4.8. Hari Poter i Vatreni pehar - Svetsko prvenstvo u kvidič
Harry|Potter|and|Goblet|of Fire|World|championship|in|Quidditch
4.8. Harry Potter und der Feuerkelch – Quidditch-Weltmeisterschaft
4.8. Harry Potter et la coupe de feu - Coupe du monde de Quidditch
4.8. Harry Potter and the Goblet of Fire - Quidditch World Cup
Grčevito stežući suvenire, pod vođstvom gospodina Vizlija, oni se žurno uputiše u šumu, prateći put osvetljen svetiljkama.
frantically|clutching|souvenirs|under|the leadership of|Mr|Weasley|they|themselves|hurriedly|they headed|into|the forest|following|path|lit|by flashlights
Gripping souvenirs tightly, under the guidance of Mr. Weasley, they hurried into the forest, following the path lit by lanterns.
Oko sebe su čuli zvuke i komešanje reklo bi se bar hiljade ljudi, povike i smeh, isprekidane delove pesama.
around|themselves|they were|heard|sounds|and|commotion|it would be said|would|it|at least|thousands|of people|shouts|and|laughter|interrupted|parts|of songs
Around them, they heard sounds and commotion, it could be said at least thousands of people, shouts and laughter, interrupted parts of songs.
Atmosfera grozničavog oduševljenja bila je izuzetno zarazna.
The atmosphere of feverish excitement was extremely contagious.
Hari se bez prestanka cerekao.
Hari|himself|without|stopping|he was grinning
Harry was grinning non-stop.
Hodali su kroz šumu dvadesetak minuta, pričajući i glasno se šaleći, sve dok konačno ne izbiše na drugu stranu, i ne nađoše se u senci džinovskog stadiona.
they walked|they|through|forest|about twenty|minutes|talking|and|loudly|themselves|joking|all|while|finally|not|they emerged|to|other|side|and|not|they found|themselves|in|shadow|giant|stadium
They walked through the forest for about twenty minutes, talking and joking loudly, until they finally emerged on the other side and found themselves in the shadow of a giant stadium.
Iako je Hari mogao da vidi samo delić ogromnih zlatnih zidova koji su okruživali teren, procenio je da bi između njih moglo komotno da se smesti deset katedrala.
although|he|Hari|he could|to|see|only|a piece|huge|golden|walls|that|they|surrounded|field|he estimated|he|that|it would|between|them|it could|comfortably|to|reflexive pronoun|fit|ten|cathedrals
Although Harry could only see a part of the enormous golden walls surrounding the field, he estimated that ten cathedrals could easily fit between them.
– Sto hiljada sedišta – reče gospodin Vizli, primetivši zapanjenost na Harijevom licu.
hundred|thousand|seats|he said|Mr|Vizley|noticing|astonishment|on|Hari's|face
– One hundred thousand seats – Mr. Whizley said, noticing the astonishment on Harry's face.
– Operativna grupa ministarstva od pet stotina čarobnjaka pravila ga je čitavih godinu dana.
operational|group|of the ministry|of|five|hundred|wizards|made|it|has|entire|year|days
– The operational group of the ministry made it with five hundred wizards for a whole year.
Na svakom centimetru su postavljene Normaloodbijajuće čini.
Normal-repelling spells were placed every centimeter.
Tokom cele protekle godine, svaki put kad bi se neki Normalac našao bilo gde u blizini ovog mesta, iznenada bi se setio nekih važnih obaveza i odmah odjurio... Sirotani – dodade razneženo, vodeći ih ka najbližem ulazu, koji je već bio okružen rojem veštica i čarobnjaka koji su galamili na sav glas.
during|entire|past|year|every|time|when|would|reflexive pronoun|some|Normal|found|anywhere|where|in|vicinity|this|place|suddenly|would|reflexive pronoun|remembered|some|important|obligations|and|immediately|rushed|poor thing|added|emotionally|leading|them|to|nearest|entrance|which|was|already|been|surrounded|swarm|witches|and|wizards|who|were|shouting|at|full|voice
Throughout the entire past year, every time a Normal would find themselves anywhere near this place, they would suddenly remember some important obligations and rush off... Poor things – he added tenderly, leading them to the nearest entrance, which was already surrounded by a swarm of witches and wizards who were shouting at the top of their lungs.
– Prva klasa!
– First class!
– reče veštica iz Ministarstva na ulazu, dok im je proveravala karte.
she said|witch|from|Ministry|at|entrance|while|to them|she was|checking|tickets
- said the witch from the Ministry at the entrance, while checking their tickets.
– Gornja loža!
- Upper box!
Pravo uza stepenice, Arture, sve do samog vrha.
Straight up the stairs, Arthur, all the way to the very top.
Stepenice ka stadionu bile su pokrivene jarkoljubičastim tepisima.
stairs|to|stadium|were|they|covered|bright purple|carpets
The stairs to the stadium were covered with bright purple carpets.
Popeše se uza stepenice zajedno s ostalom ruljom, koja se polako filtrirala kroz vrata i štandove, s leve i desne strane.
they climbed|themselves|up|stairs|together|with|the rest of|crowd|which|itself|slowly|filtered|through|doors|and|stands|on|left|and|right|sides
They climbed the stairs together with the rest of the crowd, which was slowly filtering through the doors and stalls on the left and right sides.
Grupica gospodina Vizlija nastavila je da se penje, dok nisu došli na vrh stepenica i našli se u maloj loži postavljenoj na najvišoj tački stadiona, tačno između dve zlatne gol-stative.
group|Mr|Vizzlies|continued|she|to|themselves|climb|while|they did not|arrive|at|top|stairs|and|found|themselves|in|small|box|set|at|highest|point|stadium|exactly|between|two|golden||
Mr. Weasley's group continued to climb until they reached the top of the stairs and found themselves in a small box set at the highest point of the stadium, right between two golden goalposts.
Dvadesetak ljubičastih i pozlaćenih stolica bilo je podeljeno u dva reda, i Hari, sedajući u prednji red s Vizlijevima, pogleda nadole i vide scenu kakvu nije mogao ni da zamisli.
about twenty|purple|and|gilded|chairs|was||divided|in|two|rows|and|Harry|sitting|in|front|row|with|Vizzlies|he looked|down|and|he saw|scene|such|not|he could|even|to|imagine
About twenty purple and gilded chairs were arranged in two rows, and Harry, sitting in the front row with the Weasleys, looked down and saw a scene he could not have imagined.
Stotinak hiljada veštica i čarobnjaka zaposeli su sedišta, stepenasto raspoređena duž dugog ovalnog terena.
about a hundred|thousand|witches|and|wizards|they occupied|they|seats|stepwise|arranged|along|long|oval|field
A hundred thousand witches and wizards occupied the seats, arranged in tiers along the long oval pitch.
Sve je bilo obasjano misterioznim zlatnim svetlom, koje kao da je izviralo iz samog stadiona.
everything|was|been|illuminated|mysterious|golden|light|which|as|that|was|emanating|from|the very|stadium
Everything was illuminated by a mysterious golden light, as if it was emanating from the stadium itself.
Teren je, s njihove uzvišene pozicije, izgledao gladak poput somota.
The field, from their elevated position, looked smooth like velvet.
Na oba kraja stadiona stajala su tri gol-obruča, na visini od petnaestak metara.
on|both|ends|stadium|stood|they|three|||at|height|of|about fifteen|meters
At both ends of the stadium stood three goal hoops, at a height of about fifteen meters.
Tačno preko puta njih, skoro u visini Harijevog pogleda, nalazila se džinovska tabla.
Directly across from them, almost at the height of Harry's gaze, was a giant board.
Na njoj se svaki čas pojavljivao zlatan rukopis, kao da ga je ruka nekog nevidljivog džina ispisivala, a zatim brisala.
on|her|reflexive particle|every|moment|appeared|golden|handwriting|as|that|it|auxiliary verb|hand|some|invisible|genie|was writing|and|then|was erasing
On it, golden handwriting appeared every moment, as if the hand of some invisible genie was writing it, and then erasing it.
Bile su to reklame koje su svetlucale preko terena:
they were|auxiliary verb|those|advertisements|that|auxiliary verb|were shining|across|fields
These were advertisements that sparkled across the field:
Plava mušica: metla za celu porodicu — bezbedna, pouzdana, s ugrađenim alarmom protiv provalnika...
Blue fly: a broom for the whole family — safe, reliable, with a built-in burglar alarm...
Univerzalni magični odstranjivač nereda gospođe Skover: svaka fleka ima leka!...
Universal magical mess remover Mrs. Skover: every stain has a cure!...
Veselokrpa – odeća za Čarobnjake – London, Pariz, Hogsmid...
happy cloth|clothing|for|Wizards|London|Paris|Hogsmeade
Veselokrpa – clothing for Wizards – London, Paris, Hogsmeade...
Hari pogleda preko ramena da vidi ko još deli ložu s njima.
Harry glanced over his shoulder to see who else was sharing the box with them.
Za sada je bila prazna, sem jednog majušnog stvorenja koje je sedelo na pretposlednjem sedištu u redu iza njih.
for|now|it was|she was|empty|except|one|tiny|creature|that|it was|sitting|on|second to last|seat|in|row|behind|them
So far it was empty, except for a tiny creature that was sitting in the second-to-last seat in the row behind them.
Stvorenje, čije su noge bile toliko kratke da su jedva provirivale sa stolice, nosilo je krpu za brisanje sudova pripasanu kao togu, dok je lice sakrilo rukama.
creature|whose|they were|legs|they were|so|short|that|they|barely|peeking|from|chair|it was wearing|it was|cloth|for|wiping|dishes|tied|like|toga|while|it was|face|it hid|with hands
The creature, whose legs were so short that they barely peeked over the chair, wore a dishcloth tied like a toga, while it hid its face in its hands.
Ipak, te duge uši poput onih u slepog miša Hariju su bile čudnovato poznate... – Dobi?
However, those long ears like those of the bat Dobby were strangely familiar... – Dobby?
– reče Hari s nevericom.
he said|Harry|with|disbelief
– said Harry in disbelief.
Malo stvorenje pogleda nagore i raširi prste, otkrivajući ogromne smeđe oči i nos iste veličine i oblika povećeg paradajza.
small|creature|it looked|up|and|it spread|fingers|revealing|huge|brown|eyes|and|nose|same|size|and|shape|larger|tomato
The little creature looked up and spread its fingers, revealing huge brown eyes and a nose the same size and shape as a large tomato.
To nije bio Dobi, ali je nesumnjivo bio kućni vilenjak, baš kao i Harijev prijatelj Dobi.
that|not|he was|Dobby|but|he was|undoubtedly|he was|house|elf|just|like|and|Harry's|friend|Dobby
It wasn't Dobby, but it was undoubtedly a house-elf, just like Harry's friend Dobby.
Hari je oslobodio Dobija od njegovih prethodnih vlasnika, porodice Melfoj.
Harry|he is|freed|Dobie|from|his|previous|owners|family|Melfoy
Harry freed Dobby from his previous owners, the Malfoy family.
– Da li me je gospodin upravo nazvao Dobi?
yes|question particle|me|he is|gentleman|just|called|Dobie
– Did you just call me Dobby, sir?
– zacijuka vilenjak radoznalo, kroz prste.
he squeaked|elf|curiously|through|fingers
– squeaked the elf curiously, through his fingers.
Glas mu je bio tanji čak i od Dobijevog, majušan, drhtav pisak od glasa, i Hari posumnja – iako se to teško može utvrditi kod kućnih vilenjaka – da bi ovaj mogao biti žensko.
voice|his|it is|was|thinner|even|and|than|Dobie's|tiny|trembling|squeak|from|voice|and|Harry|he suspected|although|reflexive particle|that|hard|it can|to determine|with|house|elves|that|would|this|could|to be|female
His voice was even thinner than Dobby's, a tiny, trembling squeak, and Harry suspected – although it is hard to determine with house-elves – that this one might be female.
Ron i Hermiona se okrenuše da bi ga osmotrili.
Ron|and|Hermione|themselves|they turned|to|in order to|him|they observed
Ron and Hermione turned to look at him.
Iako su od Harija mnogo slušali o Dobiju, nikada ga nisu upoznali.
although|they|from|Harry|much|they listened|about|Dobby|never|him|they did not|they met
Although they had heard a lot about Dobby from Harry, they had never met him.
Čak se i gospodin Vizli zainteresovano okrenuo.
even|himself|and|Mr|Weasley|with interest|he turned
Even Mr. Weasley turned around with interest.
– Oprosti – reče Hari vilenjaku – mislio sam da si neko koga poznajem.
sorry|he said|Harry|to the house-elf|I thought|I|that|you are|someone|whom|I know
- Sorry - said Harry to the house-elf - I thought you were someone I knew.
– Ali i ja znajem Dobija, gos'n!
– But I know Dobija too, sir!
– propišta vilenjakinja.
she shrieked|elf
– the elf squeaks.
Krila je lice, kao da ju je svetlost zaslepela, iako gornja loža nije bila jarko osvetljena.
she hid|she|face|as|that|her|it|light|blinded|although|upper|box|it was not|it was|brightly|lit
She covered her face, as if the light had blinded her, even though the upper box was not brightly lit.
– Zovem se Vinki, gospodine – a vi, gos'n... – njene tamnosmeđe oči raširiše se do veličine tacni kad spaziše Harijev ožiljak – vi ste sigurno Hari Poter!
