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張悦楷講《三國演義》, 021


























































































































































































































































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而家講下孫策。 Now let's talk about Sun Ce.

呢一晚,佢諗起自己嘅身世,思前想後,唉想到父親孫堅咁英雄,而自己竟然淪落到今日噉嘅地步,忍唔住放聲喊起上嚟。 this evening||thought about the past and future||| That night, he thought about his background, reflecting on the past, and sighed as he thought about how heroic his father Sun Jian was, while he had fallen to such a state today, unable to hold back his tears.

忽然間,有一個人喺外便行入嚟,笑住噉話:哈哈哈哈哈,伯符,你做乜嘢啊? suddenly|||hahaha|Bak Fu| Suddenly, a person walked in from outside, smiling and saying: Hahaha, Bo Fu, what are you doing?

令尊在生嘅時候,時時都用著我嘅,而家你有乜嘢搞唔定嘅事呀吓,點解唔問下我,而喺度喊呢? When your father was alive, he often relied on me, so what is it that you can't handle now? Why don't you ask me instead of crying here?

孫策一睇,原來呢個人姓朱,名治,字君理,係佢父親往日嘅從事官。 Sun Ce looked and realized that this person was surnamed Zhu, named Zhi, courtesy name Junli, and was a former official under his father.

孫策抹乾眼淚請佢入去坐,孫策話: Sun Ce wiped his tears and invited him to sit down, saying:

唉,我之所以喊起上嚟,都係恨我自己唔能夠繼承父親嘅大志唧。 sigh|| "Sigh, the reason I am crying is because I hate myself for not being able to inherit my father's great ambitions."

嗯,你睇噉好唔好呢? hmm| "Hmm, what do you think about this?"

你去搵袁術,問佢借兵去江東,話就話去救你舅父吳景,實質上呢,去另謀發展,噉就唔使長期困喺他人之下啦嘛。 "You go find Yuan Shu, ask him to lend troops to Jiangdong, saying it's to rescue your uncle Wu Jing, but in reality, it's to seek another opportunity for development, so you won't have to be stuck under others for a long time."

正喺度商量緊,有個人撞入嚟話:你哋商量嘅事我知道晒嘞。 Just as they were discussing, someone barged in and said: "I know everything you are discussing."

我手下有一百名精壯軍士,可以助伯符你一馬之力啊。 I have a hundred strong soldiers under my command, who can assist you, Lord Bo Fu.

呢個人係邊個呢?原來係袁術嘅謀士,姓呂,名范,字子衡。 Who is this person? It turns out he is Yuan Shu's strategist, surnamed Lu, named Fan, styled Zi Heng.

孫策非常之高興,請佢坐落一齊商量。 Sun Ce was very pleased and invited him to sit down to discuss together.

呂范坐落之後,佢就話: After Lu Fan sat down, he said:

怕就係怕袁術唔肯借兵噃。 what I'm afraid of is that Yuan Shu won't lend troops What we fear is that Yuan Shu is unwilling to lend troops.

孫策話嘞:先父留低一個傳國玉璽畀我,可以攞去做抵押品嘅。 Sun Ce said: My late father left me a national jade seal, which can be used as collateral.

呂范就話嘞:哦,噉就得喇!袁術唔知想得到呢件嘢幾耐㗎喇,有佢嚟做抵押品,佢必定肯借兵嘅。 |oh|||| Lü Fan replied: Oh, then that's good! Yuan Shu must have been wanting this for a long time; with this as collateral, he will definitely lend troops.

三個人噉就商量妥嘞喎。 The three of them then made a plan.

第日,孫策就去拜見袁術,佢喊住對袁術講: the next day|| The next day, Sun Ce went to visit Yuan Shu, and he cried out to Yuan Shu saying:

啟稟袁公,我都我都仲未曾同父親報仇,而家我舅父吳景又受到揚州刺史劉繇所逼。我母親同家眷都喺曲阿嚟,一定會受害嘅。 I report to you Mr Yuan|||| I report to you, Yuan Gong, I have not yet avenged my father, and now my uncle Wu Jing is being pressured by the governor of Yangzhou, Liu Yao. My mother and family are in Qu'a and will definitely be harmed.

我想同袁公你借幾千雄兵,過江去探親救難啊。 I want to borrow a few thousand troops from you, Lord Yuan, to cross the river and visit my family in distress.

如果袁公你信唔過,我呢度有先父留下嘅玉璽一件,姑且作為抵押啦。 If you don't believe me, I have a jade seal left by my late father here, which I can use as collateral.

吓?你畀我睇下,你畀我睇下! huh|| Huh? Let me see, let me see!

袁公,呢個就係玉璽嘞。 Mr Yuen| Lord Yuan, this is the jade seal.

哦,哦,好啊——好啊! oh||good|good Oh, oh, great—great!

誒,我唔係話要你嘅玉璽,誒,而家就暫時擠喺我度先啦。我借三千兵、五百匹馬畀你,啊,平定之後你就快啲返嚟。 eh||||||ah| Hey, I'm not saying I want your jade seal, hey, just temporarily keep it with me for now. I'll lend you three thousand soldiers and five hundred horses, ah, after you stabilize things, come back quickly.

誒,你嘅職位卑微呀,難掌大權。我上個表畀朝廷,任命你做折衝校尉、殄寇將軍,擇咗日子,你領齊兵馬就起程啦。 hey|||||general of exterminating bandits|| Hey, your position is lowly, it's hard to wield great power. I submitted a petition to the court, appointing you as the Chief of the Negotiation and the General of the Anti-Pirates. Choose a date, and you can set out with your troops.

多謝袁公! Thank you, Lord Yuan!

過咗幾日,孫策率領軍馬,帶埋朱治、呂范,舊將程普、黃蓋、韓當等等就出發嘞。 |||Lu Fan||Huang Gai| A few days later, Sun Ce led the army, bringing along Zhu Zhi, Lu Fan, and the old generals Cheng Pu, Huang Gai, Han Dang, and others, and set off.

佢哋行到歷陽呢笪地方,見到有一支軍隊嚟到。 They arrived at the place called Liyang and saw a military force approaching.

當先一個人,資質風流,儀容秀麗。 There was a person, talented and charming, with a beautiful appearance.

呢個人一見到孫策,佢落馬就拜。 When this person saw Sun Ce, he dismounted and bowed.

