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張悦楷講《三國演義》, 066

話 說 孔明 借 到 東風 之後 , 周瑜 就 下令 發起 對 曹 軍 的 總攻 。 周瑜 首先 命令 甘寧 : 你 帶 住 蔡中同 投降 過來 的 兵士 , 沿著 南岸 行 , 打起 曹 軍 的 旗號 , 直攻 烏林 ! 這裡 是 曹操 儲糧 的 地方 , 你 攻進去 後 , 就 放火 為號 。 你 留 蔡 和 一個 人 留在 這裡 , 我 有 用處 。 第二個 , 叫 太史慈 來 , 吩咐 他 : 你 帶 三千 兵 , 直奔 黃州 地界 , 切斷 曹操 由 合肥 來 的 接應 。 曹兵 來 就 發起 攻擊 , 放火 為號 , 如果 你 見到 紅旗 , 就是 吳侯 的 接應 兵到 。 因為 這 兩路 人馬 , 要 去 得 最遠 的 , 所以 就 先行 出發 。 第三 , 派 呂蒙 帶 三千 兵 , 去 烏林 接應 甘寧 , 放火燒 曹操 的 營寨 。 第四 , 派凌 統帶 三千 兵直 插 彝陵 , 一見 烏 林火 起 , 就 去 接應 。 第五 , 派 董襲 帶 三千 兵 直取 漢陽 , 由 漢川 殺 奔 曹操 營寨 , 見到 白旗 就 上前 接應 。 第六 , 派 潘璋 帶 三千 兵 , 都 打住 白旗 , 去 漢陽 接應 董襲 。 噉 呢 六隊 船隻 啊 就 各自 分頭 出發 嘞 。 然後 呢 , 周瑜 就 命令 黃 蓋 , 叫 佢 派 個 小卒 , 立即 送信 去 畀 曹操 , 約定 曹操 話 今晚 啊 就 嚟 投降 喇 噉 。 又 調撥 四隻 戰船 , 跟 住 黃 蓋 二十隻 火船後尾 接應 。 跟 住 , 周瑜 又 派 韓當 、 周泰 、 蔣欽 、 陳 武 , 分別 做 第一 、 二 、 三 、 四隊 領兵 軍官 。 各隊 , 都 帶 戰船 三百隻 , 喺 船隊 嘅 前 便 啊 , 再 佈置 二十隻 火船 , 聽到 炮響 , 就 分 四路 直向 曹軍水 寨 進攻 。 周瑜 自己 呢 , 同程 普 啊 就 喺 大 戰艦 上 便 督戰 , 徐盛 、 丁奉 做 左右 護衛 。 只 係 留低 魯肅 , 同 闞澤 以及 一班 謀士 啊 守住 大本營 。 另外 啊 , 周瑜 又 派 人 去 西山 嘅 山頂 , 管理 號 砲 , 只要 一睇 見 江心 黃 蓋 嘅 船隻 着火 嘞 就 馬上 放炮 。 又 喺 南屏山 上 便 , 佈置 好 指揮 各路 船隊 嘅 信號 旗幟 。 程普 見到 周瑜 嘅 部署 咁 有 法度 嘅 , 真 係 由衷 噉 佩服 啊 ! 喺 呢 個 時候 , 孫權派 咗 個 特使 攞 住 兵符 嚟 到 。 話 已經 派 咗 陸遜 做 先鋒 , 直向 蘄 、 黃 地面 進兵 , 吳侯 孫權 啊 , 親自 帶兵 做後應 噉 。 好 喇 , 周瑜 發佈命令 完喇 , 就 等 住 黃昏時候 發動 進攻 嘞 。 話分 兩頭 , 而家 講下 劉備 , 佢 喺 夏 口 等 住 孔明 返 嚟 。 呢 朝 早 , 公子 劉琦 率領 住 一隊 船隊 嚟 到 探聽 消息 。 劉備 啊 請 佢 上去 城樓 坐 , 劉備 話 嘞 : 啊 , 已經 起 咗 東南風 好耐下 嘞 。 我 派 咗 子龍 去 接 孔明 , 到 而 家仲未 見 佢 哋 返 嚟 , 我 好 擔心 啊 。 正 喺 度 傾 講 緊 , 有個 軍士 遠遠 指住 樊口 河港 嗰 處 話 : 嗰 隻 船 仔 吖 , 扯住 里駛得 好 快 啊 , 實 係 軍師 返 嚟 喇 。 劉備 同 劉琦 就 走 落 城樓 , 行到 去 岸邊 迎接 。 冇 幾耐 , 船到 嘞 , 哦 果然 係 孔明同 趙雲 返 嚟 , 大家 見到 面 呀 , 劉備 歡喜 到 眉開眼笑 。 互相 問候 完喇 , 劉備 就 話 : 等 你 哋 咁 耐 都 唔 見 返 嚟 , 我 真 係 急 死 嚟 啊 。 嗰 便 嘅 情形 點啊 軍師 ? 主公 , 而家 我 冇 時間 詳細 同 你講 嘞 。 上次 , 我 講過 話 要 嘅 軍馬 戰船 , 都 已經 準備 好 啦 嘛 ? 早就 準備 好 喇 , 就 係 等 你 嚟 調遣 喇 。 於是 孔明同 劉備 、 劉琦 立即 返到 大本營 , 召集 所有 嘅 將領 發佈 作戰 命令 。 孔明 對 趙雲 話 : 子龍 , 你 帶 三千 軍馬 , 渡過 江 , 一直 去 到 烏 林 嘅 小路 , 揀 啲 樹木 蘆葦 多 嘅 地方 埋伏 好 。 今晚 四 更 以後 , 曹操 一定 要 喺 嗰 條 路 經過 嘅 , 等 佢 嘅 軍隊 過 咗 一半 嘅 時候 , 你 就 放 起火 殺出 嚟 啦 。 雖然 殺 佢 哋 唔 盡 , 至少 亦 殺 佢 哋 一半 。 軍師 , 烏林 有 兩條路 , 一條 通 南郡 , 一條 去 荊州 。 我 哋 唔 知 應該 喺 邊 條 路 等 啱 呢 ? 南郡 嘅 形勢 緊迫 , 曹操 唔 敢 去 , 佢 呀 必定 去 荊州 , 然後 大軍 撤退 返 許昌 。 趙雲 接受 咗 任務 就 去 喇 。 跟 住 孔明 又 對 張飛 話 : 翼德 , 你 帶 三千 兵 , 渡過 江 , 截斷 彝陵 呢 條路 。 南彝陵 大路 有 笪 地方 叫做 葫蘆 口 , 你將 人馬 埋伏 喺 嗰 處 啦 。 聽 日落 完雨 之後 , 曹操 嘅 人馬 , 必定 要 喺 葫蘆 口 嗰 處 煮飯 食 嘅 。 你 一 見到 有煙起 , 就 喺 山邊 放火 殺出 嚟 , 雖然 唔 一定 捉 到 曹操 啊 , 不過 翼德 你 呢 個 功勞 , 估計 都 唔 細 嘞 。 張飛 接受 咗 任務 走 咗 咯 。 孔明 又 派 糜竺 、 糜芳 、 劉 封三 個人 , 叫 佢 哋 率領 一 啲 船隻 喺 沿江 一帶 捉拿 曹操 嘅 敗兵 , 奪取 曹 軍 嘅 物資 器械 。 噉 佢 哋 三個 接受 咗 任務 亦 都 走 咗 嘞 。 孔明 企 起身 嚟 對 劉琦話 : 武昌 離開 呢 處 唔 遠 , 係 非常 重要 嘅 地方 呀 。 請 公子 而家 就 返 去 啦 , 將 部隊 部署 喺 沿江 一帶 , 曹操 一 打敗仗 必定會 有 敗兵 逃跑 去 嗰 度 嘅 。 嚟 咁 多 捉 咁 多 就 啱 喇 , 但 係 , 千祈 唔 好 離城 太 遠 噃。 劉琦 辭別 咗 劉備 、 孔明 就 返 咗 去 。 然後 孔明 對 劉備 話 : 主公 , 等 一陣 , 你 帶 一支 軍隊 去 樊口 , 搵 一 笪 高 啲 嘅 地方 , 就 可以 坐 喺 處 悠悠 遊遊 , 睇 下 今晚 周 郎 嘅 偉大勝利 喇 。 哈哈 , 孔明 分派 作戰 任務 啊 , 趙雲 ,嗱, 張飛 、 糜竺 、 糜芳 、 劉封 都 有份 。 唯獨 關羽 冇 份 , 關羽 唔 喺 處 係 咪 啊 ? 唔 係 吖 , 就 喺 身 跟 嚟 。 關羽 就 喺 身 跟 嚟 , 孔明 竟然 唔 騷 佢 喎 , 你 話 奇怪 唔 奇怪 呢 ? 奇怪 啊 呢 , 你 哋 都 覺得 奇怪 嘞 , 噉 關羽 當然 更 係 忍 唔 住 啦 。 所以 當時 關羽 就 大聲 噉 話 喇 : 我關 某 自從 跟隨 兄長 征戰 以來 , 咁 多年 嚟 未曾 落後 過 。 今日 , 遇到 強大 嘅 敵手 , 軍師 竟然 唔 用 我 , 係 乜嘢 意思 啊 ? 哈哈哈 哈哈哈 , 雲長 你 唔 好 見怪 。 我 呀 本來 想 勞煩 你 去 把守 一個 最 緊要 嘅 隘口 嘅 , 無奈 有 啲 唔 方便 , 所以 我 就 唔 敢 叫 你 去 。 有 乜嘢 唔 方便 , 請 軍師 指明 出 嚟 。 往日 , 曹操 待 你 非常 之好 , 你 啊 當然 要 報答 返 佢 至 係 嘅 。 今日 曹操 兵敗 , 佢 撤退 嘅 時候 必定會 經過 華容道 。 如果 我 派 你 去 守 華容 , 你 又 必定會 放走 佢 , 因此 , 我 就 唔 敢 叫 你 去 啫 。 軍師 , 你 太過 多心 喇 。 冇 錯 , 當日 曹操 確係 重待 我 , 但 係 我 斬 顏良 、 誅 文丑 , 解 咗 佢 白馬 之圍 , 為 佢 出過 力 , 報答 過 佢 。 今日 撞見 佢 , 我肯 放過 佢 咩 ? 倘若 放 咗 佢 又 如何 呢 ? 按 軍法 處理 ! 既然 係 噉 , 就 請 你 立個 軍令狀 呢 。 可以 ! 關羽 寫 咗 張 軍令狀 , 交 咗 畀 孔明 。 佢 一 諗 , 又 話 嘞 : 如果 曹操 唔 混 嗰 條 路 嚟 , 又 如何 啊 軍師 ? 我 亦 都 立張 軍令狀 畀 你 。 好 ! 孔明 即 刻寫 咗 張 軍令狀 交 畀 關羽 。 孔明 跟 住 對 佢 話 : 雲長 , 你 要 噉 做 吓 , 你 啊 喺 華容 小路 , 搵 個 高高 嘅 山頭 , 喺 上 便 堆 啲 柴草 點着 佢 , 升起 啲 火煙 引 曹操 嚟 啦 。 軍師 , 曹操 望見 火煙 , 知道 有 埋伏 , 佢 仲 點 肯 嚟 呢 ? 哈哈哈 哈哈哈 , 你 冇 聽過 兵法 上 便 , 虛虛實實 嘅 道理 咩 ? 曹操 雖然 好會 用兵 呀 , 不過 噉 樣 一定 能夠 呃 到 佢 。 佢 見到 有 火煙 , 實 係 話 我 哋 虛張聲勢 , 就 必定 混 呢 條路 嚟 嘅 。 關將軍 你照 做 啦 , 見到 曹操 , 唔 好 講情面 啊 。 於是 關羽 接受 咗 任務 , 帶住 關平 、 周倉 同埋 五百名 校 刀手 去 華容道 埋伏 嘞 。 各位 聽眾 , 華容 啊 , 係 有 兩個 。 關公 守 華容 呢 個 呢 , 乃 係 今日 湖北省 監利縣 嘅 西北方 , 就 唔 係 湖南省 北部 邊境 嗰 個 華容縣 喎 。 關羽 走 咗 之後 , 劉備 就 話 嘞 : 雲長 個人 義氣 深重 , 如果 曹操 果然 走 華容道 嘅 時候 , 怕 佢 真 係 放走 咗 曹操 就 弊 喇 。 我 晚上 睇 過 天象 , 曹操 老賊 氣數 未盡 , 都 未 到 死亡 嘅 時候 啊 。 我 料定 雲長 一定 會放 曹操 嘅 , 噉 留 呢 個人 情等雲長 去 做 , 亦 係 一件 美事 吖 。 啊呀 , 先生 嘅 神機妙算 , 世所罕及 啊 ! 於是 孔明 就 派 孫乾 、 簡雍 守城 , 自己 就 同 劉備 一齊 去 樊口 觀戰 嘞 。 好 , 而家 講返 曹操 。 二十一日 呢 一朝 早 , 佢 喺 大本營 , 召集 晒 啲 將官 謀士 , 嚟 到 商量 軍務 ; 同時 喺 度 等候 黃 蓋 嘅 消息 。 當日 , 翻起 好 猛 嘅 東南風 。 程昱 就 走 嚟 稟告 曹操 話 嘞 : 今日 翻 起 東南風 噃, 丞相 要 及早 提防 至 好 啊 。 哈哈哈哈 哈哈哈哈 , 冬至 一陽生 , 來 復 之時 , 點會 冇 啲 東南風 吹下 呢 ? 何足 為 怪 啊 , 唔 緊要 嘅 。 正 喺 呢 個 時候 , 有個 軍士 入 嚟 報告 話 江東 有 隻 小船 嚟 咗 , 帶 咗 黃 蓋 嘅 密信 嚟 噉 。 曹操 急急 嗌 佢 入 嚟 , 嗰 個人 啊 呈 上 一封信 。 曹操 拆開 一睇 , 信 嘅 大意 呢 就 係 話 : 近來 周瑜 防備 十分 嚴密 , 因此 冇 辦法 甩身 。 咁 啱 今日 鄱陽湖 有 一批 糧食 運到 嘞 , 周瑜 就 派 我 巡哨 , 所以 就 有 機會 。 無論如何 , 總要 殺 幾個 江東 名將 ,攞 佢 哋 嘅 首級 嚟 投降 。 今晚 二 更 時分 , 船頭 上 便 插住 青龍 牙 旗 嘅 , 就 係 運糧 船 喇 。 曹操 睇 咗 信 呀 好 歡喜 啦 。 等到 挨晚 , 就 帶齊 所有 嘅 將領 嚟 到 水寨 嘅 大 船上 便 , 一心 等 黃 蓋 嘅 船 嚟 到 嘞 喎 。 噉 江東 嗰 便 又 點 呢 ? 到 咗 黃昏時分 , 周瑜 坐 喺 中軍帳 , 叫 蔡和出 嚟 嘞 。 蔡和一 嚟 到 , 周瑜 就 喝 啲 兵士 將 佢 綁 起 嚟 ! 蔡 和 大聲 噉 叫 話 : 我犯 咗 乜嘢 罪 啊 ? 周瑜 冷笑 一聲 : 你 係 乜嘢 人 啊 ? 竟然 咁 大膽 走 嚟 詐降 ? 我而家 正 係 冇 嘢 嚟 祭旗 , 想 借 你 嘅 人頭 用下 ! 吓 ? 啊 , 誒 , 你 哋 嘅 闞 澤 、 甘寧 都 係 我 嘅 同謀 嚟 啊 ! 嘿嘿 , 都 係 我 叫 佢 哋 噉 做 㗎 。 吓 ! 哎呀 , 蔡 和 呢 趟 啊 悔之無及 咯 。 周瑜 叫 刀斧手 , 將蔡 和 拉 到 江邊 嗰 支 皂 纛 旗下 便 , 奠 咗 酒燒 咗 紙錢 , 一刀斬 咗 蔡 和 , 用血 嚟 祭 咗 大旗 嘞 , 跟 住 下令 開船 ! 黃 蓋 着 咗 件 掩心 甲 , 手提 利刀 , 企 喺 第三隻 火 船上 便 。 船上 有 一面 旗 , 寫住 先鋒 黃 蓋 四個 大字 。 呢 個 時候 呀 , 啲 東風 吹到 好 勁 啊 , 波浪 洶湧 。 呢 隊 火船 扯 起帆 , 乘住 順風 , 好似 箭 噉 向 住 赤壁 進發 。 赤壁 喺 邊 處 嚟 呢 ? 就 喺 今日 嘅 湖北省 嘉魚縣 。 先頭 講 咗 吖 , 曹操 喺 挨 晚 嘅 時候 啊 , 就 嚟 到 水寨 嘅 中軍 大 船上 便 等 黃 蓋 嚟 㗎 喇 。 佢 遠遠望 住江 對岸 , 眼睇 住 東方 月 出 , 照耀 住 啲 江水 , 好似 萬 道 金蛇 , 翻波 戲浪 , 異常 壯觀 。 哈 曹操 迎風 大笑 , 以為 呢 次 得法 喇 。 忽然間 , 有個 衛士 指住 江面 話 喇 : 丞相 , 江南 嗰 便 隱隱約約 有 一隊 船扯 起帆 嚟 緊 啊 。 曹操 立即 行 上將 台 , 企高 啲 嚟 瞭望 。 噉 啊 成班 文官 武將 就 緊緊 噉 跟 住 佢 。 過 咗 一陣 有個 衛士 嚟 報告 話 喇 : 啟 稟 丞相 , 嚟 緊 呢 隊 船 都 插住 青龍 牙 旗 嘅 。 其中 有 一支 大旗 , 上 便 寫 住 先鋒 黃 蓋個 名 㗎 。 哦 ? 哈哈哈哈 哈哈哈哈 , 好 啊 ! 黃公覆 嚟 投降 , 真 係 上天 助 我 啊 ! 冇 幾耐 , 嗰 隊 船 越 駛 越 近 嘞 。 程昱 睇 咗 好 耐 , 佢 忽然間 對 曹操 話 : 丞相 , 嚟 緊 呢 啲 船 必定 有 詭計 , 唔 好 畀 佢 哋 靠近 水寨 啊 ! 你點 知 佢 哋 有 詭計 呢 ? 丞相 , 如果 啲 船 裝 嘅 係 糧食 , 噉 啲 船 食水 梗 係 好 深 , 行起 嚟 亦 係 好 穩重 嘅 。 而家 睇 下 呢 啲 船 , 行起 嚟 輕飄飄 噉 。 更 兼 今晚 東南風 咁 猛 , 如果 係 有 咩 嘢 詭計 呀 就 不得了 啊 ! 啊 , 係 啊 ! 邊個 願去 攔阻 佢 哋 ! 文聘 行前 一步 話 : 我 去 啦 , 行船 我 都 好慣 㗎 喇 。 一 講完 , 文聘 就 跳 落 隻 小船 , 用手 一揮 , 十幾隻 巡船 立即 跟 住 文聘 隻 船 啊 , 向前 便 棹 出去 嘞 。 好 快趣 , 兩隊 船 接近 嘞 。 文聘 企 喺 船頭 大聲 高叫 : 丞相 有令 , 南岸 嚟 嘅 船隻 唔 好 駛近 水寨 , 就 喺 江心 停落 嚟 ! 巡 船上 嘅 士兵 一齊 喝話 : 快 啲 落帆 ! 點知 說話 嘅 聲音 未 完 呀 , 只 聽見 弓弦 一響 , 哎呀 ! 文聘 就 畀 一支 箭 射中 咗 左臂 , 成個 噼啪 一聲 𢴈 咗 喺 船上 。 嘩 , 嗰 啲 巡 船 即刻 大亂 啊 , 哩哩啦啦 , 各有 各 飛快 棹 返去 水寨 嘞 。 呢 個 時候 , 黃 蓋 嘅 火 船 離開 曹操 嘅 水寨 大概 只有 二里 水面 度 啦 。 黃 蓋 用 刀 一 擪, 喝 一聲 :逳 手 ! 跟 住 就 退 到 船尾 , 跳 落 攋 住 喺 船尾 嚟 嗰 隻 艇 仔 上 便 , 用刀 斬斷 條 拖纜 。 二十隻 火船 上面 嘅 兵士 一點 着火 , 亦 都 各自 跳 落艇 仔 斬斷 拖纜 嘞 。 爬開 晒 , 就 等 嗰 啲 火 船 乘 住 風勢 向 前面 衝過去 。 嘩 ! 船 上面 嗰 啲 硫磺 硝石 一點 着 呀 , 就 燒到 含 含聲 。 焫 着 晒 啲 乾柴 乾草 就 好似 二十 座 火山 噉 。 火 趁 風威 , 風助 火勢 , 啲 船 好似 箭 噉 直 撞入 曹 軍 嘅 水寨 。 哎呀 厲害 咯 , 嗰 啲 火 卷 到 邊度 就 燒到 邊度 。 水寨 嗰 啲 大船 冚𠾴唥 都 燒着 晒 。 又 畀 啲 鐵 連環 鎖到 實實 , 冇 辦法 逃走 , 亦 冇 埞 躲避 。 喺 江 對岸 , 轟轟 轟 , 炮響 喇 , 四路 火船 一齊 沖 到 。 誒 呀 ! 只見 江面 上 呀 滿江 大火 , 上下 通紅 , 真 係 光 猛過 日頭 啊 。 曹操 捩 轉頭 望下 , 弊 喇 ! 岸上 嘅 營寨 已經 有 幾處 起火 嘞 。 慌 到 佢 手 揗 腳 震 走 落 將 台 , 只見 四面 都 係 火 。 曹操 見 形勢危急 , 個心 都 矛晒 喇 , 想話 就 噉 跳 上岸 喎 。 好 在 佢 未 跳 , 如果 唔 係 呀 就 𢴈 死 嚟 。 張 遼 駕駛 住 一隻 巡船 嚟 到 , 即刻 扶 曹操 落船 。 曹操 剛剛 行落 咗 巡船 呀 , 嗰 隻 大船 已經 燒着 喇 ! 噉 張 遼 同埋 十幾個 軍士 呢 , 保護 住 曹操 就 搏命 噉 棹 隻 船 埋岸 。 而家 講下 黃 蓋 , 佢 坐 住 隻 快艇 行前 帶住 後 便 幾隻 快艇 , 冒住 煙火 , 逼近 水寨 去 搜索 曹操 。 喺 火 光閃閃 之中 , 嘿 ! 佢 一眼 見到 有 個人 , 着 住件 大紅袍 嘅 , 畀 人 扶 咗 落 一隻 巡船 棹 緊 埋岸 。 佢 諗 : 此人 呀 必定 係 曹操 定 喇 , 就 猛 催 隻 快艇 棹 快 啲 。 佢 揸 住 把 刀 , 企 喺 艇 頭 高聲 大叫 : 曹操 老賊 你 咪 走 ! 黃 蓋 喺 處 啊 ! 嘩 哎 ! 曹操 聽到 呀 叫苦 叫 唔 切 啦 , 一 啖 氣 噏 咗 三十六個 苦字 。 張 遼 叫 一聲 : 丞相 唔 使 怕 ! 佢 拈 弓 搭 箭 瞄準 黃 蓋 一箭 射過去 。 呢 個 時候 , 風聲 又 大 , 嗰 啲 火 呢 又 燒 到 噼里啪啦 。 黃 蓋 根本 聽 唔 到 弓弦響 , 畀 張 遼 一箭 射中 膊 頭 , 哎呀 一聲 成個 跌 咗 落水 。 噉 張 遼 一箭 啊 射 咗 黃 蓋 落水 , 就 救 咗 曹操 上岸 , 搵 到 馬匹 , 騎 咗 上去 就 飛奔 逃命 喇 。 呢 個 時候 呀 , 曹 軍 已經 亂 到 倒 瀉 籮 蟹 噉 喇 。 嗱, 黃 蓋 係 中箭 跌 咗 落水 吖 , 黃 蓋 嘅 水性 係 極好 嘅 。 所以 儘管 當時 係 天寒地凍 呀 啲 水 呀 冷過 冰 , 又 着 住 鐵甲 , 哈 佢 都 仲 能夠 游水 。 冇 幾耐 , 佢 遇到 韓當駛住 船 冒煙 突火 嚟 進攻 水寨 , 就 大聲 嗌 救命 , 韓當 急 急救 起 佢 。 嘩 , 見到 黃 蓋 中 咗 箭 , 就 同 佢 咬 支 箭桿 出 嚟 啦 。 哈 , 點知 箭桿 呢 就 甩 咗 啊 , 但 係 箭頭 仲 留 喺 肉 裡 頭 。 韓當 三下兩下 , 同黃蓋 除 咗 件 濕衫 , 用刀 嚟 挖個 箭頭 出 嚟 , 瀡 聲 下 撕爛 支旗 同黃蓋 包扎 好 。 除 咗 自己 件 戰袍 畀 黃 蓋 着 , 然後 , 用 另外 一隻 船送 黃 蓋 返去 大本營 。 噉 呢 件 事 呢 , 就 唔 講 佢 喇 。 噉 話 說 當時 滿江 大火 , 殺聲 沖天 。 左便 係 韓當 、 蔣欽 兩支 艦隊 , 由 赤壁 西便 殺過 嚟 ; 右 便 呢 , 係 周泰 、 陳 武 兩支 艦隊 , 由 赤壁 東便 殺過 嚟 。 正中間 , 係 周瑜 、 程普 、 徐盛 、 丁 奉 嘅 大 艦隊 亦 開到 嚟 嘞 。 曹 軍 啊 冇 咗 指揮 , 仲點 能夠 抵抗 吖 , 只有 喺 火 裏 水 裏 啊 亂 鑽 亂 跳 。 呢 次 三江 水戰 赤壁鏖兵 , 燒死 嘅 浸 死 嘅 同 畀 刀槍 殺死 嘅 曹 兵 啊 不計其數 。 有 詩為證 啊 : 魏吳 爭鬥 決雌雄 , 赤壁 樓船 一掃空 。 烈火 初 張照雲海 , 周郎 曾 此破 曹公 。 而家 就 唔 講 水戰 嘞 , 事關 曹 軍 啊 已經 輸到 冇 得 摱 㗎 嘞 。 講下 陸戰 , 廿一日 一早 , 天都 未光 , 甘寧 就 奉命 帶兵 出發 。 佢 啊 打住 曹 軍旗 號 , 就 押 住 蔡中 直奔 烏林 。 去 到 烏林 嘞 , 守軍 見到 係 自己 人 啦 , 就 放 佢 哋 入 去 嘞 喎 就 毫無 攔阻 。 甘寧 入 咗 曹營 , 一刀 就 殺 咗 蔡中 。 呢 個 等於 係 信號 , 就 全軍 一齊 逳 手 , 將 嗰 五百名 詐降 嘅 曹 兵 呀 鋸 晒 。 跟 手 就 喺 草堆 放起 把 火 , 吶喊 連聲 就 向 住 四面 亂衝 亂 殺 。 啲 守軍 出乎意料 啊 , 毫無準備 , 死 嘅 死 趯 嘅 趯 , 甘寧 就 非常 順利 噉 就 佔領 咗 曹操 嘅 糧站 嘞 。 呂蒙 帶住 三千 人馬 嚟 接應 甘寧 , 佢 遠遠 望見 烏 林 嗰 便 火光 , 知道 甘寧 已經 得手 喇 , 立即 沿路 放火 趕 去 接應 。 同時 呢 , 董 襲 嗰 一支 人馬 , 由 漢川 殺入 曹營 。 後 便 嘅 潘 璋 跟 住 接應 , 到處 咁 放火 , 大聲 吶喊 。 一時之間 呢 一帶 嘅 地面 呀 , 烈火 熊熊 黑煙 沖天 。 加上 戰 鼓聲 , 喊 殺聲 , 人 叫 馬嘶 , 同埋 嗰 啲 呼呼 嘅 風聲 呀 , 混埋 一齊 真 係 震天動地 啊 。 話 說 曹操 又 好彩 畀 張 遼救 咗 佢 上岸 。 見到 陸路 上 嘅 營寨 已經 有 好幾個 地方 起火 嘞 , 都 係 亂 合合 , 都 唔 知邊 處 稍 為 安全 啲 。 張 遼 就 召集 咗 百 幾名 馬 軍 , 保護 住 曹操 逃跑 。 佢 哋 喺 火 林 裏頭 東鑽西 鑽 , 啊 呢 個 時候 呀 , 睇 下 前 便 , 冇 一處 唔 着火 嘅 。 行行 下 , 遇見 毛 玠 救到 文聘 , 帶住 十幾個 馬 軍 嚟 到 。 曹操 問 啲 人 混邊 條路 逃跑 好 啊 噉 。 張遼話 只有 烏林 地面 比較 寬闊 , 可以 去 得 嘅 啫 噉 。 噉 曹操 呢 就 叫 大家 一齊 趯 去 烏林 啦 。 點 知道 行行 下 , 後 便 有 一彪 東吳 人馬 追住 嚟 , 大聲 吶喊 話 : 唔 好 放走 曹操 老賊 啊 , 殺 啊 ! 喺 火光 之中 , 見到 係 呂蒙 嘅 旗號 , 曹操 叫 張 遼 留 喺 後 便 頂住 呂蒙 , 自己 啊 帶 住 手下 啲 人 , 快馬加鞭 向 前面 逃命 。 走 咗 冇 幾遠 , 喺 山谷 裏頭 衝出 一支 軍隊 , 為首 一員 將軍 大叫 凌統 在 此 噉 , 嚇 到 曹操 呀 膽都 破面 都 青 啊 。 忽然間 , 有 一彪 軍隊 由側 跟 斜 斜 地 衝到 嚟 , 大聲 噉 嗌: 丞相 唔 使 驚 , 徐晃 嚟 喇 ! 噉 雙方 混戰 一場 , 徐晃 啊 保護 住 曹操 向 住 北方 奪路 就 走 。 走到 咁 上下 , 見到 前 便 山坡 腳下 , 駐扎住 一隊 軍馬 。 徐晃 行前 問一問 , 原來 係 馬 延同 張 顗 。 呢 兩個 呢 係 袁紹 手下 嘅 舊 將 , 已經 投降 咗 曹操 嘅 。 佢 哋 帶 住 三千 北方 兵士 , 喺 呢 度 嚟 駐防 。 當晚 佢 哋 見到 滿天 火光 , 因為 不明 情況 , 又 冇 接到 命令 , 所以 就 唔 敢 移動 , 而家 呢 咁 啱 啊 接到 曹操 嘞 。 曹操 先頭 得到 徐晃帶 嚟 嘅 人馬 , 呢 陣 又 得到 呢 一支 生力軍 , 個心 呢 就 稍 為 安定 返 啲 。 佢 就 命令 馬 延 、 張顗 , 帶 一千 兵 , 喺 前 便 開路 , 其餘 啲 人馬 呢 就 留 喺 身邊 嚟 保護 。 噉 馬 、 張二將 啊 , 飛馬 向前 行 , 行 咗 唔 到 十里 , 喎 喊聲 一起 , 迎面 撞 正 一彪 軍馬 。 為首 一員 將軍 大叫 話 : 我 係 東吳 甘興霸 ! 馬 延衝 上前 同 佢 交鋒 , 點知 一 埋牙唧 就 畀 甘寧 一刀 劈 死 。 張顗 挺 槍 跟 住 衝上 嚟 , 甘寧 大喝一聲 , 張顗 措手不及 , 畀 甘寧 手起 一刀 又 斬 咗 落馬 。 曹操 喺 後 便 得到 報告 , 話 馬 、 張二將 經已 戰死 喇 噉 。 噉 佢 呢 個 時候 呢 , 就 係指 望 合肥 嗰 便 有 兵 嚟 接應 佢 。 之 佢 萬萬 想 唔 到 嘩 , 兵 係 有 得 嚟 啊 , 不過 係 東吳 嘅 敵兵 , 點解 呢 ? 因為 孫權 佢 親自 帶兵 , 截住 合肥 路口 。 佢 一 見到 江 上 嘅 火光 , 知道 周瑜 已經 得勝 嘞 , 就 叫 陸遜 點着 火 發出信號 。 太史慈 見到 喇 就 立即 帶兵 嚟 同陸遜 會合 , 一齊 衝殺 過 嚟 。 曹操 佢 望 嚟 望去 , 估 唔 到 竟然 望 到 呢 一支 敵軍 , 不得了 喇 , 於是 就 向 住 彝陵 方向 逃跑 。 喺 半路 遇着 張 郃 , 噉 曹操 呢 就 叫 佢 斷後 , 自己 就 縱馬 加鞭 , 帶住 一隊 敗兵 繼續 向前走 嘞 。 一直 走 到 五更 , 捩 轉頭 望下 , 見到 火光 已經 離開 好遠 喇 。 後 便 追兵 嘅 吶喊聲 呢 , 已經 聽 唔 見 嘞 , 噉 就 心定 啦 。 佢 問 啲 人 話 : 呢 度 係 乜嘢 地方 啊 ? 丞相 , 呢 度 係 烏 林 嘅 西 便 , 宜都 嘅 北 便 啊 。 嗯 , 曹操 四圍 望 一下 。 呢 個 時候 , 雖然 個 天仲 係 好 黑 啊 。 不過 約莫 呢 , 都 睇 得到 呢 處 地勢 險要 , 山 又 高 , 樹木 又 多 。 曹操 突然 間 仰面朝天 , 哈哈大笑 起 嚟 。 嘿嘿 , 曹操 就 好笑 唔 笑 , 噉 一 笑笑 出場 大禍 。 究竟 咩 嘢 事 呢 ? 下次 再講 。

