4.3 – Viking Expeditions and Colonization
|Viking Expeditions|and|Viking Settlements Expansion
4.3 – Wikingerexpeditionen und Kolonisierung
4.3 – Viking Expeditions and Colonization
4.3 – Expediciones vikingas y colonización
4.3 – Expéditions vikings et colonisation
4.3 – Wyprawy Wikingów i Kolonizacja
4.3 – Expedições vikings e colonização
4.3 – Экспедиции викингов и колонизация
4.3 – Viking Seferleri ve Kolonizasyon
4.3 – Експедиції вікінгів і колонізація
4.3 – 維京探險和殖民
Hallo hallo!
Bonjour bonjour!
Vikingferder og kolonisering I 793 angreip norske vikinger klosteret på Lindisfarne.
Viking expeditions|and|colonization|I|attacked|Norwegian|Vikings|the monastery|on|Lindisfarne
Viking voyages and colonization In 793, Norwegian Vikings attacked the monastery at Lindisfarne.
Expéditions vikings et colonisation En 793, les Vikings norvégiens ont attaqué le monastère de Lindisfarne.
Подорожі вікінгів і колонізація У 793 році норвезькі вікінги напали на монастир у Ліндісфарні.
Dette blir ofte regna som begynnelsen på vikingtida.
This|is often|often|considered|as|the beginning|of|the Viking Age
This is often considered the beginning of the Viking Age.
Cela est souvent considéré comme le début de l'ère viking.
Likevel var det faktisk ikke det første vikingraidet i England.
yet|was|it|actually||it|first|Viking raid||
Nevertheless, it was not actually the first Viking raid in England.
Cependant, ce n'était en fait pas la première attaque viking en Angleterre.
Året før hadde vikinger angrepet kong Offa av Mercia, en engelsk småkonge.
The year|the year before|had|the Vikings|attacked|king|King Offa|of|Mercia|an|English|minor king
The year before, the Vikings had attacked King Offa of Mercia, an English petty king.
L'année précédente, les Vikings avaient attaqué le roi Offa de Mercie, un petit roi anglais.
За рік до цього вікінги напали на короля Мерсії Оффу, англійського дрібного короля.
Angrepet på Lindisfarne er likevel det mest kjente.
the attack|on|Lindisfarne||nevertheless|the|most|famous
The attack on Lindisfarne is still the most famous.
L'attaque de Lindisfarne est cependant la plus célèbre.
Vikingene spredde frykt der de reiste.
the Vikings|spread|fear|where|where they|traveled
Die Wikinger verbreiteten Angst, wohin sie auch reisten.
The Vikings spread fear wherever they traveled.
Les Vikings semaient la terreur partout où ils allaient.
Folk var redde for vikingene ettersom raidene var veldig voldelige.
People|were|afraid|for|the Vikings|because|the raids|were||violent
Die Menschen hatten Angst vor den Wikingern, da die Überfälle sehr gewalttätig waren.
People were afraid of the Vikings as the raids were very violent.
Les gens craignaient les Vikings car leurs raids étaient très violents.
Men vikingene var også dyktige.
but|the Vikings|were|also|skilled
Aber auch die Wikinger waren geschickt.
But the Vikings were also skilled.
Mais les Vikings étaient aussi compétents.
Але вікінги також були вправними.
Det var vanskelig å hindre vikingangrep ettersom vikingene kunne bevege seg så kjapt.
It|it was|difficult|to|prevent|Viking raids|because|the Vikings|could|move|themselves|so|quickly
Es war schwierig, Angriffe der Wikinger zu verhindern, da die Wikinger so schnell vorrücken konnten.
It was difficult to prevent Viking attacks as the Vikings could move so quickly.
Il était difficile d'empêcher les attaques des Vikings car ils pouvaient se déplacer si rapidement.
Було важко запобігти нападам вікінгів, оскільки вікінги могли рухатися дуже швидко.
Vikingskipene var raske, lette å styre, og kunne seile på ganske grunne farvann.
||schnell|leicht||||||||flachen Gewässer|
The Viking ships|were|fast|light|to|steer|and|could|sail|in|quite|shallow|waters
The Viking ships were fast, easy to steer, and could sail in fairly shallow waters.
Les navires vikings étaient rapides, faciles à manœuvrer et pouvaient naviguer sur des eaux assez peu profondes.
