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Science in English, 04b. The search for answers and the romance of maths.Cédric Villani Part 2/2.

04b. The search for answers and the romance of maths.Cédric Villani Part 2/2.

So I love this picture, there is so much in it. The concept of entropy and uncertainty is everywhere and was re-discovered 80 years after Boltzmann by the great Shannon. Shannon, a mathematician and engineer, is the one who put the Theory of Communication, of transmission between computers, of coding.

Whenever we use computers or cellphones or whatever, there is Shannon inside, there is entropy without us knowing it.

In all our inventions of daily life there are some great minds who have contributed. Now, Boltzmann had this great idea that entropy always goes up can only increase, disorder should only increase under some circumstances. And that is a great idea, an idea that in physics is fundamental, but from the mathematical point of view still lacks a rigorous understanding, there are some mysteries in this Boltzmann's idea. It would be like an architect who has given the global plan but maybe in his building there are some columns missing, there are some windows not sealed there, and the mathematician wants to understand it all, and make the whole building stand, armed with only his logic. And then it is such a rich problem that it decomposes in a number of sub-problems that have esoteric names like "Regularization by grazing collisions," like "Entropy production inequality," whatever. You learn, when you work on it, to work on these problems and it is very emotional it is like a love affair in some sense. You get on one problem and then, as I said, it's very emotional; when you arrive in a new problem first thing is you are in total obscurity you don't understand anything, what's going on? I can't understand. Like darkness everywhere, like Bilbo, the Hobbit, in the Gollum cave, for those who know. (Laughter)

Everywhere so dark. And then at some point you feel some tiny breeze of wind something that shows you that there is an opening, you will see the light that's the moment I prefer, excitement. And third stage is you understand it all, light comes and it comes all of a sudden and it is so bright, and you understand how the various mathematical concepts can be put together to solve your problem.

It is a great moment like if you put together pieces of a symphony; believe it or not, André Weil, the legendary mathematician from France compared it to sexual pleasure, orgasm, only lasting longer, he said (Laughter). And to some extent that is correct. (Laughter)

So you go and go and, so excited, you tell the whole world about your discoveries and then after some time you start to become bored not excited any longer, it's time for a new mathematical romance. I've been through it a number of times finding new problems, new affairs, and trying to solve them, some of them I solved, some not. And that is my duty, to solve these problems and then to explain it.

Mathematics is not just about solving things for yourself it is about sharing: it's science, it's art, it's also social activity. Let me show for you, as an impressionistic picture, something that was part of my life; a book which took years for me to write.

This is a book on Optimal Transport, it is a problem involving mathematics, engineering, probability and geometry everything that was said. I will not try to describe it for you even though it corresponds to things in your daily experience and started as an engineering problem.

On this I spent years, literally, trying to solve the mysteries that are behind this optimal transport problem. The book is about a thousand pages, (Laughter) it was concluded exactly on the day of the fifth anniversary of my daughter, and it is also a baby of mine in some sense.

So when you have this discovery then you go and share and tell the people and that is what I have done, going around the world, meeting fellow scientists regardless of boundaries and cultures, I have been through Europe and Africa and America.

I have been in Israel, in Palestine, I've been in India, in China, in Japan, in Australia. Everywhere. Everywhere you feel solidarity between scientists all together fighting against the unknown, fighting to increase the knowledge and the understanding of the world by mankind. Always with their rigor, with tenacity, with hard work but also with the imagination and passion.

That's it. Thank you.


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04b. The search for answers and the romance of maths.Cédric Villani Part 2/2. 04b. Die Suche nach Antworten und die Romantik der Mathe.Cédric Villani Teil 2/2. 04b. The search for answers and the romance of maths.Cédric Villani Part 2/2. 04b. La búsqueda de respuestas y el romanticismo de las matemáticas.Cédric Villani Parte 2/2. 04b. La recherche de réponses et le romantisme des mathématiques.Cédric Villani Partie 2/2. 04b. La ricerca di risposte e il romanticismo della matematica.Cédric Villani Parte 2/2. 04b.答えの探求と数学のロマン.Cédric Villani Part 2/2. 04b. 해답 찾기와 수학의 낭만.세드릭 빌라니 2부/2. 04b. Poszukiwanie odpowiedzi i romans matematyki.Cédric Villani Część 2/2. 04b. A procura de respostas e o romance da matemática. Cédric Villani Parte 2/2. 04b. Поиск ответов и романтика математики.Седрик Виллани Часть 2/2. 04b. Sökandet efter svar och romantiken kring matematik.Cédric Villani Del 2/2. 04b. Cevap arayışı ve matematiğin romantizmi.Cédric Villani Bölüm 2/2. 04b. Пошук відповідей і романтика математики.Седрік Віллані Частина 2/2. 04b.寻找答案和数学的浪漫。Cédric Villani 第 2/2 部分。 04b.尋找答案和數學的浪漫。Cédric Villani 第 2/2 部分。

