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Oxford Online English, How to Use Do in English - 5 Levels of English Grammar

How to Use Do in English - 5 Levels of English Grammar

Hi, I'm Martin.

Welcome to Oxford Online English!

In this lesson, you can learn all about how to use the verb ‘do'.

Do you want to see more free English lessons?

You should visit our website: Oxford Online English dot com.

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your English speaking, writing, IELTS preparation, or whatever else you need.

One more thing: do you want to watch this video with subtitles?

You can!

Turn them on now by clicking the ‘CC' button in the bottom right.

This is a ‘5 levels' lesson.

That means you'll see five sections.

Each section will give you a challenge.

Each section is more difficult than the previous ones.

The early sections will focus mostly on grammar; higher levels will test your grammar and vocabulary


Level one is beginner, so if you're not a beginner, you should skip to level two.


Let's go!

Look at five sentences.

Complete each sentence with one word.

Each word is a form of the verb ‘do'.

Contractions, like ‘don't', count as one word.

Pause the video and do it now.


Here are the answers.

What do you need to know here?

Use ‘do' to make negatives and questions in the present simple

and the past simple.

For example, take a positive sentence: ‘I like bananas.'

Make a negative: ‘I *don't* like bananas.'

Make a question: ‘Do you like bananas?'

If you're talking in the 3rd person – he, she or it – use ‘does' and ‘doesn't'.

Take a positive sentence: ‘She likes bananas.'

Make a negative: ‘She doesn't like bananas.'

Make a question: ‘Does she like bananas?'

In the past simple, use ‘didn't' to make negatives, and ‘did' to make questions.

Take a positive sentence: ‘They arrived early.'

Make a negative: ‘They didn't arrive early.'

Make a question: ‘Did they arrive early?'

There's one exception.

Don't use ‘do', ‘don't', ‘did' or ‘didn't' with the verb ‘be',

or with modal verbs like ‘can'.

Verbs like ‘be' and ‘can' make their own negatives and questions, without using



If not, you can review this section again.

If you think it's difficult, you should study the present simple and past simple verb


Focus on how to form negative sentences and questions.

If everything's OK, then let's move on to level two!

Here's your challenge for level two.

Your job is to put the words in order to make a *question*.

That's important: you need to make a question, not a sentence.

Pause the video and think about your answers now.


Let's look.

What does the first question – what do you do?

– mean?

It means ‘what's your job?'.

It's common in spoken English.

In level one, you saw that you use ‘do' to make questions in the present and past


There are different kinds of question you can make, but there's another point here.

‘Do' can be two things.

It can be a main verb, which has real meaning.

It can also be an auxiliary verb, which you use to make negatives and questions.

It can also do both things in the same sentence.

All these questions use ‘do' twice, once as a main verb, and once as an auxiliary verb.

This is extremely common in English!

Anyway, let's look at some different ways you can use ‘do' to make questions.

You can make yes/no questions, which start with the word ‘do', ‘does', and so


For example, see question three.

You can make questions with a question word, like ‘what', ‘where', ‘who', and

so on.

See question one for an example.

You can also make questions with a question tag, like numbers two and five.

This can have several different meanings.

You can use a tag question to check something, when you think you know the answer already.

You can also use it to show surprise or interest.

Here's a question: in number two, the question tag is negative – ‘don't you?'

– but in number five, the tag is positive – ‘do you?'

Do you know why?

If you want to check information, meaning that you want to ask a question but you think

you know the answer already, then the question tag

should be the opposite of the main verb.

That means, if the main verb is positive, the tag should be negative; if the main verb

is negative, the tag should be positive.

So, ‘you do yoga, don't you?'

means that I think you do yoga, and I'm asking to confirm my idea.

Use a positive sentence plus a positive question tag to show interest.

‘You do taekwondo, do you?'

looks like a question, but it isn't really a question.

It shows politeness and interest in the person you're talking to.

This form is common when making small talk.

You can also make negative questions, starting with ‘don't', ‘doesn't', or ‘didn't'.

You use these to express surprise or frustration.

Question four is an example of this.

Like number five, this isn't a real question.

