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張悦楷講《三國演義》, 090

今日 接住 講凌統 同 甘寧 啊 , 佢 哋 兩個 喺 酒席 筵前 一個 舞劍 一個 舞戟 。 呂蒙 見到 佢 兩個 都 係 不懷好意 嘅 , 就 一手 挽住 個 藤牌 , 一 手提 刀 就 企 喺 佢 哋 兩個 人 之間 話 : 兩位 雖然 武藝高強 , 都 唔 及 我 咁 叻 嘅 。 講完 舞起 藤牌 刀 , 隔開 佢 哋 兩個 。 呢 件 事 早就 有人 走 去 稟報 畀 孫權知 喇 。 哎呀 , 乜 搵 啲 噉 嘢 搞 啊 即刻 騎馬 趕到 嚟 。 嗰 三個 人 見到 孫權 嚟 到 嘞 , 各人 先至 放低 武器 。 孫權 話 : 我 時常 都 話 要 你 哋 兩個 唔 好 記住 舊仇 , 為 咩 事 今日 又 試 噉 樣 呢 ? 凌統 喊住 跪 喺 地 嚟 。 孫權 再三再四 噉 勸住 佢 , 噉 就 冇 事 啦 。 到 咗 第日 , 孫權 統率 三軍 出發 去 進攻 合肥 嘞 。 而家 講下 張 遼 啊 , 張遼 因為 失 咗 皖 城 佢 返 到 合肥 之後 呢 , 個心 就 好 愁悶 。 有 一日 , 曹操 派 人 送 咗 個 木盒 嚟 。 上 便 啊 貼住 曹操 嘅 封條 , 仲寫 住 一行 字話 : 賊 來 乃發 。 即 係 話 , 敵人 嚟 嘅 時候 呢 就 打開 嚟 睇 啦 噉 。 好 喇 , 呢 一日 張 遼 接到 報告 , 話 孫權 親自 率領 十萬 大軍 嚟 進攻 合肥 。 張 遼 諗 住 係 時候 嘞 , 就 打開 個 木盒 一睇 。 原來 裏 便 有 張 曹操 親筆寫 嘅 命令 。 點寫 呢 ? 若 孫權至 , 張 、 李二 將軍 出戰 , 樂 將軍 守城 。 張 遼 就 攞 呢 張 命令 畀 李典 同樂 進睇 。 樂進 話 嘞 : 張將軍 你 嘅 意思 點 ? 張遼話 : 主公 出 咗 外 遠征 , 吳兵 以 為實 打敗 我 㗎 喇 。 我 認為 應該 帶兵 去 迎敵 , 奮力 戰鬥 挫敗 敵人 嘅 銳氣 , 安定 我軍 嘅 人心 , 噉 然後 合肥 , 就 可以 守得 住 嘞 。 李典 平時 同張 遼 唔 啱 橋 嘅 , 聽見 張 遼 噉 講粒聲 唔 出 。 樂 進見 李典 唔 出 聲 佢 就 話 喇 : 敵眾 我 寡 難以 迎敵 噃, 不如 堅守 罷啦 。 張遼話 : 兩位 將軍 都 係 私心 為重 , 唔 顧 公事 。 好 啦 , 我 自己 出去 迎敵 , 決一死戰 啦 ! 立即 就 吩咐 左右 備馬 。 李典 畀 張 遼 呢種 奮不顧身 嘅 精神 激勵 起 嚟 嘞 佢 話 : 將軍 噉 樣 做 , 我 又 點能 因為 私人 感情 不合 而將 公事 置於腦後 呢 ? 我願 聽從 將軍 指揮 ! 好極 喇 ! 既然 李將軍 肯 協助 我 , 就 請 李將軍 你 喺 聽 日 , 帶 一隊 人馬 喺 逍遙津 以北 埋伏 , 等 吳兵 殺過 嚟 之後 , 就 拆斷 小師橋 。 到 時 , 由 我 同樂 將軍 對 佢 哋 展開 攻擊 。 李典 接受 咗 命令 , 就 去 做 準備 。 逍遙津 呢 , 係 喺 安徽省 合肥市 東北角 。 古時候 , 呢 個 地方 係 淝 水 嘅 渡口 嚟 , 而家 就 已經 冇 咗 喇 。 嗰 笪 地方 呢 就 開闢 咗 做 公園 , 風景 非常 之 美麗 嘅 。 而家 講返 下 孫權 , 佢 就 派 呂蒙 、 甘寧 做 前鋒 , 自己 同凌統 啊 居中 , 其餘 嘅 將官 呢 喺 後 便 陸續 出發 , 就 殺 奔 合肥 而 去 吖 。 呂蒙 、 甘寧 嘅 前鋒 部隊 就 撞 正 樂進 帶兵 嚟 迎戰 。 甘寧 就 出馬 同樂 進 交鋒 , 打 咗 幾個 回合 , 樂進 就 詐敗 逃走 嘞 。 甘寧 招呼 呂蒙 一齊 帶兵 追擊 過去 。 噉 孫權 喺 第二隊 嚟 㗎 嘛 , 佢 聽聞 前鋒 已經 得勝 嘞 , 就 催促 人馬 跟上去 。 當 佢 哋 行 到 逍遙津 嘅 時候 , 忽然間 , 轟轟 轟轟 轟轟 轟轟 , 一陣 連珠炮 響 。 左便 , 張遼 一軍殺 嚟 ; 右 便 , 李典 一軍殺 嚟 。 弊晒 中計 喇 ! 孫權 好 驚 呀 , 急急 派 人 去 叫 呂蒙 、 甘寧 返 轉頭 嚟 救 佢 。 但 係 張 遼 嘅 兵馬 已經 殺到 面前 嘞 。 當時 , 凌統 手下 只有 三百 幾個 馬 軍 , 頂 唔 住 曹 軍 嗰 種 排山倒海 之勢 㗎 。 凌統 大聲 噉 喝 喇 : 主公 你 仲 唔 快 啲 過小師橋 ! 話 猶 未了 , 張遼帶 住 二千 幾馬 軍 當先 殺到 。 凌統 啊 即刻 返 轉頭 同 佢 死戰 頂住 。 孫權 縱 馬上 橋 , 嗨 , 死 喇 , 橋 嘅 南 便 嗰 橛 呀 已經 拆斷 咗 成丈 幾闊 , 一片 板 都 唔 剩 , 驚到 孫權 呀 手足無措 。 佢 手下 有 一名 牙將 叫做 谷利 , 就 大聲 噉 嗌 話 : 主公 快 啲 勒馬 退後 , 再放 馬向前 , 跳過去 啦 , 快 啲 快 啲 ! 一言 就 驚醒 啊 ! 孫權 勒 轉馬 退後 三丈 幾遠 , 然後 一抖 韁繩 , 拂多 兩鞭 , 嗰 隻 馬 𠽤𠽤𡃈𠽤𠽤𡃈𠽤𠽤𡃈, 啪 噉 一 跳 , 凌空 飛過 橋南 , 嘿好 彩數 啊 ! 呢 , 有 詩為證 啊 : 的盧 當日 跳檀溪 , 又 見 吳侯敗合 淝 。 退後 著鞭 馳駿 騎 , 逍遙津 上 玉龍 飛 。 嗱 噉 孫權 一跳 , 就過 咗 橋南 , 徐盛同 董襲 呢 就 使 船 嚟 接 佢 。 噉 嗰 便 凌 統 同 谷 利 就 頂住 張 遼 。 當 甘寧 、 呂蒙 帶兵 返 嚟 救 嘅 時候 呢 , 點知 又 畀 李典 截住 大殺 一陣 , 噉 啊 吳兵 損失 咗 成 大半 。 凌統 所 率領 嗰 三百 幾個 人 呀 全部 犧牲 。 凌 統 嘅 身上 呢 中 咗 幾槍 , 佢 且戰且退 就 退 到 橋邊 。 橋呢 已經 拆斷 咗 啦 嘛 , 就 唯有 跟 住 河邊 逃跑 。 孫權 喺 船 上面 見到 , 急忙 叫 董襲 啊 棹 隻 船 過去 接 佢 , 噉 先 至 走 甩身 。 呂蒙 同 甘寧 啊 都 係 搏 死命 先至 趯 返過 嚟 河南 呢 便 嘅 。 嘩 ! 呢 一仗 呀 , 殺到 江南 人人 都 害怕 個個 心驚 。 呢 , 啲 細佬哥 夜晚 唔 聽話 喊 啊 , 一句 話 唔 好 喊 喇 , 張 遼 嚟 喇 ! 硬 蠻 嘅 細 佬 哥 呀 即刻 收聲 啊 , 嘿嘿 你 哋 話 張 遼 厲害 唔 厲害 呢 ? 噉 孫權 啊 得 大家 保住 返到 營寨 , 重重 咁 賞賜 凌統 同谷利 。 跟 住 呢 , 就 收兵 返去 濡須 , 整頓 船隻 , 準備 水陸並進 啊 。 同時 又 派 人 返去 江南 , 增調 啲 兵馬 嚟 助戰 。 張 遼 佢 聽講 孫權 喺 濡 須 又 試 要 興兵 嚟 攻打 合肥 , 噉 佢 怕 合肥 兵少 難以 抵敵 呀 , 就 急忙 派 人 日夜兼程 , 趕 去 漢中 就 報告 曹操 , 請求 曹操 派 救兵 嚟 。 曹操 同 大家 商量 , 問呢 個 時候 , 可 唔 可以 繼續 去 攻打 西川 呢 噉 ? 劉曄 啊 認為 西川 嘅 形勢 已經 安定 落 嚟 , 亦 有 咗 防備 , 唔 應該 去 打 西川 , 不如 撤兵 返去 救 合肥 為 上 啊 噉 。 曹操 聽 佢 嘅 , 就 留 夏侯淵 守衛 漢中 定軍山 隘口 , 留張 郃 守衛 蒙頭岩 隘口 等等 。 其餘 嘅 軍馬 就 拔 寨 起程 , 殺 奔濡須 塢 嘞 。 孫權 一 接到 消息 , 話 曹操 親自 率領 四十萬 大軍 , 由 漢中 趕 嚟 救 合肥 。 就 同 嗰 班 謀士 計劃 好 , 先派 董襲 、 徐盛 兩個 , 率領 五十隻 大船 喺 濡 須 口 埋伏 。 又 命令 陳 武帶 住 人馬 , 喺 江岸 往來 巡視 警戒 。 張昭話 喇 : 曹操 呢 次 喺 咁 遠 嚟 到 , 必定 要 挫 一 挫 佢 嘅 銳氣 先至 好 啊 。 孫權 就問 啲 武將 話 喇 : 各位 將軍 , 邊個 敢 當先 破敵 , 挫 佢 嘅 銳氣 啊 ? 凌統 霎聲 行出 嚟 , 高聲 回答 話 : 我 去 ! 你 帶 幾多 人去 呢 ? 三千 人就夠 喇 。 甘寧 突然 上前 嚟 話 : 我 只要 一百 人馬 就 可以 破敵 嘞 , 何必 三千 呀 ! 你講 咩 嘩 ? 凌統 嬲 到 不得了 , 噉 兩個 當堂 就 喺 孫權 面前 就 嘈起 上 嚟 。 孫權 話 喇 : 唔 好爭 喇 唔 好爭 喇 , 曹 軍人 多勢眾 不能 輕敵 啊 ! 凌 將軍 ! 在 ! 你 帶 三千 人馬 出濡須 口 去 偵察 , 遇着 曹 軍 就 同 佢 交戰 啦 。 得 令 ! 凌統 接受 咗 命令 , 帶住 三千 人馬 就 離開 濡 須塢 。 呢 一日 , 沙塵 滾滾 , 曹兵 嚟 到 嘞 。 先鋒 張遼同 凌統 交鋒 , 激戰 咗 五十個 回合 不分勝負 。 孫權 怕 凌統 吃虧 啊 , 就 叫 呂蒙 接應 佢 回 營 。 甘寧 見到 凌統 返 嚟 , 即刻 就 對 孫權 請求 話 : 今晚 , 我 只 係 帶 一百 人馬 去 劫營 , 如果 損失 一人 一馬 亦 唔 算 得 功勞 ! 孫權 見 甘寧 咁 夠膽唄 , 好 高興 , 應承 撥 手下 一百名 精銳 嘅 馬 軍 畀 佢 。 又 攞 咗 五 十瓶酒 、 五十斤 羊肉 嚟 賞賜 啲 軍士 。 甘寧 返到 自己 嘅 營寨 , 叫 嗰 一百 人 都 排排坐 。 首先 , 用 隻 銀碗 斟滿 酒 , 自己 咕咕 聲飲 咗 兩 大碗 , 然後 佢 同 大家 話 喇 : 今晚 奉命 劫營 , 請 各位 飲勝 一杯 , 努力 向前 啊 ! 嗰 班 人 一 聽 , 嘩 ! 嘿嘿 , 乜 一百 人 就 去 劫營 呀 ? 大家 你 望 我 時 我 望 你 唔 敢 出聲 。 甘寧 見到 啲 人 有 啲 怕 噉 樣 喎 , 撐聲 噉 拔出 把 劍 嚟 發火 鬧 啲 人話 : 我身 為 上將 都 唔 錫命 , 你 哋 仲怕 乜嘢 啊 ? 大家 見 甘寧 發惡 嘞 , 立即 跪低 叩頭 話 : 願 效死 力 ! 願 效死 力 啊 ! 係 咯 , 甘寧 就 高興 返喇 , 將 啲 酒肉 攞 出 嚟 同 大家 一齊 飲乾食 盡 。 到 咗 晚上 二 更 咁 上下 , 甘寧 又 攞 咗 一百條 白 鵝毛 嚟 就 每人 分 一條 , 要 佢 哋 插 喺 頭盔 上面 做 記認 。 噉 大家 都 着 好 鐵甲 , 裝束 好 喇 , 就 上馬 出發 。 飛奔 去 到 曹操 營寨 外便 , 拔起 晒 嗰 啲 鹿角 啊 等等 嘅 障礙物 。 喎 嗬衝 啊 ! 噉 大喊 一聲 就 直 撞入 寨 , 直筆 就 衝去 中軍 殺 曹操 。 原來 曹操 嘅 中軍 人馬 就 防衛 十分 森嚴 嘅 。 佢 哋 用 啲 車 啊 , 連連 埋 埋 一齊 , 圍到 鐵桶 咁 實 , 就衝 唔 入 嘅 。 甘寧 佢 就 唔 衝入 去 喇 , 就 係 噉 帶 住 呢 一百名 馬 軍 , 喺 度 左衝右 突 。 夜 麻麻 殺到 曹兵 慌 晒 , 都 唔 知 究竟 東吳 有 幾多 人馬 殺 咗 入 嚟 嘅 , 越驚 就 越亂 就 自相驚擾 。 甘寧 嗰 一百 馬 軍 呀 , 喺 營寨 之內 縱橫馳騁 , 見到 人 就 殺 , 搞 到 各個 營呀 都 嘈 喧巴閉 亂 到 不堪 。 甘寧 殺 咗 一輪 , 又 從 營寨 嘅 南門 殺返 出去 , 冇 人敢 攔擋 佢 哋 。 孫權 叫 周泰帶 咗 一支 人馬 嚟 接應 , 噉 甘寧 就 安全 噉 帶 住 一百 馬 軍返 到 去濡須 。 曹軍因 為 怕 埋伏 唔 敢 去 追 , 死死地 氣就 吃 咗 個 大虧 。 呢 , 有 詩為證 啊 : 鼙 鼓聲 喧震 地來 , 吳師 到處 鬼神 哀 ! 百翎 直貫 曹家 寨 , 盡說 甘寧 虎將 才 。 甘寧 帶住 一百名 馬 軍 回營 , 真 係 一人 一馬 都 冇 損失 到 。 返到 嚟 營門 , 佢 係 叫 嗰 一百個 人 , 打鼓 吹笛 高呼 萬歲 萬歲 噉 , 歡呼 嘅 聲音 呀 響徹雲霄 。 孫權 親自 出 嚟 迎接 。 甘寧 翻身 落馬 , 叩頭 行禮 成個 噉 伏 喺 地 嚟 。 甘寧 就 係 用 咁 深 嘅 禮 啊 嚟 表達 自己 對 孫權 嘅 一片丹心 啊 。 孫權 快步 行前 扶 佢 起身 , 拖住 甘寧 嘅 手 話 : 將軍 今晚 , 確實 使到 曹操 老賊 驚晒 。 唔 係 我 捨得 畀 將軍 你 去 冒險 , 不過 , 係 想 見識 下 將軍 你 嘅 膽量 咋 。 講完 , 即刻 叫 人 攞 咗 一千匹 絹 、 一百 把 利刀 賜 畀 甘寧 。 甘寧 跪 喺 度 接受 咗 賞賜 , 隨即 呢 , 將 嚟 分賞 畀 嗰 一百 人 。 孫權 對 所有 個 將領 好 高興 噉 話 : 曹操 有 張 遼 , 我 有 甘寧 呀 , 完全 可以 打得 過 佢 嘅 ! 第 日 , 張 遼 帶兵 嚟 挑戰 。 凌統 見到 甘寧 已經 立 咗 功 , 自己 都 要 一顯身手 至 得 㗎 。 佢 就 話 : 我願 去 同張 遼 交鋒 啊 。 孫權 批 準 佢 去 , 凌統 就 帶 咗 五千 人馬 出去 迎戰 。 孫權 呢 就 帶 埋 甘寧 , 親自 臨陣 觀戰 。 雙方 擺開陣勢 , 張 遼 出馬 , 左有 李典 右 有 樂進 。 凌統 縱 馬提刀 就 出到 陣前 。 張 遼 叫 樂進 同凌統 打過 。 兩個 人鬥到 五十個 回合 , 未 分 勝負 。 曹操 聽 講話 東吳 嗰 便 呀 有 個 年輕 嘅 猛將 , 好好 打 㗎 噉 , 就 親自 騎馬 嚟 到門 旗下 便 睇 下 嘞 。 佢 見到 樂進 同凌統 呀 打 到 㷫 晒 , 哼 , 曹操 就 叫 曹休 放冷箭 噃。 曹休匿 埋 喺 張 遼 背後 , 開 弓一箭 就 射中 凌 統 嗰 匹 馬 。 嗰 匹 馬 就 痛 到 企 直 身 , 將凌統 拋 跌 喺 地下 嚟 。 樂進 見到 有 機會 啊 連忙 舉起 支槍 就 想 㓤 過去 。 槍 都 未 到唧 , 只 聽見 弓弦 一響 撐 一支 箭 射中 樂進 面門 , 當堂 跌 咗 落馬 。 嗬 噉 兩 便 嘅 兵卒 一齊 湧出 嚟 , 各人 救返 自己 嘅 將軍 回營 , 就 打鑼 收兵 。 曹操 見到 樂進 中 箭 受傷 , 就 叫 佢 休息 醫治 呢 啲 不在話下 啦 。 凌統 啊 險 死 還生 , 返到 去 就 拜謝 孫權 嘞 。 孫權 話 : 先頭 射箭 救 你 嘅 , 係 甘寧 啊 。 嗨 呀 , 凌統 啪 聲 跪 喺 甘寧 面前 , 叩個 響頭 話 : 冇 想到 將軍 能夠 噉 樣 施恩 於 我 啊 ! 從此 之後 , 凌統 同 甘寧 不但 再 冇 話 互相 仇口 啊 , 仲結 為 生死之交 添 啊 。 第 日 , 曹操 分 兵 五路 嚟 攻打 濡須 。 曹操 親自 率領 中路 ; 左邊 一路張 遼 , 二路 李典 ; 右邊 一路 徐晃 啊 二路 龐德 。 每路 都 各帶 一萬 人馬 , 就 殺 奔 江邊 而 嚟 。 當時 董襲 同 徐盛 兩個 人 呢 , 正 喺 隻 大戰 船上 便 。 當 曹操 五路 軍馬 殺 到 嘅 時候 , 嘩 嗨 ! 睇 見 自己 東吳 嘅 軍士 個個 都 有 啲 面青 噉 。 徐盛 就 話 喇 : 食君 之祿 , 忠君 之憂 , 怕 乜嘢 啊 ! 即刻 帶 咗 幾百名 勇士 , 坐 小船 爬 到 去 岸邊 登陸 , 直 殺入 李 典 嗰 支 軍隊 裏頭 。 董襲 就 留 喺 大戰 船上 便 , 叫 啲 軍士 出力 噉 擂鼓 吶喊助威 。 忽然間 , 江面 上 狂風 大作 白浪滔天 , 嗰 隻 大 戰船 呀 畀 啲 大浪 𢫏 到 左搖右 岌 。 嘩 嗨 , 弊喇弊 喇 啲 軍士 見到 隻 船 就 沉 噉 樣咯 , 爭住 跳 落 喺 船尾 拖住 個艇 仔想 逃命 噃。 董襲 拔出 把 劍 , 大聲 噉 喝 佢 哋 : 我 哋 接受 主公 嘅 命令 喺 呢 處 防範 敵兵 , 點 能夠 拋棄 戰船 逃跑 㗎 ? 即刻 就 斬 咗 十幾個 跳落 艇 嘅 軍士 。 哎呀 過 咗 冇 幾耐 , 啊 一浸 狂風 卷過 , 成 隻 大 戰船 呀 吹 到 翻轉 咗 。 董襲 跌 咗 落水 , 不幸 呢 , 就 喺 江口 浸死 嘞 。 呢 個 時候 , 徐盛 正 喺 李 典 嘅 軍隊 裏頭 往來 衝殺 。 陳 武 本來 喺 江邊 巡邏 㗎 , 聽講 正 發生 戰鬥 就 喇 喇 聲帶 一隊 人馬 嚟 。 啱 啱 撞 着 龐德 , 於是 就 混戰 起 嚟 嘞 。 孫權 係 坐 陣濡須 塢 㗎 , 聽聞 曹兵 殺 到 嚟 江邊 唄 , 親自 同周泰 帶兵 出去 助戰 。 見到 徐盛 呀 , 喺 李 典 嘅 軍隊 裏頭 打 埋 一 嚿 僂 非常 之 激烈 。 孫權 就 即刻 指揮 隊伍 殺入 去 接應 , 哈 , 點知 又 畀 張 遼 、 徐晃 兩支 軍隊 , 困住 喺 中間 。 曹操 騎馬 喺 高 頂 望見 孫權 被困 唄 , 哈得法 喇 , 急忙 命令 許褚 衝殺 入去 , 將 孫權 嘅 隊伍 衝開 兩 橛 , 使 到 佢 哋 頭尾 不能 呼應 。 哼 危險 喇 ! 周泰 就 搏 命 喺 亂軍 之中 殺出 嚟 , 行到 江邊 , 弊 ! 唔 見 咗 孫權 , 不得了 ! 又 勒 轉馬 頭 , 又 殺 返入 去 陣 裏 便 。 見到 東吳 嘅 兵士 就問 嘞 : 主公 喺 邊度 嚟 啊 ? 有個 兵 指住 兵馬 重重疊疊 最 厚 嗰 度 話 : 主公 啊 畀 敵人 圍到 實實 啊 好 危險 啊 。 周泰 唔 要命 噉 殺入 重圍 , 終於 又 搵 到 孫權 。 周泰話 喇 : 主公 , 你 跟 住 我 殺出去 啦 ! 於是 周泰 在 前 孫權 在 後 , 奮勇 衝殺 。 噉 周泰 又 衝到 去 江邊 嘞 , 擰 轉頭 一望 , 吖 弊 ! 又 試 唔 見 咗 孫權 。 周泰 諗 都 冇 諗 啊 , 一 轉身 又試 殺入 重圍 , 哈 咁 好彩 , 又 畀 佢 搵 到 孫權 喎 。 孫權 話 喇 : 啊 啊 , 敵人 啲 箭 啊 猛 咁 射 , 衝唔 出去 喎 , 點算 好 啊 ? 周泰話 喇 : 呢 次 主公 你 在 前 我 在 後 , 一定 衝得 出去 嘅 ! 好 啦 , 孫權 出力 一鞭 , 縱馬 就 向前 跑 。 周泰 左 攔右 擋 保護 住 孫權 。 但 係 佢 自己 個身 啊 , 捱 咗 幾槍 , 又 中 咗 幾箭連 鐵甲 都 射穿 。 終歸 呢 , 就 救 咗 孫權 出去 。 佢 哋 嚟 到 江邊 , 呂蒙 率領 一支 水軍 嚟 到 接應 。 孫權 落 咗 船 唞 過啖 氣 , 佢 話 喇 : 哎 , 我 好彩 得到 周泰 三次 反覆 衝殺 , 救 我 出 咗 重圍 。 但 係 , 徐盛仲 畀 敵人 圍住 噃, 點至 得 佢 甩 身 呢 ? 周泰話 : 我 再 去 救 佢 ! 周泰 挺起 槍 又 試搏命 殺入 重圍 之中 , 就 救 咗 徐盛出 嚟 。 哎呀 佢 兩個 呀 , 都負 咗 重傷 啊 。 呂蒙 叫 啲 兵亂 箭 嚟 射住 岸上 嘅 曹 軍 , 掩護 住 周泰 、 徐盛 兩個 落船 。 而家 講返 下陳武 , 佢 同 龐德 大戰 一場 。 結果 因為 後 便 冇 兵 嚟 接應 , 唔 夠 龐德 打 , 就 畀 龐德 將 佢 一直 趕到 一個 山谷 嗰 度 。 呢 笪 地方 呢 就 好多 樹木 嘅 , 陳 武 正話 想 回身 同 龐德 交戰 , 一下 唔 覺意 , 畀 啲 樹枝 勾實 衫袖 窒 咗 一 窒 , 哈 , 噉 就 輸 晒 啦 , 畀 龐德 趁勢 就 殺死 咗 。 曹操 見 孫權 走 甩身 嘞 , 即刻 指揮 軍隊 , 飛快 趕到 去 江邊 用 弓箭 同 吳兵 對射 。 弊 喇 , 呂蒙 嘅 軍隊 射晒 啲 箭 添 。 正在 驚慌 危急 嘅 時候 , 有隊 戰船 由 對岸 駛到 嚟 。 為首 一員大將 , 乃 係 孫策 嘅 女婿 陸遜 啊 。 佢 率領 住 十萬 大軍 嚟 到 助戰 , 一陣 亂箭 就 射 退 咗 曹兵 。 即刻 呀 趁勢 登陸 , 追殺 過去 , 殺死 殺傷 曹兵 唔 少人 , 大敗 逃跑 。 噉 吳兵 呢 , 仲搶 返 幾千 匹 戰馬 。 收兵 嘅 時候 , 喺 戰場 上 先 至 搵 到 陳 武 嘅 屍首 。 孫權 知道 陳 武 陣亡 , 董襲 又 浸 死 咗 非常 哀痛 。 派 人 去 江口 昧 水 就 搵 返 董 襲 嘅 屍體 , 就 同 陳 武 嘅 屍體 一齊 , 隆重 噉 安葬 好 。 孫權 十分 感激 周泰 救 佢 嘅 功勞 。 嗰 日 , 專門 擺酒 嚟 款待 佢 。 孫權 親自 同 佢 敬酒 , 淚流滿面 摸 住 周 泰 嘅 背脊 話 : 你 自己 條命 都 唔 顧 , 兩次 救 我 , 中 咗 幾十 槍 , 周身 都 花 晒 。 哎 , 我點 能夠 唔 將你 當做 自己 嘅 親骨肉 , 我點 能夠 唔 依靠 你 啊 周 將軍 ! 愛卿 啊 ! 你 係 我 嘅 大 功臣 。 我 永遠 要同 你 有福同享 , 有禍 同當 啊 ! 講完 , 孫權 仲叫 周泰 解開 件 衫 , 畀 啲 傷痕 過 大家 睇 下 。 嘩 ! 只見 周 泰 嘅 全身 皮肉 , 直情 寸寸 都 好似 畀 刀 挖過 噉 嘅 。 孫權 逐個 傷痕 逐個 傷痕 噉 指住 嚟 問周泰 。 周泰 呢 就將 戰鬥 嘅 時候 點樣 點樣 受傷 , 就 講返 畀 孫權 聽 。 一個 傷痕 孫權 就 敬 佢 飲 一大 杯酒 , 哈哈 當日 呀 , 周泰 飲到 酩酊大醉 嘞 。 孫權 將 自己 嘅 青羅 傘賜 畀 周泰 , 一出 一入 都 同 佢 打 起 羅 傘 嚟 , 嚟 表彰 佢 嘅 偉大 功勳 。 哎 所以 呢 , 遇着 個 咁 好 嘅 統帥 呀 , 三軍 將士 有 乜 辦法 唔 搏命 至 得 㗎 ? 孫權 喺 濡 須 , 噉 啊 同 曹操 相持 咗 個 幾月 , 唔 能夠 取勝 。 張昭 、 顧雍 呢 , 就 向 孫權 建議 話 : 曹操 軍勢 強大 , 唔 應該 同 佢 硬拼 啊 。 若果 同 佢 長期 噉 打落 去 , 我 哋 嘅 兵力 損失 就 大 喇 。 仲 係 , 向 佢 求和 安民 為 上 啊 主公 。 孫權 接受 咗 佢 哋 嘅 意見 , 派步 騭 去 見 曹操 求和 , 就 應承 年 年 進貢 噉 。 曹操 呢 , 亦 考慮 到 江南 呢 笪 地區 啊 就 唔 係 咁 容易 征服 嘅 , 就 同意 咗 孫權 嘅 請求 。 只 係 提出 一個 條件 , 要 孫權 撤退 人馬 先 , 然後 自己 先至 班師 。 噉 孫權 只 係 留低 蔣欽同 周泰守 衛濡須 口 , 其餘 嘅 全部 軍隊 啊 , 都 坐船 返去 秣 陵 嘞 , 呢 啲 呢 就 放落 唔 講 佢 喇 。 曹操 留低 曹仁 、 張 遼 鎮守 合肥 , 然後 就 班師 返去 許昌 。 呢 個 時候 呢 , 嗰 班 文武 官員 又試 舊事重提 咯 喎 , 又 準備 請求 皇帝 封 曹操 做 魏王 嘞 。 尚書 崔琰 啊 硬 係 唔 贊成 , 就 得罪 咗 曹操 , 結果 呢 , 又 畀 曹操 拉 咗 佢 坐監 , 收尾 仲 喺 監獄 裏頭 打死 咗 佢 添 。 到 咗 建安 二十一年 五月 , 即 係 曹操 六十二歲 嗰 年 喇 , 朝 上 嘅 文武 大臣 , 聯名 向 皇帝 上 咗 份 表章 , 頌揚 曹操 嘅 功德 , 又 應該 加官進爵 為 王 。 獻帝 就 命令 鍾繇 寫 一篇 詔書 , 就 係 聖旨 喇 , 封 曹操 做 魏王 。 誒 噉 啊 有 啲 官樣文章 要 做 個 噃。 雖然 曹操 恨 呢 個 王位 呢 恨 咗 好 耐 㗎 喇 , 但 係 佢 仲 要 連 氣 三次 向 皇上 寫 報告 , 表示 唔 敢 接受 噉 。 而 皇帝 呢 , 又 連氣 三次 落 聖旨 堅持 一定 要 封 , 嘿嘿 , 確係 做戲 咁 做 吓 。 玩完 呢 一套 之後 , 曹操 就 接受 咗 魏王 呢 個 喺 當時 啊 , 僅次於 皇帝 嘅 爵位 嘞 。 噉 封 咗 魏王 呢 , 喺 服飾 啊 , 用具 啊 儀仗 等等 啊 , 又 有 好多 特殊 嘅 待遇 㗎 喎 。 嗱 好似 戴 嘅 帽 , 就 叫做 冕 , 即 係 皇冠 。 就 可以 按照 天子 嘅 規格 , 喺 冠冕 嘅 前後 啊 , 髧 十二 串玉 珠 嘅 。 噉 啊 坐 金根 車 , 用 六匹 馬 嚟 拉 , 就 用 天子 嘅 車 服 鑾 儀 , 學 皇帝 出入 噉 , 經過 個 地方 嚴加戒備 斷絕 行人 交通 等等 。 噉 又 喺 鄴 郡 啊 , 起 咗 座 魏 王宮 。 封 咗 魏王 呢 , 又 要 考慮 立 一位 世子 嘞 喎 。 即 係 喺 佢 個 仔 裏 便 喇 , 選定 一個 法定 嘅 繼承人 嘞 。 曹操 嘅 妻子 係 丁夫人 , 冇 仔生 。 佢 小老婆 劉氏 呢 就 生 咗 個 仔 叫做 曹昂 , 當年 同張 繡 打仗 嘅 時候 喺 宛城 陣亡 嘞 。 另 一個 小老婆 卞氏 呢 , 就生 咗 四個 仔 。 大仔 曹丕 , 二仔 曹彰 , 三仔 曹植 , 四仔 係 曹熊 。 因此 呢 , 就 貶 咗 丁夫人 , 立 卞 氏 做 魏王 後 。 嘿嘿 , 欸 喺 古代 封建 時候 啊 , 母憑子 貴 , 冇 仔 生就 冇 得 傾 嘞 。 而家 就 應該 唔 同 喇 , 啊 , 有得生 冇 得生 , 生仔 生女 都 一樣 喇 。 曹操 個 第三 仔 曹植 , 字子建 , 就極 之 聰明 , 真 係 落筆 成章 嘅 。 曹操 就 好 想 立 佢 做 自己 嘅 繼承人 。 個大仔 曹丕 呢 , 怕 自己 選 唔 中 做 繼承人 嘞 , 就 向 中 大夫 賈詡 求教 啦 。 賈詡 就 教 佢 嗱 你 噉 噉 噉 噉 噉 啦 噉 。 從此 之後 呢 , 但凡 曹操 出征 , 咁 多個 仔去 送行 , 曹植 啊 梗 係 讚頌 佢 父親 嘅 功德 , 出口成章 , 講得 非常 之 動人 嘅 。 但 係 曹丕 辭別 父親 嘅 時候 呢 , 冇 咩 嘅 嘢 噏 個 喎 , 只 係 猛 咁 流眼淚 叩頭 嘅 啫 , 使到 大家 見到 呢 都 好 感動 嘅 。 於是 曹操 就 懷疑 曹植 係 一味 得口 乖 , 誠心 呢 就 怕 唔 及 曹丕 嘅 噉 。 同時 呢 , 曹丕 就 搵 人 去 收買 曹操 嘅 貼身 侍從 , 有 機會 就 喺 曹操 面前 講 曹丕 嘅 好話 。 總之 呢 , 曹操 喺 立 繼承人 嘅 問題 上 就 好 躊躇 嘅 。

