"재생에너지가 없다"‥부족한 인프라 '비상' (2022.09.16/뉴스투데이/MBC)
renewable energy|does not exist|lacking|infrastructure|emergency||
"No hay energías renovables" ‥ Falta de infraestructuras 'de emergencia' (16.09.2022/Newstoday/MBC)
Il n'y a pas d'énergie renouvelable" ‥ Le manque d'infrastructures est une "urgence" (16.09.2022/Newstoday/MBC)
Non c'è energia rinnovabile" ‥ Mancanza di infrastrutture "emergenza" (16.09.2022/Newstoday/MBC)
"There is no renewable energy"‥Insufficient infrastructure is 'emergency' (2022.09.16/News Today/MBC)
-(앵커) 100% 재생에너지 전기만 쓰는 RE100 가입은 이제 대세가 됐습니다.
anchor|renewable energy|electricity only|using|RE100|membership|now|trend|has become
-(Anchor) Joining RE100, which uses 100% renewable energy electricity, has now become the trend.
문제는 우리나라의 재생에너지 전기가 턱없이 모자라는 건데요.
the problem|of our country|renewable energy|electricity|woefully|lacking|is
The problem is that our country's renewable energy electricity is woefully insufficient.
기업들의 노력뿐만 아니라 정부의투자도 뒷받침되어야 하는데 우려가 큽니다.
companies|efforts|not|government investment|should be supported|in|concern|is large
Not only the efforts of companies but also government investment must be supported, and there are great concerns.
배주환 기자입니다.
Bae Joo-hwan|is a reporter
Reporter Bae Joo-hwan.
-(기자) 삼성전자의 사업장은 전세계로 뻗어 있습니다.
(reporter)|Samsung Electronics'|business operations|worldwide|extend|are
|de Samsung Electronics||||
-(Reporter) Samsung Electronics' operations are spread across the globe.
미국, 유럽, 중국 사업장에서는 이미2년 전 100% 재생에너지 전환을 완료했고, 나머지 해외 사업장도 2027년까지 완료하기로 했습니다.
United States|Europe|China|in the business locations|||ago|renewable energy|transition|was completed|remaining|overseas|business locations also|by 2027|to be completed|was decided
In the United States, Europe, and China, they completed the transition to 100% renewable energy two years ago, and they plan to complete the remaining overseas operations by 2027.
문제는 한국입니다.
the problem|is Korea
The problem is South Korea.
삼성전자는 작년에 한국에서 18.4TWh를 썼는데 이 가운데 재생에너지는 0.5TWh, 고작 2.7%에 불과합니다.
Samsung Electronics|last year|in Korea|184 TWh|used|this|among|renewable energy|05 TWh|only|27%|accounted for
Last year, Samsung Electronics used 18.4 TWh in South Korea, of which only 0.5 TWh, or a mere 2.7%, came from renewable energy.
이거를 2050년까지 100%로 끌어올려야 합니다.
this|by 2050|to 100%|must raise|it
This needs to be raised to 100% by 2050.
하지만 쓰고 싶어도 쓸 재생에너지가 없습니다.
but|writing|even if I want to|usable|renewable energy|does not exist
However, there is no renewable energy available to use even if we want to.
지난해 우리나라 재생에너지 발전량은 43.1TWh.
last year|our country's|renewable energy|generation amount|431 terawatt-hours
Last year, the renewable energy generation in our country was 43.1 TWh.
삼성전자, SK하이닉스, 현대제철, 삼성디스플레이, LG디스플레이 이렇게 5개 기업이 쓰는 전력량에도 못 미칩니다.
Samsung Electronics|SK Hynix|Hyundai Steel|Samsung Display|LG Display|like this|5|companies|use|electricity consumption|not|reach
This is less than the amount of electricity consumed by five companies: Samsung Electronics, SK Hynix, Hyundai Steel, Samsung Display, and LG Display.
값도 비쌉니다.
the price|is expensive
el precio también|
The prices are also high.
한국의 재생에너지 전기는 화석연료나 원자력 전기보다 10% 정도 더 비싼 반면, 미국은 오히려 20%나 쌉니다.
Korean|renewable energy|electricity|fossil fuels|nuclear|electricity than|approximately|more|expensive|whereas|the United States|rather|20%|is cheaper
In Korea, renewable energy electricity is about 10% more expensive than fossil fuel or nuclear electricity, while in the United States, it is actually 20% cheaper.
태양광과 풍력을 엄청나게 늘렸기 때문입니다.
solar power|wind power|tremendously|increased|is because
This is because solar and wind power have been significantly increased.
-(기자) RE100을 달성하지 못하면 이제 글로벌 기업과 거래도 못 하는 시대.
reporter|||achieving|if not|now|global|with companies|transactions|not|doing|era
-(Reporter) If you do not achieve RE100, it is now an era where you cannot do business with global companies.
하지만 새 정부는 2030년 30%였던재생에너지 비중 확대 계획을 최근 오히려 21.5%로 축소했습니다.
but|new|government|by 2030||proportion|expansion|plan|recently|rather|to 215%|was reduced
However, the new government has recently reduced the plan to expand the share of renewable energy from 30% in 2030 to 21.5%.
기업들은 비상이 걸렸습니다.
companies|emergency|have been raised
Companies are in a state of emergency.
-(기자) 대만 정부는 TSMC가 해상 풍력전기를 사올 때 송전망 이용료의 90%를 지원합니다.
|Taiwan|government|TSMC|offshore|wind power|purchase|when|transmission network|usage fee|90%|supports
-(Reporter) The Taiwanese government supports 90% of the transmission network usage fee when TSMC purchases offshore wind power.
반면 소니는 재생에너지가 너무 부족해일본을 떠날 수도 있다며 일본 정부에 경고장을 날렀습니다.
on the other hand|Sony|renewable energy|too||leaving|possibility|saying that|Japanese|to the government|warning|sent
On the other hand, Sony has warned the Japanese government that it might leave Japan due to a severe shortage of renewable energy.
MBC 뉴스 배주환입니다.
MBC|news|is Bae Joo-hwan
This is Bae Joo-hwan from MBC News.
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