You use it to express an emotion.

When you use negative questions, intonation is important: ‘Didn't you do the dishes?'

Let's move on to level three.

This time, we'll do something a little different.

Each of these five sentences contains a mistake.

Your job is to find the mistake and correct it.

Pause the video and do it now.

Think carefully about your answers.

Do you need to add a word, remove a word, or change a word?

Here are the answers.

Sentence one is an *indirect* question.

An indirect question starts with a polite phrase like ‘Can you tell me…' or ‘Do

you know…'

You use indirect questions when you want to sound more polite.

Indirect questions *don't* use ‘do', ‘does' and so on as an auxiliary verb.

This is a common mistake.

In question two, you need to use ‘does' as an auxiliary verb to refer to another verb

– ‘like' – which you used earlier.

In most cases, the auxiliary verb you need depends on the verb tense, *not* on the original


The exception is verbs like ‘be', ‘can' and so on, which can be their own auxiliary


Here, the verb ‘like' is present simple, so it uses the auxiliary verb do/does.

In number three, you have a verb – ask – which needs to be followed by an infinitive with


Here, the infinitive is negative.

You make negative infinitives by adding ‘not'.

You don't use ‘don't', ‘doesn't', or any other form of ‘do.

In number four, you need to know something about how to use ‘do' and ‘make'.

This is more of a vocabulary point.

In many cases, you need to remember whether a word – like ‘progress' – goes with

‘do' or ‘make'.

Number five is also a vocabulary point.

There are many fixed phrases with ‘do', like ‘do someone a favour'.

After ‘do', you need a person – ‘do *me* a favour', ‘do *you* a favour'

– and so on.

So, to review, the topics covered in level three are: indirect questions, ‘do' as

an auxiliary verb, negative infinitives, ‘do' versus ‘make', and fixed phrases with


Where were you stronger or weaker?

Think about what you know, and what you need to focus on to improve.

Anyway, time for level four!

Here are your sentences for level four.

You need to complete each sentence with two words.

One word is a form of ‘do'.

Remember: you *must* use exactly two words!

Let's see the answers.

So, what do you need to know here?

In level three, you saw that there are negative infinitive forms.

There are also negative -ing forms.

Like negative infinitives, you just add ‘not' to make the sentence negative.

You can see this in sentence one.

Number two is a participle clause.

The meaning is similar to: ‘Because I hadn't done anything similar before…'

What about three?

Can you explain what's going on there?

Remember that ‘do' can be both an auxiliary verb and a main verb, and it can also do both

things in one sentence.

Auxiliary verbs can be used to add emphasis; for example, if you want to contradict what

someone else says.

Here, ‘did' is an auxiliary verb which adds emphasis, and ‘do' is a main verb.

So, if someone asked you ‘Why didn't you do it?', you might answer like this ‘I

*did* do it.

I just forgot to send it to you!'

You use the auxiliary verb – ‘did' – to add emphasis and contradict the other person.

Four and five are vocabulary points.

‘Do your best' is a fixed phrase meaning ‘try as hard as you can.'

For example, you could say ‘We did our best, but we didn't have four of our best players,

so it's not surprising we lost three-nil.'

‘Do with' is a conversational way to say ‘want'.

‘I could do with a long holiday' means that I really want a long holiday right now!

Remember: you can review any section of this video as many times as you need.

Here's a tip: a big difficulty with ‘do' is that it has so many different uses.

It can be a main verb, an auxiliary verb, or it can be used in fixed phrases and phrasal


So, when you see ‘do' in a sentence, ask yourself which thing it is.

Is it a main verb, an auxiliary verb, or part of a longer phrase?

Getting this clear will help you to understand how to use ‘do' more accurately.

Now, are you ready for level five?

Let's try!

Ready for the hardest challenge?

Here are five of the hardest sentences we could make.

Your job is to complete them with one or two words.

One of the words must be a form of ‘do'.

Contractions, like ‘don't', count as one word.

Could you do it?

Let's see the answers.

Most of the sentences here test vocabulary points.

For example, take sentence one.

In conversational English, ‘do' can have the meaning of ‘be enough, but not very


If you say ‘it'll do', you mean that it's not great, but it's enough for you.

