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張悦楷講《三國演義》, 084

自從 七夕 嗰 晚 , 見到 西方 有粒 大大 嘅 流星 , 喺 個 天上 跌落 嚟 之後 就過 咗 幾日 。 呢 一日 , 孔明同 關雲長 佢 哋 正 喺 度 傾 緊 偈 。 傾 傾下 , 有人 嚟 報話 關平 返 咗 嚟 喇 噉 。 大家 一聽個 心 都 打個 突 。 關平入 到 嚟 將 劉備 嘅 信 呈 上去 畀 孔明 。 孔明 拆開 一睇 , 只見 裏 便 寫 住 : 本 年 七月 初七 日 , 龐 軍師 畀 張 任 喺 落 鳳 波 前 , 亂箭 射死 。 哎呀 ! 孔明 呀 , 放聲大哭 。 所有 啲 人 亦 都 冇 個 唔 喊 。 孔明 抹 乾 眼淚 話 : 既然 主公 喺 涪 水關 進退兩難 , 我 唔 去 唔 得 嘞 。 關雲長 話 : 軍師 你 去 咗 , 噉 邊 個人 鎮守 荊州 呢 ? 荊州 非常 重要 , 擔子 極重 啊 。 邊個 嚟 鎮守 荊州 呢 ? 主公 封信裏 便 雖然 冇 明講 , 之 我 已經 明白 主公 嘅 意思 喇 。 嗱, 請 各位 睇 下 主公 嘅 來信 啦 。 主公 嘅 信 講 , 將 荊州 託付 畀 我 , 叫 我量 才 任用 。 而家 , 主公 派 關平 送信 嚟 , 噉 佢 嘅 意思 , 就 係 要 雲長公 擔起 呢 個 重任 。 雲長 , 你 要 念 在 桃園 結義 之情 , 務必 竭力 保衛 荊州 。 責任 唔 輕 , 雲長公 要 盡力 啊 ! 關雲長 一 啲 都 冇 推辭 , 神色 莊重 啊 應承 落 嚟 。 噉 孔明 就 吩咐 舉行宴會 , 要 將個 大印 啊 交 畀 關雲長 。 孔明 高高 噉 捧住 荊州 大印 , 佢 同 關雲長 話 : 荊州 , 就 全 在 將軍 身上 啊 ! 大丈夫 , 既然 擔當 重任 , 至死 方休 ! 誒 ? 乜 噉 講 㗎 ? 孔明 聽見 關雲長 講出 個 死 字 個 心 唔 高興 。 本來 就 唔 想 將個 大印 交 畀 佢 㗎 喇 , 但 係 呢 說話 就 已經 講 咗 出口 咯 , 收 唔 返 啦 。 孔明 就問 : 倘若 曹操 帶兵 嚟 到 , 應該 點做 呢 ? 全力 抵抗 。 倘若 曹操 、 孫權 一齊 起兵 嚟 , 噉 如之奈何 啊 ? 我 分兵 嚟 抵抗 佢 ! 關將軍 , 如果 噉 呀 , 荊州 就 危險 喇 。 我 有 八個 字 , 關將軍 你 要 記實 佢 , 噉 就 可以 守住 荊州 㗎 喇 。 請問 軍師 , 係 邊 八個 字 呢 ? 北拒 曹操 , 東 和 孫權 。 軍師 嘅 說話 , 我關 某 一定 銘刻 於 心 ! 請 將軍 , 接印 ! 多謝 軍師 ! 孔明 將 大印 交 咗 畀 關雲長 , 就 吩咐 文官 馬良 、 伊籍 、 向朗 、 糜竺 ; 武將 就 糜芳 、 廖化 、 關平 、 周倉 呢 一班人 , 共同 好好 噉 輔助 關雲長 , 保衛 荊州 。 然後 呢 , 自己 就 準備 帶兵 去 西川 嘞 。 孔明 佢 係 先 撥 一 萬精兵 , 交 畀 張飛 率領 , 叫 佢 由 大路 殺 奔 巴州 就 直達 雒 城 嘅 西 便 , 先 到 嘅 就算 佢 頭功 。 巴州 呢 就 乃 係 一個 郡 啊 , 誒 喺 四川 嚟 , 郡 城 呢 就 喺 今日 重慶市 嘉陵江 嘅 北岸 嗰 便 。 孔明 又 撥 一支 兵馬 , 由 趙雲 率領 做 先鋒 , 噉 啊 順住 長江 而 上 , 直達 雒城 會合 。 噉 啊 孔明 帶 埋 簡雍 、 蔣 琬 佢 哋 跟 住 趙雲 後 便行 。 當日 , 孔明 率領 一萬五千 兵馬 出發 。 張飛 呢 , 亦 係 喺 同一 日 出發 。 臨行 嘅 時候 孔明 就 特別 囑咐 張飛 話 : 西川 嘅 英雄豪傑 甚 多 , 千祈千祈 唔 好 輕敵 啊 。 一路 行軍 要 約束 好 啲 士兵 , 唔 準 佢 哋 擄掠 百姓 , 否則 呢 , 就會失 民心 㗎 喇 。 另一方面 又 要 愛惜 士兵 , 唔 好 動不動 就 鞭打 責罰 佢 哋 。 好 喇 , 希望 同 將軍 早日 喺 雒 城 相會 啦 。 張飛 高高興興 接受 咗 孔明 嘅 意見 , 騎上 烏 騅 馬 出發 。 佢 帶兵 一路 前進 , 哈哈 所到之處 呀 , 凡 係 投降 嘅 佢 都 秋毫無犯 。 噉 佢 又 跟 住 漢川 大路 就 直到 巴郡 嘞 。 呢 一日 , 探子 返 嚟 報告 佢 聽 : 稟告 將軍 , 巴郡 太守 嚴顏 , 乃 係 西 蜀 名將 。 年紀 雖然 老 , 但 係 精力 仲 未曾 衰 。 佢 使 一把 大刀 , 射箭 又 好 叻 嘅 , 有 萬夫不當之勇 㗎 。 而 家 佢 堅守 城池 , 唔 豎 降旗 啊 張將軍 。 張飛 吩咐 離城 十里 扎落 營寨 , 派 個人 入去 巴郡城 , 叫 佢 對 嚴 顏 講 : 如果 早日 投降 呢 , 就 全城 百姓 呀 個個 平安 ; 若果 唔 投降 , 就 踩 平 你 巴郡城 , 男女老少 一個 不留 噉 。 而家 講下 嚴顏 , 當時 嚴顏 鎮守 巴郡 , 佢 聽聞 劉璋 呢 就 派 法正 去 請 劉備入 西川 。 佢 嗰 陣 時 就 長 歎 一聲 話 喇 : 啊 ! 呢 啲 正 所謂 獨坐 窮山 , 引虎自衛 咯 ! 後 嚟 佢 又 聽講 劉備 佔領 咗 涪 水關 嬲 到 佢 不得了 。 幾次 想 帶兵 去 同 劉備 打過 個 喇 , 只 係 防住 呢 條路 呢 會 有 敵兵 嚟 就 唯有 忍住 啖 氣 冇 去 個唧 。 當日 佢 接到 消息 , 話 張飛 帶兵 嚟 到 , 就點 起 本部 五六千 人馬 就 準備 迎敵 。 有人 就 向 嚴顏 獻計 話 喇 : 張飛 佢 喺 當陽 長 坂坡 , 大喝一聲 就嚇 走 咗 曹操 百萬 大軍 喇 。 曹操 聽到 佢 個 名 都 要 避開 啲 , 所以 不能 輕敵 啊 。 誒 嚴 將軍 最好 就 係 加強 防禦 , 堅守 不 出 。 噉 佢 哋 嘅 軍隊 冇 糧食 嘞 , 唔 到 一個月 呀 , 自 自然 然 就要 撤退 㗎 啦 嘛 。 誒 仲有 喎 , 張飛 個 為 人 呢 , 性如烈火 嘅 ,逳 下 就 鞭打 士兵 㗎 嘞 。 我 哋 如果 唔 同 佢 交戰 , 佢 實 發脾氣 㗎 嘛 , 佢 一 發脾氣 就 必定會 虐待 啲 士兵 。 軍心 一變 呀 , 到 時 我 哋 趁勢 發起 攻擊 , 噉 就 可以 捉住 張飛 喇 。 嚴顏 就 採納 咗 佢 個 意見 , 命令 所有 個 軍士 都 上城 加強 守衛 。 呢 一日 , 城外 有個 兵 大聲 嗌 開門 噉 。 嚴顏 見 佢 只 係 一個 人 , 就 吩咐 打開 城門 放 佢 入 嚟 就 問 佢 咩 事 啦 。 嘿嘿 , 呢 個 兵哥 呢 , 大抵 係 跟 張飛 跟 得 耐 嘞 , 言談 舉動 都 似足 張飛 。 佢 話 係 張將軍 派 嚟 嘅 噉 , 一開 聲 就 話 老 匹夫 你 聽 住 , 原原本本 , 張飛 叫 佢 點 講 就 點 講 。 哈哈 , 激到 嚴顏 呀 鬍鬚 都 趌 起 啊 。 佢 話 : 豈有此理 ! 張飛 你 個 匹夫 太過 無禮 ! 我嚴 將軍 係 投降 奸賊 嘅 人 咩 ? 我 亦 唔 殺 你 嘞 , 借 你 個 嘴 返 去講 畀 張飛 聽 。 嚴顏 叫 個 衛士 將個 兵 嘅 耳 仔 鼻 哥 都 割 咗 , 放 佢 返 扯 。 嗰 個 兵 仔 , 陰公咯 , 成面 都 係 血 , 返去 見到 張飛 。 喊住 講 畀 張飛 聽 , 話 嚴顏 呀 點樣 點樣 辱罵 張將軍 你 啊 噉 。 哈 可惱 啦 張飛 嬲 起 上 嚟 , 咬牙切齒 瞪 眉 突眼 , 立即 披掛 上馬 , 帶住 幾百 馬 軍 就 衝到 巴郡城 下 嘍打 嘞 喎 。 噉 啊 城 上 嗰 班 軍士 呢 , 七嘴八舌 就 瘟 咁 鬧 。 張飛 係 性急 啊 , 好 幾次 衝 到 吊橋 就 想 衝過 護城河 喇 , 但 係 每衝 一次 呢 , 都 畀 城 上個 亂箭 射 到 佢 走 返 轉頭 。 從朝 到 晚 , 冇 個人 出 嚟 , 張飛 就 唯有 唂 住 成肚氣 回營 嘞 。 第朝 一早 , 張飛 又 帶兵 去 挑戰 。 點知 畀 嚴顏 呀 ,𠻘 噉 一箭 啊 射中 佢 個頭 盔 , 城 上 嗰 班 軍士 就 拍手 歡呼 啊 大 嗌 好 嘢 。 嬲 到 張飛 爭 啲 連牙 都 咬碎 啊 , 佢 指 住 嚴 顏 話 : 如果 我 捉住 你 個 老 鬼 , 我要 親自 食 你 嘅 肉 ! 一直 到 夜晚 , 冇 得 打 , 就 唯有 空手 回營 啦 。 第三日 , 張飛 啊 帶 住 兵 沿住 城 咁 鬧 。 呢 座 巴郡城 呢 , 係 一座 山城 , 周圍 都 係 亂山 。 張飛 騎住 馬上 山 居高臨下 , 噉 啊 城內 嘅 情形 睇 得 一清二楚 。 只見 城內 啲 軍士 個個 都 着 住 晒 盔甲 噃, 排 好 隊伍 , 隱蔽 喺 裏頭 , 誒 就 係 唔 出去 打 。 又 見到 好多 民夫 , 來來往往 搬磚 運石 , 就 幫助 軍隊 守城 。 張飛 觀察 咗 一輪 , 就 吩咐 馬 軍 落馬 , 步兵 坐低 休息 , 就 引嚴 顏出 嚟 打 。 哈哈 , 毫無動靜 唔 靈 。 噉 樣 又 鬧 咗 一日 , 蝕 咗 成擔 口水 啊 依舊 空手 回營 。 張飛 返到 營寨 佢 諗 嘞 : 從朝 到 黑 , 噉 去 罵 戰 , 佢 硬 係 唔 出 嚟 , 你 咬 佢 啊 ? 嗯 , 有 喇 ! 張飛 猛然間 諗 到 條計 仔 。 佢 又 話 吩咐 啲 軍士 啊 唔 使 去 挑戰 嘞 , 總之 裝束 好 , 作好 準備 , 喺 寨裏 便 待命 就 係 喇 。 然後 佢 只 係 叫 咗 三 幾十個 軍士 去 城下 叫罵 , 想用 噉 樣個 辦法 嚟 引嚴 顏出 嚟 就 同 佢 廝殺 。 張飛 佢 喺 營 內 摩拳擦掌 , 一味 等 住 敵軍 嚟 。 嘿嘿 , 嗰 班 兵 仔 呀 連 氣 噉 樣 去 鬧 咗 三日 都 毫無效果 啊 。 城內 總之 冇 個人 出 嚟 。 張飛 眉頭一皺 , 佢 又 諗 到 條 計 嘞 。 佢 命令 啲 軍士 唔 好 去 挑戰 嘞 , 要 佢 哋 分散 上山 , 四圍 咁 去 斬 柴 割草 啊 探聽 下 啲 道路 。 嚴 顏 喺 城內 , 咦 ? 乜 咁 多日 都 唔 見 張飛 有 咩 動靜 呢 吓 ? 個心 就 好 思疑 。 派 咗 十幾個 兵仔 , 就 扮成 張飛 派出 嚟 斬 柴 啲 軍士 噉 嘅 樣 嘅 , 就 靜靜 出 咗 城 , 夾雜 埋 喺 張飛 嘅 軍士 裏頭 , 就 跟 住 嚟 探聽 消息 嘞 噃。 當日 , 啲 軍士 斬 完柴 就 返去 營寨 。 張飛 喺 帳篷 裏 便 坐響 處 ,𨂽 住 腳 咁 鬧 : 嚴顏 啊 你 個 老 匹夫 ! 你 畀 你 激死 我 呀 , 激死 我 啊 ! 嘿 ! 有 三四個 軍士 對 張飛 話 喇 : 將軍 呀 將軍 , 你 唔 使 咁 激氣 㗎 , 呢 幾日 , 我 哋 探聽到 有 一條 小路 , 可以 兜過 巴郡城 㗎 。 吓 ? 哎呀 , 有條 噉 嘅 路 , 點解 唔 早 啲 嚟 同 我講 啊 ? 將軍 啊 , 係 呢 幾日 先至 探聽到 㗎 咋 。 好 啦 , 事不宜遲 , 我 哋 今晚 二 更 煮飯 , 趁住 三 更 時分 好 月色 , 拔寨 起行 。 人 銜枚 , 馬 摘鈴 , 行動 要 秘密 , 我 親自 喺 前 便 開路 , 你 哋 就 依住 次序 跟 住行 啦 , 快 啲 傳令 落 去 ! 得 令 ! 噉 啊 嚴顏 派出 嚟 刺探 情況 嘅 兵 仔 聽到 呢 個 消息 , 嘿 ,冚𠾴唥 都 偷偷 趯 返入 城 , 就 報 畀 嚴顏知 嘞 。 嗬 , 嚴顏 高興 喇 , 佢 話 : 哈哈 , 我 睇 白 你 呢 個 匹夫 忍 唔 住 㗎 喇 。 哼 , 你 想 偷偷地 混 小路 兜 過去 , 噉 你 嘅 糧草 、 輜重 就 必定 喺 後頭 嘅 。 我 截住 你 嘅 後路 , 睇 你 張飛 點樣 過得去 ! 張飛 啊 張飛 , 你 呢 個 蠢才 中 我 嘅 計 喇 ! 嚴顏 即刻 傳令 落 去 , 今晚 , 亦 係 二 更 煮飯 , 三 更 出城 。 埋伏 喺 啲 樹林 裏 便 , 等 張飛 嘅 軍隊 過 咗 咽喉 小路 , 運 糧草 輜重 嘅 車 嚟 嘅 時候 , 聽見 鼓響 , 就 一齊 殺出去 。 好 喇 , 命令 傳 咗 落 去 嘞 。 到 咗 夜晚 , 嚴 顏 嘅 軍隊 個個 都 飽餐一頓 , 裝束 好 晒 , 靜悄悄 噉 出 咗 城 。 喺 山上 小路 兩便 埋伏 好 , 就 係 等 鼓響 喇 。 嚴顏 自己 呢 就 帶 住 十幾個 副將 , 上 咗 山落 咗 馬 , 喺 樹林 裏 便 隱蔽 好 。 噉 約莫 過 咗 三 更 , 遠遠 望見 張飛 , 親自 喺 前面 帶隊 , 橫矛 縱馬 靜悄悄 噉 帶兵 前進 。 等 佢 哋 過 咗 三四里 咁 上下 啦 , 後 便 嘅 運糧 車輛 人馬 就 陸陸續續 嚟 到 咯 喎 。 嚴顏 睇 清楚 喇 , 下令 擂鼓 。 𠾴𠾴𠾴𠾴 鼓聲 一響 , 四圍 嘅 伏兵 喎 噉 一齊 殺出去 。 噉 啊 正在 想 去 搶奪 車輛 嘅 時候 , 突然 間後便 嘭 噉 一聲 鑼響 , 一彪 軍馬 就 掩殺 過 嚟 。 有人 大喝一聲 : 老賊 你 咪 走 , 我 等到 你 喇 ! 嚴顏 回頭 一睇 , 嘩 嗨 ! 只見 為首 一員大將 啊 豹頭環眼 , 闊 下巴 老 虎鬚 , 使 一支 丈八蛇矛 騎 一匹 烏 騅 戰馬 。 嘿 張飛 嚟 喇 ! 當時 四面 嘭 嘭 聲 啊 鑼聲 震天 , 漢 軍 衝殺 過 嚟 。 嚴顏 突然 見到 張飛 , 一時之間 呀 搞 到 手足無措 。 所以 打 咗 唔 到 十個 回合 , 張飛 賣個 破綻 , 嚴顏 一刀斬 過去 , 就 畀 張飛 閃開 。 跟 住 撞 埋 去 一手 揦 實嚴 顏 嘅 腰帶 , 出力 一 摵, 生擒活捉 , 啪 噉 掉 咗 落地 。 嗬 班 兵卒 呀 一擁 上前 , 呢 個 拉手 嗰 個 掹 腳 , 用 麻繩 一綁 , 就將 嚴顏 呀 成個 扎 粽 咁 扎 啊 。 咦 喂 , 乜 先頭 你 唔 係 話 張飛 行 咗 過去 嘅 嘞 咩 , 噉 點解 而家 又 有 個 張飛 喺 後 便 衝殺 出 嚟 㗎 ? 嘿嘿 , 原來 先頭 過 咗 去 嗰 個 啊 係 假 張飛 嚟 。 張三爺 啊 佢 諗 住 嚴 顏 一定 係 打鼓 做 信號 嘅 , 所以 佢 就 吩咐 用 打鑼 嚟 做 信號 。 鑼聲 一響 , 全軍 就 一齊 衝到 嚟 。 噉 樣 出其不意 , 打到 川兵 呀 成 大半 都 放下 武器 投降 喇 。 噉 啊 張飛 殺到 去 巴郡城 下 , 後軍 就 已經 入 咗 城先 。 張飛 下令 唔 準 傷害 百姓 , 同時 呢 就 出榜 安民 。 張飛 入到 衙門 , 坐 喺 大廳 上 便 。 刀斧手 就 拉 嚴顏 嚟 到 嘞 , 嚴顏 就 唔 肯 下跪 噃。 張飛 碌 大 雙眼 , 大聲 噉 喝 佢 話 : 大將 嚟 到 , 點解 唔 投降 ? 吓 ! 仲要 抵抗 咁 大膽 ! 嚴顏一 啲 都 唔 怕 , 鬧返 張飛 轉頭 啊 : 你 哋 毫無 信義 , 侵犯 我 西川 嘅 州郡 , 你仲好講 ! 我話 你 聽 , 只有 斷頭將軍 , 絕 冇 投降 將軍 㗎 ! 嗯 , 刀斧手 ! 有 ! 拉 老賊 出去 斬 咗 佢 ! 哈哈哈哈 哈哈哈哈 , 要 斬頭 就 斬 , 使 乜 咁 惡 啊 ! 張飛 見 嚴顏 聲音 洪壯 , 面不改色 , 哈 佢 唔 單 止 唔 嬲 , 反而 歡喜 上 嚟 添 。 佢 喇 喇 聲 行 落 台 階 , 親手 同 嚴顏 鬆綁 ,攞 件 衣服 嚟 同 嚴顏着 返好 。 扶 嚴顏上 嚟 大廳 , 高高 坐 喺 正中間 , 然後 自己 呢 , 低頭 下拜 啊 。 啱 先 言語 冒犯 , 請 將軍 唔 好 見怪 , 我 早就 知道 老 將軍 係 個 英雄 啊 ! 嚴顏 畀 張飛 呢種 咁 誠懇 嘅 態度 所 感動 , 於是 就 投降 。 張飛 好 高興 啊 , 就 擺酒 嚟 款待 嚴顏 。 又 請教 佢 , 點樣 先至 可以 順利 噉 進入 西川 呢 噉 。 嚴顏話 喇 : 我 呢 個 敗軍之將 , 承蒙 你 大恩大德 , 我 冇 乜嘢 好 報答 咯 , 我願效 犬馬之勞 ! 唔 使 張將軍 你 一 弓一箭 , 就 可以 直取 成都 。 講 , 點呢 點呢 ? 請嚴 將軍 你講 ! 由 呢 度 一直 到 雒城 , 所有 嘅 關隘 , 都 係 屬於 老夫 管轄 嘅 , 所有 軍隊 , 都 喺 我 掌握 之中 。 請 將軍 你 派 我 做 先鋒 , 所到之處 啊 , 等 我 叫 佢 哋 出 嚟 投降 就 得 喇 。 哎呀呀 呀 , 多謝 老 將軍 ! 高興 到 張飛 不得了 。 於是 嚴顏 呢 , 就 做 前部 先鋒 , 張飛 帶兵 跟 尾 。 啊 真 係 喎 , 所 到 嘅 地方 呀 ,冚𠾴唥 都 係 屬 嚴 顏 管 嘅 , 都 叫 佢 哋 出 嚟 投降 。 你 話 有 邊個 稍為 猶豫 一下 , 嚴顏 就 話 嘞 : 我 尚且 投降 嘞 , 何況 你 呢 噉 ? 於是 猶豫 嘅 呢 亦 都 投降 埋 。 哎 真 係 一路 之上 呀 , 望風 歸順 , 一場 仗 都 唔 使 打 到 。 話 說 啊 孔明 , 佢 已經 將 大軍 起程 嘅 日期 就 報告 咗 畀 劉備 聽 。 話 佢 聽 各路 兵馬 , 都 喺 雒 城 會師 。 劉備 就 同 大家 商量 話 喇 : 孔明同 翼德 , 而家 分作 兩路 嚟 奪取 西川 , 準備 喺 雒 城 會師 然後 一齊 去 進攻 成都 。 佢 哋 水陸 舟車 , 已經 喺 七月 二十日 起程 , 呢 個 時候 都 就 快 到 㗎 喇 , 我 哋 而家 進兵 就 啱 喇 。 黃忠 話 喇 : 張任 , 日日 都 嚟 挑戰 , 見 我 哋 都 唔 出去 應戰 , 所以 , 佢 哋 都 鬆懈 晒 , 不 作 準備 喇 。 主公 , 我 哋 不如 喺 今晚 分 兵 幾路 去 劫寨 , 就 好過 日頭 同 佢 哋 打 啦 。 噉 好 吖 。 劉備 接受 咗 黃忠 呢 個 建議 , 就 命令 黃忠 帶兵 打 左路 , 魏延 就 帶兵 打 右路 , 劉備 自己 打 中路 。 當晚 二 更 , 三路 軍馬 就 一齊 出擊 。 張任 果然 係 冇 到 準備 啊 。 漢 軍 喎 嗬 噉 衝到 入 去 大寨 , 放 起火 嚟 燒到 成邊 天 都 紅晒 。 啲 蜀 兵 細佬 趯 得 摩 啊 四散 奔走 。 張任 帶 住 啲 殘兵 敗 卒 , 搏命 逃跑 返去 雒城 , 城內 接應 咗 佢 哋 入 去 啦 。 劉備 收 咗 兵 , 喺 中路 安好 營 。 第 日 , 率領 兵馬 直逼 雒城 , 擺開 隊伍 , 包圍住 雒城 就 猛攻 。 張任 沉住氣 , 按兵不動 幾 大都 唔 出 嚟 。 攻 到 第四日 , 劉備 自己 帶 一支 軍隊 攻打 西門 , 命令 黃忠 、 魏延 就 攻打 東門 。 南門 同 北門 呢 就 唔 去 打 喇 。 你 蜀 兵 要 走 就 走 , 留定 兩個 門放 你 走 。 原來 南門 一帶 呢 都 係 山路 , 北門 有 涪水 , 所以 就 唔 圍 佢 。 你估 劉備 真 係 笨白 咩 ? 張任 望見 劉備 喺 西門 啊 , 騎住 馬 跑 嚟 跑 去 指揮 攻城 。 由 辰時 到 未時 , 即 係 由 上午 七點 零鐘 到 下午 一點幾 鐘 , 啲 人馬 漸漸 冇 力 喇 。 好 ! 打 你 ! 張任 又 叫 吳蘭 、 雷銅 帶兵 由 北門 出去 , 轉過 去 東門 , 就 向 黃忠 、 魏延 展開 進攻 。 自己 呢 , 就 帶兵 由 南門 出去 , 轉過 去 西門 打 劉備 。 城內 呢 , 就 派 晒 所有 嘅 民兵 上城 , 擂鼓 助威 。 而家 講下 劉備 , 佢 攻 咗 一日 城 , 眼睇 住 紅日平 西 , 今日 又 冇 戰果 啦 , 就 命令 後軍 先退 。 啲 軍士 啱 啱 行後轉唧 , 城上 啊衝 啊 噉 吶喊 起 嚟 。 南門 一開 , 一彪 軍馬 突然 衝出 嚟 , 一 轉彎 就 跑 向 西門 。 張任 直筆 撞入 大軍 之中 嚟 捉 劉備 喎 , 畀 佢 一 衝 , 漢 軍 就 即刻 亂 晒 大龍 。 黃忠 、 魏延 呢 , 又 畀 吳蘭 、 雷銅戰 到 實 噃。 噉 兩頭 都 唔 能夠 互相 照應 嘞 。 劉備 就 唔 係 張任 敵手 嘅 打 得 兩 打 , 撥轉 馬頭 就 向 住 啲 山路 逃跑 。 張任 唔 放過 你 咯 , 快馬加鞭 喺 後 便 追 到 實 。 眼睇 住 就 嚟 追到 嘞 , 劉備 已經 跑 到 索晒氣 , 忽然間 , 前 便 嘅 山路 有 一彪 軍馬 衝出 嚟 。 劉備 就 猛 咁 叫苦 啦 : 死喇死 喇前 有 伏兵 , 後 有 追兵 整定 我 冇 命 㗎 喇 。 定眼 一 睇 , 哈哈 , 唔 止 唔 使 驚 啊 , 直情 高興 添 啊 。 點解 呢 ? 原來 嚟 緊 呢 支 軍隊 啊 , 當頭 一員大將 乃 係 張飛 。 因為 張飛 同 嚴顏 呢 , 正在 由 嗰 條 路 嚟 緊 啦 嘛 。 佢 哋 望見 沙塵 滾滾 , 知道 係 同川兵 打緊 仗 嘞 。 張飛 即刻 加快速度 帶兵 趕 嚟 。 見到 劉備 咁 危險 , 佢 就 大喝一聲 話 : 大哥 你 唔 使 驚 , 小弟 嚟 喇 ! 噉 啊 救 咗 劉備 , 撞 着 張任 。 丈八蛇矛 一挺 就 打起 上 嚟 , 打 咗 十幾個 回合 。 嚴 顏 喺 背後 亦 率領 兵馬 趕到 嚟 嘞 。 張 任一 睇 , 咪 搞 喇 , 火急 返 轉頭 。 噉 啊 張飛 一直 追 到 城下 , 張任 退 返入 城 就 扯起 道 吊橋 。 張飛 收兵 返 轉頭 拜見 劉備 , 佢 話 : 軍師 佢 哋 呀 係 沿 住 長江 嚟 嘅 , 佢 哋 都 未 到 , 反而 畀 我 奪 咗 頭功 添喇 , 哈哈哈 哈哈 。 劉備 話 喇 : 係 呢 , 山路 崎嶇 , 點解 又 冇 軍隊 阻擋 你 哋 , 畀 你 哋 長驅直進 , 仲 嚟 到 呢 處 先 呢 吓 ? 一路 有 四五十個 關隘 啊 , 但 係 不費吹灰之力 就 通過 喇 , 呢 啲 都 係 老將 嚴 顏 嘅 功勞 啊 ! 於是 張飛 就 將義 釋嚴顏 嘅 事情 啊 , 由頭 到 尾 講晒 畀 劉備 聽 。 同時 呢 介紹 嚴顏同 劉備 相見 。 劉備 好 多謝 嚴顏話 : 如果 唔 係 老 將軍 , 我 細佬點 能夠 嚟 得到 呢 度 吖 ? 講完 , 就 除 咗 身上 着 緊 嘅 黃金 鎖子 甲 送 咗 畀 嚴顏 , 嚴顏 梗 係 好 多謝 啦 。 劉備 正在 吩咐 擺酒 嚟 慶賀 , 呢 個 時候 探子 嚟 報告 話 喇 : 黃忠 、 魏延同 川軍 吳蘭 、 雷銅 交鋒 , 城內 吳懿 、 劉 璝 又 帶兵 嚟 助戰 , 兩下 夾攻 , 我軍 頂 唔 住 啊 。 黃 、 魏 兩位 將軍 打敗 咗 , 就 向 住 東便 撤退 喇 噉 。 張飛 聽 咗 就 請 劉備 分 兵 兩路 去 救 佢 哋 。 於是 張飛 在 左 , 劉備 在 右 就 殺 過去 。 噉 吳懿 、 劉 璝 聽見 後 便 喊 殺 連天 , 慌忙 退返 入城 。 吳蘭 、 雷銅仲 烏林林 , 一味 帶兵 猛 咁 追 黃忠 、 魏 延 噃。 點知 就 畀 劉備 、 張飛 截住 退路 , 嚟 個 兜 篤 將軍 。 黃忠 、 魏延 就 回馬 反攻 。 嘿 霎時間 呀 , 由 優勢 變成 劣勢 。 吳蘭 、 雷銅 諗 住 都 打 唔 過 㗎 喇 , 就 唯有 乖乖 地帶 住 全部 兵馬 投降 係 啦 。 劉備 接受 咗 佢 哋 投降 之後 , 就 收兵 逼近 雒城扎 好 營寨 。 張任 見 損失 咗 兩員 戰將 , 好心 憂 啦 。 吳懿 、 劉 璝 就 話 喇 : 而家 軍情 認真 危急 , 唔 同 劉備 決一死戰 , 點得 佢 哋 退兵 呢 ? 我 哋 仲 係 一 便 派 人 去 成都 向 主公 告急 , 一便 諗 條計 嚟 打 佢 至 得 啊 。 張任 話 喇 : 噉 啦 , 聽日 , 我帶 一隊 人馬 去 挑戰 , 詐諦 打輸 , 引 敵軍 追 去 城北 。 城內 就 再 用 一支 軍隊 衝出 嚟 , 由 中間 , 截斷 佢 , 噉 就 一定 可以 打贏 佢 哋 嘅 。 吳懿話 喇 : 劉將軍 協助 公子 守城 , 我 帶兵 衝出去 助戰 。 噉 就 商量 好 戰術 喇 。 第 日 , 張任 帶領 幾千 人馬 , 搖旗吶喊 出 城 挑戰 。 你 出城 嚟 打 就 啱 喇 。 張飛 立即 上馬 出去 迎戰 嘞 , 一句 說話 都 唔 講 , 挺起 丈八蛇矛 就 同 張任 交鋒 。 打 咗 十幾個 回合 , 張任 就 詐輸 嘞 噃, 順住 城邊 就 跑 。 張飛 就 出力 猛 咁 追 , 哈 噉 就 中計 啦 。 吳懿 突然 喺 城內 衝出 嚟 , 截住 張飛 , 張任 帶兵 返 轉頭 , 即刻 就 圍實 張飛 喺 當中 嚟 嘞 。 張飛 冇 符喇 , 正在 打 得 非常 吃力 嘅 時候 , 突然 有 一隊 軍隊 由 江邊 殺過 嚟 。 當先 一員大將 , 挺槍 躍馬 同 吳懿 交鋒 。 一個 回合 咋 , 就 生擒 吳懿 嘞 , 殺退 咗 川兵 , 救 咗 張飛 出 重圍 。 邊個 咁 好 打 啊 喂 ? 常山 趙子龍 啊 ! 張飛 就 問 佢 話 喇 : 軍師 呢 ? 喺 邊度 啊 ? 軍師 已經 嚟 咗 喇 , 睇 嚟 , 而家 都 怕 同 主公 見 緊面 嘞 。 噉 兩個 人 高高興興 捉住 吳懿 就 收兵 回營 喇 。