So I love this picture, there is so much in it. Así que me encanta esta foto, hay tanto en ella. Bu yüzden bu resmi seviyorum, içinde çok şey var. The concept of entropy and uncertainty is everywhere and was re-discovered 80 years after Boltzmann by the great Shannon. |||熵||||||||||||||| El concepto de entropía e incertidumbre está en todas partes y fue redescubierto 80 años después de Boltzmann por el gran Shannon. Shannon, a mathematician and engineer, is the one who put the Theory of Communication, of transmission between computers, of coding. Shannon, matemático e ingeniero, es quien planteó la Teoría de la Comunicación, de la transmisión entre ordenadores, de la codificación. 香农是一位数学家和工程师,他提出了通信理论、计算机间传输理论和编码理论。

Whenever we use computers or cellphones or whatever, there is Shannon inside, there is entropy without us knowing it. Cada vez que usamos computadoras o teléfonos celulares o lo que sea, hay Shannon adentro, hay entropía sin que nos demos cuenta. Sempre que usamos computadores ou celulares ou o que quer que seja, há Shannon dentro, há entropia sem que saibamos.

In all our inventions of daily life there are some great minds who have contributed. En todos nuestros inventos de la vida diaria hay algunas grandes mentes que han contribuido. Во все наши изобретения повседневной жизни внесли свой вклад несколько великих умов. Now, Boltzmann had this great idea that entropy always goes up can only increase, disorder should only increase under some circumstances. Ahora, Boltzmann tuvo esta gran idea de que la entropía siempre aumenta y solo puede aumentar, el desorden solo debería aumentar bajo algunas circunstancias. У Больцмана была прекрасная идея, что энтропия всегда растет, может только увеличиваться, а беспорядок должен только увеличиваться при некоторых обстоятельствах. 现在,玻尔兹曼有了一个好主意,就是熵只会不断增加,而在某些情况下只会增加混乱。 And that is a great idea, an idea that in physics is fundamental, but from the mathematical point of view still lacks a rigorous understanding, there are some mysteries in this Boltzmann's idea. Y esa es una gran idea, una idea que en física es fundamental, pero desde el punto de vista matemático aún falta una comprensión rigurosa, hay algunos misterios en esta idea de Boltzmann. И это отличная идея, идея, которая в физике является фундаментальной, но с математической точки зрения все еще не имеет строгого понимания, в этой идее Больцмана есть некоторые загадки. It would be like an architect who has given the global plan but maybe in his building there are some columns missing, there are some windows not sealed there, and the mathematician wants to understand it all, and make the whole building stand, armed with only his logic. Sería como un arquitecto que ha dado el plan global pero tal vez en su edificio faltan algunas columnas, hay algunas ventanas que no están selladas allí, y el matemático quiere entenderlo todo y hacer que todo el edificio se mantenga en pie, armado con solo su lógica. Seria como um arquiteto que deu a planta global, mas talvez em seu prédio faltem algumas colunas, haja algumas janelas não lacradas, e o matemático quer entender tudo, e fazer todo o prédio ficar de pé, armado apenas com sua lógica. Это было бы похоже на архитектора, который дал глобальный план, но, возможно, в его здании не хватает некоторых колонн, есть некоторые окна, которые там не запечатаны, и математик хочет все это понять и заставить все здание стоять, вооружившись только одним его логика. And then it is such a rich problem that it decomposes in a number of sub-problems that have esoteric names like "Regularization by grazing collisions," like "Entropy production inequality," whatever. Y luego es un problema tan rico que se descompone en una serie de subproblemas que tienen nombres esotéricos como "Regularización por colisiones rasantes", como "Desigualdad en la producción de entropía", lo que sea. E então é um problema tão rico que se decompõe em uma série de subproblemas que têm nomes esotéricos como "Regularização por colisões superficiais", como "Desigualdade de produção de entropia", seja o que for. Кроме того, это настолько сложная проблема, что она распадается на ряд подзадач, имеющих эзотерические названия, такие как «Регуляризация за счет столкновений пастбищ», вроде «Неравенство производства энтропии» и т. Д. You learn, when you work on it, to work on these problems and it is very emotional it is like a love affair in some sense. Aprendes, cuando trabajas en ello, a trabajar en estos problemas y es muy emotivo, es como una historia de amor en cierto sentido. Você aprende, quando trabalha nisso, a trabalhar nesses problemas e é muito emocionante, é como um caso de amor em certo sentido. Когда вы работаете над этим, вы учитесь работать над этими проблемами, и это очень эмоционально, это в некотором смысле похоже на любовную связь. You get on one problem and then, as I said, it's very emotional; when you arrive in a new problem first thing is you are in total obscurity you don't understand anything, what's going on? Te enfrentas a un problema y luego, como dije, es muy emotivo; cuando llegas a un problema nuevo, lo primero es que estás en total oscuridad, no entiendes nada, ¿qué está pasando? Вы сталкиваетесь с одной проблемой, и тогда, как я уже сказал, она очень эмоциональна; когда вы сталкиваетесь с новой проблемой, первое, что вы делаете, это то, что вы в полной безвестности, вы ничего не понимаете, что происходит? I can't understand. no puedo entender Like darkness everywhere, like Bilbo, the Hobbit, in the Gollum cave, for those who know. |||||الـ||||||||| Como oscuridad por todas partes, como Bilbo, el Hobbit, en la cueva de Gollum, para los que saben. 对于那些知道的人来说,到处都是黑暗,就像Gollum洞穴中的霍比特人比尔博一样。 (Laughter) (La risa)