Sentence two tests a grammar point.

Hopefully, you know already that you can use ‘do' as an auxiliary verb to refer back

to a verb or verb phrase you used earlier.

If you didn't use ‘do' here, you would have to repeat the full phrase ‘his chances

of working for the EU', which would be repetitive.

However, here you also need an -ing verb.

When you want to use ‘do' as an auxiliary verb to replace an earlier verb, *and* you

want to use an -ing form, or to plus infinitive, you should use ‘do so'.

‘Do so' is formal.

In spoken or informal English, you'd probably say ‘do it' or ‘do that'.

Three, four and five all test your vocabulary.

In three, ‘get it done' is a conversational way to say ‘finish something'.

In number four, ‘doing well for themselves' means that they're making a lot of money,

so they have a comfortable lifestyle.

In sentence five, ‘it hasn't done me much good' is a semi-fixed phrase.

If you want to make the phrase positive, say ‘it's done me *a lot of* good'.

Of course, you can also use this to talk about other people.

For example ‘She looks so much happier these days.

Switching to part time work seems to have done her a lot of good.'

So, how did you do?

Which topics did you find the hardest?

We think level five is the hardest, because it tests a lot of fixed and conversational


Do you agree?

Please share your thoughts in the comments.

That's all for now.

See you next time!

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How to Use Do in English - 5 Levels of English Grammar Do im Englischen verwenden - 5 Stufen der englischen Grammatik Cómo usar do en inglés - 5 niveles de gramática inglesa Comment utiliser Do en anglais - 5 niveaux de grammaire anglaise Come usare Do in inglese - 5 livelli di grammatica inglese Kaip vartoti Do anglų kalba - 5 anglų kalbos gramatikos lygiai Como usar Do em inglês - 5 níveis da gramática inglesa Как использовать Do в английском языке - 5 уровней английской грамматики İngilizcede Do Nasıl Kullanılır - 5 Seviye İngilizce Dilbilgisi 如何在英語中使用 Do - 5 級英語語法 如何用英語使用 Do - 英語文法 5 個級別

Hi, I'm Martin. Hola, soy Martin.

Welcome to Oxford Online English! Bienvenido a Oxford Online English

In this lesson, you can learn all about how to use the verb ‘do'. En esta lección aprenderás a utilizar el verbo "hacer".

Do you want to see more free English lessons? ¿Quieres ver más clases de inglés gratuitas?

You should visit our website: Oxford Online English dot com. Visite nuestro sitio web: Oxford Online English punto com.

You can also book English classes with our professional teachers, who can help you with También puedes reservar clases de inglés con nuestros profesores profesionales, que pueden ayudarte con

your English speaking, writing, IELTS preparation, or whatever else you need. tu inglés hablado, escrito, preparación para el IELTS o cualquier otra cosa que necesites. la tua lingua inglese, la scrittura, la preparazione IELTS o qualsiasi altra cosa di cui hai bisogno.

One more thing: do you want to watch this video with subtitles? Una cosa más: ¿quieres ver este vídeo con subtítulos?

You can! ¡Tú puedes! Puoi!

Turn them on now by clicking the ‘CC' button in the bottom right. Actívalos ahora haciendo clic en el botón "CC" de la parte inferior derecha. Attivali ora facendo clic sul pulsante "CC" in basso a destra.

This is a ‘5 levels' lesson. Se trata de una lección de "5 niveles".

That means you'll see five sections. Eso significa que verá cinco secciones. Ciò significa che vedrai cinque sezioni.

Each section will give you a challenge. Cada sección le planteará un reto.

Each section is more difficult than the previous ones. Cada sección es más difícil que las anteriores. Ogni sezione è più difficile delle precedenti.

The early sections will focus mostly on grammar; higher levels will test your grammar and vocabulary Las primeras secciones se centrarán principalmente en la gramática; los niveles superiores pondrán a prueba su gramática y vocabulario. Le prime sezioni si concentreranno principalmente sulla grammatica; i livelli più alti metteranno alla prova la tua grammatica e il tuo vocabolario

skills! ¡habilidades!