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今日 接住 講凌統 同 甘寧 啊 , 佢 哋 兩個 喺 酒席 筵前 一個 舞劍 一個 舞戟 。 today|next||and|Gan Ning|ah|they|plural marker|two of them|at|banquet|before the feast|one|sword dance|one|halberd dance Today, I will talk about Ling Tong and Gan Ning. The two of them were performing sword and halberd dances at the banquet. 呂蒙 見到 佢 兩個 都 係 不懷好意 嘅 , 就 一手 挽住 個 藤牌 , 一 手提 刀 就 企 喺 佢 哋 兩個 人 之間 話 : Lu Meng|saw|they|two|both|are|ill-intentioned|particle indicating possession|then|one hand|grabbed|the|rattan shield|||knife|then|stood|at|they|plural marker|two|people|between|said Lü Meng saw that both of them had ill intentions, so he held his shield in one hand and drew his sword with the other, standing between the two of them and saying: 兩位 雖然 武藝高強 , 都 唔 及 我 咁 叻 嘅 。 the two of you|although|martial arts are strong|both|not|compare to|I|so|smart|particle indicating possession or emphasis Although both of you are skilled in martial arts, you are not as good as me. 講完 舞起 藤牌 刀 , 隔開 佢 哋 兩個 。 finish talking|dance with|rattan stick|knife|separate|he|plural marker|two After saying that, he brandished his shield and sword, separating the two of them. 呢 件 事 早就 有人 走 去 稟報 畀 孫權知 喇 。 this|classifier for events|matter|long ago|someone|to go|to|report|to||particle indicating completed action This matter had already been reported to Sun Quan by someone. 哎呀 , 乜 搵 啲 噉 嘢 搞 啊 即刻 騎馬 趕到 嚟 。 oh no|what|looking for|some|like this|thing|do|particle|immediately|ride a horse|rush to|here Oh no, why are you looking for such things? Hurry up and ride over here. 嗰 三個 人 見到 孫權 嚟 到 嘞 , 各人 先至 放低 武器 。 that|three|people|saw|Sun Quan|||past tense marker|everyone|only then|put down|weapons When those three people saw Sun Quan arrive, they all put down their weapons. 孫權 話 : 我 時常 都 話 要 你 哋 兩個 唔 好 記住 舊仇 , 為 咩 事 今日 又 試 噉 樣 呢 ? Sun Quan|said|I|often|all|told|want|you|plural marker|both|||remember|old grudge|for|what|reason|today|again|trying|like this|appearance|question particle Sun Quan said: I often tell you two not to hold onto old grudges, why are you trying to do this today? 凌統 喊住 跪 喺 地 嚟 。 Ling Tong|crying|kneel|at|ground|come Ling Tong cried while kneeling on the ground. 孫權 再三再四 噉 勸住 佢 , 噉 就 冇 事 啦 。 Sun Quan|repeatedly|then|advised|him|then|just|no|problem|particle Sun Quan repeatedly persuaded him, and then everything was fine. 到 咗 第日 , 孫權 統率 三軍 出發 去 進攻 合肥 嘞 。 arrive|past tense marker|the next day|Sun Quan|lead|three armies|depart|to|attack|Hefei|completed action marker On that day, Sun Quan led the three armies to attack Hefei. 而家 講下 張 遼 啊 , 張遼 因為 失 咗 皖 城 佢 返 到 合肥 之後 呢 , 個心 就 好 愁悶 。 now|let's talk about|Zhang|Liao|ah||because|lost|past tense marker|Wan|City|he|return|to|Hefei|after|particle indicating a completed action||then|very|troubled Now let's talk about Zhang Liao. After losing Wan Cheng, when he returned to Hefei, he felt very troubled. 有 一日 , 曹操 派 人 送 咗 個 木盒 嚟 。 there is|one day|Cao Cao|sent|a person|deliver|past tense marker|measure word|wooden box|here One day, Cao Cao sent someone to deliver a wooden box. 上 便 啊 貼住 曹操 嘅 封條 , 仲寫 住 一行 字話 : 賊 來 乃發 。 on|then|ah|stick to|Cao Cao|possessive particle|seal||continuous aspect particle|a line|saying|thief|come| On it was sealed with Cao Cao's seal, and there was a line of text that said: 'The enemy comes, open it.' 即 係 話 , 敵人 嚟 嘅 時候 呢 就 打開 嚟 睇 啦 噉 。 |||enemy|arrives|possessive particle|time|this|then|open|to|see|particle indicating suggestion or completion|like that This means that when the enemy arrives, open it to take a look. 好 喇 , 呢 一日 張 遼 接到 報告 , 話 孫權 親自 率領 十萬 大軍 嚟 進攻 合肥 。 good|particle indicating completed action|this|one day|Zhang|Liao|received|report|said|Sun Quan|personally|leading|one hundred thousand|army|come|attack|Hefei Alright, on this day, Zhang Liao received a report that Sun Quan personally led an army of one hundred thousand to attack Hefei. 張 遼 諗 住 係 時候 嘞 , 就 打開 個 木盒 一睇 。 ||||it was|time|past tense particle|then|opened|the|wooden box|at a glance Zhang Liao thought it was time, so he opened the wooden box to take a look. 原來 裏 便 有 張 曹操 親筆寫 嘅 命令 。 originally|inside|then|has|Zhang|Cao Cao||possessive particle|order Inside, there was an order personally written by Cao Cao. 點寫 呢 ? 若 孫權至 , 張 、 李二 將軍 出戰 , 樂 將軍 守城 。 how to write|question particle|if||Zhang||general|goes to battle|Le|general|defends the city What did it say? If Sun Quan arrives, Generals Zhang and Li will go into battle, while General Le will defend the city. 張 遼 就 攞 呢 張 命令 畀 李典 同樂 進睇 。 Zhang|Liao|then|take|this|measure word for documents|order|give|Li Dian||advance reading Zhang Liao then took this order to show to Li Dian and Le. 樂進 話 嘞 : 張將軍 你 嘅 意思 點 ? Le Jin|said|past tense marker|General Zhang|you|possessive particle|meaning|how Le Jin said: General Zhang, what do you mean? 張遼話 : 主公 出 咗 外 遠征 , 吳兵 以 為實 打敗 我 㗎 喇 。 Zhang Liao said|Lord|go|past tense marker|outside|expedition|Wu soldiers|||defeat|us|sentence-final particle|past tense marker Zhang Liao said: The Lord has gone out on a distant expedition, and the Wu army thinks they have truly defeated us. 我 認為 應該 帶兵 去 迎敵 , 奮力 戰鬥 挫敗 敵人 嘅 銳氣 , 安定 我軍 嘅 人心 , 噉 然後 合肥 , 就 可以 守得 住 嘞 。 I|think|should|lead troops|to|face the enemy|with all one's might|fight|defeat|enemy|possessive particle|morale|stabilize|our army|possessive particle|morale|then|afterwards|Hefei|then|can|||particle indicating completed action I believe we should lead our troops to meet the enemy, fight vigorously to defeat their morale, stabilize the hearts of our army, and then we can defend Hefei. 李典 平時 同張 遼 唔 啱 橋 嘅 , 聽見 張 遼 噉 講粒聲 唔 出 。 Li Dian|usually||Liao|not|suitable|bridge|possessive particle|heard|Zhang|Liao|like that||not|coming out Li Dian usually doesn't get along with Zhang Liao, and when he heard Zhang Liao say this, he didn't make a sound. 樂 進見 李典 唔 出 聲 佢 就 話 喇 : happy|to meet|Li Dian|not|make|sound|he|then|said|particle indicating completed action Le Jin saw that Li Dian was silent and said: 敵眾 我 寡 難以 迎敵 噃, 不如 堅守 罷啦 。 many enemies|I|few|hard to|face the enemy|particle indicating suggestion|better not to|hold our ground|let's just give up The enemy is numerous and we are few, making it difficult to confront them. It would be better to hold our ground. 張遼話 : 兩位 將軍 都 係 私心 為重 , 唔 顧 公事 。 Zhang Liao said|both|generals|all|are|selfishness|prioritized|||public affairs Zhang Liao said: Both generals are selfish and do not care about public affairs. 好 啦 , 我 自己 出去 迎敵 , 決一死戰 啦 ! |sentence-final particle|||||| Alright, I will go out to confront the enemy myself and fight to the death! 立即 就 吩咐 左右 備馬 。 immediately|then|instructed|attendants|prepare horses He immediately instructed his subordinates to prepare horses. 李典 畀 張 遼 呢種 奮不顧身 嘅 精神 激勵 起 嚟 嘞 佢 話 : Li Dian|to|Zhang|Liao|this kind of|reckless|possessive particle|spirit|inspired|rise|up|past action particle|he|said Li Dian was inspired by Zhang Liao's spirit of reckless bravery and said: 將軍 噉 樣 做 , 我 又 點能 因為 私人 感情 不合 而將 公事 置於腦後 呢 ? general|like this|appearance|do|I|again|how can|because|personal|feelings|incompatible||official business||question particle General, how can I put aside public affairs just because of personal feelings? 我願 聽從 將軍 指揮 ! |to obey|general|command I am willing to follow the General's command! 好極 喇 ! extremely good|particle indicating completed action Very good! 既然 李將軍 肯 協助 我 , 就 請 李將軍 你 喺 聽 日 , 帶 一隊 人馬 喺 逍遙津 以北 埋伏 , 等 吳兵 殺過 嚟 之後 , 就 拆斷 小師橋 。 since|General Lee|is willing|to assist|me|then|please|General Lee|you|at|||bring|a team of|troops|at|Xiaoyao Ferry|north of|ambush|wait|Wu troops|cross over|here|after|then|destroy|Xiaoshi Bridge Since General Li is willing to assist me, I ask General Li to lead a team to ambush north of Xiaoyaojin tomorrow, and when the Wu troops come over, we will destroy the Xiaoshi Bridge. 到 時 , 由 我 同樂 將軍 對 佢 哋 展開 攻擊 。 arrive|time|by|I|Tong Lok|general|against|he|plural marker|launch|attack At that time, General Le and I will launch an attack on them. 李典 接受 咗 命令 , 就 去 做 準備 。 Li Dian|accepted|past tense marker|order|then|go|do|preparation Li Dian accepted the order and went to make preparations. 逍遙津 呢 , 係 喺 安徽省 合肥市 東北角 。 Xiaoyaojin|particle indicating a question|is|at|Anhui Province|Hefei City|northeast corner Xiaoyaojin is located in the northeast corner of Hefei City, Anhui Province. 古時候 , 呢 個 地方 係 淝 水 嘅 渡口 嚟 , 而家 就 已經 冇 咗 喇 。 in ancient times|this|measure word for places|place|was|||possessive particle|ferry crossing|come|now|then|already|has no|past tense marker|particle indicating completed action In ancient times, this place was a ferry crossing on the Fei River, but it no longer exists now. 嗰 笪 地方 呢 就 開闢 咗 做 公園 , 風景 非常 之 美麗 嘅 。 that|car|place|particle|then|developed|past tense marker|as|park|scenery|very|particle|beautiful|particle That area has been developed into a park, and the scenery is very beautiful. 而家 講返 下 孫權 , 佢 就 派 呂蒙 、 甘寧 做 前鋒 , 自己 同凌統 啊 居中 , 其餘 嘅 將官 呢 喺 後 便 陸續 出發 , 就 殺 奔 合肥 而 去 吖 。 