Plans for podcasting in 2020 and My Daily Routine - Dnevna rutina
Plans||podcasting||||daily|Routine|Daily|daily routine
Pläne für Podcasting im Jahr 2020 und My Daily Routine – Dnevna rutina
Plans for podcasting in 2020 and My Daily Routine - Dnevna rutina
Planes de podcasting en 2020 y Mi Rutina Diaria - Dnevna rutina
Piani per il podcasting nel 2020 e My Daily Routine - Dnevna rutina
Планы подкастов на 2020 год и Мой распорядок дня - Дневна рутина
2020'de podcast yayınlama planları ve Günlük Rutinim - Dnevna rutina
Hoćemo da idemo da čitamo sad knjigu, pa ćemo posle jesti?
we want||||||||||eat
Wollen wir jetzt das Buch lesen und danach essen?
Shall we go read a book now, and we'll eat later?
Sipaj mu u tanjir i možete ići gore.
Gieß ihm auf den Teller und ihr könnt nach oben gehen.
Pour into his plate and you can go upstairs.
Jel meso?
is it|
Ist es Fleisch?
Is it meat?
Mama, jel meso?
Mom, is it meat?
Ko si ti? Kako se zoveš?
|||||you are called
Who are you? What is your name?
Znam da je tu Sara
I know Sara is there
Znam da je tu Ivon, nadam se,
I know Yvonne is here, I hope,
Imamo još jedan minut pre nego što zvanično krenemo
|||minute||||officially|we start
We have one more minute before we officially go
Biće tu još ljudi
There will be more people
Volela bih da mi napišete neki komentar, jedan komentar molim
||||you write||comment|||please
I'd like you to write me a comment, one comment please
Napišite nešto: odakle zovete
|||you are calling
Write something: where you are calling from
Kako se zovete i odakle gledate
What's your name and where you're watching from
Danas je Srpska nova godina
Today is Serbian New Year
Srpska nova godina
Serbian New Year
Ali danas je običan radni dan u Srbiji.
But today is an ordinary working day in Serbia.
Srpska nova godina nije neradan dan
The Serbian New Year is not a non-working day
Sutra je takođe radni dan.
Tomorrow is also a business day.
Svi radimo, nije neradan dan.
We all work, it's not a non-working day.
1\. januar i 2. januar su neradni dani u Srbiji
January 1 and January 2 are non-working days in Serbia
takođe 7. januar, kada je naš Božić,
also January 7, when it's our Christmas,
i 8. januar, dan posle Božića,
and January 8, the day after Christmas,
su neradni dani
are non-working days
tada ne radimo
then we don't work
Ali danas, na Srpsku novu godinu
But today, on Serbian New Year
(ovo je u stvari doček Srpske nove godine)
||||the celebration|||
(this is actually the New Year's Eve celebration)
i sutra, kada je Srpska nova godina,
and tomorrow, when it's the Serbian New Year,
to su radni dani.
these are working days.
Danas je takođe poslednji dan raspusta
Today is also the last day of the school holidays
Raspust, to su praznici u školi,
"Raspust" are school holidays,
kada škola ne radi.
when school is not working.
Znači, danas je prvi radni dan posle raspusta.
So today is the first working day after the break.
U Srbiji su deca bila na raspustu
In Serbia, the children were on holidays
u Vojvodini od katoličkog Božića
|in Vojvodina||Catholic|
in Vojvodina since Catholic Christmas
do danas.
till today.
Kao što možda znate, možda ne znate,
As you may know, you may not know,
ja imam sina,
i have a son,
koji se zove Viktor.
his name is Viktor.
On ima 3 godine i nekoliko meseci
He is 3 years and a few months old
i ide u vrtić.
and goes to kindergarten.
I danas smo imali jedan relativno normalan dan.
We had a relatively normal day today.
Zato što vrtić nije radio
Because kindergarten didn't work
Viktorov vrtić nije radio
Victor's nursery didn't work
od 1. januara
from January 1st
znači, 31. decembar je bio poslednji radni dan
so, December 31 was the last working day
pa sve do danas.
until today.
Imali smo 13 dana raspusta.
We had 13 days of holidays.
Vrtić - to je kao škola za malu decu
Kindergarten - it's like a school for young children
Vrtić je bio na raspustu, i Viktor je bio na raspustu.
Kindergarten was on holiday, and Viktor was on holiday.
