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張悦楷講《三國演義》, 092














































































































































































































































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尋日講到趙顏入山,向兩個仙人求咗寿吖,噉佢就歡天喜地返到屋企,就問管輅嗰兩個係咩嘢人嘞喎。 Yesterday, it was mentioned that Zhao Yan went into the mountains to seek longevity from two immortals, and he happily returned home, asking what kind of people those two were.

管輅話佢聽:着紅袍嗰個係南斗,着白袍嗰個就係北斗喇。 Guan Lu told him: the one in the red robe is Nan Dou, and the one in the white robe is Bei Dou.

趙顏話嘞:我聽講呀,北斗係九粒星嘅噃,點止一個人嘅呢? Zhao Yan said: I heard that Bei Dou consists of nine stars, how can it just be one person?

哎散而為九,合而為一吖嘛。北斗係注定人死,南斗係注定人生。 when scattered becomes nine|when combined becomes one|| Ah, scattered it becomes nine, gathered it becomes one. Bei Dou is destined for death, while Nan Dou is destined for life.

而家已經為你添咗壽咯,你就唔使憂心喇。 Now, they have already added years to your life, so you don't have to worry anymore.

趙顏兩父子呀真係千多得萬多得啊。 Zhao Yan and his son are really worth a lot.

噉啊從此之後吖,管輅就恐怕洩露天機,就唔肯輕易同人哋占卦喇。 From then on, Guan Lu was afraid of revealing secrets and was reluctant to easily tell fortunes for others.

許芝就將管輅嘅事蹟,大致噉介紹完就同曹操話: Xu Zhi briefly introduced Guan Lu's deeds and then said to Cao Cao:

此人而家喺佢家鄉平原嚟,大王想知道下吉凶,不如召佢嚟問下都好吖。 This person is currently in his hometown, Pingyuan. If the king wants to know about fortune and misfortune, it would be good to summon him and ask.

曹操好歡喜,即刻派人去請咗管輅嚟。 Cao Cao was very happy and immediately sent someone to invite Guan Lu.

呢一日,嚟到嘞,曹操啊就將左慈嘅事講佢聽。 this day|arrived| On this day, Cao Cao talked to him about the matter of Zuo Ci.

管輅話:佢呢啲係幻術唧,唔使憂心嘅噉。 Guan Yu said|| Guan Yu said: These are just illusions, there's no need to worry.

曹操一聽個心就安樂晒,啲病呢亦漸漸好返嘞。 Upon hearing this, Cao Cao felt at ease, and his ailments gradually improved.

有一日,曹操要佢占卦問下天下大事,管輅占咗支卦就話: one day|| One day, Cao Cao asked him to divine the major affairs of the world, and Guan Yu cast a divination stick and said:

三八縱橫,黃豬遇虎;定軍之南,傷折一股。 March 8th free and easy||south of the army| Three eights crisscross, the yellow pig meets the tiger; south of the army, one force is injured.

又叫佢占下子孫後代嘅福祿啊,長久唔長久啊噉,管輅又占咗支卦話: Also ask him to predict the fortune and blessings of his descendants, whether they will last long or not, and Guan Lu has also made a divination saying:

獅子宮中,以安神位;王道鼎新,子孫極貴。 In the lion's palace, to stabilize the spirit position; the royal path is renewed, and the descendants are extremely noble.

淨係噏幾句,都唔清唔楚嘅,曹操啊叫佢講詳盡啲啦噉。 Just a few vague words, not clear at all, Cao Cao asked him to explain in more detail.

管輅話:茫茫天數唔好預先知道,日後自然就靈驗㗎喇。 Guan Yu said|| Guan Lu said: The vastness of fate should not be known in advance, it will naturally come true in the future.

既然噉講就算啦,噉曹操就想封管輅做太史,等佢喺朝廷任職。 since that's what you said let's just leave it at that|| Since that's the case, then Cao Cao wanted to appoint Guan Lu as the Grand Historian, so he could serve in the court.

管輅話嘞:我條命薄呀,個相又唔好,唔稱呢個職嘅,我唔做得嘅。 Guan Yu said|my life is short|my appearance is not good|not suitable for this job|I can't do it Guan Yi said: My life is thin, my appearance is not good, I am not suited for this job, I can't do it.

點解呢? Why is that?

我額無主骨,眼無守睛;鼻無樑柱,腳無天根;背無三甲,腹無三壬。 I have no main bone on my forehead, no protective eyes; no support for my nose, no roots for my feet; no three ribs on my back, no three lines on my abdomen.

我啊只能夠治下鬼怪,唔能夠治生人嘅。 I can only deal with ghosts and monsters, I cannot treat living people.

哦,噉你同我睇個相啦,我個相點啊? oh|| Oh, then you look at my appearance, how do I look?

大王位極人臣,仲何必睇相呢? The king is supreme over his ministers, so why do we need to read faces?

誒唔係噉講嘅,你同我睇下,吓,同我睇下。 hey that's not what I meant||huh| Hey, that's not what I meant, you take a look with me, huh, take a look with me.

曹操再三再四問佢,管輅一味笑口吟吟,唔答佢。 Cao Cao asked him repeatedly, but Guan Yu just smiled and hummed, not answering him.

曹操又叫管輅睇過晒啲文武官員嘅相,管輅話喇:都係治世之臣啊。 Cao Cao then asked Guan Yu to look at all the civil and military officials' faces, and Guan Yu said: They are all ministers of governance.

就係噉讚咗一句,噉曹操再問下吉凶禍福啦。 just praised with one sentence| He just praised them with that one sentence, so Cao Cao asked again about fortune and misfortune.

管輅都係含含糊糊唔肯盡講嘅,嘿梗係啦,講晒出嚟仲有剩嘅咩,乜嘢都畀你曹操撈晒都得嘅。 Guan Yu is also being vague and unwilling to speak fully, of course, if he said everything, what would be left? Everything would be taken by Cao Cao.

噉啊曹操又叫佢占下東吳同西蜀呢兩處睇下點。 So Cao Cao asked him to take a look at the situation in Eastern Wu and Western Shu.