now|talk about|next|Sun Quan|he|then|sent|Lu Meng|Gan Ning|as|vanguard|himself||particle|in the center|the rest|possessive particle|generals|particle|at|rear|then|successively|departed|then|rushed|ran|Hefei|and|went|particle Now back to Sun Quan, he sent Lu Meng and Gan Ning as vanguards, while he and Ling Tong stayed in the center, and the other generals set off one after another from the rear, heading towards Hefei. 呂蒙 、 甘寧 嘅 前鋒 部隊 就 撞 正 樂進 帶兵 嚟 迎戰 。 Lu Meng|Gan Ning|possessive particle|vanguard|troops|then|||Le Jin|leading troops|come|to engage in battle Lü Meng and Gan Ning's vanguard troops collided with Le Jin, who came to meet them in battle. 甘寧 就 出馬 同樂 進 交鋒 , 打 咗 幾個 回合 , 樂進 就 詐敗 逃走 嘞 。 Gan Ning|then|came out to fight|Tong Le|Jin|clashed|fought|past tense marker|a few|rounds|Le Jin|then|feigned defeat|ran away|past tense marker Gan Ning stepped up to confront Le Jin, and after a few exchanges, Le Jin pretended to be defeated and fled. 甘寧 招呼 呂蒙 一齊 帶兵 追擊 過去 。 Gan Ning|called|Lu Meng|together|led troops|pursuit|past Gan Ning called for Lü Meng to join him in pursuing. 噉 孫權 喺 第二隊 嚟 㗎 嘛 , 佢 聽聞 前鋒 已經 得勝 嘞 , 就 催促 人馬 跟上去 。 then|Sun Quan|at|second team|come|particle indicating certainty|particle indicating obviousness|he|heard|forward|already|victorious|past tense particle|then|urged|troops|to catch up At this time, Sun Quan was coming with the second team. Upon hearing that the vanguard had already achieved victory, he urged his troops to follow. 當 佢 哋 行 到 逍遙津 嘅 時候 , 忽然間 , 轟轟 轟轟 轟轟 轟轟 , 一陣 連珠炮 響 。 when|they|plural marker|walk|arrive|Xiaoyaojin|possessive particle|time|suddenly|||||a burst of|rapid-fire cannon|sound When they reached Xiaoyaojin, suddenly, there was a loud sound of cannon fire. 左便 , 張遼 一軍殺 嚟 ; 右 便 , 李典 一軍殺 嚟 。 on the left|Zhang Liao||come|||Li Dian||come On the left, Zhang Liao's army is attacking; on the right, Li Dian's army is attacking. 弊晒 中計 喇 ! completely fooled|tricked|particle indicating completed action We've fallen into their trap! 孫權 好 驚 呀 , 急急 派 人 去 叫 呂蒙 、 甘寧 返 轉頭 嚟 救 佢 。 Sun Quan|very|scared|particle|urgently|send|person|to|call|Lu Meng|Gan Ning|return|immediately|come|save|him Sun Quan is very scared, so he hurriedly sends people to call Lu Meng and Gan Ning back to rescue him. 但 係 張 遼 嘅 兵馬 已經 殺到 面前 嘞 。 ||Zhang|Liao|possessive particle|troops|already|killed|in front of|past action particle But Zhang Liao's troops have already arrived in front. 當時 , 凌統 手下 只有 三百 幾個 馬 軍 , 頂 唔 住 曹 軍 嗰 種 排山倒海 之勢 㗎 。 at that time|Ling Tong|subordinates|only|three hundred|a few|cavalry|troops||||Cao|army|that|kind|overwhelming|momentum|particle At that time, Ling Tong only had a little over three hundred cavalry under his command, and he couldn't withstand the overwhelming force of Cao's army. 凌統 大聲 噉 喝 喇 : 主公 你 仲 唔 快 啲 過小師橋 ! Ling Tong|loudly|like that|urging|particle|lord|you|still|not|quickly|more| Ling Tong shouted loudly: "My lord, you still haven't quickly crossed the Little Master Bridge!" 話 猶 未了 , 張遼帶 住 二千 幾馬 軍 當先 殺到 。 saying|still|unresolved||with|two thousand||troops|at the forefront|charged in As the words were not yet finished, Zhang Liao led over two thousand cavalry to charge in. 凌統 啊 即刻 返 轉頭 同 佢 死戰 頂住 。 Ling Tong|ah|immediately|return|turn around|with|him|fight to the death|hold on Ling Tong immediately turned back to fight him to the death. 孫權 縱 馬上 橋 , 嗨 , 死 喇 , 橋 嘅 南 便 嗰 橛 呀 已經 拆斷 咗 成丈 幾闊 , 一片 板 都 唔 剩 , 驚到 孫權 呀 手足無措 。 Sun Quan|to let go|immediately|bridge|hey|die|particle indicating completed action|bridge|possessive particle|south|then|that|post|particle indicating exclamation|already|broken|past tense marker|several zhang (unit of length)|wide|a piece|board|all|not|remaining|scared to the point of|Sun Quan|particle indicating exclamation|at a loss (literally hands and feet without direction) Sun Quan rode across the bridge, and oh no, it's over! The southern part of the bridge has already been broken down to over a foot wide, not a single plank left, leaving Sun Quan in a panic. 佢 手下 有 一名 牙將 叫做 谷利 , 就 大聲 噉 嗌 話 : He|subordinate|has|a|dental general|named|Guli|then|loudly|like this||said One of his subordinates, a general named Gu Li, shouted loudly: 主公 快 啲 勒馬 退後 , 再放 馬向前 , 跳過去 啦 , 快 啲 快 啲 ! Your Excellency|quickly|particle indicating degree|pull the horse|back|||jump over|particle indicating suggestion|||| My lord, quickly rein the horse back, then let the horse go forward, jump over it, quickly, quickly! 一言 就 驚醒 啊 ! one word|then|startled awake|ah Just a word and it wakes you up! 孫權 勒 轉馬 退後 三丈 幾遠 , 然後 一抖 韁繩 , 拂多 兩鞭 , 嗰 隻 馬 𠽤𠽤𡃈𠽤𠽤𡃈𠽤𠽤𡃈, 啪 噉 一 跳 , 凌空 飛過 橋南 , 嘿好 彩數 啊 ! Sun Quan|pulled|turned his horse|retreated|three zhang|how far|then|with a shake|reins|struck twice|two whips|that|measure word for animals|horse|galloping|with a sound|like this|one|jump|in mid-air|flew over|south of the bridge|very good|luck|ah Sun Quan reined the horse back three zhang, quite a distance, then shook the reins, whipped it a couple more times, that horse leaped, and with a bang, it flew over the south of the bridge, what a lucky number! 呢 , 有 詩為證 啊 : this|has||particle Here, there is a poem as evidence: 的盧 當日 跳檀溪 , 又 見 吳侯敗合 淝 。 退後 著鞭 馳駿 騎 , 逍遙津 上 玉龍 飛 。 De Lu|that day|jumped over Tan Creek|again|saw||Fei|retreated|with the whip|galloping steed|rider||on|Jade Dragon|flew On that day, the horse jumped over the Tan Creek, and saw the Wu lord defeated at the Fei. Reining back and whipping, the steed galloped, on the Xiaoyao Ferry, the jade dragon flew. 嗱 噉 孫權 一跳 , 就過 咗 橋南 , 徐盛同 董襲 呢 就 使 船 嚟 接 佢 。 well|then|Sun Quan|one jump||past|south of the bridge||Dong Xip|here|then|used|boat|to come|pick up|him Then, Sun Quan jumped and crossed the southern bridge, while Xu Sheng and Dong Xie came to pick him up with a boat. 噉 嗰 便 凌 統 同 谷 利 就 頂住 張 遼 。 then|that|then|Ling|Tong|with|Gu|Li|then|hold|Zhang|Liao At that time, Ling Tong and Gu Li were holding off Zhang Liao. 當 甘寧 、 呂蒙 帶兵 返 嚟 救 嘅 時候 呢 , 點知 又 畀 李典 截住 大殺 一陣 , 噉 啊 吳兵 損失 咗 成 大半 。 when|Gan Ning|Lu Meng|led the troops|return|here|rescue|possessive particle|time|question particle|unexpectedly|again|by|Li Dian|intercepted|great slaughter|a while|so|ah|Wu soldiers|loss|past tense marker|entire|more than half When Gan Ning and Lu Meng returned with their troops to rescue, unexpectedly, they were intercepted by Li Dian and suffered a great loss, with Wu's troops losing more than half. 凌統 所 率領 嗰 三百 幾個 人 呀 全部 犧牲 。 Ling Tong|the|led|that|three hundred|a few|people|sentence final particle|all|sacrificed All of the more than three hundred men led by Ling Tong were sacrificed. 凌 統 嘅 身上 呢 中 咗 幾槍 , 佢 且戰且退 就 退 到 橋邊 。 Ling|Tung|possessive particle|on his body|question particle|hit|past tense marker|several bullets|he|fighting while retreating|then|retreated|to|the riverside Ling Tong was shot several times and fought while retreating until he reached the edge of the bridge. 橋呢 已經 拆斷 咗 啦 嘛 , 就 唯有 跟 住 河邊 逃跑 。 the bridge|already|broken|past tense marker|sentence final particle|particle indicating obviousness|then|only|||riverside|escape The bridge has already been destroyed, so we can only escape along the riverbank. 孫權 喺 船 上面 見到 , 急忙 叫 董襲 啊 棹 隻 船 過去 接 佢 , 噉 先 至 走 甩身 。 Sun Quan|at|boat|on|saw|hurriedly|called|Dong Xi|particle|row|measure word for boats|boat|over|pick up|him|then|||escape|from danger Sun Quan saw this on the boat and hurriedly called Dong Xi to row the boat over to pick him up, so he could escape. 呂蒙 同 甘寧 啊 都 係 搏 死命 先至 趯 返過 嚟 河南 呢 便 嘅 。 Lu Meng|and|Gan Ning|ah|all|are|fight|desperately|only then|return|back|to|Henan|this|convenient|particle Lü Meng and Gan Ning fought desperately to return to Henan. 嘩 ! 呢 一仗 呀 , 殺到 江南 人人 都 害怕 個個 心驚 。 wow|this|battle|particle|killing to|Jiangnan|everyone|all|afraid|every|scared Wow! In this battle, the killing in Jiangnan made everyone afraid and their hearts trembled. 呢 , 啲 細佬哥 夜晚 唔 聽話 喊 啊 , 一句 話 唔 好 喊 喇 , 張 遼 嚟 喇 ! this|plural marker|younger brother|at night|not|obedient|cry|particle|one sentence|say|||cry|particle|Zhang|Liao|come|particle Hey, those little brothers are not listening and are shouting at night. Just one word: don't shout, Zhang Liao is coming! 硬 蠻 嘅 細 佬 哥 呀 即刻 收聲 啊 , 嘿嘿 你 哋 話 張 遼 厲害 唔 厲害 呢 ? hard|quite|possessive particle|small|guy|brother|particle|immediately|shut up|particle|hehe|you|plural marker|say|Zhang|Liao|impressive|not|impressive|question particle The tough little brother immediately shut up, haha, what do you all think about Zhang Liao, is he powerful or not? 噉 孫權 啊 得 大家 保住 返到 營寨 , 重重 咁 賞賜 凌統 同谷利 。 then|Sun Quan|ah|can|everyone|protect|return to|camp|heavily|so|reward|Ling Tong| So, Sun Quan, as long as everyone can return to the camp, will heavily reward Ling Tong and Gu Li. 跟 住 呢 , 就 收兵 返去 濡須 , 整頓 船隻 , 準備 水陸並進 啊 。 ||question particle|then|withdraw troops|return to|Ruxu|organize|ships|prepare|simultaneous water and land advance|exclamation particle Then, we will gather the troops and return to Ruxu, organize the ships, and prepare for a combined land and water attack. 同時 又 派 人 返去 江南 , 增調 啲 兵馬 嚟 助戰 。 at the same time|also|send|people|back to|Jiangnan|increase the deployment|some|troops|to come|assist in battle At the same time, we will send people back to Jiangnan to increase the number of troops to assist in the battle. 張 遼 佢 聽講 孫權 喺 濡 須 又 試 要 興兵 嚟 攻打 合肥 , 噉 佢 怕 合肥 兵少 難以 抵敵 呀 , 就 急忙 派 人 日夜兼程 , 趕 去 漢中 就 報告 曹操 , 請求 曹操 派 救兵 嚟 。 Zhang|Liao|he|heard|Sun Quan|at|Ru|Xu|again|try|to|raise troops|to|attack|Hefei|then|he|feared|Hefei|few soldiers|difficult to|resist|particle|then|hurriedly|sent|people|day and night|rushed|to|Hanzhong|then|report|Cao Cao|requested|Cao Cao|to send|reinforcements|to Zhang Liao heard that Sun Quan was trying to raise troops to attack Hefei from Ruxu, and he was worried that Hefei would have too few soldiers to resist, so he hurriedly sent someone to report to Cao Cao day and night, requesting reinforcements. 曹操 同 大家 商量 , 問呢 個 時候 , 可 唔 可以 繼續 去 攻打 西川 呢 噉 ? Cao Cao|with|everyone|discuss||measure word|time|can|not|can|continue|to|attack|Xichuan|question particle|like this Cao Cao discussed with everyone and asked if it was possible to continue attacking Xichuan at this time. 劉曄 啊 認為 西川 嘅 形勢 已經 安定 落 嚟 , 亦 有 咗 防備 , 唔 應該 去 打 西川 , 不如 撤兵 返去 救 合肥 為 上 啊 噉 。 