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Steve's Language Learning Tips, The Most Effective Way to Increase Your Vocabulary (1)

The Most Effective Way to Increase Your Vocabulary (1)

Hi there, Steve Kaufmann here, and today I wanna talk about reading, how to use

reading to increase your vocabulary.

Um, you know, I, I always stress the importance of varying our

activities in language learning.

I talked a bit about Atomic Habits and developing good, sort of, learning

habits that keep you going, uh, without necessarily always worrying

about the end of the road, you know, fluency, whatever that might.

So we have to have good habits.

We have to vary the kind of activity we do and different activities help

us in different ways, obviously.

So if you're in a conversation group, you're practicing using

the words that you already know.

Probably you're practicing using a small subset of the words that

you understand, because our active vocabulary is always gonna be

smaller than our passive vocabulary.

But at least if you have good listening comprehension, you understand

what other people are saying.

When we are listening here, again, we can only understand the words that we know.

So listening is a way of reinforcing your passive vocabulary, improving

your comprehension, all of which is very good, good things to do.

In fact, I spend more time listening than any other activity, 'cause

it's the easiest thing to do.

I can do it anytime, anywhere, but reading is where we can acquire new vocabulary.

And I'm gonna talk a bit about extensive reading versus intensive reading and

how it helps us acquire new words.

So in a way, the ultimate experience in extensive reading

is to read a book, a paper book.

You have no distractions.

You can't go anywhere.

You're there with the book, words you don't know.

You just let them go by you and you're experiencing reading the language,

your're experiencing, converting, you know, various characters on

a piece of paper into meaning.

Very valuable.

I've always, you know, when I reach the stage where I can read a

novel in a language I'm learning, I have reached a major milestone.

And I very often hear people say, well, you know, uh, I can read well, but

uh, you know, I can't, uh, understand when I hear people speaking or I

have trouble using the language.

And then I say to those people, do...

have you read a novel in the language you're learning?

And very often the answer is no.

I mean, you have to get to the point where you can read novels and read widely.

Not just newspaper articles, but you know, a book, uh, doesn't

have to be a novel, by the way.

It can be a non-fiction for that matter.

So that's extensive reading on paper.

However, again, we have to get to that stage because if there's too

many words that you don't know, then reading in a, you know, away from the

computer is not a pleasant experience.

So that's where reading online with an online dictionary, and in particular

the way we do things at LingQ, can help you acquire the vocabulary,

pass the vocabulary so that you can eventually achieve the ultimate

experience in reading, which is to grab a book and just read that book.

So I consider reading online, uh, looking words up, saving words.

That sort of call it LingQ reading experience is like mining the

language, mining for gold, mining for minerals, mining for vocabulary,

bringing that vocabulary in.

Initially it's in there somewhere.

You can't retrieve it.

You see that word again in a different context or many different contexts.

Slowly, it becomes part of your passive vocabulary, and eventually over time,

some of that vocabulary will become active vocabulary that you can use.

So extensive reading, which is by the way, something that Stephen

Krashen constantly promotes.

There's all kinds of experience which shows, even if an, if

we're not consciously looking up words, if we are reading widely,

extensively, we're getting more and more familiarity with the language.

Eventually some of that vocabulary is naturally going to become known to us as

passive vocabulary be simply because we've seen it in so many different contexts

that we get a, a, a sense of the meaning.

I prefer to look things up because I can have a, an erroneous idea

of what the word means and stay with that for a long, long time.

If I look it up, I may forget it, but eventually I'll probably get to

a, a correct understanding of the scope of meaning of that word sooner

if I have at least some opportunity to see, you know, uh, a translation

of that word into English or into another language that I know very well.

But even in terms of reading content, for example, my, uh, Persian tutor

sent me an e-book and I can import that e-book, you know, essentially

with one click, uh, into LingQ.

So I've got the whole e-book socked into LingQ.

Now, unfortunately, I don't have enough audio for that e-book.

That would be even better because then I could be reinforcing my

mining activity with, you know, listening while doing other chores.

I don't have that.

However, This book that I got, this e-book, it's still

sort of difficult for me.

So, uh, I can go at it again within my extensive reading of this book, I can

go at it intensively or extensively.

If I go at it sort of extensively, then I'm on sort of page mode and I just read

through looking up words and so forth.

But I'll show you here how I can go through this material

intensively in sentence mode and doing the sentence review.

Now, this is more intensive activity.

It's working with, uh, nuts and bolts.

It's reconstituting the sentence, it's coming, you know, focusing in on the

vocabulary a bit more, putting the sentence back together again, which

forces me to think of the structure of the language, the word order in the language.

And however, this is gonna slow down my mining activity.

I'm coming across fewer and fewer...

fewer, not fewer and fewer, but fewer new words because I'm working intensively, so

I always like to combine some intensive work with some extensive work where I'm

just reading, not worrying about the words, not trying to focus in on them,

not trying to focus in on the structure.

I'm just reading, and yet at other times I'm working

intensively, as I will demonstrate.

We have a lot of material in our library.

For example, we see here, I think that probably has audio in it as well.

But let's say we wanna bring something in so we can go.

For example, if you Google, uh, ... for example, uh, you'll get the gutenberg.org

in many cases, and you have a variety of, um, formats that you can download.

I've already done that.

I tried different formats.

And then if you go to LingQ, and I'm uh, in French here, so you know, you

can either go up here where the plus sign is and you'll see import e-book.

You can import lesson as well.

You can also install the LingQ browser extension, so you can

import things with one click.

But in this case, what we wanna do is we want to import an e-book.

