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It`s Okay To Be Smart, The Deadliest Flu Season in History?

The Deadliest Flu Season in History?

One hundred years ago, in 1918, Europe and America were at the height of World War I.

People were moving all over, especially soldiers flocking to the Western Front to fight.

At the beginning of the war's final year, another enemy would enter the trenches, one

that threatened people on and off the battlefield and eventually led to more deaths than all

war-related causes combined.

That enemy was the flu.

What made it so deadly?

And 100 years later, could it happen again?


No one knows for sure where the original 1918 flu infection happened.

As the first bout of illnesses cropped up in North America, Europe, and Asia it didn't

kill many people.

But by the Fall of 1918 the disease had grown deadlier.

People displayed classic flu symptoms like nausea, fever, and aches, but many began to

develop dark spots on their cheeks, their breathing became difficult, and their faces

turned blue from lack of oxygen.

These people caught pneumonia and died from suffocation.

Along the Western Front, rows of dead soldiers piled up, who had just days earlier been young

able men.

Because the world was at war, news of these deaths was kept quiet to maintain morale.

Only the Spanish, who had remained neutral in the war, wrote about the frightening numbers

of illnesses and deaths, which is why this disease is named for them (such an honor!).

By the time the disease declined in 1919, one third of the world had been infected with

the Spanish flu, and between 50 million and 100 million people died– as much as 5% of

the world population at the time.

Enough people died in the US that the average lifespan fell by 10 years.

It was a flu more deadly than any we'd seen before or since.

But the flu has been around for a long time.

We see it every year.

What made the 1918 outbreak so bad?

To understand this, we need to shrink down to the nanoscale world.

Influenza is a virus Influenza is a virus, which is essentially a container made to carry

genetic information.

These genes are the blueprints for building more virus - using the machinery of your own


Variations in these genetic blueprints determine how deadly a particular virus is.

The virus' armored shell is made up of two proteins.

One unlocks the door to your cells.

The better it can do this, the more infectious it becomes.

The second helps newly made viruses escape from the cell.

Every flu strain has a name based on different combinations of slightly different H and N


We now know the 1918 flu was an H1N1 strain, and many Influenza viruses today are a descendant

of it, including the 2009 “bird flu”.

When you catch the flu virus, it invades your cells, the viruses reproduce, and infected

cells eventually burst.

Your immune system senses this mess, identifies the attacker, and starts building an army

of cells that specifically recognize the invader by reading its unique H and N surface proteins.

These recognizable bits are called antigens.

Once you're better, other cells “remember” that antigen, so you almost never get infected

with the exact same flu twice.

But the flu has a few tricks up its sleeve.

Each time it replicates its genes, it makes random mistakes or mutations.

We call this gradual change antigenic drift.

So if, say, an H1N1 strain undergoes enough mutations, the immune system may not recognize

it, and it can make you sick again.

This is why you need a new flu shot every year.

But, more extreme changes in flu genes can also occur.

If an unlucky host is infected with two flu viruses at the same time, their genes can


Instead of small gradual changes, this can lead to radically new genetic combinations.

Imagine if Nickelback and Limp Bizkit joined forces to make Nickelbizkit.

It would be even more dangerous than the originals.

This kind of shuffle is called an antigenic shift, and it creates flu viruses completely

unrecognizable to our immune system.

These are the viruses most likely to cause massive outbreaks like 1918.

To understand if we're at risk for another super virus emerging today, we need to know

exactly what made the 1918 flu so catastrophic.

Today we have better sanitation, vaccines, and antivirals, yet hundreds of thousands

of people still die every year from the flu.

But the 1918 flu was different in some very deadly ways, thanks to its unique genetic


In the late 1990s, two scientists resurrected the genetic code of the 1918 influenza virus

preserved in a body buried in Alaskan permafrost.

Turns out two bits of the 1918 flu were essential for its viral badness.

A deadlier form of the H surface protein helped it enter and kill lung cells more efficiently.

It also carried genes that helped it make copies of itself 50 times faster than modern


But it was really when all of the other pieces of the 1918 virus were put together *with*

these two that it became a “super virus” and to be honest, we still don't have a

complete answer as to why.

One answer is more certain: Another deadly flu like 1918 IS possible.

Two general factors determine if a flu will be particularly bad - how well it travels

from human to human, and how deadly it is once it gets inside of us.

For example the H5N1 bird flu has a mortality rate of more than 50%, but it can't spread

from human to human, only from birds to humans.

When you get a flu that's good at both, like 1918, that's how you get a pandemic.

Say, for example, bird flu mutates so it can be transmitted between humans.

That would be very bad.

It's true that modern medicine and flu shots have helped in humanity's war against the

flu, but other aspects of our modern culture have put us more at risk for a pandemic.