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話 說 孔明 借 到 東風 之後 , 周瑜 就 下令 發起 對 曹 軍 的 總攻 。 said|spoke|Kongming|borrowed|to|east wind|after|Zhou Yu|then|ordered|launched|against|Cao|army|possessive particle|general attack After Kongming borrowed the east wind, Zhou Yu ordered a full-scale attack on Cao's army. 周瑜 首先 命令 甘寧 : 你 帶 住 蔡中同 投降 過來 的 兵士 , 沿著 南岸 行 , 打起 曹 軍 的 旗號 , 直攻 烏林 ! Zhou Yu|first|ordered|Gan Ning|you|bring|with|Cai Zhongtong|surrender|come over|possessive particle|soldiers|along|south bank|march|raise|Cao|army|possessive particle|flag|directly attack|Wu Lin Zhou Yu first commanded Gan Ning: You take the soldiers who surrendered with Cai Zhongtong, march along the southern bank, raise the flag of Cao's army, and directly attack Wulin! 這裡 是 曹操 儲糧 的 地方 , 你 攻進去 後 , 就 放火 為號 。 here|is|Cao Cao|store grain|possessive particle|place|you|attack|after|then|set fire| This is where Cao Cao stores his supplies; once you break in, set fire as a signal. 你 留 蔡 和 一個 人 留在 這裡 , 我 有 用處 。 you|stay|Cai|and|one|person|stay at|here|I|have|use You leave Cai and one person here; I have use for them. 第二個 , 叫 太史慈 來 , 吩咐 他 : 你 帶 三千 兵 , 直奔 黃州 地界 , 切斷 曹操 由 合肥 來 的 接應 。 the second|to call|Tai Shici|to come|instructed|him|you|bring|three thousand|soldiers|directly rush to|Huangzhou|territory|cut off|Cao Cao|from|Hefei|coming|possessive particle|reinforcements Secondly, call for Tai Shici and instruct him: You take three thousand soldiers and head straight for the Huangzhou area to cut off Cao Cao's reinforcements coming from Hefei. 曹兵 來 就 發起 攻擊 , 放火 為號 , 如果 你 見到 紅旗 , 就是 吳侯 的 接應 兵到 。 Cao's troops|arrive|then|launch|attack|fire||if|you|see|red flag|it means|Lord Wu|possessive particle|reinforcements|troops arrive When Cao Bing arrives, he will launch an attack, signaling with fire. If you see the red flag, it means that Wu Hou's reinforcements have arrived. 因為 這 兩路 人馬 , 要 去 得 最遠 的 , 所以 就 先行 出發 。 because|this|two groups|troops|want|to go|to|farthest|(possessive particle)|so|then|first|depart Because these two groups of troops need to go the farthest, they will set off first. 第三 , 派 呂蒙 帶 三千 兵 , 去 烏林 接應 甘寧 , 放火燒 曹操 的 營寨 。 third|send|Lu Meng|lead|three thousand|soldiers|go|Wu Lin|support|Gan Ning|set fire to|Cao Cao|possessive particle|camp Third, send Lu Meng with three thousand soldiers to Wu Lin to support Gan Ning and set fire to Cao Cao's camp. 第四 , 派凌 統帶 三千 兵直 插 彝陵 , 一見 烏 林火 起 , 就 去 接應 。 fourth|Pai Ling|commanded|three thousand||penetrate|Yi Ling|upon seeing|||rise|then|go|support Fourth, send Ling Tong with three thousand soldiers to directly penetrate Yi Ling. Upon seeing the fire in Wu Lin, he will go to provide support. 第五 , 派 董襲 帶 三千 兵 直取 漢陽 , 由 漢川 殺 奔 曹操 營寨 , 見到 白旗 就 上前 接應 。 fifth|send|Dong Xi|lead|three thousand|soldiers|directly attack|Hanyang|from|Hanchuan|kill|rush|Cao Cao|camp|upon seeing|white flag|then|stepped forward|assist Fifth, send Dong Xi with three thousand soldiers to directly attack Han Yang, rushing from Han Chuan to Cao Cao's camp, and approach to provide support upon seeing the white flag. 第六 , 派 潘璋 帶 三千 兵 , 都 打住 白旗 , 去 漢陽 接應 董襲 。 sixth|send|Pan Zhang|lead|three thousand|soldiers|all|carry|white flag|go|Hanyang|support|Dong Xi Sixth, send Pan Zhang with three thousand soldiers, all carrying white flags, to Hanyang to assist Dong Xi. 噉 呢 六隊 船隻 啊 就 各自 分頭 出發 嘞 。 like this|question particle|six teams|boats|particle indicating surprise|then|each|separately|depart|past action particle So these six ships set off separately. 然後 呢 , 周瑜 就 命令 黃 蓋 , 叫 佢 派 個 小卒 , 立即 送信 去 畀 曹操 , 約定 曹操 話 今晚 啊 就 嚟 投降 喇 噉 。 then|question particle|Zhou Yu|then|ordered|Huang|Gai|told|him|send|a|messenger|immediately|deliver the letter|to|to|Cao Cao|agreed|Cao Cao|said|tonight|ah|will|come|surrender|particle indicating completed action|like that Then, Zhou Yu ordered Huang Gai to send a messenger immediately to deliver a letter to Cao Cao, agreeing that Cao Cao would surrender tonight. 又 調撥 四隻 戰船 , 跟 住 黃 蓋 二十隻 火船後尾 接應 。 again|deploy|four|warships|follow|closely|Huang|Gai|twenty||support He also dispatched four warships to follow behind Huang Gai's twenty fire ships for support. 跟 住 , 周瑜 又 派 韓當 、 周泰 、 蔣欽 、 陳 武 , 分別 做 第一 、 二 、 三 、 四隊 領兵 軍官 。 ||Zhou Yu|again|dispatched|Han Dang|Zhou Tai|Jiang Qin|||respectively|made|first||||commanding|officers After that, Zhou Yu sent Han Dang, Zhou Tai, Jiang Qin, and Chen Wu to lead the first, second, third, and fourth teams of officers respectively. 各隊 , 都 帶 戰船 三百隻 , 喺 船隊 嘅 前 便 啊 , 再 佈置 二十隻 火船 , 聽到 炮響 , 就 分 四路 直向 曹軍水 寨 進攻 。 each team|all|bring|warships|300|at|fleet|possessive particle|front|then|particle|again|deploy|20|fire ships|upon hearing|cannon fire|then|divide|into four routes|directly towards||camp|attack Each team brought three hundred warships, positioned at the front of the fleet, and then arranged twenty fire ships. Upon hearing the cannon fire, they would split into four routes and directly attack the Cao army's water stronghold. 周瑜 自己 呢 , 同程 普 啊 就 喺 大 戰艦 上 便 督戰 , 徐盛 、 丁奉 做 左右 護衛 。 Zhou Yu|himself|question particle|Tong Cheng|Pu|ah|then|at|big|battleship|on|then|supervising the battle|Xu Sheng|Ding Feng|acted as|left and right|guards Zhou Yu himself, along with Cheng Pu, was on the flagship overseeing the battle, while Xu Sheng and Ding Feng served as left and right guards. 只 係 留低 魯肅 , 同 闞澤 以及 一班 謀士 啊 守住 大本營 。 ||leave behind|Lu Su|with|Han Zhang|and|a group of|strategists|particle|defend|main base Only Lu Su, Han Ze, and a group of strategists were left to defend the main base. 另外 啊 , 周瑜 又 派 人 去 西山 嘅 山頂 , 管理 號 砲 , 只要 一睇 見 江心 黃 蓋 嘅 船隻 着火 嘞 就 馬上 放炮 。 additionally|particle|Zhou Yu|again|send|people|to|West Mountain|possessive particle|mountain top|manage|number|cannon|as long as||seeing|Jiangxin|Huang|Gai|possessive particle|ship|catch fire|past tense particle|then|immediately|fire the cannon Additionally, Zhou Yu sent people to the top of Xishan Mountain to manage the signal cannons. As soon as they saw Huang Gai's ship in the river catch fire, they would immediately fire the cannons. 又 喺 南屏山 上 便 , 佈置 好 指揮 各路 船隊 嘅 信號 旗幟 。 again|at|Nam Ping Mountain|on|then|set up|well|directing|all routes|fleets|possessive particle|signal|flags Also, on Nanping Mountain, they set up signal flags to command the various fleets. 程普 見到 周瑜 嘅 部署 咁 有 法度 嘅 , 真 係 由衷 噉 佩服 啊 ! Cheng Pu|saw|Zhou Yu|possessive particle|deployment|so|has|strategy|possessive particle|really|is|from the heart|so|admire|ah Cheng Pu sincerely admired Zhou Yu's well-structured deployment! 喺 呢 個 時候 , 孫權派 咗 個 特使 攞 住 兵符 嚟 到 。 at|this|measure word|time||past tense marker|measure word|special envoy|took|holding|military order|come|arrived At this time, Sun Quan sent a special envoy with the military order. 話 已經 派 咗 陸遜 做 先鋒 , 直向 蘄 、 黃 地面 進兵 , 吳侯 孫權 啊 , 親自 帶兵 做後應 噉 。 said|already|dispatched|past tense marker|Lu Xun|to be|vanguard|directly towards|Qichun|Huang|ground|advance|Lord of Wu|Sun Quan|ah|personally|leading troops||like this He said that Lu Xun had already been sent as the vanguard, advancing directly towards Qicheng and Huangdi, while the Wu lord Sun Quan would personally lead the troops as support. 好 喇 , 周瑜 發佈命令 完喇 , 就 等 住 黃昏時候 發動 進攻 嘞 。 ||Zhou Yu||completed|then|wait|for||launch|attack|particle indicating completed action Alright, Zhou Yu has issued the orders, now we just wait to launch the attack at dusk. 話分 兩頭 , 而家 講下 劉備 , 佢 喺 夏 口 等 住 孔明 返 嚟 。 talk about|both sides|now|let's talk about|Liu Bei|he|at|||||Kongming|return|come Now, let's talk about Liu Bei, who is waiting for Kong Ming to return at Xiakou. 呢 朝 早 , 公子 劉琦 率領 住 一隊 船隊 嚟 到 探聽 消息 。 this|||young master|Liu Qi|led|with|a team|fleet|||to inquire|news This morning, Young Master Liu Qi led a fleet of ships to gather information. 劉備 啊 請 佢 上去 城樓 坐 , 劉備 話 嘞 : 啊 , 已經 起 咗 東南風 好耐下 嘞 。 Liu Bei|ah|please|he|go up|city tower|sit||said|past tense marker||already|rise|past tense marker|southeast wind||past tense marker Liu Bei invited him to sit on the city tower and said: Ah, the southeast wind has been blowing for a long time. 我 派 咗 子龍 去 接 孔明 , 到 而 家仲未 見 佢 哋 返 嚟 , 我 好 擔心 啊 。 I|send|past tense marker|Zilong|go|pick up|Kongming|arrive|and||see|they|plural marker|return|come|I|very|worried|sentence final particle I sent Zilong to pick up Kongming, but I haven't seen them return home yet, I'm very worried. 正 喺 度 傾 講 緊 , 有個 軍士 遠遠 指住 樊口 河港 嗰 處 話 : right|at|place|talking|||there is a|soldier|from afar|pointing at|Fankou|river port|that|place|said Just as they were talking, a soldier pointed far away at the Fan Kou River port and said: 嗰 隻 船 仔 吖 , 扯住 里駛得 好 快 啊 , 實 係 軍師 返 嚟 喇 。 