We can also do it here where it says import.

So we go to import e-book, and then we click on it.

And here we can simply drag, uh, an epub version of this book.

It supports a variety of, um, formats, pdf, uh, text or whatever mobi.

So you just drag it in there, drop it in there, and um, we're ready to go.

and I happen to be in sentence mode right now, but, uh, and I'll go, you

know, uh, I can go in the page view now.

There's a lot of, um, English there at the beginning, and typically

when I import something, I do it online for a variety of reasons.

Using the web version, it's easier to do, but I'm gonna work on it on my iPad.

But one of the advantages of doing it online on the web version is the, and.

That, uh, I can use keystrokes to get rid of stuff that I don't

want, like non-target language.

I just go X, X, X, X, X, and it moves through it very, very quickly.

I've already done that, and so I'm now going to show you how I would

study a book like this on my iPad.

So, but for those of you wanting to first of all, find e-books to bring in,

it doesn't have to be from gutenburg.

Uh, you can find, um, via an e-book and, and bring it in.

Some of them are protected, but you have to find one that's not protected

and you can import the e-book very, very quickly as I have shown here.

So we're gonna show you, first of all, this is the, uh, Persian e-book that,

uh, I was sent by my tutor from Iran.

It's a history of the Second World War in Persian.

I'm working my way through it, but that's not what I'm gonna show you.

Not many people are doing Persian, so I have to get to the language here

and change this to French so that I can check up on what I just imported.

So if I go into French now, uh, I can see ...and whereas some of these show, you

know, minutes of audio, there's obviously no audio available here, but I can open it

and I get through all this original stuff in English, which doesn't interest me.

Eh, I got a one day streak going.

All right, so now I'm now into the text.

We'll just move a little further along where there are some blue words.

There's not, those are not necessarily words that I don't know, but

because I don't do French online, but we can go into sentence view.

So ...okay, so ...okay, work.

Okay, work.

And we might decide you want that word as well.

... so what happens in sentence mode now is that whatever words I have

saved here, and I, it could be a blue word that I now make yellow, it

could be a word that I want to add.

I can now study that.

So, and I get these matching pairs, which include words

that are not in that sentence.

So ... of course is work, but if I get wrong, it goes pink.

So start again.

Work Okay.


Now I have to reconstitute this sentence, so ... I have to find, oh, it's

... correct.


If I want to, I can actually, you know, say the sentence

and it tells me that I was 90% correct.

I don't know how useful that is, but it's kind of the thing that's available.

So then I go to the next sentence.

So I could do the same thing again.

So by going through sentence by sentence and, you know, appear, you

know ... that's good to know ... okay.

... event.


We choose event.

So I can now go through this and do the same thing again.

So by going through it sentence by sentence, I'm actually doing

this, you know, intensively.

However, I might get tired of doing that.

I just go back to the page view where it's more of an extensive reading

and I can still look up words, uh, you know, as I, as I do it.

And personally, I tend to vary the intensive with the extensive.

So I hope that's helpful and I look forward to questions, but I just wanna

stress again that reading is a phenomenal way to increase your vocabulary.

If you aren't yet at a stage where you can read a book, a paper book, then using

something like LingQ can be quite helpful.

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The Most Effective Way to Increase Your Vocabulary (1) Der effektivste Weg, um Ihren Wortschatz zu erweitern (1) La forma más eficaz de aumentar su vocabulario (1) Le moyen le plus efficace d'enrichir son vocabulaire (1) ボキャブラリーを増やす最も効果的な方法 (1) Najskuteczniejszy sposób na poszerzenie słownictwa (1) A forma mais eficaz de aumentar o seu vocabulário (1) Наиболее эффективный способ расширения словарного запаса (1) Kelime Dağarcığınızı Artırmanın En Etkili Yolu (1) Найефективніший спосіб збільшити свій словниковий запас (1) 增加词汇量最有效的方法(1) 增加詞彙量最有效的方法(一)

Hi there, Steve Kaufmann here, and today I wanna talk about reading, how to use Olá, aqui é Steve Kaufmann, e hoje quero falar sobre leitura, como usar

reading to increase your vocabulary. reading to increase your vocabulary. leitura para aumentar seu vocabulário.

Um, you know, I, I always stress the importance of varying our ||||||souligner||||| ||||||||||variar| ||||||podkreślam wagę||||| Ähm, weißt du, ich, ich betone immer, wie wichtig es ist, unsere zu variieren Hum, você sabe, eu, eu sempre enfatizo a importância de variar nosso

activities in language learning. atividades na aprendizagem de línguas.

I talked a bit about Atomic Habits and developing good, sort of, learning |||||Atomic Habits|Habitudes|||||| |||||smallest unit||||||| |||||Atomowe nawyki||||||| Ich sprach ein wenig über atomare Gewohnheiten und die Entwicklung von gutem Lernen Falei um pouco sobre Hábitos Atômicos e como desenvolver um bom aprendizado Atomik Alışkanlıklar ve iyi bir öğrenme yöntemi geliştirmek hakkında biraz konuştum.

habits that keep you going, uh, without necessarily always worrying |||||||koniecznie|| Gewohnheiten, die dich am Laufen halten, ohne dir notwendigerweise immer Sorgen zu machen hábitos que o mantêm em movimento, uh, sem necessariamente se preocupar sempre

about the end of the road, you know, fluency, whatever that might. Über das Ende der Straße, Sie wissen schon, fließende Sprache, was auch immer das sein mag. sobre o fim da estrada, você sabe, fluência, o que quer que seja.

