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ART OF SALES 1, 1.08 (V) Setting a Sales Goal

1.08 (V) Setting a Sales Goal

What I would like you to do, is select a sales goal for the course. If you are an entrepreneur, that goal may be finding your first few clients. If you're selling for a larger company, it may simply be selling 20 percent more than you did last month or last quarter. If you're changing careers or jobs, it may be securing 10 great interviews. Set that goal, write it down, and now use the smart criteria to make sure it's the right goal. What are the smart criteria? The goal should be to make it specific. So, that's the S, make it specific, make it measurable, make it attainable, make sure it's reachable, attainable. The R is relevant. It should be consistent with what you need to do. And finally the T in smart is time bound. It has to have a due date. One last thing, post this goal somewhere where you can see it. The wall next to your bed, the mirror in the bathroom, your kitchen table, your wallet. You need to hold yourself accountable to this goal, and seeing it will remind you to get to work.

1.08 (V) Setting a Sales Goal 1.08 (V) Festlegung eines Verkaufsziels 1.08 (V) Definindo uma Meta de Vendas 1.08 (V) Постановка цели продаж 1.08 (V) Satış Hedefi Belirleme

What I would like you to do, is select a sales goal for the course. 私がしたいことは、コースのセールス目標を選択することです。 O que eu gostaria que você fizesse, é selecionar uma meta de vendas para o curso. If you are an entrepreneur, that goal may be finding your first few clients. あなたが起業家であれば、その目標は最初の数人のクライアントを見つけるかもしれません。 Se você é um empreendedor, esse objetivo pode ser encontrar seus primeiros clientes. If you're selling for a larger company, it may simply be selling 20 percent more than you did last month or last quarter. 大企業向けに販売している場合は、先月または前四半期よりも20%多く売れている可能性があります。 Se você está vendendo para uma empresa maior, ela pode simplesmente estar vendendo 20% a mais do que você vendeu no mês passado ou no trimestre passado. If you're changing careers or jobs, it may be securing 10 great interviews. あなたが職業や仕事を変えているなら、それは10の素晴らしいインタビューを確実にしているかもしれません。 Set that goal, write it down, and now use the smart criteria to make sure it's the right goal. What are the smart criteria? スマートな基準は何ですか? The goal should be to make it specific. 目標はそれを具体的にすることです。 So, that's the S, make it specific, make it measurable, make it attainable, make sure it's reachable, attainable. The R is relevant. It should be consistent with what you need to do. それはあなたがする必要があるものと一貫していなければなりません。 And finally the T in smart is time bound. そして最後に、スマートのTはタイムバインドです。 It has to have a due date. それは期限があります。 One last thing, post this goal somewhere where you can see it. The wall next to your bed, the mirror in the bathroom, your kitchen table, your wallet. あなたのベッドの横の壁、バスルームの鏡、キッチンテーブル、お財布。 You need to hold yourself accountable to this goal, and seeing it will remind you to get to work. あなたはこの目標に責任を持っていなければなりません。