Naravno, ja nisam bila na raspustu
Of course, I wasn't on vacation
ja sam imala svoje časove, svoj posao
I had my classes, my job
morala sam da radim, morala sam da kuvam
I had to work, I had to cook
imala sam sve normalne obaveze
i had all the normal obligations
samo što još nisam imala vrtić
only I didn't have a nursery on top of that
moj sin je bio tu sve vreme.
my son was there the whole time.
I tako, kada su praznici,
And so, when it's holidays,
naša rutina je poremećena
our routine is disrupted
poremeti se rutina
to disturb||routine
the routine is disrupted
remeti rutinu to što ne radi vrtić.
it disrupts|routine|||||
the routine is disrupted by the fact that kindergarten is closed.
Sada ću vam ispričati kakva je naša normalna rutina,
Now I'll tell you what our normal routine is,
kada je sve kako treba.
when everything is right.
Kada je sve normalno,
When everything is normal,
naša normalna svakodnevna rutina
our normal daily routine
jeste da se budimo
|||we wake up
is to wake up
oko 7 sati ujutru.
at about 7 o'clock in the morning.
Budimo se ujutru u 7.
We wake up at 7 in the morning.
Onda pijemo kafu
Then we drink coffee
we deliver
we have breakfast
i moj muž vozi mog sina u vrtić.
and my husband drives my son to kindergarten.
Moj muž, Bojan, vozi
My husband, Bojan, drives
mog sina Viktora u vrtić.
my son Victor in kindergarten.
A ja...
And I...
kuvam drugu kafu
I make another coffee
kuvam još jednu kafu, drugu kafu
I make one more coffee, another coffee
i sedam za računar da radim.
and sit at my computer to work.
Odmah počinjem da radim.
immediately|I start||
I start working right away.
I tako, kada se moj muž vrati,
And so, when my husband returns,
mi radimo, sve vreme
we work, all the time
do 1 sat, pošto je...
until 1 o'clock, because it's...
do pola jedan, zapravo,
until half past one, in fact,
pošto u 1 sat
since at 1 p.m.
Viktorov vrtić se završava.
Victor's nursery is coming to an end.
Dakle, odlazimo po Viktora u vrtić.
So|we are going||||
So, we go to get Victor in kindergarten.
Odlazimo u vrtić po Viktora.
We go to the nursery to get Victor.
Znači, idemo tamo
So, we go there
da uzmemo Viktora iz vrtića.
to take Victor out of kindergarten.
To često radim ja.
That's what I often do.
Zašto ne idem ujutru?
Why don't I go in the morning?
Zašto ja ujutru ne vozim Viktora u vrtić?
Why don't I drive Victor to the nursery in the morning?
Zato što je hladno
Because it's cold
i ja ne želim da ja palim auto
||||||start the car|
and I don't want me to start the car
i da ja grejem auto, i da meni bude hladno.
and to warm up the car and to be cold myself.
Zato što to može da radi
Because that can be done
moj muž.
by my husband.
Ja se izvlačim.
||I am escaping
I'm getting away.
Kažemo: izvlačiti se, ja se izvlačim
|to pull out||||
We say: pull out, I pull myself out (I'm getting away)
zato što mogu da prepustim to
||||I can leave|
because I can hand that over
da radi moj muž.
to my husband.
E onda, pošto ja ne...
Well, since I don't ...
nisam ja odvezla Viktora ujutru u vrtić,
I didn't take Victor to the nursery in the morning,
onda po podne ja idem po njega u vrtić.
then in the afternoon I go to the nursery.
Idem da ga uzmem.
to get him.
Onda mi zajedno ručamo.
Then we have lunch together.
Često se šetamo,
We often walk,
odemo zajedno do grada
we go|||
we go downtown together
da se prošetamo.
||take a walk
to take a walk.
Ili odemo do parka
|||the park
Or we go to the park
da se prošetamo.
to take a walk.
Ako je lepo vreme nekad
If the weather is nice, sometimes
vozimo bicikl.
we ride|
we ride a bike.
Nekad biciklom idem
sometimes|by bike|
Sometimes I go by bike
po Viktora u vrtić.
to get Victor in kindergarten.
Sada je zima, sada naravno ne.
It's winter now, now of course not.
Nema bicikla, samo...
No bike, just ...
ovaj... autom.
er... by car.
Došla je moja mačka.
My cat came.
Ovo je moja mačka, koja se zove Berna
This is my cat, her name is Berna
i koju sam zaboravila da spomenem
and I forgot to mention her
Nisam rekla o njoj u našoj dnevnoj rutini
I didn't say anything about her in our daily routine
da ujutru se prvo (...) nahrani Berna,
that in the morning first (...) Berna is fed,
prvo pustimo Bernu.
|we let|to Bern
first we let Berna in.