So we have to have good habits. Also müssen wir gute Gewohnheiten haben. Então temos que ter bons hábitos.

We have to vary the kind of activity we do and different activities help My|||zmieniać|||||||||| Wir müssen die Art der Aktivität, die wir machen, variieren, und verschiedene Aktivitäten helfen dabei Temos que variar o tipo de atividade que fazemos e diferentes atividades ajudam Yaptığımız faaliyet türlerini çeşitlendirmeliyiz ve farklı faaliyetler bize yardımcı olur.

us in different ways, obviously. uns natürlich auf unterschiedliche Weise. nós de maneiras diferentes, obviamente.

So if you're in a conversation group, you're practicing using ||||||||ćwiczysz używanie| Wenn Sie also in einer Gesprächsgruppe sind, üben Sie den Gebrauch Portanto, se você estiver em um grupo de conversação, estará praticando o uso

the words that you already know. die Wörter, die Sie bereits kennen. as palavras que você já conhece.

Probably you're practicing using a small subset of the words that ||||||sous-ensemble|||| ||||||small group|||| ||||||subconjunto pequeño|||| Wahrscheinlich üben Sie die Verwendung einer kleinen Teilmenge der Wörter that Provavelmente você está praticando usando um pequeno subconjunto das palavras que

you understand, because our active vocabulary is always gonna be du verstehst, denn unser aktives Vokabular wird es immer sein você entende, porque nosso vocabulário ativo sempre será

smaller than our passive vocabulary. kleiner als unser passiver Wortschatz. menor do que o nosso vocabulário passivo.

But at least if you have good listening comprehension, you understand Aber zumindest, wenn Sie ein gutes Hörverständnis haben, verstehen Sie es Mas pelo menos se você tiver uma boa compreensão auditiva, você entende

what other people are saying. o que as outras pessoas estão dizendo.

When we are listening here, again, we can only understand the words that we know. Wenn wir hier wieder zuhören, können wir nur die Wörter verstehen, die wir kennen. Quando estamos ouvindo aqui, novamente, só podemos entender as palavras que conhecemos.

So listening is a way of reinforcing your passive vocabulary, improving ||||||reinforcing|||| ||||||reforzar|||| ||||||wzmacniania|||| Zuhören ist also eine Möglichkeit, Ihren passiven Wortschatz zu stärken und zu verbessern Portanto, ouvir é uma forma de reforçar seu vocabulário passivo, melhorando

your comprehension, all of which is very good, good things to do. ||tout||ce qui||||||| твоето разбиране, всичко това е много добро, добри неща за правене. sua compreensão, tudo isso é muito bom, coisas boas para fazer.

In fact, I spend more time listening than any other activity, 'cause Na verdade, passo mais tempo ouvindo do que em qualquer outra atividade, porque

it's the easiest thing to do. ||más fácil||| é a coisa mais fácil de fazer.

I can do it anytime, anywhere, but reading is where we can acquire new vocabulary. ||||en cualquier momento|en cualquier lugar||||||||| Ich kann es jederzeit und überall tun, aber beim Lesen können wir uns neues Vokabular aneignen. Posso fazer isso a qualquer hora, em qualquer lugar, mas a leitura é onde podemos adquirir um novo vocabulário.

And I'm gonna talk a bit about extensive reading versus intensive reading and |||||||extensive|||intensive|| |||||||obszerne czytanie|||intensywne czytanie|| Und ich werde ein bisschen über ausgiebiges Lesen versus intensives Lesen sprechen E vou falar um pouco sobre leitura extensiva versus leitura intensiva e

how it helps us acquire new words. ||||adquirir|| wie es uns hilft, neue Wörter zu lernen. como isso nos ajuda a adquirir novas palavras.

So in a way, the ultimate experience in extensive reading |||||final|||| ||||||||obszerny| |||||última|||| Also gewissermaßen das ultimative Erlebnis in ausgiebiger Lektüre Então, de certa forma, a melhor experiência em leitura extensiva

is to read a book, a paper book. ist ein Buch zu lesen, ein Papierbuch. é ler um livro, um livro de papel.

You have no distractions. |||rozpraszacze Sie haben keine Ablenkungen. Você não tem distrações.

You can't go anywhere. |||a ningún lado Du kannst nirgendwo hingehen. Você não pode ir a lugar nenhum.

You're there with the book, words you don't know. Du bist da mit dem Buch, Wörter, die du nicht kennst. Você está lá com o livro, palavras que você não conhece.

You just let them go by you and you're experiencing reading the language, Du lässt sie einfach an dir vorbeiziehen und erlebst das Lesen der Sprache, Você apenas os deixa passar por você e está experimentando a leitura do idioma,

your're experiencing, converting, you know, various characters on |vous vivez|conversion||||| あなたは||||||| doświadczasz||||wiesz|różne postacie|| Ihr erlebt, konvertiert, ihr wisst schon, verschiedene Zeichen auf você está experimentando, convertendo, você sabe, vários personagens em

a piece of paper into meaning. ein Stück Papier in Bedeutung. um pedaço de papel em significado. лист бумаги в смысл.

Very valuable. |Bardzo cenny. قيمة للغاية. Velmi hodnotné. Sehr wertvoll. Muito valioso.

I've always, you know, when I reach the stage where I can read a Vždycky, víte, když dosáhnu fáze, kdy dokážu číst a Ich habe immer, weißt du, wenn ich das Stadium erreiche, wo ich lesen kann Eu sempre, você sabe, quando chego ao estágio em que posso ler um

novel in a language I'm learning, I have reached a major milestone. |||||||||||étape importante |||||||||||hito importante románu v jazyce, který se učím, dosáhl jsem významného milníku. Roman in einer Sprache, die ich lerne, habe ich einen wichtigen Meilenstein erreicht. novela en un idioma que estoy aprendiendo, he alcanzado un hito importante. romance em um idioma que estou aprendendo, alcancei um marco importante.