I call|myself|Vinky|sir|and|you|sir|her|dark brown|eyes|they widened|themselves|to|size|plates|when|they noticed|Harry's|scar|you|you are|surely|Harry|Potter
– My name is Vinki, sir – and you, sir... – her dark brown eyes widened to the size of saucers when she noticed Harry's scar – you must be Harry Potter!
– Da, jesam – reče Hari.
yes|I am|he said|Harry
– Yes, I am – said Harry.
– Pa Dobi stalno priča o vama, gos'n!
well|Dobby|constantly|he talks|about|you|sir
– Well, Dobby keeps talking about you, sir!
– reče ona, neznatno spuštajući ruke, s izrazom strahopoštovanja.
she said|she|slightly|lowering|hands|with|expression|reverence
– she said, slightly lowering her hands, with a look of reverence.
– Kako je on?
– How is he?
– reče Hari.
he said|Harry
- said Harry.
– Kako mu prija sloboda?
how|to him|it pleases|freedom
- How does he enjoy his freedom?
– Ah, gos'n – reče Vinki, vrteći glavom – ah, gos'n, bez uvrede, gos'n, ali nisam baš sigurna da ste Dobiju učinili uslugu kad ste ga oslobodili.
ah|sir|she said|Vinky|turning|head|ah|sir|without|offense|sir|but|I am not|really|sure|that|you have|Dobby|you did|favor|when|you have|him|you freed
- Ah, sir - said Vinky, shaking her head - ah, sir, no offense, sir, but I'm not really sure you did Dobby a favor by freeing him.
– Zašto?
- Why?
– reče Hari, iznenađeno.
he said|Harry|surprised
- said Harry, surprised.
– Šta nije u redu s njim?
what|is not|in|order|with|him
- What's wrong with him?
– Sloboda mu je, Dobiju, udarila u glavu, gos'n – reče Vinki tužno.
freedom|to him|is|Dobie|hit|in|head|sir|he said|Vinka|sadly
- Freedom has gone to his head, sir - said Vinki sadly.
– Neumesne ideje mu padaju na pamet, gos'n.
inappropriate|ideas|to him|they come|to|mind|sir
- Inappropriate ideas come to his mind, sir.
Ne mož' da si nađe nov pos'o, gos'n.
He can't find a new job, sir.
– Zašto ne može?
- Why can't he?
– upita Hari.
he asked|Harry
- asked Harry.
Vinki spusti glas za pola oktave i prošaputa: – 'Oće plaćanje za svoj pos'o, gos'n.
Vinky|he lowered|voice|for|half|octave|and|he whispered|he wants|payment|for|his|job|sir
Vinky lowered his voice by half an octave and whispered: - 'He wants payment for his work, sir.
– Plaćanje?
– Payment?
– reče Hari tupo.
he said|Harry|stupidly
– said Harry stupidly.
– Pa, zašto ne bi bio plaćen?
– Well, why wouldn't you be paid?
Vinki se užasnu na tu pomisao i malčice skupi prste, tako da opet napola zakloni lice.
Vinky|herself|she was horrified|at|that|thought|and|a little|she gathered|fingers|so|that|again|halfway|she covered|face
Vinki was horrified by that thought and slightly curled her fingers, so that she half-covered her face again.
– Kućne vilenjake niko ne plaćaju, gos'n!
house|elves|no one|not|pays|sir
– No one pays house elves, sir!
– reče ona prigušenim cijukom.
she said|she|muffled|chirp
– she said with a muffled chirp.
– Ne, ne, i ne.
– No, no, and no.
Kažem ja Dobiju, kažem, idi, nađi si sebi neku finu porodicu i skrasi se, Dobi.
I say|I|to Dobi|I say|go|find|yourself||some|nice|family|and|settle|yourself|Dobi
I tell Dobby, I say, go, find yourself a nice family and settle down, Dobby.
Na pamet mu padaju raznorazne ludorije, gos'n, koje ne priliče kućnom vilenjaku.
to|mind|to him|they come to|various|antics|sir|that|not|suit|house|elf
Various craziness comes to his mind, sir, which is not suitable for a house-elf.
Ako tako nastaviš, Dobi, kaže mu ja, ubrzo će da te izvedu pred Odsek za regulaciju i kontrolu magijskih stvorenja, k'o nekog običnog goblina.
if|that way|you continue|Dobby|says|to him|I|soon|will|to|you|they take|in front of|Department|for|regulation|and|control|magical|creatures|like|some|ordinary|goblin
If you keep this up, Dobby, I tell him, soon they will take you before the Department for Regulation and Control of Magical Creatures, like some ordinary goblin.
– Pa, i red je da se malo zabavi – reče Hari.
well|and|right|is|to|reflexive pronoun|a little|have fun|he says|Harry
– Well, it's only fair to have a little fun – said Harry.
– Kućni vilenjaci ne treba da se zabavljadu, Hari Poteru – reče Vinki odlučno kroz šake.
house|elves|not|should|to|reflexive pronoun|they have fun|Harry|Potter|she says|Winky|firmly|through|hands
– House-elves should not have fun, Harry Potter – said Winky firmly through her hands.
– Kućni vilenjaci radidu šta im se kaže.
house|elves|they do|what|to them|reflexive particle|he says
– House-elves do what they are told.
Ja uopšte ne volem visinu, Hari Poteru... – ona se okrenu prema ivici lože i proguta knedlu – ali moj gospodar me pošalje u gornju ložu, i ja idem tamo, gos'n.
I|at all|not|I like|height|Harry|Potter|she|reflexive particle|she turned|towards|edge|balcony|and|she swallowed|lump|but|my|master|me|he sends|to|upper|balcony|and|I|I go|there|sir
I really don't like heights, Harry Potter... – she turned towards the edge of the balcony and swallowed hard – but my master sends me to the upper balcony, and I go there, sir.
– Zašto te je poslao ovde gore, ako zna da ne voliš visinu?
why|you|he|he sent|here|up|if|he knows|that|not|you like|height
– Why did he send you up here if he knows you don't like heights?
– reče Hari mršteći se.
he said|Harry|frowning|reflexive particle
– said Harry, frowning.
– Gospodar... gospodar želi da mu sačuvam mesto, Hari Poteru, on je vrlo zauzet – reče Vinki, pokazujući glavom na prazno mesto pored nje.
master|master|he wants|to|to him|I save|place|Harry|Potter|he|is|very|busy|he said|Winky|showing|with her head|at|empty|place|next to|her
– Master... the master wants me to save his place, Harry Potter, he is very busy – said Winky, nodding her head towards the empty seat next to her.
– Vinki želi da bidne natrag u gospodarevom šatoru, Hari Poteru, ali Vinki radi šta joj se kaže, Vinki je dobar kućni vilenjak.
Winky|she wants|to|she becomes|back|in|master's|tent|Harry|Potter|but|Winky|she does|what|to her|reflexive pronoun|it is said|Winky|she is|good|house|elf
– Winky wants to be back in the master's tent, Harry Potter, but Winky does what she is told, Winky is a good house-elf.
Ona baci još jedan prestrašen pogled ka ivici lože, a zatim potpuno sakri oči.
she|she cast|another|one|frightened|glance|towards|edge|of the box|and|then|completely|she hid|eyes
She cast another frightened glance towards the edge of the box, and then completely hid her eyes.
Hari se okrenu ka ostalima.
Harry|reflexive pronoun|he turned|towards|the others
Harry turned to the others.
– Znači to je kućni vilenjak?
– So that's a house elf?
– promrmlja Ron.
he muttered|Ron
– Ron mumbled.
– Čudnovata stvorenja, zar ne?
– Strange creatures, aren't they?
– Dobi je bio još čudniji – reče Hari gorljivo.
Dobby|was|he was|even|stranger|he said|Harry|eagerly
– Dobby was even stranger – Harry said eagerly.
Ron izvuče svoje omniokulare i poče da ih isprobava zureći u gomilu na drugom kraju stadiona.
Ron|he pulls out|his|omnioculars|and|he starts|to|them|he tries out|staring|at|crowd|at|other|end|of the stadium
Ron pulled out his omnioculars and started testing them, staring at the crowd on the other side of the stadium.
– Ovo je sumanuto!
– This is insane!
– reče, čeprkajući dugme za ponavljanje snimka.
he said|scratching|button|for|replay|of the recording
– he said, fiddling with the replay button.
– Mogu da namestim da onaj čiča dole opet čačka svoj nos... i opet... i opet... Hermiona je u međuvremenu željno listala svoj baršunasti program s kićankama.
I can|to|I set|that|that|old man|down there|again|he picks|his|nose|and|again|and|again|Hermione|she|in|the meantime|eagerly|she flipped through|her|velvet|program|with|tassels
– I can set it so that that old man down there keeps picking his nose... and again... and again... Meanwhile, Hermione eagerly flipped through her velvet program with tassels.
– Utakmici će prethoditi paradiranje maskota timova – pročita ona naglas.
the match|will|precede|parading|mascots|of the teams|she read|she|aloud
– The match will be preceded by a parade of the teams' mascots – she read aloud.
– Oh, to uvek vredi videti – reče gospodin Vizli.
oh|that|always|worth|seeing|he said|Mr|Vizley
– Oh, that's always worth seeing – Mr. Wizly said.
– Nacionalni timovi dovode stvorenja iz svojih zemalja, znate već, da se malo razmeću.
national|teams|they bring|creatures|from|their|countries|you know|already|that|reflexive pronoun|a little|they show off
– The national teams bring creatures from their countries, you know, to show off a little.
U narednih pola sata loža se napunila.
in|the next|half|hour|the box|reflexive pronoun|it filled
In the next half hour, the box filled up.
Gospodin Vizli se neprekidno rukovao s ljudima koji su očigledno bili vrlo važni čarobnjaci.
Mr|Wizley|himself|continuously|shook hands|with|people|who|they|obviously|were|very|important|wizards
Mr. Weasley was continuously shaking hands with people who were obviously very important wizards.
Persi je toliko često skakao na noge da se činilo kao da pokušava da sedne na ježa.
Percy|he|so|often|jumped|to|feet|that|himself|it seemed|as|that|he tries|to|sit|on|hedgehog
Percy jumped to his feet so often that it seemed like he was trying to sit on a hedgehog.
Kada stiže Kornelijus Fadž lično, Persi se tako duboko pokloni da mu naočare spadoše i razbiše se.
when|he arrives|Cornelius|Fudge|personally|Percy|himself|so|deeply|he bows|that|to him|glasses|they fell|and|they broke|themselves
When Cornelius Fudge arrived in person, Percy bowed so deeply that his glasses fell off and broke.
Posramljen, popravi ih čarobnim štapićem i ostade na svom mestu, bacajući ljubomorne poglede na Harija, koga je Kornelijus Fadž pozdravio kao starog prijatelja.
embarrassed|he fixes|them|with a magic|wand|and|he remained|in|his|place|throwing|jealous|glances|at|Harry|whom|he|Cornelius|Fudge|he greeted|as|old|friend
Embarrassed, he fixed them with his wand and remained in his place, throwing jealous glances at Harry, whom Cornelius Fudge greeted as an old friend.
Oni su se već upoznali, te Fadž očinski stisnu Harijevu ruku, upita ga kako je, i upozna ga s čarobnjacima koji stajahu s obe njegove strane.
they|are|themselves|already|met|and|Fudge|paternal|he shook|Harry's|hand|he asked|him|how|he is|and|he introduced|him|with|wizards|who|they stood|with|both|his|sides
They had already met, and Fudge shook Harry's hand paternalistically, asked him how he was, and introduced him to the wizards who stood on either side of him.
– Hari Poter, znate već – glasno reče bugarskom ministru, odevenom u predivnu odoru od crnog somota oivičenu zlatom, koji kao da nije razumeo ni reč engleskog.
Harry|Potter|you know|already|loudly|he said|Bulgarian|minister|dressed|in|beautiful|robe|made of|black|velvet|trimmed|with gold|who|as|that|he did not|understand|not even|word|English
– Harry Potter, you already know – he said loudly to the Bulgarian minister, dressed in a beautiful robe of black velvet trimmed with gold, who seemed not to understand a word of English.
– Hari Poter... ma dajte, sigurno znate ko je on... dečak koji je preživeo Znate-Već-Koga... znate ko je on... Bugarski čarobnjak iznenada uoči Harijev ožiljak i poče glasno i uzbuđeno da toroče, upirući prstom u njega.
Harry|Potter|but|give|surely|you know|who|he is|he|boy|who|he|survived|you know||||who|he is|he|Bulgarian|wizard|suddenly|he notices|Harry's|scar|and|he started|loudly|and|excitedly|to|he babbles|pointing|finger|at|him
– Harry Potter... come on, you must know who he is... the boy who survived You-Know-Who... you know who he is... The Bulgarian wizard suddenly noticed Harry's scar and began to exclaim loudly and excitedly, pointing a finger at him.
– Znao sam da ćemo na kraju doći do toga – reče Fadž Hariju iscrpljen.
I knew|I|that|we will|to|end|to come|to|that|he said|Fudge|Harry|exhausted
– I knew we would eventually get to this – Fudge said to Harry, exhausted.
– Ja nisam baš jak u stranim jezicima, za to mi je potreban Barti Čučanj.
I|am not|really|strong|in|foreign|languages|for|that|to me|is|needed|Bart|Crouch
– I'm not very good at foreign languages, I need Barti Crouch for that.
Ah, vidim da mu njegov kućni vilenjak čuva mesto... dobar potez, ovi bugarski bilmezi pokušavaju da ugrabe sva najbolja mesta... ah, evo i Lucijusa!