Level one is beginner, so if you're not a beginner, you should skip to level two. El nivel uno es para principiantes, así que si no lo eres, deberías pasar al nivel dos.

Ready? ¿Preparado?

Let's go! ¡Vamos!

Look at five sentences. Mira cinco frases.

Complete each sentence with one word. Completa cada frase con una palabra.

Each word is a form of the verb ‘do'. Cada palabra es una forma del verbo "hacer".

Contractions, like ‘don't', count as one word. Las contracciones, como "no", cuentan como una palabra.

Pause the video and do it now. Pausa el vídeo y hazlo ahora.

Ready? ¿Preparado?

Here are the answers. Aquí están las respuestas.

What do you need to know here? ¿Qué hay que saber aquí? Cosa devi sapere qui?

Use ‘do' to make negatives and questions in the present simple Utilizar 'do' para hacer negativas y preguntas en presente simple Usa 'do' per formulare negazioni e domande al present simple

and the past simple. y el pasado simple.

For example, take a positive sentence: ‘I like bananas.' Por ejemplo, tomemos una frase positiva: "Me gustan los plátanos".

Make a negative: ‘I *don't* like bananas.' Haz una negativa: 'No me *gustan* los plátanos'.

Make a question: ‘Do you like bananas?' Haz una pregunta: "¿Te gustan los plátanos?".

If you're talking in the 3rd person – he, she or it – use ‘does' and ‘doesn't'. Si hablas en 3ª persona (él, ella o ello), utiliza "hace" y "no hace".

Take a positive sentence: ‘She likes bananas.' Tomemos una frase positiva: "Le gustan los plátanos".

Make a negative: ‘She doesn't like bananas.' Haz una negativa: 'No le gustan los plátanos'.

Make a question: ‘Does she like bananas?' Haz una pregunta: "¿Le gustan los plátanos?".

In the past simple, use ‘didn't' to make negatives, and ‘did' to make questions. In der einfachen Vergangenheit verwenden Sie "didn't", um Negationen zu bilden, und "did", um Fragen zu stellen. En el pasado simple, usa 'didn't' para hacer negativos, y 'did' para hacer preguntas.

Take a positive sentence: ‘They arrived early.' Tome una frase positiva: "Llegaron pronto".

Make a negative: ‘They didn't arrive early.' Haz una negativa: 'No llegaron temprano'.

Make a question: ‘Did they arrive early?' Haz una pregunta: "¿Llegaron pronto?".

There's one exception. Hay una excepción.

Don't use ‘do', ‘don't', ‘did' or ‘didn't' with the verb ‘be', No utilices 'do', 'don't', 'did' o 'didn't' con el verbo 'be',

or with modal verbs like ‘can'. o con verbos modales como 'can'.

Verbs like ‘be' and ‘can' make their own negatives and questions, without using Verbos como 'be' y 'can' forman sus propias negaciones y preguntas, sin utilizar

‘do'. "hacer".

Clear? ¿Está claro?

If not, you can review this section again. Si no es así, puede volver a revisar esta sección.

If you think it's difficult, you should study the present simple and past simple verb Si crees que es difícil, deberías estudiar el presente simple y el pasado simple.

tenses. tiempos.

Focus on how to form negative sentences and questions. Concéntrese en cómo formar frases y preguntas negativas. Concentrati su come formare frasi e domande negative.

If everything's OK, then let's move on to level two! Si todo está bien, ¡pasemos al nivel dos!

Here's your challenge for level two. Este es tu reto para el nivel dos.

Your job is to put the words in order to make a *question*. Tu trabajo es poner las palabras en orden para hacer una *pregunta*.

That's important: you need to make a question, not a sentence. Eso es importante: tienes que hacer una pregunta, no una frase.

Pause the video and think about your answers now. Haz una pausa en el vídeo y piensa ahora en tus respuestas.

Ready? ¿Preparado?

Let's look. Vamos a ver.

What does the first question – what do you do? ¿A qué se refiere la primera pregunta?

– mean? - ¿Qué quieres decir?