呢個人係邊個呢?佢就係廬江舒城人,姓周,名瑜,字公瑾。 Who is this person? He is from Shucheng, Lujiang, surnamed Zhou, named Yu, courtesy name Gongjin.

原來當年孫堅去討伐董卓嘅時候,就將屋企搬咗去舒城。 It turns out that when Sun Jian went to fight against Dong Zhuo, he moved his family to Shucheng.

周瑜同孫策係同年,交情就非常之密切,因此呢就結拜做兄弟。 Zhou Yu and Sun Ce were of the same age and had a very close friendship, so they became sworn brothers.

孫策啊大過周瑜兩個月,所以孫策就係阿哥,周瑜係細佬。 Sun Ce is two months older than Zhou Yu, so Sun Ce is the elder brother, and Zhou Yu is the younger brother.

周瑜有個叔父叫做周尚,而家做緊丹陽太守。 Zhou Yu has an uncle named Zhou Shang, who is currently the governor of Danyang.

周瑜呢一次呢,係去丹陽探親嘅,喺半路嚟到歷陽就撞見咗孫策。 This time, Zhou Yu went to Danyang to visit relatives, and on the way, he ran into Sun Ce in Liyang.

噉孫策見到周瑜就歡喜到極啦,就將啲心事講晒畀佢聽。 When Sun Ce saw Zhou Yu, he was extremely happy and shared all his thoughts with him.

周瑜話嘞:小弟願效犬馬之力,同兄長你共圖大事。 Zhou Yu said: "I am willing to offer my humble assistance and work together with you, brother, to achieve great things."

哦,我得到你幫手呀,大事成功喇! oh|| Oh, I got your help, the big event is successful!

孫策跟住介紹周瑜同朱治、呂范佢哋相識。周瑜對孫策話: Sun Ce then introduced Zhou Yu to Zhu Zhi and Lu Fan.

兄長你想做成一番大事業,你知唔知江東有二張啊? Zhou Yu said to Sun Ce:

邊二張呢? Brother, you want to achieve great things, do you know there are two Zhangs in Jiangdong?

一個係彭城張昭,字子布;一個係廣陵張紘,字子綱。 Which two Zhangs?

佢兩個人都有經天緯地之才,極有本事嘅。因為兵荒馬亂,為咗避難,所以隱居喺呢處。 Both of them have extraordinary talents and are very capable. Due to the chaos of war, they are hiding here to avoid trouble.

兄長你去聘請佢哋嚟就啱嘞。 Brother, it would be right for you to invite them.

孫策好歡喜,即刻叫人帶咗禮物去聘請佢哋兩個。 Sun Ce was very happy and immediately sent someone with gifts to invite both of them.

但係,佢兩個都推辭,唔肯出嚟做事啊。 but|| However, both of them declined and were unwilling to come out to work.

於是孫策就親自去佢哋屋企,同佢哋一傾談起上嚟,哎呀更加認識到佢哋係個難得嘅人才,就極力噉請佢。 So Sun Ce personally went to their home and talked with them, realizing even more that they were rare talents, and he earnestly invited them.

呢次佢哋兩個就應承喇。 This time they both agreed.

孫策就任命張昭做長史,兼撫軍中郎將;張紘做參謀正議校尉。 Sun Ce appointed Zhang Zhao as the Chief of Staff, concurrently serving as the General of the Army; Zhang Hong was made the Chief Military Advisor.

噉啊大家一齊商量點樣攻打劉繇嘞。 So everyone discussed how to attack Liu Yao.

而家講下劉繇啊。 Now let's talk about Liu Yao.

佢亦係漢室宗親嚟,太尉劉寵就係佢叔父,兗州刺史劉岱呢係佢兄長。 He is also a member of the Han royal family; the Grand Commandant Liu Chong is his uncle, and the Governor of Yan Province Liu Dai is his elder brother.

劉繇本來係揚州刺史,就駐扎喺壽春嚟嘅,收尾畀袁術趕咗佢過江東,因此就嚟到曲阿。 Liu Yao was originally the governor of Yangzhou, stationed in Shouchun, but was driven across the river to Jiangdong by Yuan Shu, thus arriving at Qu'a.

當其時劉繇聽聞話孫策帶兵打嚟嘞,就急急召集啲將領商量啦。 At that time, when Liu Yao heard that Sun Ce was coming with troops, he hurriedly summoned his generals to discuss.

有個軍官叫張英,佢話: There was a military officer named Zhang Ying, who said:

等我帶一支部隊守住牛渚呢個險要地方,縱使佢有百萬人馬,想行近半步都唔得啊。 Let me take a troop to guard the strategic location of Niu Zhu; even if he has a million troops, he won't be able to advance a single step.

說話未完,只聽見有個人大聲高叫話:小將願做前部先鋒! Before he finished speaking, someone shouted loudly: 'I, a young general, am willing to be the vanguard!'

大家一睇,原來係太史慈。 Everyone took a look and realized it was Tai Shici.

太史慈啊佢自從幫北海解咗圍之後呢,就嚟見劉繇吖,劉繇就收咗佢喺部下嚟。 Since Tai Shici helped break the siege at Beihai, he came to see Liu Yao, who took him under his command.

當時佢聽見話孫策打嚟唄,就話要做先鋒。 At that time, when he heard that Sun Ce was coming, he said he wanted to be the vanguard.

劉繇話:你仲係年輕,未做得大將,你就喺我身邊聽候命令啦。 Liu Yao said||| Liu Yao said: You are still young and not yet a great general, so just stay by my side and wait for orders.

係。太史慈好唔高興啊。 yes| Yes. Tai Shici was not very happy.

而家講下張英。佢帶兵嚟到牛渚,喺倉庫呀儲備咗十萬糧食,準備同孫策鬥頂㗎喇佢。 Now let's talk about Zhang Ying. He brought his troops to Niu Zhu, where he stored one hundred thousand grains in the warehouse, preparing to confront Sun Ce.

呢一日,孫策兵馬嚟到咯,張英又出去迎戰啦,噉兩支軍隊喺牛渚灘頭就擺開陣勢。 this day||| On this day, Sun Ce's army arrived, and Zhang Ying went out to meet the battle, so the two armies set up their formations at Niu Zhu beach.

黃蓋首先出馬嚟同張英對敵。 Huang Gai was the first to go out and confront Zhang Ying.