And I very often hear people say, well, you know, uh, I can read well, but Und ich höre sehr oft Leute sagen, na ja, weißt du, äh, ich kann gut lesen, aber E muitas vezes ouço as pessoas dizerem, bem, você sabe, uh, eu posso ler bem, mas

uh, you know, I can't, uh, understand when I hear people speaking or I äh, weißt du, ich kann, äh, nicht verstehen, wenn ich Leute sprechen höre oder ich uh, você sabe, eu não consigo, uh, entender quando ouço as pessoas falando ou eu

have trouble using the language. ter problemas para usar o idioma.

And then I say to those people, do... E então eu digo para essas pessoas, faça...

have you read a novel in the language you're learning? četli jste román v jazyce, který se učíte? Haben Sie einen Roman in der Sprache gelesen, die Sie lernen? você já leu um romance no idioma que está aprendendo?

And very often the answer is no. E muitas vezes a resposta é não.

I mean, you have to get to the point where you can read novels and read widely. ||||||||||||||||ampliamente ||||||||||||||||szeroko Chci říct, musíte se dostat do bodu, kdy budete moci číst romány a číst hodně. Ich meine, man muss an den Punkt kommen, an dem man Romane lesen kann und viel lesen kann. Quiero decir, tienes que llegar al punto en el que puedas leer novelas y leer mucho. Quero dizer, você tem que chegar ao ponto em que pode ler romances e ler amplamente.

Not just newspaper articles, but you know, a book, uh, doesn't Nicht nur Zeitungsartikel, aber ein Buch tut das nicht No solo artículos de periódicos, pero ya sabes, un libro, eh, no Não apenas artigos de jornal, mas você sabe, um livro, uh, não

have to be a novel, by the way. muss übrigens ein Roman sein. tem que ser um romance, a propósito.

It can be a non-fiction for that matter. ||||non|fiction||| V tomto případě to může být literatura faktu. Es kann ein Sachbuch für diese Angelegenheit sein. Pode ser uma não-ficção para esse assunto.

So that's extensive reading on paper. ||lectura extensa|||papel ||obszerne||| Takže to je rozsáhlé čtení na papíře. Portanto, é uma leitura extensa no papel.

However, again, we have to get to that stage because if there's too ||nous|devons||||||||| Въпреки това, отново трябва да стигнем до този етап, защото ако има също Aber noch einmal, wir müssen zu diesem Stadium kommen, denn wenn es auch so ist No entanto, novamente, temos que chegar a esse estágio, porque se houver muito

many words that you don't know, then reading in a, you know, away from the Viele Wörter, die Sie nicht kennen, lesen dann in einem, Sie wissen schon, weg von der muitas palavras que você não conhece, então lendo em um, você sabe, longe do

computer is not a pleasant experience. компютърът не е приятно изживяване. Computer ist keine angenehme Erfahrung. computador não é uma experiência agradável.

So that's where reading online with an online dictionary, and in particular Das ist also das Online-Lesen mit einem Online-Wörterbuch, und insbesondere É aí que a leitura online com um dicionário online e, em particular,

the way we do things at LingQ, can help you acquire the vocabulary, způsob, jakým děláme věci v LingQ, vám může pomoci získat slovní zásobu, die Art und Weise, wie wir die Dinge bei LingQ tun, kann Ihnen helfen, das Vokabular zu erwerben, a maneira como fazemos as coisas no LingQ, pode ajudá-lo a adquirir o vocabulário,

pass the vocabulary so that you can eventually achieve the ultimate преминете речника, така че в крайна сметка да постигнете най-доброто Übergeben Sie das Vokabular, damit Sie schließlich das Ultimative erreichen können passar o vocabulário para que você possa, eventualmente, alcançar o máximo

experience in reading, which is to grab a book and just read that book. опит в четенето, което означава да вземете книга и просто да я прочетете. Erfahrung im Lesen, das heißt, ein Buch zu nehmen und dieses Buch einfach zu lesen. experiência na leitura, que é pegar um livro e simplesmente ler aquele livro.

So I consider reading online, uh, looking words up, saving words. Also überlege ich, online zu lesen, Wörter nachzuschlagen, Wörter zu speichern. Así que considero leer en línea, buscar palabras, guardar palabras. Então eu considero ler online, uh, procurar palavras, salvar palavras.

That sort of call it LingQ reading experience is like mining the ||||||||||extraction| ||||||||||minería de datos| ||||||||||wydobywanie| Такъв вид да го наречем LingQ опит за четене е като копаене на Tomuto druhu říkáme zážitek ze čtení LingQ je jako těžba Diese Art, es LingQ-Leseerfahrung zu nennen, ist wie das Schürfen der Ese tipo de experiencia de lectura de LingQ es como minar el Esse tipo de experiência de leitura do LingQ é como minerar o

language, mining for gold, mining for minerals, mining for vocabulary, |extraction|||||minéraux||| ||||||minerały||| Sprache, Schürfen nach Gold, Schürfen nach Mineralien, Schürfen nach Vokabeln, linguagem, mineração de ouro, mineração de minerais, mineração de vocabulário,

bringing that vocabulary in. incorporar||| vnést tu slovní zásobu. dieses Vokabular einbringen. incorporando ese vocabulario. trazendo esse vocabulário.

