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Four Great Americans: Washington, Franklin, Webster, Lincoln. A Book for Young Americans by James Baldwin, THE STORY OF DANIEL WEBSTER. XIV.—MR. WEBSTER IN PRIVATE LIFE.


Let us now go back a little way in our story, and learn something about Mr. Webster's home and private life.

In 1831, Mr. Webster bought a large farm at Marshfield, in the southeastern part of Massachusetts, not far from the sea.

He spent a great deal of money in improving this farm; and in the end it was as fine a country seat as one might see anywhere in New England.

When he became tired with the many cares of his busy life, Mr. Webster could always find rest and quiet days at Marshfield.

He liked to dress himself as a farmer, and stroll about the fields looking at the cattle and at the growing crops. "I had rather be here than in the senate," he would say.

But his life was clouded with many sorrows.

Long before going to Marshfield, his two eldest children were laid in the grave. Their mother followed them just one year before Mr. Webster's first entry into the United States senate. In 1829, his brother Ezekiel died suddenly while speaking in court at Concord.

Ezekiel had never cared much for politics, but as a lawyer in his native state, he had won many honors. His death came as a great shock to everybody that knew him. To his brother it brought overwhelming sorrow. When Daniel Webster was nearly forty-eight years old, he married a second wife.

She was the daughter of a New York merchant, and her name was Caroline Bayard Le Roy. She did much to lighten the disappointments of his later life, and they lived together happily for more than twenty years. In 1839, Mr. and Mrs. Webster made a short visit to England.

The fame of the great orator had gone before him, and he was everywhere received with honor. The greatest men of the time were proud to meet him. Henry Hallam, the historian, wrote of him: "Mr. Webster approaches as nearly to the beau ideal of a republican senator as any man that I have ever seen in the course of my life. Even the Queen invited him to dine with her; and she was much pleased with his dignified ways and noble bearing.

And, indeed, his appearance was such as to win the respect of all who saw him.

When he walked the streets of London, people would stop and wonder who the noble stranger was; and workingmen whispered to one another: "There goes a king!

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Let us now go back a little way in our story, and learn something about Mr. Webster’s home and private life. Şimdi hikayemizde biraz geriye gidelim ve Bay Webster'ın evi ve özel hayatı hakkında bir şeyler öğrenelim. Давайте тепер повернемося трохи назад у нашій історії та дізнаємося дещо про дім і приватне життя містера Вебстера.

In 1831, Mr. Webster bought a large farm at Marshfield, in the southeastern part of Massachusetts, not far from the sea. ||||||||||||||मैसाचुसेट्स||||| 1831 yılında Bay Webster, Massachusetts'in güneydoğu kesiminde, denizden uzak olmayan Marshfield'de büyük bir çiftlik satın aldı. У 1831 році містер Вебстер купив велику ферму в Маршфілді, у південно-східній частині Массачусетсу, неподалік від моря.

He spent a great deal of money in improving this farm; and in the end it was as fine a country seat as one might see anywhere in New England. Bu çiftliği geliştirmek için çok para harcadı ve sonunda burası New England'ın herhangi bir yerinde görülebilecek kadar güzel bir kır evi oldu. Він витратив багато грошей на покращення цієї ферми; і врешті-решт це було чудове сільське місце, яке можна побачити будь-де в Новій Англії. 他花了很多钱来改善这个农场;归根结底,这是一个在新英格兰任何地方都可以看到的最好的乡村座位。

When he became tired with the many cares of his busy life, Mr. Webster could always find rest and quiet days at Marshfield. Bay Webster, yoğun yaşamının birçok kaygısıyla yorulduğunda, Marshfield'da her zaman dinlenme ve sakin günler bulabilirdi. Коли він втомлювався від численних турбот свого зайнятого життя, містер Вебстер завжди міг знайти відпочинок і спокійні дні в Маршфілді. 当韦伯斯特先生因忙碌的生活而感到厌倦时,他总能在马什菲尔德找到休息和安静的日子。

He liked to dress himself as a farmer, and stroll about the fields looking at the cattle and at the growing crops. |||||||||pasear|||||||ganado||||| Йому подобалося вдягатися фермером і прогулюватися полями, дивлячись на худобу та ріст посівів. 他喜欢把自己打扮成农民,在田野里漫步,看着牛群和正在生长的庄稼。 "I had rather be here than in the senate," he would say. ||||||||senado||| «Я хотів би бути тут, ніж у сенаті», — казав він.

