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It`s Okay To Be Smart, The Impossible Hugeness of Deep Time

The Impossible Hugeness of Deep Time

thanks to curiosity stream for

supporting PBS Digital Studios hey smart

people Joe here picture five balloons

that was easy

now picture a thousand that wasn't that

hard was it

not so fast smartypants that's only

three hundred 99 balloons that's a

thousand my point is we stink at

imagining big numbers the human brain is

good at so much yet so so bad at big

numbers let's see if we can fix that

this big number fail isn't totally our

fault but during our evolution we only

had to pay attention to small numbers

like fingers toes how many people live

in our clan and beyond that it was just

there's many mammoths over there

a massive magnitude a multitude if you

will and that did just fine until we

invented science and history and started

using really big numbers when it comes

to putting big numbers in perspective

nowhere did we fail harder than in deep

time deep time is the geologic time

scale it's the history of the earth and

everything on it we're talking millions

and billions of years not tens or

hundreds and our brains are really bad

at putting these huge magnitudes into

perspective for instance my science

brain knows a billions a thousand times

bigger than a million but then I think

about the fact that a million seconds is

11 and a half days and a billion seconds

is 31.7 years and my brain breaks a

little you know Cleopatra the Egyptian

ruler she died in 30 BC long time ago

but she lived closer to the first Taco

Bell opening than she did to the Great

Pyramid being built and t-rex lived

closer to us than it did to Stegosaurus

what I mean is we don't really

understand deep time at all so I'm out

here to put things in perspective for

you we're going to take an actual

journey through the history of the earth

to see how long ago things

really happened and how much time

happened in between the parts of the

history of the earth will be played by

this pink string all along this are

different events in Earth's history and

the distances in between those events

are cut to scale based on how many

thousands or millions or even billions

of years ago that they happened so let's

start playing with some string here we

are about four and a half billion years

ago at the formation of the earth kind

of a big deal

kind of a major event in Earth's history

and apparently it happened next to this

tree oh the moon just formed I didn't

take long I don't see it though cool


Oh liquid water love this stuff and I'm

a big deal for life formation of the

Earth's atmosphere earth is massive

enough now that it can start keeping

gases close to its surface thanks to

gravity but it was mostly stuff like

carbon dioxide ammonia methane none of

this sweet sweet oxygen stuff yet still

not a lot happening right now the first

living organisms this is kind of a big

deal at this time Earth's conditions

have settled down enough to let

chemistry start doing whatever cool

chemistry stuff it took to create the

first known living things sure they were

simple but they're your ancestors show

some respect

about a billion years has passed from

the formation of the earth to this point

the word is getting started

well a lot going on here nothing that

important we've got oxygen now for the

first billion years of life on Earth

there was nothing really making oxygen

until cyanobacteria showed up and

started doing photosynthesis for the

very first time so they were just

spitting out oxygen as a waste product

into the atmosphere and since there was

nothing there to really use it it just

built up over time and actually led to

one of the largest mass extinction

events in the history of the planet well

I see a big event coming 2.2 billion

years ago the first eukaryotes what does

that mean well that's when cells got

organelles you know like the nucleus the

Golgi apparatus the mitochondria the

powerhouse of the cell does anything

happen on this planet oh there's

something the supercontinent Rodinia

broke up thought they'd stay together


now 710 million years ago that means 3.8

billion years of Earth's history have

passed to get to this point when you

think about it almost everything that we

think about in earth's history hasn't

even happened yet we still have a long

ways to go ah 600 million years ago the

first multicellular organisms on earth

that's right

all the life up until this point had

just been single-celled but now we get

teamwork cooperation awesome

multicellularity only things like us

happen a lot further that way something

cool happens right here 540 million

years ago or so is a period of time we

call the Cambrian explosion when we look

at the fossil record we just see this

explosion in the diversity of life it's

when things got interesting 470 million

years ago we get the first true land

plants they didn't look like these

plants there were a lot more basic

things are about to start happening a

lot more rapidly so hold on your hats

400 million years ago we find the first

insects the first amphibian the first

tree and the first shark fossils