that|measure word for boats|boat|child|particle|pulling||very|fast|particle|||strategist|||particle That ship over there is sailing really fast, it must be the strategist returning. 劉備 同 劉琦 就 走 落 城樓 , 行到 去 岸邊 迎接 。 Liu Bei|and|Liu Qi|then|walked|down|city tower|walked to|to|riverside|greet Liu Bei and Liu Qi went down to the city tower and walked to the riverbank to greet them. 冇 幾耐 , 船到 嘞 , 哦 果然 係 孔明同 趙雲 返 嚟 , 大家 見到 面 呀 , 劉備 歡喜 到 眉開眼笑 。 not|long||past tense marker|oh|as expected|is||Zhao Yun|||everyone|see|face|particle|Liu Bei|happy|to|smiling broadly After a while, the boat arrived, and indeed it was Kong Ming and Zhao Yun returning. Everyone was happy to see each other, and Liu Bei was overjoyed. 互相 問候 完喇 , 劉備 就 話 : 等 你 哋 咁 耐 都 唔 見 返 嚟 , 我 真 係 急 死 嚟 啊 。 each other|greet|finished|Liu Bei|then|said|waiting|you|plural marker|so|long|all|not|see|return|here|I|really|am|anxious|die|come|ah particle After exchanging greetings, Liu Bei said: "I was really worried waiting for you all to come back for so long." 嗰 便 嘅 情形 點啊 軍師 ? that|convenient|possessive particle|situation|how|strategist What was the situation like, strategist? 主公 , 而家 我 冇 時間 詳細 同 你講 嘞 。 lord|now|I|have no|time|in detail|with||past action particle My lord, I don't have time to explain everything to you in detail right now. 上次 , 我 講過 話 要 嘅 軍馬 戰船 , 都 已經 準備 好 啦 嘛 ? last time|I|mentioned|that|needed|possessive particle|war horse|warship|already|already|||completed action particle|question particle Last time, I mentioned that the war horses and warships you wanted are already prepared, right? 早就 準備 好 喇 , 就 係 等 你 嚟 調遣 喇 。 already|prepared|well|particle indicating completed action|||waiting|you|to come|dispatch|particle indicating completed action They have been prepared for a long time, just waiting for you to dispatch them. 於是 孔明同 劉備 、 劉琦 立即 返到 大本營 , 召集 所有 嘅 將領 發佈 作戰 命令 。 then||Liu Bei|Liu Qi|immediately|returned to|main base|gathered|all|possessive particle|generals|issued|combat|orders So, Kongming and Liu Bei, along with Liu Qi, immediately returned to the base and summoned all the generals to issue the battle orders. 孔明 對 趙雲 話 : 子龍 , 你 帶 三千 軍馬 , 渡過 江 , 一直 去 到 烏 林 嘅 小路 , 揀 啲 樹木 蘆葦 多 嘅 地方 埋伏 好 。 Zhuge Liang|to|Zhao Yun|said|Zilong|you|bring|three thousand|cavalry|cross|river|straight|go|to|||possessive particle|path|choose|some|trees|reeds|many|possessive particle|place|ambush|well Kongming said to Zhao Yun: Zilong, you take three thousand war horses, cross the river, and go to the small path in Wulin, choose a place with plenty of trees and reeds to set up an ambush. 今晚 四 更 以後 , 曹操 一定 要 喺 嗰 條 路 經過 嘅 , 等 佢 嘅 軍隊 過 咗 一半 嘅 時候 , 你 就 放 起火 殺出 嚟 啦 。 tonight|four|watch|after|Cao Cao|definitely|will|at|that|measure word for road|road|pass|particle indicating possession|wait|he|particle indicating possession|army|pass|past tense marker|half|particle indicating possession|time|you|then|set|fire|rush out|come|particle indicating suggestion or command After the fourth watch tonight, Cao Cao will definitely pass through that road. When his army has crossed halfway, you can set the fire and charge out. 雖然 殺 佢 哋 唔 盡 , 至少 亦 殺 佢 哋 一半 。 although|kill|he|they|not|completely|at least|also|kill|he|they|half Although they can't be completely killed, at least half of them can be killed. 軍師 , 烏林 有 兩條路 , 一條 通 南郡 , 一條 去 荊州 。 military advisor|Wulin|has|two roads|one road|leads to|Nanjun|one road|goes to|Jingzhou Advisor, there are two roads in Wulin, one leads to Nanjun, and the other goes to Jingzhou. 我 哋 唔 知 應該 喺 邊 條 路 等 啱 呢 ? ||||should|at|which|measure word for road|road|wait|correct|question particle We don't know which road we should wait on. 南郡 嘅 形勢 緊迫 , 曹操 唔 敢 去 , 佢 呀 必定 去 荊州 , 然後 大軍 撤退 返 許昌 。 Nanjun|possessive particle|situation|urgent|Cao Cao|not|dare|go|he|sentence-final particle|definitely|go|Jingzhou|then|army|retreat|return|Xuchang The situation in Nanjun is urgent, Cao Cao doesn't dare to go, he will definitely go to Jingzhou, and then the main army will retreat back to Xuchang. 趙雲 接受 咗 任務 就 去 喇 。 Zhao Yun|accepted|past tense marker|mission|then|go|completed action particle Zhao Yun accepted the mission and went. 跟 住 孔明 又 對 張飛 話 : 翼德 , 你 帶 三千 兵 , 渡過 江 , 截斷 彝陵 呢 條路 。 ||Kongming|again|to|Zhang Fei|said|Yide|you|bring|three thousand|soldiers|cross|river|cut off|Yiling|this| Then Kongming said to Zhang Fei: "Yide, you take three thousand soldiers and cross the river to cut off the road at Yiling." 南彝陵 大路 有 笪 地方 叫做 葫蘆 口 , 你將 人馬 埋伏 喺 嗰 處 啦 。 Nan Yi Ling|main road|has|a type of vehicle|place|called||||troops|ambush|at|that|place|particle The main road at South Yiling has a place called Hulukou; you should ambush your troops there. 聽 日落 完雨 之後 , 曹操 嘅 人馬 , 必定 要 喺 葫蘆 口 嗰 處 煮飯 食 嘅 。 hear|sunset|after the rain|after|Cao Cao|possessive particle|troops|definitely|will|at|Hulukou|mouth|that|place|cook rice|eat|particle indicating action completion After the rain stops tomorrow, Cao Cao's troops will definitely stop to cook at Hulukou. 你 一 見到 有煙起 , 就 喺 山邊 放火 殺出 嚟 , 雖然 唔 一定 捉 到 曹操 啊 , 不過 翼德 你 呢 個 功勞 , 估計 都 唔 細 嘞 。 you|once|see|smoke rising|then|at|the mountain side|set fire|rush out|here|although|not|definitely|||Cao Cao|ah|but|Yi De|you|this|measure word|contribution|estimated|all|not|small|particle indicating completed action As soon as you see smoke rising, set fire to the mountains and charge out. Even if you don't catch Cao Cao, Yide, this achievement of yours will still be significant. 張飛 接受 咗 任務 走 咗 咯 。 Zhang Fei|accepted|past tense marker|mission|left|past tense marker|sentence-final particle Zhang Fei accepted the mission and left. 孔明 又 派 糜竺 、 糜芳 、 劉 封三 個人 , 叫 佢 哋 率領 一 啲 船隻 喺 沿江 一帶 捉拿 曹操 嘅 敗兵 , 奪取 曹 軍 嘅 物資 器械 。 Zhuge Liang|again|sent|Mi Zhu|Mi Fang|Liu||individuals|ordered|them|plural marker|to lead|a|some|ships|at|along the river|area|to capture|Cao Cao|possessive particle|defeated soldiers|to seize|Cao|army|possessive particle|supplies|equipment Kongming then sent Mi Zhu, Mi Fang, and Liu Feng, asking them to lead some ships to capture Cao Cao's defeated soldiers along the river and seize the supplies and equipment of Cao's army. 噉 佢 哋 三個 接受 咗 任務 亦 都 走 咗 嘞 。 then|they|plural marker|three|accepted|past tense marker|mission|||left|past tense marker|sentence final particle So the three of them accepted the mission and set off. 孔明 企 起身 嚟 對 劉琦話 : 武昌 離開 呢 處 唔 遠 , 係 非常 重要 嘅 地方 呀 。 Kongming|stand|get up|come|to||Wuchang|leave|this|place|not|far|is|very|important|possessive particle|place|sentence-final particle Kongming stood up and said to Liu Qi: "Wuchang is not far from here, it is a very important place." 請 公子 而家 就 返 去 啦 , 將 部隊 部署 喺 沿江 一帶 , 曹操 一 打敗仗 必定會 有 敗兵 逃跑 去 嗰 度 嘅 。 please|young master|now|then|return|home|sentence-final particle|will|troops|deploy|at|along the river|area|Cao Cao|one|defeat||have|defeated soldiers|escape|to|that|place|possessive particle Please, young master, return now and deploy the troops along the river, as Cao Cao will definitely have defeated soldiers fleeing there after a defeat. 嚟 咁 多 捉 咁 多 就 啱 喇 , 但 係 , 千祈 唔 好 離城 太 遠 噃。 come|so|many|catch|so|many|then|right|particle|||by all means|not|very|leave the city|too|far|particle Catching as many as possible is just right, but please, do not go too far from the city. 劉琦 辭別 咗 劉備 、 孔明 就 返 咗 去 。 Liu Qi|bid farewell|past tense marker|Liu Bei|Kongming|then|return|past tense marker|home Liu Qi said goodbye to Liu Bei and Kong Ming and then returned. 然後 孔明 對 劉備 話 : 主公 , 等 一陣 , 你 帶 一支 軍隊 去 樊口 , 搵 一 笪 高 啲 嘅 地方 , 就 可以 坐 喺 處 悠悠 遊遊 , 睇 下 今晚 周 郎 嘅 偉大勝利 喇 。 then|Kongming|to|Liu Bei|said|lord|wait|a moment|you|bring|a|army|to|Fankou|find|a|place|higher|more|possessive particle|place|then|can|sit|in|place|leisurely|wandering|see|down|tonight|Zhou|Lang|possessive particle||final particle Then Kong Ming said to Liu Bei: "My lord, wait a moment. You take an army to Fan Kou, find a higher place, and you can sit there leisurely and watch the great victory of Zhou Lang tonight." 哈哈 , 孔明 分派 作戰 任務 啊 , 趙雲 ,嗱, 張飛 、 糜竺 、 糜芳 、 劉封 都 有份 。 haha|Kongming|assigned|battle|mission|ah|Zhao Yun|look|Zhang Fei|Mi Zhu|Mi Fang|Liu Feng|all|have a part Haha, Kong Ming is assigning combat missions. Zhao Yun, look, Zhang Fei, Mi Zhu, Mi Fang, and Liu Feng are all included. 唯獨 關羽 冇 份 , 關羽 唔 喺 處 係 咪 啊 ? 唔 係 吖 , 就 喺 身 跟 嚟 。 only|Guan Yu|has no|share|Guan Yu|not|at|place|is|question particle|final particle|not|is|final particle|then|at|body|following|coming Only Guan Yu is not included. Isn't Guan Yu here? No, he is right beside. 關羽 就 喺 身 跟 嚟 , 孔明 竟然 唔 騷 佢 喎 , 你 話 奇怪 唔 奇怪 呢 ? Guan Yu|just|at|body|follow|come|Kongming|unexpectedly|not|bother|him|particle indicating surprise|you|say|strange|not|strange|question particle Guan Yu is right beside, yet Kong Ming didn't call him. Isn't that strange? 奇怪 啊 呢 , 你 哋 都 覺得 奇怪 嘞 , 噉 關羽 當然 更 係 忍 唔 住 啦 。 strange|ah|question particle|you|plural marker|all|feel|strange|past action particle|then|Guan Yu|of course|even more|is||||final particle It's strange, isn't it? You all find it strange too, so Guan Yu naturally couldn't hold back. 所以 當時 關羽 就 大聲 噉 話 喇 : 我關 某 自從 跟隨 兄長 征戰 以來 , 咁 多年 嚟 未曾 落後 過 。 so|at that time|Guan Yu|then|loudly|like that|said|particle indicating completed action||a certain|since|followed|elder brother|battles|since|so|many years|in|never|fall behind|past particle So at that time, Guan Yu loudly said: Since I, Guan, have followed my brother into battle, I have never fallen behind in all these years. 今日 , 遇到 強大 嘅 敵手 , 軍師 竟然 唔 用 我 , 係 乜嘢 意思 啊 ? today|encountered|strong|possessive particle|opponent|strategist|unexpectedly|not|use|me|is|what|meaning|question particle Today, encountering a powerful enemy, the strategist actually didn't use me. What does that mean? 哈哈哈 哈哈哈 , 雲長 你 唔 好 見怪 。 hahaha||Yun Chang|you|||take offense Hahaha, Yun Chang, don't take it the wrong way. 我 呀 本來 想 勞煩 你 去 把守 一個 最 緊要 嘅 隘口 嘅 , 無奈 有 啲 唔 方便 , 所以 我 就 唔 敢 叫 你 去 。 