Humans aren't the only species that can carry the flu.

But because some of these other versions are similar to human flu, a few changes and they

can jump the species barrier.

We have increased contact with livestock today, making these species jumps more likely.

And since we travel so much today, a deadly virus could spread across the globe in hours.

While we don't know how to predict where a pandemic will start, scientists agree it's

not a question of if, but when.

If a flu like 1918 popped up today, an estimated 100 million people could die world wide.

Can we do anything to be ready?

Containing a pandemic will require global cooperation to stop the spread and treat infected


Because traditional vaccines take months to develop, scientists are working on a universal

flu vaccine, one that would protect against any strain of the flu, but the task has obviously

been difficult because the flu is constantly changing.

These days, the flu feels like an annoying yearly thing.

If you remember to get a shot, maybe it can save you from a few days fever and runny nose.

But flu is a real and honest threat to humanity.

Humans and influenza have been at war for centuries.

Flu infects humans.

Humans develop immunity.

The flu mutates and the process starts again.

Perhaps one day, science will help us leave influenza in the history books.

But for now, stay safe, support science, and stay curious.

The Deadliest Flu Season in History? |Найсмертоносніший|Грип||| Die tödlichste Grippesaison der Geschichte? ¿La temporada de gripe más mortífera de la historia? La stagione influenzale più letale della storia? Het dodelijkste griepseizoen in de geschiedenis? A época de gripe mais mortal da história? Самый смертоносный сезон гриппа в истории? Tarihin En Ölümcül Grip Sezonu mu? 史上最致命的流感季節?

One hundred years ago, in 1918, Europe and America were at the height of World War I.

People were moving all over, especially soldiers flocking to the Western Front to fight. |||||||стікаються до||||||

At the beginning of the war's final year, another enemy would enter the trenches, one |||||війни|||||||||

that threatened people on and off the battlefield and eventually led to more deaths than all |||||||||||||смертей|| які загрожували людям на полі бою та поза ним і врешті-решт призвели до більшої кількості смертей, ніж будь-хто інший

war-related causes combined.

That enemy was the flu. Той||||

What made it so deadly?

And 100 years later, could it happen again?


No one knows for sure where the original 1918 flu infection happened.

As the first bout of illnesses cropped up in North America, Europe, and Asia it didn't |||series of illnesses|||||||||||| Як тільки|||спалах хвороб||хвороби||||||||||

kill many people.

But by the Fall of 1918 the disease had grown deadlier. |||||||||смертоноснішою

People displayed classic flu symptoms like nausea, fever, and aches, but many began to ||||||нудота|лихоманка||||||

develop dark spots on their cheeks, their breathing became difficult, and their faces

turned blue from lack of oxygen. |||||кисню

These people caught pneumonia and died from suffocation. Ці|||||||задуха

Along the Western Front, rows of dead soldiers piled up, who had just days earlier been young

able men.

Because the world was at war, news of these deaths was kept quiet to maintain morale.

Only the Spanish, who had remained neutral in the war, wrote about the frightening numbers |||||залишалися нейтральними|нейтральними|||||||лякаючі|

of illnesses and deaths, which is why this disease is named for them (such an honor!).

By the time the disease declined in 1919, one third of the world had been infected with До того часу|||||спала||одна третина|||||||заражений|

the Spanish flu, and between 50 million and 100 million people died– as much as 5% of іспанський грип|||і|||||||до |||

the world population at the time. світове населення на той час|||||

Enough people died in the US that the average lifespan fell by 10 years. Достатньо||||||||середня тривалість життя||||

It was a flu more deadly than any we'd seen before or since. Це було||||||ніж||||раніше||

But the flu has been around for a long time.

We see it every year.

What made the 1918 outbreak so bad? |||спалах||

To understand this, we need to shrink down to the nanoscale world. ||||||||||наномасштабний світ|

Influenza is a virus Influenza is a virus, which is essentially a container made to carry

genetic information.

These genes are the blueprints for building more virus - using the machinery of your own


Variations in these genetic blueprints determine how deadly a particular virus is. ||||генетичні плани|||||||

The virus' armored shell is made up of two proteins.

One unlocks the door to your cells. |відчиняє|||||

The better it can do this, the more infectious it becomes.

The second helps newly made viruses escape from the cell.

Every flu strain has a name based on different combinations of slightly different H and N ||strain||||||||||||| Elke griepstam heeft een naam gebaseerd op verschillende combinaties van iets verschillende H en N


We now know the 1918 flu was an H1N1 strain, and many Influenza viruses today are a descendant |||||||||||||||||нащадок

of it, including the 2009 “bird flu”.

When you catch the flu virus, it invades your cells, the viruses reproduce, and infected |||||||вторгається в|||||||

cells eventually burst.