Ah|I see|that|to him|his|house|elf|guards|place|good|move|these|Bulgarian|fools|they are trying|to|grab|all|best|places|ah|here|and|Lucius
Ah, I see his house-elf is saving him a spot... good move, these Bulgarian oafs are trying to grab all the best seats... ah, here comes Lucius!
Hari, Ron i Hermiona se brzo okrenuše.
Harry|Ron|and|Hermione|themselves|quickly|they turned
Harry, Ron, and Hermione quickly turned around.
Duž drugog reda prema tri još prazna sedišta iza gospodina Vizlija kretali su se bivši vlasnici Dobija, kućnog vilenjaka – Lucijus Melfoj, njegov sin Drako i žena za koju Hari pretpostavi da je Drakova majka.
along|second|row|towards|three|still|empty|seats|behind|Mr|Weasley|they were moving|they|themselves|former|owners|Dobby|house|elf|Lucius|Malfoy|his|son|Draco|and|wife|for|whom|Harry|he assumed|that|is|Draco's|mother
Along the second row towards the three still empty seats behind Mr. Weasley were moving the former owners of Dobby, the house-elf – Lucius Malfoy, his son Draco, and the woman Harry assumed was Draco's mother.
Hari i Drako su bili neprijatelji još od svog prvog putovanja u Hogvorts.
Harry|and|Draco|they are|they were|enemies|still|from|his|first|journey|to|Hogwarts
Harry and Draco had been enemies since their first trip to Hogwarts.
Bledunjav, šiljatog lica i gotovo bele kose, Drako je izuzetno ličio na oca.
pale|pointed|face|and|almost|white|hair|Draco|he is|extremely|he resembled|to|father
Pale, with a pointed face and almost white hair, Draco looked remarkably like his father.
Majka mu je takođe bila plavokosa, visoka i mršava, i bila bi prilično zgodna da nije imala izraz lica kao da joj nešto zaudara ispod nosa.
mother|his|she is|also|she was|blonde|tall|and|thin|and|she was|she would be|quite|attractive|that|not|she had|expression|face|like|that|to her|something|it smells|under|nose
His mother was also blonde, tall, and thin, and she would be quite attractive if she didn't have a facial expression as if something smelled bad under her nose.
– Oh, Fadž – reče gospodin Melfoj, pružajući ruku ministru magije.
Oh|Fudge|he said|Mr|Malfoy|extending|hand|minister|of magic
– Oh, Fudge – said Mr. Malfoy, extending his hand to the Minister of Magic.
– Kako ste?
- How are you?
Mislim da niste upoznali moju suprugu Narcisu?
I think|that|you are not|met|my|wife|Narcisa
I don't think you've met my wife Narcisa?
Ni našeg sina, Draka?
Or our son, Drak?
– Kako ste, kako ste?
- How are you, how are you?
– reče gospodin Fadž, smešeći se i naklonivši se gospođi Melfoj.
he said|mister|Fadž|smiling|himself||bowing|himself|to the lady|Melfoy
– said Mr. Fadž, smiling and bowing to Mrs. Melfoy.
– Dozvolite mi da vas upoznam s gospodinom Oblansk... Obalonsk... gospodinom... ma, on je bugarski ministar magije, i svejedno ne razume ni reč od onoga što govorim, stoga nije ni bitno.
allow|me|to|you|I introduce|with|mister|Oblansk|Obalonsk|mister|well|he|is|Bulgarian|minister|of magic|and|anyway|not|he understands|not even|word|of|that|what|I am saying|therefore|it is not|not even|important
– Allow me to introduce you to Mr. Oblansk... Obalonsk... Mr.... well, he is the Bulgarian Minister of Magic, and anyway he doesn't understand a word of what I'm saying, so it doesn't really matter.
I da vidim, koga još... Artura Vizlija znate, rekao bih?
and|to|I see|whom|else|Arthur|Weasley|you know|I would say|I would
And let me see, who else... Arthur Weasley, I would say?
Beše to napet trenutak.
it was|that|tense|moment
It was a tense moment.
Gospodin Vizli i gospodin Melfoj se pogledaše, i Hari se živo priseti njihovog poslednjeg susreta.
Mr|Vizli|and|Mr|Melfoy|themselves|they looked at each other|and|Harry|himself|vividly|he remembered|their|last|meeting
Mr. Wizly and Mr. Melfoy exchanged glances, and Harry vividly recalled their last meeting.
Bilo je to u knjižari Kitnjavko i Mrljavko, kada su se i potukli.
it was|was|that|in|bookstore|Kitnjavko|and|Mrljavko|when|they|themselves|and|they fought
It was at the bookstore Kitnjavko and Mrljavko, when they had even gotten into a fight.
Hladne sive oči gospodina Melfoja odmeriše gospodina Vizlija, a zatim preleteše preko sedišta.
cold|gray|eyes|Mr|Melfoy|they measured|Mr|Vizli|and|then|they flew over|across|seats
Mr. Melfoy's cold gray eyes measured Mr. Wizly, and then swept across the seats.
– Bože dragi, Arture – reče Lucijus Melfoj svilenim glasom.
God|dear|Arthur|he said|Lucius|Melfoy|silky|voice
– Dear God, Arthur – said Lucius Melfoy in a silky voice.
– Šta li si sve morao da prodaš da bi nabavio karte u gornjoj loži?
what|question particle|you|all|had to|to|you sell|to|in order to|you obtained|tickets|in|upper|box
- What did you have to sell to get tickets in the upper box?
Ovoliko sigurno nisi mogao da dobiješ za svoju kuću?
this much|surely|you haven't|you could|to|you get|for|your|house
You surely couldn't get this much for your house?
Fadž, koji ih nije ni slušao, reče: – Lucijus je upravo dao vrlo velikodušan prilog bolnici Svetog Munga za magijske bolesti i povrede, Arture.
Fadg|who|them|he didn't|even|he listened|he said|Lucius|he is|just|he gave|very|generous|donation|to the hospital|Saint|Mungo|for|magical|diseases|and|injuries|Arthur
Fadž, who wasn't even listening, said: - Lucius just made a very generous donation to St. Mungo's Hospital for Magical Maladies and Injuries, Arthur.
Ovde je kao moj gost.
here|he is|as|my|guest
He is here as my guest.
– Baš... baš lepo – reče gospodin Vizli s vrlo ukočenim osmehom.
really|really|nice|he said|Mr|Vizley|with|very|stiff|smile
"Really... really nice," said Mr. Malfoy with a very stiff smile.
Oči gospodina Melfoja vratiše se na Hermionu, koja malčice pocrvene, ali nastavi odlučno da ga gleda.
eyes|Mr|Malfoy|they returned|reflexive pronoun|to|Hermione|who|a little|she blushed|but|she continued|determinedly|to|him|she looked
Mr. Malfoy's eyes returned to Hermione, who blushed slightly but continued to look at him determinedly.
Hari je tačno znao zbog čega se gospodin Melfoj mršti.
Harry|he|exactly|he knew|because of|what|reflexive pronoun|Mr|Malfoy|he frowned
Harry knew exactly why Mr. Malfoy was frowning.
Melfojevi su se ponosili time što su Čistokrvni.
the Malfoys|they|reflexive pronoun|they prided|that|that|they|Purebloods
The Malfoys prided themselves on being Purebloods.
Drugim rečima, svakoga ko je normalskog porekla, poput Hermione, smatrali su drugorazrednim.
in other|words|everyone|who|is|normal|descent|like|Hermione|they considered|they|second-class
In other words, anyone of normal descent, like Hermione, was considered second-class.
Ipak, u prisustvu ministra magije gospodin Melfoj se nije usuđivao da bilo šta kaže.
however|in|presence|minister|magic|Mr|Malfoy|himself|not|he dared|to|anything|what|he says
However, in the presence of the Minister of Magic, Mr. Malfoy did not dare to say anything.
Klimnuo je nadmeno gospodinu Vizliju, i produžio ka svojim sedištima.
he nodded|he|arrogantly|to Mr|Weasley|and|he continued|towards|his|seats
He nodded arrogantly at Mr. Weasley and continued to his seats.
Drako uputi Hariju, Ronu i Hermioni prezriv pogled, a zatim se skrasi između majke i oca.
Draco|he directed|to Harry|to Ron|and|to Hermione|disdainful|glance|but|then|himself|he settled|between|mother|and|father
Draco shot a disdainful look at Harry, Ron, and Hermione, and then settled between his mother and father.
– Ljigavi kreteni – promrmlja Ron, dok su se on, Hari i Hermiona ponovo okretali prema visoravni.
slimy|idiots|he muttered|Ron|while|they|themselves|he|Harry|and|Hermione|again|they were turning|towards|plateau
– Slimy idiots – Ron mumbled, as he, Harry, and Hermione turned back towards the plateau.
Sledećeg trenutka, Ludo Torbar utrča u ložu.
next|moment|Ludo|Torbar|he ran in|into|box
The next moment, Ludo Bagman burst into the box.
– Svi spremni?
– Everyone ready?
– upita, a okruglo lice mu je sijalo kao veliki uzbuđeni edamer.
he asked|and|round|face|his|it was|shining|like|big|excited|edam cheese
– he asked, his round face shining like a big excited Edam.
– Ministre... spremni za početak?
– Minister... ready to start?
– Spreman kad i ti, Ludo – reče Fadž ležerno.
ready|when|and|you|Ludo|he said|Fadž|casually
– Ready when you are, Ludo – said Fadž casually.
Ludo izvuče čarobni štapić, uperi ga ka svom grlu i reče – Sonorus!
Ludo|he pulled out|magic|wand|he aimed|it|at|his|throat|and|he said|Sonorus
Ludo pulled out his magic wand, pointed it at his throat and said – Sonorus!
– a zatim poče da govori, zaglušujući graju na stadionu.
and|then|he began|to|speak|drowning out|noise|in|stadium
– and then began to speak, drowning out the noise in the stadium.
Njegov glas je odjekivao, dopirući do svakog ćoška: – Dame i gospodo... dobro došli!
His voice echoed, reaching every corner: – Ladies and gentlemen... welcome!
Dobro došli na finale četiri stotine dvadeset i drugog Svetskog prvenstva u kvidiču!
Welcome to the final of the four hundred and twenty-second Quidditch World Cup!
Gledaoci su vrištali i tapšali.
The spectators were screaming and clapping.
Hiljade zastava se vijorilo, pridodajući svoje neusklađene himne opštoj buci.
Thousands of flags were waving, adding their discordant anthems to the general noise.
S ogromne table preko puta njih upravo nestade poslednja poruka (Berti-Botove bombone svih aroma – rizik sa svakim zalogajem!
with|huge|boards|across|street|them|just|disappeared|last|message|||candies|of all|flavors|risk|with|every|bite
The last message just disappeared from the huge board across from them (Berti-Bot's candies of all flavors – a risk with every bite!
), i sada je na njoj pisalo BUGARSKA : NULA, IRSKA : NULA.
and|now|it is|on|it|wrote|BULGARIA|ZERO|IRELAND|ZERO
), and now it read BULGARIA: ZERO, IRELAND: ZERO.
– A sada, dozvolite da vam predstavim bez odlaganja... Maskote bugarske reprezentacije!
and|now|allow|to|you|I present|without|delay|mascots|Bulgarian|national team
– And now, allow me to introduce without delay... the mascots of the Bulgarian team!
Desna tribina, koja je sada već delovala kao ogromna crvena kocka, zaurla u znak odobravanja.
right|stand|which|it is|now|already|seemed|like|huge|red|cube|roared|in|sign|of approval
The right stand, which now looked like a huge red cube, roared in approval.
– Pitam se šta su doveli?
I wonder|myself|what|they|brought
- I wonder what they brought?
– reče gospodin Vizli.
he said|Mr|Vizli
- Mr. Vizli said.
Naginjući se napred iz svoga sedišta.
Leaning forward from his seat.
– Aaaaaah!
- Aaaaaah!
– on iznenada skinu svoje naočare i obrisa ih žurno o svoju odoru.
he|suddenly|took off|his|glasses|and|he wiped|them|hurriedly|on|his|uniform
– he suddenly took off his glasses and hurriedly wiped them on his outfit.
– Vile!
– Fairies!
– Šta su vil...?
– What are fair...?
Ali stotinu vila već je isklizavalo na teren, kao odgovor na Harijevo pitanje.
but|hundred|fairies|already|it|was slipping|onto|field|as|answer|to|Harry's|question
But a hundred fairies had already slipped onto the field, in response to Hari's question.
Vile su bile žene... najlepše žene koje je Hari ikada video... osim što nisu bile – nikako nisu mogle biti – ljudska bića.
fairies|they are|they were|women|the most beautiful|women|that|he|Harry|ever|seen|except|that|they are not|they were not|in no way|they are not|they could|to be|human|beings
The fairies were women... the most beautiful women Harry had ever seen... except they were not – they could not possibly be – human beings.
Ovo je Harija zaintrigiralo na trenutak, dok je pokušavao da pogodi šta bi tačno mogle da budu, od čega li to njihova koža sija bledim mesečevim sjajem, ili im se zlatno-bela kosa vijori bez vetra... Ali onda zasvira muzika, i Hari prestade da brine o tome da li su one ljudska bića ili nisu – zapravo, prestade da brine o bilo čemu.
this|it is|Harry|intrigued|for|a moment|while|he|he was trying|to|guess|what|would|exactly|they could|to|be|from|what|that|that|their|skin|shines|pale|moonlit|glow|or|to them|reflexive pronoun|||hair|flows|without|wind|but|then|it starts to play|music|and|Harry|he stopped|to|worry|about|that|to|whether|they are|they|human|beings|or|they are not|actually|he stopped|to|worry|about|any|thing
This intrigued Harry for a moment as he tried to guess what they could possibly be, what made their skin shine with a pale moonlight, or why their golden-white hair flowed without wind... But then the music started playing, and Harry stopped worrying about whether they were human beings or not – in fact, he stopped worrying about anything.