It means ‘what's your job?'. Significa "¿cuál es tu trabajo?". Significa 'che lavoro fai?'.

It's common in spoken English. Es común en el inglés hablado.

In level one, you saw that you use ‘do' to make questions in the present and past En el nivel uno, has visto que utilizas 'do' para hacer preguntas en presente y pasado

simple. simple.

There are different kinds of question you can make, but there's another point here. Hay diferentes tipos de preguntas que puedes hacer, pero aquí hay otro punto.

‘Do' can be two things. Hacer" puede ser dos cosas.

It can be a main verb, which has real meaning. Puede ser un verbo principal, que tiene un significado real.

It can also be an auxiliary verb, which you use to make negatives and questions. También puede ser un verbo auxiliar, que se utiliza para hacer negativas y preguntas.

It can also do both things in the same sentence. También puede hacer ambas cosas en la misma frase.

All these questions use ‘do' twice, once as a main verb, and once as an auxiliary verb. Todas estas preguntas utilizan "do" dos veces, una como verbo principal y otra como verbo auxiliar.

This is extremely common in English! Esto es muy común en inglés.

Anyway, let's look at some different ways you can use ‘do' to make questions. En cualquier caso, veamos algunas formas diferentes de utilizar "do" para formular preguntas.

You can make yes/no questions, which start with the word ‘do', ‘does', and so Puedes hacer preguntas de sí/no, que empiecen por la palabra 'do', 'does', etc.

on. en.

For example, see question three. Por ejemplo, véase la pregunta tres.

You can make questions with a question word, like ‘what', ‘where', ‘who', and Puedes hacer preguntas con una palabra interrogativa, como "qué", "dónde", "quién", y

so on. así sucesivamente.

See question one for an example. Véase un ejemplo en la pregunta 1.

You can also make questions with a question tag, like numbers two and five. También puedes hacer preguntas con una etiqueta de pregunta, como los números dos y cinco.

This can have several different meanings. Esto puede tener varios significados diferentes.

You can use a tag question to check something, when you think you know the answer already. Puedes utilizar una pregunta de etiqueta para comprobar algo, cuando creas que ya sabes la respuesta.

You can also use it to show surprise or interest. También puedes utilizarlo para mostrar sorpresa o interés.

Here's a question: in number two, the question tag is negative – ‘don't you?' Una pregunta: en el número dos, la etiqueta de la pregunta es negativa: "¿no?".

– but in number five, the tag is positive – ‘do you?' - pero en el número cinco, la etiqueta es positiva: "¿lo haces?".

Do you know why? ¿Sabes por qué?

If you want to check information, meaning that you want to ask a question but you think Si quiere comprobar información, es decir, si quiere hacer una pregunta pero cree que

you know the answer already, then the question tag ya conoce la respuesta, entonces la etiqueta de la pregunta

should be the opposite of the main verb. debe ser opuesto al verbo principal.

That means, if the main verb is positive, the tag should be negative; if the main verb Es decir, si el verbo principal es positivo, la etiqueta debe ser negativa; si el verbo principal

is negative, the tag should be positive. es negativo, la etiqueta debe ser positiva.

So, ‘you do yoga, don't you?' Entonces, "haces yoga, ¿no?".

means that I think you do yoga, and I'm asking to confirm my idea. significa que creo que haces yoga, y te pido que confirmes mi idea.

Use a positive sentence plus a positive question tag to show interest. Utilice una frase positiva y una etiqueta de pregunta positiva para mostrar interés.

‘You do taekwondo, do you?' 'Haces taekwondo, ¿verdad?'

looks like a question, but it isn't really a question. parece una pregunta, pero en realidad no lo es.

It shows politeness and interest in the person you're talking to. Demuestra cortesía e interés por la persona con la que hablas.

This form is common when making small talk. Esta forma es habitual cuando se entabla una conversación trivial.

You can also make negative questions, starting with ‘don't', ‘doesn't', or ‘didn't'. También puedes hacer preguntas negativas, que empiecen por "no", "no" o "no".

You use these to express surprise or frustration. Se utilizan para expresar sorpresa o frustración.

Question four is an example of this. La cuarta pregunta es un ejemplo de ello.