Your immune system senses this mess, identifies the attacker, and starts building an army

of cells that specifically recognize the invader by reading its unique H and N surface proteins.

These recognizable bits are called antigens. |||||антигени

Once you're better, other cells “remember” that antigen, so you almost never get infected |||||||антиген||||||

with the exact same flu twice.

But the flu has a few tricks up its sleeve. |||||||||рукаві**

Each time it replicates its genes, it makes random mistakes or mutations. |||реплікує||||||||

We call this gradual change antigenic drift. |||||related to antigens| |||поступовий||антигенний|антигенний дрейф

So if, say, an H1N1 strain undergoes enough mutations, the immune system may not recognize |||||||зазнає||||||||

it, and it can make you sick again.

This is why you need a new flu shot every year.

But, more extreme changes in flu genes can also occur.

If an unlucky host is infected with two flu viruses at the same time, their genes can

shuffle. перемішати

Instead of small gradual changes, this can lead to radically new genetic combinations.

Imagine if Nickelback and Limp Bizkit joined forces to make Nickelbizkit. ||Нікелбек||Лімп Бізкіт|Нікелбізкіт|||||Нікелбізкіт

It would be even more dangerous than the originals.

This kind of shuffle is called an antigenic shift, and it creates flu viruses completely

unrecognizable to our immune system. невпізнаний||||

These are the viruses most likely to cause massive outbreaks like 1918. |||||||||спалахи|

To understand if we're at risk for another super virus emerging today, we need to know

exactly what made the 1918 flu so catastrophic. ||||||катастрофічним

Today we have better sanitation, vaccines, and antivirals, yet hundreds of thousands ||||санітарні умови|вакцини||противірусні препарати||||

of people still die every year from the flu.

But the 1918 flu was different in some very deadly ways, thanks to its unique genetic


In the late 1990s, two scientists resurrected the genetic code of the 1918 influenza virus ||||||відновили|||||||

preserved in a body buried in Alaskan permafrost. |||||||permanently frozen ground ||||||Аляскинський|вічній мерзлоті

Turns out two bits of the 1918 flu were essential for its viral badness. ||||||||||||шкідливість вірусу Виявляється, два біти грипу 1918 року були важливими для його вірусної небезпеки.

A deadlier form of the H surface protein helped it enter and kill lung cells more efficiently. |||||||||||||легеневі клітини|||

It also carried genes that helped it make copies of itself 50 times faster than modern

flus. грип.

But it was really when all of the other pieces of the 1918 virus were put together *with*

these two that it became a “super virus” and to be honest, we still don't have a

complete answer as to why.

One answer is more certain: Another deadly flu like 1918 IS possible.

Two general factors determine if a flu will be particularly bad - how well it travels

from human to human, and how deadly it is once it gets inside of us.

For example the H5N1 bird flu has a mortality rate of more than 50%, but it can't spread

from human to human, only from birds to humans.

When you get a flu that's good at both, like 1918, that's how you get a pandemic. Коли ви отримуєте грип, який добре справляється і з тим, і з іншим, як у 1918 році, ви отримуєте пандемію.

Say, for example, bird flu mutates so it can be transmitted between humans.

That would be very bad.

It's true that modern medicine and flu shots have helped in humanity's war against the

flu, but other aspects of our modern culture have put us more at risk for a pandemic.

Humans aren't the only species that can carry the flu.

But because some of these other versions are similar to human flu, a few changes and they

can jump the species barrier. ||||подолати міжвидовий бар'єр kan over de soortbarrière springen.

We have increased contact with livestock today, making these species jumps more likely.

And since we travel so much today, a deadly virus could spread across the globe in hours.

While we don't know how to predict where a pandemic will start, scientists agree it's

not a question of if, but when.

If a flu like 1918 popped up today, an estimated 100 million people could die world wide. Als er vandaag een griep als 1918 opduikt, zouden wereldwijd naar schatting 100 miljoen mensen kunnen overlijden.

Can we do anything to be ready?

Containing a pandemic will require global cooperation to stop the spread and treat infected


Because traditional vaccines take months to develop, scientists are working on a universal

flu vaccine, one that would protect against any strain of the flu, but the task has obviously

been difficult because the flu is constantly changing.

These days, the flu feels like an annoying yearly thing.

If you remember to get a shot, maybe it can save you from a few days fever and runny nose. ||||||||||||||||||нежить|

But flu is a real and honest threat to humanity.

Humans and influenza have been at war for centuries.

Flu infects humans. |заражає|

Humans develop immunity. ||імунітет

The flu mutates and the process starts again.

Perhaps one day, science will help us leave influenza in the history books.

But for now, stay safe, support science, and stay curious.