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LingQ Academy - Tech Startup Course, 5 Tips for Marketing Online to an International Audience

5 Tips for Marketing Online to an International Audience

Expanding your marketing efforts to an international audience can be a great opportunity to grow your company and reach potential customers that may not otherwise discover your brand, products or services. Reaching an international audience, though, entails understanding regional cultures, laws and online behaviours.

Before kicking off your international digital marketing strategy, consider the following five tips on how to successfully market to an international audience.

If your business has already begun to optimize your online presence for a global community, add your own tips for online international marketing in the comments below.

1. Start with Cross-Cultural Competency

Having your site translated into other languages is a huge advantage to marketing to an international audience, but having a deep understanding of your own and other's cultures is also important. The first step to improving cross-cultural competency is understanding the cultural barriers within which you and others in your business operate. Having a grasp of the cultural assumptions and biases that you hold will help you identify cultural differences that may jeopardize business abroad.

Only after you understand your own culture can you begin to learn about other cultures and make note of differences. Reading books and essays on a particular culture can only take you so far. These readings often generalize or stereotype a given culture. Once you "learn" these generalizations, take them with a grain of salt and adapt accordingly. While studying abroad in China, for example, a schoolmate taught me some Chinese Internet lingo for chatting on QQ and MSN Messenger, the instant messaging platforms of choice among young Chinese at the time. Instead of saying "再见" for goodbye, I tested out "88," which sounds like the English "bye bye" when spoken in Chinese. Among my Chinese classmates, it wasn't universally used, which makes perfect sense — even in America, only certain age groups and types of people use cutesy emoticons and shorthands to communicate online. My shortsightedness and excitement to fit in abroad had led me to overlook the fact that not everyone in China communicates online in the same way.

Think about how your country or region's cultural norms differ among age groups, genders, geographical areas and so on, and then consider these differences among consumers in other cultures. Learning about and respecting other cultures will help you localize your brand's message. When possible, talk with, learn from and spend time with people who represent the audience you're hoping to reach. 2. Understand Regional Laws

When marketing to a global audience, your business should be aware of regional regulations on products, advertising and sales tactics.

Advertising Regulations: In some regions of the world, advertising related to certain types of products are subject to approval by various governing bodies. For example, in many countries, advertisements for pharmaceuticals must be approved by local health ministries.

Furthermore, comparative advertising is treated with varying degrees of hostility across the world. While America may be relatively relaxed about using phrases like "best" and "better" to describe products in relation to other brands, Germany, France and Belgium are all known for having very strict principles when it comes to competitive messaging. Verizon's commercials that compared 3G coverage across America between Verizon's and AT&T's networks, for example, made it to fruition in the States, but this type of comparative, and possibly misleading, sales tactic may not be permissible in other countries. Regulation of Sales Tactics: Various sales promotion tactics — such as contests, sweepstakes, deals and premium offers (i.e., buy one, get one free) — are usually regulated differently across borders. Make sure your desired promotion tactics don't conflict with local laws before running them. Product Laws: If you sell your product online to an international audience, it is subject to product development laws regarding chemical makeup, safety, performance and packaging designs, including languages, sizes and materials used.

3. Customize Search Engine Marketing Based on Local Usage International search engine marketing is a mixture of choosing the right search engines, localizing content and understanding keywords.

Choose the Right Search Engines: Figure out which search engines are used by the particular markets you are targeting. While you can reach many English-speaking customers via search by advertising on the top three search engines in the U.S. — Google, Yahoo and Bing — international use of search engines varies. Often, local markets are best served via local search engines, because the English-language search engines don't always suffice for niche, local content. Localize Your Content: It isn't enough to simply translate your website into target languages if quality is your goal — don't serve second-rate content to your international clients. When possible, localize your product, services and messaging for each market you serve. This can be costly, so weigh the options carefully.

Choose Native Keywords: With international SEM, you shouldn't focus on translating keywords into foreign languages. Instead, work with native speakers trained in search marketing to figure out native keywords that would be best associated with your website and its content. Remember that keywords aren't words, but instead shortened thoughts used by Internet browsers to find particular types of content. Therefore, keywords are often influenced by culture, which is best navigated by locals.