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自從 七夕 嗰 晚 , 見到 西方 有粒 大大 嘅 流星 , 喺 個 天上 跌落 嚟 之後 就過 咗 幾日 。 since|Qixi Festival|that|night|saw|west|there was a|big|possessive particle|meteor|at|the|sky|falling|coming|after||past tense marker|a few days Since that night of the Qixi Festival, when I saw a big meteor falling from the western sky, a few days have passed. 呢 一日 , 孔明同 關雲長 佢 哋 正 喺 度 傾 緊 偈 。 this|day||Guan Yu|they|plural marker|currently|at|location particle|talking|progressive aspect particle|conversation On this day, Kongming and Guan Yunzhang were chatting. 傾 傾下 , 有人 嚟 報話 關平 返 咗 嚟 喇 噉 。 chat|have a chat|someone|come|inform|Kwan Ping|return|past tense marker|come|completed action particle|like this While they were talking, someone came to report that Guan Ping had returned. 大家 一聽個 心 都 打個 突 。 everyone||heart|all|have a|scare Everyone's heart skipped a beat upon hearing this. 關平入 到 嚟 將 劉備 嘅 信 呈 上去 畀 孔明 。 |arrive|here|to hand over|Liu Bei|possessive particle|letter|to present|up|to give|Kong Ming Guan Ping came in and presented Liu Bei's letter to Kongming. 孔明 拆開 一睇 , 只見 裏 便 寫 住 : 本 年 七月 初七 日 , 龐 軍師 畀 張 任 喺 落 鳳 波 前 , 亂箭 射死 。 Kongming|opened|at a glance|only saw|inside|then|||this|year|July|7th|day|Pang|military advisor|by|Zhang|Ren|at|falling|Feng|Bo|before|stray arrows|shot dead Kongming opened it and took a look, only to see written inside: On the seventh day of July this year, General Pang was shot dead by Zhang Ren in front of Falling Phoenix Wave. 哎呀 ! 孔明 呀 , 放聲大哭 。 oh no|Kongming|particle|cried out loud Oh no! Kongming cried out loud. 所有 啲 人 亦 都 冇 個 唔 喊 。 all|plural marker|people|also|all|don't have|the|not|crying Everyone else also couldn't help but cry. 孔明 抹 乾 眼淚 話 : 既然 主公 喺 涪 水關 進退兩難 , 我 唔 去 唔 得 嘞 。 Zhuge Liang|wipe|dry|tears|said|since|lord|at|Fu|Shui Pass|in a dilemma|I|not|go|||particle indicating past action Kongming wiped his tears and said: Since the lord is in a difficult position at Fushuiguan, I must go. 關雲長 話 : 軍師 你 去 咗 , 噉 邊 個人 鎮守 荊州 呢 ? Guan Yu|said|strategist|you|go|past tense marker|then|which|person|defend|Jingzhou|question particle Guan Yunchang said: If you go, then who will guard Jingzhou? 荊州 非常 重要 , 擔子 極重 啊 。 Jingzhou|very|important|burden|extremely heavy|ah Jingzhou is very important, the burden is extremely heavy. 邊個 嚟 鎮守 荊州 呢 ? 主公 封信裏 便 雖然 冇 明講 , 之 我 已經 明白 主公 嘅 意思 喇 。 who|come|garrison|Jingzhou|question particle|lord||then|although|not|explicitly stated|it|I|already|understand|lord|possessive particle|meaning|completed action particle Who is coming to guard Jingzhou? Although the lord did not explicitly mention it in the letter, I already understand the lord's intention. 嗱, 請 各位 睇 下 主公 嘅 來信 啦 。 well|please|everyone|read|at|lord|possessive particle|letter|sentence-final particle Now, please everyone take a look at the lord's letter. 主公 嘅 信 講 , 將 荊州 託付 畀 我 , 叫 我量 才 任用 。 lord|possessive particle|letter|said|to take|Jingzhou|entrusted|to|me|to ask|I assess|ability|employ The lord's letter states that Jingzhou is entrusted to me, asking me to appoint people according to their abilities. 而家 , 主公 派 關平 送信 嚟 , 噉 佢 嘅 意思 , 就 係 要 雲長公 擔起 呢 個 重任 。 now|lord|send|Guan Ping|deliver message|here|then|he|possessive particle|meaning|just|is|wants|Lord Yun Chang|take on|this|measure word|heavy responsibility Now, the lord has sent Guan Ping to deliver the letter, which means that he wants Lord Yun Chang to take on this heavy responsibility. 雲長 , 你 要 念 在 桃園 結義 之情 , 務必 竭力 保衛 荊州 。 責任 唔 輕 , 雲長公 要 盡力 啊 ! Yun Chang|you|must|||Peach Garden|brotherhood||must|with all one's strength|defend|Jingzhou|responsibility|not|light|Lord Yun Chang|must|do one's best|ah Yun Chang, you must remember the bond of brotherhood formed in Peach Garden, and you must do your utmost to defend Jingzhou. The responsibility is not light, Yun Chang must give his all! 關雲長 一 啲 都 冇 推辭 , 神色 莊重 啊 應承 落 嚟 。 Guan Yun Chang|one|a little|all|not|refuse|expression|solemn|ah|promised|down|come Guan Yun Chang did not refuse at all, his expression was solemn as he accepted. 噉 孔明 就 吩咐 舉行宴會 , 要 將個 大印 啊 交 畀 關雲長 。 then|Kongming|then|instructed||must|the|great seal|particle|to hand over|to|Guan Yu Then Kong Ming instructed to hold a banquet, to hand over the great seal to Guan Yun Chang. 孔明 高高 噉 捧住 荊州 大印 , 佢 同 關雲長 話 : Zhuge Liang|high|like this|holding|Jingzhou|great seal|he|with|Guan Yu|said Kong Ming held the great seal of Jingzhou high, and said to Guan Yun Chang: 荊州 , 就 全 在 將軍 身上 啊 ! Jingzhou|then|all|on|general|body|ah Jingzhou is entirely in the hands of the general! 大丈夫 , 既然 擔當 重任 , 至死 方休 ! real man|since|take on|heavy responsibility|until death|only then will he rest It's alright, since I have taken on this heavy responsibility, I will see it through to the end! 誒 ? 乜 噉 講 㗎 ? eh|what|like this|saying|question particle Huh? Why are you saying that? 孔明 聽見 關雲長 講出 個 死 字 個 心 唔 高興 。 Kongming|heard|Guan Yu|say out|the|death|word|the|heart|not|happy Kongming felt unhappy when Guan Yunzhang mentioned the word 'death'. 本來 就 唔 想 將個 大印 交 畀 佢 㗎 喇 , 但 係 呢 說話 就 已經 講 咗 出口 咯 , 收 唔 返 啦 。 originally|just|not|wanted||big stamp|to give|to|him|particle indicating certainty|particle indicating completed action|||this|statement|then|already|said|past tense marker|out|particle indicating realization|to take back|not|return|particle indicating suggestion I originally didn't want to hand over the great seal to him, but now that the words have been spoken, there's no taking them back. 孔明 就問 : 倘若 曹操 帶兵 嚟 到 , 應該 點做 呢 ? Kongming||if|Cao Cao|bring troops|||should|do what|question particle Kongming then asked: If Cao Cao brings his army here, what should we do? 全力 抵抗 。 all-out|resistance Fight with all our might. 倘若 曹操 、 孫權 一齊 起兵 嚟 , 噉 如之奈何 啊 ? if|Cao Cao|Sun Quan|together|raise troops|come|then|what to do|ah If Cao Cao and Sun Quan both raise their armies, what should we do? 我 分兵 嚟 抵抗 佢 ! I|divide troops|come|resist|him I will split my troops to resist them! 關將軍 , 如果 噉 呀 , 荊州 就 危險 喇 。 General Kwan|if|like that|particle indicating realization|Jingzhou|then|dangerous|particle indicating a change of state General Guan, if that's the case, Jingzhou will be in danger. 我 有 八個 字 , 關將軍 你 要 記實 佢 , 噉 就 可以 守住 荊州 㗎 喇 。 I|have|eight|characters|General Kwan|you|need|remember|him|then|just|can|defend|Jingzhou|particle|particle I have eight words for you, General Guan, you need to remember them, and then we can defend Jingzhou. 請問 軍師 , 係 邊 八個 字 呢 ? may I ask|strategist|is|which|eight|characters|question particle May I ask, strategist, which eight characters are they? 北拒 曹操 , 東 和 孫權 。 |Cao Cao|east|ally|Sun Quan Reject Cao Cao to the north, and ally with Sun Quan to the east. 軍師 嘅 說話 , 我關 某 一定 銘刻 於 心 ! strategist|possessive particle|words||certain|definitely|engraved|in|heart The strategist's words, I will definitely engrave in my heart! 請 將軍 , 接印 ! please|general|receive the seal Please, General, take the seal! 多謝 軍師 ! thank you|strategist Thank you, strategist! 孔明 將 大印 交 咗 畀 關雲長 , 就 吩咐 文官 馬良 、 伊籍 、 向朗 、 糜竺 ; 武將 就 糜芳 、 廖化 、 關平 、 周倉 呢 一班人 , 共同 好好 噉 輔助 關雲長 , 保衛 荊州 。 Zhuge Liang|will|great seal|hand over|past tense marker|to|Guan Yu|then|instructed|civil officials|Ma Liang|Yi Ji|Xiang Lang|Mi Zhu|military generals||Mi Fang|Liao Hua|Guan Ping|Zhou Cang|this|group of people|together|well|like this|assist||defend|Jingzhou Kongming handed over the great seal to Guan Yunzhang and instructed the civil officials Ma Liang, Yi Ji, Xiang Lang, and Mi Zhu; the military generals Mi Fang, Liao Hua, Guan Ping, and Zhou Cang to work together to assist Guan Yunzhang in defending Jingzhou. 然後 呢 , 自己 就 準備 帶兵 去 西川 嘞 。 then|question particle|myself|then|prepare|lead troops|go|Xichuan|past action particle Then, he prepared to lead troops to Xichuan. 孔明 佢 係 先 撥 一 萬精兵 , 交 畀 張飛 率領 , 叫 佢 由 大路 殺 奔 巴州 就 直達 雒 城 嘅 西 便 , 先 到 嘅 就算 佢 頭功 。 Kongming|he|is|first|allocate|one||hand over|to|Zhang Fei|lead|tell|him|from|main road|kill|rush|Bazhou|then|arrive directly|Luo|city|possessive particle|west|side|first|arrive|possessive particle|counted as|his|first merit Kongming first allocated a thousand elite soldiers to be led by Zhang Fei, instructing him to take the main road to rush to Bazhou and reach the western side of Luocheng, with the first to arrive being credited with the achievement. 巴州 呢 就 乃 係 一個 郡 啊 , 誒 喺 四川 嚟 , 郡 城 呢 就 喺 今日 重慶市 嘉陵江 嘅 北岸 嗰 便 。 Bazhou|this|then|indeed|is|a|county|ah|eh|at|Sichuan|from|county|city|this|then|at|today|Chongqing|Jialing River|possessive particle|north bank|that|side Bazhou is a county located in Sichuan, and the county seat is on the northern bank of the Jialing River in present-day Chongqing. 孔明 又 撥 一支 兵馬 , 由 趙雲 率領 做 先鋒 , 噉 啊 順住 長江 而 上 , 直達 雒城 會合 。 