Кораблі вікінгів були швидкими, легкими в керуванні і могли плавати в досить мілководді.
Dette gjorde at vikingene kunne bruke kysten og elver for å komme seg rundt.
this|allowed|that|the Vikings|could|use|the coast|and|rivers|to|to|get|themselves|around
Dies ermöglichte es den Wikingern, die Küste und Flüsse als Fortbewegungsmittel zu nutzen.
This allowed the Vikings to use the coast and rivers to get around.
Cela a permis aux Vikings d'utiliser la côte et les rivières pour se déplacer.
Det gjorde at vikingene var mer mobile enn andre.
That|made|that|the Vikings|were|more|more mobile|than|others
This made the Vikings more mobile than others.
Cela a rendu les Vikings plus mobiles que les autres.
Dette gjorde at vikingene kunne angripe, plyndre og så trekke seg tilbake.
This allowed|caused|that|the Vikings|could|attack|plunder|and then|then|withdraw|themselves|retreat
Dadurch konnten die Wikinger angreifen, plündern und sich dann zurückziehen.
This allowed the Vikings to attack, plunder and then retreat.
Cela a permis aux Vikings d'attaquer, de piller et de se retirer ensuite.
Це дозволяло вікінгам атакувати, грабувати, а потім відступати.
Engelske og franske skip var ikke raske nok til å ta igjen vikingskipene.
English|and|French|ships|were||fast|fast enough|to|to catch up|catch up with|catch up with|the Viking ships
Englische und französische Schiffe waren nicht schnell genug, um die Wikingerschiffe einzuholen.
English and French ships were not fast enough to catch up with the Viking ships.
Les navires anglais et français n'étaient pas assez rapides pour rattraper les navires vikings.
En annen grunn til at vikingene var så suksessfulle var den svake politiske organiseringa i Europa.
One|another|reason||that|the Vikings|were|so|successful|was|the|weak|political|political organization||
Another reason why the Vikings were so successful was the weak political organization in Europe.
Une autre raison du succès des vikings était la faible organisation politique en Europe.
Den politiske organiseringa i Europa var svak, noe som gjorde at de sleit med å forsvare seg mot vikingene.
The|political|organization|in||was|weak|which|which|resulted in|that|they|struggled|with|to|defend themselves|themselves|against|the Vikings
Die politische Organisation in Europa war schwach, was bedeutete, dass sie Schwierigkeiten hatten, sich gegen die Wikinger zu verteidigen.
The political organization in Europe was weak, which meant that they struggled to defend themselves against the Vikings.
L'organisation politique en Europe était faible, ce qui les a empêchés de se défendre contre les vikings.
Політична організація в Європі була слабкою, що означало, що їм було важко захиститися від вікінгів.
Storbritannia bestod av mange ulike små-riker som ikke samarbeida med hverandre.
Britain|consisted of|consisted of|many|different|small|kingdoms|that|not|cooperated|with each other|each other
Britain consisted of many different small kingdoms that did not cooperate with each other.
Le Royaume-Uni était composé de nombreux petits royaumes qui ne coopéraient pas les uns avec les autres.
Etter Karl den Store døde i 814 delte også Frankerriket seg i mange deler.
After|Charlemagne|the|the Great|died|the|divided|also|Frankish Empire|itself|two|many|parts
After Charlemagne's death in 814, the Frankish kingdom also divided into many parts.
Après la mort de Charlemagne en 814, le royaume des Francs s'est également divisé en de nombreuses parties.
Dette gjorde at det blei lettere for vikingene å angripe det som i dag er Frankrike, Nederland, Belgia og Tyskland.
This|made it|that|it|became|easier|for the|the Vikings|to|attack|it|that|in|today|is||the Netherlands|Belgium|and|Germany
Dies erleichterte den Wikingern den Angriff auf das heutige Frankreich, die Niederlande, Belgien und Deutschland.
This made it easier for the Vikings to attack what is today France, the Netherlands, Belgium and Germany.
Cela a facilité les attaques des Vikings sur ce qui est aujourd'hui la France, les Pays-Bas, la Belgique et l'Allemagne.
Hvorfor dro folk på vikingferder?
Why|went on|people|on|Viking expeditions
Warum machten die Menschen Wikingerreisen?