But his life was clouded with many sorrows. |||||||penas Ancak hayatı birçok acıyla gölgelenmişti. 但他的生活充满了许多悲伤。

Long before going to Marshfield, his two eldest children were laid in the grave. Marshfield'a gitmeden çok önce, en büyük iki çocuğu mezara konuldu. Задовго до того, як він відправився в Маршфілд, двоє його старших дітей були покладені в могилу. 早在前往马什菲尔德之前,他的两个最大的孩子就被安葬在坟墓里。 Their mother followed them just one year before Mr. Webster’s first entry into the United States senate. Anneleri, Bay Webster'ın Birleşik Devletler senatosuna ilk girişinden sadece bir yıl önce onları takip etti. Їхня мати поїхала за ними лише за рік до того, як містер Вебстер вперше потрапив до сенату Сполучених Штатів. 就在韦伯斯特先生首次进入美国参议院的前一年,他们的母亲也跟随他们。 In 1829, his brother Ezekiel died suddenly while speaking in court at Concord. 1829'da kardeşi Ezekiel Concord'da bir mahkemede konuşma yaparken aniden öldü. У 1829 році його брат Єзекіїль раптово помер під час виступу в суді в Конкорді. 1829 年,他的兄弟以西结在康科德法庭上发言时突然去世。

Ezekiel had never cared much for politics, but as a lawyer in his native state, he had won many honors. Ezekiel siyasetle hiç ilgilenmemişti ama doğduğu eyalette bir avukat olarak pek çok onur kazanmıştı. Єзекіїль ніколи не цікавився політикою, але як юрист у своєму рідному штаті він здобув багато почестей. His death came as a great shock to everybody that knew him. Ölümü onu tanıyan herkes için büyük bir şok oldu. To his brother it brought overwhelming sorrow. Kardeşine büyük bir keder getirdi. Його братові це принесло величезне горе. 这给他的兄弟带来了巨大的悲伤。 When Daniel Webster was nearly forty-eight years old, he married a second wife. Daniel Webster yaklaşık kırk sekiz yaşındayken ikinci bir eşle evlendi.

She was the daughter of a New York merchant, and her name was Caroline Bayard Le Roy. New Yorklu bir tüccarın kızıydı ve adı Caroline Bayard Le Roy'du. 她是纽约商人的女儿,名叫卡罗琳·贝亚德·勒罗伊。 She did much to lighten the disappointments of his later life, and they lived together happily for more than twenty years. ||||aliviar|||||||||||||||| Daha sonraki hayatının hayal kırıklıklarını hafifletmek için çok şey yaptı ve yirmi yıldan fazla bir süre birlikte mutlu bir şekilde yaşadılar. Вона багато зробила, щоб полегшити розчарування його подальшого життя, і вони прожили разом щасливо понад двадцять років. In 1839, Mr. and Mrs. Webster made a short visit to England. 1839 yılında Bay ve Bayan Webster İngiltere'ye kısa bir ziyarette bulundular.

The fame of the great orator had gone before him, and he was everywhere received with honor. Büyük hatibin ünü onun önüne geçmişti ve her yerde onurla karşılanıyordu. Слава великого оратора облетіла його, і всюди його приймали з пошаною. 这位伟大演说家的名声早已远去,他到处都受到尊敬的接待。 The greatest men of the time were proud to meet him. Zamanın en büyük adamları onunla tanışmaktan gurur duyuyordu. Найбільші люди того часу пишалися зустріччю з ним. 当时最伟大的人物都为见到他而感到自豪。 Henry Hallam, the historian, wrote of him: "Mr. Webster approaches as nearly to the  beau ideal of a republican senator as any man that I have ever seen in the course of my life. ||||||||||||||ideal perfecto||||||||||||||||||| Tarihçi Henry Hallam onun hakkında şöyle yazmıştır: "Bay Webster, hayatım boyunca gördüğüm herhangi bir adam kadar cumhuriyetçi bir senatörün idealine yaklaşıyor. Генрі Галлам, історик, писав про нього: «Містер Вебстер наближається до ідеалу краси сенатора-республіканця так само, як будь-яка людина, яку я коли-небудь бачив у своєму житті. 历史学家亨利·哈勒姆这样评价他:“韦伯斯特先生是我一生中见过的最接近共和党参议员理想的人。 Even the Queen invited him to dine with her; and she was much pleased with his dignified ways and noble bearing. Навіть королева запросила його пообідати з нею; і вона була дуже задоволена його гідністю та благородною поставою. 甚至女王也邀请他与她共进晚餐;她对他庄严的举止和高贵的举止非常满意。

And, indeed, his appearance was such as to win the respect of all who saw him. Ve gerçekten de görünüşü onu gören herkesin saygısını kazanacak şekildeydi. І справді, його вигляд був такий, що викликав повагу у всіх, хто його бачив. 事实上,他的外表赢得了所有见到他的人的尊重。

When he walked the streets of London, people would stop and wonder who the noble stranger was; and workingmen whispered to one another: "There goes a king! Londra sokaklarında yürüdüğünde insanlar durup bu soylu yabancının kim olduğunu merak ediyor, işçiler birbirlerine fısıldıyordu: "İşte bir kral gidiyor! Коли він гуляв вулицями Лондона, люди зупинялися й дивувалися, хто ж такий благородний незнайомець; і робітники шепотіли один одному: «Ось іде цар! 当他走在伦敦的街道上时,人们会停下来想知道这位高贵的陌生人是谁;工人们互相窃窃私语:“国王走了!