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Learn English With Videos (Mario Vergara), 038: The Starbucks Interview Spelling Test

038: The Starbucks Interview Spelling Test

– All right, congrats. Welcome to the final round of the interview.

– Thank you.

– One quick last thing that we like to go over is checking your spelling skills.

– Sure thing, all right.

– There are a lot of people coming in got to spell their names right.

– Yeah, I understand.

– Real simple, nothing to worry about here. Gonna start off with a lob, pretty easy, Mike.

– Now is that a Mike with an M?

– You're… Okay. I'd be worried there for a second.

– Yeah, right. Mike.

– That's Myke with an M.

– Okay.

– Okay, another one, John.

– I'm sorry, could you please use it in a sentence for me?

– Yeah.

Just, “Hi, I'm John.”

– June.

– That's John. I'm looking at John.

– Hey, let's go with Amy, my wife's name.

– I think I got all the letters there. Let's check that out.

– Amy. It's actually exactly how my wife spells it. Here comes a curve ball…

– Uh-oh.

– Dan.

– I actually don't think I know any Dans.

– We actually get quite a few Dans here on a daily basis. Call them our “Daily Dans.” You don't want to disappoint them.

– Okay.

– Perfect! Lisa.

– I think that's pretty close.

– Shading is a little off on the left clavicle but yeah! Not bad. I'm just realizing I don't even know your name, and I guess it's good a time as any, ask you to spell that.

– Okay.

– Justin.

– Yes.

– Great, I think you've passed with flying colors here. One last question, can you make a cup of coffee?

– No.

– Great. Can you start tomorrow?

– Yeah.

038: The Starbucks Interview Spelling Test 038: Der Starbucks-Interview-Rechtschreibtest 038: La prueba de ortografía de la entrevista en Starbucks 038: Il test ortografico del colloquio con Starbucks 038: O teste de ortografia da entrevista da Starbucks 038: Орфографический тест на интервью в Starbucks 038: Тест на правопис для співбесіди в Starbucks 038:星巴克面试拼写测试 038:星巴克面試拼寫測試

– All right, congrats. – In Ordnung, herzlichen Glückwunsch. - Tudo bem, parabéns. Welcome to the final round of the interview. Bem-vindo à rodada final da entrevista.

– Thank you.

– One quick last thing that we like to go over is checking your spelling skills. – Eine kurze letzte Sache, die wir gerne durchgehen, ist die Überprüfung Ihrer Rechtschreibfähigkeiten. –最後に確認したいのは、スペルのスキルを確認することです。 – Uma última coisa rápida que gostaríamos de revisar é verificar suas habilidades de ortografia.

– Sure thing, all right. – Klar, alles klar. – Claro, tudo bem.

– There are a lot of people coming in got to spell their names right. – Es kommen viele Leute herein, die ihre Namen richtig buchstabieren müssen. –名前を正しく綴る必要のある人がたくさんいます。 – Tem muita gente entrando que tem que soletrar o nome direito.

– Yeah, I understand. - Ja ich verstehe. - Sim eu entendo.

– Real simple, nothing to worry about here. – Ganz einfach, hier gibt es nichts zu befürchten. – Muito simples, nada para se preocupar aqui. Gonna start off with a lob, pretty easy, Mike. Ich fange mit einem Lob an, ziemlich einfach, Mike. Vou começar com um lob, bem fácil, Mike. Начнем с лоба, довольно просто, Майк. Почну з лоба, досить легко, Майку.

– Now is that a Mike with an M? – Ist das jetzt ein Mike mit einem M? – Agora é um Mike com um M?

– You're… Okay. - Du bist inordnung. - Você está bem. I'd be worried there for a second. Da würde ich mir kurz Sorgen machen. Eu ficaria preocupado por um segundo. Я бы на секунду забеспокоился.

– Yeah, right. Mike.

– That's Myke with an M. – Esse é Myke com um M.

– Okay.

– Okay, another one, John. – Certo, outra, John.

– I'm sorry, could you please use it in a sentence for me? – Entschuldigung, könnten Sie es bitte in einem Satz für mich verwenden? – Me desculpe, você poderia por favor usar isso em uma frase para mim? - Извините, не могли бы вы использовать его в предложении для меня?

– Yeah.

Just, “Hi, I'm John.” Nur: „Hallo, ich bin John.“ Apenas: "Oi, sou John".

– June. – Juni. - Junho.

– That's John. – Das ist Johannes. – Esse é o João. I'm looking at John. Ich sehe John an. Estou olhando para John.

– Hey, let's go with Amy, my wife's name. – Hey, gehen wir mit Amy, dem Namen meiner Frau. – Ei, vamos com Amy, o nome da minha esposa.

– I think I got all the letters there. – Ich glaube, ich habe dort alle Briefe bekommen. – Acho que peguei todas as cartas lá. Let's check that out. Lassen Sie uns das überprüfen. Vamos verificar isso.

– Amy. – Amy. – Amy. It's actually exactly how my wife spells it. Es ist eigentlich genau so, wie meine Frau es schreibt. Na verdade, é exatamente como minha esposa escreve. Here comes a curve ball… Hier kommt ein Kurvenball… Lá vem uma bola curva… Ось і виходить куля…

– Uh-oh.

– Dan. – Dan.

– I actually don't think I know any Dans. – Ich glaube eigentlich nicht, dass ich Dans kenne. – Na verdade, acho que não conheço nenhum Dans.

– We actually get quite a few Dans here on a daily basis. – Wir bekommen hier tatsächlich täglich einige Dans. – Na verdade, recebemos alguns Dans aqui diariamente. Call them our “Daily Dans.” You don't want to disappoint them. Nennen Sie sie unsere „Daily Dans“. Du willst sie nicht enttäuschen. Chame-os de nossos “Daily Dans”. Você não quer desapontá-los. Называйте их "ежедневными данами". Вы же не хотите их разочаровать.

– Okay.

– Perfect! - Perfeito! Lisa. Lisa.

– I think that's pretty close. – Ich denke, das ist ziemlich nah. – Acho que está bem próximo.

– Shading is a little off on the left clavicle but yeah! тінь||||||||ключиця|| – Die Schattierung am linken Schlüsselbein ist ein wenig daneben, aber ja! – O sombreamento está um pouco errado na clavícula esquerda, mas sim! - Штриховка немного не подходит к левой ключице, но да! Not bad. Nada mal. I'm just realizing I don't even know your name, and I guess it's good a time as any, ask you to spell that. Mir fällt gerade ein, dass ich nicht einmal Ihren Namen kenne, und ich schätze, es ist ein guter Zeitpunkt, Sie zu bitten, das zu buchstabieren. Estou percebendo que nem sei seu nome, e acho que é uma boa hora, como qualquer outra, pedir para soletrar isso.

– Okay.

– Justin. – Justin.

– Yes.

– Great, I think you've passed with flying colors here. – Toll, ich finde du hast hier mit Bravour bestanden. – Ótimo, acho que você passou com louvor aqui. - Отлично, я думаю, что вы сдали экзамен с блеском. One last question, can you make a cup of coffee? Uma última pergunta, você pode fazer uma xícara de café?

– No.

– Great. Can you start tomorrow? Você pode começar amanhã?

– Yeah.