Why did people go on Viking voyages?
Чому люди вирушали в подорожі вікінгів?
En grunn var at oppdagelser og farlige ferder ga ære i det norrøne samfunnet.
One reason|reason||that|discoveries and expeditions|and|dangerous|dangerous journeys|gave|honor|in|the|Norse|society
One reason was that discoveries and dangerous journeys gave glory to Norse society.
Det var ærefult å reise på vikingferder.
It|was|honorable|to|travel on|to|Viking expeditions
It was honorable to go on Viking voyages.
Ære var noe av det aller viktigste i vikingsamfunnet.
Honor|to be|one of||that|most|most important|in|Viking society
Honor was one of the most important things in the Viking society.
I tillegg ønska vikingene å skaffe seg rikdommer.
||wollten|||sich beschaffen||
|in addition|wanted|the Vikings|to|acquire|themselves|riches
Darüber hinaus wollten die Wikinger Reichtümer erwerben.
In addition, the Vikings wanted to acquire riches.
Jakten på ære og rikdom var altså viktig for vikingferdene.
The pursuit|the quest for|honor|and|wealth|was|thus|important|to the|Viking expeditions
Die Suche nach Ehre und Reichtum war daher für die Wikingerreisen wichtig.
The pursuit of honor and wealth was thus important for the Viking expeditions.
Norske vikinger fokuserte mest på Nord-England, Skottland, Irland og Nord-Frankrike.
Norwegian Vikings focused mostly on northern England, Scotland, Ireland and northern France.
Svenske vikinger reiste mest i Russland og Øst-Europa.
Swedish Vikings traveled mostly in Russia and Eastern Europe.
Danske vikinger var mye involvert i England, Nord-Frankrike og Nord-Tyskland.
Danish|Vikings||very|involved|||North||and||North Germany
På 800-tallet begynte vikingene å slå seg ned på andre steder utenfor Europa.
In the|the 800s|began|the Vikings|to|settle|settle themselves|settle down|In the 9th century|other|places|outside of|
Im 8. Jahrhundert begannen die Wikinger, sich auch an anderen Orten außerhalb Europas niederzulassen.
In the ninth century, the Vikings began to settle in other places outside Europe.
У VIII столітті вікінги почали селитися в інших місцях за межами Європи.
Vikingene begynte å flytte og bosette seg i land og på øyer utenfor Europa.
|||||sich niederlassen||||||||
the Vikings|began|to|move|and|settle down|themselves|the||and|on|islands|outside of|
The Vikings began to move and settle in countries and islands outside of Europe.
Noen av øyene var helt ubebodde fra før, og vikingene var de første som bosatte seg der.
Some of|of|the islands|were|completely|uninhabited||before that|and|the Vikings|were|the|first|who|settled|themselves|there
Some of the islands were completely uninhabited before, and the Vikings were the first to settle there.
Andre steder fantes det folk fra før.
An anderer Stelle waren Leute von früher.
Elsewhere, there were people from before.
В інших місцях були люди раніше.
Hvorfor flytta mennesker fra Skandinavia til andre steder akkurat i denne perioden?
Why did people move from Scandinavia to other places exactly in this period?
En grunn var at det var befolkningsvekst.
One reason|reason|one reason|that|there|there|population growth
One reason was that there was population growth.
I Norge vokste befolkningen.
In|Norway|grew|the population
In Norway, the population grew.
Den beste jorda var derimot allerede tatt, noe som gjorde at noen måtte ta den dårligere jorda.
The|best|the land|was|on the other hand|already|taken|which|which|resulted in|that|someone|had to|take|it|worse|soil
Das beste Land hingegen war bereits besetzt, was bedeutete, dass jemand das ärmere Land nehmen musste.
The best soil, on the other hand, had already been taken, which meant that some had to take the worse soil.
Spesielt i Vest-Norge og i Trøndelag var det vanskelig å finne godt nytt land å drive jordbruk på.
Especially in|in|the West|Norway||in|Trøndelag region|it was|it was|difficult|to|find|good|new||to|practice farming|agriculture|to farm on
Especially in western Norway and in Trøndelag, it was difficult to find a good new country to farm on.
Allerede på 800-tallet reiste mennesker fra Norge til Orknøyene og bosatte seg der.