Liu Ye|ah|believes|Xichuan|possessive particle|situation|already|stable|down|come|also|has|completed action particle|defense|not|should|go|attack|Xichuan|better not|withdraw troops|return|save|Hefei|for|superior|ah|like this Liu Ye believed that the situation in Xichuan had stabilized, and there were defenses in place, so they should not attack Xichuan. Instead, it would be better to withdraw the troops to save Hefei. 曹操 聽 佢 嘅 , 就 留 夏侯淵 守衛 漢中 定軍山 隘口 , 留張 郃 守衛 蒙頭岩 隘口 等等 。 Cao Cao|heard|he|possessive particle|then|left|Xiahou Yuan|to guard|Hanzhong|Dingjun Mountain|pass||He|to guard|Montou Rock|pass|etc Cao Cao listened to him and left Xiahou Yuan to guard the Hanzhong Dingjun Mountain pass, and left Zhang He to guard the Montou Rock pass, among others. 其餘 嘅 軍馬 就 拔 寨 起程 , 殺 奔濡須 塢 嘞 。 the rest|possessive particle|cavalry|then|pull out|camp|set off|kill|Benu Xu|fort|past tense particle The remaining troops then set out to march towards Ruxu Fort. 孫權 一 接到 消息 , 話 曹操 親自 率領 四十萬 大軍 , 由 漢中 趕 嚟 救 合肥 。 Sun Quan|once|received|news|said|Cao Cao|personally|leading|400000|army|from|Hanzhong|rushing|here|to rescue|Hefei As soon as Sun Quan received the news, he said that Cao Cao personally led an army of 400,000 from Hanzhong to rescue Hefei. 就 同 嗰 班 謀士 計劃 好 , 先派 董襲 、 徐盛 兩個 , 率領 五十隻 大船 喺 濡 須 口 埋伏 。 then|with|that|group|strategists|plan|well||Dong Xie|Xu Sheng|two|lead||large ships|at|||mouth|ambush So, with the plan from those strategists, first send Dong Xie and Xu Sheng to lead fifty large ships to ambush at the mouth of the Ru River. 又 命令 陳 武帶 住 人馬 , 喺 江岸 往來 巡視 警戒 。 again|ordered|Chen||to stay|troops|at|riverbank|to and fro|patrol|guard Also, I ordered Chen Wu to take his troops to patrol and keep watch along the riverbank. 張昭話 喇 : 曹操 呢 次 喺 咁 遠 嚟 到 , 必定 要 挫 一 挫 佢 嘅 銳氣 先至 好 啊 。 Zhang Zhao said|particle indicating finality|Cao Cao|this|time|at|so|far|||definitely|must|suppress|one|suppress|his|possessive particle|arrogance|only then|good|particle indicating suggestion Zhang Zhao said: This time Cao Cao has come from so far, we must first suppress his arrogance. 孫權 就問 啲 武將 話 喇 : 各位 將軍 , 邊個 敢 當先 破敵 , 挫 佢 嘅 銳氣 啊 ? Sun Quan||plural marker|military generals|said|sentence-final particle|everyone|general|who|dares|to be the first|to defeat the enemy|to thwart|their|possessive particle|morale|question particle Sun Quan then asked the generals: Gentlemen, who dares to be the first to break the enemy and suppress his arrogance? 凌統 霎聲 行出 嚟 , 高聲 回答 話 : 我 去 ! Ling Tong|suddenly|walked out|here|loudly|replied|saying|I|go Ling Tong stepped forward and loudly replied: I will go! 你 帶 幾多 人去 呢 ? you|bring|how many||question particle How many people are you bringing? 三千 人就夠 喇 。 three thousand||particle indicating completion or change of state Three thousand is enough. 甘寧 突然 上前 嚟 話 : 我 只要 一百 人馬 就 可以 破敵 嘞 , 何必 三千 呀 ! Gan Ning|suddenly|stepped forward|here|said|I|only need|one hundred|cavalry|then|can|defeat the enemy|past action particle|why bother|three thousand|question particle Gan Ning suddenly stepped forward and said: I only need a hundred troops to defeat the enemy, why three thousand! 你講 咩 嘩 ? |what|wow What are you talking about? 凌統 嬲 到 不得了 , 噉 兩個 當堂 就 喺 孫權 面前 就 嘈起 上 嚟 。 Ling Tong|angry|to|extremely|then|the two|on the spot|immediately|at|Sun Quan|in front of|then|started arguing|up|here Ling Tong was extremely angry, and the two of them started arguing right in front of Sun Quan. 孫權 話 喇 : 唔 好爭 喇 唔 好爭 喇 , 曹 軍人 多勢眾 不能 輕敵 啊 ! Sun Quan|said|particle indicating completed action|not|good at fighting|particle indicating completed action|not|good at fighting|particle indicating completed action|Cao|soldiers||cannot|underestimate the enemy|particle for emphasis Sun Quan said: Don't fight, don't fight, the Cao army has many troops and we cannot underestimate them! 凌 將軍 ! Ling|General General Ling! 在 ! here Here! 你 帶 三千 人馬 出濡須 口 去 偵察 , 遇着 曹 軍 就 同 佢 交戰 啦 。 you|lead|three thousand|troops|out of the mouth of the river|mouth|go|reconnaissance|encounter|Cao|army|then|with|him|engage in battle|particle indicating suggestion or command Take three thousand troops to Ru Xu Kou to scout, and if you encounter the Cao army, engage them in battle. 得 令 ! can|command Understood! 凌統 接受 咗 命令 , 帶住 三千 人馬 就 離開 濡 須塢 。 Ling Tong|accepted|past tense marker|order|leading|three thousand|troops|then|left|| Ling Tong accepted the order and led three thousand troops away from Ru Xu Wu. 呢 一日 , 沙塵 滾滾 , 曹兵 嚟 到 嘞 。 this|day|sand|rolling|Cao soldiers|||past tense marker On this day, dust was rolling, and Cao's troops arrived. 先鋒 張遼同 凌統 交鋒 , 激戰 咗 五十個 回合 不分勝負 。 Vanguard||Ling Tong|clash|fierce battle|past tense marker|fifty|rounds|no winner or loser The vanguard, Zhang Liao, clashed with Ling Tong, and they fought fiercely for fifty rounds without a winner. 孫權 怕 凌統 吃虧 啊 , 就 叫 呂蒙 接應 佢 回 營 。 Sun Quan|feared|Ling Tong|suffer losses|ah|then|ordered|Lu Meng|to assist|him|return|camp Sun Quan was worried that Ling Tong would be at a disadvantage, so he called for Lu Meng to support him back to camp. 甘寧 見到 凌統 返 嚟 , 即刻 就 對 孫權 請求 話 : 今晚 , 我 只 係 帶 一百 人馬 去 劫營 , 如果 損失 一人 一馬 亦 唔 算 得 功勞 ! Gan Ning|saw|Ling Tong|return|here|immediately|then|to|Sun Quan|request|said|tonight|I|only|am|bring|one hundred|troops|to|raid the camp|if|loss|one person|one horse|also|not|count|as|merit Gan Ning saw Ling Tong return and immediately requested Sun Quan, saying: Tonight, I will only take one hundred troops to raid the camp. If I lose even one person or one horse, it won't count as a merit! 孫權 見 甘寧 咁 夠膽唄 , 好 高興 , 應承 撥 手下 一百名 精銳 嘅 馬 軍 畀 佢 。 Sun Quan|saw|Gan Ning|so|daring|very|happy|promised|allocate|subordinates|one hundred|elite|possessive particle|cavalry|troops|to give|him Sun Quan saw Gan Ning being so bold, and was very happy, promising to allocate one hundred elite cavalry from his troops to him. 又 攞 咗 五 十瓶酒 、 五十斤 羊肉 嚟 賞賜 啲 軍士 。 again|take|past tense marker||||mutton|come|reward|plural marker|soldiers He also took fifty bottles of wine and fifty pounds of lamb to reward the soldiers. 甘寧 返到 自己 嘅 營寨 , 叫 嗰 一百 人 都 排排坐 。 Gan Ning|returned to|his own|possessive particle|camp|ordered|that|one hundred|people|all|sit in rows When Gan Ning returned to his camp, he called for those one hundred men to sit in a row. 首先 , 用 隻 銀碗 斟滿 酒 , 自己 咕咕 聲飲 咗 兩 大碗 , 然後 佢 同 大家 話 喇 : first|use|measure word for utensils|silver bowl|fill|wine|oneself|sound of drinking||past tense marker|two|large bowls|then|he|with|everyone|said|sentence-final particle First, he filled a silver bowl with wine, drank two large bowls himself, and then he said to everyone: 今晚 奉命 劫營 , 請 各位 飲勝 一杯 , 努力 向前 啊 ! tonight|on orders|raid the camp|please|everyone|drink to victory|a glass|work hard|forward|ah "Tonight we are ordered to raid the camp, so please raise a glass to celebrate and let’s push forward!" 嗰 班 人 一 聽 , 嘩 ! 嘿嘿 , 乜 一百 人 就 去 劫營 呀 ? that|group|people|one|heard|wow|hee hee|what|one hundred|people|then|go|rob the camp|question particle When those people heard it, they exclaimed, "Wow! Hehe, are a hundred people really going to raid the camp?" 大家 你 望 我 時 我 望 你 唔 敢 出聲 。 everyone|you|look|I|when|I|look|you|not|dare|speak When you look at me and I look at you, no one dares to speak. 甘寧 見到 啲 人 有 啲 怕 噉 樣 喎 , 撐聲 噉 拔出 把 劍 嚟 發火 鬧 啲 人話 : Gan Ning|saw|some|people|have|some|fear|like that|appearance|particle|loudly|like that|drew|measure word|sword|to|get angry|scold|some| Gan Ning saw that the people looked a bit scared, so he drew his sword and angrily shouted at them, saying: 我身 為 上將 都 唔 錫命 , 你 哋 仲怕 乜嘢 啊 ? ||general|also|not|value life||||what|question particle As a general, I don't value my life, what are you afraid of? 大家 見 甘寧 發惡 嘞 , 立即 跪低 叩頭 話 : 願 效死 力 ! 願 效死 力 啊 ! everyone|saw|Gan Ning|act violently|past tense particle|immediately|kneel down|knock their heads on the ground|said|willing|die for|strength|willing|die for|strength|exclamatory particle Seeing Gan Ning getting angry, everyone immediately knelt down and bowed their heads, saying: "We are willing to die for you! We are willing to die for you!" 係 咯 , 甘寧 就 高興 返喇 , 將 啲 酒肉 攞 出 嚟 同 大家 一齊 飲乾食 盡 。 ||Gan Ning|then|happy|returned|to take|some|food and drink|to take|out|here|with|everyone|together|| Yes, Gan Ning was happy and took out the wine and meat to share with everyone, drinking and eating to their heart's content. 到 咗 晚上 二 更 咁 上下 , 甘寧 又 攞 咗 一百條 白 鵝毛 嚟 就 每人 分 一條 , 要 佢 哋 插 喺 頭盔 上面 做 記認 。 arrive|past tense marker|evening|second|watch|so|up and down|Gan Ning|again|take|past tense marker|one hundred|white|goose feathers|come|then|each person|distribute|one|need|they|plural marker|insert|in|helmet|on top|do|identification By around the second watch of the night, Gan Ning took out a hundred white goose feathers and gave one to each person, asking them to stick it on their helmets for identification. 噉 大家 都 着 好 鐵甲 , 裝束 好 喇 , 就 上馬 出發 。 then|everyone|all|wearing|good|armor|attire|very|particle indicating completion|then|get on the horse|depart So everyone was well-equipped in their armor and ready, then mounted their horses and set off. 飛奔 去 到 曹操 營寨 外便 , 拔起 晒 嗰 啲 鹿角 啊 等等 嘅 障礙物 。 rushed|to|arrive|Cao Cao|camp|outside|pulled up|all|those|plural marker|deer antlers|ah|etc|possessive particle|obstacles They galloped to outside Cao Cao's camp, clearing away all the obstacles like deer antlers and so on. 喎 嗬衝 啊 ! 噉 大喊 一聲 就 直 撞入 寨 , 直筆 就 衝去 中軍 殺 曹操 。 oh|rush|ah|then|shout|one time|then|straight|crash into|camp|directly|then|rush to|central army|kill|Cao Cao Wow, charge! With a loud shout, they crashed straight into the camp, heading directly for the central army to kill Cao Cao. 原來 曹操 嘅 中軍 人馬 就 防衛 十分 森嚴 嘅 。 originally|Cao Cao|possessive particle|central army|troops|then|defense|very|strict|possessive particle It turns out that Cao Cao's central army was heavily fortified. 佢 哋 用 啲 車 啊 , 連連 埋 埋 一齊 , 圍到 鐵桶 咁 實 , 就衝 唔 入 嘅 。 They|plural marker|use|measure word for vehicles|cars|sentence final particle|continuously|||together|surrounded by|iron barrel|so|solid||not|enter|past tense marker They used carts, tightly packed together, forming a barrier as solid as an iron barrel, making it impossible to break through. 甘寧 佢 就 唔 衝入 去 喇 , 就 係 噉 帶 住 呢 一百名 馬 軍 , 喺 度 左衝右 突 。 Gan Ning|he|then|not|charge in|to|particle indicating completed action|||like this|||this|one hundred|cavalry|soldiers|at|place|| Gan Ning did not charge in; instead, he led a hundred cavalry, maneuvering left and right. 