Zhuge Liang|again|deploy|a unit of|troops|by|Zhao Yun|led|as|vanguard|then|ah|following|Yangtze River|and|upstream|directly reach|Luocheng|rendezvous Kongming also allocated another troop, led by Zhao Yun as the vanguard, to follow the Yangtze River upstream to meet at Luocheng. 噉 啊 孔明 帶 埋 簡雍 、 蔣 琬 佢 哋 跟 住 趙雲 後 便行 。 then|ah|Kongming|bring|along|Jian Yong|Jiang|Wan|they|plural marker|||Zhao Yun|behind|can go So, Kongming brought along Jian Yong and Jiang Wan, and they followed Zhao Yun. 當日 , 孔明 率領 一萬五千 兵馬 出發 。 that day|Kongming|led|fifteen thousand|troops|departed On that day, Kongming led fifteen thousand troops to set off. 張飛 呢 , 亦 係 喺 同一 日 出發 。 Zhang Fei|question particle|also|is|at|same|day|depart Zhang Fei also set off on the same day. 臨行 嘅 時候 孔明 就 特別 囑咐 張飛 話 : before leaving|possessive particle|time|Kongming|then|especially|instructed|Zhang Fei|said Before leaving, Kongming specifically instructed Zhang Fei, saying: 西川 嘅 英雄豪傑 甚 多 , 千祈千祈 唔 好 輕敵 啊 。 Xichuan|possessive particle|heroes and outstanding figures|||absolutely|||underestimate the enemy|sentence-final particle There are many heroes and talents in Xichuan, so be sure not to underestimate them. 一路 行軍 要 約束 好 啲 士兵 , 唔 準 佢 哋 擄掠 百姓 , 否則 呢 , 就會失 民心 㗎 喇 。 all the way|march|must|restrain|better|comparative particle|soldiers|not|allow|they|plural marker|plunder|civilians|otherwise|this||public support|sentence-final particle|past action particle While marching, we need to restrain the soldiers better, and they are not allowed to plunder the common people, otherwise, we will lose the people's hearts. 另一方面 又 要 愛惜 士兵 , 唔 好 動不動 就 鞭打 責罰 佢 哋 。 on the other hand|also|should|cherish|soldiers|||at the slightest provocation|then|whip|punish|| On the other hand, we also need to cherish the soldiers and not punish them with whips at every turn. 好 喇 , 希望 同 將軍 早日 喺 雒 城 相會 啦 。 good|particle indicating completion|hope|with|general|soon|at|Luoyang|city|meet|particle indicating suggestion Alright, I hope to meet the general in Luocheng soon. 張飛 高高興興 接受 咗 孔明 嘅 意見 , 騎上 烏 騅 馬 出發 。 Zhang Fei|happily|accepted|past tense marker|Kongming|possessive particle|suggestion|rode on|black|horse|horse|departed Zhang Fei happily accepted Kongming's advice and rode off on his black horse. 佢 帶兵 一路 前進 , 哈哈 所到之處 呀 , 凡 係 投降 嘅 佢 都 秋毫無犯 。 He|leads the troops|all the way|advance|haha|wherever he goes|particle|every|is|surrender|possessive particle|he|all|not harming a hair He led the troops forward, and wherever they went, they did not harm anyone who surrendered. 噉 佢 又 跟 住 漢川 大路 就 直到 巴郡 嘞 。 then|he|again|||Hanchuan|main road|then|until|Bajun|past tense particle So he followed the Han Chuan Road all the way to Ba County. 呢 一日 , 探子 返 嚟 報告 佢 聽 : this|day|scout|return|here|report|he|heard One day, the scout returned to report to him: 稟告 將軍 , 巴郡 太守 嚴顏 , 乃 係 西 蜀 名將 。 report|general|Ba County|governor|Yan Yan|indeed|is|Western|Shu|famous general Report to the general, the governor of Ba County, Yan Yan, is a famous general of the Western Shu. 年紀 雖然 老 , 但 係 精力 仲 未曾 衰 。 age|although|old|||energy|still|never|decline Although he is old, his energy has not yet declined. 佢 使 一把 大刀 , 射箭 又 好 叻 嘅 , 有 萬夫不當之勇 㗎 。 He|uses|a|big knife|archery|also|very|skilled|particle indicating possession|has|courage that can face thousands|particle indicating certainty He wields a large knife and is also very skilled at archery, possessing the courage of ten thousand men. 而 家 佢 堅守 城池 , 唔 豎 降旗 啊 張將軍 。 and|family|he|firmly defends|city|not|raise|surrender flag|ah|General Zhang Now he is firmly defending the city, General Zhang is not lowering the flag. 張飛 吩咐 離城 十里 扎落 營寨 , 派 個人 入去 巴郡城 , 叫 佢 對 嚴 顏 講 : Zhang Fei|instructed|leave the city|ten miles|set up|camp|send|a person|into|Ba Jun city|tell|him|to|||say Zhang Fei instructed to set up camp ten miles away from the city, sending someone into Ba County to tell Yan Yan: 如果 早日 投降 呢 , 就 全城 百姓 呀 個個 平安 ; if|soon|surrender|question particle|then|the whole city|citizens|particle indicating exclamation|every single one|safe If you surrender early, then all the citizens of the city will be safe; 若果 唔 投降 , 就 踩 平 你 巴郡城 , 男女老少 一個 不留 噉 。 if|not|surrender|then|||your|Baguio City|men women and children|one|not spared|like that If you do not surrender, we will flatten Ba County, leaving no men, women, or children. 而家 講下 嚴顏 , 當時 嚴顏 鎮守 巴郡 , 佢 聽聞 劉璋 呢 就 派 法正 去 請 劉備入 西川 。 now|talk about|Yan Yan|at that time|Yan Yan|was stationed in|Ba Commandery|he|heard|Liu Zhang|this|then|sent|Fa Zheng|to|invite||Western Shu Now let's talk about Yan Yan. At that time, Yan Yan was guarding Ba County, and upon hearing about Liu Zhang, he sent Fa Zheng to invite Liu Bei into the West River. 佢 嗰 陣 時 就 長 歎 一聲 話 喇 : 啊 ! 呢 啲 正 所謂 獨坐 窮山 , 引虎自衛 咯 ! he|that|moment|time|then|long|sigh|one sound|said|particle indicating completed action|ah|these|plural marker|just|so-called|sitting alone|poor mountain||particle indicating realization At that time, he sighed and said: Ah! This is what they call sitting alone in a desolate mountain, inviting the tiger to attack! 後 嚟 佢 又 聽講 劉備 佔領 咗 涪 水關 嬲 到 佢 不得了 。 ||he|again|heard|Liu Bei|occupied|past tense marker|Fu|Shui Pass|angry|to the point of|he|extremely Later, he heard that Liu Bei had occupied the Fushui Pass, which made him extremely angry. 幾次 想 帶兵 去 同 劉備 打過 個 喇 , 只 係 防住 呢 條路 呢 會 有 敵兵 嚟 就 唯有 忍住 啖 氣 冇 去 個唧 。 several times|wanted|lead troops|go|with|Liu Bei|fought|classifier for actions|particle indicating completed action|only|is|guarding|this||this|will|have|enemy troops|come|then|only|hold back|breath|breath|not|go|that place He thought several times about leading troops to fight Liu Bei, but he could only guard this road, and if enemy troops came, he had no choice but to hold his breath and not go. 當日 佢 接到 消息 , 話 張飛 帶兵 嚟 到 , 就點 起 本部 五六千 人馬 就 準備 迎敵 。 that day|he|received|news|that|Zhang Fei|led troops||||to mobilize|headquarters|five to six thousand|troops|then|prepared|to confront the enemy On that day, he received news that Zhang Fei was leading troops here, so he mobilized five to six thousand men from his headquarters to prepare for battle. 有人 就 向 嚴顏 獻計 話 喇 : someone|then|to|Yan Yan|offer advice|said|particle indicating completed action Someone then offered a suggestion to Yan Yan, saying: 張飛 佢 喺 當陽 長 坂坡 , 大喝一聲 就嚇 走 咗 曹操 百萬 大軍 喇 。 Zhang Fei|he|at|Changban|long|slope|with a loud shout|||past tense marker|Cao Cao|one million|army|sentence-final particle Zhang Fei, at Changban Slope in Dangyang, shouted loudly and scared away Cao Cao's million-strong army. 曹操 聽到 佢 個 名 都 要 避開 啲 , 所以 不能 輕敵 啊 。 Cao Cao|heard|he|possessive particle|name|all|must|avoid|particles indicating degree|so|cannot|underestimate the enemy|ah Cao Cao had to avoid even hearing his name, so he couldn't underestimate him. 誒 嚴 將軍 最好 就 係 加強 防禦 , 堅守 不 出 。 hey|General Yim|general|best|then|is|strengthen|defense|hold fast|not|retreat Hey, General Yan, the best thing to do is to strengthen the defense and hold your ground. 噉 佢 哋 嘅 軍隊 冇 糧食 嘞 , 唔 到 一個月 呀 , 自 自然 然 就要 撤退 㗎 啦 嘛 。 then|he|they|possessive particle|army|has no|food|past tense particle|not|reach|one month|sentence-final particle|self|naturally|then||retreat|sentence-final particle|sentence-final particle|sentence-final particle If their army runs out of supplies, within a month, they will naturally have to retreat. 誒 仲有 喎 , 張飛 個 為 人 呢 , 性如烈火 嘅 ,逳 下 就 鞭打 士兵 㗎 嘞 。 hey|also|particle|Zhang Fei|possessive particle|for|person|particle||particle|angry|down|then|whip|soldiers|particle|particle Oh, and also, Zhang Fei's character is like fire; he would whip his soldiers at the slightest provocation. 我 哋 如果 唔 同 佢 交戰 , 佢 實 發脾氣 㗎 嘛 , 佢 一 發脾氣 就 必定會 虐待 啲 士兵 。 we|plural marker|if|not|with|he|engage in battle|he|really|gets angry|sentence-final particle|also|he|once|gets angry|then||abuse|some|soldiers If we don't engage in battle with him, he will definitely get angry, and when he gets angry, he will definitely mistreat the soldiers. 軍心 一變 呀 , 到 時 我 哋 趁勢 發起 攻擊 , 噉 就 可以 捉住 張飛 喇 。 military morale|changes|particle|at|time|we|plural marker|take advantage of the situation|launch|attack|then|just|can|capture|Zhang Fei|particle Once the morale of the army changes, we can take the opportunity to launch an attack, and then we can capture Zhang Fei. 嚴顏 就 採納 咗 佢 個 意見 , 命令 所有 個 軍士 都 上城 加強 守衛 。 Yan Yan|then|adopted|past tense marker|his|possessive particle|suggestion|ordered|all|possessive particle|soldiers|all|to the city|strengthen|defense Yan Yan accepted his suggestion and ordered all the soldiers to go up the city to strengthen the defense. 呢 一日 , 城外 有個 兵 大聲 嗌 開門 噉 。 this|day|outside the city||soldier|loudly|shouted|open the door|like that On that day, there was a soldier outside the city shouting loudly to open the gate. 嚴顏 見 佢 只 係 一個 人 , 就 吩咐 打開 城門 放 佢 入 嚟 就 問 佢 咩 事 啦 。 Yan Yan|saw|him|only|is|one|person|then|ordered|to open|city gate|to let|him|in|come|then|asked|him|what|matter|particle Seeing that he was just one person, Yan Yan instructed to open the city gate to let him in and asked him what was the matter. 嘿嘿 , 呢 個 兵哥 呢 , 大抵 係 跟 張飛 跟 得 耐 嘞 , 言談 舉動 都 似足 張飛 。 hee hee|this|measure word for people|soldier||probably|is|follow|Zhang Fei|||long|past tense particle|speech|actions|all|very similar|Zhang Fei Hehe, this soldier here probably has been following Zhang Fei for a long time, his speech and actions are just like Zhang Fei. 佢 話 係 張將軍 派 嚟 嘅 噉 , 一開 聲 就 話 老 匹夫 你 聽 住 , 原原本本 , 張飛 叫 佢 點 講 就 點 講 。 he|said|is|General Zhang|sent|here|past tense particle|like that|as soon as|voice|immediately|said|old|man|you|listen|carefully|exactly|Zhang Fei|told|him|how|to speak|then|how|to speak He said he was sent by General Zhang, and as soon as he opened his mouth, he said, 'Old man, you listen here,' exactly as Zhang Fei would say. 哈哈 , 激到 嚴顏 呀 鬍鬚 都 趌 起 啊 。 haha|so excited|Yan Yan|particle|beard|all|||particle Haha, it was so intense that Yan Yan's beard stood up. 佢 話 : 豈有此理 ! 張飛 你 個 匹夫 太過 無禮 ! 