管輅擺咗一卦就話嘞:東吳要死一員大將,西蜀有兵侵犯邊界啊。 Guan Yu cast a divination and said: A general from Eastern Wu will die, and Western Shu will have troops invading the border.

曹操唔信喎,過咗無耐,合肥嗰便有消息嚟報告話:東吳鎮守陸口嘅大將魯肅逝世嘞。 Cao Cao didn't believe it, but after a while, news came from Hefei reporting that the general Lu Su, who was guarding the land of Eastern Wu, had passed away.

嘩,靈噃!噉曹操就即刻派人去漢中探聽動靜。 wow|clever| Wow, that's amazing! So Cao Cao immediately sent someone to Han Zhong to investigate the situation.

過咗幾日,飛馬嚟報告,話劉備派咗張飛、馬超帶兵去到下辨,要奪取關隘啊噉。 a few days later|||| A few days later, Feima came to report that Liu Bei had sent Zhang Fei and Ma Chao to lead troops to Xiabian to seize the pass.

曹操可惱嘢喇,就想親自率領大軍,再入漢中去打劉備。 Cao Cao was quite angry and wanted to personally lead a large army to enter Hanzhong to fight Liu Bei.

噉佢就叫管輅占支卦先。 So he called Guan Yu to draw an oracle first.

管輅同佢占咗支卦就話喇:大王唔好起兵啊,出年春天,許都必定有一場大火災啊。 After Guan Yu drew the oracle, he said: "My lord, do not raise troops. Next spring, there will definitely be a great fire in Xuchang."

曹操見到管輅講親都靈嘅,信到十足啦,故此呢就唔敢輕舉妄動,就留喺鄴郡住。 Seeing that Guan Yu's predictions were quite accurate, Cao Cao believed him completely, so he did not dare to act rashly and stayed in Ye County.

只係命令曹洪帶兵五萬,去協助夏侯淵同張郃啊,一齊鎮守東川。 Just ordered Cao Hong to lead an army of fifty thousand to assist Xiahou Yuan and Zhang He to guard the Eastern Front.

又派夏侯惇呢帶兵三萬,喺許都來往巡查警戒以防不測。 Also sent Xiahou Dun to lead an army of thirty thousand to patrol and guard around Xudu to prevent any unforeseen events.

又任命長史王必,總督御林軍馬。 Also appointed Chief Clerk Wang Bi to oversee the Imperial Guard cavalry.

司馬懿對王必呢個任命就唔同意噃,佢同曹操話喇: Sima Yi disagreed with Wang Bi's appointment and told Cao Cao:

王必為人鍾意飲酒,性情又過於寬厚,怕擔當唔起呢個職務啊大王。 Wang Bi enjoys drinking and has a very lenient personality, I fear he may not be able to handle this position, my lord.

曹操話喇:王必跟住我披荊斬棘,歷盡艱難。 Cao Cao said: Wang Bi must follow me through the thorns and brambles, enduring all hardships.

佢個人又忠誠又勤懇,心如鐵石,佢完全擔當得起嘅。 |heart like iron and stone| He is both loyal and diligent, with a heart of iron and stone; he is fully capable of taking on this responsibility.

於是就唔聽司馬懿嘅勸告,委任咗王必率領御林軍,駐扎喺許都嘅東華門外便。 Thus, he did not listen to Sima Yi's advice and appointed Wang Bi to lead the Imperial Guard, stationed outside the East Huamen of Xudu.

眨下眼,又過咗兩年,即係到咗建安二十三年嘅春天。 blinked|| In the blink of an eye, two years passed, reaching the spring of the twenty-third year of Jian'an.

當時喺許都有兩個官員啊,一個叫做耿紀,一個叫做韋晃。佢兩個人嘅交情就極深。 At that time, there were two officials in Xudu, one named Geng Ji and the other named Wei Huang. Their friendship was extremely deep.

佢哋見到曹操封咗王爵之後,一出一入用嘅車啊着嘅服裝啊都係用皇帝嘅規格,個心啊極之唔忿。 After they saw Cao Cao being granted a noble title, everything he used, from the car to the clothing, was of imperial standards, which made them extremely resentful.

有一日,佢哋兩個人秘密噉商量話:曹操嗰個奸賊越嚟越壞,睇個樣呀將來必定會謀朝篡位嘅。 one day||| One day, the two of them secretly discussed that Cao Cao, that traitor, was getting worse and it seemed he would definitely plot to usurp the throne in the future.

我哋都係漢朝嘅臣子,點能夠同佢啲噉嘅大奸大惡嘅人做事㗎。 We are all subjects of the Han dynasty, how can we work with such treacherous and evil people?

韋晃就話:我有個心腹好友,姓金名禕,係前朝嘅宰相金日磾嘅後代。 Wei Huang said: I have a trusted friend, surnamed Jin and named Yi, who is a descendant of the former prime minister Jin Rida.

佢一直都想剷除曹操嘅,更兼佢同王必係老友。若果得到佢同我哋一齊行動呀,噉剷除曹賊就實成功。 He has always wanted to eliminate Cao Cao, and he is also an old friend of Wang. If we can get him to act with us, then eliminating the traitor Cao will surely succeed.

韋大人,佢既然同王必係老友嘞,又點肯同我哋一齊行動嘅呢? Sir Wei|| Sir Wei, since he is an old friend of Wang, how could he be willing to act with us?

嗱,我哋即管去搵佢傾下睇下點啦。 well| Well, let's go find him and see what he has to say.

好吖好吖。 Alright, alright.

於是耿紀同韋晃就一齊去金禕屋企嘞,金禕請佢哋入到去後堂坐落。 So, Geng Ji and Wei Huang went to Jin Yi's house, and after Jin Yi invited them into the back room to sit.

韋晃話喇:金大人,你同王長史交情咁好,我哋兩個特意嚟有事相求啊。 Wai Wong said|Sir Jin|| Wei Huang said: Sir Jin, you have such a good relationship with Chief Wang, we came specifically to ask for your help.

不敢不敢,請問兩位大人,要我做咩嘢事呢? no no|| I dare not, I dare not. May I ask what you two gentlemen would like me to do?