Already|in the|the century|traveled|people||Norway|to the|Orkney Islands|and|settled down|themselves|there
Already in the 9th century, people traveled from Norway to the Orkney Islands and settled there.
Senere på 800-tallet innvandra de også til Shetland, Hebridene, Isle of Man, Færøyene og Island.
|||wanderten sie ein|||||||||||
Later|in the|the 800s|immigrated|they||to|Shetland Islands|the Hebrides|Isle of Man||Isle of Man|the Faroe Islands|and|Iceland
Later in the ninth century they also immigrated to Shetland, the Hebrides, the Isle of Man, the Faroe Islands and Iceland.
I 840 grunnla norske vikinger byen Dublin i Irland.
In|founded|Norwegian|Vikings|the city|Dublin|on|Ireland
In 840, the Norwegian Vikings founded the city of Dublin in Ireland.
У 840 році норвезькі вікінги заснували місто Дублін в Ірландії.
Vikingene styrte mye av Irland mellom 920 og 970.
the Vikings|ruled over|much|of|Ireland|between|and
The Vikings ruled much of Ireland between 920 and 970.
Вікінги правили більшою частиною Ірландії між 920 і 970 роками.
Dublin var hovedstaden deres.
Dublin was their capital.
Vikingene begynte også å bosette seg steder der det allerede fantes mennesker.
the Vikings|began|also||settle down|themselves|places|where|there|already|were|people
Die Wikinger begannen auch, sich an Orten niederzulassen, an denen bereits Menschen lebten.
The Vikings also began to settle in places where there were already humans.
For eksempel tok danske vikinger kontroll over store deler av England.
|for example|took control of|Danish|Vikings|control|over|large|parts|of|
For example, Danish Vikings took control of large parts of England.
Vikinghøvdingen Rollo, enten fra Norge eller Danmark, blei konge av Normandie.
der Wikingerhäupt||||||||||
Viking chieftain|Rollo|"either"||Norway|or|Denmark|became|king|of|Normandy
Der Wikingerhäuptling Rollo, entweder aus Norwegen oder Dänemark, wurde König der Normandie.
The Viking chieftain Rollo, either from Norway or Denmark, became king of Normandy.
Det var norske vikinger som reiste lengst vestover.
It|were|Norwegian|Vikings|who|traveled|farthest|to the west
Es waren die norwegischen Wikinger, die am weitesten nach Westen reisten.
It was Norwegian Vikings who traveled farthest west.
Найдальше на захід подорожували норвезькі вікінги.
De koloniserte Island mellom 870 og 920.
They colonized Iceland between 870 and 920.
De brukte så Island som base til å komme seg enda lenger vestover.
They|used|then|Iceland|as|base|to|to|get|get themselves|even further|further|westward
They then used Iceland as a base to get even further west.
De brukte Island for å komme seg vestover til Grønland.
They used Iceland to get west to Greenland.
Den første til å komme til Grønland var Eirik Raude, en norsk-islandsk mann.
The|the first|to|to||to|Greenland|was|Erik|The Red|a|Norwegian|Icelandic|man
The first to come to Greenland was Eirik Raude, a Norwegian-Icelandic man.
Han kom til Grønland i 982.
he|came|to|Greenland|the year
I 985 begynte folk å flytte til Grønland.
In 1985|began to|people|to|move|to|Greenland
På 1000-tallet var klimaet bra på Grønland.
In the|the 1000s|was|the climate|good|on|Greenland
In the 1000s, the climate was good in Greenland.
Vikingene var ikke de første på Grønland.
the Vikings|were|not|the|first|to|Greenland
The Vikings were not the first in Greenland.
Det fantes allerede inuitter som bodde der, og vikingene hadde kontakt med inuittene.
There|existed|already|Inuit people|who|lived there|there|and|the Vikings|had|contact|with|the Inuits
There were already Inuit living there, and the Vikings had contact with the Inuit.
Там уже жили інуїти, і вікінги контактували з інуїтами.
Men vikingene kom lenger vestover enn Grønland.
but|the Vikings|went|further|to the west|than|Greenland
But the Vikings came further west than Greenland.
Але вікінги прийшли західніше Гренландії.
Faktisk kom de helt til Nord-Amerika.
Actually|actually came|they|all the way|to|North|America
In fact, they made it all the way to North America.
