미니멀 라이프 살고 싶은데 미니멀리스트 될 수 없는 나, 비정상인가요?
minimal|life|living|want to|minimalist|become|possibility|not having|I|am I abnormal
Ich möchte ein minimalistisches Leben führen, aber ich kann kein Minimalist sein, bin ich abnormal?
Quiero llevar una vida minimalista, pero no puedo ser minimalista, ¿soy anormal?
Voglio vivere una vita minimalista, ma non posso essere un minimalista, sono anormale?
Jag vill leva ett minimalistiskt liv, men jag kan inte vara en minimalist, är jag onormal?
I want to live a minimal life, but I can't become a minimalist. Am I abnormal?
짜잔~ 캔버라예요
ta-da~|it's Canberra
Ta-da~ It's Canberra.
지역 이동 하고 있어요
region|moving|and|I am
I am moving to a different area.
is the luggage
This is my luggage.
코딱지 만큼 줄었어요
booger|as much as|has decreased
It has shrunk to the size of a booger.
애들레이드 가고 있어요
Adelaide|going|I am
I'm going to Adelaide.
멜번으로 가고 있어요
to Melbourne|going|I am
I'm going to Melbourne.
여기 잠깐 맥도날드 왔는데요
here|for a moment|McDonald's|I came
I just stopped by McDonald's here.
저희 짐 또 싣고 이동 중이예요
we|luggage|again|loading|moving|in the process of
We're moving again with our luggage.
지역 이동하고 있는데요~
region|moving|I am
We're moving around the area~
퇴근 하자마자 바로 이동 하니까 너무 힘들어요
after work|as soon as|immediately|moving|I am|very|tired
It's really hard to move right after getting off work.
또 이사 왔어요
again|move|I came
I moved again.
숙소로 가고 있어요
to the accommodation|I am going|I am
I'm on my way to the accommodation.
오늘 Yamba 마지막 날이예요
Today is the last day in Yamba.
저희는 다시 남쪽으로 내려가고 있는데요
we|again|south|going down|are
We are heading back down south.
오늘 NSW 주에서 Queensland 주로 이동해야 되는 날이거든요
today|New South Wales|from the state|Queensland|to the state|I have to move|be|day
Today is the day we have to move from New South Wales to Queensland.
이게 저희 들고 다니는 짐 전부인데요
This is all the luggage we are carrying.
엄청 많죠~
It's a lot, right~
노트북이랑 카메라랑
the laptop|the camera
A laptop and a camera,
컴퓨터 용품이랑
computer supplies,
욕실 용품이랑 약들 들어 있고
There are bathroom supplies and medicines in here.
이불 들고 다니거든요
blanket|carrying|I am
I carry around a blanket.
베게랑 옷이랑 그런거고
with the pillow|with the clothes|that sort of thing
It's a pillow and clothes and such.
And a computer.
이게 다 주방 짐인거예요
this|all|kitchen|is stuff
This is all kitchen stuff.
주방 짐을 못 줄이니까 짐이 계속 많아요
kitchen|burden|cannot|reduce|burden|continuously|is large/many
I can't reduce the kitchen clutter, so there's still a lot of stuff.
짐이 많은것 같기도 하고 적은것 같기도한데 일단 많은것 같아요
the luggage|many|seems|and|few|seems to be|for now|many|seems
It seems like there is a lot of stuff, but it also seems like there isn't, but for now, it feels like there is a lot.
근데 우리는 이렇게 돌아 다니면서 한 달씩 살아야 되니까
but|we|like this|around|while|one|month|have to live|because
But we have to live like this, moving around for a month.
짐을 완전히 없애질 못하는 거예요
the burden|completely|getting rid of|unable to|is
So we can't completely get rid of the clutter.
어쨋든 이걸 다 깔아 놓으면
anyway|this|all|install|if you put
Anyway, if we lay all this out...
이제 '여기도 우리집인 것 같다' 이렇게 됩니다
now|here too|our house|thing|seems||
Now it feels like 'this is our home too'.
is round
This is Dung.
저희 이제 에어비앤비에서 3주 동안 지낼건데 짐을 풀거든요
we|now|at Airbnb|3 weeks|for|will be staying|luggage|unpacking
We are going to stay at Airbnb for 3 weeks, so we are unpacking.
아직도 짐이 이렇게 많네요
still|luggage|like this|is a lot
There is still so much luggage.
이렇게까지 짐이 없어도 되는데
to this extent|baggage|without|should be fine
It shouldn't be necessary to have this much stuff.