Initially it's in there somewhere. ||||quelque part ||||en algún lugar Zpočátku je to někde uvnitř. Anfangs ist es irgendwo drin. Inicialmente está lá em algum lugar.

You can't retrieve it. ||No puedes recuperarlo.| ||Nie możesz odzyskać.| Nemůžete to získat. Sie können es nicht abrufen. No puedes recuperarlo. Você não pode recuperá-lo.

You see that word again in a different context or many different contexts. Vidíte to slovo znovu v jiném kontextu nebo v mnoha různých kontextech. Você vê essa palavra novamente em um contexto diferente ou em muitos contextos diferentes.

Slowly, it becomes part of your passive vocabulary, and eventually over time, Pomalu se stává součástí vaší pasivní slovní zásoby a časem Langsam wird es Teil Ihres passiven Vokabulars, und schließlich, im Laufe der Zeit, Lentamente, torna-se parte do seu vocabulário passivo e, eventualmente, com o tempo,

some of that vocabulary will become active vocabulary that you can use. ||||||activa||||| část této slovní zásoby se stane aktivní slovní zásobou, kterou můžete použít. Einige dieser Vokabeln werden zu aktivem Vokabular, das Sie verwenden können. parte desse vocabulário se tornará um vocabulário ativo que você poderá usar.

So extensive reading, which is by the way, something that Stephen Tak rozsáhlé čtení, což je mimochodem něco, co Stephen So ausgiebig zu lesen, das ist übrigens etwas, das Stephen Leitura tão extensa, que aliás, é algo que Stephen

Krashen constantly promotes. ||promouvoir ||advocates for Krashen neustále propaguje. Krashen fördert ständig. Krashen promove constantemente. Крашен постоянно пропагандирует.

There's all kinds of experience which shows, even if an, if Има всякакъв вид опит, който показва, дори ако, ако Existují různé druhy zkušeností, které ukazují, i když ano, kdyby Es gibt alle möglichen Erfahrungen, die zeigen, auch wenn ein, wenn Há todo tipo de experiência que mostra, mesmo se um, se

we're not consciously looking up words, if we are reading widely, ||||||||||ampliamente ние не търсим съзнателно думи, ако четем широко, vědomě nevyhledáváme slova, pokud široce čteme, wir schlagen nicht bewusst Wörter nach, wenn wir viel lesen, não estamos procurando palavras conscientemente, se estamos lendo amplamente, при широком чтении мы не подбираем слова сознательно,

extensively, we're getting more and more familiarity with the language. obszernie||||||||| ausgiebig, wir werden immer vertrauter mit der Sprache. extensivamente, estamos ficando cada vez mais familiarizados com o idioma.

Eventually some of that vocabulary is naturally going to become known to us as |une partie|||||||||||| Irgendwann wird uns natürlich ein Teil dieses Vokabulars als bekannt werden Eventualmente, parte desse vocabulário se tornará naturalmente conhecido por nós como В конце концов, часть этой лексики, естественно, станет известна нам как

passive vocabulary be simply because we've seen it in so many different contexts passives Vokabular einfach deshalb sein, weil wir es in so vielen verschiedenen Kontexten gesehen haben vocabulário passivo ser simplesmente porque o vimos em tantos contextos diferentes

that we get a, a, a sense of the meaning. dass wir a, a, ein Gefühl für die Bedeutung bekommen. que temos um, um, um sentido do significado.

I prefer to look things up because I can have a, an erroneous idea ||||||||||||erroneous| ||||||||||||mistaken| ||||||||||||błędny| Raději si věci vyhledávám, protože mohu mít mylnou představu Prefiro pesquisar porque posso ter uma, uma ideia errada

of what the word means and stay with that for a long, long time. ||||||quedarse||||||| toho, co to slovo znamená, a zůstaňte u toho dlouho, dlouho. do que a palavra significa e ficar com isso por muito, muito tempo.

If I look it up, I may forget it, but eventually I'll probably get to Když se na to podívám, možná to zapomenu, ale nakonec se k tomu pravděpodobně dostanu Wenn ich es nachschlage, vergesse ich es vielleicht, aber irgendwann werde ich wahrscheinlich dazu kommen Se eu procurar, posso esquecer, mas eventualmente chegarei a

a, a correct understanding of the scope of meaning of that word sooner ||||||portée|||||| ||||||range|||||| ||||||zakres znaczenia||||||wcześniej |||comprensión|||||||||más pronto a, správné pochopení rozsahu významu toho slova dříve a, ein korrektes Verständnis des Bedeutungsumfangs dieses Wortes früher a, uma compreensão correta do alcance do significado dessa palavra antes

if I have at least some opportunity to see, you know, uh, a translation pokud budu mít alespoň nějakou příležitost vidět, víš, uh, překlad Wenn ich zumindest die Gelegenheit habe, sie zu sehen, wissen Sie, äh, eine Übersetzung se eu tiver pelo menos alguma oportunidade de ver, você sabe, uh, uma tradução

of that word into English or into another language that I know very well. dessa palavra para o inglês ou para outro idioma que eu conheça muito bem.

But even in terms of reading content, for example, my, uh, Persian tutor Ale|||||||||||perski| Ale i co se týče obsahu čtení, například můj, ehm, učitel perštiny Aber auch leseinhaltlich, zum Beispiel mein, äh, Persischlehrer Mas mesmo em termos de conteúdo de leitura, por exemplo, meu professor de persa

sent me an e-book and I can import that e-book, you know, essentially ||||||||||||||esencialmente ||||||||||||||w zasadzie mi poslal e-knihu a já můžu importovat tu e-knihu, víte, v podstatě hat mir ein E-Book geschickt und ich kann dieses E-Book im Wesentlichen importieren me enviou um e-book e posso importar esse e-book, você sabe, essencialmente

with one click, uh, into LingQ. mit einem Klick, äh, in LingQ. com um clique, uh, no LingQ.