I|particle indicating realization|originally|wanted|trouble|you|to go|guard|a|most|important|possessive particle|checkpoint||unfortunately|have|a little|not|convenient|so|I|then|not|dare|ask|you|to go I originally wanted to trouble you to guard a very important pass, but unfortunately, it was a bit inconvenient, so I didn't dare to ask you to go. 有 乜嘢 唔 方便 , 請 軍師 指明 出 嚟 。 there is|anything|not|convenient|please|strategist|specify|come out|here If there is anything inconvenient, please specify it, strategist. 往日 , 曹操 待 你 非常 之好 , 你 啊 當然 要 報答 返 佢 至 係 嘅 。 in the past|Cao Cao|treated|you|very||you|ah|of course|should|repay|back|him|only|is|particle indicating possession In the past, Cao Cao treated you very well, so of course you should repay him. 今日 曹操 兵敗 , 佢 撤退 嘅 時候 必定會 經過 華容道 。 today|Cao Cao|was defeated|he|retreat|possessive particle|time||pass through|Huarong Road Today, Cao Cao's army has been defeated, and he will definitely pass through Huarong Road when he retreats. 如果 我 派 你 去 守 華容 , 你 又 必定會 放走 佢 , 因此 , 我 就 唔 敢 叫 你 去 啫 。 if|I|send|you|go|guard|Huashan|you|again||let go|him|therefore|I|then|not|dare|ask|you|go|only If I send you to guard Huarong, you will definitely let him go, so I dare not ask you to go. 軍師 , 你 太過 多心 喇 。 strategist|you|too|suspicious|sentence-final particle Strategist, you are being too suspicious. 冇 錯 , 當日 曹操 確係 重待 我 , 但 係 我 斬 顏良 、 誅 文丑 , 解 咗 佢 白馬 之圍 , 為 佢 出過 力 , 報答 過 佢 。 not|wrong|that day|Cao Cao|definitely|treated well|me|but|was|I|killed|Yan Liang|executed|Wen Chou|relieved|past tense marker|his|White Horse||for|him|put in|effort|repaid|past tense marker|him That's right, on that day, Cao Cao indeed treated me well, but I killed Yan Liang and executed Wen Chou, breaking his siege at Baima, and I helped him out, repaying him. 今日 撞見 佢 , 我肯 放過 佢 咩 ? today|saw|him||let go|him|question particle If I run into him today, would I let him go? 倘若 放 咗 佢 又 如何 呢 ? if|let go|past tense marker|he|again|how|question particle What if I let him go? 按 軍法 處理 ! according to|military law|handle Handle it according to military law! 既然 係 噉 , 就 請 你 立個 軍令狀 呢 。 since|is|like this|then|please|you|fill out a|military order form|particle indicating a request Since that's the case, please issue a military order. 可以 ! 關羽 寫 咗 張 軍令狀 , 交 咗 畀 孔明 。 can|Guan Yu|write|past tense marker|measure word for documents|military order|hand over|past tense marker|to|Kongming Sure! Guan Yu wrote a military order and handed it to Kong Ming. 佢 一 諗 , 又 話 嘞 : 如果 曹操 唔 混 嗰 條 路 嚟 , 又 如何 啊 軍師 ? he|one|thought|again|said|past tense marker|if|Cao Cao|not|mixed up|that|measure word for road|road|come|again|how|ah|strategist He thought for a moment and said: If Cao Cao doesn't come this way, then what about the strategist? 我 亦 都 立張 軍令狀 畀 你 。 I|also|all|fill out a|military order form|give|you I will also write a military order for you. 好 ! good Great! 孔明 即 刻寫 咗 張 軍令狀 交 畀 關羽 。 Zhuge Liang|immediately|inscribed|past tense marker|a|military order|handed|to|Guan Yu Kong Ming immediately wrote a military order and handed it to Guan Yu. 孔明 跟 住 對 佢 話 : 雲長 , 你 要 噉 做 吓 , 你 啊 喺 華容 小路 , 搵 個 高高 嘅 山頭 , 喺 上 便 堆 啲 柴草 點着 佢 , 升起 啲 火煙 引 曹操 嚟 啦 。 Kongming|||to|him|said|Yun Chang|you|must|like this|do|a little|||at|Hua Rong|alley|find|a|high|possessive particle|hill|at|on|then|pile|some|firewood|light|it|raise|some|smoke|attract|Cao Cao|come|particle indicating suggestion Kong Ming said to him: "Yun Chang, you need to do this. You should find a high mountain top on the Huazhong small road, pile some firewood on it, light it up, and raise some smoke to attract Cao Cao here." 軍師 , 曹操 望見 火煙 , 知道 有 埋伏 , 佢 仲 點 肯 嚟 呢 ? strategist|Cao Cao|saw|smoke|knew|there is|ambush|he|still|how|willing|come|question particle Strategist, if Cao Cao sees the smoke, he will know there is an ambush. How could he possibly come? 哈哈哈 哈哈哈 , 你 冇 聽過 兵法 上 便 , 虛虛實實 嘅 道理 咩 ? hahaha||you|not|heard of|military strategy|on|convenient|feints and real attacks|possessive particle|principle|question particle Hahaha, haven't you heard of the principle of deception in military strategy? 曹操 雖然 好會 用兵 呀 , 不過 噉 樣 一定 能夠 呃 到 佢 。 Cao Cao|although|very good at|military strategy|particle|but|like this|way|definitely|able to|||him Although Cao Cao is very skilled in warfare, this way will definitely trick him. 佢 見到 有 火煙 , 實 係 話 我 哋 虛張聲勢 , 就 必定 混 呢 條路 嚟 嘅 。 he|saw|has|smoke|really|is|saying|we|us|bluffing|then|definitely|driving|this||coming|past tense particle If he sees the smoke, it actually means we are bluffing, so he will definitely come this way. 關將軍 你照 做 啦 , 見到 曹操 , 唔 好 講情面 啊 。 General Kwan||do|particle indicating suggestion|when you see|Cao Cao|not|well|show leniency|particle indicating emphasis General Guan, just do it. When you see Cao Cao, don't show any mercy. 於是 關羽 接受 咗 任務 , 帶住 關平 、 周倉 同埋 五百名 校 刀手 去 華容道 埋伏 嘞 。 then|Guan Yu|accepted|past tense marker|mission|took|Guan Ping|Zhou Cang|and|five hundred|trained|swordsmen|went|Huarong Road|ambush|past tense marker So Guan Yu accepted the mission and took Guan Ping, Zhou Cang, and five hundred elite soldiers to ambush at Huayang Road. 各位 聽眾 , 華容 啊 , 係 有 兩個 。 everyone|audience|Huá Róng|ah|is|have|two Ladies and gentlemen, there are two Huayang. 關公 守 華容 呢 個 呢 , 乃 係 今日 湖北省 監利縣 嘅 西北方 , 就 唔 係 湖南省 北部 邊境 嗰 個 華容縣 喎 。 Guan Gong|guard|Huarong|this|measure word|this|is|is|today|Hubei Province|Jianli County|possessive particle|northwest|then|not|is|Hunan Province|northern|border|that|measure word|Huarong County|sentence-final particle The Huayang that Guan Gong guarded is located in the northwest of today's Jianli County in Hubei Province, not the Huayang County in the northern border of Hunan Province. 關羽 走 咗 之後 , 劉備 就 話 嘞 : Guan Yu|leave|past tense marker|after|Liu Bei|then|said|past tense marker After Guan Yu left, Liu Bei said: 雲長 個人 義氣 深重 , 如果 曹操 果然 走 華容道 嘅 時候 , 怕 佢 真 係 放走 咗 曹操 就 弊 喇 。 Guan Yu|person|loyalty|deep|if|Cao Cao|really|pass|Huarong Path|possessive particle|time|afraid|he|really|is|let go|past tense marker|Cao Cao|then|trouble|final particle Guan Zhang is a person with deep loyalty. If Cao Cao really took the Huarong Path, I fear he would indeed let Cao Cao go, which would be a disaster. 我 晚上 睇 過 天象 , 曹操 老賊 氣數 未盡 , 都 未 到 死亡 嘅 時候 啊 。 I|at night|watch|past tense marker|celestial phenomena|Cao Cao|old thief|lifespan|not yet exhausted|all|not|reach|death|possessive particle|time|ah particle I observed the celestial phenomena last night, and Cao Cao the old thief's fate is not yet exhausted; it is not yet his time to die. 我 料定 雲長 一定 會放 曹操 嘅 , 噉 留 呢 個人 情等雲長 去 做 , 亦 係 一件 美事 吖 。 I|am sure|Yun Chang|definitely||Cao Cao|possessive particle|then|leave|this|personal||go|do|also|is|a|beautiful thing|sentence-final particle I am certain that Guan Zhang will definitely let Cao Cao go. Leaving this personal favor for Guan Zhang to handle is also a beautiful thing. 啊呀 , 先生 嘅 神機妙算 , 世所罕及 啊 ! oh no|sir|possessive particle|brilliant calculations|rare in the world|exclamation particle Ah, the master's brilliant calculations are rare in the world! 於是 孔明 就 派 孫乾 、 簡雍 守城 , 自己 就 同 劉備 一齊 去 樊口 觀戰 嘞 。 then|Kongming|then|sent|Sun Qian|Jian Yong|to defend the city|he himself|then|together|Liu Bei|at the same time|to go|Fankou|to observe the battle|past tense marker So Kongming sent Sun Qian and Jian Yong to guard the city, while he himself went to watch the battle with Liu Bei at Fankou. 好 , 而家 講返 曹操 。 good|now|talk about again|Cao Cao Alright, now let's talk about Cao Cao. 二十一日 呢 一朝 早 , 佢 喺 大本營 , 召集 晒 啲 將官 謀士 , 嚟 到 商量 軍務 ; 同時 喺 度 等候 黃 蓋 嘅 消息 。 21st|this|morning|early|he|at|headquarters|summoned|all|plural marker|military officers|strategists|||to discuss|military affairs|at the same time|at|there|waiting|Huang|Gai|possessive particle|news On the morning of the twenty-first, he gathered all the generals and strategists at the headquarters to discuss military affairs; at the same time, he was waiting for news from Huang Gai. 當日 , 翻起 好 猛 嘅 東南風 。 that day|kicked up|very|strong|possessive particle|southeast wind That day, a strong southeast wind arose. 程昱 就 走 嚟 稟告 曹操 話 嘞 : 今日 翻 起 東南風 噃, 丞相 要 及早 提防 至 好 啊 。 Cheng Yu|then|walk|come|report|Cao Cao|said|past tense marker|today|blowing|up|southeast wind|particle indicating suggestion|Prime Minister|should|as early as possible|be cautious of|until|good|particle indicating affirmation Cheng Yu came to report to Cao Cao, saying: "Today, the southeast wind has risen, Prime Minister should be cautious early on." 哈哈哈哈 哈哈哈哈 , 冬至 一陽生 , 來 復 之時 , 點會 冇 啲 東南風 吹下 呢 ? 何足 為 怪 啊 , 唔 緊要 嘅 。 hahaha||winter solstice|the birth of yang|coming|returning||how could|not have|some|southeast wind|blow|question particle||||ah|||possessive particle Hahaha, during the winter solstice, the sun is born, and when it returns, how could there be no southeast wind blowing? It's nothing to be surprised about, it's not a big deal. 正 喺 呢 個 時候 , 有個 軍士 入 嚟 報告 話 江東 有 隻 小船 嚟 咗 , 帶 咗 黃 蓋 嘅 密信 嚟 噉 。 right|at|this|measure word|time||soldier|enter|here|report|said|Jiangdong|has|measure word|small boat|come|past tense marker|bring|past tense marker|Huang|Gai|possessive particle|secret letter|here|like this At this moment, a soldier came in to report that a small boat from Jiangdong has arrived, bringing a secret letter from Huang Gai. 曹操 急急 嗌 佢 入 嚟 , 嗰 個人 啊 呈 上 一封信 。 Cao Cao|urgently|shouted|he|come|in|that|person|ah|presented|to|a letter Cao Cao urgently called him in, and that person presented a letter. 曹操 拆開 一睇 , 信 嘅 大意 呢 就 係 話 : 近來 周瑜 防備 十分 嚴密 , 因此 冇 辦法 甩身 。 Cao Cao|open|at a glance|letter|possessive particle|main idea|this|then|is|saying|recently|Zhou Yu|vigilance|very|tight|therefore|no|way|escape Cao Cao opened it and saw that the main point of the letter was that recently Zhou Yu has been very vigilant, making it impossible to slip away. 咁 啱 今日 鄱陽湖 有 一批 糧食 運到 嘞 , 周瑜 就 派 我 巡哨 , 所以 就 有 機會 。 