저희가 주방 살림을 가지고 있던거를 최대한 많이 처분을 했는데
we|kitchen|household items|having|that we had|as much as possible|many/much|disposing of|we did
We tried to get rid of as much of our kitchen items as possible.
그래도 집에서 뭘 많이 해 먹고 살다 보니까
still|at home|something|a lot|I eat|eating|living|I see
Still, since we cook a lot at home,
'이런건 있으면 편한데' 이러면서 아직까지 들고 다니는
this kind of thing|if you have|is convenient|while|still|carrying|around
there are still some things we carry around saying, 'It would be convenient to have this.'
그런 짐들이 있어요
There are those kinds of items.
물론 이것도 조만간 처분을 할 겁니다
of course|this too|soon|disposing|will|be
Of course, I will dispose of this soon.
저희가 미니멀 리스트라고 생각을 안하거든요
we|minimal|as a list|thought|do not
We don't think of ourselves as minimalists.
가지고 있는 짐을 보면 미니멀 하다고 말하기가 좀 그렇네요
having|that|baggage|when I see|minimal|is|to say|a bit|difficult
Looking at the stuff we have, it's a bit hard to say we're minimal.
집은 미니멀 인테리어로 유지하고 싶은 마음이 있어요
the house|minimal|with interior design|maintaining|wanting|feeling|is
I have a desire to maintain a minimal interior in the house.
사실은 미니멀 리스트가 되고 싶은데 너무 어려운거죠
the truth is|minimal|list|becoming|I want to|too|it's difficult
The truth is, I want to be a minimalist, but it's really difficult.
쪼꼼씩 쪼꼼씩 움직여 볼려고 해요
little by little||moving|trying to|I am
I'm trying to move little by little.
어떤 것들이 있는지 떠돌이 생활 하면서 들고 다니고 있는
I'll show you some of the ridiculous things I've been carrying around while living a wandering life.
어이없는 짐들에 대해서 좀 보여드릴께요
ridiculous|about the luggage|regarding|a bit|I will show you
Let me show you some of the absurd baggage.
어이없는 짐들이 나오고 있어요
absurd|burdens|are coming out|exist
Some ridiculous baggage is coming out.
커피랑 티랑 이런거 있잖아요
coffee|tea|like this|you know
You know, things like coffee and tea.
그거 쓰던거를 처분을 못하고 들고 온거예요
that|was using|disposal|unable to|carrying|I brought
I couldn't dispose of what I was using and brought it with me.
이걸 들고다니니 말이 안돼죠
this|you carry|talking|is not right
It's ridiculous to be carrying this around.
탬퍼 이거 없어도 되는건데 있어요
tamper|this|without|being necessary|is present
This tamper is unnecessary, but I have it.
차랑 커피 내려먹고 하는거구요
with tea|coffee|brewed|I am
I use it for making coffee in the car.
도시락통 왜 있냐면요~
lunch box|why|is there
The reason I have a lunch box is~
혼자 약사로 일하면 점심시간 따로 없거든요
alone|as a pharmacist|when working|lunch time|separately|does not exist
If you work alone as a pharmacist, there is no separate lunch time.
도시락을 싸가야 돼서 하나는 챙겨 놨어요
lunchbox|I need to take|because|one|I prepared|I have
I have to pack a lunch, so I prepared one.
저거 어이가 없죠? 앞치마예요
that|absurdity|isn't it|is an apron
Isn't that ridiculous? It's an apron.
채칼이 나오고 있습니다
the slicer|is coming out|is
A grater is coming out.
캐나다 갈때도 들고 갈거라서 끝까지 데려 갈거구요
Canada|when I go|with|I will take|until the end|take|I will
I will take it with me when I go to Canada, so I will bring it all the way.
전자렌지 용기는 어쩔수 없이
Microwave containers are unavoidable.
지난번에 키친이 없는 숙소를 받는 바람에 하나 샀어요
last time|kitchen|without|accommodation|receiving|due to|one|I bought
Last time, I ended up buying one because I got an accommodation without a kitchen.
어~~~ 되게 어이없는게 나오고 있습니다
oh|very|absurd|coming out|is
Oh~ something really ridiculous is coming out.
냄비 받침대가 나오고 있죠
pot|trivet|is coming out|is
A pot holder is coming out.
Chopper!! 저거는 되게 유용해요
Chopper|that|very|is useful
Chopper!! That one is really useful.
여기서 처분해야될 애들이 나오고 있습니다
here|that need to be disposed of|kids|are coming out|are
The ones that need to be disposed of are coming out here.