So I've got the whole e-book socked into LingQ. |||||||chargé|| |||||||metido|| |||||||załadowany do|| |||||||詰め込ん|| Takže mám celou e-knihu vloženou do LingQ. Also habe ich das ganze E-Book in LingQ eingesteckt. Quindi ho messo l'intero e-book in LingQ. それで、私は電子書籍全体を LingQ に詰め込みました。 Então eu tenho todo o e-book embutido no LingQ.

Now, unfortunately, I don't have enough audio for that e-book. |Niestety||||||||| Jetzt habe ich leider nicht genug Audio für dieses E-Book. Agora, infelizmente, não tenho áudio suficiente para esse e-book.

That would be even better because then I could be reinforcing my ||||||||||wzmacniać moje| To by bylo ještě lepší, protože pak bych to mohl posílit Das wäre sogar noch besser, denn dann könnte ich meine verstärken Isso seria ainda melhor porque assim eu poderia estar reforçando minha

mining activity with, you know, listening while doing other chores. |||||||||tasks |||||||||tareas |||||||||obowiązki domowe těžařská činnost s posloucháním při jiných pracích. atividade de mineração com, você sabe, ouvindo enquanto faz outras tarefas.

I don't have that. Eu não tenho isso.

However, This book that I got, this e-book, it's still No entanto, este livro que recebi, este e-book, ainda é

sort of difficult for me. meio difícil para mim.

So, uh, I can go at it again within my extensive reading of this book, I can ||||||||||large lecture|||||| Also, äh, ich kann es in meiner ausführlichen Lektüre dieses Buches noch einmal angehen, ich kann Então, uh, posso fazer isso de novo em minha extensa leitura deste livro, posso

go at it intensively or extensively. |||intensywnie|| intensiv oder extensiv angehen. faça isso intensamente ou extensivamente.

If I go at it sort of extensively, then I'm on sort of page mode and I just read Když na to půjdu nějak extenzivně, pak jsem v jakémsi režimu stránky a jen čtu Wenn ich es ziemlich ausgiebig mache, dann bin ich in einer Art Seitenmodus und lese nur Se eu fizer isso extensivamente, então estou no modo de página e apenas leio

through looking up words and so forth. vyhledáváním slov a tak dále. durch Nachschlagen von Wörtern und so weiter. através da pesquisa de palavras e assim por diante.

But I'll show you here how I can go through this material Aber ich zeige Ihnen hier, wie ich dieses Material durchgehen kann Mas vou te mostrar aqui como posso passar por esse material

intensively in sentence mode and doing the sentence review. intenzivně ve větném režimu a dělat opakování věty. intensiv im Satzmodus und bei der Satzwiederholung. intensivamente no modo frase e fazendo a revisão da frase.

Now, this is more intensive activity. Nun, das ist eine intensivere Aktivität. Agora, esta é uma atividade mais intensa.

It's working with, uh, nuts and bolts. ||||||vis To działa|||||| Funguje to s maticemi a šrouby. Es funktioniert mit, äh, Schrauben und Muttern. Está trabalhando com, uh, porcas e parafusos.

It's reconstituting the sentence, it's coming, you know, focusing in on the |reformulation|||||||||| |reforming|||||||||| |再構成している|||||||||| |odtwarza|||||||||| É reconstituindo a frase, vai vindo né, focando no

vocabulary a bit more, putting the sentence back together again, which vocabulário um pouco mais, juntando a frase novamente, o que

forces me to think of the structure of the language, the word order in the language. fuerzas||||||||||||||| me obriga a pensar na estrutura da língua, na ordem das palavras na língua.

And however, this is gonna slow down my mining activity. ||||||||exploitation| ||||||||minería| A to však zpomalí mou těžební činnost. E, no entanto, isso vai desacelerar minha atividade de mineração.

I'm coming across fewer and fewer... |napotykam|||| Narážím na stále méně a méně... Estou encontrando cada vez menos... 我遇见的越来越少了...

fewer, not fewer and fewer, but fewer new words because I'm working intensively, so ||menos||||||||||| menos, não cada vez menos, mas menos palavras novas porque estou trabalhando intensamente, então

I always like to combine some intensive work with some extensive work where I'm ||||combinar||||||||| Eu sempre gosto de combinar algum trabalho intensivo com algum trabalho extenso onde estou

just reading, not worrying about the words, not trying to focus in on them, apenas lendo, sem me preocupar com as palavras, sem tentar me concentrar nelas,

not trying to focus in on the structure. não tentando focar na estrutura.

I'm just reading, and yet at other times I'm working Estou apenas lendo, mas em outros momentos estou trabalhando

intensively, as I will demonstrate. intenzivně, jak ukážu. intensamente, como irei demonstrar.

We have a lot of material in our library. Temos muito material em nossa biblioteca.

For example, we see here, I think that probably has audio in it as well. Vidíme například zde, myslím, že v tom pravděpodobně je i zvuk. Por exemplo, vemos aqui, acho que provavelmente tem áudio também.

But let's say we wanna bring something in so we can go. Ale řekněme, že chceme něco přinést, abychom mohli jít. Mas digamos que queremos trazer algo para podermos ir.