then|just|today|Poyang Lake|has|a batch of|grain|arrived|past tense marker|Zhou Yu|then|assigned|me|patrol|so|then|has|opportunity Coincidentally, today a batch of grain has arrived at Poyang Lake, and Zhou Yu sent me to patrol, so there is an opportunity. 無論如何 , 總要 殺 幾個 江東 名將 ,攞 佢 哋 嘅 首級 嚟 投降 。 no matter what|must|kill|a few|Jiangdong|famous generals|take|them|plural marker|possessive particle|heads|to|surrender In any case, we must kill a few famous generals from Jiangdong and bring their heads to surrender. 今晚 二 更 時分 , 船頭 上 便 插住 青龍 牙 旗 嘅 , 就 係 運糧 船 喇 。 tonight|second|watch|time|bow of the ship|on|then|hoisted|Qinglong|tooth|flag|possessive particle|just|is|transporting grain|ship|sentence-final particle At around 2 a.m. tonight, the blue dragon tooth flag was raised at the bow of the ship, which is the supply ship. 曹操 睇 咗 信 呀 好 歡喜 啦 。 Cao Cao|read|past tense marker|letter|sentence-final particle|very|happy|sentence-final particle Cao Cao was very happy after reading the letter. 等到 挨晚 , 就 帶齊 所有 嘅 將領 嚟 到 水寨 嘅 大 船上 便 , 一心 等 黃 蓋 嘅 船 嚟 到 嘞 喎 。 wait until|late at night|then|bring all|all|possessive particle|generals|||water fortress|possessive particle|big|on the ship|then|wholeheartedly|waiting|Huang|Gai|possessive particle|ship|||past tense particle|sentence-final particle By evening, he gathered all the generals on the large ship at the water camp, eagerly waiting for Huang Gai's ship to arrive. 噉 江東 嗰 便 又 點 呢 ? then|Jiangdong|that|convenient|again|how|question particle What about Jiangdong? 到 咗 黃昏時分 , 周瑜 坐 喺 中軍帳 , 叫 蔡和出 嚟 嘞 。 arrive|past tense marker||Zhou Yu|sit|at||call||out|completed action marker As dusk approached, Zhou Yu sat in the central army tent and called for Cai He to come out. 蔡和一 嚟 到 , 周瑜 就 喝 啲 兵士 將 佢 綁 起 嚟 ! Cai He Yi|||Zhou Yu|then|ordered|some|soldiers|to|him||| When Cai He arrived, Zhou Yu had the soldiers tie him up! 蔡 和 大聲 噉 叫 話 : 我犯 咗 乜嘢 罪 啊 ? Choi|and|loudly|like that|shout|say||past tense marker|what|crime|question particle Cai He shouted loudly: What crime have I committed? 周瑜 冷笑 一聲 : 你 係 乜嘢 人 啊 ? 竟然 咁 大膽 走 嚟 詐降 ? Zhou Yu|sneered|with a sound|you|are|what|person|question particle|unexpectedly|so|bold|come|here|feign surrender Zhou Yu sneered: Who are you? How dare you come here to feign surrender? 我而家 正 係 冇 嘢 嚟 祭旗 , 想 借 你 嘅 人頭 用下 ! I now|currently|am|no|thing|come|flag raising|want|borrow|your|possessive particle|head|use for a while I am currently here to offer a sacrifice, and I want to borrow your head for a bit! 吓 ? 啊 , 誒 , 你 哋 嘅 闞 澤 、 甘寧 都 係 我 嘅 同謀 嚟 啊 ! huh|ah|hey|||possessive particle|||Gan Ning|all|are|I|possessive particle|accomplices|come|ah Huh? Ah, your Gan Ning and Kan Ze are my accomplices! 嘿嘿 , 都 係 我 叫 佢 哋 噉 做 㗎 。 hehe|||I|told|they|plural marker|like that|do|sentence-final particle Hehe, it was me who told them to do that. 吓 ! scare Huh! 哎呀 , 蔡 和 呢 趟 啊 悔之無及 咯 。 oh no|Cai|and|question particle|trip|ah|no way to regret|particle indicating realization or finality Oh no, Cai He regrets it now. 周瑜 叫 刀斧手 , 將蔡 和 拉 到 江邊 嗰 支 皂 纛 旗下 便 , 奠 咗 酒燒 咗 紙錢 , 一刀斬 咗 蔡 和 , 用血 嚟 祭 咗 大旗 嘞 , 跟 住 下令 開船 ! Zhou Yu|called|executioner||He|pull|to|riverside|that|measure word|black|flag|under|then|to offer|past tense marker||past tense marker|||past tense marker|||||||big flag|sentence-final particle|||ordered|to set sail Zhou Yu ordered the executioners to bring Cai He to the black flag by the river, offered wine and burned paper money, then beheaded Cai He, using his blood to sacrifice to the great flag, and then ordered to set sail! 黃 蓋 着 咗 件 掩心 甲 , 手提 利刀 , 企 喺 第三隻 火 船上 便 。 Huang|cover|past tense marker|completed action marker|measure word for clothing|heart-protecting|armor|handheld|sharp knife|stand|at||fire||convenient Huang Gai wore a heart-covering armor, holding a machete, standing on the third fire ship. 船上 有 一面 旗 , 寫住 先鋒 黃 蓋 四個 大字 。 on the ship|has|one|flag|written|Vanguard|Huang|Gai|four|big characters On the ship, there is a flag with the words 'Vanguard Huang Gai' written in large characters. 呢 個 時候 呀 , 啲 東風 吹到 好 勁 啊 , 波浪 洶湧 。 this|measure word|time|particle|plural marker|east wind|blowing|very|strong|particle|waves|turbulent At this time, the east wind is blowing strongly, and the waves are surging. 呢 隊 火船 扯 起帆 , 乘住 順風 , 好似 箭 噉 向 住 赤壁 進發 。 this|team|fire ship|hoist|sail|riding|favorable wind|like|arrow|like|towards|at|Red Cliffs|advance This fleet of fire ships raises their sails, riding the favorable wind, and heads towards Chibi like an arrow. 赤壁 喺 邊 處 嚟 呢 ? 就 喺 今日 嘅 湖北省 嘉魚縣 。 Red Cliffs|at|where|place|come|question particle|just|at|today|possessive particle|Hubei Province|Jiayu County Where is Chibi located? It is in today's Hubei Province, Jiayu County. 先頭 講 咗 吖 , 曹操 喺 挨 晚 嘅 時候 啊 , 就 嚟 到 水寨 嘅 中軍 大 船上 便 等 黃 蓋 嚟 㗎 喇 。 first|said|past tense marker|sentence final particle|Cao Cao|at|around|evening|possessive particle|time|exclamatory particle|then|come|arrived|water fortress|possessive particle|central army|large|on the ship|then|wait|Huang|Gai|come|sentence final particle|sentence final particle As mentioned earlier, when Cao Cao was about to arrive at the water fortress, he was waiting on the central ship for Huang Gai to come. 佢 遠遠望 住江 對岸 , 眼睇 住 東方 月 出 , 照耀 住 啲 江水 , 好似 萬 道 金蛇 , 翻波 戲浪 , 異常 壯觀 。 He|||opposite bank|eyes|at|east|moon|rise|shining|at|the|river water|like|ten thousand|rays|golden snakes|rolling waves|playing with waves|exceptionally|spectacular He gazed far across the river, watching the moon rise in the east, illuminating the river water, resembling thousands of golden snakes, rolling and playing in the waves, an extraordinary spectacle. 哈 曹操 迎風 大笑 , 以為 呢 次 得法 喇 。 ha|Cao Cao|in the wind|laughed loudly|thought|this|time|successful|particle indicating completed action Ha Cao Cao laughed heartily in the wind, thinking that this time he had succeeded. 忽然間 , 有個 衛士 指住 江面 話 喇 : 丞相 , 江南 嗰 便 隱隱約約 有 一隊 船扯 起帆 嚟 緊 啊 。 suddenly||guard|pointing at|river surface|said|particle indicating certainty|prime minister|south of the river|that|then|vaguely|there is|a group of|||coming|soon|particle indicating urgency Suddenly, a guard pointed to the river and said: "Prime Minister, there seems to be a fleet in the south of the river that is slowly raising its sails." 曹操 立即 行 上將 台 , 企高 啲 嚟 瞭望 。 Cao Cao|immediately|march|general|platform|stand high|a bit|come|scout Cao Cao immediately went up to the observation platform, standing higher to look out. 噉 啊 成班 文官 武將 就 緊緊 噉 跟 住 佢 。 like that|ah|the whole group|civil officials|military generals|then|closely|like that|||him Thus, a group of civil and military officials closely followed him. 過 咗 一陣 有個 衛士 嚟 報告 話 喇 : past|completed action marker|a moment||guard|come|report|said|final particle After a while, a guard came to report. 啟 稟 丞相 , 嚟 緊 呢 隊 船 都 插住 青龍 牙 旗 嘅 。 ||Prime Minister|||this|team|ship|all|flying|Azure Dragon|tooth|flag|possessive particle He said: "Reporting to the Prime Minister, the upcoming fleet is flying the Green Dragon Tooth flag." 其中 有 一支 大旗 , 上 便 寫 住 先鋒 黃 蓋個 名 㗎 。 among them|has|one|large flag|on|then|||Vanguard|Huang||name|sentence-final particle Among them, there is a large flag that has the name of the vanguard, Huang Gai, written on it. 哦 ? 哈哈哈哈 哈哈哈哈 , 好 啊 ! oh|hahaha||good|particle Oh? Hahaha, hahaha, good! 黃公覆 嚟 投降 , 真 係 上天 助 我 啊 ! Wong Kung-fuk|come|surrender|||heaven|help|me|particle Lord Huang has come to surrender, truly heaven is helping me! 冇 幾耐 , 嗰 隊 船 越 駛 越 近 嘞 。 not|long|that|measure word for teams|boat|more|sail|more|close|past tense particle Not long after, that fleet of ships was getting closer. 程昱 睇 咗 好 耐 , 佢 忽然間 對 曹操 話 : Cheng Yu|read|past tense marker|very|long|he|suddenly|to|Cao Cao|said Cheng Yu had been watching for a long time, and suddenly said to Cao Cao: 丞相 , 嚟 緊 呢 啲 船 必定 有 詭計 , 唔 好 畀 佢 哋 靠近 水寨 啊 ! Prime Minister|coming|continuous|this|plural marker|ships|definitely|have|trick|not|well|let|they|plural marker|approach|water fortress|sentence-final particle Prime Minister, these ships must have a scheme, we shouldn't let them approach the water fortress! 你點 知 佢 哋 有 詭計 呢 ? |know|he|plural marker|have|trick|question particle How do you know they have a scheme? 丞相 , 如果 啲 船 裝 嘅 係 糧食 , 噉 啲 船 食水 梗 係 好 深 , 行起 嚟 亦 係 好 穩重 嘅 。 Prime Minister|if|plural marker|ships|loaded|possessive particle|is|food|then|plural marker|ships|drinking water|certainly|is|very|deep|sailing|coming|also|is|very|stable|possessive particle Prime Minister, if the ships are loaded with food, then the ships would definitely be very deep in the water, and they would also be very stable when moving. 而家 睇 下 呢 啲 船 , 行起 嚟 輕飄飄 噉 。 now|look|at|these|plural marker|boats|move|coming|lightly|like this Now, looking at these boats, they seem to be floating lightly. 更 兼 今晚 東南風 咁 猛 , 如果 係 有 咩 嘢 詭計 呀 就 不得了 啊 ! even more|also|tonight|southeast wind|so|strong|if|there is|have|any|thing|trick|question particle|then|terrible|exclamatory particle Moreover, with the southeast wind so strong tonight, if there are any tricks, it would be terrible! 啊 , 係 啊 ! 邊個 願去 攔阻 佢 哋 ! ah|yes|ah|who|is willing to|stop|he|they Ah, yes! Who is willing to go and stop them! 文聘 行前 一步 話 : 我 去 啦 , 行船 我 都 好慣 㗎 喇 。 Man Ping|walk forward|one step|said|I|go|particle indicating completed action|sailing|I|also|very used to|particle indicating certainty|particle indicating completed action Wen Ping stepped forward and said: I'll go, I'm quite used to sailing. 一 講完 , 文聘 就 跳 落 隻 小船 , 用手 一揮 , 十幾隻 巡船 立即 跟 住 文聘 隻 船 啊 , 向前 便 棹 出去 嘞 。 one|finished speaking|Wen Ping|then|jumped|onto|measure word for boats|small boat|with his hand|one wave|more than ten|patrol boats|immediately|followed|closely|Wen Ping|measure word for boats|boat|ah|forward|then|rowed|out|past tense particle As soon as he finished speaking, Wen Ping jumped into the small boat, waved his hand, and more than a dozen patrol boats immediately followed Wen Ping's boat and set off. 好 快趣 , 兩隊 船 接近 嘞 。 ||two teams|boats|are approaching|particle indicating action completion How fast and exciting, the two boats are getting close. 文聘 企 喺 船頭 大聲 高叫 : 丞相 有令 , 南岸 嚟 嘅 船隻 唔 好 駛近 水寨 , 就 喺 江心 停落 嚟 ! Wen Ping|stand|at|bow of the boat|loudly|shouted|Prime Minister||South Bank|coming|possessive particle|boats|not|well|approach|water fortress|then|at|river center|stop|coming Wen Ping stood at the bow of the boat and shouted loudly: "The Prime Minister has ordered, the boats coming from the south should not approach the water fortress, just stop in the middle of the river!" 巡 船上 嘅 士兵 一齊 喝話 : 快 啲 落帆 ! patrol|on the ship|possessive particle|soldiers|together|shouted|quickly|particle indicating degree|lower the sail The soldiers on the patrol boat all shouted: "Quick, lower the sails!" 點知 說話 嘅 聲音 未 完 呀 , 只 聽見 弓弦 一響 , 哎呀 ! 文聘 就 畀 一支 箭 射中 咗 左臂 , 成個 噼啪 一聲 𢴈 咗 喺 船上 。 unexpectedly|talking|possessive particle|sound|not yet|finished|sentence-final particle|only|heard|bowstring||oh no|Wen Ping|then|by|one|arrow|hit|past tense marker|left arm|whole|crack||fell|past tense marker|at|on the boat Unexpectedly, before the words were finished, there was a sound of a bowstring, and oh no! Wen Ping was hit in the left arm by an arrow, and with a loud bang, he fell onto the boat. 嘩 , 嗰 啲 巡 船 即刻 大亂 啊 , 哩哩啦啦 , 各有 各 飛快 棹 返去 水寨 嘞 。 wow|that|plural marker|||immediately|in chaos|exclamation particle|in a hurry|each has|each|very fast|rowed|back to|water village|past tense marker Wow, those patrol boats immediately fell into chaos, everyone hurriedly paddled back to the water fortress. 呢 個 時候 , 黃 蓋 嘅 火 船 離開 曹操 嘅 水寨 大概 只有 二里 水面 度 啦 。 this|measure word|time|Huang|Gai|possessive particle|fire|ship|left|Cao Cao|possessive particle|water fortress|approximately|only|two li|water surface|at|final particle At this time, Huang Gai's fire ship left Cao Cao's water fortress, probably only about two li away on the water. 黃 蓋 用 刀 一 擪, 喝 一聲 :逳 手 ! Huang|Gai|used|knife|one|stab|shouted|one shout|dodge|hand Huang Gai swung his knife and shouted: 'Release!'. 跟 住 就 退 到 船尾 , 跳 落 攋 住 喺 船尾 嚟 嗰 隻 艇 仔 上 便 , 用刀 斬斷 條 拖纜 。 ||then|||stern|||||at|stern|come|that|measure word for boats|||on|convenient|with a knife|cut|measure word for long objects|tow rope Then he retreated to the stern of the ship, jumped onto the small boat at the stern, and used his knife to cut the towline. 二十隻 火船 上面 嘅 兵士 一點 着火 , 亦 都 各自 跳 落艇 仔 斬斷 拖纜 嘞 。 twenty|fireboats|on|possessive particle|soldiers|a little|caught fire|||each|jumped|into the boat|child|cut|towline|past tense particle The soldiers on the twenty fire ships ignited a fire and also jumped onto the small boats to cut the towlines. 爬開 晒 , 就 等 嗰 啲 火 船 乘 住 風勢 向 前面 衝過去 。 climb away|fully|then|wait|those|particle|fire|ship|riding|with|wind power|towards|front|rush past Clear out, and let those fire ships take advantage of the wind to charge forward. 嘩 ! 船 上面 嗰 啲 硫磺 硝石 一點 着 呀 , 就 燒到 含 含聲 。 wow|ship|on|that|plural marker|sulfur|saltpeter|a little|ignited|particle|then|burned until|| Wow! The sulfur and saltpeter on the ship ignite with just a spark, and it burns with a crackling sound. 焫 着 晒 啲 乾柴 乾草 就 好似 二十 座 火山 噉 。 burn|past tense marker|completely|plural marker|dry wood|dry grass|then|like|twenty|measure word for mountains|volcano|like Burning up all the dry wood and straw is like twenty volcanoes erupting. 火 趁 風威 , 風助 火勢 , 啲 船 好似 箭 噉 直 撞入 曹 軍 嘅 水寨 。 fire|take advantage of|wind strength|wind assists|fire intensity|the|ship|like|arrow|in that way|straight|crashed into|Cao|army|possessive particle|water fortress The fire takes advantage of the wind, and the wind fuels the flames, making the ships crash into the enemy's water fortress like arrows. 哎呀 厲害 咯 , 嗰 啲 火 卷 到 邊度 就 燒到 邊度 。 oh no|powerful|particle indicating realization|that|plural marker|fire|roll|to|where|then||where Oh my, it's powerful! Wherever the fire rolls, it burns everything in its path. 水寨 嗰 啲 大船 冚𠾴唥 都 燒着 晒 。 water village|that|plural marker|big boats|all|all|burning|completely The large ships in the water fortress are all completely engulfed in flames. 又 畀 啲 鐵 連環 鎖到 實實 , 冇 辦法 逃走 , 亦 冇 埞 躲避 。 again|give|some|iron|chain|locked|tightly|not|way|escape|also|not|place|hide Again, they were locked up tightly with iron chains, unable to escape, and there was no way to hide. 喺 江 對岸 , 轟轟 轟 , 炮響 喇 , 四路 火船 一齊 沖 到 。 at|river|opposite bank|||cannon fire|particle indicating completed action|four routes|fire boats|together|rush|arrived On the opposite bank of the river, boom boom boom, the cannons are firing, and four fireboats are rushing in together. 誒 呀 ! 只見 江面 上 呀 滿江 大火 , 上下 通紅 , 真 係 光 猛過 日頭 啊 。 hey|particle|only saw|river surface|on|particle|the whole river|big fire||bright red|really|is|light|brighter than|sun|particle Oh no! I can see the river is ablaze, completely red, truly brighter than the sun. 曹操 捩 轉頭 望下 , 弊 喇 ! 岸上 嘅 營寨 已經 有 幾處 起火 嘞 。 Cao Cao|twist|turn his head|look down|oh no|particle indicating completed action|on the shore|possessive particle|camp|already|have|several places|caught fire|particle indicating completed action Cao Cao turned his head to look, oh no! Several places in the camp on the shore are already on fire. 慌 到 佢 手 揗 腳 震 走 落 將 台 , 只見 四面 都 係 火 。 panic|to|he|hands|cover|feet|tremble|run|fall|to|stage|only saw|all around|all|were|fire In a panic, he stumbled and fell off the platform, only to see fire all around. 曹操 見 形勢危急 , 個心 都 矛晒 喇 , 想話 就 噉 跳 上岸 喎 。 Cao Cao|saw||his heart|all|panicked|already|thought|just|like that|jump|onto the shore|particle indicating suggestion Cao Cao saw the situation was critical, and his heart was racing, thinking about just jumping ashore. 好 在 佢 未 跳 , 如果 唔 係 呀 就 𢴈 死 嚟 。 good|at|he|not yet|jump|if|not|is|particle|then|fall|die|come Fortunately, he didn't jump; otherwise, he would have drowned. 張 遼 駕駛 住 一隻 巡船 嚟 到 , 即刻 扶 曹操 落船 。 Zhang|Liao|driving|in|a|patrol boat|come|arrived|immediately|help|Cao Cao| Zhang Liao was driving a patrol boat over and immediately helped Cao Cao onto the boat. 曹操 剛剛 行落 咗 巡船 呀 , 嗰 隻 大船 已經 燒着 喇 ! Cao Cao|just|disembarked|past tense marker|patrol boat|sentence-final particle|that|measure word for boats|large ship|already|burning|completed action particle Just as Cao Cao stepped onto the patrol boat, that large ship was already on fire! 噉 張 遼 同埋 十幾個 軍士 呢 , 保護 住 曹操 就 搏命 噉 棹 隻 船 埋岸 。 then|Zhang|Liao|and|more than ten|soldiers|particle indicating a question|protect|continuous aspect particle|Cao Cao|then|risk their lives|then|row|measure word for boats|boat|to the shore So, Zhang Liao and a dozen soldiers protected Cao Cao and desperately rowed the boat to the shore. 而家 講下 黃 蓋 , 佢 坐 住 隻 快艇 行前 帶住 後 便 幾隻 快艇 , 冒住 煙火 , 逼近 水寨 去 搜索 曹操 。 now|talk about|Huang|Gai|he|||measure word for boats|speedboat|moving forward|bringing|behind|then|several|speedboats|emitting|smoke|approaching|water fortress|to|search|Cao Cao Now let's talk about Huang Gai. He is sitting on a speedboat, moving forward with several other speedboats behind him, surrounded by smoke and fire, approaching the water fortress to search for Cao Cao. 喺 火 光閃閃 之中 , 嘿 ! 佢 一眼 見到 有 個人 , 着 住件 大紅袍 嘅 , 畀 人 扶 咗 落 一隻 巡船 棹 緊 埋岸 。 in|fire|bright|within|hey|he|at a glance|saw|there is|a person|wearing|wearing|a big red robe|possessive particle|by|people|help|past tense marker|onto|a|patrol boat|rowed|currently|towards the shore In the midst of the flashing firelight, hey! He catches sight of a person wearing a big red robe, being helped onto a patrol boat that is rowing towards the shore. 佢 諗 : 此人 呀 必定 係 曹操 定 喇 , 就 猛 催 隻 快艇 棹 快 啲 。 He|thought|this person|particle|definitely|is|Cao Cao|for sure|particle|then|fiercely|urged|measure word|speedboat|rowed|fast|particle He thinks: This person must be Cao Cao, so he urges the speedboat to row faster. 佢 揸 住 把 刀 , 企 喺 艇 頭 高聲 大叫 : 曹操 老賊 你 咪 走 ! 黃 蓋 喺 處 啊 ! He|holds|in his hand|measure word for tools|knife|stands|at|boat|bow|loudly|shouts|Cao Cao|old thief|you|don't|run away|Huang|Gai|at|place|particle Holding a knife, he stands at the bow and shouts loudly: Cao Cao the old thief, don't you dare run away! Huang Gai is here! 嘩 哎 ! 曹操 聽到 呀 叫苦 叫 唔 切 啦 , 一 啖 氣 噏 咗 三十六個 苦字 。 wow|sigh|Cao Cao|heard|ah|complaining|shouting|not|appropriate|particle|one|mouthful|breath|exhaled|past tense marker|thirty-six|characters of suffering Wow! Upon hearing this, Cao Cao cries out in distress, unable to escape, and lets out a series of thirty-six bitter words. 張 遼 叫 一聲 : 丞相 唔 使 怕 ! Zhang|Liao|shouted|one time|Prime Minister|not|need|afraid Zhang Liao shouted: "Prime Minister, don't be afraid!" 佢 拈 弓 搭 箭 瞄準 黃 蓋 一箭 射過去 。 He|picked up|bow|nocked|arrow|aimed at|yellow|cover|one arrow|shot over He drew his bow, nocked an arrow, and aimed at Huang Gai, shooting an arrow over. 呢 個 時候 , 風聲 又 大 , 嗰 啲 火 呢 又 燒 到 噼里啪啦 。 this|measure word|time|sound of wind|again|loud|that|measure word|fire|this|again|burning|to|crackling sound At that moment, the wind was strong, and the fire was crackling. 黃 蓋 根本 聽 唔 到 弓弦響 , 畀 張 遼 一箭 射中 膊 頭 , 哎呀 一聲 成個 跌 咗 落水 。 Huang|Gai|simply|hear|not|able to||by|Zhang|Liao|one arrow|hit|shoulder|head|oh no|with one sound|whole|fell|past tense marker|into the water Huang Gai couldn't hear the bowstring snap at all, and was hit in the shoulder by Zhang Liao's arrow, falling into the water with a cry. 噉 張 遼 一箭 啊 射 咗 黃 蓋 落水 , 就 救 咗 曹操 上岸 , 搵 到 馬匹 , 騎 咗 上去 就 飛奔 逃命 喇 。 then|Zhang|Liao|one arrow|ah|shot|past tense marker|Huang|Gai|into the water|then|rescued|past tense marker|Cao Cao|onto the shore|found|to|horses|rode|past tense marker|up|then|fled|for his life|final particle So, Zhang Liao shot Huang Gai into the water, which saved Cao Cao, who then found a horse, mounted it, and fled for his life. 呢 個 時候 呀 , 曹 軍 已經 亂 到 倒 瀉 籮 蟹 噉 喇 。 this|measure word|time|particle|||already|chaotic|to the extent of|||||like this|particle At this time, the Cao army was already in chaos. 嗱, 黃 蓋 係 中箭 跌 咗 落水 吖 , 黃 蓋 嘅 水性 係 極好 嘅 。 