도마가 나오구 있구요
the cutting board|is coming out|is
The cutting board is coming out.
마땅히 처분해야 될 대도마가 나왔어요
rightfully|should be disposed of|to be|large crocodile|has appeared
The large cutting board that should be disposed of has come out.
도마가 또 있네요 ㅎㅎ
the cutting board|again|is there|
There's another cutting board, haha.
도마가 왜이렇게 많아;;
the cutting board|why so|many
Why are there so many cutting boards?
저거는 도마랑 칼 거치대인데 한국에 들고 갈거라서 있어요
that|cutting board|knife|holder|to Korea|carrying|I am going|is
That is a cutting board and knife holder, and I have it because I'm going to take it to Korea.
진짜 어이가 없네
really|absurdity|is not
This is really ridiculous.
사시미 칼이 나왔네요
sashimi|knife|has come out
A sashimi knife has come out.
기본 칼이 있구요
basic|knife|there is
There is a basic knife.
왜냐면 숙소 돌아다니면서 있는 칼은 칼이 잘 안들어가지고
because|accommodation|while walking around|that is|knife|knife|well|doesn't cut well
Because the knives available while moving around the accommodation don't cut well.
I dislike it.
또 어이 없는게 나왔네요 토치가 나왔습니다
again|absurd|non-existent|has come out|torch|has appeared
And something ridiculous has come out again, a torch has appeared.
그거는!?? (아~ 내가 챙기라 그랬나? 미안하다)
that|ah|I|take care of|did I|I'm sorry
What is that!?? (Ah~ did I tell you to take care of it? I'm sorry.)
칼 스틸이네요
knife|is steel
It's a knife steel.
이거 왜 있는데? (그거 왜 있는데?)
this|why|is there|that|why|is there)
Why is this here? (Why is that here?)
하이라이트 나온다! 하이라이트!
highlight|is coming out|highlight
The highlight is coming! The highlight!
엄청 무거운 숯돌이 나왔습니다
very|heavy|charcoal stone|has come out
A very heavy charcoal stone has come out.
(남편이) 칼에 약간 목숨 거는 사람이라서
(my husband)|to the knife|slightly|life|risking|is the kind of person
(My husband) is someone who puts his life on the line with a knife.
텀블러가 또 나오네요
the tumbler|again|is coming out
Another tumbler is coming out.
저거 블루보틀 미국에 가서 샀던건데
that|Blue Bottle|in the US|went|I bought
That was bought in the US from Blue Bottle.
하~~~ 어이가 없네
ha~|absurdity|is non-existent
Ha~ I can't believe it.
저거도 다 주고 왔어야 되는데 아직까지 있다니
that one|all|giving|should have come|should be|still|is
I should have given all of that away, but it's still here.
젓가락은 쓰고 버릴거라서 있어요
the chopsticks|using|because I will throw them away|are
I have chopsticks because I'm going to use and throw them away.
왜냐면 호주에는 숙소 돌아 다니면 젓가락은 없거든요
because|in Australia|accommodation|around|if you go|chopsticks|there are none
Because in Australia, there are no chopsticks when you go around the accommodations.
봉지 씰 하는건데요
bag|seal|is sealing
It's for sealing bags.
엄청 작은 반찬통 같은거
very|small|side dish container|like
It's like a really small side dish container.
그거 왜 따라왔는데
Why did that follow you?
저건 소스통 작은거고
that|sauce container|is small
That's a small sauce container.
우짤건데 이거?
what should I do|this
What are you going to do with this?
커피숍에서 공짜로 받은 머그컵인데요
at the coffee shop|for free|received|mug
It's a mug I got for free at a coffee shop.
칼이 또있네
the knife|is there again
There's another knife.
가위는 숙소마다 없는데가 많아서 가위도 하나는 챙겨요
scissors|at each accommodation|there are not|many|scissors too|one|I bring
There are many places without scissors, so I always bring one.
근데 왜 두개냐?
but|why|are there two
But why two?
.... 네, 저런게 있습니다
yes|like that|exists
.... Yes, there are things like that.
아~~진짜!! 이거는 진짜 (할많하않)
|really|||할 말이 많지만 하지 않겠다
Oh really!! This is really (so much to say, so little time)
못버리고 들고 왔네요
couldn't throw away|carrying|I came
I couldn't throw it away and brought it with me.
상업용 비닐 장갑
Commercial plastic gloves.
양푼이 있어요
bowl|there is
I have a mixing bowl.
양푼이는 진짜 여러모로 필요해서 들고 다니는데
the bowl|really|in many ways|is necessary|carrying|around
I really need the mixing bowl for various purposes, so I carry it around.
