새로운 세계 - 한정판 달력 출시!
new|world|limited edition|calendar|release
New World - Kalender in limitierter Auflage veröffentlicht!
Un nuevo mundo - ¡Calendario de edición limitada ya disponible!
新しい世界 - 限定版カレンダー発売
New World - Limited Edition Kalender uitgebracht!
Um Novo Mundo - Calendário de edição limitada já disponível!
Новый мир - ограниченный выпуск календаря!
Yeni Dünya - Sınırlı Sayıda Takvim Çıktı!
New World - Limited Edition Calendar Release!
준비 됐어. 해냈어 성공이야.
ready|is|accomplished|it's a success
got ready||udało się|to sukces
Du bist bereit, du hast es geschafft, du hast es geschafft.
I'm ready. I did it, it's a success.
우리 앞에는 눈으로 볼 수 없는 것들이 많이 숨겨져 있습니다. 괴
we|in front of|with our eyes|see|possibility|not|things|many|hidden|are|strange
nasze|przed nami||widzieć|można|niewidoczne|rzeczy|dużo|ukryte|są|to
Vieles ist vor uns verborgen, was wir nicht sehen können. Geister
There are many things hidden in front of us that cannot be seen with the eyes. Monsters
상한 구조물과 황당할 정도로 기괴한 생명체들이 사는 세계가 숨어 있죠
zrujnowana|strukturą|absurdne||dziwaczne|istoty żywe|żyją|świat|ukryta|jest
Es ist eine Welt voller kaputter Strukturen und unglaublich bizarrer Kreaturen.
A world where bizarre structures and absurdly strange creatures live is hidden.
. 정말 마법 같은 곳이군요.
|magia|jak|to miejsce
. Was für ein magischer Ort.
It's truly a magical place.
점균류가 숲을 이뤘네요. 단세포 생물인 점균류는 서로 힘을 합쳐
slime molds|forest|has formed|single-celled|organism|slime molds|with each other|strength|combining
grzyby śl|||jednokomórk|organizm jednokomór|grzyby śl|wspólnie|siłę|połączają siły
Ein Wald aus Mykorrhiza, Einzellern, die sich miteinander verbinden, um die Mykorrhiza zu bilden.
The slime molds have formed a forest. Slime molds, which are single-celled organisms, work together.
곰팡이 같은 구조물을 만듭니다. 하지만 이 차분한 녀석들과 놀 시간은
|podobnych|struktury||ale||spokojny|tego gościa|bawić|czas
Sie bilden schimmelartige Strukturen. Aber die Zeit, um mit diesen ruhigen Jungs zu spielen, ist, wenn die
They create structures similar to fungi. However, there is no time to play with these calm creatures.
없습니다. 쉿 타디그레이드 대왕님의 왕국
does not exist|shh|tardigrade|of the king|kingdom
Nein. Pssst, das Königreich von Tadigrade dem Großen
Shh, we have arrived at the kingdom of the great tardigrade.
에 도착했습니다. 죽은 듯이 주 무시는 대왕님을 방해하면 안 됩니다.
at|arrived|dead|like|your|sleeping|king|if you disturb|not|should
||umarły|jak|proszę|nie można||przeszkadzać|nie|nie wolno
am Ende des Tages. Ihr dürft den großen König nicht stören, der über euch wacht, als wärt ihr tot.
We must not disturb the great king, who appears to be dead.
하지만 걱정하지 마세요 상황이 좋아지면 깨어날 겁니다.
but|don't worry|please|situation|improves|will wake|will
|nie martw się|proszę nie||||się obudzę
Aber keine Sorge, er wird wieder aufwachen, wenn es ihm besser geht.
But don't worry, he will wake up when the situation improves.
아 방해하려던 건 아니었어요. 여러분의 세포는 생명 유지를 위해
ah|was trying to interfere|thing|was not|your|cells|life|maintenance|for
|próbowałem przes|to|||komórki|życia|przetrwania|w celu
Oh, ich wollte Sie nicht stören. Ihre Zellen verwenden die
Oh, I didn't mean to interrupt. Your cells adjust countless proteins here and there to maintain life.
수많은 단백질을 이리저리 조정 합니다.
many|proteins|here and there|adjusting|do
|białek||manipuluję|to adjust
It's really a strange place; I don't know where is up or down.
정말 이상한 곳이네요 어디가 위 인지 아랜지 모르겠어요.
really|strange|place|where|up|is|down|I don't know
naprawdę|||gdzie||czy|właśnie|nie wiem
Das ist ein wirklich seltsamer Ort, ich weiß nicht, ob er oben oder unten ist.
It's too complicated, let's move on. Now we have arrived at the place that allows you to watch this video.
너무 복잡하고요 넘어갑시다. 이제 여러분이 이 영상을 볼 수
too|complicated|let's move on|now|you all|this|video|watch|can
Das ist zu kompliziert, machen wir weiter. Jetzt können Sie dieses Video in
The structure of the microchip is so small.