well|Huang|Gai|is|shot by an arrow|fell|past tense marker|into the water|sentence-final particle|||possessive particle|||| Look, Huang Gai was shot and fell into the water, but he was an excellent swimmer. 所以 儘管 當時 係 天寒地凍 呀 啲 水 呀 冷過 冰 , 又 着 住 鐵甲 , 哈 佢 都 仲 能夠 游水 。 so|despite|at that time|was|extremely cold|particle|plural marker|water|particle|colder than|ice|also|||armor|haha|he|also|still|able to|swim So despite the freezing cold water, colder than ice, and wearing armor, he was still able to swim. 冇 幾耐 , 佢 遇到 韓當駛住 船 冒煙 突火 嚟 進攻 水寨 , 就 大聲 嗌 救命 , 韓當 急 急救 起 佢 。 not|long|he|encountered||boat|emitting smoke|sudden fire|came|attack|water fortress|then|loudly|shouted|help|Han Dong|urgently|rescued|him|he Before long, he encountered Han Dang, who was sailing a ship and attacking the water fortress with smoke and fire, and shouted for help. Han Dang quickly rescued him. 嘩 , 見到 黃 蓋 中 咗 箭 , 就 同 佢 咬 支 箭桿 出 嚟 啦 。 wow|saw|Wong|Gai|hit|past tense marker|arrow|then|with|him|bite|measure word for long objects|arrow shaft|out|come|sentence-final particle Wow, seeing that Huang Gai was shot, he helped him pull the arrow out. 哈 , 點知 箭桿 呢 就 甩 咗 啊 , 但 係 箭頭 仲 留 喺 肉 裡 頭 。 Ha|who would have known|arrow shaft|this|then|fell out|past tense marker|particle|||arrowhead|still|remain|in|flesh|inside|head Ha, little did I know that the arrow shaft had broken off, but the arrowhead was still lodged in the flesh. 韓當 三下兩下 , 同黃蓋 除 咗 件 濕衫 , 用刀 嚟 挖個 箭頭 出 嚟 , 瀡 聲 下 撕爛 支旗 同黃蓋 包扎 好 。 Han Dang|quickly||take off|past tense marker|measure word for clothing|wet shirt|with a knife|to||arrowhead|out|to|tearing|sound|down|ripped|||bandaged|well Han quickly, with a few strokes, helped Huang Gai remove the arrowhead with a knife, and then tore up a flag to bandage Huang Gai. 除 咗 自己 件 戰袍 畀 黃 蓋 着 , 然後 , 用 另外 一隻 船送 黃 蓋 返去 大本營 。 ||himself|measure word for clothing|battle robe|by|||wearing|then|use|another|one||||return to|headquarters Besides giving his own battle robe to Huang Gai, he then sent Huang Gai back to the base with another boat. 噉 呢 件 事 呢 , 就 唔 講 佢 喇 。 like this|this|classifier for events|matter|this|then|not|talk about|he|particle indicating completed action So, let's not talk about this matter. 噉 話 說 當時 滿江 大火 , 殺聲 沖天 。 then|to say|to speak|at that time|the whole river|great fire|sounds of killing|reaching the sky At that time, there was a great fire in the river, and the sounds of killing were deafening. 左便 係 韓當 、 蔣欽 兩支 艦隊 , 由 赤壁 西便 殺過 嚟 ; left side|is|Han Dang|Jiang Qin|two|fleets|from|Chibi|west side|came over|here On the left, there are the fleets of Han Dang and Jiang Qin, coming from the west of Chibi; 右 便 呢 , 係 周泰 、 陳 武 兩支 艦隊 , 由 赤壁 東便 殺過 嚟 。 right|then|question particle|is|Zhou Tai|Chen|Wu|two|fleets|from|Chibi|east|came over|here On the right, there are the fleets of Zhou Tai and Chen Wu, coming from the east of Chibi. 正中間 , 係 周瑜 、 程普 、 徐盛 、 丁 奉 嘅 大 艦隊 亦 開到 嚟 嘞 。 right in the middle|is|Zhou Yu|Cheng Pu|Xu Sheng|||possessive particle|||also|arrived|here|past action particle In the center, the large fleet of Zhou Yu, Cheng Pu, Xu Sheng, and Ding Feng has also arrived. 曹 軍 啊 冇 咗 指揮 , 仲點 能夠 抵抗 吖 , 只有 喺 火 裏 水 裏 啊 亂 鑽 亂 跳 。 ||particle|not have|past tense marker|command||able to|resist|particle|only|in|fire|inside|water|inside|particle|randomly|drill|randomly|jump The Cao army has lost its command, how can they resist? They can only scramble and jump around in the fire and water. 呢 次 三江 水戰 赤壁鏖兵 , 燒死 嘅 浸 死 嘅 同 畀 刀槍 殺死 嘅 曹 兵 啊 不計其數 。 this|time|Three Rivers|naval battle||burned to death|possessive particle|drowned|dead|possessive particle|and|by|swords and spears|killed|possessive particle|Cao|soldiers|exclamatory particle|countless In this battle of the Three Rivers at Chibi, countless Cao soldiers were burned, drowned, or killed by swords and spears. 有 詩為證 啊 : 魏吳 爭鬥 決雌雄 , 赤壁 樓船 一掃空 。 烈火 初 張照雲海 , 周郎 曾 此破 曹公 。 there is||ah||fight||Red Cliffs|warship|swept away|fierce fire|initially||Zhou Lang|once||Cao Gong There is a poem as evidence: Wei and Wu fought to determine the victor, the ships at Chibi were swept away. The fierce fire first illuminated the cloud sea, and Zhou Lang once defeated Cao Gong here. 而家 就 唔 講 水戰 嘞 , 事關 曹 軍 啊 已經 輸到 冇 得 摱 㗎 嘞 。 now|just|not|talk about|water fight|sentence final particle|regarding|Cao|army|ah|already|lost to|no|possibility|win||sentence final particle Now let's not talk about naval battles, as Cao's army has already lost to the point of no return. 講下 陸戰 , 廿一日 一早 , 天都 未光 , 甘寧 就 奉命 帶兵 出發 。 talk about|land battle|21st|early in the morning||not yet bright|Gan Ning|then|under orders|lead the troops|depart Speaking of land battles, on the morning of the 21st, before dawn, Gan Ning was ordered to lead the troops out. 佢 啊 打住 曹 軍旗 號 , 就 押 住 蔡中 直奔 烏林 。 he|ah|driving|Cao|military flag|number|then|||Cai Zhong|heading straight to|Wulin He was carrying the flag of Cao's army and was heading straight for Wulin. 去 到 烏林 嘞 , 守軍 見到 係 自己 人 啦 , 就 放 佢 哋 入 去 嘞 喎 就 毫無 攔阻 。 go|arrive|Wulin|past tense marker|garrison|saw|is|own|people|sentence-final particle|then|let|they|plural marker|enter|go|past tense marker|sentence-final particle|then|without|obstruction When they arrived at Wulin, the defending troops saw it was their own people, so they let them in without any obstruction. 甘寧 入 咗 曹營 , 一刀 就 殺 咗 蔡中 。 Gan Ning|entered|past tense marker|Cao's camp|with one stroke|then|killed|past tense marker|Cai Zhong Gan Ning entered Cao's camp and killed Cai Zhong with one strike. 呢 個 等於 係 信號 , 就 全軍 一齊 逳 手 , 將 嗰 五百名 詐降 嘅 曹 兵 呀 鋸 晒 。 this|measure word|equals|is|signal|then|the whole army|together|raise|hand|will|those|five hundred|false surrender|possessive particle|Cao|soldiers|particle|saw|all This is equivalent to a signal, for the entire army to join in and slaughter all five hundred Cao soldiers who had feigned surrender. 跟 手 就 喺 草堆 放起 把 火 , 吶喊 連聲 就 向 住 四面 亂衝 亂 殺 。 follow|hand|then|at|haystack|set off|a|fire|shouting|continuously|then|towards|stop|all directions|recklessly charge|recklessly|kill Then, they set fire to the grass piles, shouting loudly as they charged and killed in all directions. 啲 守軍 出乎意料 啊 , 毫無準備 , 死 嘅 死 趯 嘅 趯 , 甘寧 就 非常 順利 噉 就 佔領 咗 曹操 嘅 糧站 嘞 。 plural marker|defending army|unexpected|particle|completely unprepared|dead|possessive particle|dead|wounded|possessive particle|wounded|Gan Ning|then|very|smoothly|like that|then|occupied|past tense marker|Cao Cao|possessive particle|supply depot|particle indicating completed action The defending troops were caught off guard, completely unprepared; those who died, died, and those who fled, fled. Gan Ning successfully occupied Cao Cao's granary. 呂蒙 帶住 三千 人馬 嚟 接應 甘寧 , 佢 遠遠 望見 烏 林 嗰 便 火光 , 知道 甘寧 已經 得手 喇 , 立即 沿路 放火 趕 去 接應 。 Lu Meng|brought|three thousand|troops|here|to assist|Gan Ning|he|from afar|saw|||that|then|fire light|knew|Gan Ning|already|succeeded|particle indicating completed action|immediately|along the way|set fire|hurried|to|assist Lu Meng brought three thousand troops to support Gan Ning. He saw the flames in the distance at Wu Lin and knew that Gan Ning had succeeded, so he immediately set fire to the path and rushed to provide support. 同時 呢 , 董 襲 嗰 一支 人馬 , 由 漢川 殺入 曹營 。 at the same time|particle indicating a question|Dong|attack|that|a unit of|cavalry|from|Hanchuan|broke into|Cao's camp At the same time, Dong led a group of men, charging into Cao's camp from Hanchuan. 後 便 嘅 潘 璋 跟 住 接應 , 到處 咁 放火 , 大聲 吶喊 。 later|then|possessive particle|Pan|Zhang|follow|continuous aspect particle|support|everywhere|so|setting fire|loudly|shouting Later, Pan Zhang followed up with support, setting fires everywhere and shouting loudly. 一時之間 呢 一帶 嘅 地面 呀 , 烈火 熊熊 黑煙 沖天 。 in an instant|this|area|possessive particle|ground|sentence-final particle|fierce fire|blazing|black smoke|rising into the sky In an instant, the ground in this area was engulfed in fierce flames and thick black smoke rose to the sky. 加上 戰 鼓聲 , 喊 殺聲 , 人 叫 馬嘶 , 同埋 嗰 啲 呼呼 嘅 風聲 呀 , 混埋 一齊 真 係 震天動地 啊 。 adding|battle|drum sounds|shouting|killing sounds|people|neighing||and|those|plural marker|whooshing|possessive particle|wind sounds|particle|mixed together|together|really|is|earth-shattering|exclamatory particle Along with the sound of war drums, cries of battle, the sounds of people and horses, and the howling wind, it truly was earth-shattering. 話 說 曹操 又 好彩 畀 張 遼救 咗 佢 上岸 。 said|to say|Cao Cao|again|fortunately|by|Zhang||past tense marker|he|on shore It is said that Cao Cao was fortunate to be rescued by Zhang Liao and made it to shore. 見到 陸路 上 嘅 營寨 已經 有 好幾個 地方 起火 嘞 , 都 係 亂 合合 , 都 唔 知邊 處 稍 為 安全 啲 。 saw|land|on|possessive particle|camp|already|has|several|places|caught fire|past tense particle|all|are|chaotic|mixed up|all|not|know which|place|slightly|for|safe|more Seeing that there are already several places on the land route where camps are on fire, it's all chaotic, and we don't know which place is somewhat safer. 張 遼 就 召集 咗 百 幾名 馬 軍 , 保護 住 曹操 逃跑 。 Zhang|Liao|then|gathered|past tense marker|hundred||cavalry|troops|protected|continuous aspect marker|Cao Cao|escape Zhang Liao gathered over a hundred cavalry to protect Cao Cao's escape. 佢 哋 喺 火 林 裏頭 東鑽西 鑽 , 啊 呢 個 時候 呀 , 睇 下 前 便 , 冇 一處 唔 着火 嘅 。 They|plural marker|at|fire|forest|inside||drill|ah|this|measure word|time|ah|look|down|front|convenient|not||not|on fire|possessive particle They were dodging in the forest, and at this moment, looking ahead, there wasn't a single place that wasn't on fire. 行行 下 , 遇見 毛 玠 救到 文聘 , 帶住 十幾個 馬 軍 嚟 到 。 walk|down|encountered|Mao|Jie|rescued|Wenping|bringing|more than ten|horses|soldiers|come|here As they walked, they encountered Mao Jian who had rescued Wen Ping, bringing along a dozen cavalry. 曹操 問 啲 人 混邊 條路 逃跑 好 啊 噉 。 Cao Cao|asked|some|people|where|road|escape|good|particle|then Cao Cao asked the people which route would be better for escape. 張遼話 只有 烏林 地面 比較 寬闊 , 可以 去 得 嘅 啫 噉 。 