빨간 바구니는 세트로 있었던 거라서 들고 있는데
red|basket|as a set|was|because|holding|I am
The red basket was part of a set, so I'm carrying it.
이것도 처분할거예요 여기서
this too|will be disposed of|here
I will dispose of this here.
이까지가 우리가 가지고 다니는 쓸때 없는 것들이구요
this up to|we|carrying|around|useless|not having|things
This is all the useless stuff we carry around.
목표는 이 집에서 떠날때 절반정도로 줄이고 가자는 생각입니다
the goal|this|from the house|when I leave|to half|reducing|let's|thought
The goal is to reduce it to about half by the time we leave this house.
가운데 뚱뚱한 애들은 캐나다 약시용 책이고
in the middle|fat|kids|Canada|for the visually impaired|book
The fat books in the middle are for Canadian pharmacy.
얇은 애들은 호주에서 약사회 같은데 가입 했을때
thin|kids|in Australia|pharmacy association|like|joining|when
The thin ones are from when I joined a pharmacy association in Australia.
매달 오던 건데 이걸 지금 다 처리 할려구요
every month|was coming|thing|this|now|all|process|I want to
This is something that used to come every month, and I'm trying to handle it all now.
스캔을 해서 보관을 할려구요
scan|and|storage|I plan to
I'm planning to scan it and keep it.
여기 스캐너가 있거든요 조만한거!
There's a scanner here, you know!
지금 짐 정리를 하고 있는데요
now|luggage|organizing|I am|I am
I'm currently organizing my stuff.
이게 제일 어려운거 같아요
I think this is the most difficult part.
연애 편지랑 써서 만들었던 이런 데이트북 같은게 있거든요
dating|with letters|writing|that I made|this kind of|date book|like|exists
I have something like a date book that I made by writing love letters.
이건 자석이예요. 닮았나요?
this|is a magnet|does it resemble
This is a magnet. Does it look similar?
(참 쓸때 없는 짓을 많이 했어!)
(I really did a lot of useless things!)
이거는 프로포즈 받을 때 마술 보여준다카면서 했던건데
This was something I did while showing magic when I was proposed to.
대충 보이죠?
roughly|you can see
Can you see it roughly?
프로포즈 받았어요
proposal|I received
I got a proposal.
이건 버려야 되는데 선뜻 한명이 버리자고 말을 못하는 거예요
this|should be thrown away|be|readily|one person|to throw away|words|unable to|is
This needs to be thrown away, but no one is willing to say it.
여기 모텔방인데요
here|is a motel room
This is a motel room.
지금 우리가 가지고 있는 옷 전부 다거든요
now|we|have|that is|clothes|all|is
These are all the clothes we have right now.
근데 민뚱이가 이것도 많다고 버리재요
but|Minttung|this too|is many|is saying to throw away
But Minttung says there are too many of these, so he wants to throw them away.
이거 전부 양말이고요
this|all|is socks
These are all socks.
심하잖아 봐 ㅎㅎㅎ
it's serious|look|haha
It's serious, right? Hahaha.
이거 전부 속옷이고요
this|all|is underwear
These are all underwear.
이거는 제 옷이고
this|my|is clothing
This is my clothing.
이건 민뚱이 옷이고요
this|Minttung|is clothing
This is Minttung's clothes.
이것도 내옷이네
this|is my clothes
This is also my clothes.
저건 민뚱이 옷이고요
that|Minttu|is the clothes
That is Minttung's clothes.
저기 운동복 있구요
over there|workout clothes|are
There is sportswear over there.
젤 쉬운거 부터 하지 뭐! 양말부터!
the most|easy thing|from|should|what|from the socks
Let's start with the easiest thing! Starting with socks!
안 신는거 버리면 되잖아 (당당)
not|wearing|if you throw away|it's okay|
You can just throw away the ones you don't wear (confidently)
멀쩡한걸 버려야 되니까 이게 힘든거잖아요 그죠?
the intact one|I have to throw away|because|this|is difficult|right
It's hard because you have to throw away something that's still good, right?
일단은 양말 정리 끝났구요
for now|socks|organizing|is finished
For now, I've finished organizing the socks.
난 입는 옷만 가져온 것 같은데...
I|wearing|only clothes|brought|thing|seems
I think I only brought the clothes I wear...