我嚴 將軍 係 投降 奸賊 嘅 人 咩 ? he|said|how can this be reasonable|Zhang Fei|you|(possessive particle)|commoner|too|rude||general|am|surrender|traitor|(possessive particle)|person|question particle He said: 'How outrageous! Zhang Fei, you rascal, are too rude! Am I, General Yan, someone who surrenders to traitors?' 我 亦 唔 殺 你 嘞 , 借 你 個 嘴 返 去講 畀 張飛 聽 。 I|also|not|kill|you|past tense marker|borrow|your|measure word|mouth|return||to|Zhang Fei|hear I won't kill you either, just let you go back and tell Zhang Fei. 嚴顏 叫 個 衛士 將個 兵 嘅 耳 仔 鼻 哥 都 割 咗 , 放 佢 返 扯 。 Yan Yan|called|the|guard||soldier|possessive particle|ear|little|nose|older brother|all|cut|past tense marker|let|him|return|to run away Yan Yan ordered a guard to cut off the soldier's ears and nose, then let him go back. 嗰 個 兵 仔 , 陰公咯 , 成面 都 係 血 , 返去 見到 張飛 。 that|classifier for people|||unfortunate|whole face|all|covered in|blood|go back|see|Zhang Fei That soldier, poor thing, was covered in blood when he returned to see Zhang Fei. 喊住 講 畀 張飛 聽 , 話 嚴顏 呀 點樣 點樣 辱罵 張將軍 你 啊 噉 。 crying|say|to|Zhang Fei|hear|tell|Yan Yan|particle|how|how|insult|General Zhang|you|particle|like that Crying, he told Zhang Fei how Yan Yan insulted him. 哈 可惱 啦 張飛 嬲 起 上 嚟 , 咬牙切齒 瞪 眉 突眼 , 立即 披掛 上馬 , 帶住 幾百 馬 軍 就 衝到 巴郡城 下 嘍打 嘞 喎 。 ha|annoyed|particle|Zhang Fei|angry|rise|up|here|gritting his teeth|glaring|eyebrows|bulging eyes|immediately|donning armor|mounting horse|leading|several hundred|horses|troops|then|charged to||under|fighting|particle|particle Zhang Fei was furious, gritting his teeth and glaring, immediately putting on his armor and mounting his horse, leading hundreds of cavalry to charge down to the city of Ba County. 噉 啊 城 上 嗰 班 軍士 呢 , 七嘴八舌 就 瘟 咁 鬧 。 like this|ah|city|on|that|group|soldiers|particle|all talking at once|then|pestilence|so|scolded The soldiers on the city wall were all talking at once, cursing. 張飛 係 性急 啊 , 好 幾次 衝 到 吊橋 就 想 衝過 護城河 喇 , 但 係 每衝 一次 呢 , 都 畀 城 上個 亂箭 射 到 佢 走 返 轉頭 。 Zhang Fei|is|impulsive|particle|||charge|to|drawbridge|then|wanted|to charge across|moat|particle|but|is||time|particle|all|by|city||random arrows|shoot|to|him|run|back|turn around Zhang Fei is very impatient. Several times he rushed to the drawbridge wanting to charge across the moat, but each time he charged, he was shot back by the random arrows from the city. 從朝 到 晚 , 冇 個人 出 嚟 , 張飛 就 唯有 唂 住 成肚氣 回營 嘞 。 from morning|to|evening|no|one person|come out|here|Zhang Fei|then|only|hum|holding back|all his anger|return to camp|past tense particle From morning to night, with no one coming out, Zhang Fei could only sulk back to the camp, full of anger. 第朝 一早 , 張飛 又 帶兵 去 挑戰 。 the next morning|early in the morning|Zhang Fei|again|led the troops|to|challenge The next morning, Zhang Fei led his troops to challenge again. 點知 畀 嚴顏 呀 ,𠻘 噉 一箭 啊 射中 佢 個頭 盔 , 城 上 嗰 班 軍士 就 拍手 歡呼 啊 大 嗌 好 嘢 。 who would have thought|by|Yan Yan|particle indicating exclamation|then|like this|one arrow|particle indicating exclamation|hit|he|||city|on|that|group|soldiers|then|clapped|cheered|particle indicating exclamation|very|shouted|| Unexpectedly, he was hit on the helmet by an arrow from Yan Yan, and the soldiers on the city cheered and shouted loudly. 嬲 到 張飛 爭 啲 連牙 都 咬碎 啊 , 佢 指 住 嚴 顏 話 : angry|at|Zhang Fei|argue|a little|even teeth|all|bite off|ah|he|pointing|at|||said Angry to the point that he almost bit his teeth to pieces, he pointed at Yan Yan and said: 如果 我 捉住 你 個 老 鬼 , 我要 親自 食 你 嘅 肉 ! if|I|catch|you|(possessive particle)|||I want|personally|eat|you|possessive particle|flesh If I catch your old ghost, I will personally eat your flesh! 一直 到 夜晚 , 冇 得 打 , 就 唯有 空手 回營 啦 。 continuously|until|night|not|able|fight|then|only|empty-handed|return to camp|sentence-final particle Until nightfall, if we can't fight, we can only return to camp empty-handed. 第三日 , 張飛 啊 帶 住 兵 沿住 城 咁 鬧 。 third day|Zhang Fei|ah|||soldiers|along|city|so|attacking On the third day, Zhang Fei led the troops and shouted around the city. 呢 座 巴郡城 呢 , 係 一座 山城 , 周圍 都 係 亂山 。 this|measure word for buildings|Baguin City||is|a|mountain city|surrounding area|all|are|rugged mountains This Ba Jun city is a mountain city, surrounded by chaotic mountains. 張飛 騎住 馬上 山 居高臨下 , 噉 啊 城內 嘅 情形 睇 得 一清二楚 。 Zhang Fei|riding|on horseback|mountain|high and overlooking|then|ah|inside the city|possessive particle|situation|see|able to|very clearly Zhang Fei, riding on his horse, looked down from the mountain and could see the situation in the city clearly. 只見 城內 啲 軍士 個個 都 着 住 晒 盔甲 噃, 排 好 隊伍 , 隱蔽 喺 裏頭 , 誒 就 係 唔 出去 打 。 only saw|inside the city|particle indicating plural|soldiers|every one|all|||completely|armor|particle indicating assertion|line up|well|formation|hiding|at|inside|ah|just|is|not|go out|fight I saw that all the soldiers in the city were fully armored, lined up well, hiding inside, but they just wouldn't go out to fight. 又 見到 好多 民夫 , 來來往往 搬磚 運石 , 就 幫助 軍隊 守城 。 again|saw|many|laborers|coming and going|carrying bricks|transporting stones|then|helped|army|defend the city I also saw many laborers coming and going, moving bricks and stones, helping the army defend the city. 張飛 觀察 咗 一輪 , 就 吩咐 馬 軍 落馬 , 步兵 坐低 休息 , 就 引嚴 顏出 嚟 打 。 Zhang Fei|observed|past tense marker|a round|then|ordered|cavalry|troops|dismount|infantry|sit down|rest|then|led Yan||to|fight Zhang Fei observed for a while, then instructed the cavalry to dismount, the infantry to sit down and rest, and then brought Yan Yan out to fight. 哈哈 , 毫無動靜 唔 靈 。 haha|no movement at all|not|agile Haha, there was absolutely no movement, it was unresponsive. 噉 樣 又 鬧 咗 一日 , 蝕 咗 成擔 口水 啊 依舊 空手 回營 。 like this|appearance|again|scolded|past tense marker|one day|lost|past tense marker|a whole lot of|saliva|ah|still|empty-handed|returned to camp So they argued for a whole day, wasted a lot of saliva, and still returned to camp empty-handed. 張飛 返到 營寨 佢 諗 嘞 : 從朝 到 黑 , 噉 去 罵 戰 , 佢 硬 係 唔 出 嚟 , 你 咬 佢 啊 ? Zhang Fei|returned to|camp|he|thought|past tense marker|from morning|until|dark|then|to|scold|battle|he|||not|||you|bite|him|question particle Zhang Fei returned to the camp and thought: From morning until dark, he went to scold the battle, but he just wouldn't come out. What can you do to him? 嗯 , 有 喇 ! 張飛 猛然間 諗 到 條計 仔 。 hmm|have|particle indicating completed action|Zhang Fei|suddenly|||plan|child Hmm, got it! Zhang Fei suddenly thought of a plan. 佢 又 話 吩咐 啲 軍士 啊 唔 使 去 挑戰 嘞 , 總之 裝束 好 , 作好 準備 , 喺 寨裏 便 待命 就 係 喇 。 He|again|said|instructed|plural marker|soldiers|particle|not|need|to|challenge|past tense marker|in short|attire|good|make good|preparations|at|the camp|then|stand by|just|is|particle He also instructed the soldiers not to challenge, just to dress well, prepare properly, and wait in the camp. 然後 佢 只 係 叫 咗 三 幾十個 軍士 去 城下 叫罵 , 想用 噉 樣個 辦法 嚟 引嚴 顏出 嚟 就 同 佢 廝殺 。 then|he|only|is|called|past tense marker|three|several dozen|soldiers|go|under the city|shout and scold||such|kind of|method|to|lure Yan||to|then|with|him|fight to the death Then he only called a few dozen soldiers to the city gate to shout and curse, hoping to lure Yan Yan out to fight. 張飛 佢 喺 營 內 摩拳擦掌 , 一味 等 住 敵軍 嚟 。 Zhang Fei|he|at|camp|inside|rubbing his fists and cracking his knuckles|only|waiting|for|enemy forces|to come Zhang Fei was in the camp, rubbing his fists and waiting for the enemy to come. 嘿嘿 , 嗰 班 兵 仔 呀 連 氣 噉 樣 去 鬧 咗 三日 都 毫無效果 啊 。 hee hee|that|group|||particle|even|anger|like this|appearance|go|scold|past tense marker|three days|all||particle Hehe, those soldiers have been making a fuss for three days without any effect. 城內 總之 冇 個人 出 嚟 。 inside the city|in short|no|one person|come out|out In the city, no one is coming out. 張飛 眉頭一皺 , 佢 又 諗 到 條 計 嘞 。 Zhang Fei||he|again|||plan|scheme|past tense particle Zhang Fei frowned, and he thought of a plan. 佢 命令 啲 軍士 唔 好 去 挑戰 嘞 , 要 佢 哋 分散 上山 , 四圍 咁 去 斬 柴 割草 啊 探聽 下 啲 道路 。 He|ordered|plural marker|soldiers|not|well|go|challenge|past tense marker|needs|them|plural pronoun|disperse|up the mountain|all around|so|go|chop|firewood||sentence-final particle|scout|down|plural marker|roads He ordered the soldiers not to challenge, but to disperse up the mountain, to chop wood and cut grass all around to scout the roads. 嚴 顏 喺 城內 , 咦 ? 乜 咁 多日 都 唔 見 張飛 有 咩 動靜 呢 吓 ? 個心 就 好 思疑 。 ||at|inside the city|eh|why|||already|||Zhang Fei|has|any|movement|question particle|huh|my heart|just|very|suspicious Yan Yan in the city thought, huh? Why hasn't Zhang Fei made any moves for so many days? His heart was filled with suspicion. 派 咗 十幾個 兵仔 , 就 扮成 張飛 派出 嚟 斬 柴 啲 軍士 噉 嘅 樣 嘅 , 就 靜靜 出 咗 城 , 夾雜 埋 喺 張飛 嘅 軍士 裏頭 , 就 跟 住 嚟 探聽 消息 嘞 噃。 send|past tense marker|more than ten|soldiers|then|disguised as|Zhang Fei|sent|here|chop|firewood|plural marker|soldiers|like|possessive particle|appearance|possessive particle|then|quietly|exit|past tense marker|city|mixed in|also|in|Zhang Fei|possessive particle|soldiers|inside|then|follow|continuous aspect marker|here|gather information|news|past tense marker|sentence-final particle Sent out more than ten soldiers, disguised as Zhang Fei, to chop firewood like soldiers, quietly left the city, mixed in with Zhang Fei's soldiers, and followed to gather intelligence. 當日 , 啲 軍士 斬 完柴 就 返去 營寨 。 that day|the|soldiers|chopped||then|returned|camp That day, the soldiers returned to the camp after chopping the firewood. 張飛 喺 帳篷 裏 便 坐響 處 ,𨂽 住 腳 咁 鬧 : Zhang Fei|in|tent|inside|then|sat down|place|angrily|firmly|foot|so|scolded Zhang Fei was sitting in the tent, angrily scolding. 嚴顏 啊 你 個 老 匹夫 ! 你 畀 你 激死 我 呀 , 激死 我 啊 ! 嘿 ! Yan Yan|ah|you|measure word|old|commoner|you|by|you|angered to death|me|ah|angered to death|me|ah|hey Yan Yan, you old bastard! You make me so angry, so angry! Hey! 有 三四個 軍士 對 張飛 話 喇 : 將軍 呀 將軍 , 你 唔 使 咁 激氣 㗎 , 呢 幾日 , 我 哋 探聽到 有 一條 小路 , 可以 兜過 巴郡城 㗎 。 