4. Optimize Site Design

In many cases, the first portal for your online communication with potential customers will be your website. Optimize your site design to allow for ultimate flexibility for global visitors.

There are a lot of considerations when developing a global-friendly website, a few of which are:

Colors and Symbols: Colors and symbols are deeply ingrained in cultures; research perceptions of colors and symbols among your target audience and adapt accordingly. In most of Europe and the Americas, for example, white is associated with purity and marriage. In Japan, China and parts of Africa, though, white is traditionally the color of mourning. But don't be fooled — in Westernized Asian cities, white weddings are becoming more common. Beyond colors, make sure any icons, logos or graphics you are using are acceptable and looked upon in good light in areas you wish to reach. Check out some resources for working with color on the web.

Currency Conversion: If you are in the e-commerce business and offer international shipping, make sure you also enable users to convert their purchase amount into their own currency. Conversion can be confusing to the average consumer. Giving users the option can only make it easier. There are quite a few currency conversion API tools to choose from, but they can be difficult to sort through — check out Exchange Rate API for starters.

Use of Text: There's more to worry about than whether your site is easily translated. First off, minimize the use of text in graphics, as these cannot be translated. While it may be impossible to eliminate all graphics with text, read up on other design options made possible by the rise of web fonts. Furthermore, make sure your web design flows to accommodate machine translation. Some elements may be fine, but others may not display properly. Test your site using a machine translation service and make adjustments as needed.

Loading Speed: Check out the Yahoo Developer Network for some best practices on speeding up your website. It's particularly important, when it comes to reaching a global audience, to use a Content Delivery Network (CDN), which is a collection of web servers around the world. Instead of serving your site from one location, you can improve load times by offering it from the server nearest to your site visitor.

5. Adapt Social Media for Various Languages

If your company already serves multiple markets and your site sees a lot of international visitors, you should consider looking into ways to reach your global audience via social media. Here are a few ideas for some popular social platforms:

Facebook: On the world's largest social network, there are two key strategies for reaching global audiences — creating one Page or many. By creating one brand Page, you can target updates by location, demographics and language. This is a good option if you are looking to have one hub for content creation. On the positive side, users will be receiving targeted updates in their news feeds, and they will still be gathered in one place. The downside is the possibility of confusing users who visit your Page and find updates in multiple languages. This could limit interaction on your Page.

Creating multiple regional Pages increases the localization of each Page, but this method requires more time to customize, as various logos and text should be created for each one. You'll have to figure out the right option for your brand, but considering your strategy before launching is a good start. Twitter: If you expect to tweet in multiple languages, you should create multiple Twitter accounts. This minimizes confusion with readers who don't speak all of the languages you tweet in. Dell's Direct2Dell corporate blog, for example, has Twitter feeds in English, Norwegian, Chinese, Japanese andSpanish. YouTube: While creating video content in various languages is a huge task that may not be possible, adding subtitles to your YouTube videos is a great way to reach a larger audience on the world's largest video site. In the end, the goal is to widen your audience by making it easier for them to access your content. These five tips will set you on your way to marketing with greater care abroad. Add your own tips for marketing online to an international audience in the comments below.

5 Tips for Marketing Online to an International Audience 5 Tips for Marketing Online to an International Audience 海外向けオンライン・マーケティング5つのヒント 向国际受众进行在线营销的 5 个技巧

Expanding your marketing efforts to an international audience can be a great opportunity to grow your company and reach potential customers that may not otherwise discover your brand, products or services. Reaching an international audience, though, entails understanding regional cultures, laws and online behaviours. ただし、海外の視聴者にリーチするには、地域の文化、法律、オンラインでの行動を理解する必要があります。

Before kicking off your international digital marketing strategy, consider the following five tips on how to successfully market to an international audience. 国際的なデジタルマーケティング戦略を開始する前に、国際的なオーディエンスにうまくマーケティングする方法について、次の5つのヒントを検討してください。

If your business has already begun to optimize your online presence for a global community, add your own tips for online international marketing in the comments below. あなたのビジネスがすでにグローバルコミュニティのためにあなたのオンラインプレゼンスを最適化し始めているならば、以下のコメントにオンライン国際マーケティングのためのあなた自身の秘訣を加えてください。