Vile počeše da plešu, i Harijev um se potpuno i blaženo isprazni.
fairies|they began|to|dance|and|Harry's|mind|reflexive pronoun|completely|and|blissfully|it emptied
The fairies began to dance, and Harry's mind completely and blissfully emptied.
Jedino mu je bilo važno da nastavi da gleda vile, jer ako bi prestale da plešu, strašne stvari bi se dogodile... I dok su vile plesale sve brže i brže, Harijevim ošamućenim umom počeše da struje divlje, napola formirane misli.
only|to him|it is|was|important|to|he continues|to|watch|fairies|because|if|would|they stopped|to|dance|terrible|things|would|reflexive pronoun|they happened|and|while|they are|fairies|they danced|all|faster|and|faster|Harry's|dazed|mind|they began|to|flow|wild|half|formed|thoughts
The only thing that mattered to him was to keep watching the fairies, because if they stopped dancing, terrible things would happen... And as the fairies danced faster and faster, wild, half-formed thoughts began to flow through Harry's dazed mind.
Hteo je da učini nešto izuzetno impresivno, ovog trena.
he wanted|he is|to|he does|something|exceptionally|impressive|this|moment
He wanted to do something exceptionally impressive at that moment.
Činilo se da je skok iz lože na stadion dobra ideja... ali da li je dovoljno dobra?
it seemed|reflexive pronoun|that|it is|jump|from|box|to|stadium|good|idea|but|that|question particle|it is|enough|good
It seemed that jumping from the box at the stadium was a good idea... but was it good enough?
– Hari, šta to radiš?
Harry|what|that|you are doing
- Harry, what are you doing?
– reče Hermionin glas iz daljine.
she said|Hermione's|voice|from|distance
- said Hermione's voice from afar.
Muzika prestade.
The music stopped.
Hari zatrepta.
Harry trembled.
Stajao je jednom nogom na ivici lože.
he was standing|auxiliary verb|one|foot|on|edge|of the box
He stood with one foot on the edge of the balcony.
Pored njega, Ron je stajao u pozi kao da se upravo sprema da skoči sa skakaonice.
beside|him|Ron|auxiliary verb|he was standing|in|position|as|that|reflexive pronoun|just|he is preparing|to|he jumps|from|diving board
Next to him, Ron stood in a position as if he was just about to jump off the diving board.
Besni povici ispuniše stadion.
Furious shouts filled the stadium.
Masa nije želela da vile odu.
The crowd did not want the fairies to leave.
I Hari je bio među njima.
And Harry was among them.
On će, naravno, podržavati Bugarsku, i nejasno se pitao zašto je prikačio veliku zelenu detelinu na grudi.
he|will|of course|support|Bulgaria|and|unclear|himself|wondered|why|he|pinned|big|green|clover|on|chest
He will, of course, support Bulgaria, and he wondered why he had pinned a large green clover to his chest.
Ron je, u međuvremenu, rasejano čupkao deteline sa svog šešira.
Ron|he is|in|the meantime|absentmindedly|he was plucking|clovers|from|his|hat
Ron was absentmindedly plucking clovers from his hat in the meantime.
Gospodin Vizli se, smeškajući se, nagnu ka Ronu i ote mu šešir iz ruku.
Mr|Wizley|himself|smiling|himself|he leaned|towards|Ron|and|he took|from him|hat|from|hand
Mr. Weasley leaned towards Ron with a smile and took the hat from his hands.
– Trebaće ti ovo – reče on – kada Irska bude rekla svoje.
it will be needed|to you|this|he said|he|when|Ireland|it will say|she said|its
"You'll need this," he said, "when Ireland has its say."
– Ha?
– reče Ron, zureći širom otvorenih usta u vile, koje su se upravo poređale uz jednu stranu terena.
he said|Ron|staring|wide|open|mouth|at|fairies|which|they|themselves|just|lined up|along|one|side|field
"That's what Ron said, staring with his mouth wide open at the fairies that had just lined up on one side of the field."
Hermiona glasno zacokta.
Hermione|loudly|she clicked
"Hermione clicked her tongue loudly."
Ona se nagnu i povuče Harija nazad u njegovo sedište.
she|herself|she leaned|and|she pulled|Harry|back|into|his|seat
"She leaned over and pulled Harry back into his seat."
– Zaista!
– reče.
he said
- said.
– A sada – zagrme glas Luda Torbara – molimo vas da podignete svoje čarobne štapiće u znak pozdrava... za maskote irskog nacionalnog tima!
and|now|he thundered|voice|crazy|Torbara|we ask|you|to|you raise|your|magic|wands|in|sign|greeting|for|mascots|Irish|national|team
- And now - thundered the voice of the Mad Torbara - we ask you to raise your magic wands in greeting... for the mascots of the Irish national team!
U tom trenutku, nešto nalik na veliku zeleno–zlatnu kometu ulete na stadion.
in|that|moment|something|similar|to|large|||comet|it flew in|to|stadium
At that moment, something resembling a large green-gold comet flew into the stadium.
Ona obiđe jedan krug oko celog stadiona, a zatim se podeli na dve manje komete, od kojih je svaka išla ka jednoj od gol–stativa.
it|it circles|one|circle|around|entire|stadium|and|then|it|it splits|into|two|smaller|comets|of|which|it|each|it went|towards|one|of||
It circled around the entire stadium, and then split into two smaller comets, each heading towards one of the goalposts.
Iznenada, teren natkrili duga spajajući dve svetlosne lopte.
suddenly|field|they covered|rainbow|connecting|two|light|balls
Suddenly, a rainbow arched over the field connecting two glowing orbs.
Gomila je vikala – Uuuuuu – i – Aaaaaaah – kao da gledaju vatromet.
crowd|was|yelling|Uuuuuu|and|Aaaaaaah|as|that|they watch|fireworks
The crowd shouted – Uuuuuu – and – Aaaaaaah – as if watching fireworks.
Onda duga nestade, a dve svetlosne kugle se sastaše i spojiše, formirajući veliku drhtavu detelinu, koja se diže u vazduh lebdeći nad stadionom.
then|rainbow|it disappeared|and|two|light|spheres|themselves|they joined|and|they merged|forming|large|trembling|clover|which|itself|rises|in|air|floating|over|stadium
Then the rainbow disappeared, and the two glowing spheres merged and joined, forming a large trembling clover that rose into the air, hovering over the stadium.
Iz nje stade da kaplje nešto poput zlatne kiše... – Sjajno!
from|it|it started|to|it drips|something|like|golden|rain|Brilliant
From it, something like golden rain began to drip... – Brilliant!
– povika Ron, dok je detelina preletala iznad njihovih glava, i dok su iz nje ispadali teški zlatni novčići, odbijajući se o njihove glave i sedišta.
he shouted|Ron|while|he was|clover|flying|above|their|heads|and|while|they were|from|it|falling|heavy|gold|coins|bouncing|themselves|against|their|heads|and|seats
"- shouted Ron, as the clover flew above their heads, and heavy golden coins fell from it, bouncing off their heads and seats."
Žmirkajući ka detelini, Hari shvati da je ona sastavljena od hiljada malih bradatih čovečuljaka u crvenim prslucima, i da svaki nosi u ruci zelenu ili zlatnu lampu.
squinting|towards|clover|Harry|he realized|that|it was|she|composed|of|thousands|small|bearded|little men|in|red|vests|and|that|each|he carries|in|hand|green|or|gold|lamp
"Squinting at the clover, Harry realized that it was made up of thousands of little bearded men in red vests, each carrying a green or golden lamp in their hands."
– Leprikoni!
"- Leprechauns!"
– reče gospodin Vizli kroz bučni aplauz gomile, u kojoj su se neki još uvek svađali i preturali oko svojih stolica tražeći zlatnike.
he said|Mr|Weasley|through|noisy|applause|crowd|in|which|they were|themselves|some|still|still|arguing|and|rummaging|around|their|chairs|searching|coins
"- said Mr. Weasley through the loud applause of the crowd, in which some were still arguing and rummaging around their chairs looking for coins."
– Evo ti – veselo povika Ron, gurajući šaku punu zlatnika u Harijevu ruku.
here|you|cheerfully|he shouted|Ron|pushing|fist|full|of gold coins|into|Harry's|hand
"Here you go!" Ron shouted cheerfully, pushing a fistful of gold coins into Harry's hand.
– Za omniokulare!
"For the omnioculars!"
Sada ćeš morati da mi kupiš poklon za Božić, ha!
now|you will|you will have to|to|me|you buy|gift|for|Christmas|huh
"Now you'll have to buy me a Christmas present, huh!"
Velika detelina se raspade, i leprikoni se stuštiše na teren, nasuprot vilama i sedoše prekrštenih nogu da gledaju utakmicu.
big|clover|itself|it fell apart|and|leprechauns|themselves|they rushed|onto|field|opposite|fairies|and|they sat|crossed|legs|to|they watch|match
The big clover fell apart, and the leprechauns rushed onto the field, sitting cross-legged to watch the match.
– A sada, dame i gospodo, pružimo toplu dobrodošlicu – bugarskoj reprezentaciji u kvidiču!
and|now|ladies|and|gentlemen|let's give|warm|welcome|Bulgarian|team|in|Quidditch
– And now, ladies and gentlemen, let's give a warm welcome – to the Bulgarian Quidditch team!
Predstavljam vam – Dimitrova!
I present|to you|Dimitrov
I present to you – Dimitrov!
Skerletnocrvena figura na metli munjevitom brzinom izjuri na teren iz donjeg ulaza, dok ju je pratio divlji aplauz bugarskih navijača.
scarlet-red|figure|on|broom|lightning-fast|speed|she rushed|onto|field|from|lower|entrance|while|her|he|followed|wild|applause|Bulgarian|fans
A scarlet figure on a broom rushed onto the field at lightning speed from the lower entrance, accompanied by wild applause from the Bulgarian fans.
– Ivanova!
– Ivanov!
Prozuja i drugi igrač u skerletnoj odori.
he is approaching|and|second|player|in|scarlet|uniform
Prozuja and another player in scarlet attire.
– Zograf!
- Zograf!
Iiiiiiii – Krum!
Iiiiiiii – Krum!
– To je on, to je on!
– That's him, that's him!
– vikao je Ron, prateći Kruma svojim omniokularima.
he shouted|he|Ron|following||his|omnioculars
– Ron shouted, following Krum with his omnioculars.
Hari brzo usmeri svoje.
Harry quickly directed his.
Viktor Krum je bio mršav, tamnokos, žućkastosivog tena, s velikim kukastim nosem i gustim crnim obrvama.
Viktor Krum was thin, dark-haired, with a yellowish-gray complexion, a large hooked nose, and thick black eyebrows.
Izgledao je kao prerasla ptica grabljivica.
He looked like an oversized bird of prey.
Bilo je teško poverovati da ima samo osamnaest godina.
It was hard to believe he was only eighteen years old.
– A sada, molimo vas, pozdravite – irsku reprezentaciju kvidiča!
and|now|we ask|you|greet|Irish|team|Quidditch
– And now, please welcome – the Irish Quidditch team!
– urlao je Torbar.
he yelled|he|
– Torbar shouted.
– Predstavljamo ih – Konoli!
we present|them|Conolly
– We present them – Conolly!
Iiiii – Linč!
Iiiii – Lynch!
Sedam zelenih mrlja izlete na teren.
seven|green|spots|they jumped|onto|field
Seven green spots burst onto the field.
Hari okrenu mali zupčanik sa strane svojih omniokulara, i uspori igrače dovoljno da može da pročita reči Vatrena strela na svakoj od metli, kao i imena igrača, izvezena srebrom, na njihovim leđima.
Harry|he turned|small|gear|with|side|his|omnioculars|and|he slowed|players|enough|to|he can|to|he reads|words|Fiery|Arrow|on|each|of|brooms|as|and|names|players|embroidered|with silver|on|their|backs
Harry turned the small gear on the side of his omnioculars, slowing down the players enough to read the words Firebolt on each of the brooms, as well as the names of the players, embroidered in silver, on their backs.
– A evo ga i naš sudija, čak iz Egipta, čuveni predsedavajući čarobnjak Međunarodne kvidičke asocijacije, Hasan Mustafa!
– And here comes our referee, all the way from Egypt, the famous chairman of the International Quidditch Association, Hasan Mustafa!
Omanji mršav čarobnjak, potpuno ćelav, ali sa brkovima koji su mogli da se mere s teča-Vernonovim, u odori od čistog zlata, u tonu sa stadionom, došeta se na teren.
small|skinny|wizard|completely|bald|but|with|mustaches|that|they are|could|to|reflexive pronoun|measure|with|||in|robe|of|pure|gold|in|tone|with|stadium|he strolled|reflexive pronoun|onto|field
A small skinny wizard, completely bald, but with a mustache that could rival Uncle Vernon's, dressed in pure gold robes, matching the stadium, strolled onto the field.
