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Easy Conversations, 61. Two Little Ones

61. Two Little Ones

A: I'm worried. B: Worried about what?

A: I'm getting married. B: You should be happy, not worried.

A: I am happy, but marriage is a lot of responsibility.

B: Yes, you have to take care of your wife.

A: And I have to take care of our children.

B: Are you going to start a family?

A: Yes. We want to have a little boy and a little girl.

B: That sounds wonderful.

A: Except we can't afford it! B: No wonder you're worried.

61. Two Little Ones 61. zwei kleine Kinder 61.二人の小さな子 61\. 兩個小傢伙

A: I'm worried. B: Worried about what?

A: I'm getting married. B: You should be happy, not worried.

A: I am happy, but marriage is a lot of responsibility. A:私は幸せですが、結婚は多くの責任があります。

B: Yes, you have to take care of your wife.

A: And I have to take care of our children.

B: Are you going to start a family? B:あなたは家族を始めるつもりですか?

A: Yes. We want to have a little boy and a little girl.

B: That sounds wonderful.

A: Except we can't afford it! A:私たちがそれを買う余裕がないことを除いて! B: No wonder you're worried. B:心配しているのも不思議ではありません。