이건 유니폼이고
this|is a uniform
This is a uniform.
long pants
long pants
pajama pants
pajama pants
운동복 바지
sports pants
baggy pants
work pants
tight pants
Jogger pants
내가 이 빨간 반바지를 안입겠제? (버려)
I|this|red|shorts|won't wear|(throw away)
Am I not going to wear these red shorts? (Throw them away)
빨간 반바지 안녕~~
Goodbye red shorts
청 반바지도 내가 안입더제?
denim|shorts|I|don't wear
Am I not going to wear these blue shorts?
응 (버려)
yes|throw away
Yeah (Throw them away)
청반바지 안녕~
blue jeans|hello~
Hello, blue pants~
그러면 끝!
Then it's over!
옷 멀쩡한걸 버리래~~
clothes|that are fine|they say to throw away
They told me to throw away perfectly good clothes.
민뚱이가 이거 쓰레기통에 넣었는데 내가 도로 가져온거
Min-ttoongi|this|to the trash can|put|I|back|brought
Mintong put this in the trash, but I brought it back.
나 민소매 애착있는듯!
I|sleeveless|seem to be attached to
I seem to be attached to sleeveless tops!
저거 그지같은 거 다 보관하고
Keep all that trash.
이게 늘어나가지고 중심도 못잡아요 (모양 다틀어짐)
this|is stretching|center|cannot be held|(shape|is completely distorted
It keeps getting bigger and can't maintain its shape (everything is distorted).
그게 제일 편한데
that|most|is comfortable
That's the most comfortable.
ㅇㅓㅇ ㅣ 가 없닿 진짷ㅎㅎ
what|subject marker|subject marker|doesn't exist|really haha
There's no way to touch it, seriously haha.
그게 제일 편하다고오~~
that|most|is comfortable
That's the most comfortable.
어차피 잘때 입는건데 왜?
anyway|when sleeping|I wear|why
It's something I wear when I sleep anyway, so why?
빳빳한거 젤 싫어한다!
I hate stiff things the most!
빳빳한거 두개 버리까?
stiff one|two|should I throw away
Should I throw away the two stiff ones?
이거 이제 버리면 되나? (버리라!)
this|now|if I throw away|is it okay|throw it away)
Can I throw this away now? (Throw it away!)
이거는 크리스마스때? (크리스마스때 일 안한다 아이가!)
this|at Christmas|at Christmas|work|doesn't|child
Is this for Christmas? (I don't work during Christmas!)
놀때 입을 수도 있지! 작년에도 놀때 입었는데..
when playing|I wear|possibility|can|last year|when playing|I wore
You can wear it when playing! I wore it when playing last year too..
죽지도 안해요! 저거!
not dying|not doing|that
It won't die! That thing!
루돌푼데 이거 빨아도 그대로 있어요~
Rudolph|this|even if I wash|as is|remains
It's Rudolph, and even if you wash it, it stays the same~
이거 왜 버리는데?
this|why|are you throwing away
Why are you throwing this away?
is fine
It's perfectly fine!
반팔티 하나
short-sleeve t-shirt|one
One short-sleeve t-shirt
반팔티 둘
short-sleeve t-shirt|two
Two short-sleeve t-shirts
이거 아까 그거 빨간바지 그거 짝진데
this|earlier|that|red pants||is a match
This is the one that matched with those red pants from earlier
이거도 이제 수명이.... (버리라 그거)
this|now|lifespan|throw away|that
This one is also nearing its end.... (Just throw it away)
반팔티가 자꾸 없어지고 있어요 여러분
the short-sleeve t-shirt|repeatedly|disappearing|is|
The short-sleeve t-shirts keep disappearing, everyone
조심해리 막 옷없다고 또 옷 산디
cautious Harry|just|saying he has no clothes|again|clothes|bought
Be careful, I bought more clothes because I said I had none.
구멍날 때까지 입고 내가!
until it has holes|until|wearing|I
I'll wear them until they have holes!
입고 입고 또 입었는데 이만한게 없지!!
wearing|wearing|again|I wore|like this|there is none
I've worn them and worn them, but nothing is as good as this!!
그거 뭔데?
that|what is
What is that?
레드! 붉은 악마~
Red! The Red Devil~
throw away
Throw it away.
이런건 챙겨야되제?
this kind of thing|should I take care of
Shouldn't we keep things like this?
그지 같은 옷 자꾸 안버려서?
beggar|like|clothes|repeatedly|not throwing away
Because you keep not throwing away those ugly clothes?
반바지 이거 고무줄 반바지 이거 한 개 밖에 없어~~
I only have this one pair of elastic shorts.
기분이 어때요? (가벼워요)
my mood|how is|light
How do you feel? (I feel light)
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