1\\. Start with Cross-Cultural Competency 異文化コンピテンシーから始める

Having your site translated into other languages is a huge advantage to marketing to an international audience, but having a deep understanding of your own and other's cultures is also important. The first step to improving cross-cultural competency is understanding the cultural barriers within which you and others in your business operate. Having a grasp of the cultural assumptions and biases that you hold will help you identify cultural differences that may jeopardize business abroad. あなたが抱く文化的前提や偏見を把握することは、海外でのビジネスを危険にさらす可能性のある文化の違いを特定するのに役立ちます。

Only after you understand your own culture can you begin to learn about other cultures and make note of differences. Reading books and essays on a particular culture can only take you so far. 特定の文化に関する本やエッセイを読むことは、これまでのところあなたを連れて行くことができるだけです。 These readings often generalize or stereotype a given culture. これらの読みは、特定の文化を一般化またはステレオタイプ化することがよくあります。 Once you "learn" these generalizations, take them with a grain of salt and adapt accordingly. これらの一般化を「学習」したら、一粒の塩でそれらを取り、それに応じて適応します。 While studying abroad in China, for example, a schoolmate taught me some Chinese Internet lingo for chatting on QQ and MSN Messenger, the instant messaging platforms of choice among young Chinese at the time. Instead of saying "再见" for goodbye, I tested out "88," which sounds like the English "bye bye" when spoken in Chinese. Among my Chinese classmates, it wasn't universally used, which makes perfect sense — even in America, only certain age groups and types of people use cutesy emoticons and shorthands to communicate online. 私の中国人のクラスメートの間では、それは普遍的に使用されていませんでした。これは完全に理にかなっています。アメリカでも、特定の年齢層とタイプの人々だけが、かわいい絵文字と速記を使ってオンラインでコミュニケーションをとっています。 My shortsightedness and excitement to fit in abroad had led me to overlook the fact that not everyone in China communicates online in the same way. 私の近視眼と海外に適応するための興奮は、中国のすべての人が同じようにオンラインで通信しているわけではないという事実を見落としていました。

Think about how your country or region's cultural norms differ among age groups, genders, geographical areas and so on, and then consider these differences among consumers in other cultures. あなたの国や地域の文化的規範が年齢層、性別、地理的地域などの間でどのように異なるかを考えてから、他の文化の消費者の間でこれらの違いを考慮してください。 Learning about and respecting other cultures will help you localize your brand's message. 他の文化について学び、尊重することは、ブランドのメッセージをローカライズするのに役立ちます。 When possible, talk with, learn from and spend time with people who represent the audience you're hoping to reach. 可能であれば、あなたが到達したいと思っている聴衆を代表する人々と話し、学び、そして時間を過ごします。 2\\. Understand Regional Laws 地域の法律を理解する

When marketing to a global audience, your business should be aware of regional regulations on products, advertising and sales tactics.

Advertising Regulations: In some regions of the world, advertising related to certain types of products are subject to approval by various governing bodies. 広告規制:世界の一部の地域では、特定の種類の製品に関連する広告は、さまざまな統治機関による承認の対象となります。 For example, in many countries, advertisements for pharmaceuticals must be approved by local health ministries.

Furthermore, comparative advertising is treated with varying degrees of hostility across the world. さらに、比較広告は世界中でさまざまな程度の敵意を持って扱われます。 While America may be relatively relaxed about using phrases like "best" and "better" to describe products in relation to other brands, Germany, France and Belgium are all known for having very strict principles when it comes to competitive messaging. アメリカは他のブランドとの関連で製品を説明するために「最高」や「より良い」などのフレーズを使用することについて比較的リラックスしているかもしれませんが、ドイツ、フランス、ベルギーはすべて、競争力のあるメッセージングに関して非常に厳格な原則を持っていることで知られています。 Verizon's commercials that compared 3G coverage across America between Verizon's and AT&T's networks, for example, made it to fruition in the States, but this type of comparative, and possibly misleading, sales tactic may not be permissible in other countries. たとえば、ベライゾンとAT&Tのネットワーク間でアメリカ全土の3Gカバレッジを比較したベライゾンのコマーシャルは、米国で実を結びましたが、この種の比較、おそらく誤解を招く可能性のある販売戦術は、他の国では許可されない可能性があります。 Regulation of Sales Tactics: Various sales promotion tactics — such as contests, sweepstakes, deals and premium offers (i.e., buy one, get one free) — are usually regulated differently across borders. 販売戦術の規制:コンテスト、懸賞、取引、プレミアムオファー(つまり、1つ購入、1つ無料)などのさまざまな販売促進戦術は、通常、国境を越えて異なる方法で規制されます。 Make sure your desired promotion tactics don't conflict with local laws before running them. Product Laws: If you sell your product online to an international audience, it is subject to product development laws regarding chemical makeup, safety, performance and packaging designs, including languages, sizes and materials used. 製品法:製品をオンラインで海外の視聴者に販売する場合、化学組成、安全性、性能、および使用される言語、サイズ、材料などのパッケージデザインに関する製品開発法が適用されます。