我聽講,魏王好快就要受禪登位做皇帝,噉金大人同王長史必定高升㗎啦。 I heard that King Wei will soon abdicate and ascend the throne as emperor, so Lord Jin and Chief Wang will definitely be promoted.

嘿嘿,希望金大人唔好唔記得我哋,提攜帶挈下我哋,噉就感謝到極咯,嘿嘿嘿嘿嘿。 hehe||||hehe Hehe, I hope Lord Jin won't forget us and will help us out a bit. We would be extremely grateful, hehehehe.

哼!金禕將衫袖一拂就企起身,啱啱僕人送茶嚟就連茶杯都打咗落地。 hum|| Hmph! Jin Yi flicked his sleeves and stood up, and just as the servant brought tea, he accidentally knocked the teacup to the ground.

韋晃啊詐諦吃咗一驚噉話喇:金大人,我哋都係老朋友咯點解咁薄情啊? Wai Wong suddenly got scared and said|Sir Kam| Wei Huang was startled and said: Lord Jin, we are old friends, why are you being so cold?

金禕話喇:我同你做朋友,皆因你哋係漢朝大臣嘅後代。 Jin Yi said: I became friends with you because you are descendants of the ministers of the Han Dynasty.

你哋而家竟然忘咗本,唔想報效朝廷,反而要去輔助造反嘅人,我唔願同你做朋友! You have now forgotten your roots, do not wish to serve the court, and instead want to assist those who rebel. I do not wish to be friends with you!

耿紀話喇:唉!天數係噉樣,唔係噉做唔得嘅。 Geng Ji said|sigh|| Geng Ji said: Sigh! The fate is like this, it cannot be changed.

豈有此理!金禕真係發火咯。 how can this be reasonable| How unreasonable! Jin Yi is really getting angry.

耿紀同韋晃試咗下金禕,見佢果然係有忠義之心嘅就講白佢聽: Geng Ji and Wei Huang tested Jin Yi, and seeing that he indeed had a loyal heart, they spoke plainly to him:

金大人呀金大人,請你唔好嬲,我哋一心,係要剷除曹賊,專誠嚟求你㗎。 Lord Jin, please don't be angry. We are determined to eliminate the Cao traitors and have come to seek your help.

剛才講嗰啲說話,不過係試下你嘅啫。 What I said earlier was just to test you.

唉,我嘅家庭,世世代代都係漢朝嘅臣子,點會順從曹賊㗎! sigh||| Alas, my family has been loyal subjects of the Han dynasty for generations. How could we submit to the Cao traitors!

兩位大人想挽救漢室,有何高見呢? What suggestions do you two gentlemen have to save the Han dynasty?

韋晃話:老實講,我哋雖然係有報國之心,但係仲未有殺賊之計啊。 Wai Wong said|to be honest|| Wei Huang said: To be honest, although we have the heart to serve the country, we still do not have a plan to eliminate the traitors.

金禕諗咗一諗就話:我有個計劃,我呀想裏應外合,殺咗王必,奪咗佢嘅兵權,保護主上。 Jin Yi thought for a moment and said: I have a plan, I want to work from the inside and outside, kill Wang Bi, seize his military power, and protect our lord.

同時,聯合劉皇叔做外援,噉樣一嚟,就可以消滅曹操奸賊喇。 at the same time||| At the same time, we can unite with Liu Huangshu for external support, and this way, we can eliminate the treacherous Cao Cao.

啊,金大人呢個計策好極呀,好極啊! ah||very good Ah, Lord Jin's strategy is excellent, really excellent!

金禕又話:我仲有兩個心腹朋友,佢哋同曹操,係有殺父之仇嘅。 Jin Yi also said: I have two trusted friends who have a vendetta against Cao Cao for killing their fathers.

而家喺城外住,佢兩個都可以做我哋嘅幫手嘅。 They are currently living outside the city, and both of them can be our helpers.

係邊個啊? who is it Who is it?

佢哋係兩兄弟,乃係太醫吉平個仔,大嗰個叫做吉邈,第二嗰個叫做吉穆。 They are two brothers, the sons of the imperial physician Ji Ping. The older one is called Ji Miao, and the younger one is called Ji Mu.

以前曹操為咗董承衣帶詔嘅事,殺咗佢哋父親。 In the past, Cao Cao killed their father because of Dong Cheng's edict.

當時佢哋兩個逃跑咗去外地,僥倖冇死到。 At that time, the two of them escaped to another place and fortunately did not die.

而家,佢哋已經靜靜趯咗返嚟許都。 now| Now, they have quietly returned to Xu Du.

若果搵佢哋幫手剷除奸賊呀,冇話唔肯嘅。 If we ask them to help eliminate the traitors, they won't refuse.

耿紀、韋晃聽講都極之高興嘞。 Geng Ji| Geng Ji and Wei Huang were extremely happy to hear this.

金禕立即派人偷偷地叫咗吉邈、吉穆兩兄弟嚟。 Jin Yi immediately sent someone to secretly call the two brothers, Ji Miao and Ji Mu.

金禕將決定討伐曹操嘅事講畀佢兩兄弟聽,佢兩個呀又高興又憤恨,都流住眼淚,發誓要殺咗曹操。 Jin Yi told the two brothers about the decision to attack Cao Cao, and they were both happy and angry, shedding tears and swearing to kill Cao Cao.

金禕就話喇:正月十五嗰晚,城裏便照例張燈結彩,慶賀元宵嘅。 Jin Yi then said: On the night of the fifteenth day of the first month, the city will be decorated as usual to celebrate the Lantern Festival.

耿大人韋大人,你兩位率領家丁,殺去王必嘅兵營,一見到兵營裏便起火就分兩路殺入去啦。 Lord Geng and Lord Wei, you two lead the household troops to attack Wang Bi's military camp. As soon as you see the camp, set it on fire and split into two routes to charge in.

殺咗王必之後,就跟我入去皇宮,請皇上登上五鳳樓,召集文武百官嚟,宣佈討伐曹操奸賊。 After killing Wang Bi, follow me into the imperial palace, invite the Emperor to ascend the Wufeng Tower, gather the civil and military officials, and announce the campaign against the treacherous Cao Cao.