there are|three or four|soldiers|to|Zhang Fei|said|particle indicating completed action|general|particle for emphasis||you|not|need|so|angry|particle indicating certainty|this|few days|we|plural marker|heard|there is|a|small road|can|go around|Ba Jun city|particle indicating certainty Three or four soldiers said to Zhang Fei: General, you don't need to be so angry, in the past few days, we have heard that there is a small path that can go around the city of Ba Jun. 吓 ? 哎呀 , 有條 噉 嘅 路 , 點解 唔 早 啲 嚟 同 我講 啊 ? huh|oh no|there is a|like that|possessive particle|road|why|not|early|a bit|come|with||particle Huh? Oh no, there's a road like this, why didn't you tell me earlier? 將軍 啊 , 係 呢 幾日 先至 探聽到 㗎 咋 。 General|ah|is|this|few days|only|found out|particle|only General, I only found out about it in the past few days. 好 啦 , 事不宜遲 , 我 哋 今晚 二 更 煮飯 , 趁住 三 更 時分 好 月色 , 拔寨 起行 。 good||||||||||||||moonlight|set out|depart Alright, without further ado, we will cook dinner tonight during the second watch, and take advantage of the good moonlight during the third watch to set off. 人 銜枚 , 馬 摘鈴 , 行動 要 秘密 , 我 親自 喺 前 便 開路 , 你 哋 就 依住 次序 跟 住行 啦 , 快 啲 傳令 落 去 ! people|carry the token|horse|remove the bell|action|must|secret|I|personally|at|front|then|clear the way|you|plural marker|then|according to|order|follow|walking|particle|quickly|comparative particle|send the order|down|to People with mouthfuls, horses with bells removed, actions must be secretive. I will personally clear the way in front, and you all just follow in order. Quickly pass the orders down! 得 令 ! got|command Understood! 噉 啊 嚴顏 派出 嚟 刺探 情況 嘅 兵 仔 聽到 呢 個 消息 , 嘿 ,冚𠾴唥 都 偷偷 趯 返入 城 , 就 報 畀 嚴顏知 嘞 。 then|ah|Yan Yan|sent|here|spy|situation|possessive particle|soldier|child|heard|this|measure word|news|hey|all|all|secretly|rushed|back into|city|then|report|to||past tense particle So, the soldier sent by Yan Yan to scout the situation heard this news, and hey, he secretly sneaked back into the city to report to Yan Yan. 嗬 , 嚴顏 高興 喇 , 佢 話 : 哈哈 , 我 睇 白 你 呢 個 匹夫 忍 唔 住 㗎 喇 。 oh|Yan Yan|happy|particle indicating completed action|he|said|haha|I|see|white|you|this|measure word|fool||||particle indicating certainty|particle indicating completed action Oh, Yan Yan is happy now, he said: Haha, I see that you, this fool, can't hold it in anymore. 哼 , 你 想 偷偷地 混 小路 兜 過去 , 噉 你 嘅 糧草 、 輜重 就 必定 喺 後頭 嘅 。 hum|you|want|secretly|mix|small road|detour|go past|then|your|possessive particle|provisions|baggage|then|definitely|at|behind|possessive particle Hmph, you want to sneak through the small path, then your supplies and heavy baggage must be behind you. 我 截住 你 嘅 後路 , 睇 你 張飛 點樣 過得去 ! I|block|you|possessive particle|escape route|see|you|Zhang Fei|how|get past I will cut off your escape route, let's see how you, Zhang Fei, can get through! 張飛 啊 張飛 , 你 呢 個 蠢才 中 我 嘅 計 喇 ! Zhang Fei|ah||you|this|classifier for people|fool|in|I|possessive particle|plan|final particle Zhang Fei, oh Zhang Fei, you fool have fallen for my trap! 嚴顏 即刻 傳令 落 去 , 今晚 , 亦 係 二 更 煮飯 , 三 更 出城 。 Yan Yan|immediately|issue orders|down|go|tonight|also|is|second|watch|cook|third|watch|leave the city Yan Yan immediately issued a command to go down, tonight, it will also be cooking at the second watch, and leaving the city at the third watch. 埋伏 喺 啲 樹林 裏 便 , 等 張飛 嘅 軍隊 過 咗 咽喉 小路 , 運 糧草 輜重 嘅 車 嚟 嘅 時候 , 聽見 鼓響 , 就 一齊 殺出去 。 ambush|at|the|forest|inside|then|wait|Zhang Fei|possessive particle|army|pass|past tense marker|throat|narrow path|transport|supplies|heavy|possessive particle|cart|come|possessive particle|time|heard|drum sound|then|together|charge out Ambush in the woods, waiting for Zhang Fei's army to pass through the throat path, when the supply carts come, upon hearing the drum sound, we will all rush out. 好 喇 , 命令 傳 咗 落 去 嘞 。 good|particle indicating completed action|order|transmitted|past tense marker|down|to|particle indicating completed action Alright, the order has been passed down. 到 咗 夜晚 , 嚴 顏 嘅 軍隊 個個 都 飽餐一頓 , 裝束 好 晒 , 靜悄悄 噉 出 咗 城 。 arrive|past tense marker|night|||possessive particle|army|everyone|all|had a hearty meal|attire|very|well|quietly|like that|exit|past tense marker|city By nightfall, Yan Yan's army had all had a hearty meal, dressed well, and quietly left the city. 喺 山上 小路 兩便 埋伏 好 , 就 係 等 鼓響 喇 。 on|the mountain|path|both sides|ambush|good|then|is|waiting|drum sound|particle indicating completion Ambush well on both sides of the mountain path, just waiting for the drum to sound. 嚴顏 自己 呢 就 帶 住 十幾個 副將 , 上 咗 山落 咗 馬 , 喺 樹林 裏 便 隱蔽 好 。 Yan Yan|himself|this|then|brought|with|over ten|deputy generals|ascended|past tense marker||past tense marker|horse|in|forest|inside|then|concealed|well Yan Yan himself brought along more than a dozen deputy generals, dismounted from their horses upon reaching the mountain, and concealed themselves well in the forest. 噉 約莫 過 咗 三 更 , 遠遠 望見 張飛 , 親自 喺 前面 帶隊 , 橫矛 縱馬 靜悄悄 噉 帶兵 前進 。 then|approximately|past|completed action marker|three|watch (time period)|from afar|saw|Zhang Fei|personally|at|in front|leading the troops|with his spear|riding fast|quietly|like this|leading the soldiers|advancing After about three watches, he saw Zhang Fei in the distance, personally leading the troops ahead, quietly advancing with his spear and horse. 等 佢 哋 過 咗 三四里 咁 上下 啦 , 後 便 嘅 運糧 車輛 人馬 就 陸陸續續 嚟 到 咯 喎 。 wait|they|plural marker|pass|past tense marker|three to four miles|about|up and down|sentence final particle|after|then|possessive particle|supply|vehicles|personnel and horses|then|one after another|come|arrive|sentence final particle|sentence final particle Once they had moved about three to four li, the supply vehicles and troops from the rear began to arrive one after another. 嚴顏 睇 清楚 喇 , 下令 擂鼓 。 Yan Yan|see|clearly|particle indicating completed action|give order|beat the drum Yan Yan observed clearly and ordered the drums to be beaten. 𠾴𠾴𠾴𠾴 鼓聲 一響 , 四圍 嘅 伏兵 喎 噉 一齊 殺出去 。 repeated sound of drums|sound of drums|once it sounds|all around|possessive particle|ambush troops|particle indicating realization|then|together|charge out As soon as the drum sounded, the ambushing troops around all rushed out together. 噉 啊 正在 想 去 搶奪 車輛 嘅 時候 , 突然 間後便 嘭 噉 一聲 鑼響 , 一彪 軍馬 就 掩殺 過 嚟 。 like this|ah|currently|want|to|seize|vehicle|possessive particle|time|suddenly|shortly after|bang|like this|one sound|gong sound|a group of|war horses|then|charge|over|here At that moment, when I was thinking of seizing the vehicle, suddenly there was a loud bang, and a group of cavalry rushed over. 有人 大喝一聲 : 老賊 你 咪 走 , 我 等到 你 喇 ! someone|shouted loudly|old thief|you|don't|run away|I|wait until|you|past tense particle Someone shouted loudly: "Old thief, don't you run away, I've been waiting for you!" 嚴顏 回頭 一睇 , 嘩 嗨 ! 只見 為首 一員大將 啊 豹頭環眼 , 闊 下巴 老 虎鬚 , 使 一支 丈八蛇矛 騎 一匹 烏 騅 戰馬 。 Yan Yan|turned around|took a glance|wow|hi|only saw|leading||ah|with a leopard-like head and round eyes|broad|chin|old|tiger whiskers|wielding|one||riding|one|black|horse|war horse Yan Yan turned around and looked, wow! He saw a leading general with a leopard head and round eyes, a wide jaw and old tiger whiskers, wielding a long spear and riding a black warhorse. 嘿 張飛 嚟 喇 ! hey|Zhang Fei|come|already Hey, Zhang Fei is coming! 當時 四面 嘭 嘭 聲 啊 鑼聲 震天 , 漢 軍 衝殺 過 嚟 。 at that time|from all directions|||sound|ah|sound of the gong|deafening|Han|army|charged in|over|here At that time, the sound of drums was deafening, and the Han army charged over. 嚴顏 突然 見到 張飛 , 一時之間 呀 搞 到 手足無措 。 Yan Yan|suddenly|saw|Zhang Fei|for a moment|ah|||at a loss Yan Yan suddenly saw Zhang Fei, and for a moment, he was at a loss. 所以 打 咗 唔 到 十個 回合 , 張飛 賣個 破綻 , 嚴顏 一刀斬 過去 , 就 畀 張飛 閃開 。 so|fight|past tense marker|not|reach|ten|rounds|Zhang Fei||flaw|Yan Yan||past|then|by|Zhang Fei|dodged So after not even ten rounds of fighting, Zhang Fei made a mistake, and Yan Yan slashed with his knife, but Zhang Fei dodged. 跟 住 撞 埋 去 一手 揦 實嚴 顏 嘅 腰帶 , 出力 一 摵, 生擒活捉 , 啪 噉 掉 咗 落地 。 ||||go|one hand|pull|very tight|face|possessive particle|belt|exert force|||capture alive|||||to the ground Then he rushed in and grabbed Yan Yan's belt, exerting force to capture him alive, and he fell to the ground. 嗬 班 兵卒 呀 一擁 上前 , 呢 個 拉手 嗰 個 掹 腳 , 用 麻繩 一綁 , 就將 嚴顏 呀 成個 扎 粽 咁 扎 啊 。 hey|group|soldiers|particle|rush forward|forward|this|measure word|pull by the hand|that|measure word|pull|leg|using|hemp rope|tied once||Yan Yan|particle|whole|tied|zongzi|like this|tied|particle Wow, the soldiers rushed forward, some grabbed his hands, others pulled his legs, and they tied Yan Yan up with hemp rope, wrapping him up like a zongzi. 咦 喂 , 乜 先頭 你 唔 係 話 張飛 行 咗 過去 嘅 嘞 咩 , 噉 點解 而家 又 有 個 張飛 喺 後 便 衝殺 出 嚟 㗎 ? hey|hey|what|earlier|you|not|were|said|Zhang Fei|went|past tense marker|over there|past tense marker|sentence-final particle|question particle|then|why|now|again|has|classifier|Zhang Fei|at|back|then|charge out|out|come|sentence-final particle Hey, weren't you saying earlier that Zhang Fei had already passed by? Why is there now a Zhang Fei charging out from behind? 嘿嘿 , 原來 先頭 過 咗 去 嗰 個 啊 係 假 張飛 嚟 。 hee hee|it turns out|earlier|passed|past tense marker|to go|that|classifier for people|ah|is|fake|Zhang Fei|here Hehe, it turns out that the one who went ahead was a fake Zhang Fei. 張三爺 啊 佢 諗 住 嚴 顏 一定 係 打鼓 做 信號 嘅 , 所以 佢 就 吩咐 用 打鑼 嚟 做 信號 。 Mr Zhang San|ah|he|||Yan|Yan|definitely|is|drumming|making|signal|particle indicating possession|so|he|then|instructed|to use|gong|to|make|signal Zhang San-ye thought that Yan Yan must be beating the drum as a signal, so he instructed to use the gong as a signal. 鑼聲 一響 , 全軍 就 一齊 衝到 嚟 。 drum sound|once it sounds|entire army|then|together|charged|here As soon as the gong sounded, the entire army charged forward. 噉 樣 出其不意 , 打到 川兵 呀 成 大半 都 放下 武器 投降 喇 。 like that|appearance|unexpectedly|beat until|enemy soldiers|particle indicating surprise|almost|more than half|all|put down|weapons|surrender|particle indicating completed action In this way, they caught the Chuan soldiers off guard, and most of them laid down their weapons and surrendered. 