Ispod brkova mu je virila srebrna pištaljka.
under|mustaches|to him|it is|it was peeking|silver|whistle
A silver whistle peeked out from under his mustache.
Nosio je veliki drveni sanduk pod jednom rukom, a metlu pod drugom.
he carried|he|large|wooden|chest|under|one|arm|and|broom|under|other arm
He carried a large wooden chest under one arm and a broom under the other.
Hari vrati zupčanik za brzinu na svojim omniokularima na normalu, pomno posmatrajući Mustafu kako zajahuje metlu i nogom otvara sanduk – četiri lopte pojuriše u vis: skerletni Kvafl, dve crne Bladžerke i (Hari ju je ugledao samo na trenutak, pre nego što je odjurila iz vidokruga), sićušna, krilata Zlatna skrivalica.
Harry|he returned|gear|for|speed|on|his|omnioculars|to|normal|closely|observing|Mustafa|how|he mounts|broom|and|with foot|he opens|chest|four|balls|they rushed|into|height|scarlet|Quaffle|two|black|Bludgers|and|Harry|her|he|he spotted|only|for|moment|before|than|that|he|she dashed|out of|sight|tiny|winged|Golden|Snitch
Harry adjusted the gear on his omnioculars back to normal, closely watching Mustafa as he mounted the broom and kicked open the chest – four balls shot up into the air: a scarlet Quaffle, two black Bludgers, and (Harry only caught a glimpse of it before it zoomed out of sight), a tiny, winged Golden Snitch.
Uz oštar pisak svoje pištaljke, Mustafa polete u vazduh za loptama.
with|sharp|whistle|his|whistle|Mustafa|he flew|into|air|after|balls
With a sharp whistle of his whistle, Mustafa flew into the air for the balls.
– Iiiiiiiiiiiiii KRENULI SU!
Iiiiiiiiiiiiii|they started|they are
– Yyyyyyyyyyyyyy THEY HAVE STARTED!
– vrištao je Torbar.
he shouted|he|Torbar
– screamed Torbar.
– I sada loptu ima Malet!
and|now|the ball|he has|Malet
– And now Malet has the ball!
Nazad do Maletove!
Back to Maletovo!
Bio je to kvidič kakav Hari nije video.
was|he|that|Quidditch|such as|Harry|not|saw
It was a Quidditch match like Harry had never seen.
Pritiskao je omniokulare na oči toliko jako da naočare počeše da mu se usecaju u nos.
he pressed|he|omnioculars|on|eyes|so|hard|that|glasses|they began|to|to him|reflexive pronoun|they dig in|into|nose
He pressed the omnioculars against his eyes so hard that the glasses began to dig into his nose.
Brzina igrača bila je neverovatna – Goniči su se međusobno dobacivali Kvaflom takvom brzinom da je Torbar jedva imao vremena da izgovara njihova imena.
speed|of the players|was|it|incredible|chasers|they|reflexive pronoun|among themselves|they were tossing|with Kvafl|such|speed|that|he|Torbar|barely|he had|time|to|he was pronouncing|their|names
The players' speed was incredible – the Chasers were passing the Quaffle to each other at such speed that Torbar barely had time to say their names.
Hari ponovo okrenu prekidač „usporeno“ na omniokularima, pritisnu dugme „napad-po-napad“, i sada je sve posmatrao na usporenom snimku, dok su ljubičasta svetlucava slova treperila preko sočiva, a graja publike mu dobovala po bubnim opnama.
Harry|again|he turned|switch|slow|on|omnioculars|he pressed|button||through||||||||||||||||||||||||eardrums|membranes
Harry turned the switch to 'slow motion' on the omnioculars again, pressed the 'attack-by-attack' button, and now he was watching everything in slow motion, as purple shimmering letters flickered across the lenses, and the roar of the crowd echoed in his eardrums.
– Napadačka formacija sokolove glave – pročita on, gledajući trojicu irskih Goniča kako proleću jedan uz drugoga, s Trojem u centru, malčice ispred Maletove i Morana, jurišajući na Bugare.
attacking|formation|of the falcon|head|he read|he|looking|three|Irish|chasers|as|they fly|one|along|another|with|Troy|in|center|a little|in front of|Malet's|and|Moran|charging|at|Bulgarians
– Attacking formation of the falcon's head – he read, watching the three Irish Chasers fly side by side, with Troy in the center, slightly ahead of Malet and Moran, charging at the Bulgarians.
– Porskovina smicalica – zasvetle na tabli, dok je Troj naizgled leteo naviše s Kvaflom, odvraćajući bugarskog Jurišnika Ivanovu, i dobacujući Kvafl Moranu.
Porskovina|trick|they shine|on|board|while|he|Troj|seemingly|he was flying|upwards|with|Kvafl|diverting|Bulgarian|Jurišnik|Ivanov|and|throwing|Kvafl|Morana
– The Porskovina trick – sparkled on the board, while Troj seemingly flew upwards with Kvafl, diverting the Bulgarian Attacker Ivanov, and tossing Kvafl to Morana.
Jedan od bugarskih Jurišnika, Volkov, zamahnu iz sve snage svojom malom palicom na Bladžerku u prolazu, izbacivši je na Moranovu putanju, Moran se sagnu da izbegne Bladžerku i ispusti Kvafl: Levski ga, proletevši ispod njega, uhvati... – TROJ POSTIŽE POGODAK!
one|of|Bulgarian|Jurišnik|Volkov|he swung|with|all|strength|his|small|stick|at|Bladžerka|in|passing|having thrown|it|on|Morana's|trajectory|Moran|himself|he bent|to|avoid|Bladžerka|and|he dropped|Kvafl|Levski|him|having flown|under|him|he caught|TROJ|he scores|goal
One of the Bulgarian Attackers, Volkov, swung with all his might with his small stick at Bladžerka in passing, knocking it onto Morana's path, Morana bent down to avoid Bladžerka and dropped Kvafl: Levski, flying underneath him, caught it... – TROJ SCORES!
– grmeo je Torbar, i stadion zadrhta od gromoglasnog aplauza i povika.
he thundered|it|Torbar|and|stadium|it trembled|from|thunderous|applause|and|shouts
– roared Torbar, and the stadium shook with thunderous applause and cheers.
– Deset prema nula za Irsku!
– Ten to zero for Ireland!
– Šta?
– What?
– Hari zaurla, divlje zverajući kroz omniokulare.
Harry|he roars|wildly|looking|through|binoculars
– Harry roars, wildly glaring through the omnioculars.
– Ali Kvafl je kod Levskog!
– But Quaffle is with Levski!
– Hari, ako ne gledaš normalnom brzinom, propustićeš mnogo toga!
Harry|if|not|you watch|normal|speed|you will miss|a lot|of it
– Harry, if you don't watch at a normal speed, you'll miss a lot!
– vikala je Hermiona, koja je pocupkivala gore-dole, mašući rukama dok je Troj leteo počasni krug oko terena.
she yelled|she was|Hermione|who|she was|bouncing|||waving|with her hands|while|he was|Troy|flying|honorary|circle|around|the field
"- she shouted Hermione, who was bouncing up and down, waving her arms as Troy flew an honorary lap around the field."},{
Hari brzo pogleda preko svojih omniokulara, i vide da su se leprikoni, koji su dotad igru posmatrali sa ivica terena, ponovo podigli u vazduh i formirali ogromnu svetleću detelinu.
Harry|quickly|he looked|through|his|omnioculars|and|he saw|that|they|themselves|leprechauns|who|they|until then|the game|they were watching|from|the edges|the field|again|they lifted|into|the air|and|they formed|huge|glowing|clover
Harry quickly looked through his omniculars, and saw that the leprechauns, who had been watching the game from the edges of the field until then, had risen into the air again and formed a huge glowing clover.
S druge strane terena vile su ih kiselo posmatrale.
on|other|side|the field|the witches|they|them|sourly|they were watching
From the other side of the field, the fairies watched them sourly.
Besan na sebe, Hari prebaci prekidač za brzinu nazad na normalu.
angry|at|himself|Harry|he switched|the switch|for|speed|back|to|normal
Hari je znao dovoljno o kvidiču da bi shvatio kako su irski Goniči neverovatni.
Harry knew enough about Quidditch to understand how incredible the Irish Chasers were.
Dejstvovali su kao celina, praveći formacije kao da čitaju jedan drugome misli, i rozeta na Harijevim grudima neprekidno je cijukala njihova imena: – Troj – Maletova – Moran!
they acted|they|as|whole|making|formations|as|that|they read|one|another|thoughts|and|rosette|on|Harry's|chest|continuously|it|chirped|their|names|Troy|Maletov|Moran
They operated as a unit, making formations as if they were reading each other's minds, and the rosette on Harry's chest continuously chirped their names: – Troy – Mullet – Moran!
– U roku od dvadeset minuta, Irska je još dvaput postigla pogodak, došavši do vođstva od trideset prema nula, izazivajući gromoglasnu plimu uzvika i aplauza svojih navijača, obučenih u zeleno.
In|period|of|twenty|minutes|Ireland|it|still|twice|scored|goal|having come|to|lead|of|thirty|to|zero|causing|thunderous|tide|shouts|and|applause|their|fans|dressed|in|green
In the span of twenty minutes, Ireland scored two more goals, taking a lead of thirty to zero, provoking a thunderous tide of cheers and applause from their fans, dressed in green.
Utakmica je postajala sve brža, ali i brutalnija.
The match|it|was becoming|more|fast|but|and|brutal
The match was becoming faster, but also more brutal.
Volkov i Vulčanov, bugarski Jurišnici, bacali su Bladžerke što su jače mogli ka irskim Goničima i tako ih sprečavali da izvedu neke od svojih najboljih poteza.
Volkov|and|Vulchanov|Bulgarian|Attackers|they threw|they|Bladgers|that|they|harder|they could|towards|Irish|Chasers|and|thus|them|they prevented|to|they perform|some|of|their|best|moves
Volkov and Vulčanov, the Bulgarian Raiders, threw Bladžerke as hard as they could at the Irish Chasers, thus preventing them from executing some of their best moves.
Dvaput su bili primorani da se pregrupišu, a onda, konačno, Ivanova uspe da se probije kroz njihove redove, izbegne čuvara, Rajana, i postigne prvi pogodak za Bugarsku.
Twice|they|they were|forced|to|themselves|they regroup|and|then|finally|Ivanov's|he succeeds|to|himself|he breaks through|through|their|ranks|he avoids|the guard|Ryan|and|he scores|first|goal|for|Bulgaria
They were forced to regroup twice, and then, finally, Ivan managed to break through their ranks, avoid the guard, Ryan, and score the first goal for Bulgaria.
– Prste u uši!
- Fingers in ears!
– hučao je gospodin Vizli, a vile zaigraše slavljenički ples.
he shouted|he|Mr|Vizli|and|the fairies|they started to dance|celebratory|dance
- Mr. Vizli bellowed, and the fairies began to dance a celebratory dance.
Hari zatvori oči.
Harry|he closes|eyes
Harry closed his eyes.
Želeo je da misli još zadrži na igri.
he wanted|he|to|thoughts|still|he keeps|on|game
He wanted to keep his thoughts on the game.
Posle par sekundi, prihvati rizik i pogleda na teren.
after|a few|seconds|he accepted|risk|and|he looked|at|field
After a few seconds, he accepted the risk and looked at the field.
Vile su prestale da igraju, a Bugarska je ponovo bila u posedu Kvafla.
the fairies|they|they stopped|to|play|and|Bulgaria|it|again|she was|in|possession|Kvafl
The fairies stopped playing, and Bulgaria was once again in possession of Kvafl.
– Dimitrov!
- Dimitrov!
Ivanova – oh, gospode!
Ivanova - oh, lord!
– grmeo je Torbar.
he was rumbling|he|Torbar
– Torbar was rumbling.
Stotinu hiljada čarobnjaka i veštica ispusti uzdahe pune zebnje kada dva tragača, Krum i Linč, prozujaše pravo kroz Goniče takvom brzinom kao da su iskočili iz aviona bez padobrana.
hundred|thousand|wizards|and|witches|they let out|sighs|full|of fear|when|two|trackers|Krum|and|Lynch|they zoomed|straight|through|Chasers|such|speed|as|that|they|they jumped|out of|airplane|without|parachutes
A hundred thousand wizards and witches let out sighs full of dread as two seekers, Krum and Lynch, soared straight through the Chasers at such speed as if they had jumped out of an airplane without parachutes.
Hari je pratio njihov pad kroz omniokulare, žmirkajući da bi video gde je Skrivalica... – Razbiće se!
Harry|he|he was following|their|fall|through|omnioculars|squinting|to|he would|he saw|where|it was|the Snitch|it will break|itself
Harry followed their fall through the omnioculars, squinting to see where the Snitch was... – They’re going to crash!
– vrisnu Hermiona tik pored Harija.
she screamed|Hermione|right|next to|Harry
– Hermione screamed right next to Harry.
Bila je delimično u pravu – u poslednjem trenutku, Viktor Krum skrenu i polete uvis u spiralnom luku.
she was|is|partially|in|right|in|last|moment|Viktor|Krum|he turned|and|he flew|upwards|in|spiral|arc
She was partially right – at the last moment, Viktor Krum turned and soared upwards in a spiral arc.
Linč pak udari u zemlju s tupim zvukom koji se mogao čuti širom stadiona.
Lynch|but|he hit|in|ground|with|dull|sound|which|reflexive pronoun|could|to hear|throughout|stadium
The bludger hit the ground with a dull sound that could be heard all across the stadium.