吉世兄你哋喺城外便殺入嚟,放火做信號,要大聲咁嗌,號召百姓消滅國賊,截住城內嘅援軍。 Brother Jishi, you all attack from outside the city, set fires as signals, and shout loudly to rally the people to eliminate the national traitors and intercept the reinforcements inside the city.

等到皇上下咗聖旨,等招安定咗之後,就向鄴郡進兵,攻打曹操。 Once the Emperor issues the imperial decree and the situation is stabilized, we will advance towards Ye County to attack Cao Cao.

同時,我派使者帶住聖旨去召劉皇叔,噉呢個就係全部計劃喇。 at the same time|| At the same time, I will send envoys with the imperial decree to summon Uncle Liu, and that is the entire plan.

我哋而家約定喇吓,到期,夜晚二更行動,各位務必謹慎,唔好似當年董承噉樣自取其禍啊。 |due date||| We have made an agreement now, when the time comes, at two o'clock at night, everyone must be cautious, don't be like Dong Cheng back in the day and bring disaster upon yourself.

於是五個人,當天歃血發誓,然後就各自返屋企,暗中準備人馬器械。 So the five of them swore an oath that day, and then each returned home to secretly prepare their men and weapons.

耿紀、韋晃兩個呢,每人都有三四百名家丁嘅。 Geng Ji|| Geng Ji and Wei Huang each had three to four hundred servants.

吉氏兄弟呀藉口話打獵,亦召集咗三百幾人,等日期一到就逳手嘞。 The Ji brothers, under the pretext of hunting, also gathered over three hundred people, ready to act when the date arrived.

到咗過年嘅時候,金禕先去搵王必,同佢話: when it was time for the New Year|| When the New Year came, Jin Yi first went to find Wang Bi and said to him:

當前魏王威震天下,到處都比較太平,元宵佳節就到喇,應該大放花燈,顯示下四海升平景象至係喎。 Currently, King Wei's power is shaking the world, and everywhere is relatively peaceful. The Lantern Festival is approaching, and there should be a grand display of lanterns to show the peaceful scene across the seas.

王必覺得佢講得好啱,就出告示通知全城嘅居民,要佢哋張燈結彩盡情歡度佳節。 The king must have felt that he was absolutely right, so he issued a notice to inform all the residents of the city to decorate with lanterns and celebrate the festival to their heart's content.

到咗正月十五嗰晚,天色晴和,星月交輝,三街六市競放花燈,真係講唔盡咁熱鬧繁華咯。 On the night of the fifteenth day of the first month, the weather was clear and calm, with stars and moon shining together. The streets and markets were competing to display lanterns, truly a scene of bustling prosperity.

當晚,王必同御林軍嘅一班將領啊,喺軍營裏便舉行宴會,飲到都唔知幾高興。 that night||| That night, the king held a banquet in the military camp with a group of generals from the Imperial Guard, drinking to the point of not knowing how happy they were.

到咗二更之後,忽然嘈起上嚟,啲人嚟報告話軍營後便起火喇。 After the second watch, suddenly there was a commotion, and people came to report that a fire had broken out behind the military camp.

王必就急急行出去望下,嘩嗨,只見火光亂閃,又聽見喊殺連天。 |wow|| Wang Bi hurriedly went out to take a look, and wow, he saw flames flickering everywhere, and he could hear the sounds of shouting and killing.

嗯,知道有人作亂喇,連忙上馬就跑出南門。 hmm|| Hmm, I know there's a riot, so he quickly got on his horse and ran out of the south gate.

啱啱撞正耿紀,畀耿紀一箭射中個膊頭,哎呀!痛到佢幾乎跌落馬下。 ||oh no| He just bumped into Geng Ji, who shot him in the shoulder with an arrow, ouch! It hurt so much that he almost fell off his horse.

佢忍住痛,定一定神,就跑去西門嗰便,但係後便有軍隊追緊嚟啊。 |composed himself|| He endured the pain, steadied himself, and ran towards the west gate, but there were troops chasing after him.

王必慌起上嚟就唔騎馬咯,就噉步行,左轉右轉,行到嚟金禕嘅門口,嘣嘣聲搏命打門。 Wang Bi panicked and stopped riding, so he started walking, turning left and right, until he reached the entrance of Jin Yi, banging desperately on the door.

原來金禕呀佢一便使人喺軍營裏便放火呢,一便又親自帶領家丁去助戰啦嘛,屋企只係留低啲婦女喺處唧。 It turns out that Jin Yi had people set fire in the military camp, and he personally led his household guards to assist in the battle, leaving only some women at home.

噉當時屋企啊聽見外便有人敲門就估話金禕返嚟喎。 At that time, when the family heard someone knocking at the door, they guessed that Jin Yi had returned.

金禕嘅老婆隔住道門就問喇,王必嗰個傢伙殺咗未啊噉。 Jin Yi's wife asked through the door if that guy Wang Bi had been killed.

王必一聽大吃一驚,嘩原來金禕你個衰神係啲叛亂分子嘅同謀,真係畀你賣咗都唔知啊! Wang Bi was shocked to hear this, realizing that Jin Yi, you scoundrel, was in cahoots with the rebels; you really sold me out without me knowing!

即刻就離開金禕屋企,喇喇聲趯去曹休嘅住宅,向佢報告話金禕、耿紀佢哋呀一齊謀反喇噉。 He immediately left Jin Yi's house and hurried to Cao Xiu's residence to report that Jin Yi and Geng Ji were plotting a rebellion together.

曹休連忙披掛上馬,帶住千幾人,喺城內同金禕佢哋一班人打。 Cao Xiu quickly mounted his horse, leading over a thousand men to fight against Jin Yi and his group inside the city.

當時城內到處都燒着火嘞,五鳳樓都燒着埋,嚇到皇帝匿埋喺皇宮最深嗰叢嚟。 At that time, fires were burning everywhere in the city, even the Five Phoenix Tower was on fire, scaring the emperor to hide in the deepest part of the palace.

曹氏嘅心腹人馬就死守住皇宮大門啦。 Cao's trusted men were firmly guarding the main gate of the palace.