3\\. Customize Search Engine Marketing Based on Local Usage International search engine marketing is a mixture of choosing the right search engines, localizing content and understanding keywords.

Choose the Right Search Engines: Figure out which search engines are used by the particular markets you are targeting. While you can reach many English-speaking customers via search by advertising on the top three search engines in the U.S. — Google, Yahoo and Bing — international use of search engines varies. Often, local markets are best served via local search engines, because the English-language search engines don't always suffice for niche, local content. 多くの場合、英語の検索エンジンはニッチなローカルコンテンツに必ずしも十分ではないため、ローカル市場はローカル検索エンジンを介して提供するのが最適です。 Localize Your Content: It isn't enough to simply translate your website into target languages if quality is your goal — don't serve second-rate content to your international clients. コンテンツのローカライズ:品質が目標である場合は、Webサイトをターゲット言語に翻訳するだけでは不十分です。海外のクライアントに二流のコンテンツを提供しないでください。 When possible, localize your product, services and messaging for each market you serve. 可能であれば、サービスを提供する市場ごとに製品、サービス、メッセージングをローカライズしてください。 This can be costly, so weigh the options carefully. これにはコストがかかる可能性があるため、オプションを慎重に検討してください。

Choose Native Keywords: With international SEM, you shouldn't focus on translating keywords into foreign languages. ネイティブキーワードの選択:国際的なSEMでは、キーワードを外国語に翻訳することに集中するべきではありません。 Instead, work with native speakers trained in search marketing to figure out native keywords that would be best associated with your website and its content. 代わりに、検索マーケティングのトレーニングを受けたネイティブスピーカーと協力して、ウェブサイトとそのコンテンツに最も関連性の高いネイティブキーワードを見つけてください。 Remember that keywords aren't words, but instead shortened thoughts used by Internet browsers to find particular types of content. キーワードは単語ではなく、特定の種類のコンテンツを見つけるためにインターネットブラウザが使用する短い考えであることを忘れないでください。 Therefore, keywords are often influenced by culture, which is best navigated by locals. したがって、キーワードは文化の影響を受けることが多く、地元の人々が最もよくナビゲートします。

4\\. Optimize Site Design

In many cases, the first portal for your online communication with potential customers will be your website. 多くの場合、潜在的な顧客とのオンラインコミュニケーションのための最初のポータルはあなたのウェブサイトになります。 Optimize your site design to allow for ultimate flexibility for global visitors. サイトのデザインを最適化して、世界中の訪問者に究極の柔軟性を提供します。

There are a lot of considerations when developing a global-friendly website, a few of which are:

Colors and Symbols: Colors and symbols are deeply ingrained in cultures; research perceptions of colors and symbols among your target audience and adapt accordingly. In most of Europe and the Americas, for example, white is associated with purity and marriage. In Japan, China and parts of Africa, though, white is traditionally the color of mourning. But don't be fooled — in Westernized Asian cities, white weddings are becoming more common. Beyond colors, make sure any icons, logos or graphics you are using are acceptable and looked upon in good light in areas you wish to reach. 色以外に、使用しているアイコン、ロゴ、またはグラフィックが受け入れ可能であり、到達したい領域で明るい場所で見られることを確認してください。 Check out some resources for working with color on the web. Webで色を操作するためのリソースを確認してください。

Currency Conversion: If you are in the e-commerce business and offer international shipping, make sure you also enable users to convert their purchase amount into their own currency. 通貨換算:eコマースビジネスで国際配送を提供している場合は、ユーザーが購入金額を自国の通貨に換算できるようにすることも忘れないでください。 Conversion can be confusing to the average consumer. コンバージョンは、平均的な消費者を混乱させる可能性があります。 Giving users the option can only make it easier. ユーザーにオプションを与えることはそれをより簡単にするだけです。 There are quite a few currency conversion API tools to choose from, but they can be difficult to sort through — check out Exchange Rate API for starters.

