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Easy Conversations, 11. My Laptop Is So Slow

11. My Laptop Is So Slow

A: My laptop is so slow.

B: Buy a new one.

A: I would if I had the money.

B: Why is it so slow?

A: That's a good question.

B: Did you take it to a computer shop?

A: I would if I had the money.

B: Well, I guess you have to live with it.

A: Sometimes I want to throw it out the window.

B: You don't want to do that.

A: Why not?

B: You might hit someone in the head.

11. My Laptop Is So Slow 11. Mein Laptop ist so langsam 11. Мой ноутбук работает так медленно

A: My laptop is so slow. A:我的笔记本电脑很慢。

B: Buy a new one. B:新しいものを購入します。

A: I would if I had the money. A:お金があればそうしたい。

B: Why is it so slow?

A: That’s a good question.

B: Did you take it to a computer shop?

A: I would if I had the money. A:お金があればいいのですが。

B: Well, I guess you have to live with it. B:ええと、あなたはそれと一緒に暮らす必要があると思います。

A: Sometimes I want to throw it out the window. A:時々私はそれを窓の外に捨てたいです。

B: You don’t want to do that. B:あなたはそれをしたくありません。

A: Why not?

B: You might hit someone in the head. B:誰かの頭を打つ可能性があります。