呢個時候,城內一味聽見啲人喺度嗌啊:殺盡曹賊,挽救漢室!殺盡曹賊,挽救漢室啊! At this moment, the city was filled with people shouting: 'Kill all the Cao thieves, save the Han dynasty! Kill all the Cao thieves, save the Han dynasty!'

大家都記得,夏侯惇係奉咗曹操嘅將令,巡查警戒許都㗎嘛。 Everyone remembers that Xiahou Dun was carrying out Cao Cao's orders, patrolling and keeping watch over Xudu.

佢啊帶領住三萬名人馬,喺許都城外駐扎。 He led thirty thousand troops and stationed outside the city of Xu.

當晚佢遠遠望見城裏便火燭,立即出動大軍,沊沊𡃈噉圍住許都。 That night, he saw a fire in the city from a distance and immediately mobilized the army to surround Xu.

同時派一支軍隊入城去接應曹休,噉啊一直混戰到天光。 At the same time, he sent a troop into the city to support Cao Xiu, and they fought continuously until dawn.

耿紀、韋晃佢哋冇人援助,收尾仲得到消息,話金禕、吉氏兄弟都犧牲咗喇噉。 Geng Ji|||| Geng Ji and Wei Huang had no one to assist them, and they received news that Jin Yi and the Ji brothers had already sacrificed.

耿紀、韋晃見到大勢已去,就殺開條路衝出城門準備逃跑。 Geng Ji|| Seeing that the situation was hopeless, Geng Ji and Wei Huang broke through the city gate and prepared to escape.

啱啱遇着夏侯惇大軍圍城,就畀人捉住嘞,手下嗰百幾人全部被殺。 I just encountered the army of Xiahou Dun surrounding the city, and I was captured. All of my hundred or so subordinates were killed.

夏侯惇入咗城,救熄咗火,派兵去將耿紀呢五個人嘅宗族啊全部捉起嚟,一便就派人飛報曹操。 Xiahou Dun entered the city, extinguished the fire, and sent troops to capture the entire clan of Geng Ji and these five people, and then sent someone to report to Cao Cao.

跟住冇幾耐,曹操有命令嚟到,要將耿紀、韋晃兩個,以及五家嘅老小宗族拉去街市斬首。 Not long after, Cao Cao issued an order to execute Geng Ji, Wei Huang, and the elderly and young members of the five families in the market.

同時又將在朝大小官員啊,全數押去鄴郡,聽候處理。 At the same time, all officials in the court were taken to Ye County to await processing.

行刑嗰日,夏侯惇押耿紀、韋晃去街市。 the day of execution|| On the day of execution, Xiahou Dun escorted Geng Ji and Wei Huang to the market.

耿紀大聲噉嗌:曹阿瞞!我在生嘅時候殺你唔到,我死咗都要做隻惡鬼嚟殺你啊! |Cao A'man|| Geng Ji shouted loudly: Cao A Man! When I was alive, I couldn't kill you, but even in death, I will become an evil spirit to kill you!

劊子手用把刀嚟㨃佢把口,流到成地都係血,仲係大罵不絕啊,最後就死咗咯。 The executioner used a knife to silence him, blood flowed everywhere, and he continued to curse until he finally died.

韋晃用塊面出力噉撞笪地,佢話:可恨喇,可恨喇!死嘅時候呀,咬到牙都碎晒。 ||so hateful|so hateful|| Wei Huang forcefully slammed his face against the ground, saying: How hateful, how hateful! At the moment of death, my teeth shattered.

嗰五家嘅大小宗族啊,亦都喺埋同一日處決咗咯。 The major clans of those five families were also executed on the same day.

當夏侯惇將朝上嘅大小官員,押到去鄴郡嘅時候,曹操叫人喺教場呢豎起兩面旗,一面紅色一面白色。 When Xiahou Dun brought the officials to Ye County, Cao Cao ordered two flags to be raised in the training ground, one red and one white.

紅旗啊豎喺左便,白旗豎喺右便。 The red flag is raised on the left, and the white flag is raised on the right.

然後拉晒嗰班官員去到教場,對佢哋宣布話:耿紀、韋晃佢哋造反,放火焚燒許都。 ||Geng Ji|| Then all those officials were taken to the teaching area, and it was announced to them: Geng Ji and Wei Huang have rebelled and set fire to Xu Du.

你哋當中有啲人係出嚟救過火嘅,有啲人係閂埋道門唔出嚟嘅。 Some of you came out to put out the fire, while others stayed inside and did not come out.

邊個出過嚟救火嘅,就企喺紅旗下便,冇救過火嘅呢,就企喺白旗下便啦噉。 Those who came out to put out the fire should stand under the red flag, and those who did not come out should stand under the white flag.

嗰班官員個心諗:咦,出去救過火嘅係實冇罪嘅喎。 |eh| The officials thought to themselves: Oh, those who came out to put out the fire are indeed innocent.

於是大多數都走去企喺紅旗下便,之後小部分人呢,係企喺白旗下便。 So most of them went to stand under the red flag, while a small number of people stood under the white flag.

好喇,曹操一聲令下,叫將企喺紅旗下便嗰啲人都捉起嚟。 alright|| Alright, with a command from Cao Cao, he ordered to capture all those standing under the red flag.

噉嗰班人都大聲嗌話我冇罪㗎我冇罪㗎噉。 Then those people shouted loudly, saying, 'I am innocent, I am innocent!'

曹操話:哼哼!你當時個心所諗嘅,唔係救火,係想出嚟幫啲壞人咋! |humph||| Cao Cao said: 'Hmph! What you were thinking at that time was not to put out the fire, but to come out and help the bad guys!'

跟住曹操就命令將呢三百幾個人啊,全部拉去漳河岸邊斬首。 Then Cao Cao ordered that all these three hundred or so people be taken to the bank of the Zhang River and behead them.

至於企喺白旗下便嗰啲官員呢,哈哈,個個都給予賞賜,叫佢哋返去許都照舊做官。 |haha|| As for the officials standing under the white banner, haha, each of them was rewarded and told to return to Xu to continue their official duties.

王必啊已經因為畀箭射傷,醫治無效死咗嘞。 Wang Bi has already died from an arrow wound, and the treatment was ineffective.