있게 해주는 곳으로 왔습니다. 마이크로칩 구조는 어찌나 작은
to keep|providing|to place|I came|microchip|structure|how|small
지 양자 영역의 규칙을 거의 무너 뜨릴 정도입니다.
the|quantum|of the|rules|almost|collapse|breaking|to the extent
|kwantowa|obszarze|||złamać|zburzyć|to tego stopnia
Das verstößt fast gegen die Regeln des Quantenbereiches.
It is almost enough to break the rules of the quantum realm.
잠깐만요 뭔가 일어나고 있어요 이 숨겨진 세계들은 모두 이번 12
wait a moment|something|is happening|is|this|hidden|worlds|all|this
Wait a moment, something is happening; these hidden worlds are all included in the 12
023년 인류력 달력에 포함된 것입니다. 이번에는 여러분과 함께 작은 세계로
2023|human history|calendar|included|is|this time|with you|together|small|to the world
rok||w kalendarzu|zawarte w|to jest|tym razem|z wami|z wami|mały|świat
Es ist Teil des 023. Jahres des menschlichen Kalenders, und dieses Mal nehmen wir Sie mit in eine kleine Welt der
2023 Human Calendar. This time, we will embark on a journey to a small world together.
떠납니다. 페이지를 넘길 때마다 발밑에 숨겨진
leaving|page|turning|every time|at my feet|hidden
|stronę|przewracam|za każdym razem|u stóp|ukryty
Blätter. Jedes Mal, wenn du die Seite umblätterst, siehst du ein verstecktes
With each turn of the page, you will discover new worlds hidden beneath your feet.
새로운 세계를 발견하실 겁니다. 어떻게 진행될지는 이미 아시겠
new||you will discover|will|how|will proceed|already|you know
nowy||odkryjecie|będzie|jak|będzie przebiegać|już|wiesz
Du bist dabei, eine neue Welt zu entdecken. Du weißt schon, wie es geht
You already know how it will proceed.
죠 화려한 한정판 초고품질 달력 이 여러분을 기다립니다.
is|glamorous|limited edition|ultra high quality|calendar|this|you|is waiting
|wspaniały|limitowana edycja|ultra high quality||to|was|czeka na was
A dazzling limited edition high-quality calendar is waiting for you.
상점에는 특별 할인도 준비되어 있습니다.
the store|special|discount|is prepared|is
The store also has special discounts prepared.
달력으로 kurzgesagt의 진정한 한 조각 을 가져 보세요.
with the calendar|of kurzgesagt|true|one|piece|(object marker)|bring|please
Get a true piece of kurzgesagt with the calendar.
매년 하는 말이긴 합니다. 하지만 사실인걸요. 달력을 사면 kurzges
every year|that|statement|is|but|is true|calendar|if you buy|
|mówię|to prawda|to jest|ale|to prawda||kupisz|
Ich weiß, dass ich es jedes Jahr sage, aber es ist wahr: Wenn man einen Kalender kauft, bekommt man kurzges
I say this every year. But it's true. By buying the calendar, you can directly support kurzgesagt.
agt를 직접 도울 수 있습니다. 영상 제작만이 아니라 전 세계 사람들의
AGT|directly|help|possibility|is|video|only production|not|whole|world|people's
cię|||możliwość|możemy|wideo|produkcja|nie tylko|w|świat|ludzi
Sie können AGT direkt helfen. Es geht nicht nur darum, Videos zu machen, sondern auch darum, Menschen auf der ganzen Welt zu helfen
Not just video production, but also people around the world.
호기심 자극을 돕는 겁니다. 여러분 덕분에 저희는 지식을 전
curiosity|stimulation|helping|is|you|thanks to|we|knowledge|transmission
||pomaga||wszyscy wy|dzięki wam|my|wiedzę|przekazujemy
It helps to stimulate curiosity. Thanks to you, we can spread knowledge.
하고 우주 자연 생명을 소중하게 생각하는 마음을 사람들의 가슴
and|universe|nature|life|precious|thinking|heart|of people|chest
||natural|życie||myślący|serce|ludzi|serca ludzi
And instill in people's hearts the value of nature and life in the universe.
속에 심을 수 있습니다. 다 여러분 덕분입니다. 정말 감사합니다
in|plant|possibility|is|all|you|thanks to you|really|thank you
|można zasadzi|można|można||wszyscy wy|dzięki wam|naprawdę|dziękuję bardzo
It's all thanks to you. Thank you very much.
멋진 12023년 되세요 1월에 다시 만나요
wonderful|year 12023|be|in January|again|we meet
||bądź|w styczniu|znowu|spotkamy się
Viel Spaß beim 12023 und wir sehen uns im Januar
Have a wonderful year 12023. See you again in January.
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