噉 啊 張飛 殺到 去 巴郡城 下 , 後軍 就 已經 入 咗 城先 。 then|ah|Zhang Fei|rushed|to|Ba Jun city|down|rear army|then|already|entered|past tense marker| So, Zhang Fei killed his way to the city of Ba County, and the rear army had already entered the city first. 張飛 下令 唔 準 傷害 百姓 , 同時 呢 就 出榜 安民 。 Zhang Fei|ordered|not|allowed|harm|common people|at the same time|this|then|issue a notice|ensure the safety of the people Zhang Fei ordered that the common people must not be harmed, and at the same time, he issued a decree to pacify the people. 張飛 入到 衙門 , 坐 喺 大廳 上 便 。 Zhang Fei|entered|yamen|sat|in|hall|on|immediately Zhang Fei entered the yamen and sat in the main hall. 刀斧手 就 拉 嚴顏 嚟 到 嘞 , 嚴顏 就 唔 肯 下跪 噃。 executioner|then|to pull|Yan Yan|to come|arrive|past tense marker|Yan Yan|then|not|willing|to kneel|particle indicating finality The executioners brought Yan Yan over, but Yan Yan refused to kneel. 張飛 碌 大 雙眼 , 大聲 噉 喝 佢 話 : Zhang Fei|rolling|big|eyes|loudly|like that|scolded|him|said Zhang Fei rolled his big eyes and shouted at him: 大將 嚟 到 , 點解 唔 投降 ? 吓 ! 仲要 抵抗 咁 大膽 ! general|||why|not|surrender|huh|still|resist|so|bold The general has arrived, why don't you surrender? Huh! You still dare to resist so boldly! 嚴顏一 啲 都 唔 怕 , 鬧返 張飛 轉頭 啊 : |a little|all|not|afraid|scold back|Zhang Fei|turn around|ah Yan Yan is not afraid at all, and scolded Zhang Fei in return: 你 哋 毫無 信義 , 侵犯 我 西川 嘅 州郡 , 你仲好講 ! you||||||||| You have no loyalty at all, invading my Xichuan territories, and you still have the nerve to speak! 我話 你 聽 , 只有 斷頭將軍 , 絕 冇 投降 將軍 㗎 ! I say|you|listen|only|beheaded general|||surrender|general|sentence-final particle Let me tell you, there are only beheaded generals, there are absolutely no surrendering generals! 嗯 , 刀斧手 ! hmm|swordsman Hmm, executioner! 有 ! have Yes! 拉 老賊 出去 斬 咗 佢 ! pull|old thief|outside|chop|past tense marker|he Take the old thief out and chop him up! 哈哈哈哈 哈哈哈哈 , 要 斬頭 就 斬 , 使 乜 咁 惡 啊 ! hahaha||want|beheaded|then|chop|use|what|so|cruel|particle Hahaha, if you want to behead him, just do it, why be so cruel! 張飛 見 嚴顏 聲音 洪壯 , 面不改色 , 哈 佢 唔 單 止 唔 嬲 , 反而 歡喜 上 嚟 添 。 Zhang Fei|saw|Yan Yan|voice|loud|face unchanged in color|ha|he|not|||||on the contrary|happy|||even more Zhang Fei saw Yan Yan's voice was loud and strong, and he didn't change his expression. Instead of being angry, he was actually happy. 佢 喇 喇 聲 行 落 台 階 , 親手 同 嚴顏 鬆綁 ,攞 件 衣服 嚟 同 嚴顏着 返好 。 He|past tense marker|past tense marker|sound|walk|down|platform|stairs|personally|with|Yan Yan|untie|take|measure word for clothing|clothes|here|with||return to normal He walked down the stage with a loud voice, personally untied Yan Yan, and took a piece of clothing to help Yan Yan dress properly. 扶 嚴顏上 嚟 大廳 , 高高 坐 喺 正中間 , 然後 自己 呢 , 低頭 下拜 啊 。 help|Yan Yan up|come|hall|high|sit|at|right in the middle|then|oneself|particle|bow|worship|particle He helped Yan Yan up to the hall, sat high in the middle, and then bowed his head in respect. 啱 先 言語 冒犯 , 請 將軍 唔 好 見怪 , 我 早就 知道 老 將軍 係 個 英雄 啊 ! right|just|words|offense|please|general|||take offense|I|long ago|knew|old|general|is|the|hero|ah I just spoke offensively, please don't take it to heart, I have long known that the old general is a hero! 嚴顏 畀 張飛 呢種 咁 誠懇 嘅 態度 所 感動 , 於是 就 投降 。 Yan Yan|by|Zhang Fei|this kind of|so|sincere|possessive particle|attitude|particle indicating passive voice|moved|so|then|surrendered Yan Yan was moved by Zhang Fei's sincere attitude, and thus surrendered. 張飛 好 高興 啊 , 就 擺酒 嚟 款待 嚴顏 。 Zhang Fei|very|happy|ah|then|hold a banquet|to|entertain|Yan Yan Zhang Fei was very happy and hosted a banquet to entertain Yan Yan. 又 請教 佢 , 點樣 先至 可以 順利 噉 進入 西川 呢 噉 。 again|ask for advice|he|how|only then|can|smoothly|like this|enter|Xichuan|question particle|like this He also asked him how to smoothly enter Xichuan. 嚴顏話 喇 : 我 呢 個 敗軍之將 , 承蒙 你 大恩大德 , 我 冇 乜嘢 好 報答 咯 , 我願效 犬馬之勞 ! Yan Yan said|particle indicating finality|I|this|classifier for people|defeated general|thanks to|you|great kindness and virtue|I|have not|anything|well|repay|particle indicating finality|I am willing to serve|the labor of a dog or horse (to serve faithfully) Yan Yan said: As a defeated general, I am grateful for your great kindness, and I have nothing to repay you with, but I am willing to serve you! 唔 使 張將軍 你 一 弓一箭 , 就 可以 直取 成都 。 not|need|General Zhang|you|one|bow and arrow|then|can|directly capture|Chengdu No need, General Zhang, with just one bow and one arrow, you can directly take Chengdu. 講 , 點呢 點呢 ? 請嚴 將軍 你講 ! talk|how about this|||General| Tell me, what should we do? Please, General Yan, you tell us! 由 呢 度 一直 到 雒城 , 所有 嘅 關隘 , 都 係 屬於 老夫 管轄 嘅 , 所有 軍隊 , 都 喺 我 掌握 之中 。 from|this|place|straight|to|Luocheng|all|possessive particle|passes|all|are|belong to|I (old man)|govern|possessive particle|all|troops|all|are|I|control|within From here all the way to Luocheng, all the passes are under my control, and all the troops are in my grasp. 請 將軍 你 派 我 做 先鋒 , 所到之處 啊 , 等 我 叫 佢 哋 出 嚟 投降 就 得 喇 。 please|general|you|send|I|be|vanguard|wherever he goes|ah|wait|I|call|he|plural marker|come out|here|surrender|then|fine|particle indicating completion Please, General, let me be the vanguard. Wherever I go, I will just call for them to come out and surrender. 哎呀呀 呀 , 多謝 老 將軍 ! oh no|particle|thank you|old|general Oh my, thank you, old general! 高興 到 張飛 不得了 。 happy|to|Zhang Fei|extremely Happy to the point that Zhang Fei couldn't handle it. 於是 嚴顏 呢 , 就 做 前部 先鋒 , 張飛 帶兵 跟 尾 。 then|Yan Yan|question particle|then|became|vanguard|vanguard|Zhang Fei|led the troops|followed|rear So, Yan Yan became the vanguard, and Zhang Fei led the troops behind. 啊 真 係 喎 , 所 到 嘅 地方 呀 ,冚𠾴唥 都 係 屬 嚴 顏 管 嘅 , 都 叫 佢 哋 出 嚟 投降 。 ah|really|is|particle indicating realization|all|arrive|possessive particle|places|particle indicating exclamation|all|all|are|belong to|strict|face|management|possessive particle|all|call|they|plural particle|come out|to|surrender Ah, it's true, wherever they went, everything was under Yan Yan's control, and he called them out to surrender. 你 話 有 邊個 稍為 猶豫 一下 , 嚴顏 就 話 嘞 : you|said|have|anyone|slightly|hesitated|for a moment|Yan Yan|then|said|past tense marker You ask who hesitated for a moment, and Yan Yan said: 我 尚且 投降 嘞 , 何況 你 呢 噉 ? I|still|surrender|past tense marker|let alone|you|question particle|like this I have surrendered, so how about you? 於是 猶豫 嘅 呢 亦 都 投降 埋 。 so|hesitated|possessive particle|question particle|||surrendered|together So, the hesitation also surrendered. 哎 真 係 一路 之上 呀 , 望風 歸順 , 一場 仗 都 唔 使 打 到 。 ah|really|is|all the way|on|particle|seeing the wind|surrender|one|battle|all|not|need|fight|until Ah, really all the way, surrendering to the wind, without having to fight a single battle. 話 說 啊 孔明 , 佢 已經 將 大軍 起程 嘅 日期 就 報告 咗 畀 劉備 聽 。 say|speaking|ah|Kongming|he|already|will|army|depart|possessive particle|date|then|report|past tense marker|to|Liu Bei|hear It is said that Kongming has already reported the date for the army's departure to Liu Bei. 話 佢 聽 各路 兵馬 , 都 喺 雒 城 會師 。 said|he|heard|all routes|troops|all|at|||rendezvous He said that all the troops are gathering in Luo City. 劉備 就 同 大家 商量 話 喇 : Liu Bei|then|with|everyone|discuss|saying|particle indicating completed action Liu Bei then discussed with everyone and said: 孔明同 翼德 , 而家 分作 兩路 嚟 奪取 西川 , 準備 喺 雒 城 會師 然後 一齊 去 進攻 成都 。 |Zhang Fei|now|split into|two routes|to|capture|Western Shu|prepare|at|Luo|city|rendezvous|then|together|go|attack|Chengdu Kongming and Yide are now splitting into two routes to seize Xichuan, preparing to meet in Luocheng and then attack Chengdu together. 佢 哋 水陸 舟車 , 已經 喺 七月 二十日 起程 , 呢 個 時候 都 就 快 到 㗎 喇 , 我 哋 而家 進兵 就 啱 喇 。 They|plural marker|land and water|vehicles|already|at|July|20th|depart|this|measure word|time|already|just|soon|arrive|sentence-final particle|past action particle|I|we|now|advance troops|just|right|sentence-final particle They have already set off by land and water on July 20th, and it's almost time for them to arrive, so it's just right for us to advance now. 黃忠 話 喇 : 張任 , 日日 都 嚟 挑戰 , 見 我 哋 都 唔 出去 應戰 , 所以 , 佢 哋 都 鬆懈 晒 , 不 作 準備 喇 。 Huang Zhong|said|particle indicating completed action|Zhang Ren|every day|all|come|challenge|see|we|plural marker|all|not|go out|fight back|so|they|plural marker|all|relaxed|completely|not|make|preparations|particle indicating completed action Huang Zhong said: Zhang Ren challenges us every day, and since we haven't gone out to fight, they have become complacent and are not preparing. 主公 , 我 哋 不如 喺 今晚 分 兵 幾路 去 劫寨 , 就 好過 日頭 同 佢 哋 打 啦 。 lord|I|we|might as well|at|tonight|divide|troops|several ways|go|raid the village|then|better than|daytime|with|they|them|fight|particle My lord, why don't we split our troops tonight to raid their camp? It would be better than fighting them during the day. 噉 好 吖 。 like this|good|particle indicating affirmation That sounds good. 劉備 接受 咗 黃忠 呢 個 建議 , 就 命令 黃忠 帶兵 打 左路 , 魏延 就 帶兵 打 右路 , 劉備 自己 打 中路 。 Liu Bei|accepted|past tense marker|Huang Zhong|this|measure word|suggestion|then|ordered||led troops|attack|left flank|Wei Yan|||attack|||||middle flank Liu Bei accepted Huang Zhong's suggestion and ordered Huang Zhong to lead the troops to attack the left flank, while Wei Yan would lead the troops to attack the right flank, and Liu Bei himself would attack the center. 當晚 二 更 , 三路 軍馬 就 一齊 出擊 。 that night|second|watch|three routes|cavalry|then|together|attacked That night, at the second watch, the three armies launched a joint attack. 張任 果然 係 冇 到 準備 啊 。 Zhang Ren|as expected|is|not|there|prepared|particle Zhang Ren was indeed unprepared. 漢 軍 喎 嗬 噉 衝到 入 去 大寨 , 放 起火 嚟 燒到 成邊 天 都 紅晒 。 Han|army|oh|huh|like this|charged into|enter|to|Dazhai|set||came|burned until|the whole|sky|all|red The Han army charged into the main camp, setting fire and turning the entire sky red. 啲 蜀 兵 細佬 趯 得 摩 啊 四散 奔走 。 