曹操啊吩咐將佢隆重噉安葬好。 Cao Cao ordered a grand burial for him.

同時又任命曹休總督御林軍馬,鐘繇做相國,華歆做御史大夫。 At the same time, he appointed Cao Xiu as the commander of the Imperial Guard cavalry, Zhong Yao as the Chancellor, and Hua Xin as the Minister of Justice.

又規定侯爵六等十八級,關中侯爵十七級,都係金印紫綬。 He also stipulated that marquises would have six ranks and eighteen levels, while the marquises of Guanzhong would have seventeen levels, all with gold seals and purple ribbons.

誒,古代啲官呢,都係將個官印啊佩戴喺身邊嘅,噉佩印所穿嗰條繩就叫做綬嘞。 hey||| Hey, in ancient times, officials would wear their official seal around them, and the cord used to wear the seal is called a 'shou'.

職位唔同呢,綬帶嘅顏色亦都係唔同嘅。 Different positions have different colors for the 'shou'.

又規定關內外侯十六級,銀印龜紐墨綬;五大夫十五級,銅印環紐墨綬。 It is also stipulated that for the sixteen ranks of marquises within and outside the capital, there is a silver seal with a turtle knob and a black 'shou'; for the fifteen ranks of great ministers, there is a bronze seal with a ring knob and a black 'shou'.

曹操噉樣定爵封官呀,喺朝廷上又換咗一班人物嘞。 Cao Cao established ranks and appointed officials, and a new group of people was replaced in the court.

經過呢次事件,曹操先至明白管輅所講嘅許都有火災原來就係噉嘅,就重重噉賞賜佢,但係管輅唔肯接受。 After this incident, Cao Cao finally understood what Guan Yu meant by saying there might be a fire, and he heavily rewarded him, but Guan Yu refused to accept.

好喇噉呢啲呢,就放落唔講佢喇。 alright these things| Alright, let's not talk about these anymore.

而家講下曹洪啊佢帶兵去到漢中。 Now let's talk about Cao Hong, he led his troops to Hanzhong.

命令張郃、夏侯淵就分別據守險要嘅地方,自己就進兵去打嘞。 He ordered Zhang He and Xiahou Yuan to respectively hold the strategic locations, while he himself advanced to fight.

當時張飛啊帶住雷銅一齊鎮守巴西。 At that time, Zhang Fei was stationed in Bashu with Lei Tong.

馬超就帶領人馬嚟到下辨啦。 Ma Chao led his troops to Xiabian.

佢叫吳蘭做先鋒,帶一支部隊喺前面偵察。 He called Wu Lan to be the vanguard, leading a troop to scout ahead.

嗰日呢,吳蘭就同曹洪嘅兵馬相遇。 that day| That day, Wu Lan encountered Cao Hong's army.

吳蘭係想後退嘅,但係佢個牙將任夔就話嘞: Wu Lan wanted to retreat, but his general Ren Kui said:

敵兵剛剛到,如果我軍唔先挫下佢嘅銳氣,我哋點好意思返去見馬將軍啊! The enemy has just arrived. If our army doesn't first weaken their morale, how can we face General Ma when we return?

一講完就縱馬挺槍向曹洪挑戰噃。 As soon as he finished speaking, he spurred his horse and brandished his spear to challenge Cao Hong.

曹洪提刀躍馬上前迎戰,唔到三個回合,就斬死咗任夔,趁勢咪掩殺過去咯。 Cao Hong brandished his sword and rode forward to meet the enemy. In less than three rounds, he killed Ren Kui and took the opportunity to launch a surprise attack.

吳蘭就大敗一場,趯返去見馬超。 Wu Lan suffered a great defeat and hurried back to see Ma Chao.

馬超責備佢話嘞:你冇我個命令,點解咁輕敵出去打,搞到慘敗返嚟呢? Ma Chao scolded him, saying: "You went out to fight without my orders. Why were you so careless, leading to such a disastrous defeat?"

馬將軍,呢啲皆因任夔唔聽我嘅說話,所以造成呢次失敗唧。 General Ma|| General Ma, this is all because Ren Kui did not listen to my advice, which led to this failure.

我哋唔好出戰喇,緊守隘口啦。 We should not go into battle anymore; let's hold the pass firmly.

馬超又立即派人去成都報告聽候進一步嘅命令。 Ma Chao immediately sent someone to Chengdu to report and await further orders.

曹洪見到馬超連氣咁多日都冇嚟出戰,就怕佢有咩陰謀詭計噃,就帶兵退返去南鄭。 Cao Hong saw that Ma Chao had not come out to battle for many days in a row, and fearing he had some kind of scheme, he led his troops back to Nanzheng.

張郃走嚟見曹洪話嘞: Zhang He came to see Cao Hong and said:

將軍既然斬咗一名敵將,點解反而退兵? "General, since you have already killed an enemy general, why are you retreating instead?"

哦,我見馬超唔肯出戰,怕佢有咩詭計啊。 oh|| "Oh, I see that Ma Chao is unwilling to fight, and I am afraid he has some trick up his sleeve."

而且我喺鄴郡聽神卜管輅講過,話我哋會喺呢處損失一員大將嘅,我總係諗住佢呢句說話,故此我就唔敢輕易進兵。 Moreover, I heard from the diviner Guan Yu in Ye County that we would lose a key general here, and I always keep that statement in mind, which is why I dare not easily advance our troops.

哈哈哈哈哈哈哈哈,曹將軍,你行兵打仗半世人喇,點解而家信起占卦先生嘅說話,搞到冇晒信心呢? |General Cao||| Hahahahahaha, General Cao, you have been fighting wars for half your life, why do you now believe the words of a fortune teller, causing you to lose all confidence?

我張郃雖然冇咩本事,請將軍準許我率領本部兵馬去奪取巴西。 Although I, Zhang He, have little ability, I ask the general to allow me to lead our troops to seize Ba Xi.

一得到巴西,蜀郡就容易打咯。 once we get Brazil| Once we capture Ba Xi, it will be easier to attack Shu County.

