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Easy Conversations, 46. The Elephant

46. The Elephant

A: Yikes!

What was that noise? B: I had to blow my nose.

A: Did you have to blow right next to the phone?

B: Did you hear that?

A: Of course I heard that.

I thought a plane had crashed into your house. B: It wasn't that loud.

A: I will blow my nose sometime for you, and you'll see.

B: Okay.

I'll take your word for it. A: I thought you had an elephant in your house.

B: You're funny.

A: What did you say?

I think I've gone deaf. B: I'm going into the bathroom to blow my nose.

I'll be right back.

46. The Elephant 46. El elefante

A: Yikes!

What was that noise? B: I had to blow my nose.

A: Did you have to blow right next to the phone?

B: Did you hear that?

A: Of course I heard that.

I thought a plane had crashed into your house. B: It wasn’t that loud.

A: I will blow my nose sometime for you, and you’ll see. A:いつかあなたのために鼻をかむでしょう、そしてあなたは見るでしょう。

B: Okay. B:わかりました。

I’ll take your word for it. 私はあなたの言葉を信じます。 A: I thought you had an elephant in your house.

B: You’re funny.

A: What did you say?

I think I’ve gone deaf. B: I’m going into the bathroom to blow my nose.

I’ll be right back.