Like number five, this isn't a real question. Al igual que la número cinco, esta no es una pregunta real.

You use it to express an emotion. Se utiliza para expresar una emoción.

When you use negative questions, intonation is important: ‘Didn't you do the dishes?' Cuando utilizas preguntas negativas, la entonación es importante: "¿No has fregado los platos?".

Let's move on to level three. Pasemos al nivel tres.

This time, we'll do something a little different. Esta vez, haremos algo un poco diferente.

Each of these five sentences contains a mistake. Cada una de estas cinco frases contiene un error.

Your job is to find the mistake and correct it. Tu trabajo es encontrar el error y corregirlo.

Pause the video and do it now. Pausa el vídeo y hazlo ahora.

Think carefully about your answers. Piensa detenidamente tus respuestas.

Do you need to add a word, remove a word, or change a word? ¿Necesita añadir, eliminar o cambiar una palabra?

Here are the answers. Aquí están las respuestas.

Sentence one is an *indirect* question. La primera frase es una pregunta *indirecta*.

An indirect question starts with a polite phrase like ‘Can you tell me…' or ‘Do Una pregunta indirecta comienza con una frase educada como "¿Puede decirme...?

you know…' ya sabes...

You use indirect questions when you want to sound more polite. Las preguntas indirectas se utilizan para parecer más educado.

Indirect questions *don't* use ‘do', ‘does' and so on as an auxiliary verb. Las preguntas indirectas *no* utilizan 'do', 'does' y demás como verbo auxiliar.

This is a common mistake. Se trata de un error frecuente.

In question two, you need to use ‘does' as an auxiliary verb to refer to another verb En la segunda pregunta, debes utilizar "does" como verbo auxiliar para referirte a otro verbo

– ‘like' – which you used earlier. - 'como' - que usaste antes.

In most cases, the auxiliary verb you need depends on the verb tense, *not* on the original En la mayoría de los casos, el verbo auxiliar que necesitas depende del tiempo verbal, *no* del original

verb. verbo.

The exception is verbs like ‘be', ‘can' and so on, which can be their own auxiliary La excepción son los verbos como 'be', 'can', etc., que pueden ser sus propios auxiliares.


Here, the verb ‘like' is present simple, so it uses the auxiliary verb do/does. Aquí, el verbo 'like' está en presente simple, por lo que utiliza el verbo auxiliar do/does.

In number three, you have a verb – ask – which needs to be followed by an infinitive with En el número tres, tienes un verbo - preguntar - que debe ir seguido de un infinitivo con

‘to'. "a".

Here, the infinitive is negative. Aquí, el infinitivo es negativo.

You make negative infinitives by adding ‘not'. Los infinitivos negativos se forman añadiendo "not".

You don't use ‘don't', ‘doesn't', or any other form of ‘do. No se usa 'no', 'no' ni ninguna otra forma de 'hacer'.

In number four, you need to know something about how to use ‘do' and ‘make'. En el número cuatro, necesitas saber algo sobre cómo utilizar 'do' y 'make'.

This is more of a vocabulary point. Se trata más bien de una cuestión de vocabulario.

In many cases, you need to remember whether a word – like ‘progress' – goes with En muchos casos, hay que recordar si una palabra -como "progreso"- va con

‘do' or ‘make'. 'hacer' o 'fabricar'.

Number five is also a vocabulary point. El número cinco también es un punto de vocabulario.

There are many fixed phrases with ‘do', like ‘do someone a favour'. Hay muchas frases fijas con "do", como "do someone a favor".

After ‘do', you need a person – ‘do *me* a favour', ‘do *you* a favour' Después de 'do', necesitas una persona - 'do *me* a favor', 'do *you* a favor'

– and so on. - etc.

So, to review, the topics covered in level three are: indirect questions, ‘do' as Así que, para repasar, los temas tratados en el nivel tres son: preguntas indirectas, "hacer" como

an auxiliary verb, negative infinitives, ‘do' versus ‘make', and fixed phrases with un verbo auxiliar, infinitivos negativos, 'hacer' frente a 'fabricar' y frases fijas con

‘do'. "hacer".

