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The Princess and the Goblin, CHAPTER 11, part 3

CHAPTER 11, part 3

It was indeed very pretty stuff. There was a good bunch of it on the distaff attached to the spinning-wheel, and in the moonlight it shone like--what shall I say it was like? It was not white enough for silver--yes, it was like silver, but shone grey rather than white, and glittered only a little. And the thread the old lady drew out from it was so fine that Irene could hardly see it. 'I am spinning this for you, my child.' 'For me! What am I to do with it, please?' 'I will tell you by and by. But first I will tell you what it is. It is spider-web--of a particular kind. My pigeons bring it me from over the great sea. There is only one forest where the spiders live who make this particular kind--the finest and strongest of any. I have nearly finished my present job. What is on the rock now will be enough. I have a week's work there yet, though,' she added, looking at the bunch. 'Do you work all day and all night, too, great-great-great-great-grandmother?' said the princess, thinking to be very polite with so many greats.

'I am not quite so great as all that,' she answered, smiling almost merrily. 'If you call me grandmother, that will do. No, I don't work every night--only moonlit nights, and then no longer than the moon shines upon my wheel. I shan't work much longer tonight.' 'And what will you do next, grandmother?' 'Go to bed. Would you like to see my bedroom?' 'Yes, that I should.' 'Then I think I won't work any longer tonight. I shall be in good time.' The old lady rose, and left her wheel standing just as it was. You see there was no good in putting it away, for where there was not any furniture there was no danger of being untidy.

Then she took Irene by the hand, but it was her bad hand and Irene gave a little cry of pain. 'My child!' said her grandmother, 'what is the matter?' Irene held her hand into the moonlight, that the old lady might see it, and told her all about it, at which she looked grave. But she only said: 'Give me your other hand'; and, having led her out upon the little dark landing, opened the door on the opposite side of it. What was Irene's surprise to see the loveliest room she had ever seen in her life! It was large and lofty, and dome-shaped. From the centre hung a lamp as round as a ball, shining as if with the brightest moonlight, which made everything visible in the room, though not so clearly that the princess could tell what many of the things were. A large oval bed stood in the middle, with a coverlid of rose colour, and velvet curtains all round it of a lovely pale blue. The walls were also blue--spangled all over with what looked like stars of silver.

The old lady left her and, going to a strange-looking cabinet, opened it and took out a curious silver casket. Then she sat down on a low chair and, calling Irene, made her kneel before her while she looked at her hand. Having examined it, she opened the casket, and took from it a little ointment. The sweetest odour filled the room--like that of roses and lilies--as she rubbed the ointment gently all over the hot swollen hand. Her touch was so pleasant and cool that it seemed to drive away the pain and heat wherever it came.

CHAPTER 11, part 3 CAPÍTULO 11, parte 3

It was indeed very pretty stuff. There was a good bunch of it on the distaff attached to the spinning-wheel, and in the moonlight it shone like--what shall I say it was like? It was not white enough for  silver--yes, it was like silver, but shone grey rather than white, and glittered only a little. And the thread the old lady drew out from it was so fine that Irene could hardly see it. 'I am spinning this for  you, my child.' 'For me! What am I to do with it, please?' 'I will tell you by and by. But first I will tell you what it is. It is spider-web--of a particular kind. My pigeons bring it me from over the great sea. There is only one forest where the spiders live who  make this particular kind--the finest and strongest of any. I have nearly finished my present job. What is on the rock now will be enough. I have a week's work there yet, though,' she added, looking at the bunch. 'Do you work all day and all night, too, great-great-great-great-grandmother?' said the princess, thinking to be very polite with so many greats.

'I am not quite so great as all that,' she answered, smiling almost merrily. 'If you call me grandmother, that will do. No, I don't work every night--only moonlit nights, and then no longer than the moon shines upon my wheel. I shan't work much longer tonight.' 'And what will you do next, grandmother?' 'Go to bed. Would you like to see my bedroom?' 'Yes, that I should.' 'Then I think I won't work any longer tonight. I shall be in good time.' Я буду вовремя. The old lady rose, and left her wheel standing just as it was. You see there was no good in putting it away, for where there was not any furniture there was no danger of being untidy.

Then she took Irene by the hand, but it was her bad hand and Irene gave a little cry of pain. 'My child!' said her grandmother, 'what is the matter?' Irene held her hand into the moonlight, that the old lady might see it, and told her all about it, at which she looked grave. Ирэн выставила руку на свет луны, чтобы пожилая дама могла ее увидеть, и рассказала ей все об этом, на что у нее был серьезный вид. But she only said: 'Give me your other hand'; and, having led her out upon the little dark landing, opened the door on the opposite side of it. Но она только сказала: «Дай мне другую руку»; и, выведя ее на маленькую темную площадку, открыл дверь на противоположной стороне. What was Irene's surprise to see the loveliest room she had ever seen in her life! It was large and lofty, and dome-shaped. From the centre hung a lamp as round as a ball, shining as if with the brightest moonlight, which made everything visible in the room, though not so clearly that the princess could tell what many of the things were. Из центра висела круглая, как шар, лампа, сиявшая, как бы, ярчайшим лунным светом, отчего было видно все в комнате, хотя и не так ясно, чтобы княгиня могла сказать, что это за многие вещи. A large oval bed stood in the middle, with a coverlid of rose colour, and velvet curtains all round it of a lovely pale blue. The walls were also blue--spangled all over with what looked like stars of silver.

The old lady left her and, going to a strange-looking cabinet, opened it and took out a curious silver casket. Старушка оставила ее и, подойдя к странного вида шкафу, открыла его и достала любопытную серебряную шкатулку. Then she sat down on a low chair and, calling Irene, made her kneel before her while she looked at her hand. Having examined it, she opened the casket, and took from it a little ointment. The sweetest odour filled the room--like that of roses and lilies--as she rubbed the ointment gently all over the hot swollen hand. Her touch was so pleasant and cool that it seemed to drive away the pain and heat wherever it came.