都冇打咗幾個回合唧,忽然間,張英嘅軍隊亂起上嚟,咦,咩事呢噉? |suddenly||huh| They hadn't fought for a few rounds when suddenly, Zhang Ying's army became chaotic. Hmm, what's going on?

原來有人嚟報告話:營寨裏頭有人放火嘩! It turned out that someone came to report that there was a fire in the camp!

張英一聽,得了!即刻收兵啦。 |understood| Zhang Ying heard this and said, "Got it! Let's retreat immediately."

孫策就乘機帶兵衝過去掩殺。 Sun Ce took the opportunity to lead his troops to launch a surprise attack.

張英頂唔住嘞,就唯有放棄咗牛渚,趯咗入去深山。 Zhang Ying couldn't hold on any longer, so he had no choice but to abandon Niu Zhu and retreat into the deep mountains.

究竟喺營寨裏頭放火嘅係乜嘢人呢吓? Who exactly set fire to the camp?

原來啊係兩員健將嚟。一個係九江壽春人,姓蔣,名欽,字公奕;另一個呢係九江下蔡人,姓周,名泰,字幼平。 It turned out to be two capable generals. One was from Shouchun in Jiujiang, surnamed Jiang, named Qin, courtesy name Gongyi; the other was from Xiacai in Jiujiang, surnamed Zhou, named Tai, courtesy name Youping.

佢兩個人都係遇啱時勢大亂,就聚集咗一班人喺洋子江上以搶劫為生。 The two of them encountered the right circumstances during a time of chaos, so they gathered a group of people on the Yangzi River to survive by robbery.

佢哋一向都聽講喇,話孫策呀係江東豪傑,十分重視人才嘅,所以呢次就帶埋三百幾名黨羽走嚟投奔孫策。 They had always heard that Sun Ce was a hero of Jiangdong who valued talent greatly, so this time they brought along over three hundred followers to seek refuge with Sun Ce.

孫策好高興,任命佢哋做軍前校尉。 Sun Ce was very pleased and appointed them as military officers.

呢一仗奪取到牛渚倉庫嘅糧食、軍器,仲有幾千名投降過嚟嘅士卒,戰果就唔細呀。 |weapons|| In this battle, they seized food and military supplies from the Niuzhu warehouse, as well as several thousand soldiers who surrendered, so the victory was quite significant.

跟住孫策就向神亭進兵嘞。 Then Sun Ce advanced towards Shenting.

嗰個張英打敗咗仗就趯咗入深山啦,佢混路逃跑返去見劉繇。 That Zhang Ying fled into the deep mountains after being defeated in battle, and he escaped back to see Liu Yao.

劉繇可惱也要殺咗佢。嗨,好彩得到謀士薛禮同笮融兩個人求情,噉先免咗佢一死,叫佢帶兵去零陵布防抵禦敵兵。 |hi||| Liu Yao was furious and wanted to kill him. Fortunately, he was saved by the pleas of the strategists Xue Li and Ze Rong, which spared him from death and ordered him to lead troops to Lingling to defend against the enemy.

噉劉繇自己呢就率領兵馬,喺神亭南便山腳扎營。 Liu Yao himself led his troops to camp at the foot of the southern Shenting Mountain.

孫策兵馬到嘞,就喺北便山腳扎營,就隔住個大山。 When Sun Ce's troops arrived, they camped at the foot of the northern mountain, separated by a large mountain.

呢一日,孫策就問當地嘅老百姓話:附近嘅山上有冇漢光武廟啊? this day|| On this day, Sun Ce asked the local villagers if there was a Han Guangwu Temple nearby.

誒誒誒有,有啊,有有啊,係有間廟喺嶺上便嚟啊。 |yes there is|yes there is| Hey, hey, hey, yes, there is, there is a temple up on the ridge.

我尋晚發夢見到光武帝召我去見面,我要去拜下佢至得。 Last night I dreamed that Emperor Guangwu summoned me to meet him, I need to go pay my respects.

張昭就勸佢話嘞:唔去得啊!嶺嘅南便就係劉繇嘅營寨喇,如果有伏兵就危險喇。 Zhang Zhao advised him: You can't go! Just south of the ridge is Liu Yao's camp, it would be dangerous if there are ambushes.

有神靈保佑我,我怕乜嘢呢? With divine protection, what do I have to fear?

孫策於是着好盔甲,提槍上馬,帶住程普、黃蓋、韓當、蔣欽、周泰佢哋總共十三個人就跑馬上山,搵到間光武廟就焚香拜神。 |||Huang Gai|Han Dang|Jiang Qin|| Sun Ce then put on his armor, mounted his horse, and took with him Cheng Pu, Huang Gai, Han Dang, Jiang Qin, Zhou Tai, and a total of thirteen people, galloping up the mountain to find the Guangwu Temple to burn incense and worship the gods.

參拜完,孫策跪喺度稟告話: after the worship| After the worship, Sun Ce knelt down and reported saying:

如果我孫策能夠喺江東建功立業,復興先父嘅根基,就一定重修廟宇,四時祭祀。 If I, Sun Ce, can achieve success in Jiangdong and revive my father's foundation, I will definitely rebuild the temple and conduct rituals throughout the year.

禱告完,行出間廟,上返馬,孫策突然間對大家話嘞:誒,我想過嶺去睇一睇劉繇嘅營寨啊。 after the prayer||||hey| After praying, he walked out of the temple, got back on his horse, and suddenly said to everyone: Hey, I want to go over the ridge to take a look at Liu Yao's camp.

嗰班將領梗係唔同意佢去啦,之孫策唔聽,係要去,噉就唯有大家一齊跟住去嘞。 The generals naturally disagreed with him going, but Sun Ce wouldn't listen; he insisted on going, so everyone had no choice but to follow him.

一齊上到去山頂,觀察南便嘅地勢。 They all climbed to the top of the mountain to observe the terrain to the south.

嗰便啲伏路小軍就喇喇聲飛噉跑返去報告劉繇。 The small army of ambushers quickly ran back to report to Liu Yao.

劉繇話:嗯,呢啲實係孫策誘敵嘅詭計,誒,唔好去追佢,唔好去追佢。 Liu Yao said|hmm||eh|don't chase him| Liu Yao said: Hmm, this is indeed Sun Ce's trick to lure the enemy, hey, don't chase after him, don't chase after him.