夜 麻麻 殺到 曹兵 慌 晒 , 都 唔 知 究竟 東吳 有 幾多 人馬 殺 咗 入 嚟 嘅 , 越驚 就 越亂 就 自相驚擾 。 night|somewhat|killed until|Cao soldiers|panic|completely|all|not|know|exactly|Eastern Wu|has|how many|troops|killed|past tense marker|enter|come|possessive particle||then||then|self-inflicted panic At night, the chaos caused the Cao soldiers to panic, not knowing how many troops from Eastern Wu had infiltrated, and the more frightened they became, the more disordered they were, leading to mutual confusion. 甘寧 嗰 一百 馬 軍 呀 , 喺 營寨 之內 縱橫馳騁 , 見到 人 就 殺 , 搞 到 各個 營呀 都 嘈 喧巴閉 亂 到 不堪 。 Gan Ning|that|one hundred|horses|army|particle|at|camp|inside|galloping freely|seeing|people|then|kill||to||||||||unbearable Gan Ning's hundred cavalry were galloping within the camp, killing anyone they saw, causing chaos and uproar in every camp. 甘寧 殺 咗 一輪 , 又 從 營寨 嘅 南門 殺返 出去 , 冇 人敢 攔擋 佢 哋 。 Gan Ning|kill|past tense marker|a round|again|from|camp|possessive particle|south gate|kill back|out|no||stop|he|they Gan Ning killed a round of enemies, then charged out from the south gate of the camp, and no one dared to stop them. 孫權 叫 周泰帶 咗 一支 人馬 嚟 接應 , 噉 甘寧 就 安全 噉 帶 住 一百 馬 軍返 到 去濡須 。 Sun Quan|called||past tense marker|a unit of|cavalry|here|to support|then|Gan Ning|then|safely|then|to bring|to take|one hundred|horses||to|to Ru Xu Sun Quan ordered Zhou Tai to bring a troop to support him, so Gan Ning safely led a hundred cavalry back to Ru Xu. 曹軍因 為 怕 埋伏 唔 敢 去 追 , 死死地 氣就 吃 咗 個 大虧 。 ||afraid|ambush|not|dare|to go|chase|desperately||suffer|past tense marker|classifier|big loss The Cao army, fearing an ambush, did not dare to pursue, and ended up suffering a great loss. 呢 , 有 詩為證 啊 : this|has||particle Here, there is a poem as evidence: 鼙 鼓聲 喧震 地來 , 吳師 到處 鬼神 哀 ! 百翎 直貫 曹家 寨 , 盡說 甘寧 虎將 才 。 |drum sound|resounding|earth comes|Wu army|everywhere|spirits|mourn|hundred feathers|directly pierce|Cao family|stronghold|all say|Gan Ning|tiger general|talent The sound of drums shakes the earth, the Wu army arrives, causing ghosts and gods to mourn! A hundred feathers pierce through the Cao family's camp, all praising Gan Ning's talent as a tiger general. 甘寧 帶住 一百名 馬 軍 回營 , 真 係 一人 一馬 都 冇 損失 到 。 Gan Ning|brought|one hundred|horses|soldiers|back to camp|||one person|one horse|all|not|losses|at Gan Ning returned to the camp with a hundred cavalry, truly without a single person or horse lost. 返到 嚟 營門 , 佢 係 叫 嗰 一百個 人 , 打鼓 吹笛 高呼 萬歲 萬歲 噉 , 歡呼 嘅 聲音 呀 響徹雲霄 。 return|here|camp gate|he|is|called|that|one hundred|people|drumming|flute playing|shouting|long live|long live|like that|cheering|possessive particle|sound|ah| Upon returning to the camp gate, he called those hundred men to beat drums, play flutes, and shout 'Long live, long live!' The sound of their cheers echoed through the skies. 孫權 親自 出 嚟 迎接 。 Sun Quan|personally|come|here|greet Sun Quan personally came out to welcome them. 甘寧 翻身 落馬 , 叩頭 行禮 成個 噉 伏 喺 地 嚟 。 Gan Ning|turned over|fell off his horse|kowtowed|paid respects|completely|like this|lay|at|ground|came Gan Ning dismounted, knelt, and performed a full bow on the ground. 甘寧 就 係 用 咁 深 嘅 禮 啊 嚟 表達 自己 對 孫權 嘅 一片丹心 啊 。 Gan Ning|just|is|using|so|deep|possessive particle|gift|particle|to|express|himself|towards|Sun Quan|possessive particle||particle Gan Ning used such deep respect to express his sincere loyalty to Sun Quan. 孫權 快步 行前 扶 佢 起身 , 拖住 甘寧 嘅 手 話 : Sun Quan|quickly|walked forward|helped|him|get up|holding|Gan Ning|possessive particle|hand|said Sun Quan quickly walked forward to help him up, holding Gan Ning's hand and saying: 將軍 今晚 , 確實 使到 曹操 老賊 驚晒 。 General|tonight|indeed|make|Cao Cao|old thief|completely scared "General, tonight, you really made that old thief Cao Cao scared to death." 唔 係 我 捨得 畀 將軍 你 去 冒險 , 不過 , 係 想 見識 下 將軍 你 嘅 膽量 咋 。 |is||||general|you||||||||||possessive particle|courage|only "It's not that I want to let you take risks, General, but I just want to see your courage." 講完 , 即刻 叫 人 攞 咗 一千匹 絹 、 一百 把 利刀 賜 畀 甘寧 。 finish speaking|immediately|order|someone|take|past tense marker|one thousand bolts|silk|one hundred|measure word for knives|sabers|bestow|to|Gan Ning After saying that, he immediately ordered someone to take a thousand bolts of silk and a hundred fine swords to bestow upon Gan Ning. 甘寧 跪 喺 度 接受 咗 賞賜 , 隨即 呢 , 將 嚟 分賞 畀 嗰 一百 人 。 Gan Ning|knelt|at|place|accepted|past tense marker|reward|immediately|this|will|coming|distribute rewards|to|that|one hundred|people Gan Ning knelt down to accept the reward, and then he would distribute it among those hundred men. 孫權 對 所有 個 將領 好 高興 噉 話 : 曹操 有 張 遼 , 我 有 甘寧 呀 , 完全 可以 打得 過 佢 嘅 ! Sun Quan|to|all|measure word for people|generals|very|happy|like this|said|Cao Cao|has|Zhang|Liao|I|have|Gan Ning|particle|completely|can|||him|possessive particle Sun Quan was very happy and said to all the generals: "Cao Cao has Zhang Liao, I have Gan Ning, we can definitely defeat him!" 第 日 , 張 遼 帶兵 嚟 挑戰 。 the|day|Zhang|Liao||here|challenge The next day, Zhang Liao came to challenge. 凌統 見到 甘寧 已經 立 咗 功 , 自己 都 要 一顯身手 至 得 㗎 。 Ling Tong|saw|Gan Ning|already|establish|past tense marker|merit|himself|also|needs|show his skills|only|succeed|sentence-final particle Ling Tong saw that Gan Ning had already made a contribution, so he also wanted to show his skills. 佢 就 話 : 我願 去 同張 遼 交鋒 啊 。 he|then|said||to go||Liao|duel|ah He said: "I am willing to confront Zhang Liao!" 孫權 批 準 佢 去 , 凌統 就 帶 咗 五千 人馬 出去 迎戰 。 Sun Quan|approve|allow|he|to go|Ling Tong|then|lead|past tense marker|five thousand|troops|out|to engage in battle Sun Quan approved his request, and Ling Tong took five thousand troops out to meet the battle. 孫權 呢 就 帶 埋 甘寧 , 親自 臨陣 觀戰 。 Sun Quan|this|then|||Gan Ning|personally|on the battlefield|observing the battle Sun Quan brought Gan Ning and personally went to the battlefield to watch. 雙方 擺開陣勢 , 張 遼 出馬 , 左有 李典 右 有 樂進 。 both sides||Zhang|Liao|took the field||Li Dian|on the right|had|Yue Jin Both sides set up their formations, with Zhang Liao taking the lead, Li Dian on the left and Le Jin on the right. 凌統 縱 馬提刀 就 出到 陣前 。 Ling Tong|to ride||then|arrived at|the front of the battle Ling Tong rode out with his sword to the front of the formation. 張 遼 叫 樂進 同凌統 打過 。 Zhang|Liao|called|Le Jin||fought Zhang Liao called for Le Jin to fight alongside Ling Tong. 兩個 人鬥到 五十個 回合 , 未 分 勝負 。 two||fifty|rounds|not|determined|winner and loser The two fought for fifty rounds without a clear winner. 曹操 聽 講話 東吳 嗰 便 呀 有 個 年輕 嘅 猛將 , 好好 打 㗎 噉 , 就 親自 騎馬 嚟 到門 旗下 便 睇 下 嘞 。 Cao Cao|heard|talking|Eastern Wu|that|then|particle|has|a|young|possessive particle|fierce general|very well|fight|particle|like that|then|personally|ride a horse|come||under the banner|then|see|down|particle Cao Cao heard that in Eastern Wu there was a young and fierce general who fought very well, so he personally rode over to the gate to take a look. 佢 見到 樂進 同凌統 呀 打 到 㷫 晒 , 哼 , 曹操 就 叫 曹休 放冷箭 噃。 he|saw|Yue Jin||particle|fight|to|lose|completely|humph|Cao Cao|then|ordered|Cao Xiu||particle He saw that Le Jin and Ling Tong were fighting fiercely, and he called Cao Xiu to shoot a hidden arrow. 曹休匿 埋 喺 張 遼 背後 , 開 弓一箭 就 射中 凌 統 嗰 匹 馬 。 Cao Xiu-ni|hidden|at|Zhang|Liao|behind|draw||then|hit|Ling|Tong|that|measure word for horses|horse Cao Xiu hid behind Zhang Liao, drew his bow, and shot an arrow that hit Ling Tong's horse. 嗰 匹 馬 就 痛 到 企 直 身 , 將凌統 拋 跌 喺 地下 嚟 。 that|measure word for horses|horse|then|hurt|to the point of|stand|straight|body||throw|fall|at|ground|come The horse was in so much pain that it stood up straight, throwing Ling Tong to the ground. 樂進 見到 有 機會 啊 連忙 舉起 支槍 就 想 㓤 過去 。 Luo Jin|saw|have|opportunity|ah|hurriedly|raised|his gun|then|wanted|shoot|over Le Jin saw the opportunity and quickly raised his spear, wanting to charge over. 槍 都 未 到唧 , 只 聽見 弓弦 一響 撐 一支 箭 射中 樂進 面門 , 當堂 跌 咗 落馬 。 gun|already|not yet|arrived|only|heard|bowstring||shot|one|arrow|hit|Luo Jin|face|on the spot|fell|past tense marker|off the horse The gun hasn't even fired yet, but I only heard the bowstring snap as an arrow struck Le Jin in the face, causing him to fall off his horse. 嗬 噉 兩 便 嘅 兵卒 一齊 湧出 嚟 , 各人 救返 自己 嘅 將軍 回營 , 就 打鑼 收兵 。 hey|like that|two|then|possessive particle|soldiers|together|rushed out|here|everyone|rescued|their own|possessive particle|general|returned to camp|then|beat the drum|called back the troops Then the soldiers from both sides rushed out together, each one rescuing their own general back to camp, and they beat the gong to call off the troops. 曹操 見到 樂進 中 箭 受傷 , 就 叫 佢 休息 醫治 呢 啲 不在話下 啦 。 Cao Cao|saw|Yue Jin|hit|arrow|injured|then|told|him|rest|treat|||not to mention|particle Cao Cao saw that Le Jin was injured by the arrow, so he told him to rest and treat his wounds, and that was that. 凌統 啊 險 死 還生 , 返到 去 就 拜謝 孫權 嘞 。 Ling Tong|ah|dangerously|die|still alive|return|home|then|thank|Sun Quan|past tense particle Ling Tong narrowly escaped death and, upon returning, expressed his gratitude to Sun Quan. 孫權 話 : 先頭 射箭 救 你 嘅 , 係 甘寧 啊 。 Sun Quan|said|first|shot an arrow|saved|you|possessive particle|is|Gan Ning|ah Sun Quan said: 'The one who shot the arrow to save you was Gan Ning.' 嗨 呀 , 凌統 啪 聲 跪 喺 甘寧 面前 , 叩個 響頭 話 : 冇 想到 將軍 能夠 噉 樣 施恩 於 我 啊 ! hi|particle|Ling Tong|sound|sound|kneel|at|Gan Ning|in front of||head|said|not|thought|general|able to|like this|way|show kindness|to|me|particle Hi, Ling Tong knelt in front of Gan Ning with a bang, bowed his head and said: "I didn't expect the general to show such kindness to me!" 從此 之後 , 凌統 同 甘寧 不但 再 冇 話 互相 仇口 啊 , 仲結 為 生死之交 添 啊 。 from then on|after|Ling Tong|and|Gan Ning|not only|again|have|talk|mutually|enmity|particle||as|sworn brothers|added|particle From then on, Ling Tong and Gan Ning not only stopped exchanging insults, but also became sworn brothers. 第 日 , 曹操 分 兵 五路 嚟 攻打 濡須 。 the|day|Cao Cao|divided|troops|five routes|to|attack|Ruxu The next day, Cao Cao divided his troops into five routes to attack Ruxu. 曹操 親自 率領 中路 ; 左邊 一路張 遼 , 二路 李典 ; Cao Cao|personally|led|center road|left||Liao|second unit| Cao Cao personally led the central route; on the left side, there was Zhang Liao on one route and Li Dian on the second route; 右邊 一路 徐晃 啊 二路 龐德 。 