巴西係張飛喺處把守,張飛並非等閒之輩啊,唔能夠輕敵㗎。 Ba Xi is guarded by Zhang Fei, and Zhang Fei is not an ordinary person, so we cannot underestimate him.

哈哈,人人都怕張飛,喺我張郃眼內,直情當佢細佬哥一樣咋,我呢次去一定要生擒佢! haha|||| Haha, everyone is afraid of Zhang Fei, but in my eyes, Zhang He sees him as just a little brother. This time, I must capture him alive!

張將軍,如果有差錯又點呢? General Cheung| General Zhang, what if there are mistakes?

我甘當軍令! I will follow the military orders!

曹洪於是叫張郃立咗軍領狀,就同意佢進兵去攻打巴西嘞。 Cao Hong then ordered Zhang He to establish a military command and agreed to let him advance to attack Bashu.

張郃部下有三萬兵,佢分為三個寨,都係依山傍崖,地勢十分險要。 Zhang He's troops consist of thirty thousand soldiers, which he divided into three camps, all situated near mountains and cliffs, making the terrain very treacherous.

一個叫做宕渠寨,一個叫做蒙頭寨,一個叫做盪石寨。 One is called Tangqu Zhai, one is called Mengtou Zhai, and one is called Dangshi Zhai.

嗰日張郃立咗軍領狀之後呢,就喺佢每一個寨抽出一半兵力,噉啊三五一十五又一萬五千人留喺度守寨,一萬五千人就跟佢去打巴西。 On that day, after Zhang He set up his army, he drew half of the troops from each of his camps, leaving three, five, one, fifteen, and fifteen thousand men to guard the camps, while fifteen thousand men went with him to fight in Baxi.

張郃呢頭一出兵唧,嗰便早就有探馬去報告張飛,話張郃帶兵嚟打巴西喇噉。 As soon as Zhang He deployed his troops, scouts had already reported to Zhang Fei that Zhang He was coming to attack Baxi.

張飛立即搵雷銅嚟商量,雷銅話喇:閬中一帶,地惡山險,易於埋伏兵馬。 Zhang Fei immediately sought out Lei Tong to discuss, and Lei Tong said: "The area around Langzhong is treacherous and mountainous, making it easy to ambush troops.

張將軍,你帶兵去迎敵,我啊出奇兵嚟助戰,實捉到張郃嘅。 General Zhang||| General Zhang, you lead the troops to confront the enemy, and I will send surprise troops to assist in the battle, and we will definitely capture Zhang He."

閬中係笪地方名,係巴西郡嘅首府,位於今日四川省北部,嘉陵江嘅中游。 Langzhong is a place name, the capital of Bazhong County, located in the northern part of present-day Sichuan Province, in the middle reaches of the Jialing River.

噉啊張飛同意嘞,撥咗五千兵畀雷銅,叫佢去埋伏。 So Zhang Fei agreed and allocated five thousand troops to Lei Tong, instructing him to set up an ambush.

噉張飛自己呢,帶住一萬人馬,離開閬中出去迎擊曹軍。 Zhang Fei himself led ten thousand troops, leaving Langzhong to confront the Cao army.

行咗卅里左右啦,就遇到張郃嘅軍隊嚟喇。 After marching about thirty li, they encountered Zhang He’s army.

雙方立即擺開陣勢,張飛出馬同張郃大戰廿幾個回合。 Both sides immediately set up their formations, and Zhang Fei engaged in a fierce battle with Zhang He for over twenty rounds.

忽然間張郃嘅後軍嘈起上嚟,為咩事呢? Suddenly, Zhang He’s rear army became chaotic, what was the matter?

原來嗰班人啊望見後山有蜀兵嘅旗幟就驚起上嚟。 It turned out that those people saw the flags of the Shu soldiers on the back mountain and got scared.

張郃見到軍心已經慌亂嘞,所以就唔敢打落去,撥轉馬就走。 Seeing that the morale of the army was already in disarray, Zhang He did not dare to continue fighting and turned his horse to flee.

張飛啊一啲都唔使客氣啊吓你走我就追,喺後便掩殺過去。 Zhang Fei didn’t hold back at all; as soon as you run, I will chase, and he ambushed from behind.

張郃走咗一陣,又撞着雷銅突然喺前面帶兵殺出嚟截住,噉啊兩頭夾攻打到張郃大敗。 After Zhang He ran for a while, he suddenly encountered Lei Tong leading troops to cut him off in front, thus being attacked from both sides, leading to Zhang He’s great defeat.

張飛、雷銅馬不停蹄,漏夜咁追擊,一直追追追追到宕渠山。 Zhang Fei||| Zhang Fei and Lei Tong rode tirelessly, chasing through the night, until they reached Dongqu Mountain.

張郃返到老巢,咪喇呢勻,佢依舊分兵守硬三個寨,準備定多多嘅擂木炮石一於堅守唔出嚟打。 Zhang He returned to his stronghold, and he still divided his troops to defend the three strongholds, preparing to firmly hold out without coming out to fight.

張飛嘅人馬就喺離開宕渠寨十里遠嘅地方安好營。 Zhang Fei's troops set up camp ten miles away from Dongqu Stronghold.

第日,就帶兵去挑戰。 the next day| The next day, he led his troops to challenge.

張郃亦好夠道行嘅,佢特登喺山上便大吹大擂飲酒喎,唔落山。 Zhang He was quite skilled as well; he deliberately stayed on the mountain, drinking and making a lot of noise, without coming down.

張飛叫啲士兵猛鬧。 Zhang Fei yelled at the soldiers.

張郃畫隻耳仔上牆,當你冇嚟啊,總之就唔落山係啦。 Zhang He drew an ear on the wall, pretending you didn't come, anyway, just don't come down the mountain.

張飛冇晒符啡嘞,唯有收兵回營啦。 Zhang Fei ran out of talismans, so he had no choice but to withdraw the troops back to the camp.

第日,雷銅又嚟山下嘍打,張郃依然唔出嚟。 the next day|| The next day, Lei Tong came down the mountain to fight again, but Zhang He still didn't come out.