plural marker|Shu (a historical state in China)|soldiers|younger brother|kick|successfully|Mo (a name)|particle indicating exclamation|scatter|run away The Shu soldiers scattered and fled in all directions. 張任 帶 住 啲 殘兵 敗 卒 , 搏命 逃跑 返去 雒城 , 城內 接應 咗 佢 哋 入 去 啦 。 Zhang Ren|||some|wounded soldiers|||desperately|fled|returned to|Luocheng|inside the city|reinforcements|past tense marker|||||sentence-final particle Zhang Ren led the remaining soldiers and fled for his life back to Luocheng, where they were welcomed into the city. 劉備 收 咗 兵 , 喺 中路 安好 營 。 Liu Bei|received|past tense marker|troops|at|the center|set up|camp Liu Bei gathered his troops and set up camp in the middle. 第 日 , 率領 兵馬 直逼 雒城 , 擺開 隊伍 , 包圍住 雒城 就 猛攻 。 the|day|led|troops|directly approached|Luocheng|arranged|formation|surrounded|Luocheng|then|launched a fierce attack The next day, he led his army to directly approach Luocheng, arranged his troops, surrounded the city, and launched a fierce attack. 張任 沉住氣 , 按兵不動 幾 大都 唔 出 嚟 。 Zhang Ren|calm down|hold back troops|several|mostly|not|come|out Zhang Ren remained calm and did not move his troops, mostly staying inside. 攻 到 第四日 , 劉備 自己 帶 一支 軍隊 攻打 西門 , 命令 黃忠 、 魏延 就 攻打 東門 。 attack|until|fourth day|Liu Bei|himself|lead|a|army|attack|West Gate|ordered|Huang Zhong|Wei Yan|then|attack|East Gate On the fourth day of the attack, Liu Bei personally led a contingent to assault the west gate, ordering Huang Zhong and Wei Yan to attack the east gate. 南門 同 北門 呢 就 唔 去 打 喇 。 South Gate|and|North Gate|question particle|then|not|go|fight|particle indicating completed action The South Gate and the North Gate are not going to be attacked. 你 蜀 兵 要 走 就 走 , 留定 兩個 門放 你 走 。 you|Shu|soldiers|want|to leave|then|leave|leave behind|two||you|to leave If your troops want to leave, let them go, just leave two gates open for you to escape. 原來 南門 一帶 呢 都 係 山路 , 北門 有 涪水 , 所以 就 唔 圍 佢 。 originally|South Gate|area|question particle|all|is|mountain road|North Gate|has|Fushui River|so|then|not|surround|it It turns out that the area around the South Gate is all mountain roads, and the North Gate has the Fu River, so we won't surround it. 你估 劉備 真 係 笨白 咩 ? |Liu Bei|really|is|foolish|question particle Do you really think Liu Bei is that foolish? 張任 望見 劉備 喺 西門 啊 , 騎住 馬 跑 嚟 跑 去 指揮 攻城 。 Zhang Ren|saw|Liu Bei|at|West Gate|ah|riding|horse|ran|here|ran|away|commanded|siege Zhang Ren saw Liu Bei at the West Gate, riding a horse, running back and forth to command the siege. 由 辰時 到 未時 , 即 係 由 上午 七點 零鐘 到 下午 一點幾 鐘 , 啲 人馬 漸漸 冇 力 喇 。 from|7 AM|to|1 PM|||from|morning|7 o'clock|exactly|to|afternoon|a little past 1|o'clock|the|horses|gradually|without|strength|particle indicating change of state From the hour of Chen to the hour of Wei, which is from 7:00 AM to a little after 1:00 PM, the soldiers gradually lost their strength. 好 ! 打 你 ! good|hit|you Alright! I'll hit you! 張任 又 叫 吳蘭 、 雷銅 帶兵 由 北門 出去 , 轉過 去 東門 , 就 向 黃忠 、 魏延 展開 進攻 。 Zhang Ren|again|called|Wu Lan|Lei Tong|led the troops|from|North Gate|went out|turned|to|East Gate|then|towards|Huang Zhong|Wei Yan|launched|attack Zhang Ren also ordered Wu Lan and Lei Tong to lead troops out of the North Gate, turn to the East Gate, and launch an attack on Huang Zhong and Wei Yan. 自己 呢 , 就 帶兵 由 南門 出去 , 轉過 去 西門 打 劉備 。 myself|question particle|then|lead troops|from|South Gate|go out|turn around|to|West Gate|fight|Liu Bei As for himself, he led troops out of the South Gate, turned to the West Gate to fight Liu Bei. 城內 呢 , 就 派 晒 所有 嘅 民兵 上城 , 擂鼓 助威 。 inside the city|particle indicating location|then|send|all|all|possessive particle|militia|to the city|beat drums|boost morale Inside the city, he sent all the militia up to the walls to beat drums and boost morale. 而家 講下 劉備 , 佢 攻 咗 一日 城 , 眼睇 住 紅日平 西 , 今日 又 冇 戰果 啦 , 就 命令 後軍 先退 。 now|let's talk about|Liu Bei|he|attack|past tense marker|one day|city|watching|in the process of||west|today|again|no|battle results|sentence-final particle|then|ordered|rear army| Now let's talk about Liu Bei. He has attacked the city for a day, watching the red sun set in the west. Today, there are no results from the battle, so he orders the rear troops to retreat first. 啲 軍士 啱 啱 行後轉唧 , 城上 啊衝 啊 噉 吶喊 起 嚟 。 the|soldiers||||on the city|the enemy|ah|like this|shouted|up|came As the soldiers were just turning back, the soldiers on the city wall suddenly shouted. 南門 一開 , 一彪 軍馬 突然 衝出 嚟 , 一 轉彎 就 跑 向 西門 。 South Gate|once opened|a group|cavalry|suddenly|charged out|here|one|turn|then|ran|towards|West Gate As the south gate opened, a group of cavalry suddenly charged out and turned to run towards the west gate. 張任 直筆 撞入 大軍 之中 嚟 捉 劉備 喎 , 畀 佢 一 衝 , 漢 軍 就 即刻 亂 晒 大龍 。 Zhang Ren|personally|charged into|the main army|within|in order to|capture|Liu Bei|particle indicating certainty|by|him|one|charge|Han|army|then|immediately|in disarray|completely|Da Long Zhang Ren directly crashed into the main army to capture Liu Bei. With one charge, the Han army immediately fell into chaos. 黃忠 、 魏延 呢 , 又 畀 吳蘭 、 雷銅戰 到 實 噃。 Huang Zhong|Wei Yan|question particle|again|to give|Wu Lan||to|real|particle indicating certainty Huang Zhong and Wei Yan were also being fought hard by Wu Lan and Lei Tong. 噉 兩頭 都 唔 能夠 互相 照應 嘞 。 then|both ends|all|not|able to|mutually|support|sentence-final particle So neither side can support each other. 劉備 就 唔 係 張任 敵手 嘅 打 得 兩 打 , 撥轉 馬頭 就 向 住 啲 山路 逃跑 。 Liu Bei|then|not|is|Zhang Ren|rival|possessive particle|fight|able|two|fights|turned|horse's head|then|towards|the|plural particle|mountain road|escape Liu Bei is not a match for Zhang Ren, and he turns his horse's head to escape towards the mountain road. 張任 唔 放過 你 咯 , 快馬加鞭 喺 後 便 追 到 實 。 Zhang Ren|not|let go|you|particle indicating certainty|quick horse with added whip|at|behind|then|||reality Zhang Ren won't let you go, and he is chasing closely behind. 眼睇 住 就 嚟 追到 嘞 , 劉備 已經 跑 到 索晒氣 , 忽然間 , 前 便 嘅 山路 有 一彪 軍馬 衝出 嚟 。 at a glance|continuous aspect particle|then|come|catch up|past action particle|Liu Bei|already|run|to|out of breath|suddenly|||possessive particle|mountain road|there is|a group of|cavalry|charge out|come Just as he is about to catch up, Liu Bei has already run out of breath, and suddenly, a troop of cavalry charges out from the mountain road ahead. 劉備 就 猛 咁 叫苦 啦 : 死喇死 喇前 有 伏兵 , 後 有 追兵 整定 我 冇 命 㗎 喇 。 Liu Bei|then|fiercely|so|lamented|sentence-final particle|||there is|ambush troops|behind|there is|pursuing troops|certain|I|have not|life|sentence-final particle|past action particle Liu Bei cries out in despair: I'm doomed, I'm doomed! There are ambushes in front and pursuers behind, I'm finished! 定眼 一 睇 , 哈哈 , 唔 止 唔 使 驚 啊 , 直情 高興 添 啊 。 focus|one|look|haha|not|stop|not|need|scared|particle|simply|happy|additional|particle Take a good look, haha, not only is there no need to be afraid, but I'm actually quite happy. 點解 呢 ? 原來 嚟 緊 呢 支 軍隊 啊 , 當頭 一員大將 乃 係 張飛 。 why|this|originally|coming|continuous action particle|this|measure word for troops|army|sentence-final particle|at the forefront||is|is|Zhang Fei Why is that? It turns out that this army is coming, and the leader is none other than Zhang Fei. 因為 張飛 同 嚴顏 呢 , 正在 由 嗰 條 路 嚟 緊 啦 嘛 。 because|Zhang Fei|and|Yan Yan|question particle|currently|from|that|measure word for roads|road|come|continuous aspect particle|final particle|final particle Because Zhang Fei and Yan Yan are currently coming from that road. 佢 哋 望見 沙塵 滾滾 , 知道 係 同川兵 打緊 仗 嘞 。 They|plural marker|saw|sand|rolling|knew|is||fighting|battle|past tense marker They saw the dust rolling and knew that they were fighting against the troops from the river. 張飛 即刻 加快速度 帶兵 趕 嚟 。 Zhang Fei|immediately||lead the troops|hurry|here Zhang Fei immediately quickened his pace and led the troops to rush over. 見到 劉備 咁 危險 , 佢 就 大喝一聲 話 : 大哥 你 唔 使 驚 , 小弟 嚟 喇 ! saw|Liu Bei|so|dangerous|he|then|shouted loudly|said|elder brother|you|not|need|afraid|younger brother|come|particle indicating action completion Seeing Liu Bei in such danger, he shouted loudly: "Big brother, you don't need to be afraid, I'm here!" 噉 啊 救 咗 劉備 , 撞 着 張任 。 then|ah|saved|past tense marker|Liu Bei|collided|past tense marker|Zhang Ren With that, he saved Liu Bei and collided with Zhang Ren. 丈八蛇矛 一挺 就 打起 上 嚟 , 打 咗 十幾個 回合 。 18-foot spear|with one thrust|then|started fighting|up|here|hit|past tense marker|more than ten|rounds He thrust the eight-foot snake spear and started fighting, engaging in over ten rounds. 嚴 顏 喺 背後 亦 率領 兵馬 趕到 嚟 嘞 。 Yan|Yan|at|behind|also|led|troops|arrived|here|past action particle Yan Yan also led his troops from behind and rushed over. 張 任一 睇 , 咪 搞 喇 , 火急 返 轉頭 。 Cheung|anyone|see|don't|mess around|particle indicating completed action|in a hurry|return|turn around When Zhang Ren saw this, he knew it was trouble and hurriedly turned back. 噉 啊 張飛 一直 追 到 城下 , 張任 退 返入 城 就 扯起 道 吊橋 。 then|ah|Zhang Fei|continuously|chased|to|outside the city|Zhang Ren|retreated|returned into|city|then|pulled up|the|suspension bridge So, Zhang Fei chased all the way to the city gates, and when Zhang Ren retreated into the city, he raised the drawbridge. 張飛 收兵 返 轉頭 拜見 劉備 , 佢 話 : 軍師 佢 哋 呀 係 沿 住 長江 嚟 嘅 , 佢 哋 都 未 到 , 反而 畀 我 奪 咗 頭功 添喇 , 哈哈哈 哈哈 。 Zhang Fei|call back the troops|return|turn around|pay respects to|Liu Bei|he|said|strategist|they|plural marker|ah|are|along|following|Yangtze River|come|past tense marker|they|plural marker|all|not yet|arrived|instead|by|me|take||first merit|additional|hahaha|ha Zhang Fei returned and reported to Liu Bei, saying: 'The strategist, they came along the Yangtze River, and they haven't arrived yet. Instead, I have seized the first achievement, haha!' 劉備 話 喇 : 係 呢 , 山路 崎嶇 , 點解 又 冇 軍隊 阻擋 你 哋 , 畀 你 哋 長驅直進 , 仲 嚟 到 呢 處 先 呢 吓 ? Liu Bei|said|particle indicating completion|is|this|mountain road|rugged|why|again|no|army|blocking|you|plural marker|let|you|plural marker|advance unimpeded|still|come|arrive|this|place|first|this|particle indicating surprise Liu Bei said: 'Yes, the mountain roads are rugged. Why was there no army to block you, allowing you to advance unimpeded? How did you get here first?' 