right|all the way|Xu Huang|ah|second road|Pang De on the right side, there was Xu Huang on one route and Pang De on the second route. 每路 都 各帶 一萬 人馬 , 就 殺 奔 江邊 而 嚟 。 each route|all|carry|ten thousand|troops|then|rush|run|riverside|and|come Each route brought along ten thousand troops, and they rushed to the riverside. 當時 董襲 同 徐盛 兩個 人 呢 , 正 喺 隻 大戰 船上 便 。 at that time|Dong Xie|and|Xu Sheng|two|people|question particle|just|at|measure word for ships|great battle|on the ship|then At that time, Dong Xi and Xu Sheng were on a large warship. 當 曹操 五路 軍馬 殺 到 嘅 時候 , 嘩 嗨 ! 睇 見 自己 東吳 嘅 軍士 個個 都 有 啲 面青 噉 。 when|Cao Cao|five routes|cavalry|kill|arrive|possessive particle|time|wow|exclamation|||own|Eastern Wu|possessive particle|soldiers|everyone|all|have|a little|pale|like that When Cao Cao's five armies arrived, wow! I saw that the soldiers of Eastern Wu all looked a bit pale. 徐盛 就 話 喇 : 食君 之祿 , 忠君 之憂 , 怕 乜嘢 啊 ! Xu Sheng|then|said|particle indicating completed action|||loyal to the ruler||fear|what|particle indicating exclamation Xu Sheng then said: "Eating the king's salary, worrying for the king, what is there to be afraid of!" 即刻 帶 咗 幾百名 勇士 , 坐 小船 爬 到 去 岸邊 登陸 , 直 殺入 李 典 嗰 支 軍隊 裏頭 。 immediately|brought|past tense marker|several hundred|warriors|boarded|small boat|rowed|to|go|shore|landed|straight|killed into|Li|Dian|that|measure word for troops|army|inside Immediately, he took a few hundred brave warriors, boarded small boats, and climbed ashore to attack directly into Li Dian's army. 董襲 就 留 喺 大戰 船上 便 , 叫 啲 軍士 出力 噉 擂鼓 吶喊助威 。 Dong Xip|then|stay|at|great battle|on the ship|immediately|called|the|soldiers|exert effort|like that|beat the drum| Dong Xie stayed on the warship and called the soldiers to exert themselves in beating drums and shouting to cheer. 忽然間 , 江面 上 狂風 大作 白浪滔天 , 嗰 隻 大 戰船 呀 畀 啲 大浪 𢫏 到 左搖右 岌 。 suddenly|river surface|on|strong wind|arose||that|measure word for boats|big|warship|particle|by|some|big waves|hit|to|| Suddenly, a fierce wind arose on the river, and the white waves surged, causing the large warship to sway left and right. 嘩 嗨 , 弊喇弊 喇 啲 軍士 見到 隻 船 就 沉 噉 樣咯 , 爭住 跳 落 喺 船尾 拖住 個艇 仔想 逃命 噃。 wow|hi|||plural marker|soldiers|saw|measure word for boats|boat|then|sink|like that|appearance|competing|jump|down|at|stern|dragging|||escape|particle indicating suggestion Wow, the soldiers saw the ship and looked like they were going to sink, scrambling to jump to the stern to drag the boat and try to escape. 董襲 拔出 把 劍 , 大聲 噉 喝 佢 哋 : Dong Xi|drew|measure word for swords|sword|loudly|like that|scolded|he|plural marker Dong Xie drew his sword and shouted at them: 我 哋 接受 主公 嘅 命令 喺 呢 處 防範 敵兵 , 點 能夠 拋棄 戰船 逃跑 㗎 ? ||accept|lord|possessive particle|order|at|this|place|prevent|enemy|how|able to|abandon|warship|escape|question particle We have received the lord's orders to defend against the enemy here, how can we abandon the warship and flee? 即刻 就 斬 咗 十幾個 跳落 艇 嘅 軍士 。 immediately|then|killed|past tense marker|more than ten|jumped onto|boat|possessive particle|soldiers Immediately, more than a dozen soldiers jumped onto the boat. 哎呀 過 咗 冇 幾耐 , 啊 一浸 狂風 卷過 , 成 隻 大 戰船 呀 吹 到 翻轉 咗 。 oh no|passed|past tense marker|not|long|ah|suddenly|strong wind|swept over|whole|measure word for ships|big|warship|particle|blown|to|flipped|past tense marker Oh no, not long after, a sudden storm swept through, and the entire warship was blown over. 董襲 跌 咗 落水 , 不幸 呢 , 就 喺 江口 浸死 嘞 。 Dong Xi|fell|past tense marker|into the water|unfortunately|question particle|then|at|river mouth|drowned|past action marker Dong Xi fell into the water, unfortunately, he drowned at the river mouth. 呢 個 時候 , 徐盛 正 喺 李 典 嘅 軍隊 裏頭 往來 衝殺 。 this|measure word|time|Xu Sheng|right now|at|||possessive particle|army|inside|back and forth|fighting At this time, Xu Sheng was in the army of Li Dian, fighting fiercely. 陳 武 本來 喺 江邊 巡邏 㗎 , 聽講 正 發生 戰鬥 就 喇 喇 聲帶 一隊 人馬 嚟 。 Chan|martial|originally|at|riverside|patrol|particle|heard|just|happening|battle|then|||led|a group of|soldiers|came Chen Wu was originally patrolling by the river, and upon hearing that a battle was happening, he quickly led a group of troops over. 啱 啱 撞 着 龐德 , 於是 就 混戰 起 嚟 嘞 。 ||||Pang De|so|then|melee|||particle indicating completed action Just bumped into Pang De, so a chaotic battle broke out. 孫權 係 坐 陣濡須 塢 㗎 , 聽聞 曹兵 殺 到 嚟 江邊 唄 , 親自 同周泰 帶兵 出去 助戰 。 Sun Quan|is|stationed||fort|particle|hearing|Cao's troops|kill|arrive|at|riverside|particle|personally|||go out|assist in battle Sun Quan was stationed at Ru Xu Fort, and upon hearing that Cao's troops were killing their way to the riverbank, he personally led Zhou Tai to assist in the battle. 見到 徐盛 呀 , 喺 李 典 嘅 軍隊 裏頭 打 埋 一 嚿 僂 非常 之 激烈 。 saw|Xu Sheng|particle|in|||possessive particle|army|inside|fight|together|one|piece|low|very|particle|intense Seeing Xu Sheng, the fighting within Li Dian's army was extremely intense. 孫權 就 即刻 指揮 隊伍 殺入 去 接應 , 哈 , 點知 又 畀 張 遼 、 徐晃 兩支 軍隊 , 困住 喺 中間 。 Sun Quan|then|immediately|commanded|troops|charged in|to|support|ha|little did he know|again|be|Zhang|Liao|Xu Huang|two|armies|trapped|in|the middle Sun Quan immediately commanded his troops to charge in for support, but unexpectedly, he was trapped in the middle by the two armies of Zhang Liao and Xu Huang. 曹操 騎馬 喺 高 頂 望見 孫權 被困 唄 , 哈得法 喇 , 急忙 命令 許褚 衝殺 入去 , 將 孫權 嘅 隊伍 衝開 兩 橛 , 使 到 佢 哋 頭尾 不能 呼應 。 Cao Cao|riding a horse|at|high|peak|saw|Sun Quan|trapped|particle indicating a completed action|had to|particle indicating a completed action|hurriedly|ordered|Xu Chu|to charge and kill|inside|to separate|Sun Quan|possessive particle|troops|to break through|two|segments|||they|plural marker|front and back|cannot|coordinate Cao Cao, riding on horseback at a high vantage point, saw that Sun Quan was trapped, and quickly ordered Xu Chu to charge in and break through Sun Quan's forces, causing them to be unable to communicate effectively. 哼 危險 喇 ! hum|dangerous|particle indicating completed action Hmph, it's dangerous! 周泰 就 搏 命 喺 亂軍 之中 殺出 嚟 , 行到 江邊 , 弊 ! 唔 見 咗 孫權 , 不得了 ! Zhou Tai|then|||in|chaotic army|within|fight his way out|here|walked to|riverside|oh no|||past tense marker|Sun Quan|not good Zhou Tai fought for his life amidst the chaos of the army, and when he reached the riverbank, oh no! He couldn't see Sun Quan, it was terrible! 又 勒 轉馬 頭 , 又 殺 返入 去 陣 裏 便 。 again|pull|turn horse|head||charge||go|formation|inside|then He turned his horse around and charged back into the formation. 見到 東吳 嘅 兵士 就問 嘞 : 主公 喺 邊度 嚟 啊 ? saw|Eastern Wu|possessive particle|soldier||past tense particle|lord|at|where|come|question particle Seeing the soldiers of Eastern Wu, he asked: Where is the lord? 有個 兵 指住 兵馬 重重疊疊 最 厚 嗰 度 話 : 主公 啊 畀 敵人 圍到 實實 啊 好 危險 啊 。 there is a|soldier|pointing at|army|stacked heavily|most|thick|that|place|said|lord|ah|by|enemy|surrounded|really|ah|very|dangerous|ah A soldier pointed to the heavily guarded area and said: The lord is surrounded by the enemy, it's really dangerous! 周泰 唔 要命 噉 殺入 重圍 , 終於 又 搵 到 孫權 。 Zhou Tai|not|life-threatening|like this|break into|encirclement|finally|again|find|to|Sun Quan Zhou Tai didn't want to die like this, so he fought his way back into the encirclement and finally found Sun Quan again. 周泰話 喇 : 主公 , 你 跟 住 我 殺出去 啦 ! |particle indicating action|lord|you|||I|kill your way out|particle indicating urgency Zhou Tai said: "My lord, follow me and let's fight our way out!" 於是 周泰 在 前 孫權 在 後 , 奮勇 衝殺 。 then|Zhou Tai|at|front|Sun Quan|at|back|valiantly|charged and fought So, Zhou Tai was in front and Sun Quan was behind, bravely charging forward. 噉 周泰 又 衝到 去 江邊 嘞 , 擰 轉頭 一望 , 吖 弊 ! 又 試 唔 見 咗 孫權 。 then|Zhou Tai|again|rushed to|go|riverside|past tense particle||head|one glance|ah|bad|again|tried|not|see|past tense particle|Sun Quan Then Zhou Tai charged to the riverbank, turned his head to look, and oh no! He couldn't see Sun Quan again. 周泰 諗 都 冇 諗 啊 , 一 轉身 又試 殺入 重圍 , 哈 咁 好彩 , 又 畀 佢 搵 到 孫權 喎 。 Zhou Tai|think|all|not|thought|ah|one|turn around||break into|encirclement|ha|so|lucky|again|let|him|find|to|Sun Quan|particle indicating realization Zhou Tai didn't think twice, turned around, and tried to fight his way back into the encirclement, and luckily, he found Sun Quan again. 孫權 話 喇 : 啊 啊 , 敵人 啲 箭 啊 猛 咁 射 , 衝唔 出去 喎 , 點算 好 啊 ? Sun Quan|said|particle indicating completed action|ah|ah||||ah||||||||| Sun Quan said: "Ah, ah, the enemy's arrows are shooting fiercely, we can't charge out, what should we do?" 周泰話 喇 : 呢 次 主公 你 在 前 我 在 後 , 一定 衝得 出去 嘅 ! |particle indicating certainty|this|time|lord|you|at|front|I|at|back|definitely|can charge|out|particle indicating certainty Zhou Tai replied: "This time, my lord, you are in front and I am behind, we will definitely be able to charge out!" 好 啦 , 孫權 出力 一鞭 , 縱馬 就 向前 跑 。 ||Sun Quan|exerted effort|with a whip|spurred his horse|then|forward|ran Alright, Sun Quan exerted force with his whip and galloped forward. 周泰 左 攔右 擋 保護 住 孫權 。 Zhou Tai|left||stop|protect|live|Sun Quan Zhou Tai blocked left and right to protect Sun Quan. 但 係 佢 自己 個身 啊 , 捱 咗 幾槍 , 又 中 咗 幾箭連 鐵甲 都 射穿 。 ||he|himself|body|ah|endure|past tense marker|several bullets|again|hit|past tense marker||armor|also|pierced But he himself was hit by several spears and also got shot by several arrows, piercing through his armor. 終歸 呢 , 就 救 咗 孫權 出去 。 ultimately|particle indicating a question|then|saved|past tense marker|Sun Quan|go out In the end, they saved Sun Quan. 佢 哋 嚟 到 江邊 , 呂蒙 率領 一支 水軍 嚟 到 接應 。 They|plural marker|||riverside|Lu Meng|led|a unit of|navy|||to assist When they arrived at the riverbank, Lu Meng led a naval force to assist. 孫權 落 咗 船 唞 過啖 氣 , 佢 話 喇 : 哎 , 我 好彩 得到 周泰 三次 反覆 衝殺 , 救 我 出 咗 重圍 。 Sun Quan|get|past tense marker|boat|take a break|too much|breath|he|said|sentence-final particle|sigh|I|fortunately|received|Zhou Tai|three times|repeatedly|charged|saved|me|out|past tense marker|encirclement After Sun Quan got off the ship and caught his breath, he said: "Ah, I am lucky to have Zhou Tai charge at me three times, saving me from the encirclement." 但 係 , 徐盛仲 畀 敵人 圍住 噃, 點至 得 佢 甩 身 呢 ? ||Xu Shengzhong|was|enemy|surrounded|particle|how could|get|he|||question particle However, Xu Sheng is surrounded by the enemy, how can he escape? 周泰話 : 我 再 去 救 佢 ! |I|again|go|save|him Zhou Tai said: "I will go save him again!" 