Sa irskih sedišta začu se snažno negodovanje.
from|Irish|seats|I heard|reflexive pronoun|strongly|discontent
From the Irish stands, a strong discontent was heard.
– Budala!
– Fool!
– kukao je gospodin Vizli.
he complained|he was|Mr|Vizli
- Mr. Vizli was complaining.
– Krum je folirao!
Krum|he was|he faked
- Krum was faking!
– I sada je tajm-aut!
and|now|it is||
- And now it's a time-out!
– vikao je Torbarev glas.
he shouted|he was|Torbarev's|voice
- shouted Torbarev's voice.
– Stručni doktor-čarobnjaci žure na teren da pregledaju Ejdana Linča!
expert|||they hurry|to|field|to|they examine|Ejdana|Lynch
– The expert doctor-wizards are rushing to the field to examine Aidan Lynch!
– Biće on u redu, samo su ga malo pokosili!
he will be|he|in|order|just|they|him|a little|they mowed down
– He will be fine, they just knocked him down a bit!
– reče Čarli, ohrabrujući Džini, koja se, užasnuta, nagnula preko ivice lože.
he said|Charlie|encouraging|Ginny|who|herself|terrified|she leaned|over|edge|box
– said Charlie, encouraging Ginny, who, terrified, leaned over the edge of the box.
– Što je Krum i hteo, naravno... Hari žurno pritisnu dugmiće „premotati“ i „napad-po-napad“ na svojim omniokularima, pročačka oko prekidača za brzinu, i prisloni ih nazad na oči.
what|he|Krum|and|he wanted|of course|Harry|hurriedly|he pressed|buttons|rewind|and||||on|his|omnioculars|he rummaged|around|switch|for|speed|and|he pressed|them|back|on|eyes
– That's what Krum wanted, of course... Harry hurriedly pressed the "rewind" and "attack-by-attack" buttons on his omnioculars, fiddled around the speed switch, and pressed them back to his eyes.
Ponovo je posmatrao Kruma i Linča kako poniru, na usporenom snimku.
again|he|observed|Krum|and|Linch|how|they dive|in|slow|footage
He watched Krum and Lynch dive again, in slow motion.
– Vronski finta – rizična diverzija Tragača – pisalo je sjajnim ljubičastim slovima preko njegovih sočiva.
Vronsky|feint|risky|diversion|Tracker|it was written|it|shiny|purple|letters|across|his|lenses
– Vronsky feint – a risky diversion of the Seeker – it was written in brilliant purple letters across his lenses.
Video je Krumovo lice izobličeno od usredsređenosti, i kako se izvlači tačno na vreme, dok se Linč spljeskao, i shvati – Krum uopšte nije video Skrivalicu, već je samo namamio Linča da ga prati i oponaša.
he saw|he|Krum's|face|distorted|from|concentration|and|how|himself|he escapes|exactly|on|time|while|himself|Linch|he got slapped|and|he realized|Krum|at all|he did not|he saw|Hider|but|he|only|he lured|Linch|to|him|he follows|and|he imitates
He saw Krum's face contorted with concentration, and how he pulled out just in time, while Lynch crashed, and realized – Krum hadn't seen the Hider at all, he had just lured Lynch to follow and imitate him.
Hari nikada nije video da neko tako leti.
Harry|never|he did not|he saw|that|someone|so|he flies
Harry had never seen anyone fly like that.
Izgledalo je da se Krum uopšte ne koristi metlom.
it seemed|was|that|reflexive pronoun|Krum|at all|not|uses|broom
It seemed that Krum was not using a broom at all.
S lakoćom se kretao kroz vazduh kao da ni nema težinu ni oslonac.
with|ease|reflexive pronoun|he moved|through|air|as|that|not even|he has no|weight|nor|support
He moved through the air with ease as if he had neither weight nor support.
Hari vrati omniokulare na normalu, i uperi ih u Kruma.
Harry|he returned|omnioculars|to|normal|and|he aimed|them|at|Krum
Harry adjusted the omnioculars to normal and pointed them at Krum.
On je kružio visoko iznad Linča, koga su doktorčarobnjaci upravo pokušavali da povrate šoljama odgovarajućeg napitka.
he|was|he was circling|high|above|Linch|whom|they|doctor wizards|just|they were trying|to|they return|cups|appropriate|potion
He was circling high above Linch, whom the doctor wizards were just trying to revive with cups of the appropriate potion.
Usredsredivši se na Krumovo lice, Hari spazi njegove tamne oči kako sevaju po zemlji dvadesetak i više metara niže.
focusing|himself|on|Krum's|face|Harry|he spots|his|dark|eyes|how|they flash|across|ground|about twenty|and|more|meters|lower
Focusing on Krum's face, Harry notices his dark eyes flashing across the ground twenty meters or more below.
Koristio je vreme dok se Linč ne povrati da nesmetano traži Skrivalicu.
he used|he|time|while|himself|Lynch|not|he recovers|to|uninterruptedly|he searches|the Hider
He used the time while Lynch was recovering to search for the Snitch without interruption.
Linč se konačno pridiže, uz glasno navijanje zelenih navijača, zatim uzjaha svoju Vatrenu strelu i odrazi se u vazduh.
Lynch|himself|finally|he rises|with|loud|cheering|green|fans|then|he mounts|his|Fiery|arrow|and|he leaps|himself|into|air
Lynch finally rises, to the loud cheering of the green fans, then mounts his Firebolt and takes off into the air.
Njegov oporavak kao da je Irskoj dao novu snagu.
his|recovery|as|that|it|Ireland|he gave|new|strength
His recovery seemed to give Ireland a new strength.
Kada je Mustafa ponovo dunuo u zviždaljku, irski Goniči stupiše u akciju s veštinom koja nije mogla da se meri ni sa čim što je Hari video.
when|he|Mustafa|again|he blew|into|whistle|Irish|Hounds|they stepped|into|action|with|skill|which|not|she could|to|reflexive pronoun|measured|not even|with|anything|that|he|Harry|he saw
When Mustafa blew the whistle again, the Irish Hounds sprang into action with a skill that could not be measured against anything Harry had seen.
Posle još petnaestak brzih i napetih minuta, Irska postiže još deset pogodaka.
after|another|about fifteen|fast|and|tense|minutes|Ireland|it scores|another|ten|goals
After another fifteen quick and tense minutes, Ireland scored another ten points.
Sada su vodili sa sto trideset prema deset, i igra je postajala sve prljavija.
now|they|they led|with|hundred|thirty|to|ten|and|game|it|was becoming|more|dirtier
They were now leading one hundred thirty to ten, and the game was getting dirtier.
Kada Maletova još jedanput krenu prema gol-stativama, čvrsto stežući Kvafl pod miškom, bugarski Čuvar, Zograf, polete joj u susret.
when|Maletova|again|once|they start|towards|||firmly|squeezing|Kvafl|under|armpit|Bulgarian|Keeper|Zograf|they flew|to her|in|meeting
As Malet once again approached the goalposts, firmly clutching Kvafl under her arm, the Bulgarian Guardian, Zograf, flew towards her.
Šta god da se desilo, desilo se tako brzo da Hari nije stigao da vidi, ali besni povici irskih navijača, i Mustafin dugačak, prodoran zvižduk, rekoše mu da je faul.
what|ever|that|reflexive particle|happened|happened|reflexive particle|so|fast|that|Harry|not|managed|to|see|but|furious|shouts|Irish|fans|and|Mustafa's|long|piercing|whistle|they told|to him|that|is|foul
Whatever happened, it happened so quickly that Harry didn't have time to see, but the furious shouts of the Irish fans and Mustafa's long, piercing whistle told him that it was a foul.
– I Mustafa kažnjava bugarskog čuvara zbog nedozvoljene upotrebe laktova!
– And Mustafa punishes the Bulgarian keeper for illegal use of elbows!
– obavesti Torbar bučne gledaoce.
– informs Torbar the noisy spectators.
– I... da, to je penal za Irsku!
– And... yes, that's a penalty for Ireland!
Leprikoni, koji su se kada je Maletova bila faulirana besno pridigli u vazduh, poput roja svetlucavih obada, sada se skupiše i formiraše reči – HA HA HA!
leprechauns|who|they|themselves|when|it was|Malfoy|she was|fouled|furiously|they lifted|in|air|like|swarm|shimmering|flies|now|themselves|they gathered|and|they formed|words|HA|HA|
The leprechauns, who had angrily risen into the air like a swarm of sparkling flies when Malfoy was fouled, now gathered and formed the words – HA HA HA!
– Vile, s druge strane visoravni, skočiše na noge, besno zabaciše kose i počeše ponovo da plešu.
the fairies|from|other|side|plateau|they jumped|on|feet|furiously|they threw back|hair|and|they began|again|to|dance
The fairies, on the other side of the plateau, jumped to their feet, angrily tossed their hair back, and began to dance again.
Kao po komandi, Vizlijevi momci i Hari gurnuše prste u uši, ali Hermiona, koja nije ni pokušala, uskoro povuče Harija za ruku.
as|on|command|Weasley's|boys|and|Harry|they shoved|fingers|in|ears|but|Hermione|who|not|even|she tried|soon|she pulled|Harry|by|hand
As if on command, the Weasley boys and Harry stuck their fingers in their ears, but Hermione, who didn't even try, soon pulled Harry by the arm.
On se okrenu, a ona mu nestrpljivo izvuče prste iz ušiju.
he|himself|he turned|and|she|to him|impatiently|she pulled out|fingers|from|ears
He turned around, and she impatiently pulled his fingers out of his ears.
– Pogledaj sudiju!
look|at the judge
– Look at the referee!
– reče ona, kikoćući se.
she said|she|giggling|reflexive pronoun
– she said, giggling.
Hari pogleda dole prema terenu.
Harry|he looked|down|towards|the field
Harry looked down at the field.
Hasan Mustafa je sleteo baš ispred plešućih vila, i ponašao se zaista čudno.
Hasan|Mustafa|he|landed|just|in front of|dancing|fairies|and|he behaved|reflexive pronoun|really|strangely
Hasan Mustafa had landed right in front of the dancing fairies, and was acting really strangely.
Napinjao je mišiće i uzbuđeno sukao brkove.
he was flexing|he|muscles|and|excitedly|he was twirling|mustache
He was flexing his muscles and excitedly twirling his mustache.
– E pa sad, toga ne sme biti!
– Well now, that must not happen!
– reče Ludo Torbar, iako je zvučao vrlo veselo.
he said|crazy|Torbar|although|he|he sounded|very|cheerfully
– said Crazy Torbar, although he sounded very cheerful.
– Neka neko ošamari sudiju!
– Let someone slap the referee!
Doktor-čarobnjak dotrča preko terena, prstiju čvrsto nabijenih u uši, i iz sve snage šutnu Mustafu u potkolenicu.
||he ran|across|the field|fingers|tightly|stuffed|in|ears|and|from|all|strength|he kicked|Mustafa|in|the calf
The doctor-wizard ran across the field, fingers firmly pressed into his ears, and kicked Mustafa in the calf with all his might.
Mustafa iznenada dođe k sebi.
Mustafa|suddenly|he came|to|himself
Mustafa suddenly came to his senses.
Hari, koji je opet posmatrao kroz omniokulare, primeti da je ovaj izuzetno posramljen, i da viče na vile, koje su u međuvremenu prestale da plešu i ponašale se buntovnički.
Harry|who|he|again|he observed|through|omnioculars|he noticed|that|it is|this|extremely|embarrassed|and|that|he yells|at|fairies|who|they|in|the meantime|they stopped|to|dance|and|they behaved|themselves|rebelliously
Harry, who was once again observing through the omnioculars, noticed that he was extremely embarrassed and was yelling at the fairies, who had meanwhile stopped dancing and were behaving rebelliously.
– I, ukoliko ne grešim, Mustafa zapravo pokušava da izbaci bugarske maskote!
and|if|not|I am mistaken|Mustafa|actually|he is trying|to|he kicks out|Bulgarian|mascots
– And, if I'm not mistaken, Mustafa is actually trying to kick out the Bulgarian mascots!
– začu se Torbarev glas.
– Torbar's voice was heard.
– E pa, to je nešto što do sada nismo videli... Oh, ovo bi moglo da postane gadno... I postalo je: bugarski Jurišnici, Volkov i Vulčanov, sleteše pored Mustafe i počeše žestoko da se svađaju s njim, gestikulirajući prema leprikonima, koji su sada veselo formirali reči – HIHIHI.
well|then|that|is|something|that|until|now|we haven't|seen|oh|this|would|could|to|become|nasty|and|it became|is|Bulgarian|Assault Troops|Volkov|and|Vulčanov|they landed|beside|Mustafa|and|they began|fiercely|to|themselves|argue|with|him|gesticulating|towards|leprechauns|who|they|now|cheerfully|formed|words|HIHIHI
– Well, this is something we haven't seen before... Oh, this could get ugly... And it did: the Bulgarian Assault Troops, Volkov and Vulčanov, landed next to Mustafa and began to argue fiercely with him, gesturing towards the lepricons, who were now cheerfully forming words – HIHIHI.
Mustafa pak nije bio impresioniran argumentima Bugara.
Mustafa|but|he didn't|he was|impressed|arguments|Bulgarians
Mustafa, however, was not impressed by the Bulgarians' arguments.