Where were you stronger or weaker? ¿Dónde eras más fuerte o más débil?

Think about what you know, and what you need to focus on to improve. Piensa en lo que sabes y en lo que necesitas centrarte para mejorar.

Anyway, time for level four! De todos modos, ¡es hora del nivel cuatro!

Here are your sentences for level four. Aquí tienes las frases del nivel 4.

You need to complete each sentence with two words. Tienes que completar cada frase con dos palabras.

One word is a form of ‘do'. Una palabra es una forma de "hacer".

Remember: you *must* use exactly two words! Recuerde: *debe* utilizar exactamente dos palabras.

Let's see the answers. Veamos las respuestas.

So, what do you need to know here? ¿Qué hay que saber?

In level three, you saw that there are negative infinitive forms. En el tercer nivel, has visto que existen formas de infinitivo negativo.

There are also negative -ing forms. También existen formas negativas -ing.

Like negative infinitives, you just add ‘not' to make the sentence negative. Al igual que los infinitivos negativos, basta con añadir "not" para que la frase sea negativa.

You can see this in sentence one. Puede verse en la primera frase.

Number two is a participle clause. ||||participle phrase| El número dos es una cláusula de participio.

The meaning is similar to: ‘Because I hadn't done anything similar before…' El significado es similar a: "Porque no había hecho nada parecido antes...".

What about three? ¿Y tres?

Can you explain what's going on there? ¿Puede explicar qué está pasando ahí?

Remember that ‘do' can be both an auxiliary verb and a main verb, and it can also do both Recuerda que 'do' puede ser tanto un verbo auxiliar como un verbo principal, y también puede hacer ambas cosas

things in one sentence. cosas en una frase.

Auxiliary verbs can be used to add emphasis; for example, if you want to contradict what ||||||||||||||disagree with| Los verbos auxiliares pueden utilizarse para añadir énfasis; por ejemplo, si quieres contradecir lo que

someone else says. dice otra persona.

Here, ‘did' is an auxiliary verb which adds emphasis, and ‘do' is a main verb.

So, if someone asked you ‘Why didn't you do it?', you might answer like this ‘I Así que, si alguien te preguntara "¿Por qué no lo hiciste?", podrías responder así "Yo...".

*did* do it. *lo hizo*.

I just forgot to send it to you!' Se me olvidó enviártelo'.

You use the auxiliary verb – ‘did' – to add emphasis and contradict the other person. Utilizas el verbo auxiliar - 'did' - para añadir énfasis y contradecir a la otra persona.

Four and five are vocabulary points. Cuatro y cinco son puntos de vocabulario.

‘Do your best' is a fixed phrase meaning ‘try as hard as you can.' Hazlo lo mejor que puedas" es una frase hecha que significa "esfuérzate todo lo que puedas".

For example, you could say ‘We did our best, but we didn't have four of our best players, Por ejemplo, se podría decir: "Hicimos todo lo que pudimos, pero no contábamos con cuatro de nuestros mejores jugadores",

so it's not surprising we lost three-nil.' así que no es sorprendente que perdiéramos tres a cero'.

‘Do with' is a conversational way to say ‘want'. Hacer con" es una forma coloquial de decir "querer".

‘I could do with a long holiday' means that I really want a long holiday right now! Me vendrían bien unas largas vacaciones" significa que me apetecen unas largas vacaciones ahora mismo.

Remember: you can review any section of this video as many times as you need. Recuerda: puedes repasar cualquier sección de este vídeo tantas veces como necesites.

Here's a tip: a big difficulty with ‘do' is that it has so many different uses. Un consejo: una gran dificultad de "do" es que tiene muchos usos diferentes.

It can be a main verb, an auxiliary verb, or it can be used in fixed phrases and phrasal Puede ser un verbo principal, auxiliar o utilizarse en frases fijas y frasales.

verbs. verbos.

So, when you see ‘do' in a sentence, ask yourself which thing it is. Así que, cuando veas "hacer" en una frase, pregúntate de qué cosa se trata.

Is it a main verb, an auxiliary verb, or part of a longer phrase? ¿Es un verbo principal, auxiliar o parte de una frase más larga?