Everywhere so dark. And then at some point you feel some tiny breeze of wind something that shows you that there is an opening, you will see the light that's the moment I prefer, excitement. |ثم|||لحظة||||||||||||||||||||||||||| E então em algum momento você sente uma pequena brisa de vento algo que te mostra que existe uma abertura, você vai ver a luz que é o momento que eu prefiro, emoção. И затем в какой-то момент вы чувствуете легкий ветерок, который показывает вам, что есть отверстие, вы видите свет, который я предпочитаю, волнение. 然后在某个时候,您会感觉到微风轻拂,有些东西向您展示了一个开口,您将看到我喜欢的那一刻激动的光芒。 And third stage is you understand it all, light comes and it comes all of a sudden and it is so bright, and you understand how the various mathematical concepts can be put together to solve your problem.

It is a great moment like if you put together pieces of a symphony; believe it or not, André Weil, the legendary mathematician from France compared it to sexual pleasure, orgasm, only lasting longer, he said (Laughter). É um grande momento como se você juntasse peças de uma sinfonia; acredite ou não, André Weil, o lendário matemático da França comparou isso ao prazer sexual, ao orgasmo, só que durando mais, disse ele (Risos). And to some extent that is correct. (Laughter)

So you go and go and, so excited, you tell the whole world about your discoveries and then after some time you start to become bored not excited any longer, it's time for a new mathematical romance. Então você vai e vai e, tão empolgado, conta ao mundo inteiro sobre suas descobertas e depois de algum tempo começa a ficar entediado, não mais animado, é hora de um novo romance matemático. І ось ви йдете, йдете, йдете, і так захоплено розповідаєте всьому світу про свої відкриття, а потім через деякий час починаєте нудьгувати, а не захоплюватися, і настає час для нового математичного роману. 因此,您走来走去,非常兴奋,向全世界介绍了您的发现,然后过了一段时间,您开始变得无聊不再兴奋,现在该是一次新的数学恋爱了。 I've been through it a number of times finding new problems, new affairs, and trying to solve them, some of them I solved, some not. Já passei por isso várias vezes encontrando novos problemas, novos casos e tentando resolvê-los, alguns deles resolvi, outros não. And that is my duty, to solve these problems and then to explain it. E esse é meu dever, resolver esses problemas e depois explicá-los.

Mathematics is not just about solving things for yourself it is about sharing: it's science, it's art, it's also social activity. Let me show for you, as an impressionistic picture, something that was part of my life; a book which took years for me to write.

This is a book on Optimal Transport, it is a problem involving mathematics, engineering, probability and geometry everything that was said. Este é um livro sobre Transporte Ótimo, é um problema envolvendo matemática, engenharia, probabilidade e geometria tudo o que foi dito. Это книга об оптимальном переносе, это проблема, включающая в себя математику, инженерию, вероятность и геометрию всего, что было сказано. I will not try to describe it for you even though it corresponds to things in your daily experience and started as an engineering problem.

On this I spent years, literally, trying to solve the mysteries that are behind this optimal transport problem. На это я потратил годы, буквально пытаясь разгадать загадки, стоящие за этой оптимальной транспортной проблемой. The book is about a thousand pages,  (Laughter) it was concluded exactly on the day of the fifth anniversary of my daughter, and it is also a baby of mine in some sense. O livro tem cerca de mil páginas, (Risos) foi concluído exatamente no dia do quinto aniversário da minha filha, e também é um bebê meu em certo sentido. В книге около тысячи страниц, (Смех) она была завершена как раз в день пятилетия моей дочери, и это тоже в каком-то смысле мое дитя.

So when you have this discovery then you go and share and tell the people and that is what I have done, going around the world, meeting fellow scientists regardless of boundaries and cultures, I have been through Europe and Africa and America. Então, quando você tem essa descoberta, você vai e compartilha e conta para as pessoas e foi isso que eu fiz, viajando pelo mundo, conhecendo colegas cientistas, independentemente de fronteiras e culturas, estive na Europa, na África e na América.

I have been in Israel, in Palestine, I've been in India, in China, in Japan, in Australia. Everywhere. Everywhere you feel solidarity between scientists all together fighting against the unknown, fighting to increase the knowledge and the understanding of the world by mankind. Always with their rigor, with tenacity, with hard work but also with the imagination and passion. |||Strenge||Beharrlichkeit||||||||||

That's it. Thank you.