雷銅忍唔住喇,就指揮啲兵士衝上去,點知山上便乒乒乓乓將啲擂木啊炮石打落嚟,雷銅呀急忙退返落嚟啦。 Lei Tong couldn't hold back anymore, so he commanded the soldiers to charge up, but unexpectedly, the logs and stones from the mountain started falling down, and Lei Tong hurriedly retreated.

噉啊盪石、蒙頭兩個寨啲兵呢,突然殺出嚟噃,打到雷銅大敗。 then at Tang Shek||| So, the soldiers from the two camps of Dongshi and Mengtou suddenly charged out and defeated Leitong.

第日,輪到張飛又去挑戰嘞,哈張郃又係唔出嚟。 the next day|| The next day, it was Zhang Fei's turn to challenge again, but Zhang He still didn't come out.

噉張飛叫啲兵卒出力咁鬧,鬧到有咁邋遢得咁邋遢。 So Zhang Fei yelled at the soldiers to put in more effort, scolding them for being so sloppy.

誒,張郃又回敬返轉頭呀,你鬧佢又鬧唧。 hey|| Hey, Zhang He retaliated, saying that if you scold him, he will scold back.

張飛啊真係撓穿頭皮都諗唔到計嘞。 Zhang Fei really couldn't think of a way out, scratching his head.

就係噉樣,相持咗五十幾日。 just like that| That's how it was, a stalemate for over fifty days.

收尾呢,張飛喺山前面扎落營寨,日日咁飲酒,飲到醉昏昏就坐喺山前辱罵。 as for the ending||| In the end, Zhang Fei set up camp in front of the mountain, drinking every day, getting so drunk that he would sit in front of the mountain and insult others.

有一日,劉備就派咗人嚟慰問軍隊。 one day| One day, Liu Bei sent someone to visit the army.

嘩,乜見到張飛張三爺終之無日搏命飲酒喎,所以一返去就報告劉備。 wow|| Wow, seeing Zhang Fei, the third master Zhang, was really drinking his life away, so when he returned, he reported to Liu Bei.

劉備就嚇咗一跳啦,連忙去話畀孔明知。 Liu Bei was shocked and quickly went to inform Kongming.

孔明聽咗就話喇:呵呵呵呵呵,原來噉係嘛,誒喺前線恐怕冇好酒喎,成都嘅好酒就極多咯。 |haha||| Kong Ming heard this and said: Haha, so that's how it is. I’m afraid there won't be good wine at the front line, but there is plenty of good wine in Chengdu.

誒我哋將五十埕酒,分三車裝,即刻送去前線畀張將軍飲。 Let's pack fifty jars of wine into three carts and send them to General Zhang at the front line right away.

哎呀呀,軍師啊軍師啊,我三弟一向都容易飲酒誤事,乜軍師你仲要送酒去畀佢飲添呀,唔好喇,唔好喇。 oh no||||| Oh dear, strategist, my third brother has always been prone to drinking too much and causing trouble. Why do you still want to send him wine? No, no.

哈哈哈哈哈哈,主公你同翼德做咗咁多年兄弟嘞,仲唔知道佢嘅為人咩?翼德啊從來剛強粗魯。 Hahahahaha||| Hahaha, my lord, you have been brothers with Yide for so many years, and you still don't know his character? Yide has always been strong and rough.

但係噉噃,前嗰陣攻取西川嘅時候,佢能夠義釋嚴顏,呢啲就並非淨係一身牛力,冇到頭腦嘅勇夫所為嘞喎。 but like this|||| But, you see, when we attacked Xichuan earlier, he was able to release Yan Yan with righteousness. This is not something that a mere strongman without brains can achieve.

而家,佢同張郃相持五十幾日,每日飲醉酒,就坐喺山前辱罵,旁若無人。 now||||as if no one else is around Right now, he has been in a stalemate with Zhang He for over fifty days, drinking heavily every day, sitting in front of the mountain and insulting others, completely oblivious to his surroundings.

哈哈哈哈,翼德噉樣並非貪杯,呢個係佢打敗張郃嘅計策嚟㗎。 Hahaha|| Hahaha, this is not because Yide is greedy for wine, this is his strategy to defeat Zhang He.

哦,雖然係噉啫,亦唔能夠過份自信而驕傲自大滿不在乎㗎。 oh|| Oh, even if that's the case, one should not be overly confident and arrogant, acting as if they don't care.

於是孔明就命令魏延啊押運啲酒去前線,送畀張飛。 So Kongming ordered Wei Yan to transport some wine to the front line, to be delivered to Zhang Fei.

車上面插住黃旗,寫住前線供用美酒噉。 On the cart, there was a yellow flag, stating that it was fine wine for front line use.

送到去喇,嘿呀,張飛高興啊! delivered|hey| It's delivered now, hey, Zhang Fei is happy!

佢就吩咐魏延、雷銅各帶一支人馬作為左翼右翼,一睇見升起紅旗就進兵。 He instructed Wei Yan and Lei Tong to each take a troop as the left and right wings, and to advance as soon as they see the red flag raised.

然後啊,將啲酒一埕一埕噉擺晒喺帳幕前便,叫啲軍士啊,大張旗鼓痛飲啊。 then||| Then, he arranged the wine in barrels in front of the tent and told the soldiers to celebrate and drink heartily.

張郃得到間諜嘅報告,話張飛如此如此噉,就親自上去山頂睇下係咪真㗎啦。 Zhang He received a report from a spy saying that Zhang Fei was doing this and that, so he personally went up to the mountain top to see if it was true.

哈果然見到張飛,坐喺帳幕外便飲酒,仲叫咗兩個卒仔,喺佢面前摔跤畀佢睇嚟開心添。 Ha he really saw Zhang Fei|sitting outside the tent drinking|and even called two soldiers| Ha, he indeed saw Zhang Fei sitting outside the tent drinking, and he even called two soldiers to wrestle in front of him to entertain him.

嘩,張飛你欺人太甚啊!真係佛都激出火喇。 wow|| Wow, Zhang Fei, you are going too far! Even the Buddha would be enraged.

張郃嬲起上嚟,立即傳令,今晚落山去偷襲張飛嘅營寨。 Zhang He got angry and immediately ordered to launch a surprise attack on Zhang Fei's camp tonight.

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