Getting this clear will help you to understand how to use ‘do' more accurately. Tener esto claro te ayudará a entender cómo utilizar 'do' con más precisión.

Now, are you ready for level five? Ahora, ¿estás listo para el nivel cinco?

Let's try! ¡Intentémoslo!

Ready for the hardest challenge? ¿Preparado para el reto más difícil?

Here are five of the hardest sentences we could make. He aquí cinco de las frases más difíciles que hemos podido hacer.

Your job is to complete them with one or two words. Tu trabajo consiste en completarlos con una o dos palabras.

One of the words must be a form of ‘do'. Una de las palabras debe ser una forma de "do".

Contractions, like ‘don't', count as one word. Las contracciones, como "no", cuentan como una palabra.

Could you do it? ¿Podrías hacerlo?

Let's see the answers. Veamos las respuestas.

Most of the sentences here test vocabulary points. En la mayoría de las frases se ponen a prueba los puntos de vocabulario.

For example, take sentence one. Por ejemplo, la primera frase.

In conversational English, ‘do' can have the meaning of ‘be enough, but not very En inglés conversacional, 'do' puede tener el significado de 'ser suficiente, pero no muy

good'. bueno'.

If you say ‘it'll do', you mean that it's not great, but it's enough for you. Si dices "te vale", quieres decir que no es genial, pero te basta.

Sentence two tests a grammar point. La segunda frase pone a prueba un punto gramatical.

Hopefully, you know already that you can use ‘do' as an auxiliary verb to refer back Espero que ya sepas que puedes utilizar "do" como verbo auxiliar para referirte a

to a verb or verb phrase you used earlier. a un verbo o frase verbal que hayas utilizado antes.

If you didn't use ‘do' here, you would have to repeat the full phrase ‘his chances Si no utilizara 'do' aquí, tendría que repetir la frase completa 'his chances

of working for the EU', which would be repetitive. de trabajar para la UE", lo que sería repetitivo.

However, here you also need an -ing verb. Sin embargo, aquí también se necesita un verbo con -ing.

When you want to use ‘do' as an auxiliary verb to replace an earlier verb, *and* you Cuando desee utilizar 'do' como verbo auxiliar para sustituir a un verbo anterior, *y* usted

want to use an -ing form, or to plus infinitive, you should use ‘do so'. quieres usar una forma -ing, o to más infinitivo, debes usar 'do so'.

‘Do so' is formal. Do so' es formal.

In spoken or informal English, you'd probably say ‘do it' or ‘do that'. En inglés hablado o informal, probablemente dirías "do it" o "do that".

Three, four and five all test your vocabulary. Tres, cuatro y cinco ponen a prueba tu vocabulario.

In three, ‘get it done' is a conversational way to say ‘finish something'. En tres, "hazlo" es una forma coloquial de decir "termina algo".

In number four, ‘doing well for themselves' means that they're making a lot of money, En el número cuatro, "que les vaya bien" significa que ganan mucho dinero,

so they have a comfortable lifestyle. para que tengan un estilo de vida cómodo.

In sentence five, ‘it hasn't done me much good' is a semi-fixed phrase. En la quinta frase, "no me ha servido de mucho" es una frase semifija.

If you want to make the phrase positive, say ‘it's done me *a lot of* good'. Si quieres que la frase sea positiva, di "me ha hecho *mucho* bien".

Of course, you can also use this to talk about other people. Por supuesto, también puedes utilizarlo para hablar de otras personas.

For example ‘She looks so much happier these days. Por ejemplo: "Parece mucho más feliz estos días.

Switching to part time work seems to have done her a lot of good.' El cambio al trabajo a tiempo parcial parece haberle hecho mucho bien".

So, how did you do? ¿Cómo te ha ido?

Which topics did you find the hardest?

We think level five is the hardest, because it tests a lot of fixed and conversational Creemos que el nivel cinco es el más difícil, porque pone a prueba muchos aspectos fijos y conversacionales.


Do you agree? ¿Está de acuerdo?

Please share your thoughts in the comments.

That's all for now.

See you next time!