太史慈拔聲跳起嚟話:哼!呢個時候仲唔去捉孫策,仲等幾時呀! |humph|| Tai Shici jumped up and said: Hmph! At this time, if we don't catch Sun Ce, when will we wait until!

佢都唔等劉繇嘅命令啊,自己就披掛上馬,提槍出營。佢大聲噉話:有膽嘅跟我嚟! He didn't wait for Liu Yao's orders, he put on his armor, mounted his horse, and took his spear out of the camp. He shouted loudly: Those with courage, follow me!

所有嘅將領冇個逳身,只係有一名小將話:太史慈真係猛將啊,我嚟幫你!於是拍馬上前就同太史慈一齊去。 None of the generals moved, only one young general said: Tai Shici is indeed a fierce general, I will help you! So he spurred his horse forward to join Tai Shici.

嘻嘻!嗰班將領都喺度笑啊:唉,都不知天高地厚啊! hehe||sigh| Hehe! That group of generals is laughing: Ah, they really don't know the heights of heaven and the depths of the earth!

孫策喺山頂觀察咗一輪,就回馬返扯嘞。 Sun Ce observed for a while from the mountaintop, then turned his horse around to retreat.

正在落緊山,只聽見山上有人大叫話:孫策你咪走! As he was descending the mountain, he suddenly heard someone shouting from above: Sun Ce, don't run!

孫策擰轉頭一睇,只見兩個人騎住馬,飛噉衝緊落嚟。 Sun Ce turned his head to take a look and saw two people riding horses, charging down rapidly.

孫策十三個人一字咁擺開,孫策橫槍立馬,喺山腳等佢。 Sun Ce and his thirteen men lined up in a row, with Sun Ce holding his spear, waiting for them at the foot of the mountain.

太史慈一衝到落嚟,高聲噉問:邊個係孫策? |asked loudly| Tai Shi Ci rushed down and loudly asked: Who is Sun Ce?

孫策問:你係邊個? Sun Ce asked: Who are you?

我就係東萊太史慈,特登嚟捉孫策嘅! I am Tai Shi Ci from Donglai, here specifically to capture Sun Ce!

哈哈哈哈哈哈,我就係嘞。你兩個人一齊嚟打我,我亦唔怕你!我如果怕你嘅,就唔係孫伯符嘞! Hahaha, that's me. You two come to fight me together, and I'm not afraid of you! If I were afraid of you, I wouldn't be Sun Bo Fu!

哼哼,你十幾個人一齊嚟我都唔驚你啊! humph| Hmph, even if you come with ten people, I wouldn't be afraid of you!

太史慈說話一完,縱馬挺槍,直取孫策。 Tai Shici finished speaking, mounted his horse, and charged directly at Sun Ce.

孫策銀槍一舞,上前嚟迎戰。 Sun Ce twirled his silver spear and stepped forward to meet the challenge.

兩個人大戰五十個回合,不分勝負。 The two fought fiercely for fifty rounds, with no clear winner.

程普佢哋一班人喺旁邊睇住呀,個心都暗暗讚好嘢啊。 Cheng Pu and his group watched from the side, secretly praising the spectacle.

太史慈見孫策打咗咁耐,槍法半點破綻都冇噃,佢就虛晃一槍,詐諦打輸引孫策嚟追佢。 Seeing that Sun Ce had fought for so long without showing any flaws in his spear technique, Tai Shici feigned a thrust, tricking Sun Ce into pursuing him.

佢又唔由舊路上山,一轉就轉咗過山背後。 He didn't take the old path up the mountain, but turned and went behind the mountain.

孫策快馬追上嚟,大聲喝話:你咪走啦,走嘅就唔算好漢! Sun Ce rode up quickly and shouted: Don't run away! If you run, you won't be considered a real man!

太史慈個心諗:嚱!呢個傢伙有十二個人跟佢,我只係得一個,就算我生擒咗佢,實畀嗰班人搶返轉頭𠿪。 |huh|||| Tai Shici thought to himself: Huh! This guy has twelve people with him, and I only have one. Even if I capture him, those people will just come back and take him away.

咪喇,等我再引佢追一陣添,等嗰班人冇埞搵喇,然後再下手都唔遲。 don't rush||| Let me lead him on a bit longer, so that those people can't find us, and then I can act.

於是打下走下,走下又打下,孫策邊度捨得話唔追𠿪,一路追到去一笪平地。 So he fought while retreating, and retreated while fighting. Sun Ce was unwilling to stop chasing, and followed all the way to a flat area.

太史慈呃聲勒住隻馬轉頭,又打咗五十個回合。 Tai Shi Ci pulled the reins and turned the horse, then fought for another fifty rounds.

孫策一槍㨃過去,太史慈一閃,嘿!將支槍挾住,跟手一槍插返過去。 ||hey|| Sun Ce thrust his spear forward, Tai Shi Ci dodged, hey! He caught the spear and immediately thrust it back.

孫策亦一閃,咪逳!同樣將支槍挾住。 |don't run away| Sun Ce also dodged, not to be outdone! He similarly caught the spear.

兩個人出盡力一拉,噼啪!嘿!一齊轆咗落馬。嘿嘿,嗰兩匹馬𠽤𠽤𡃈𡃈就唔知跑咗去邊嘞。 |sound of pulling|hey||hee hee| The two of them pulled with all their might, crack! Hey! They both fell off their horses together. Hehe, those two horses just ran off who knows where.

噉兩個人掉低支槍,你揪住我,我攬實你,打拳頭交嘞喎。 So the two of them dropped their spears, you grabbed me, I held you tight, and we started exchanging punches.

嘩,兩個人呀,兩個人啲戰袍都撕到爛晒。 wow|| Wow, there are two people, and both of their battle robes are completely torn.

孫策手急眼快,將太史慈背上插住個短戟掹咗喺手。 Sun Ce is quick and sharp-eyed, he quickly grabs Tai Shici and stabs him with a short spear.

太史慈一手搶咗孫策戴住嗰頂頭盔。 Tai Shici snatches the helmet off Sun Ce's head with one hand.

孫策用支短戟嚟㓤太史慈,太史慈用個頭盔嚟擋。 Sun Ce uses the short spear to jab at Tai Shici, while Tai Shici blocks with the helmet.