Use of Text: There's more to worry about than whether your site is easily translated. First off, minimize the use of text in graphics, as these cannot be translated. まず、グラフィックスでのテキストの使用を最小限に抑えます。これらは翻訳できないためです。 While it may be impossible to eliminate all graphics with text, read up on other design options made possible by the rise of web fonts. テキストを含むすべてのグラフィックスを削除することは不可能かもしれませんが、Webフォントの台頭によって可能になった他のデザインオプションを読んでください。 虽然可能无法消除所有带有文本的图形,但请阅读网络字体兴起带来的其他设计选项。 Furthermore, make sure your web design flows to accommodate machine translation. さらに、機械翻訳に対応できるようにWebデザインが流れるようにしてください。 Some elements may be fine, but others may not display properly. 一部の要素は問題ない場合がありますが、他の要素は正しく表示されない場合があります。 Test your site using a machine translation service and make adjustments as needed.

Loading Speed: Check out the Yahoo Developer Network for some best practices on speeding up your website. It's particularly important, when it comes to reaching a global audience, to use a Content Delivery Network (CDN), which is a collection of web servers around the world. 世界中の視聴者にリーチする場合、世界中のWebサーバーのコレクションであるコンテンツ配信ネットワーク(CDN)を使用することが特に重要です。 Instead of serving your site from one location, you can improve load times by offering it from the server nearest to your site visitor.

5\\. Adapt Social Media for Various Languages

If your company already serves multiple markets and your site sees a lot of international visitors, you should consider looking into ways to reach your global audience via social media. Here are a few ideas for some popular social platforms:

Facebook: On the world's largest social network, there are two key strategies for reaching global audiences — creating one Page or many. By creating one brand Page, you can target updates by location, demographics and language. 1つのブランドページを作成することで、場所、人口統計、言語で更新をターゲティングできます。 This is a good option if you are looking to have one hub for content creation. これは、コンテンツ作成用のハブを1つ持つ場合に適したオプションです。 On the positive side, users will be receiving targeted updates in their news feeds, and they will still be gathered in one place. 良い面として、ユーザーはニュースフィードでターゲットを絞った更新を受け取り、それでも1か所に集められます。 The downside is the possibility of confusing users who visit your Page and find updates in multiple languages. 欠点は、ページにアクセスして複数の言語で更新を見つけるユーザーを混乱させる可能性があることです。 This could limit interaction on your Page. これにより、ページでの操作が制限される可能性があります。

Creating multiple regional Pages increases the localization of each Page, but this method requires more time to customize, as various logos and text should be created for each one. 複数の地域ページを作成すると、各ページのローカリゼーションが向上しますが、この方法では、それぞれにさまざまなロゴとテキストを作成する必要があるため、カスタマイズに時間がかかります。 You'll have to figure out the right option for your brand, but considering your strategy before launching is a good start. ブランドに適したオプションを見つける必要がありますが、立ち上げる前に戦略を検討することは良いスタートです。 Twitter: If you expect to tweet in multiple languages, you should create multiple Twitter accounts. This minimizes confusion with readers who don't speak all of the languages you tweet in. Dell's Direct2Dell corporate blog, for example, has Twitter feeds in English, Norwegian, Chinese, Japanese andSpanish. YouTube: While creating video content in various languages is a huge task that may not be possible, adding subtitles to your YouTube videos is a great way to reach a larger audience on the world's largest video site. In the end, the goal is to widen your audience by making it easier for them to access your content. 結局のところ、目標は、視聴者があなたのコンテンツに簡単にアクセスできるようにすることで、視聴者を広げることです。 These five tips will set you on your way to marketing with greater care abroad. これらの5つのヒントは、海外でのマーケティングに細心の注意を払ってあなたを導くでしょう。 Add your own tips for marketing online to an international audience in the comments below.