although I would assume not all in the

same place

359 million years ago we find the first

coal deposits it's right all those

fossil fuels that we've been digging out

of the earth and lighting on fire

they started forming about now 315

million years ago we get the first

reptiles not dinosaurs not that cool yet

although they were pretty cool

they just weren't that cool 280 million

years ago supercontinent Pangea comes

together maybe you've heard of it 4.2

billion years has passed we're just now

getting to the first flowering plants

230 million years ago first dinosaurs

200 million years ago the Atlantic Ocean

opens up for the first time 180 million

years ago we get the earliest mammals

and birds but you're still dinosaurs

this is all of history that we have left

and the Rocky Mountains are just now

forming well 65 million years ago

adios dinosaurs that's the asteroid 56

million years ago we get the earliest

primates 40 million years ago India hits

Asia this is basically everything we

could consider human history

Australopithecus shows up for the very

first time an early walking hominid just

like Lucy the first stone tools the

first controlled use of fire

anatomically modern humans don't show up

until here and here we are at the

present and here we are in the present

everything when we consider our history

happens in less than a millimeter from

the end here's looking back down the

entire history of Earth dogs and

everything stuff like this

the last Neanderthal the extinction of

the woolly mammoths the rise of human

civilizations is less than a thread in a

thread of yarn the moral of this story

is that most things happened a really

really really long time ago and we

humans are very new here so go pick up a

rock and take a second to respect your

elders on the bright side even though I

keep getting older I'm actually still

very very young and now I can prove it

with string stay curious

once they a big thank you to curiosity

stream for supporting PBS Digital

Studios a curiosity stream is a

subscription streaming service that

offers documentaries and nonfiction

titles from a variety of filmmakers

including curiosity stream originals

like this one called deep time history

it's a three-part series chronicling how

human history has been shaped by science

even before we knew what science was

from the surprising ways that humans

first figure out how to harvest energy

to how the Scientific Revolution ended

up putting salt and pepper on your table

you can learn more at curiosity stream

comm slash smart hey so do you ever wish

there was like a whole channel devoted

to deep time well good news there is go

check out our friends at PBS eons


The Impossible Hugeness of Deep Time Die unmögliche Umarmung der tiefen Zeit El abrazo imposible del tiempo profundo L'impossible intimité du temps profond De onmogelijke zachtheid van diepe tijd O abraço impossível do tempo profundo Невозможное объятие глубокого времени Derin Zamanın İmkansız Sarılışı 深邃時間不可思議的巨大

thanks to curiosity stream for

supporting PBS Digital Studios hey smart

people Joe here picture five balloons

that was easy

now picture a thousand that wasn't that Nu.. Skal du bare forestille dig et tusinde balloner.

hard was it

not so fast smartypants that's only

three hundred 99 balloons that's a Det er kun 399..

thousand my point is we stink at Det er et tusind!

imagining big numbers the human brain is

good at so much yet so so bad at big

numbers let's see if we can fix that

this big number fail isn't totally our

fault but during our evolution we only

had to pay attention to small numbers

like fingers toes how many people live Ligesom; fingre, tæer,

in our clan and beyond that it was just

there's many mammoths over there

a massive magnitude a multitude if you ||||large number|| En massiv størrelsesorden..

will and that did just fine until we

invented science and history and started

using really big numbers when it comes og begyndte at bruge virkelig STORE tal.

to putting big numbers in perspective Når det kommer til at sætte store tal i perspektiv,

nowhere did we fail harder than in deep er der ingen steder vi fejler så meget

time deep time is the geologic time som indenfor dyb tid...

scale it's the history of the earth and

everything on it we're talking millions

and billions of years not tens or

hundreds and our brains are really bad

at putting these huge magnitudes into til at sætte disse store størrelser i perspektiv. bij het plaatsen van deze enorme grootheden in

perspective for instance my science

brain knows a billions a thousand times

bigger than a million but then I think

about the fact that a million seconds is

11 and a half days and a billion seconds

is 31.7 years and my brain breaks a

little you know Cleopatra the Egyptian

ruler she died in 30 BC long time ago

but she lived closer to the first Taco

Bell opening than she did to the Great

Pyramid being built and t-rex lived

closer to us than it did to Stegosaurus Levede tidsmæssigt tættere på os end dinosaurusen Stegosaurus. dichter bij ons dan bij Stegosaurus

what I mean is we don't really Det jeg mener er, vi forstår ikke dyb tid..