正打得燦爛乒乒乓乓嘅時候,忽然間,喎嗬!殺啊!噉吶喊連聲。 |suddenly|hey|help| Just as they were fighting fiercely with loud bangs, suddenly, there were shouts of 'Hey! Kill!' echoing.

原來係劉繇嘅兵馬趕到嚟接應,有成千多人喎。 It turns out that Liu Yao's troops have arrived to provide support, with thousands of people.

孫策慌喇,誒,唔使怕!程普佢哋十二個人亦飛馬趕到嚟。 |hey|| Sun Ce is panicking, but there's no need to be afraid! Cheng Pu and his twelve men have also rushed over.

喺噉嘅情況之下,孫策同太史慈噉先至互相鬆開手。 in such a situation| In this situation, Sun Ce and Tai Shici finally let go of each other's hands.

太史慈喺支援部隊裏頭就攞咗匹馬,攞起支槍,上咗馬又殺過嚟。 Tai Shici took a horse from the support troops, grabbed a spear, mounted the horse, and charged over.

孫策嘅馬呢,係程普喺中途攔住收到,而家交返畀孫策,孫策亦都攞槍上馬。 Sun Ce's horse was intercepted by Cheng Pu on the way, and now it is returned to Sun Ce, who also grabs a spear and mounts the horse.

噉劉繇千幾軍兵同程普佢哋十二個人就混戰一場,一路殺到去神亭嶺下。 Then Liu Yao and his thousand soldiers, along with Cheng Pu and his twelve men, engaged in a chaotic battle, fighting all the way to the foot of Shenting Ridge.

呢個時候,周瑜帶兵嚟到喇。 At this time, Zhou Yu arrived with his troops.

劉繇一馬當先,帶兵殺過去,點知道呼噉狂風一起啊,跟住大雨傾盆。 Liu Yao led the charge, but suddenly a fierce wind arose, followed by a torrential downpour.

噉兩便都冇辦法打嘞,就唯有收兵返去。 Both sides were unable to continue fighting, so they had no choice but to retreat.

到咗第二日,孫策帶兵嚟到劉繇嘅軍營前便挑戰,劉繇帶兵出嚟迎敵嘞。 The next day, Sun Ce arrived at Liu Yao's camp and issued a challenge, prompting Liu Yao to lead his troops out to meet the enemy.

兩陣對圓,孫策用槍挑起太史慈嘅短戟,叫啲軍士大聲噉嗌:太史慈如果唔係走得快呀,早就㓤死咗咯! In the two armies facing each other, Sun Ce used his spear to lift up Tai Shici's short halberd, shouting loudly to the soldiers: If Tai Shici didn't run fast, he would have been killed long ago!

太史慈亦都喺陣前將孫策頭盔挑起嚟,亦叫軍士大聲噉嗌話:孫策嘅人頭呀喺呢度嚟啊! Tai Shici also lifted Sun Ce's helmet in front of the army, shouting loudly to the soldiers: Sun Ce's head is right here!

嘩嘿!熱鬧咯方嘅軍隊大聲噉吶喊,呢便讚自己叻,嗰便話自己勁,大家就嘈咗一輪。 wow|||| Wow! The lively army shouted loudly, praising themselves for being great, and boasting about their strength, causing a commotion.

太史慈出馬,要同孫策決個勝負。 Tai Shici stepped forward, wanting to settle the score with Sun Ce.

孫策想出去迎戰,程普話:唔使勞煩主公出馬,等我去捉佢! Sun Ce wanted to go out to face the battle, but Cheng Pu said: There's no need for the lord to take the field, let me go catch him!

程普出到陣前,太史慈就話嘞:你唔係我嘅敵手,快啲返去叫孫策出馬嚟啦! Cheng Pu stepped forward, and Tai Shi Ci said: You are not my match, quickly go back and call Sun Ce to come out!

程普嬲嘞,你咁狂妄!挺槍直取太史慈。 Cheng Pu was angry, saying, How arrogant you are! He charged straight at Tai Shi Ci with his spear.

兩馬相交,打到三十個回合,劉繇就急急鳴金收兵。 The two horses clashed, fighting for thirty rounds, when Liu Yao urgently sounded the retreat.

太史慈一返到去就問:我正係要捉嗰個敵將,點解要收兵呢? As soon as Tai Shi Ci returned, he asked: I was just about to capture that enemy general, why are we retreating?

劉繇話嘞:我得到報告啊,話周瑜帶兵去偷襲曲阿,有個廬江人陳武做內應,曲阿已經失守嘞,我嘅基業已經冇咗咯,所以呢處唔留得呀。 Liu Yao replied: I received a report that Zhou Yu is leading troops to ambush Qu'a, and a man from Lujiang, Chen Wu, is acting as an insider. Qu'a has already fallen, and my foundation is lost, so we cannot stay here.

我哋快啲去秣陵,去同薛禮、笮融嘅軍馬會合啦。 Let's hurry to Moling and meet up with Xie Li and Ze Rong's troops.

噉太史慈就跟住劉繇撤退,孫策亦收住人馬,冇去追佢哋。 So Taishi Ci followed Liu Yao's retreat, and Sun Ce also held back his troops and did not pursue them.

張昭對孫策話嘞:劉繇嘅軍隊因為畀周瑜奪取咗曲阿,所以都無心作戰㗎喇,今晚去劫佢哋營就好喇。 Zhang Zhao told Sun Ce: Liu Yao's army has lost the will to fight because Zhou Yu took Qu'a, so tonight we should raid their camp.

孫策同意。 Sun Ce agreed.

當晚,兵分五路,長驅直進,打到劉繇嘅兵馬零丁賴敗,四紛五落。 that night||drove straight ahead||in disarray That night, the troops were divided into five routes, advancing rapidly, and they defeated Liu Yao's army, scattering them in disarray.

太史慈獨力難當啦,只有帶住十幾個馬軍漏夜投奔去涇縣。 Tai Shici found it difficult to stand alone, so he only brought a dozen cavalrymen to sneak into Jing County at night.

因為周瑜奪取咗曲柯,孫策呀得到一員健將陳武。 Because Zhou Yu seized Qu Ke, Sun Ce gained a strong general, Chen Wu.

陳武呢個人呀生得身長七尺,面如黃紙,眼睛火赤,形容古怪。 Chen Wu was a man who stood seven feet tall, had a face like yellow paper, and fiery red eyes, with a strange appearance.