Leif Eriksson kom til Nord-Amerika, utenfor kysten av Canada, rundt år 1000.
Leif Eriksson|Eriksson|came|to|North||off the|the coast|of|Canada|around|the year
Leif Eriksson came to North America, off the coast of Canada, around the year 1000.
Лейф Ерікссон прибув до Північної Америки, біля узбережжя Канади, близько 1000 року.
Han prøvde å opprette en bosetting i Nord-Amerika, Vinland, men det varte ikke så veldig lenge.
He tried to establish a settlement in North America, Vinland, but it did not last very long.
Vikingene er kjente for sine voldelige raid.
the Vikings|are|known|for|their|violent|raids
The Vikings are known for their violent raids.
Вікінги відомі своїми жорстокими набігами.
De er kjente for å være voldelige røvere.
They|are|known|for|to be|being|violent|robbers
They are known to be violent robbers.
Відомо, що вони жорстокі грабіжники.
Men vikingene var mye mer enn det.
But|the Vikings|were|much|much more|than|that
But the Vikings were much more than that.
De reiste til mange nye steder og bosatte seg der.
They|traveled to|to|many|new|places|and|settled down|themselves there|there
De var også handelsfolk.
They|they were|also|They were also traders.
They were also traders.
Вони також були торговцями.
Ofte var det ikke et klart skille mellom en vikingferd og en handelsferd.
Often|was|there|not|a|clear|distinction|between|a|viking expedition|and|a trade expedition|trading expedition
Often there was no clear distinction between a Viking voyage and a trade voyage.
Så vikingene var langt mer komplekse enn de ofte blir framstilt som i populærkulturen i dag.
Thus|the Vikings|were|much|much more|complex|than|they|often|are|portrayed|as|in|popular culture|today|today
So the Vikings were far more complex than they are often portrayed as in popular culture today.
Отже, вікінги були набагато складнішими, ніж їх часто зображують у сучасній масовій культурі.
Å angripe – To attack
to|to attack||To attack
Vikingraid – Viking raid
Viking raid||Viking raid
Småkonge – Minor king
Minor king|Petty|minor king
Kjent – Known
Frykt – Fear
Fear – Fear
Voldelig – Violent
Dyktig – Skilful
Å hindre – To prevent
to|to prevent||To prevent
Ettersom – As/because
Å bevege seg – To move/to manoeuvre
to|move|oneself||move||To manoeuvre
Å styre – To steer
to|to steer||To steer
Grunne farvann – Shallow waters
Shallow|water|Shallow waters|Shallow waters
Å komme seg rundt – To get around
to||oneself|around||to get|around
Sich fortbewegen – Sich fortbewegen
Å trekke seg tilbake – To retreat
to|to retreat|oneself|back||To withdraw
Å ta igjen – To catch up to
to|to catch|up||Catch up to||
Å slite med – To struggle with
Å slite med – To struggle with
Å forsvare seg – To defend oneself
to|defend|oneself||To defend oneself|
Å forsvare seg – To defend oneself
Bestod av – Consisted of
consisted of|of|of|
Bestehend aus – Bestehend aus
Bestod av – Consisted of
Å samarbeide – To cooperate
to|cooperate||To cooperate
Farlig – Dangerous
Ferd – Journey/expedition
Ære – Honour
Ærefult – Honourable
Det aller viktigste – The most important thing (with emphasis)
The|most|most important||the most|Most important thing|most important thing||with emphasis
Å skaffe seg – To obtain
to|to obtain|oneself||To obtain
Rikdommer – Riches
Jakt – Hunt
Å slå seg ned – To settle
to|to settle|oneself|||To settle down
Å bosette seg – To settle
|settle down|oneself||settle
Ubebodd – Uninhabited
Befolkningsvekst – Population growth
Population growth|Population|Population growth
Å drive med – To engage with
to engage|engage with|||to engage in|
Jordbruk – Agriculture
Å innvandre – To immigrate
to|To immigrate||To immigrate
Å grunnlegge – To found
to|To establish||
Hovedstad – Capital
Capital city|
Å opprette – To found
to|to establish||
Handelsfolk – Merchants
Skille – Division
Å bli framstilt som – To be portrayed as
to|to be|portrayed|||being|To be portrayed|
Å bli framstilt som – To be portrayed as