understand deep time at all so I'm out begrijp diepe tijd helemaal, dus ik ben weg

here to put things in perspective for |||||to clarify|

you we're going to take an actual Vi tager en faktisk rejse gennem Jordens historie,

journey through the history of the earth

to see how long ago things

really happened and how much time

happened in between the parts of the og hvor meget tid der gået imellem.

history of the earth will be played by Jordens historie vil blive spillet af dette stykke pink snor.

this pink string all along this are

different events in Earth's history and

the distances in between those events og afstanden mellem disse begivenheder

are cut to scale based on how many tilpasses i målestok ud fra hvor mange worden op schaal gesneden op basis van hoeveel

thousands or millions or even billions tusinder eller millioner eller endda milliarder år siden, at de skete.

of years ago that they happened so let's

start playing with some string here we ||||string here||

are about four and a half billion years

ago at the formation of the earth kind ved dannelsen af Jorden.

of a big deal Rimelig vigtigt.

kind of a major event in Earth's history En stort øjeblik i Jordens historie.

and apparently it happened next to this

tree oh the moon just formed I didn't

take long I don't see it though cool Det tog ikke lang tid..


Oh liquid water love this stuff and I'm Flydende vand. Elsker det stads.

a big deal for life formation of the

Earth's atmosphere earth is massive Dannelsen af Jordens atmosfære.

enough now that it can start keeping Jorden er massiv nok nu, til at den kan begynde at holde gasser tæt på overfladen,

gases close to its surface thanks to

gravity but it was mostly stuff like Men det var kun gasser så som kuldioxid, ammoniak og metan.

carbon dioxide ammonia methane none of

this sweet sweet oxygen stuff yet still Ikke noget af det her super lækre oxygen stads..

not a lot happening right now the first

living organisms this is kind of a big De første levende organismer. Det er et stort øjeblik.

deal at this time Earth's conditions

have settled down enough to let |calmed down||||

chemistry start doing whatever cool til at lade kemien begynde at gøre de fantastiske ting der skulle til,

chemistry stuff it took to create the

first known living things sure they were for at skabe de første kendte levende ting.

simple but they're your ancestors show De var enkle, men de er dine forfædre, så vis dem noget respekt.

some respect

about a billion years has passed from Ca. en milliard år er gået fra Jordens dannelse til dette punkt.

the formation of the earth to this point

the word is getting started Men vi er først lige begyndt.

well a lot going on here nothing that Der foregår ikke meget her.

important we've got oxygen now for the Ikke noget særlig vigtigt..

first billion years of life on Earth

there was nothing really making oxygen var der ikke noget, der producerede ilt,

until cyanobacteria showed up and indtil cyanobakterier dukkede op.

started doing photosynthesis for the De begyndte at lave fotosyntese for første gang.

very first time so they were just

spitting out oxygen as a waste product De spyttede ilt ud i atmosfæren, som et affaldsprodukt,

into the atmosphere and since there was

nothing there to really use it it just

built up over time and actually led to hobede det sig op over tid.

one of the largest mass extinction Faktisk førte det til en af ​​de største masseudryddelser i planetens historie.

events in the history of the planet well

I see a big event coming 2.2 billion Der er en stor begivenhed på vej!

years ago the first eukaryotes what does

that mean well that's when cells got

organelles you know like the nucleus the

Golgi apparatus the mitochondria the golgiapparatet,

powerhouse of the cell does anything CELLENS KRAFTVÆRK

happen on this planet oh there's

something the supercontinent Rodinia Der er noget.. iets van het supercontinent Rodinia

broke up thought they'd stay together


now 710 million years ago that means 3.8

billion years of Earth's history have 3,8 milliarder år af Jordens historie er gået,

passed to get to this point when you

think about it almost everything that we Når du tænker over det,

think about in earth's history hasn't

even happened yet we still have a long er ikke engang sket endnu.