孫策好敬愛佢,任命佢做校尉,叫佢做先鋒去攻打薛禮。 Sun Ce respected him greatly, appointed him as a school lieutenant, and sent him as the vanguard to attack Xue Li.

哈!陳武真係果然厲害,佢就係帶住十幾個馬軍突入敵陣,斬首級五十幾個,打到薛禮緊閉城門,唔敢出嚟。 Ha! Chen Wu was indeed formidable; he led a dozen cavalrymen to charge into the enemy ranks, beheading over fifty enemies, forcing Xue Li to close the city gates and not dare to come out.

孫策正在指揮部隊攻城,忽然間得到消息話劉繇會合埋笮融嘅兵馬去咗攻打牛渚啊噉。 Sun Ce was commanding his troops to attack the city when he suddenly received news that Liu Yao had joined forces with Zha Rong to attack Niu Zhu.

孫策嬲到不得了,親自率領大軍就直奔牛渚。 Sun Ce was furious and personally led his army straight to Niu Zhu.

兩軍對陣嘞,劉繇、笮融兩個出馬迎敵。 |Liu Yao| The two armies faced off, and Liu Yao and Zha Rong came out to meet the enemy.

孫策話:我而家已經嚟到,你仲唔投降? Sun Ce said: I have already arrived, why don't you surrender?

劉繇嘅背後有個軍官叫做於糜啊,佢挺槍出馬,同孫策打咗唔到三個回合,就畀孫策生擒咗過去。 Behind Liu Yao, there was an officer named Yu Mi, who charged out with a spear, but after less than three exchanges, he was captured by Sun Ce.

孫策挾住於糜,撥馬回陣啦。 Sun Ce was pinned down by Mi, so he turned his horse back to the formation.

劉繇另外有員軍官叫做樊能,佢見於糜被擒唄,就挺槍縱馬嚟追嘞喎。 Liu Yao had another officer named Fan Neng, who saw Mi being captured and charged forward on horseback with his spear.

追到嚟嘞,佢一槍對住孫策個背梅刺過去。 chased over here| When he caught up, he thrust his spear towards Sun Ce's back.

孫策陣上個軍士見到,咦!牙都煙晒,大聲噉叫:後便有人暗算! |eh||| The soldiers in Sun Ce's formation saw this and exclaimed, 'Oh! This is bad, someone is plotting against us from behind!'

孫策一擰轉頭,睇住樊能馬到就大喝一聲:嘿!嘩,好似平地起咗個大雷噉。 ||hey|wow| Sun Ce turned his head and saw Fan Neng charging at him, and he shouted loudly: 'Hey! It sounds like a great thunder has suddenly struck the ground.'

嚇到樊能一窒,翻昂罩跌咗落馬,撞穿個頭當堂死咗。 Scared, Fan was stunned, fell off the horse, and died on the spot after hitting his head.

孫策跑馬返到門旗之下,掉低於糜喺地,咦?乜唔會逳嘅喂?一睇,原來已經挾死咗嘞。 ||eh||one look| Sun Ce rode back to the flag, dropped the dead Mi on the ground, and thought, 'Huh? Is he really dead?' Upon closer inspection, it turned out he was already dead.

嘩嗨!眨眼之間,挾死一個軍官,喝死一個軍官,犀利啊!從此人人都稱呼孫策做小霸王啊。 wow|in the blink of an eye|||| Wow! In the blink of an eye, one officer was killed, and another was shouted to death, impressive! From then on, everyone called Sun Ce 'Little Overlord'.

當日,劉繇大敗啦,佢嘅人馬有成大半投降咗孫策。 that day|| On that day, Liu Yao was defeated, and more than half of his troops surrendered to Sun Ce.

孫策個軍隊啊仲斬首級萬幾。 Sun Ce's army also beheaded over ten thousand.

劉繇噉就同佢個謀士笮融走咗去豫章郡,即係今日江西省南昌啊,去投奔劉表嘞。 Liu Yao then left with his strategist Zuo Rong to Yuzhang County, which is today's Nanchang in Jiangxi Province, to seek refuge with Liu Biao.

孫策趕走咗劉繇,即刻就回兵再次攻打秣陵。 Sun Ce drove Liu Yao away and immediately returned his troops to attack Moling again.

佢親自去到護城河邊,對城上喊話,叫薛禮投降。 He personally went to the moat and shouted to the city, calling for Xue Li to surrender.

點知城上有人暗放冷箭,孫策一時冇防備到,就畀箭射中咗左腳,噼啪噉跌咗落馬。 Unexpectedly, someone in the city secretly shot an arrow, and Sun Ce was caught off guard, getting hit in the left foot and falling off his horse.

嗰班將官就急急救返起佢,返到營寨,掹出支箭,同佢敷咗金瘡藥。 The group of generals hurriedly helped him up, and when they returned to the camp, they pulled out the arrow and applied gold sore medicine to his wound.

孫策將計就計,佢傳令落去,詐諦話主將已經中箭死咗咯,全軍戴孝舉哀,拔寨走人喎。 Sun Ce executed the plan as instructed. He sent a message down, pretending to say that the main general had already been shot and killed, and that the entire army should wear mourning clothes and withdraw.

薛禮聽聞孫策已經受傷死咗,漏夜就點齊城內嘅軍兵,同埋張英、陳橫兩員勇將就殺出城嚟追趕咯喎。 Xue Li, upon hearing that Sun Ce had been injured and killed, hurriedly gathered the troops in the city, along with the two brave generals Zhang Ying and Chen Heng, and charged out of the city to pursue.

點知追咗冇幾遠,突然間,啲伏兵喎嗬噉大聲吶喊,喺四面八方衝出嚟。 |suddenly|| Little did they know, after chasing for a short distance, suddenly, the ambush troops shouted loudly and charged out from all directions.

孫策當先出馬,高聲大叫:孫郎喺處! Sun Ce was the first to charge forward, shouting loudly: Where is Sun Lang!

哎呀!嚇到薛禮啲兵卒呀驚到岌岌震,掉低晒啲槍刀,跪喺地嚟猛咁叩頭啊。 oh no||| Oh no! The soldiers of Xue Li were so frightened that they trembled, dropping all their weapons and kneeling on the ground, banging their heads in fear.

見到啲兵肯投降,孫策就下令一個都唔准殺。 Seeing the soldiers willing to surrender, Sun Ce ordered that none of them be killed.