Zhang Liao said|only|Wulin|ground|relatively|spacious|can|go|particle indicating possibility|possessive particle|only|like that Zhang Liao said that only the Wulin ground is relatively spacious, so we can go there. 噉 曹操 呢 就 叫 大家 一齊 趯 去 烏林 啦 。 then|Cao Cao|question particle|then|called|everyone|together|hurry|go|Wulin|final particle Then Cao Cao called everyone to hurry to Wulin. 點 知道 行行 下 , 後 便 有 一彪 東吳 人馬 追住 嚟 , 大聲 吶喊 話 : 唔 好 放走 曹操 老賊 啊 , 殺 啊 ! how|to know|to walk|down|later|then|there is|a group of|Eastern Wu|soldiers|chasing|coming|loudly|shouted|saying|||let go|Cao Cao|old thief|ah|kill|ah Little did they know, as they were walking, a group of Eastern Wu soldiers chased after them, shouting loudly: 'Don't let that old thief Cao Cao escape, kill him!' 喺 火光 之中 , 見到 係 呂蒙 嘅 旗號 , 曹操 叫 張 遼 留 喺 後 便 頂住 呂蒙 , 自己 啊 帶 住 手下 啲 人 , 快馬加鞭 向 前面 逃命 。 in|firelight|within|saw|is|Lu Meng|possessive particle|banner|Cao Cao|ordered|Zhang|Liao|to stay|in|behind|then|to hold off|Lu Meng|himself|particle|leading|with|subordinates|plural marker|people|with all his might|towards|front|fleeing for his life In the midst of the flames, seeing the flag of Lu Meng, Cao Cao ordered Zhang Liao to stay behind and hold off Lu Meng, while he himself led his men to escape quickly. 走 咗 冇 幾遠 , 喺 山谷 裏頭 衝出 一支 軍隊 , 為首 一員 將軍 大叫 凌統 在 此 噉 , 嚇 到 曹操 呀 膽都 破面 都 青 啊 。 walk|past tense marker|not|very far|at|valley|inside|rushed out|a|army|leading|a|general|shouted|Ling Tong|at|this|like this|||Cao Cao|exclamation particle|courage|broken|all|pale|exclamation particle After running for a short distance, a troop of soldiers charged out from the valley, with a general at the front shouting, 'Ling Tong is here!', which scared Cao Cao so much that his face turned pale. 忽然間 , 有 一彪 軍隊 由側 跟 斜 斜 地 衝到 嚟 , 大聲 噉 嗌: 丞相 唔 使 驚 , 徐晃 嚟 喇 ! suddenly|there is|a group of|soldiers||following||||charged in|here|loudly|like this|shouted|Prime Minister|not|need|afraid|Xu Huang|| Suddenly, a group of soldiers charged in from the side, shouting loudly: "Prime Minister, don't be afraid, Xu Huang is here!" 噉 雙方 混戰 一場 , 徐晃 啊 保護 住 曹操 向 住 北方 奪路 就 走 。 then|both sides|melee|battle|Xu Huang|ah|protect|continuously|Cao Cao|towards|continuously|north|break through|then|leave Thus, both sides engaged in a chaotic battle, with Xu Huang protecting Cao Cao as they moved northward to break through. 走到 咁 上下 , 見到 前 便 山坡 腳下 , 駐扎住 一隊 軍馬 。 walked to|so|up and down|saw|in front of|then|hillside|underfoot|stationed|a unit of|cavalry As they moved forward, they saw a group of cavalry stationed at the foot of the hill ahead. 徐晃 行前 問一問 , 原來 係 馬 延同 張 顗 。 Xu Huang|before leaving|asked|it turned out|was|Ma||Zhang|Yi Xu Huang approached to ask, and it turned out to be Ma Yan and Zhang Yi. 呢 兩個 呢 係 袁紹 手下 嘅 舊 將 , 已經 投降 咗 曹操 嘅 。 this|two|this|are|Yuan Shao|subordinates|possessive particle|former|generals|already|surrendered|past tense marker|Cao Cao|possessive particle These two were former generals under Yuan Shao, who had already surrendered to Cao Cao. 佢 哋 帶 住 三千 北方 兵士 , 喺 呢 度 嚟 駐防 。 They|plural marker|bring|possessive particle|three thousand|northern|soldiers|at|this|place|come|garrison They brought three thousand northern soldiers to garrison here. 當晚 佢 哋 見到 滿天 火光 , 因為 不明 情況 , 又 冇 接到 命令 , 所以 就 唔 敢 移動 , 而家 呢 咁 啱 啊 接到 曹操 嘞 。 that night|they|plural marker|saw|full sky|fire light|because|unknown|situation|also|did not|receive|order|so|then|not|dare|move|now|this|so|right|particle|received|Cao Cao|past tense marker That night, they saw a sky full of flames, and due to unknown circumstances, without receiving any orders, they did not dare to move. Now, coincidentally, they received news from Cao Cao. 曹操 先頭 得到 徐晃帶 嚟 嘅 人馬 , 呢 陣 又 得到 呢 一支 生力軍 , 個心 呢 就 稍 為 安定 返 啲 。 Cao Cao|at first|received||here|possessive particle|cavalry|this|time|again|received|this|one unit|fresh troops||this|then|||settled|again|a little Cao Cao first received the troops brought by Xu Huang, and now he has this fresh force, which made him feel somewhat more at ease. 佢 就 命令 馬 延 、 張顗 , 帶 一千 兵 , 喺 前 便 開路 , 其餘 啲 人馬 呢 就 留 喺 身邊 嚟 保護 。 He|then|ordered|Ma|Yan|Zhang Yi|to bring|one thousand|soldiers|at|front|then|clear the way|the rest|plural marker|troops|question particle|then|stay|at|side|to|protect He then ordered Ma Yan and Zhang Yi to take a thousand soldiers to clear the way in front, while the rest of the troops stayed nearby to protect. 噉 馬 、 張二將 啊 , 飛馬 向前 行 , 行 咗 唔 到 十里 , 喎 喊聲 一起 , 迎面 撞 正 一彪 軍馬 。 then|horse|General Zhang Er|ah|galloping horse|forward|travel|||not|reach|ten miles|oh|shouts|together|head-on|collide|exactly|a group of|war horses So, Ma and Zhang, the two generals, rode forward on horseback, and after traveling less than ten miles, they heard shouts and suddenly encountered a troop of cavalry head-on. 為首 一員 將軍 大叫 話 : 我 係 東吳 甘興霸 ! leading|member|general|shouted|said|I|am|Eastern Wu|Gan Xingba The leading general shouted: I am Gan Xingba of Eastern Wu! 馬 延衝 上前 同 佢 交鋒 , 點知 一 埋牙唧 就 畀 甘寧 一刀 劈 死 。 Ma|Yinchong|stepped forward|with|him|clashed|unexpectedly|one|close-up|then|was|Gan Ning|one knife|slashed|dead Ma Yanchong stepped forward to engage him, but unexpectedly, with one bite, Gan Ning struck him down with a knife. 張顗 挺 槍 跟 住 衝上 嚟 , 甘寧 大喝一聲 , 張顗 措手不及 , 畀 甘寧 手起 一刀 又 斬 咗 落馬 。 Zhang Yi|raised|spear|||charged forward|here|Gan Ning|shouted loudly||caught off guard|by|Gan Ning|hand raised|one stroke|again|struck|past tense marker|off the horse Zhang Yi charged forward with his spear, but Gan Ning shouted loudly, and Zhang Yi was caught off guard, getting struck down by Gan Ning's knife. 曹操 喺 後 便 得到 報告 , 話 馬 、 張二將 經已 戰死 喇 噉 。 Cao Cao|at|later|then|received|report|said|Ma||already|died in battle|particle indicating completed action|like that Cao Cao received reports from behind, saying that Generals Ma and Zhang had already been killed in battle. 噉 佢 呢 個 時候 呢 , 就 係指 望 合肥 嗰 便 有 兵 嚟 接應 佢 。 then|he|this|measure word|time|this|then||expecting|Hefei|that|just|has|troops|come|support|him At this moment, he was hoping that reinforcements would arrive from Hefei. 之 佢 萬萬 想 唔 到 嘩 , 兵 係 有 得 嚟 啊 , 不過 係 東吳 嘅 敵兵 , 點解 呢 ? possessive particle|he|absolutely|think|not|arrive|wow|soldiers|is|have|able|come|particle|but|is|Eastern Wu|possessive particle|enemy soldiers|why|question particle He never expected that there would be soldiers coming, but they are the enemy soldiers of Eastern Wu. Why is that? 因為 孫權 佢 親自 帶兵 , 截住 合肥 路口 。 because|Sun Quan|he|personally|led the troops|intercepted|Hefei|intersection Because Sun Quan personally led the troops and blocked the entrance to Hefei. 佢 一 見到 江 上 嘅 火光 , 知道 周瑜 已經 得勝 嘞 , 就 叫 陸遜 點着 火 發出信號 。 he|one|saw|river|on|possessive particle|firelight|knew|Zhou Yu|already|victorious|past tense particle|then|called|Lu Xun|lit|fire| As soon as he saw the fire on the river, he knew that Zhou Yu had already won, so he asked Lu Xun to light a fire to send a signal. 太史慈 見到 喇 就 立即 帶兵 嚟 同陸遜 會合 , 一齊 衝殺 過 嚟 。 Tai Shici|saw|La|then|immediately|brought troops|here||joined forces|together|charged and fought|over|here When Tai Shici saw this, he immediately brought his troops to meet Lu Xun and charged over together. 曹操 佢 望 嚟 望去 , 估 唔 到 竟然 望 到 呢 一支 敵軍 , 不得了 喇 , 於是 就 向 住 彝陵 方向 逃跑 。 Cao Cao|he|looked|coming|looking around||||unexpectedly|||this|a|enemy|terrible|particle indicating change|so|then|||Yiling|direction|ran away Cao Cao looked around and couldn't believe that he actually saw this enemy army. It was terrible, so he fled towards the direction of Yiling. 喺 半路 遇着 張 郃 , 噉 曹操 呢 就 叫 佢 斷後 , 自己 就 縱馬 加鞭 , 帶住 一隊 敗兵 繼續 向前走 嘞 。 at|halfway|encountered|Zhang|He|then|Cao Cao|this|then|ordered|him|to hold off|he|then|rode|urged on|leading||defeated soldiers|continued|to march forward|past tense particle On the way, he encountered Zhang He, so Cao Cao ordered him to hold the rear while he spurred his horse and led a group of defeated soldiers to continue moving forward. 一直 走 到 五更 , 捩 轉頭 望下 , 見到 火光 已經 離開 好遠 喇 。 all the way|walk|until|early morning|turn|head|look down|saw|firelight|already|left||particle indicating completed action They walked until dawn, turned their heads to look back, and saw that the firelight had already moved far away. 後 便 追兵 嘅 吶喊聲 呢 , 已經 聽 唔 見 嘞 , 噉 就 心定 啦 。 later|then|pursuing soldiers|possessive particle|shouting|question particle|already||||past action particle|so|then|at ease|final particle The shouts of the pursuing soldiers could no longer be heard, so he felt relieved. 佢 問 啲 人 話 : 呢 度 係 乜嘢 地方 啊 ? He|asked|some|people|said|this|place|is|what|area|question particle He asked the people, "What place is this?" 丞相 , 呢 度 係 烏 林 嘅 西 便 , 宜都 嘅 北 便 啊 。 Prime Minister|this|place|is|||possessive particle|west|side|Yidu|possessive particle|north|side|sentence-final particle The Chancellor replied, "This is the west side of Wulin, and the north side of Yidu." 嗯 , 曹操 四圍 望 一下 。 hmm|Cao Cao|all around|looked|once Hmm, Cao Cao looked around. 呢 個 時候 , 雖然 個 天仲 係 好 黑 啊 。 this|measure word|time|although|measure word|sky still|is|very|dark|sentence-final particle At this time, although the sky was still very dark. 不過 約莫 呢 , 都 睇 得到 呢 處 地勢 險要 , 山 又 高 , 樹木 又 多 。 however|probably|question particle|all|see|able to|this|place|terrain|rugged|mountain|again|high|trees|again|many However, roughly, one could see that this place had a dangerous terrain, with high mountains and many trees. 曹操 突然 間 仰面朝天 , 哈哈大笑 起 嚟 。 Cao Cao|suddenly|in|lying on his back|laughed heartily|got|up Cao Cao suddenly looked up at the sky and laughed out loud. 嘿嘿 , 曹操 就 好笑 唔 笑 , 噉 一 笑笑 出場 大禍 。 hee hee|Cao Cao|just|funny|not|laugh|then|one|smile|appearance|great disaster Hehe, Cao Cao just laughed, and with that laugh, disaster struck. 究竟 咩 嘢 事 呢 ? exactly|what|thing|matter|question particle What is going on? 下次 再講 。 next time|talk again Let's talk about it next time.

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