一路 有 四五十個 關隘 啊 , 但 係 不費吹灰之力 就 通過 喇 , 呢 啲 都 係 老將 嚴 顏 嘅 功勞 啊 ! all the way|has|about forty to fifty|checkpoints|particle||are|||||||||veteran|||possessive particle|credit|particle There were four or five dozen passes, but we passed through them effortlessly. This is all thanks to the old general Yan Yan's contributions! 於是 張飛 就 將義 釋嚴顏 嘅 事情 啊 , 由頭 到 尾 講晒 畀 劉備 聽 。 then|Zhang Fei|then|||possessive particle|matter|ah|from the beginning|to|end|explained everything|to|Liu Bei|hear So, Zhang Fei explained the matter of releasing Yan Yan, telling Liu Bei everything from start to finish. 同時 呢 介紹 嚴顏同 劉備 相見 。 at the same time|this|introduce||Liu Bei|meet At the same time, this introduces Yan Yan and Liu Bei meeting. 劉備 好 多謝 嚴顏話 : 如果 唔 係 老 將軍 , 我 細佬點 能夠 嚟 得到 呢 度 吖 ? Liu Bei|very|thank you||if|not|were|old|general|I||able to|come|get|this|place|question particle Liu Bei thanked Yan Yan a lot, saying: If it weren't for the old general, how could my younger brother have come here? 講完 , 就 除 咗 身上 着 緊 嘅 黃金 鎖子 甲 送 咗 畀 嚴顏 , 嚴顏 梗 係 好 多謝 啦 。 finished speaking|then|||on his body|||possessive particle|gold|||||to|Yan Yan|Yan Yan|||||sentence-final particle After speaking, he took off the golden armor he was wearing and gave it to Yan Yan, who of course was very grateful. 劉備 正在 吩咐 擺酒 嚟 慶賀 , 呢 個 時候 探子 嚟 報告 話 喇 : Liu Bei|is|instructing|to hold a banquet|to|celebrate|this|measure word|time|scout|came|report|saying|particle indicating completed action Liu Bei was currently instructing to prepare a feast to celebrate, at this moment a scout came to report: 黃忠 、 魏延同 川軍 吳蘭 、 雷銅 交鋒 , 城內 吳懿 、 劉 璝 又 帶兵 嚟 助戰 , 兩下 夾攻 , 我軍 頂 唔 住 啊 。 Huang Zhong||Shu army|Wu Lan|Lei Tong|clashed|inside the city|Wu Yi|Liu|Zhi|again|led troops|came|to assist in battle|both sides|flanked|our army||||ah Huang Zhong, Wei Yan, and the troops from the Shu army, Wu Lan and Lei Tong, are clashing, while inside the city, Wu Yi and Liu Shan are also bringing troops to assist in the battle, and we are being attacked from both sides, our army can't hold on! 黃 、 魏 兩位 將軍 打敗 咗 , 就 向 住 東便 撤退 喇 噉 。 Wong|Wai|two|generals|defeated|past tense marker|then|towards|continuous aspect marker|East|retreated|sentence-final particle|like that Generals Huang and Wei were defeated, so they retreated towards the east. 張飛 聽 咗 就 請 劉備 分 兵 兩路 去 救 佢 哋 。 Zhang Fei|heard|past tense marker|then|asked|Liu Bei|to divide|troops|two routes|to go|to rescue|them|plural marker Zhang Fei heard this and asked Liu Bei to split the troops into two routes to rescue them. 於是 張飛 在 左 , 劉備 在 右 就 殺 過去 。 then|Zhang Fei|at|left|Liu Bei|at|right|then|kill|over So, Zhang Fei went to the left, and Liu Bei went to the right to charge over. 噉 吳懿 、 劉 璝 聽見 後 便 喊 殺 連天 , 慌忙 退返 入城 。 then|Wu Yi|Liu|Gui|heard|after|then|shouted|kill|everyone|hurriedly|retreated|into the city Then, Wu Yi and Liu Zhang heard this and shouted to kill without mercy, hurriedly retreating back into the city. 吳蘭 、 雷銅仲 烏林林 , 一味 帶兵 猛 咁 追 黃忠 、 魏 延 噃。 Wu Lan|Lei Tongzhong|Wu Linlin|relentlessly|leading troops|fiercely|so|chasing|Huang Zhong|Wei|Yan|particle indicating a question or emphasis Wu Lan and Lei Tong were still in a frenzy, fiercely leading their troops to chase after Huang Zhong and Wei Yan. 點知 就 畀 劉備 、 張飛 截住 退路 , 嚟 個 兜 篤 將軍 。 who would have known|then|by|Liu Bei|Zhang Fei|blocked|escape route|come|the|||general Little did they know, they were intercepted by Liu Bei and Zhang Fei, leading to a trap for the general. 黃忠 、 魏延 就 回馬 反攻 。 Huang Zhong|Wei Yan|then|counterattack|attack again Huang Zhong and Wei Yan then counterattacked. 嘿 霎時間 呀 , 由 優勢 變成 劣勢 。 hey|in an instant|ah|from|advantage|became|disadvantage In an instant, the situation changed from an advantage to a disadvantage. 吳蘭 、 雷銅 諗 住 都 打 唔 過 㗎 喇 , 就 唯有 乖乖 地帶 住 全部 兵馬 投降 係 啦 。 Wu Lan|Lei Tong|think|continuously|all||||particle indicating certainty|particle indicating completion|then|only|||live|all|troops|surrender|is|particle indicating finality Wu Lan and Lei Tong thought they couldn't win, so they had no choice but to obediently surrender all their troops. 劉備 接受 咗 佢 哋 投降 之後 , 就 收兵 逼近 雒城扎 好 營寨 。 Liu Bei|accepted|past tense marker|they|plural marker|surrender|after|then|recalled his troops|approached||good|camp After Liu Bei accepted their surrender, he gathered his troops and approached Luocheng to set up a camp. 張任 見 損失 咗 兩員 戰將 , 好心 憂 啦 。 Zhang Ren|saw|loss|past tense marker|two|generals|kind-hearted|worried|sentence final particle Zhang Ren saw that he had lost two generals, and he was genuinely worried. 吳懿 、 劉 璝 就 話 喇 : 而家 軍情 認真 危急 , 唔 同 劉備 決一死戰 , 點得 佢 哋 退兵 呢 ? Wu Yi|Liu|Zui|then|said|particle indicating completed action|now|military situation|seriously|urgent|not|with|Liu Bei|fight to the death|how can|they|plural marker|retreat|question particle Wu Yi and Liu Zhi said: The military situation is really urgent now, if we don't fight to the death with Liu Bei, how can we force them to retreat? 我 哋 仲 係 一 便 派 人 去 成都 向 主公 告急 , 一便 諗 條計 嚟 打 佢 至 得 啊 。 I|we|still|are|||send|person|to|Chengdu|to|lord|report urgent news|at once|think|plan|to come|defeat|him|until|win|particle We should also send someone to Chengdu to urgently report to the lord, and think of a plan to defeat them. 張任 話 喇 : 噉 啦 , 聽日 , 我帶 一隊 人馬 去 挑戰 , 詐諦 打輸 , 引 敵軍 追 去 城北 。 Zhang Ren|said|particle indicating completion|like this|particle indicating suggestion|tomorrow||a team|personnel|to|challenge|Zha Di||lead|enemy forces|chase|to|north of the city Zhang Ren said: Alright, tomorrow, I will lead a team to challenge them, and if we pretend to lose, we can lure the enemy to chase us to the north of the city. 城內 就 再 用 一支 軍隊 衝出 嚟 , 由 中間 , 截斷 佢 , 噉 就 一定 可以 打贏 佢 哋 嘅 。 inside the city|then|again|use|one|army|charge out|here|from|middle|cut off|them|like that|then|definitely|can|defeat|them|plural marker|possessive particle Then, another army inside the city will charge out from the middle to cut them off, and we will definitely be able to win against them. 吳懿話 喇 : 劉將軍 協助 公子 守城 , 我 帶兵 衝出去 助戰 。 Wu Yi said|particle indicating affirmation|General Liu|to assist|Young Master|defend the city|I|lead troops|charge out|to assist in battle Wu Yi said: General Liu will assist the young master in defending the city, and I will lead the troops out to support the battle. 噉 就 商量 好 戰術 喇 。 then|just|discuss|good|strategy|particle indicating completion Then we discussed the battle tactics. 第 日 , 張任 帶領 幾千 人馬 , 搖旗吶喊 出 城 挑戰 。 the|day|Zhang Ren|led|several thousand|troops|waving flags and shouting|out|city|challenge The next day, Zhang Ren led several thousand troops, waving flags and shouting as they exited the city to challenge. 你 出城 嚟 打 就 啱 喇 。 you|leave the city|come|fight|then|right|particle indicating completed action It's just right for you to come out of the city to fight. 張飛 立即 上馬 出去 迎戰 嘞 , 一句 說話 都 唔 講 , 挺起 丈八蛇矛 就 同 張任 交鋒 。 Zhang Fei|immediately|mount his horse|go out|to face the battle|past tense marker|a single|word|at all|not|speak|raised|spear|then|with|Zhang Ren|clashed Zhang Fei immediately mounted his horse and went out to meet the enemy, not saying a word, raising his eight-foot-long spear to clash with Zhang Ren. 打 咗 十幾個 回合 , 張任 就 詐輸 嘞 噃, 順住 城邊 就 跑 。 hit|past tense marker|more than ten|rounds|Zhang Ren|then|feigned defeat|past tense marker||following|the edge of the city|then|ran After fighting for more than ten rounds, Zhang Ren pretended to lose and ran along the city edge. 張飛 就 出力 猛 咁 追 , 哈 噉 就 中計 啦 。 Zhang Fei|then|exerted effort|fiercely|so|chased|Ha|like that|then|fell into the trap|particle indicating completion or change of state Zhang Fei chased after him with great effort, and that's when he fell into the trap. 吳懿 突然 喺 城內 衝出 嚟 , 截住 張飛 , 張任 帶兵 返 轉頭 , 即刻 就 圍實 張飛 喺 當中 嚟 嘞 。 Wu Yi|suddenly|at|inside the city|rushed out|here|intercepted|Zhang Fei|Zhang Ren|led his troops|back|turned around|immediately|then|surrounded|Zhang Fei|at|the center|here|past tense particle Wu Yi suddenly charged out from the city, intercepting Zhang Fei, while Zhang Ren led his troops back to surround Zhang Fei. 張飛 冇 符喇 , 正在 打 得 非常 吃力 嘅 時候 , 突然 有 一隊 軍隊 由 江邊 殺過 嚟 。 Zhang Fei|has not|talisman|currently|fighting|to the|very|strenuous|possessive particle|time|suddenly|there is|a team|army|from|riverside|came over|here Zhang Fei was out of options and was struggling hard when suddenly a troop came rushing over from the riverbank. 當先 一員大將 , 挺槍 躍馬 同 吳懿 交鋒 。 first|a general|brandishing his spear|riding|with|Wu Yi|clashing At the forefront was a general, brandishing a spear and engaging Wu Yi in battle. 一個 回合 咋 , 就 生擒 吳懿 嘞 , 殺退 咗 川兵 , 救 咗 張飛 出 重圍 。 one|round|how|then|captured alive|Wu Yi|past tense marker|drove back|past tense marker|soldiers from Shu|rescued|past tense marker|Zhang Fei|out|encirclement In one round, he captured Wu Yi, repelled the troops from Sichuan, and rescued Zhang Fei from encirclement. 邊個 咁 好 打 啊 喂 ? 常山 趙子龍 啊 ! who|so|good|fight|particle|hey|Changshan|Zhao Zilong|particle Who fights so well? It's Zhao Zilong from Changshan! 張飛 就 問 佢 話 喇 : 軍師 呢 ? 喺 邊度 啊 ? Zhang Fei|then|asked|him|said|particle indicating completed action|strategist|question particle|at|where|particle for emphasis Zhang Fei then asked him: Where is the strategist? 軍師 已經 嚟 咗 喇 , 睇 嚟 , 而家 都 怕 同 主公 見 緊面 嘞 。 strategist|already|come|past tense marker|sentence-final particle|see|come|now|also|afraid|with|lord|meet||sentence-final particle The strategist has already arrived; it seems he is also afraid to meet the lord right now. 噉 兩個 人 高高興興 捉住 吳懿 就 收兵 回營 喇 。 then|two|people|happily|caught|Wu Yi|then|withdraw|return to camp|particle indicating completed action So the two of them happily captured Wu Yi and returned to camp.

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