張英即刻撥轉馬頭向後走,畀陳武追上兩步,一槍㓤死咗佢。 Zhang Ying immediately turned his horse around to retreat, but was caught up by Chen Wu, who killed him with a spear.

陳橫呢亦都畀蔣欽一箭射死咗。而薛禮呢就死喺亂軍之中。 Chen Heng was also shot dead by Jiang Qin. And Xue Li died in the midst of the chaotic army.

孫策呢次大獲全勝啊進入秣陵城,出榜安民,叫老百姓啊依舊安居樂業。 This time, Sun Ce achieved a great victory and entered Moling City, issuing a decree to stabilize the people, telling the common folk to continue living and working in peace.

噉休整咗幾日之後啊,孫策馬上又帶兵去涇縣,嚟捉太史慈嘞。 After resting for a few days, Sun Ce immediately took his troops to Jing County to capture Tai Shici.

太史慈佢喺涇縣,招募咗二千幾名壯丁,就加埋佢本來帶嚟嘅軍兵啊,正係想去同劉繇報仇嘅。 Tai Shici was in Jing County, recruiting over two thousand strong men, and along with the troops he originally brought, he was planning to take revenge on Liu Yao.

而呢個時候呢,孫策同周瑜已經定落活捉太史慈嘅辦法嘞。 At this time, Sun Ce and Zhou Yu had already devised a plan to capture Tai Shici alive.

點呢?周游就下令三面攻城,淨係留返東門放人走。 what about this|| How? Zhou Yu ordered an attack on the city from three sides, leaving only the east gate open for people to escape.

喺離城四五十里嘅地方,三條路都埋伏咗軍隊。 At a distance of about forty to fifty li from the city, troops were ambushed on all three roads.

等太史慈走到嗰度,人困馬乏,就實捉到佢嘅。 When Tai Shici reached that point, exhausted and with his horse tired, he would be captured.

因為太史慈佢招返嚟嗰啲兵啊,都係啲鄉下佬嚟,未曾經過咩訓練,所以冇咩紀律。 Because the soldiers that Tai Shici recruited were all country folks, they had not undergone any training, so there was not much discipline.

涇縣嘅城頭又係好矮嘅。 The city wall of Jing County is also very low.

當晚,孫策叫陳武着套短打,揸把刀,首先係擒上城頭去放火。 that night||| That night, Sun Ce ordered Chen Wu to wear a short outfit, wield a knife, and first go up to the city wall to set it on fire.

咦?太史慈見城上火起就知道弊喇,立即上馬,就混東門走出去。 eh||| Oh? When Tai Shici saw the fire on the city, he knew it was bad, so he immediately mounted his horse and rushed out through the east gate.

孫策跟住尾就帶兵猛追,追追追追咗卅里到啦,唔追嘞。 ||no longer pursued Sun Ce followed closely behind and led his troops in a fierce chase, chasing for thirty li before stopping.

噉太史慈鬆返啖氣,繼續向前行。 Then Taishi Ci took a deep breath and continued to move forward.

大約行咗五十里左右,行到個人困馬乏,突然間,嘩噉大聲吶喊。 ||suddenly| After walking about fifty miles, feeling exhausted, he suddenly heard a loud shout.

弊!太史慈急急想走。 oh no| Oh no! Taishi Ci hurriedly wanted to escape.

兩便嗰啲絆馬索一齊拉起,棘低隻馬。 The horse-tripping ropes were pulled up together, trapping the horse.

嗰啲兵湧晒出嚟七手八腳撳住太史慈,用繩嚟紮起佢,將佢解返去大本營。 The soldiers rushed out, grabbing Taishi Ci with both hands and feet, tying him up with ropes, and taking him back to the main camp.

孫策聽見話捉到太史慈返嚟喇噉,即刻就行出去營門口,喝散啲士卒,親自同太史慈解開啲繩,除咗自己件錦袍畀佢著,請佢入去大營。 Sun Ce heard that Tai Shici had been captured and immediately went out to the camp gate, ordered the soldiers to disperse, personally untied the ropes from Tai Shici, took off his own brocade robe and gave it to him to wear, inviting him into the main camp.

孫策話:我知道你係個大丈夫。可惜劉繇呢個蠢材,唔會用你做大將所以打敗啫。 Sun Ce said: I know you are a great man. It's a pity that Liu Yao, this fool, doesn't know how to use you as a general, which is why he was defeated.

太史慈見孫策一片真心待佢,嚱,好啦,於是就投降。 |sigh|alright| Seeing Sun Ce's sincerity towards him, Tai Shici said, well, then I will surrender.

孫策執住太史慈隻手笑住話:哈哈哈哈,喺神亭同你打嘅時候,如果你捉到我,會唔會殺我呢? |hahaha||| Sun Ce held Tai Shici's hand and laughed, saying: Hahaha, when we fought at Shenting, if you had captured me, would you have killed me?

噉好難講啊,啊。 it's so hard to say|ah That's hard to say, ah.

嗯?哈哈哈哈哈哈哈,呵呵呵呵呵呵呵呵。 Hmm? Hahahahahaha, hehehehehe.

孫策大笑起嚟,十分高興。請太史慈入去自己嘅帳幕,坐喺上位,然後擺酒款待佢。 Sun Ce laughed heartily, feeling very happy. He invited Tai Shici to enter his tent, sit in the honored seat, and then prepared a feast to entertain him.

太史慈話嘞:劉繇啱啱被擊敗,士卒離心。 Tai Shici said: Liu Yao has just been defeated, and the soldiers are disheartened.

我呀想去招嗰啲流散嘅軍士返嚟,充實將軍你嘅兵力,唔知道信唔信得過我呢? I want to recruit those scattered soldiers back to strengthen your army, but I don't know if you can trust me?

噉就最好啦!嗱,我哋約定聽日中午等你返嚟。 that would be best|hey| That would be best! Now, let's agree to wait for you to return tomorrow at noon.

太史慈應承咗就走嘞喎。 Tai Shi Ci agreed and then left.

當時所有嘅軍官都話嘞:太史慈呢次一走,梗唔返嚟㗎喇。 At that time, all the military officers said: Once Tai Shi Ci leaves this time, he definitely won't come back.

孫策話嘞:佢係個守信義嘅人,一定唔會呃我嘅。 Sun Ce said: He is a trustworthy person, he will not deceive me.