周泰 挺起 槍 又 試搏命 殺入 重圍 之中 , 就 救 咗 徐盛出 嚟 。 Zhou Tai|raised|gun|again|tried to fight for his life|charged into|encirclement|within|then|saved|past tense marker||came Zhou Tai raised his gun and tried to fight his way into the encirclement, rescuing Xu Sheng in the process. 哎呀 佢 兩個 呀 , 都負 咗 重傷 啊 。 oh no|he|both|particle||past tense marker|serious injuries|particle Oh no, both of them are seriously injured. 呂蒙 叫 啲 兵亂 箭 嚟 射住 岸上 嘅 曹 軍 , 掩護 住 周泰 、 徐盛 兩個 落船 。 Lu Meng|ordered|some||arrows|to come|shoot at|on the shore|possessive particle|Cao|army|cover|continuous aspect particle|Zhou Tai|Xu Sheng|two|board the boat Lü Meng ordered the soldiers to shoot arrows at Cao's army on the shore, covering Zhou Tai and Xu Sheng as they boarded the ship. 而家 講返 下陳武 , 佢 同 龐德 大戰 一場 。 now|talk about|Chan Wu|he|with|Pang De|had a great battle|one match Now let's talk about Chen Wu, who had a fierce battle with Pang De. 結果 因為 後 便 冇 兵 嚟 接應 , 唔 夠 龐德 打 , 就 畀 龐德 將 佢 一直 趕到 一個 山谷 嗰 度 。 as a result|because|later|then|didn't have|soldiers|come|to support|not|enough|Pang De|fight|then|let|Pang De|to|him|continuously|chase to|a|valley|that|place As a result, because there were no troops to support him from behind, he couldn't hold off Pang De and was driven into a valley. 呢 笪 地方 呢 就 好多 樹木 嘅 , 陳 武 正話 想 回身 同 龐德 交戰 , 一下 唔 覺意 , 畀 啲 樹枝 勾實 衫袖 窒 咗 一 窒 , 哈 , 噉 就 輸 晒 啦 , 畀 龐德 趁勢 就 殺死 咗 。 this|car|place|this|then|many|trees|possessive particle|Chan|martial||wanted|turn around|with|Bond|fight|suddenly|not|aware|by|some|branches|caught|sleeve|choked|past tense marker|one|choke|ha|then|just|lose|completely|final particle|by|Bond|taking advantage|then|killed|past tense marker This place has a lot of trees. Chen Wu was saying he wanted to turn around and fight Pang De, but suddenly, he got his sleeve caught on some branches and was stuck for a moment. Ha, that’s how he lost, and Pang De took the opportunity to kill him. 曹操 見 孫權 走 甩身 嘞 , 即刻 指揮 軍隊 , 飛快 趕到 去 江邊 用 弓箭 同 吳兵 對射 。 Cao Cao|saw|Sun Quan|run|escape|past tense particle|immediately|commanded|army|quickly|arrived|at|the riverbank|using|bow and arrow|with|Wu soldiers|exchanged fire Cao Cao saw Sun Quan slip away and immediately commanded his troops to quickly rush to the riverbank to shoot arrows at the Wu soldiers. 弊 喇 , 呂蒙 嘅 軍隊 射晒 啲 箭 添 。 bad|particle indicating completed action|Lu Meng|possessive particle|army|shot all|plural marker|arrows|also Oh no, Lu Meng's army has shot all their arrows. 正在 驚慌 危急 嘅 時候 , 有隊 戰船 由 對岸 駛到 嚟 。 at that moment|panic|urgent|possessive particle|time||warship|from|opposite shore||here Just when they were in a panic and in danger, a fleet of warships came sailing from the opposite shore. 為首 一員大將 , 乃 係 孫策 嘅 女婿 陸遜 啊 。 leading||is|is|Sun Ce|possessive particle|son-in-law|Lu Xun|sentence-final particle The leading general was none other than Sun Ce's son-in-law, Lu Xun. 佢 率領 住 十萬 大軍 嚟 到 助戰 , 一陣 亂箭 就 射 退 咗 曹兵 。 He|led|continuous aspect marker|one hundred thousand|army|||to assist in battle|a flurry of|stray arrows|then|||past tense marker|Cao's soldiers He led a hundred thousand troops to assist in the battle, and a flurry of arrows drove back Cao's soldiers. 即刻 呀 趁勢 登陸 , 追殺 過去 , 殺死 殺傷 曹兵 唔 少人 , 大敗 逃跑 。 immediately|particle|take advantage of the situation|land|pursue and kill|past|kill|injure|Cao soldiers|not|few people|great defeat|escape Immediately, they took the opportunity to land, chase after them, and killed many of Cao's soldiers, resulting in a great defeat and retreat. 噉 吳兵 呢 , 仲搶 返 幾千 匹 戰馬 。 then|Wu soldiers|question particle||back|several thousand|measure word for horses|war horses As for Wu's troops, they also captured several thousand warhorses. 收兵 嘅 時候 , 喺 戰場 上 先 至 搵 到 陳 武 嘅 屍首 。 retreat|possessive particle|time|at|battlefield|on|||||||possessive particle|corpse When they called back the troops, they only found Chen Wu's corpse on the battlefield. 孫權 知道 陳 武 陣亡 , 董襲 又 浸 死 咗 非常 哀痛 。 Sun Quan|knew|Chen|Wu|died in battle|Dong Xi|again|drowned|die|past tense marker|very|grief Sun Quan was very saddened to learn that Chen Wu had died in battle, and that Dong Xi had also drowned. 派 人 去 江口 昧 水 就 搵 返 董 襲 嘅 屍體 , 就 同 陳 武 嘅 屍體 一齊 , 隆重 噉 安葬 好 。 send|people|to|river mouth|drown|water|then|find|back|Dong|Xi|possessive particle|corpse|then|together|Chen|Wu|possessive particle|corpse|together|grandly|like this|bury|well Send people to Jiangkou to retrieve Dong Xie's body, and then bury it together with Chen Wu's body in a grand manner. 孫權 十分 感激 周泰 救 佢 嘅 功勞 。 Sun Quan|very|grateful|Zhou Tai|saved|him|possessive particle|contribution Sun Quan was very grateful for Zhou Tai's contribution in saving him. 嗰 日 , 專門 擺酒 嚟 款待 佢 。 that|day|specifically|hold a banquet|to|entertain|him That day, a banquet was specially held to treat him. 孫權 親自 同 佢 敬酒 , 淚流滿面 摸 住 周 泰 嘅 背脊 話 : Sun Quan|personally|with|him|toast|tears streaming down his face|pat|on|||possessive particle|back|said Sun Quan personally toasted him, tears streaming down his face as he touched Zhou Tai's back and said: 你 自己 條命 都 唔 顧 , 兩次 救 我 , 中 咗 幾十 槍 , 周身 都 花 晒 。 you|yourself|life|also|not|care|twice|save|me|hit|past tense marker|dozens of|bullets|whole body|all|wounded|completely You didn't even care for your own life, saving me twice, getting hit by dozens of arrows, your whole body is covered in wounds. 哎 , 我點 能夠 唔 將你 當做 自己 嘅 親骨肉 , 我點 能夠 唔 依靠 你 啊 周 將軍 ! ah||can|not||as|myself|possessive particle|flesh and blood||can|not|rely on|you|ah|Zhou|general Ah, how can I not treat you as my own flesh and blood? How can I not rely on you, General Zhou! 愛卿 啊 ! 你 係 我 嘅 大 功臣 。 my beloved minister|ah|you|are|I|possessive particle|great|benefactor My dear minister! You are my great contributor. 我 永遠 要同 你 有福同享 , 有禍 同當 啊 ! I|forever||you|share blessings|||ah I will always share blessings and misfortunes with you! 講完 , 孫權 仲叫 周泰 解開 件 衫 , 畀 啲 傷痕 過 大家 睇 下 。 after speaking|Sun Quan||Zhou Tai|to unbutton|measure word for clothing|shirt|to let|some|scars|to show|everyone|to see|particle indicating action completion After saying that, Sun Quan asked Zhou Tai to take off his shirt to show everyone his scars. 嘩 ! 只見 周 泰 嘅 全身 皮肉 , 直情 寸寸 都 好似 畀 刀 挖過 噉 嘅 。 wow|only saw|||possessive particle|whole body|skin and flesh|simply|inch by inch|all|seemed|by|knife|dug|like|particle indicating past action Wow! Zhou Tai's entire body was covered in scars, it looked as if every inch had been carved by a knife. 孫權 逐個 傷痕 逐個 傷痕 噉 指住 嚟 問周泰 。 Sun Quan|one by one|scar|||like this|pointing at|coming| Sun Quan pointed at each scar one by one and asked Zhou Tai. 周泰 呢 就將 戰鬥 嘅 時候 點樣 點樣 受傷 , 就 講返 畀 孫權 聽 。 Zhou Tai|this||battle|possessive particle|time|how||injured|then|tell back|to|Sun Quan|hear Zhou Tai then recounted how he was injured during the battles to Sun Quan. 一個 傷痕 孫權 就 敬 佢 飲 一大 杯酒 , 哈哈 當日 呀 , 周泰 飲到 酩酊大醉 嘞 。 a|scar|Sun Quan|then|offered|him|to drink|a big|cup of wine|haha|that day|particle|Zhou Tai|drank until|completely drunk|past tense particle For each scar, Sun Quan made him drink a large cup of wine, and on that day, Zhou Tai got completely drunk. 孫權 將 自己 嘅 青羅 傘賜 畀 周泰 , 一出 一入 都 同 佢 打 起 羅 傘 嚟 , 嚟 表彰 佢 嘅 偉大 功勳 。 Sun Quan|will|himself|possessive particle|green silk||to|Zhou Tai|||all|with|him|strike|up|silk|umbrella|in order to||commend|his|possessive particle|great|merit Sun Quan bestowed his own green silk umbrella to Zhou Tai, and they fought together with the umbrella to honor his great achievements. 哎 所以 呢 , 遇着 個 咁 好 嘅 統帥 呀 , 三軍 將士 有 乜 辦法 唔 搏命 至 得 㗎 ? ah|so|question particle|encountering|the|so|good|possessive particle|commander|exclamatory particle|three armies|soldiers|have|what|method|not|fight to the death|only|able|question particle So, with such a great commander, how could the soldiers not fight with all their might? 孫權 喺 濡 須 , 噉 啊 同 曹操 相持 咗 個 幾月 , 唔 能夠 取勝 。 Sun Quan|at|||then|ah|with|Cao Cao|stalemate|past tense marker|a|few months|not|able to|achieve victory Sun Quan was at Ru Xu, and he had been in a stalemate with Cao Cao for several months, unable to achieve victory. 張昭 、 顧雍 呢 , 就 向 孫權 建議 話 : 曹操 軍勢 強大 , 唔 應該 同 佢 硬拼 啊 。 Zhang Zhao|Gu Yong|question particle|then|to|Sun Quan|suggested|saying|Cao Cao|military strength|strong|not|should|with|him|fight head-on|particle Zhang Zhao and Gu Yong then suggested to Sun Quan: Cao Cao's military strength is formidable, and we should not confront him head-on. 若果 同 佢 長期 噉 打落 去 , 我 哋 嘅 兵力 損失 就 大 喇 。 if|with|he|long-term|like this|||||possessive particle|military strength|loss|then|significant|particle indicating change of state If we continue to fight him for a long time, our troop losses will be significant. 仲 係 , 向 佢 求和 安民 為 上 啊 主公 。 ||||seek peace|pacify the people|for|above|ah|lord Moreover, it would be better to seek peace and stabilize the people, my lord. 孫權 接受 咗 佢 哋 嘅 意見 , 派步 騭 去 見 曹操 求和 , 就 應承 年 年 進貢 噉 。 Sun Quan|accepted|past tense marker|he|plural marker|possessive particle|advice|send a messenger|Zhi (name)|to|meet|Cao Cao|seek peace|then|promised|year||tribute|like this Sun Quan accepted their advice and sent Bu Zhi to meet Cao Cao to seek peace, agreeing to pay tribute every year. 曹操 呢 , 亦 考慮 到 江南 呢 笪 地區 啊 就 唔 係 咁 容易 征服 嘅 , 就 同意 咗 孫權 嘅 請求 。 Cao Cao|question particle|also|considered|to|Jiangnan|question particle|a surname|region|ah|then|not|is|so|easy|conquer|possessive particle|then|agreed|past tense marker|Sun Quan|possessive particle|request Cao Cao also considered that the Jiangnan area was not so easy to conquer, so he agreed to Sun Quan's request. 只 係 提出 一個 條件 , 要 孫權 撤退 人馬 先 , 然後 自己 先至 班師 。 ||propose|one|condition|requires|Sun Quan|retreat|troops|first|then|he himself|only then|return home He only proposed one condition, that Sun Quan must withdraw his troops first, and then he would return. 噉 孫權 只 係 留低 蔣欽同 周泰守 衛濡須 口 , 其餘 嘅 全部 軍隊 啊 , 都 坐船 返去 秣 陵 嘞 , 呢 啲 呢 就 放落 唔 講 佢 喇 。 then|Sun Quan|only|is|left|||Wei Ru Xu|pass|the rest|possessive particle|all|troops|ah|all|took a boat|returned to|||past action particle|this|plural particle|this|then|put down|not|mention|him|particle indicating completed action So Sun Quan only left Jiang Qin and Zhou Tai to guard the Wei Ru Su Kou, while the rest of the army all took boats back to Mei Ling, and these details are not worth mentioning. 