For example, if you Google, uh, ... for example, uh, you'll get the gutenberg.org Por exemplo, se você pesquisar no Google, uh, ... por exemplo, uh, você obterá o gutenberg.org

in many cases, and you have a variety of, um, formats that you can download. |||||||różne rodzaje||||||| em muitos casos, e você tem uma variedade de formatos que você pode baixar.

I've already done that. Eu já fiz isso.

I tried different formats. |||formats Eu tentei formatos diferentes.

And then if you go to LingQ, and I'm uh, in French here, so you know, you E então se você for ao LingQ, e eu estou uh, em francês aqui, então você sabe, você

can either go up here where the plus sign is and you'll see import e-book. |cualquiera de los|||||||||||||| pode subir aqui onde está o sinal de mais e você verá importar e-book.

You can import lesson as well. Você também pode importar a lição.

You can also install the LingQ browser extension, so you can Você também pode instalar a extensão do navegador LingQ, para que possa

import things with one click. importar coisas com um clique.

But in this case, what we wanna do is we want to import an e-book. Ale v tomto případě chceme importovat e-knihu. Mas neste caso, o que queremos fazer é importar um e-book.

We can also do it here where it says import. Můžeme to udělat i zde, kde je napsáno import. Também podemos fazer isso aqui, onde diz importar.

So we go to import e-book, and then we click on it. Jdeme tedy importovat e-knihu a poté na ni klikneme. Então vamos importar o e-book e depois clicamos nele.

And here we can simply drag, uh, an epub version of this book. |||||||a|epub = epub|||| ||||||||epub|||| ||||||||epub|||| |||||arrastrar||||||| A tady můžeme jednoduše přetáhnout, uh, epub verzi této knihy. E aqui podemos simplesmente arrastar, uh, uma versão epub deste livro.

It supports a variety of, um, formats, pdf, uh, text or whatever mobi. |supports|||||||||||mobi format ||||||||||||mobi ||||||||||||mobi Ele suporta uma variedade de formatos, pdf, uh, texto ou qualquer outro mobi.

So you just drag it in there, drop it in there, and um, we're ready to go. Takže to tam prostě přetáhnete, pustíte to tam a um, jsme připraveni vyrazit. Então, basta arrastá-lo para lá, soltá-lo e, hum, estamos prontos para começar.

and I happen to be in sentence mode right now, but, uh, and I'll go, you a já jsem teď náhodou ve větném režimu, ale, uh, a já půjdu, ty e acontece que estou no modo de frase agora, mas, uh, e eu vou, você 我现在正好处于句子模式,但是,呃,我要说的是,你

know, uh, I can go in the page view now. sabe, uh, eu posso ir na visualização de página agora.

There's a lot of, um, English there at the beginning, and typically |||||||||||en général Há muito, hum, inglês lá no começo, e normalmente

when I import something, I do it online for a variety of reasons. když něco importuji, dělám to online z různých důvodů. quando importo algo, faço isso online por vários motivos.

Using the web version, it's easier to do, but I'm gonna work on it on my iPad. Pomocí webové verze je to jednodušší, ale budu na tom pracovat na svém iPadu. Usando a versão web é mais fácil de fazer, mas vou trabalhar nisso no meu iPad.

But one of the advantages of doing it online on the web version is the, and. Ale jednou z výhod online na webové verzi je, a. Mas uma das vantagens de fazer online na versão web é o, e.

That, uh, I can use keystrokes to get rid of stuff that I don't ||I|I can = I am able to||keystrokes||me débarrasser|me débarrasser||||| |||||pulsaciones de teclas|||||||| |||||skróty klawiszowe|||||||| Že, uh, můžu používat klávesy, abych se zbavil věcí, které ne Que, uh, eu posso usar teclas para me livrar de coisas que eu não

want, like non-target language. chtít, jako necílový jazyk. deseja, como linguagem não-alvo.

I just go X, X, X, X, X, and it moves through it very, very quickly. Eu apenas vou X, X, X, X, X, e ele se move através dele muito, muito rapidamente.

I've already done that, and so I'm now going to show you how I would I've already done that, and so I'm now going to show you how I would Eu já fiz isso, então agora vou mostrar como eu faria

study a book like this on my iPad. estudar um livro como este no meu iPad.

So, but for those of you wanting to first of all, find e-books to bring in, Więc, ale dla|||||||||||||||| Então, mas para aqueles que desejam, antes de tudo, encontrar e-books para trazer,

it doesn't have to be from gutenburg. ||||||グーテンベルク ||||||Gutenberga não precisa ser de gutenburg.

Uh, you can find, um, via an e-book and, and bring it in. Uh, você pode encontrar, hum, através de um e-book e trazê-lo.

Some of them are protected, but you have to find one that's not protected Alguns deles estão protegidos, mas você precisa encontrar um que não esteja protegido

and you can import the e-book very, very quickly as I have shown here. |||||||||||||mostrado aquí| e você pode importar o e-book muito, muito rapidamente, como mostrei aqui.

So we're gonna show you, first of all, this is the, uh, Persian e-book that, Então, vamos mostrar a você, em primeiro lugar, este é o e-book persa que,

uh, I was sent by my tutor from Iran. uh, fui enviado pelo meu tutor do Irã.

It's a history of the Second World War in Persian. É uma história da Segunda Guerra Mundial em persa.

I'm working my way through it, but that's not what I'm gonna show you. Estou trabalhando nisso, mas não é isso que vou te mostrar.