之大家都唔信喎。 But everyone else did not believe it.

到咗第二日,喺營門口啊豎咗條竹竿,愛嚟睇住個日影。 The next day, a bamboo pole was set up at the camp gate to watch the shadow of the sun.

啊,啱啱中午,太史慈帶住千幾人返到嚟營寨嘞。 ah|| Ah, just at noon, Tai Shici brought back over a thousand people to the camp.

孫策歡喜非常啊。而大家對孫策呢亦都服晒,真係認真識睇人吖嘛。 Sun Ce was extremely happy. And everyone respected Sun Ce, truly knowing how to recognize talent.

從此之後,孫策率領住幾萬人馬喺江東一帶保境安民。投奔佢嘅人呀都唔知幾多啊。 from then on|| From then on, Sun Ce led tens of thousands of troops to protect the territory and the people in Jiangdong. Many people flocked to him.

江東個老百姓呀個個都叫孫策做孫郎嘅。 The common folks in Jiangdong all called Sun Ce 'Sun Lang'.

初時啊,啲人都未曾認識孫策,但凡一聽到話孫郎嘅人馬嚟喇噉,走夾冇唞,趯到失魂嘅嘞。 at first|||| At first, the people did not know Sun Ce, but as soon as they heard that Sun Lang's troops were coming, they ran away without stopping, scared out of their wits.

誒?及至孫策嘅大軍到嘞,紀律十分之好嘅,邊個都唔准搶嘢,哎真係秋毫無犯雞犬不驚。 eh|||| Eh? When Sun Ce's large army arrived, their discipline was excellent, no one was allowed to loot, truly no harm was done and not even a dog was startled.

噉樣一嚟,啲老百姓就高興喇,擔住牛酒去到兵營勞軍添啊。 With this, the common people were happy, bringing beef and wine to the military camp to show their support.

孫策呢總係送返啲金銀布匹嚟做答禮嘅,啲老百姓噉就更加高興啦真係歡聲遍野啊。 Sun Ce would always send back gold, silver, and cloth as gifts, making the common people even happier, truly a chorus of joy.

噉啊至於劉繇往日嘅軍隊嘅兵呢,願意從軍嘅,就嚟當兵,唔願嘅就畀一筆錢等佢哋返鄉耕田。 As for Liu Yao's former soldiers, those willing to serve would join the army, and those unwilling would receive a sum of money to return home to farm.

所以江南嘅人民對孫策都好尊敬。 Therefore, the people of Jiangnan held great respect for Sun Ce.

因此孫策嘅兵勢就大為興盛。 As a result, Sun Ce's military power greatly flourished.

有咗咁好個基礎嘞,孫策就接佢母親、叔父同埋成班細佬返嚟曲阿住。 With such a solid foundation, Sun Ce brought his mother, uncle, and a group of younger brothers back to Qukou.

就叫佢細佬孫權同周泰守住宣城,孫策自己呢就帶兵向南進軍,要奪取南郡。 He instructed his younger brother Sun Quan and Zhou Tai to guard Xuancheng, while Sun Ce himself led the troops south to capture Nanjun.

南郡即係而家江蘇省吳縣、蘇州一帶。 Nanjun refers to the area of Wuxian and Suzhou in present-day Jiangsu Province.

當其時有個人叫做嚴白虎,自己稱為東吳德王,就佔據住吳郡。 At that time, there was a person named Yan Baihu, who called himself the King of Eastern Wu and occupied Wujun.

佢嘅部下呢就守住烏程、嘉興。 |Jiaxing His subordinates were stationed at Wucheng and Jiaxing.

呢一日,嚴白虎聽講話孫策嘅人馬到嘞,就叫佢細佬嚴輿出兵去迎戰。 this day|| One day, Yan Baihu heard that Sun Ce's troops had arrived, so he ordered his younger brother Yan Yu to lead the troops to confront them.

兩支軍隊喺楓橋嗰笪地方相遇。 The two armies met at a place called Fengqiao.

嚴輿係威係勢噉橫刀立馬企喺橋上。 Yan Yu stood on the bridge with a fierce demeanor, brandishing his sword.

孫策聽到報告話有敵將攔路唄,就想親自出馬嘞噃。 Upon hearing the report that an enemy general was blocking the road, Sun Ce wanted to personally take action.

張紘勸佢話嘞:主將乃係三軍嘅首腦,唔應該隨隨便便去同啲小賊對敵,請將軍自重啊! Zhang Hong advised him, saying: The commander is the leader of the army and should not casually confront small thieves; please take care, General!

係。先生所講嘅真係金石良言啊,我只係怕如果唔身先士卒,親冒矢石,啲將士就唔勇敢作戰唧。 yes|||| Yes. What you said is truly wise advice. I am just afraid that if I do not lead by example and personally face the arrows and stones, the soldiers will not fight bravely.

於是孫策自己就唔出去,派咗韓當出馬。 So Sun Ce decided not to go himself and sent Han Dang instead.

及至韓當嚟到橋上嘅時候,蔣欽同陳武呀早就用船撐過去,亂箭射低晒對岸嘅兵卒,佢兩個就飛身上岸,大斬大殺。 ||||killed and slaughtered extensively When Han Dang arrived at the bridge, Jiang Qin and Chen Wu had already crossed over by boat, shooting down all the soldiers on the opposite bank with a rain of arrows, and the two of them jumped ashore, killing fiercely.

嚴輿頂唔住,就已經撤走咗嘞。 Yan Yu could not hold on and had already retreated.

韓當即刻就帶住人馬掩殺過去,一直衝到去城門下便。 Han immediately led his troops to ambush, charging all the way to the city gate.

嗰班賊兵就縮晒入城,唔敢出嚟。 That group of bandit soldiers shrank back into the city, not daring to come out.

孫策見到旗開得勝,就分兵水陸並進,就圍住吳郡城。 Sun Ce saw that they had achieved a great victory, so he divided his troops to advance by land and water, surrounding the city of Wu County.

一困就三日,哈,冇人出城嚟打噃。 once trapped three days|ha (laughing sound)| Once they were trapped, it lasted for three days, ha, no one came out of the city to fight.

SENT_CWT:AFkKFwvL=5.19 PAR_TRANS:gpt-4o-mini=3.25 openai.2024-10-31