Pokazivao je prstom nagore, očigledno im govoreći da se vrate u vazduh, a kada odbiše, on dvaput kratko pisnu svojom zviždaljkom.
he was showing|he|with his finger|upwards|obviously|to them|saying|that|themselves|they return|to|air|and|when|they refused|he|twice|briefly|he whistled|with his|whistle
He pointed his finger upwards, obviously telling them to return to the air, and when they refused, he let out two short whistles with his whistle.
– Dva penala za Irsku!
– Two penalties for Ireland!
– vikao je Torbar, i gomila bugarskih navijača zaurla od besa.
he shouted|he|Torbar|and|crowd|Bulgarian|fans|they roared|from|anger
– shouted Torbar, and the crowd of Bulgarian fans roared in anger.
– Volkovu i Vulčanovu bilo bi bolje da se vrate na svoje metle... da... eno ih... i Troj uzima Kvafl... Igra postade još krvožednija.
Volkov|and|Vulčanov|it was|would|better|that|themselves|they return|to|their|brooms|that|there|them|and|Troj|he takes|Kvafl|game|it became|even|more bloodthirsty
– Volkov and Vulčanov would be better off going back to their brooms... yes... there they are... and Troj is taking Kvafl... The game became even more bloodthirsty.
Jurišnici s obe strane bili su nemilosrdni: Volkov i Vulčanov pogotovu, kao da ne mare da li njihove palice stupaju u dodir s Bladžerkama ili s ljudima, dok njima grubo vitlaju kroz vazduh.
assailants|with|both|sides|they were|they|merciless|Volkov|and|Vulčanov|especially|as|that|not|they care|that|whether|their|bats|they strike|in|contact|with|Bladžerkama|or|with|people|while|them|roughly|they swing|through|air
The attackers on both sides were merciless: especially Volkov and Vulčanov, as if they didn't care whether their sticks made contact with Bladžerke or with people, while they swung them roughly through the air.
Dimitrov pojuri pravo ka Moranovoj, koja je držala Kvafl, skoro je zbacivši s metle.
Dimitrov|he rushed|straight|towards|Morana|who|she|she was holding|Quaffle|almost|he|throwing off|from|broom
Dimitrov rushed straight towards Moran, who was holding Quaffle, almost knocking her off her broom.
– Faul!
- Foul!
– vikali su irski navijači kao jedan, dižući se poput velikog zelenog talasa.
they yelled|they|Irish|fans|like|one|rising|themselves|like|big|green|wave
- shouted the Irish fans as one, rising like a great green wave.
– Faul!
- Foul!
– odjekivao je magijski pojačan glas Luda Torbara.
– echoed the magically amplified voice of the Mad Torbar.
– Dimitrov je okrznuo Moranovu – namerno je poleteo da se s njom sudari – i biće to još jedan penal – da, evo zviždaljke!
Dimitrov|he|grazed|Moran|intentionally|he|he flew|to|himself|with|her|he collides|and|it will be|that|another|one|penalty|to|here|whistle
– Dimitrov grazed Moran – he intentionally flew to collide with her – and it will be another penalty – yes, here comes the whistle!
Leprikoni su se ponovo digli u vazduh i, ovoga puta, formirali džinovsku šaku koja je pravila izuzetno bezobrazan gest preko terena, prema vilama.
leprechauns|they|themselves|again|they rose|in|air|and|this|time|they formed|giant|fist|which|it|it was making|extremely|rude|gesture|across|field|towards|fairies
The leprechauns rose into the air again and, this time, formed a giant fist that made an extremely rude gesture across the field, towards the fairies.
Na to vile izgubiše kontrolu.
on|that|fairies|they lost|control
At that, the fairies lost control.
Pojuriše preko terena, i počeše da bacaju nešto poput pregršti vatre prema leprikonima.
they rushed|across|the field|and|they began|to|throw|something|like|handfuls|of fire|towards|the leprechauns
They rushed across the field and began to throw something like handfuls of fire at the leprechauns.
Posmatrajući kroz omniokulare, Hari vide da više nisu tako lepe.
observing|through|the omnioculars|Harry|he saw|that|no longer|they were not|so|beautiful
Looking through the omnioculars, Harry saw that they were no longer so beautiful.
Naprotiv, lica im se izdužiše u ptičje glave okrutnih izraza i oštrih kljunova, dok im iz ramena počeše da izbijaju dugačka, krljuštima prekrivena krila... – E, zato, momci – vikao je gospodin Vizli kroz graju gomile odozdo – nikada ne smete da se zanosite samo lepotom!
on the contrary|faces|their|reflexive pronoun|they elongated|into|bird|heads|cruel|expressions|and|sharp|beaks|while|to them|from|shoulders|they began|to|burst out|long|covered with scales|covered|wings|hey|that's why|guys|he shouted|he|mister|Wizley|through|the noise|of the crowd|from below|never|not|you must|to|reflexive pronoun|you get carried away|only|with beauty
On the contrary, their faces elongated into bird-like heads with cruel expressions and sharp beaks, while long, scaly wings began to sprout from their shoulders... – That's why, guys – Mr. Weasley shouted through the noise of the crowd below – you must never get carried away by beauty alone!
Čarobnjaci iz ministarstva navališe na teren, ne bi li razdvojili vile i leprikone, ali bezuspešno.
the wizards|from|the ministry|they rushed|to|the field|not|would|if|they separated|the fairies|and|the leprechauns|but|unsuccessfully
The wizards from the ministry rushed onto the field to separate the fairies and leprechauns, but unsuccessfully.
U međuvremenu, borba koja se odvijala dole nije se mogla meriti s onom iznad.
in|the meantime|the fight|that|reflexive pronoun|was taking place|down|not|reflexive pronoun|could|measure|with|that|above
In the meantime, the fight that was happening below could not be compared to the one above.
Hari se okretao na sve strane, zureći kroz omniokulare, dok je Kvafl prelazio iz ruke u ruku brzinom metka... – Levski – Dimitrov – Moran – Troj – Maletova – Ivanova – opet Moran – Moran – MORAN POGAđA!
Harry|reflexive pronoun|was turning|to|all|sides|staring|through|omnioculars|while|he|Quaffle|was passing|from|hand|to|hand|at the speed of|bullet|Levski|Dimitrov|Moran|Troj|Maletova|Ivanova|again|Moran|Moran|MORAN|SCORES
Harry was turning in all directions, staring through the omnioculars, as the Quaffle passed from hand to hand at the speed of a bullet... – Levski – Dimitrov – Moran – Troy – Maletova – Ivanova – again Moran – Moran – MORAN SCORES!
Ali zvuci odobravanja irskih navijača bili su jedva čujni zbog povika vila, eksplozija koje su dolazile iz čarobnih štapića čarobnjaka iz ministarstva i besnih povika Bugara.
but|sounds|of approval|Irish|fans|were|they|barely|audible|because of|shouts|of the fairies|explosions|that|they|were coming|from|magical|wands|wizards|from|the ministry|and|furious|shouts|of the Bulgarians
But the sounds of approval from the Irish fans were barely audible over the shouts of the fairies, the explosions coming from the wands of the Ministry wizards, and the furious shouts of the Bulgarians.
Igra se ubrzo nastavi.
the game|reflexive pronoun|soon|continued
The game soon continued.
Čas je Levski imao Kvafl, čas Dimitrov... Irski Jurišnik Kvigli zamahnu snažno ka Bladžerki u letu, i hitnu je iz sve snage ka Krumu, koji nije uspeo dovoljno brzo da se sagne.
sometimes|he was|Levski|he had|Kvafl|sometimes|Dimitrov|Irish|attacker|Kvigli|he swung|strongly|towards|Bladžerka|in|flight|and|he threw|it|with|all|strength|towards|Krum|who|he did not|he managed|enough|quickly|to|himself|he bent
Levski had Kvafl for a moment, then Dimitrov... The Irish Charger Kvigli swung powerfully at Bladžerka in flight, and hit her with all his strength towards Krum, who did not manage to bend down quickly enough.
Loptica ga svom snagom udari posred lica.
the ball|him|with all|strength|it hit|in the middle of|face
The ball hit him square in the face.
Začu se zaglušujuć roptaj publike.
it was heard|reflexive pronoun|deafening|roar|of the audience
A deafening roar erupted from the audience.
Krumov nos je delovao slomljeno, krvi je bilo svuda, ali se Hasan Mustafa ne oglasi zviždaljkom.
Krum's|nose|it was|it seemed|broken|blood|it was|there was|everywhere|but|reflexive pronoun|Hasan|Mustafa|not|he made a sound|with the whistle
Krum's nose appeared broken, there was blood everywhere, but Hasan Mustafa did not blow the whistle.
Bio je smeten i Hari nije mogao ništa da mu prebaci.
he was|is|confused|and|Harry|not|could|nothing|to|to him|he blames
He was distracted and Harry couldn't blame him for anything.
Jedna vila ga je gađala vatrom i zapalila mu rep metle.
one|witch|him|she|she threw|fire|and|she set on fire|to him|tail|broom
A fairy hit him with fire and set his broomstick's tail on fire.
Hari je poželeo da neko shvati da je Krum povređen.
Harry|he|he wished|that|someone|he understands|that|he|Krum|injured
Harry wished someone would realize that Krum was injured.
Iako je Hari navijao za Irsku, Krum je bio najuzbudljiviji igrač na terenu.
although|he|Harry|he cheered|for|Ireland|Krum|he|was|the most exciting|player|on|field
Although Harry was cheering for Ireland, Krum was the most exciting player on the field.
Ron je očigledno osećao isto.
Ron|he is|obviously|he felt|the same
Ron obviously felt the same.
– Tajm-aut!
- Time-out!
Oh, stvarno, ne može tako da igra, pogledajte ga... – Pogledajte Linča!
oh|really|not|he can|that way|to|he plays|look at|him|look at|Lynch
Oh, really, he can't play like that, look at him... - Look at Lynch!
– zaurla Hari.
he yelled|Harry
- Harry yelled.
Irski tragač iznenada poče da ponire, i Hari je bio siguran da to nije Vronski finta, ovo je bila prava stvar... – Video je Skrivalicu!
Irish|tracker|suddenly|he began|to|dive|and|Harry|he|was|sure|that|it|not|Vronsky|trick|this|it|was|real|thing|he saw|he|the Hider
The Irish seeker suddenly began to dive, and Harry was sure it wasn't a Vronsky trick, this was the real deal... - He saw the Hider!
– povika Hari.
he shouted|Harry
- Harry shouted.
– Video ju je!
he saw|her|he
- He saw her!
Vidi ga kako ide!
see|him|how|he is going
Look at him go!
Polovina gledališta shvati šta se dešava, irski navijači se digoše u ogromnom zelenom talasu, urlajući ime svog Tragača... Ali Krum mu je bio za petama.
half|of the audience|realized|what|reflexive pronoun|is happening|Irish|fans|reflexive pronoun|they rose|in|huge|green|wave|shouting|name|of their|Seeker|but|Krum|to him|was|he was|on|his heels
Half of the audience realizes what is happening, the Irish fans rise in a huge green wave, shouting the name of their Seeker... But Krum was right on his tail.
Kako je mogao da vidi kuda ide, Hari nije imao pojma.
how|he|could|to|see|where|he is going|Harry|not|he had|idea
How he could see where he was going, Harry had no idea.
Kapljice krvi letele su kroz vazduh za njim, ali on gotovo sustiže Linča, kad se obojica ponovo stuštiše ka zemlji... – Srušiće se!
droplets|of blood|flew|they|through|air|after|him|but|he|almost|he catches up with|Lynch|when|reflexive pronoun|both|again|they rushed|towards|ground|he will crash|reflexive pronoun
Drops of blood flew through the air behind him, but he was almost catching up to Lynch when both of them plunged back to the ground... – They will crash!
– vrisnu Hermiona.
she screamed|Hermione
– screamed Hermione.
– Neće!
he won't
- No way!
– zaurla Ron.
he yelled|
- Ron yelled.
– Linč hoće!
Lynch|he wants
- Lynch will!
– viknu Hari.
he shouted|Harry
- Harry shouted.
I bio je u pravu – po drugi put, Linč udari u zemlju neverovatnom silinom, i istog časa ga pregazi stampedo ljutitih vila.
and|he was|he is|in|right|for|second|time|Lynch|he hits|in|ground|incredible|force|and|same|moment|him|he tramples|stampede|angry|fairies
And he was right – for the second time, Lynch struck the ground with incredible force, and at that moment he was trampled by a stampede of angry fairies.
– Skrivalica, gde je Skrivalica?
Hide-and-seek|where|it is|Hide-and-seek
– Hide-and-seek, where is Hide-and-seek?
– brundao je Čarli, nešto dalje u istom redu.
he grumbled|he is|Charlie|something|further|in|same|row
– Charlie grumbled, a bit further down the same line.
– Ima je... Krum ju je uhvatio... sve je gotovo!
there is|it is|Krum|her|he is|he caught|all|it is|over
– She was... Krum caught her... it's all over!
– vikao je Hari.
he shouted|he was|Harry
- Harry shouted.
Krum je, dok mu se crvena odora caklila od krvi iz nosa, nežno uzleteo, visoko podignute ruke, dok mu je u šaci bio vidljiv zlatni odblesak.
Krum|he was|while|to him|himself|red|uniform|it was shining|from|blood|from|nose|gently|he took off|high|raised|arms|while|to him|it was|in|fist|he was|visible|golden|reflection
Krum, with his red uniform glistening from the blood from his nose, gently took off, arms raised high, while a golden glimmer was visible in his hand.