曹操 留低 曹仁 、 張 遼 鎮守 合肥 , 然後 就 班師 返去 許昌 。 Cao Cao|left behind|Cao Ren|Zhang|Liao|garrisoned|Hefei|then|just|withdrew|returned to|Xuchang Cao Cao left Cao Ren and Zhang Liao to defend Hefei, and then returned to Xuchang. 呢 個 時候 呢 , 嗰 班 文武 官員 又試 舊事重提 咯 喎 , 又 準備 請求 皇帝 封 曹操 做 魏王 嘞 。 this|measure word|time|particle|that|group|civil and military|officials||to bring up old matters|particle|particle|again|prepare|request|emperor|confer|Cao Cao|make|King of Wei|particle At this time, those civil and military officials tried to bring up old matters again, and were preparing to request the emperor to confer the title of King of Wei to Cao Cao. 尚書 崔琰 啊 硬 係 唔 贊成 , 就 得罪 咗 曹操 , 結果 呢 , 又 畀 曹操 拉 咗 佢 坐監 , 收尾 仲 喺 監獄 裏頭 打死 咗 佢 添 。 Minister of Works|Cui Yan|ah|stubbornly|is|not|agree|then|offend|past tense marker|Cao Cao|result|this|again|by||arrest|past tense marker|him|imprisonment|ending|still|in|prison|inside|kill|past tense marker|him|also The Minister of Works, Cui Yan, was firmly against it, which offended Cao Cao. As a result, he was imprisoned by Cao Cao, and ultimately, he was killed in prison. 到 咗 建安 二十一年 五月 , 即 係 曹操 六十二歲 嗰 年 喇 , 朝 上 嘅 文武 大臣 , 聯名 向 皇帝 上 咗 份 表章 , 頌揚 曹操 嘅 功德 , 又 應該 加官進爵 為 王 。 arrive|past tense marker|Jian'an|21st year|May|||Cao Cao|62 years old|that|year|sentence-final particle|court|above|possessive particle|civil and military|officials|jointly|to|emperor|submit|past tense marker|measure word for documents|memorial|praise|Cao Cao|possessive particle|merits|also|should|promote and confer nobility|as|king In May of the twenty-first year of Jian'an, which was the year Cao Cao turned sixty-two, the civil and military officials of the court jointly submitted a memorial to the emperor, praising Cao Cao's merits and suggesting that he should be promoted to the rank of king. 獻帝 就 命令 鍾繇 寫 一篇 詔書 , 就 係 聖旨 喇 , 封 曹操 做 魏王 。 Emperor Xian|then|ordered|Zhong Yao|to write|an|edict|||imperial decree|particle indicating completion|to confer|Cao Cao|to make|King of Wei Emperor Xian then ordered Zhong Yao to write a decree, which is the imperial edict, to appoint Cao Cao as the King of Wei. 誒 噉 啊 有 啲 官樣文章 要 做 個 噃。 hey|like this|particle|have|a little|bureaucratic formalities|need|do|classifier| Well, there are some formalities that need to be done. 雖然 曹操 恨 呢 個 王位 呢 恨 咗 好 耐 㗎 喇 , 但 係 佢 仲 要 連 氣 三次 向 皇上 寫 報告 , 表示 唔 敢 接受 噉 。 although|Cao Cao|hated|this|measure word|throne|this|hated|past tense marker|very|long|sentence-final particle|sentence-final particle|||he|still|needs|even|anger|three times|to|emperor|write|report|indicating|not|dare|accept|like that Although Cao Cao had long harbored resentment towards this throne, he still had to write three reports to the emperor, expressing that he did not dare to accept it. 而 皇帝 呢 , 又 連氣 三次 落 聖旨 堅持 一定 要 封 , 嘿嘿 , 確係 做戲 咁 做 吓 。 and|emperor|question particle|again|in one breath|three times|issue|imperial edict|insisted|definitely|must|confer|hehe|really|acting|like this|do|a little And the emperor, he insisted three times in the imperial decree that he must confer the title, hehe, it really feels like acting. 玩完 呢 一套 之後 , 曹操 就 接受 咗 魏王 呢 個 喺 當時 啊 , 僅次於 皇帝 嘅 爵位 嘞 。 finished|this|set|after|Cao Cao|then|accepted|past tense marker|King of Wei|this|measure word|at|that time|particle|second only to|emperor|possessive particle|noble title|sentence-final particle After finishing this play, Cao Cao accepted the title of King of Wei, which at that time was second only to the emperor. 噉 封 咗 魏王 呢 , 喺 服飾 啊 , 用具 啊 儀仗 等等 啊 , 又 有 好多 特殊 嘅 待遇 㗎 喎 。 like this|seal|past tense marker|King Wei|question particle|at|clothing|particle|utensils|particle|ceremonial weapons|etc|particle|also|have|many|special|possessive particle|treatment|particle|particle So being conferred as King of Wei, in terms of clothing, utensils, ceremonial guards, etc., there were many special treatments. 嗱 好似 戴 嘅 帽 , 就 叫做 冕 , 即 係 皇冠 。 look|like|wear|possessive particle|hat|then|called|royal cap|||crown For example, the hat worn is called a crown, which is a type of crown. 就 可以 按照 天子 嘅 規格 , 喺 冠冕 嘅 前後 啊 , 髧 十二 串玉 珠 嘅 。 then|can|according to|emperor|possessive particle|specifications|at|crown|possessive particle|front and back|sentence-final particle|to wear|twelve||beads| One can follow the specifications of the Son of Heaven, and on the front and back of the crown, there are twelve strands of jade beads. 噉 啊 坐 金根 車 , 用 六匹 馬 嚟 拉 , 就 用 天子 嘅 車 服 鑾 儀 , 學 皇帝 出入 噉 , 經過 個 地方 嚴加戒備 斷絕 行人 交通 等等 。 like this|ah|ride|Jin Gen|car|use|six|horses|to|pull|then|use|emperor|possessive particle|car|serve|||learn|emperor|entering and exiting|like this|passing by|classifier|place||cut off|pedestrian|traffic|etc So, sitting in a golden carriage, pulled by six horses, using the emperor's ceremonial vehicle, learning how the emperor enters and exits, strictly guarding the area and cutting off pedestrian traffic, etc. 噉 又 喺 鄴 郡 啊 , 起 咗 座 魏 王宮 。 then|again|at|Ye|county|particle|built|past tense marker|a measure word for buildings|Wei|royal palace Then, in Ye County, a palace for the King of Wei was built. 封 咗 魏王 呢 , 又 要 考慮 立 一位 世子 嘞 喎 。 confer title|past tense marker|King Wei|question particle|again|need|consider|establish|one|heir|sentence-final particle|particle indicating realization or reminder After appointing the King of Wei, there was also a need to consider establishing a crown prince. 即 係 喺 佢 個 仔 裏 便 喇 , 選定 一個 法定 嘅 繼承人 嘞 。 ||in|his|possessive particle|son|inside|then|past action particle|selected|one|legal|possessive particle|heir|past action particle That is, among his sons, to select a legal heir. 曹操 嘅 妻子 係 丁夫人 , 冇 仔生 。 Cao Cao|possessive particle|wife|is|Lady Ding|no| Cao Cao's wife is Lady Ding, and she did not give birth to any sons. 佢 小老婆 劉氏 呢 就 生 咗 個 仔 叫做 曹昂 , 當年 同張 繡 打仗 嘅 時候 喺 宛城 陣亡 嘞 。 he|concubine|Liu|this|then|gave birth|past tense marker|a|son|named|Cao Ang|that year||Xiu|fought|possessive particle|time|at|Wan Cheng|died in battle|past tense marker His concubine Liu gave birth to a son named Cao Ang, who died in battle at Wancheng during the fight against Zhang Xiu. 另 一個 小老婆 卞氏 呢 , 就生 咗 四個 仔 。 another|one|concubine|Bian family|question particle||past tense marker|four|sons Another concubine, Bian, gave birth to four sons. 大仔 曹丕 , 二仔 曹彰 , 三仔 曹植 , 四仔 係 曹熊 。 eldest son|Cao Pi|second son|Cao Zhang|third son|Cao Zhi|fourth son|is|Cao Xiong The eldest son is Cao Pi, the second son is Cao Zhang, the third son is Cao Zhi, and the fourth son is Cao Xiong. 因此 呢 , 就 貶 咗 丁夫人 , 立 卞 氏 做 魏王 後 。 therefore|particle indicating a question|then|demote|past tense marker|Lady Ding|appoint|Bian|clan|make|King Wei|successor As a result, Lady Ding was demoted, and Bian was established as the Empress of Wei. 嘿嘿 , 欸 喺 古代 封建 時候 啊 , 母憑子 貴 , 冇 仔 生就 冇 得 傾 嘞 。 hehe|eh|at|ancient|feudal|time|ah|||no|son||no|able|to discuss|past tense particle Hehe, back in the feudal times, a mother’s status depended on her sons; if you had no sons, there was nothing to discuss. 而家 就 應該 唔 同 喇 , 啊 , 有得生 冇 得生 , 生仔 生女 都 一樣 喇 。 now|just|should|not|the same|particle indicating change|ah|able to have children|not|able to have|have a son|have a daughter|both|the same|particle indicating change Now it should be different, ah, whether to have children or not, having a son or a daughter is the same. 曹操 個 第三 仔 曹植 , 字子建 , 就極 之 聰明 , 真 係 落筆 成章 嘅 。 Cao Cao|possessive particle|third|son|Cao Zhi|||possessive particle|intelligent|really|is|writing|complete work|particle indicating possession or modification Cao Cao's third son, Cao Zhi, with the courtesy name Zijiang, was extremely intelligent and truly could write beautifully. 曹操 就 好 想 立 佢 做 自己 嘅 繼承人 。 Cao Cao|just|very|wanted|to establish|him|as|his own|possessive particle|heir Cao Cao really wanted to establish him as his heir. 個大仔 曹丕 呢 , 怕 自己 選 唔 中 做 繼承人 嘞 , 就 向 中 大夫 賈詡 求教 啦 。 the eldest son|Cao Pi|question particle|afraid|himself|to choose||Zhong|||||||minister|Jia Xu|seek advice|final particle His eldest son, Cao Pi, fearing that he might not be chosen as the heir, sought advice from the minister Jia Xu. 賈詡 就 教 佢 嗱 你 噉 噉 噉 噉 噉 啦 噉 。 Jia Xu|then|teach|him|look|you|like this|like this|like this|like this|like this|particle|like this Jia Xu advised him, 'You should do this, this, this, and this.' 從此 之後 呢 , 但凡 曹操 出征 , 咁 多個 仔去 送行 , 曹植 啊 梗 係 讚頌 佢 父親 嘅 功德 , 出口成章 , 講得 非常 之 動人 嘅 。 from then on|after|question particle|whenever|Cao Cao|went to war|so|many||see him off|Cao Zhi|ah|||praised|his|father|possessive particle|merits|eloquent|spoke|very|particle indicating possession|moving|particle indicating possession From then on, whenever Cao Cao went to war, his son would go to see him off, and Cao Zhi would certainly praise his father's achievements, eloquently and movingly. 但 係 曹丕 辭別 父親 嘅 時候 呢 , 冇 咩 嘅 嘢 噏 個 喎 , 只 係 猛 咁 流眼淚 叩頭 嘅 啫 , 使到 大家 見到 呢 都 好 感動 嘅 。 ||Cao Pi|farewell|father|possessive particle|time|particle indicating a question|not|any|particle indicating a completed action|||||||||||particle indicating a completed action||||||||| However, when Cao Pi bid farewell to his father, he didn't say much; he just cried and bowed his head, which moved everyone who saw it. 於是 曹操 就 懷疑 曹植 係 一味 得口 乖 , 誠心 呢 就 怕 唔 及 曹丕 嘅 噉 。 then|Cao Cao|then|suspected|Cao Zhi|was|only|good at speaking|clever|sincerely|this|then|feared|not|catch up with|Cao Pi|possessive particle|like this As a result, Cao Cao began to doubt that Cao Zhi was merely good with words and that he was not as sincere as Cao Pi. 同時 呢 , 曹丕 就 搵 人 去 收買 曹操 嘅 貼身 侍從 , 有 機會 就 喺 曹操 面前 講 曹丕 嘅 好話 。 at the same time|particle indicating a question|Cao Pi|then|find|people|to|bribe|Cao Cao|possessive particle|personal|attendant|have|opportunity|then|at|Cao Cao|in front of|speak|Cao Pi|possessive particle|good words At the same time, Cao Pi sought to bribe Cao Cao's close attendants, so they would speak well of him in front of Cao Cao whenever they had the chance. 總之 呢 , 曹操 喺 立 繼承人 嘅 問題 上 就 好 躊躇 嘅 。 in short|particle|Cao Cao|at|establishing|heir|possessive particle|question|on|then|very|hesitant|particle In short, Cao Cao was very hesitant about the issue of choosing a successor.

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