Not many people are doing Persian, so I have to get to the language here Poucas pessoas estão fazendo persa, então eu tenho que aprender o idioma aqui

and change this to French so that I can check up on what I just imported. e altere para francês para que eu possa verificar o que acabei de importar.

So if I go into French now, uh, I can see ...and whereas some of these show, you ||||||||||||mientras que||||| Então, se eu for para o francês agora, uh, posso ver ... e enquanto alguns deles mostram, você

know, minutes of audio, there's obviously no audio available here, but I can open it sabe, minutos de áudio, obviamente não há áudio disponível aqui, mas posso abri-lo

and I get through all this original stuff in English, which doesn't interest me. e eu leio todo esse material original em inglês, o que não me interessa.

Eh, I got a one day streak going. ||||||série| ||||||racha de un día| ||||||pasa, seria, ciąg| Eh, mám za sebou sérii jednoho dne. Eh, eu tenho uma raia de um dia acontecendo.

All right, so now I'm now into the text. Tudo bem, agora estou no texto.

We'll just move a little further along where there are some blue words. Vamos avançar um pouco mais, onde há algumas palavras azuis.

There's not, those are not necessarily words that I don't know, but Não há, não são necessariamente palavras que eu não conheça, mas

because I don't do French online, but we can go into sentence view. protože francouzštinu nedělám online, ale můžeme přejít na zobrazení vět. porque não falo francês online, mas podemos ir para a visualização de frases.

So ...okay, so ...okay, work. Então... ok, então... ok, trabalho.

Okay, work. Ok, trabalho.

And we might decide you want that word as well. E podemos decidir que você também quer essa palavra.

... so what happens in sentence mode now is that whatever words I have ... takže to, co se nyní děje v režimu vět, je to, co mám slova ... então o que acontece no modo de frase agora é que quaisquer palavras que eu tenha

saved here, and I, it could be a blue word that I now make yellow, it salvo aqui, e eu, poderia ser uma palavra azul que agora faço amarela,

could be a word that I want to add.

I can now study that. Agora posso estudar isso.

So, and I get these matching pairs, which include words |||||correspondantes|paires||| ||||||||zawierać| Takže, a dostávám tyto odpovídající dvojice, které obsahují slova Então, e eu recebo esses pares correspondentes, que incluem palavras

that are not in that sentence. que não estão nessa frase.

So ... of course is work, but if I get wrong, it goes pink. ||||||||||||rosa Takže ... samozřejmě je to práce, ale když se spletu, bude to růžové. Então... claro que dá trabalho, mas se eu errar, fica rosa.

So start again. Takže začněte znovu. Então comece de novo.

Work Okay. Trabalho Ok.

Correct. Correto.

Now I have to reconstitute this sentence, so ... I have to find, oh, it's ||||to reconstitute||||||||| ||||reformulate||||||||| ||||odtworzyć||||||||| Agora eu tenho que reconstituir essa frase, então... eu tenho que achar, ah, é

... correct.


If I want to, I can actually, you know, say the sentence Se eu quiser, posso, na verdade, dizer a frase

and it tells me that I was 90% correct. e isso me diz que eu estava 90% correto.

I don't know how useful that is, but it's kind of the thing that's available. Não sei o quanto isso é útil, mas é o que está disponível.

So then I go to the next sentence. Então eu vou para a próxima frase.

So I could do the same thing again. Então eu poderia fazer a mesma coisa novamente.

So by going through sentence by sentence and, you know, appear, you ||||||||||aparecer, tú| Então, analisando frase por frase e, você sabe, aparecendo, você

know ... that's good to know ... okay. sabe...que bom saber...tudo bem.

... event. ... evento.


We choose event. Nós escolhemos o evento.

So I can now go through this and do the same thing again. Agora posso passar por isso e fazer a mesma coisa novamente.

So by going through it sentence by sentence, I'm actually doing |||en passant par|||||je|en fait| Então, analisando frase por frase, estou realmente fazendo

this, you know, intensively. |||intensywnie isso, sabe, intensamente.

However, I might get tired of doing that. No entanto, posso me cansar de fazer isso.

I just go back to the page view where it's more of an extensive reading Acabei de voltar para a visualização da página, onde é mais uma leitura extensa

and I can still look up words, uh, you know, as I, as I do it. e eu ainda posso procurar palavras, uh, você sabe, como eu, como eu faço isso.

And personally, I tend to vary the intensive with the extensive. |||tends||||||| In addition|||||||||| E pessoalmente, costumo variar o intensivo com o extensivo. 就我个人而言,我倾向于将强度和广度结合起来。

So I hope that's helpful and I look forward to questions, but I just wanna Ich hoffe, das ist hilfreich, und ich freue mich auf Fragen, aber ich möchte nur Espero que seja útil e aguardo perguntas, mas só quero

stress again that reading is a phenomenal way to increase your vocabulary. ||||||phénoménal||||| ||||||fenomenalny||||| Betonen Sie noch einmal, dass Lesen eine phänomenale Möglichkeit ist, Ihren Wortschatz zu erweitern. enfatize novamente que a leitura é uma maneira fenomenal de aumentar seu vocabulário.

If you aren't yet at a stage where you can read a book, a paper book, then using Ако все още не сте на етап, в който можете да прочетете книга, хартиена книга, тогава използвайте Wenn Sie noch nicht in einem Stadium sind, in dem Sie ein Buch lesen können, ein Papierbuch, dann verwenden Sie Se você ainda não está em um estágio em que pode ler um livro, um livro de papel e, em seguida, usar

something like LingQ can be quite helpful. etwas wie LingQ kann sehr hilfreich sein. algo como LingQ pode ser bastante útil.