ways to go ah 600 million years ago the

first multicellular organisms on earth

that's right Det er rigtigt, hele livet frem til dette punkt, havde været enkelt-cellet.

all the life up until this point had

just been single-celled but now we get

teamwork cooperation awesome Men nu får vi for første gang samarbejde.

multicellularity only things like us

happen a lot further that way something

cool happens right here 540 million

years ago or so is a period of time we

call the Cambrian explosion when we look

at the fossil record we just see this Når vi ser på de fossile fund

explosion in the diversity of life it's

when things got interesting 470 million Det var her tingene begyndte at blive interessant.

years ago we get the first true land 470 millioner år siden, får vi de første ægte jordplanter.

plants they didn't look like these

plants there were a lot more basic Der var meget mere grundlæggende.

things are about to start happening a Ting er ved at begynde at ske meget hurtigere. Så hold på hat og briller!

lot more rapidly so hold on your hats

400 million years ago we find the first

insects the first amphibian the first

tree and the first shark fossils

although I would assume not all in the Jeg antager at det ikke skete samme sted.

same place

359 million years ago we find the first

coal deposits it's right all those

fossil fuels that we've been digging out

of the earth and lighting on fire

they started forming about now 315 De begyndte at danne sig nu

million years ago we get the first For 315 millioner år siden får vi de første krybdyr.

reptiles not dinosaurs not that cool yet

although they were pretty cool

they just weren't that cool 280 million

years ago supercontinent Pangea comes

together maybe you've heard of it 4.2

billion years has passed we're just now 4,2 milliarder år er gået. Vi er lige nu kommet til de første blomstrende planter

getting to the first flowering plants

230 million years ago first dinosaurs 230 millioner år siden. De første dinosaurer.

200 million years ago the Atlantic Ocean 200 millioner år siden. Atlanten åbner sig for første gang.

opens up for the first time 180 million

years ago we get the earliest mammals

and birds but you're still dinosaurs

this is all of history that we have left Men du er stadig dinosaurer.

and the Rocky Mountains are just now

forming well 65 million years ago

adios dinosaurs that's the asteroid 56

million years ago we get the earliest 56 millioner år siden. Vi får de tidligste primater.

primates 40 million years ago India hits

Asia this is basically everything we

could consider human history

Australopithecus shows up for the very Australopithecus viser for første gang.

first time an early walking hominid just

like Lucy the first stone tools the

first controlled use of fire

anatomically modern humans don't show up Anatomisk moderne mennesker kommer først til her.

until here and here we are at the

present and here we are in the present

everything when we consider our history

happens in less than a millimeter from

the end here's looking back down the

entire history of Earth dogs and

everything stuff like this Ting som den sidste neandertal, udryddelsen af ​​den uldhårede mammut.

the last Neanderthal the extinction of

the woolly mammoths the rise of human |fuzzy|||||

civilizations is less than a thread in a

thread of yarn the moral of this story ||thread of yarn|||||

is that most things happened a really

really really long time ago and we

humans are very new here so go pick up a Vi mennesker er meget nye her.

rock and take a second to respect your

elders on the bright side even though I ouderen aan de positieve kant, ook al

keep getting older I'm actually still

very very young and now I can prove it

with string stay curious

once they a big thank you to curiosity

stream for supporting PBS Digital

Studios a curiosity stream is a

subscription streaming service that

offers documentaries and nonfiction der tilbyder dokumentarer og nonfiction titler fra en række filmskabere.

titles from a variety of filmmakers

including curiosity stream originals

like this one called deep time history

it's a three-part series chronicling how het is een driedelige serie waarin wordt beschreven hoe

human history has been shaped by science

even before we knew what science was Allerede før vi vidste, hvad videnskab var.

from the surprising ways that humans

first figure out how to harvest energy

to how the Scientific Revolution ended

up putting salt and pepper on your table

you can learn more at curiosity stream

comm slash smart hey so do you ever wish

there was like a whole channel devoted

to deep time well good news there is go

check out our friends at PBS eons
