're gonna

find that your comfort level in French and the comfort level of people listening to

you, uh, is going to take a step forward.

So a small item, I thought it might be of interest to those of you

who are interested in French, you know, And, uh, just a last thought. ||||||||||||última idea

Uh, you might find it interesting to look at a video that I did uh, not too long

ago where I talked about difficulties in learning French and another one where

I talked about how I learned French.

So particularly if you have thought about learning French, you might |||||pensé|||||

find these two videos useful.

So thank you for listening.

Bye for now.