Na tabli za rezultate je svetlucalo BUGARSKA – STOTINU ŠEZDESET, IRSKA – STOTINU SEDAMDESET, ali publika izgleda još nije shvatila šta se dogodilo.
on|board|for|results|it was|it was shining|BULGARIA|HUNDRED|SIXTY|IRELAND|HUNDRED|SEVENTY|but|audience|it seems|still|not|she understood|what|it|happened
On the scoreboard, it shimmered BULGARIA - ONE HUNDRED SIXTY, IRELAND - ONE HUNDRED SEVENTY, but the audience seemed not to have realized what had happened yet.
Onda, polako, kao kad se uključi motor kakvog ogromnog džambo-džeta, grmljavina irskih navijača poče da biva sve glasnija i glasnija, i dostiže vrhunac u kricima radosti.
then|slowly|as|when|it|it starts|engine|of some|huge|||thunder|Irish|fans|it began|to|to become|increasingly|louder|and|louder|and|it reaches|peak|in|screams|of joy
Then, slowly, like when the engine of some huge jumbo jet starts, the roar of the Irish fans began to grow louder and louder, reaching a peak in screams of joy.
– vikao je Torbar, koji je, poput irskih navijača, bio zatečen naglim krajem meča.
he shouted|is|Torbar|who|is|like|Irish|fans|he was|surprised|sudden|end|of the match
– shouted Torbar, who, like the Irish fans, was taken aback by the sudden end of the match.
– KRUM JE UHVATIO SKRIVALICU, ALI IRSKA JE POBEDILA – bože dragi, mislim da niko od nas nije ovo očekivao!
Krum|is|he caught|Skrivalicu|but|Ireland|is|won|god|dear|I think|that|no one|of|us|not|this|expected
– KRUM CAUGHT THE HIDE AND SEEK, BUT IRELAND HAS WON – dear God, I think none of us expected this!
– Zašto je uopšte uhvatio Skrivalicu?
why|is|at all|he caught|Skrivalicu
– Why did he even catch Hide and Seek?
– ječao je Ron dok je skakao gore-dole, tapšući rukama iznad glave.
he groaned|he||||he was jumping|||clapping|with his hands|above|his head
– Ron was groaning as he jumped up and down, clapping his hands above his head.
– Rešio je utakmicu u trenutku kada je Irska bila u vođstvu od sto šezdeset poena, idiot!
he solved|he|the match|in|the moment|when|it was|Ireland|she was|in|lead|of|one hundred|sixty|points|idiot
– He decided the match at the moment when Ireland was leading by one hundred sixty points, idiot!
– Znao je da ih nikad ne bi stigli – uzvrati mu Hari, pokušavajući da nadjača buku, takođe glasno aplaudirajući – irski Goniči bili su previše dobri, hteo je da završi sve pod svojim uslovima, to je sve... – Bio je vrlo hrabar, zar ne?
he knew|he|that|them|never|not|would|they would reach|he replied|to him|Harry|trying|to|overpower|the noise|also|loudly|clapping|Irish|Chasers|they were|they|too|good|he wanted|he|to|finish|everything|under|his|conditions|that|it is|all|he was|he|very|brave|isn't|not
– He knew they would never catch up – Harry replied, trying to overpower the noise, also clapping loudly – the Irish Chasers were too good, he wanted to finish everything on his own terms, that's all... – He was very brave, wasn't he?
– reče Hermiona, naginjući se napred da vidi Kruma kako sleće, i jato doktor-čarobnjaka koji su probijali put kroz metež leprikona i vila, još uvek zaokupljenih tučom, ne bi li došli do njega.
she said|Hermione|leaning|herself|forward|to|see|Krum|how|he is landing|and|flock|||who|they|they were breaking|way|through|chaos|leprechauns|and|fairies|still|still|occupied|fighting|not|would|would|they would come|to|him
– said Hermione, leaning forward to see Krum landing, and a flock of doctor-wizards pushing their way through the chaos of leprechauns and fairies, still preoccupied with fighting, to reach him.
– Izgleda da je u lošem stanju... Hari ponovo stavi omniokulare na oči.
it seems|that|he is|in|bad|condition|Harry|again|he put|binoculars|on|eyes
- It looks like he is in bad shape... Harry put the omnioculars back on his eyes.
Bilo je teško razaznati šta se dole dešava, zato što su leprikoni razdragano jurcali preko celog terena, tako da jedva spazi Kruma, okruženog doktor-čarobnjacima.
it was|it is|hard|to discern|what|reflexive pronoun|down|is happening|therefore|because|they are|leprechauns|cheerfully|they were running|across|entire|field|so|that|barely|he spotted|Krum|surrounded||
It was hard to make out what was happening down there, because the leprechauns were joyfully darting all over the field, so he could barely spot Krum, surrounded by doctor-wizards.
Izgledao je mrgodniji no ikad, i nije dozvoljavao da ga srede.
he looked|he is|grumpier|than|ever|and|he did not|he allowed|that|him|they fix
He looked more sullen than ever, and he wasn't allowing them to fix him up.
Njegovi saigrači se okupiše oko njega, vrteći glavama i delujući razočarano.
his|teammates|reflexive pronoun|they gathered|around|him|spinning|heads|and|appearing|disappointed
His teammates gathered around him, shaking their heads and looking disappointed.
Nedaleko odatle, irski igrači su veselo plesali kroz kišu zlata koju su pravile njihove maskote.
not far|from there|Irish|players|they are|cheerfully|danced|through|rain|gold|that|they|made|their|mascots
Not far from there, Irish players danced joyfully through the rain of gold created by their mascots.
Zastave se zavijoriše širom stadiona, irska himna zatrešta sa svih strana.
Flags waved all over the stadium, the Irish anthem echoed from all sides.
Vile ponovo poprimiše svoj uobičajen, lep izgled, iako su izgledale snuždeno i očajno.
fairies|again|they took on|their|usual|beautiful|appearance|although|they|looked|sad|and|desperate
The fairies regained their usual, beautiful appearance, although they looked sad and desperate.
– Pa, makar zzmo ze vrlo požžteno borili – reče snuždeni glas iza Harija.
well|at least|we are|we|very|fiercely|fought|he said|sad|voice|behind|Harry
- Well, at least we fought very hard - said a gloomy voice behind Harry.
On se okrenu.
He turned around.
Bio je to bugarski ministar magije.
was|he|that|Bulgarian|minister|of magic
That was the Bulgarian Minister of Magic.
– Vi govorite engleski!
- You speak English!
– reče Fadž zgranuto.
he said|Fadž|shocked
- said Fadž, astonished.
– A pustili ste me da vam ceo dan pantomimišem!
and|you let|you have|me|to|you|whole|day|I pantomime
– And you let me mime for you all day!
– Pa, bilo je vrlo zzmešno – reče bugarski ministar, sležući ramenima.
well|it was|it is|very|funny|he said|Bulgarian|minister|shrugging|shoulders
– Well, it was very funny – said the Bulgarian minister, shrugging his shoulders.
– I dok irski tim obilazi počasni krug, okružen maskotama, pehar Svetskog prvenstva u kvidiču upravo je donet u gornju ložu!
and|while|Irish|team|it is touring|honorary|circle|surrounded|mascots|trophy|World|championship|in|Quidditch|just|it is|brought|to|upper|box
– And while the Irish team is parading the honorary circle, surrounded by mascots, the World Cup trophy in Quidditch has just been brought to the upper box!
– grmeo je Torbar.
he thundered|it is|
– Torbar thundered.
Harijeve oči naglo zaslepi jaka bela svetlost, a gornja loža blesnu čarobnim sjajem, kako bi svi na stadionu mogli da vide unutrašnjost lože.
Harry's eyes were suddenly blinded by a bright white light, and the upper box sparkled with a magical glow, so that everyone in the stadium could see inside the box.
Žmirkajući prema ulazu, on vide dva zadihana čarobnjaka kako u ložu unose veliki zlatni pehar, koji predadoše Kornelijusu Fadžu, i dalje uzrujanom zbog toga što je ceo dan koristio jezik znakova ni zbog čega.
squinting|towards|entrance|he|saw|two|out of breath|wizards|as|into|box|they carry|large|golden|cup|which|they handed|to Cornelius|Fudge|and|still|upset|because of|that|that|he|whole|day|he used|language|signs|not|for|anything
Squinting towards the entrance, he saw two breathless wizards bringing a large golden goblet into the box, which they handed to Cornelius Fudge, who was still upset about having used sign language all day for no reason.
– Hajdemo, jedan veliki aplauz za galantne gubitnike – Bugarska!
let's go|one|big|applause|for|gallant|losers|Bulgaria
– Come on, a big round of applause for the gallant losers – Bulgaria!
– vikao je Torbar.
he shouted|he|
– shouted Torbar.
Sedmorica pobeđenih bugarskih igrača stepenicama se popeše u ložu.
Seven defeated Bulgarian players climbed the stairs to the box.
Masa ispod njih aplaudirala je u znak priznanja.
The crowd below applauded in recognition.
Hari je primetio kako hiljade sočiva omniokulara blešte u njihovom pravcu.
Harry noticed how thousands of omniocular lenses were shining in their direction.
Jedan po jedan, Bugari se poređaše između redova sedišta u loži, i Torbar poče redom da ih proziva, da bi se rukovali sa svojim ministrom, a zatim i s Fadžom.
one|by|one|Bulgarians|themselves|lined up|between|rows|seats|in|box|and|Torbar|he started|one by one|to|them|calling|to|in order to|themselves|shake hands|with|their|minister|and|then|and|with|Fadža
One by one, the Bulgarians lined up between the rows of seats in the box, and Torbar began to call them out in turn to shake hands with their minister, and then with Fadža.
Krum, koji je bio poslednji u redu, baš je bio u gadnom stanju.
Krum, who was last in line, was in a really bad state.
Njegova dva crna oka spektakularno su kolutala na krvavom licu.
His two black eyes were spectacularly rolling on his bloody face.
Još uvek je držao Skrivalicu.
still|yet|he|held|the Hider
He was still holding the Hider.
Hari primeti da je nesiguran na zemlji.
Harry|he notices|that|he is|insecure|on|ground
Harry noticed that he was unsteady on the ground.
Hodao je jedva primetnim pačjim hodom, i imao je obla ramena.
he walked|he|barely|noticeable|duck-like|walk|and|he had|he|broad|shoulders
He walked with a barely noticeable duck-like gait, and he had broad shoulders.
Ali kada se začu Krumovo ime, ceo stadion mu uputi velik, zaglušujuć pozdrav.
but|when|reflexive pronoun|he heard|Krum's|name|whole|stadium|to him|directed|big|deafening|greeting
But when Krum's name was heard, the entire stadium gave him a loud, deafening cheer.
A zatim dođe na red irski tim.
and|then|he came|to|turn|Irish|team
Then it was the turn of the Irish team.
Ejdana Linča su pridržavali Moranova i Konoli.
Ejdana|Lynch|they|they held|Morano's|and|Connelly
Aidan Lynch was held back by Moranova and Conolly.
Drugi pad ga je očigledno ošamutio, a oči su mu delovale izuzetno unezvereno.
The second fall clearly stunned him, and his eyes looked extremely frightened.
Ipak, veselo se cerio dok su Troj i Kvigli dizali pehar u vis, a masa ispod njih zagrme u znak odobravanja.
however|cheerfully|himself|he smiled|while|they|Troy|and|Quigley|they raised|cup|in|high|and|crowd|below|them|they roared|in|sign|approval
Nevertheless, he smiled cheerfully as Troy and Quigley raised the cup high, and the crowd below roared in approval.
Hariju utrnuše ruke od pljeskanja.
to Harry|they went numb|hands|from|clapping
Harry's hands went numb from clapping.
Napokon, kad irski tim napusti ložu da bi obišao još jedan počasni krug na svojim metlama (Ejdan Linč je bio iza Konolija, čvrsto se držeći oko njegovog struka, još uvek se rasejano cereći), Torbar uperi svoj čarobni štapić ka svom grlu, i promrmlja – Utihnus.
finally|when|Irish|team|they leave|box|to|would|he would visit|another|honorary||lap|on|their|brooms|Aidan|Lynch|he|was|behind|Connelly|tightly|himself|holding|around|his|waist|still|still|himself|absentmindedly|smiling|Torbar|he pointed|his|magic|wand|at|his|throat|and|he muttered|Utter silence
Finally, when the Irish team left the box to take another honorary lap on their brooms (Eidan Lynch was behind Conolly, firmly holding around his waist, still smiling absentmindedly), Torbar pointed his wand at his throat and muttered – Silencio.
– Pričaće se o ovome još godinama – reče promuklo – zaista neočekivan obrt, to... šteta što nije trajalo duže... ah, da... da, dugujem vam... koliko?
they will talk|reflexive pronoun|about|this|still|for years|he said|hoarsely|really|unexpected|turn|that|pity|that|it is not|it lasted|longer|ah|yes|yes|I owe|you|how much
"- This will be talked about for years to come," he said hoarsely, "truly an unexpected turn, it's... a shame it didn't last longer... ah, yes... yes, I owe you... how much?"
A Fred i Džordž su se već bili uspentrali preko sedišta, i sada su stajali ispred Luda Torbara sa širokim osmesima na licima, ispruženih ruku.
and|Fred|and|George|they are|reflexive pronoun|already|they had|they climbed|over|the seats|and|now|they are|they stood|in front of|Crazy|Bagman|with|wide|smiles|on|faces|outstretched|hands
And Fred and George had already climbed over the seats, and now they stood in front of the Mad Hatter with wide smiles on their faces, arms outstretched.
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