Pošto ona spava u predsoblju sada.
As she sleeps in the foyer now.
Pustimo je u kuću i nahranimo je, pa onda sve ostalo.
|||||we feed|||||the rest
We let her in the house and feed her, and then we do everything else.
Znači, prvo mačka, pa dete, pa mi.
So first the cat, then the kid, then us.
Dobro, i naša normalna rutina
Okay, so our normal routine
je da Viktor posle ručka
is that Victor sleeps after lunch
spava. On spava po podne.
He sleeps in the afternoon.
Još uvek je mali, ima samo 3 godine,
He is still small, only 3 years old,
i posle ručka on spava.
and after lunch he sleeps.
I tada mi isto možemo da radimo.
And then we can also work.
Ja popodne, skoro...
I in the afternoon, almost ...
svakog dana po podne takođe imam časove
I also have classes every afternoon
Viktor se igra sa tatom
Victor plays with his dad
dok ja držim časove.
||I teach|
while I have classes.
Ili Viktor sa tatom ide u šetnju
Or Victor goes with his dad for a walk
ili ide u igraonicu
or he goes to a playroom
ili ide u kupovinu
or goes shopping
dok ja držim časove.
while I have classes.
Uveče nam je ustaljena rutina
In the evening, it's a routine
nešto što stalno radimo
something we do all the time
to je da peremo zube
|||we brush|
it's to brush our teeth
čitamo knjigu
read a book
i spavamo
|we sleep
and we sleep
Imali smo problema sa pranjem zuba, zn...
||||||знаешь (1)
||||washing|teeth|you know
We had trouble brushing our teeth, we ...
Ako imate dece, znate kako je teško
If you have children, you know how difficult it is
naterati dete,
to make|
to force a child,
privoleti dete da pere zube.
get the child||||
to make the child brush their teeth.
Zaista, jako teško.
Really, really hard.
Ali smo uspeli,
But we made it,
i obavezno, svako veče
and obligatory, every night
Viktor pere zube
Victor brushes his teeth
i nakon toga bira...
and then chooses ...
On sam bira, odlučuje
He chooses himself, he decides
koju knjigu, od onih koje imamo,
which book, from the ones we have,
želi da čita.
he wants to read.
Onda čitamo tu knjigu,
Then we read that book,
i kada pročitamo knjigu
||we read|
and when we read the book
gasimo svetlo, ugasimo svetlo, i spavamo.
we turn off||we turn off|||
we turn off the light, turn off the light, and sleep.
Ja obično zaspim zajedno sa Viktorom.
||fall asleep|||Viktor
I usually fall asleep with Victor.
Najčešće je tako.
Most often it's like that.
Najčešće zaspimo zajedno.
|fall asleep|
Most often we fall asleep together.
Onda se ja probudim i ustanem
|||wake up||get up
Then I wake up and get up
i onda još nešto, ako treba,
and then I do other things, if necessary,
uradim u kući,
I do it in the house,
ili moj muž i ja gledamo film, pričamo
or my husband and I watch a movie, we talk
ili čitamo neku knjigu za odrasle.
or we read a book for adults.
To je novo.
This is new.
Ja jako dugo nisam mogla da čitam knjigu.
I haven't been able to read the book for a very long time.
Nisam imala vremena,
I did not have time,
čitala sam sa Viktorom dečje knjige,
I was reading with Victor children's books,
a od skoro odvajam vreme
|||I set aside|
and since recently I'm taking my time
i mogu da čitam i knjige za sebe.
and I can read books for myself.
I počela sam da čitam mitologiju ponovo.
And I started reading mythology again.
Oduvek sam volela,
I always loved,
uvek sam volela da čitam mitologiju
i always loved reading mythology
I sada sam završila ovu knjigu:
And now I've finished this book:
Nil Gajman, to je "Nordijska mitologija"
Neil Gaiman, it's "Nordic Mythology"
A danas...
And today ...
danas je stigla knjiga,
a book arrived today,
Evo, sad ću vam pokazati, pošiljka je stigla.
|||||the shipment||
Here, I'll show you now, the shipment has arrived.
Ja sam kupila dve knjige
I bought two books
koje su došle ovako zapakovane
that came packaged like this
iz knjižare
|from the bookstore
from the bookstore
i dobila sam...
and I got ...
stigla je knjiga "Slovenska mitologija".
the book "Slavic Mythology" has arrived.
Tako, to je sledeća knjiga koju ću čitati.
So, that's the next book I'm going to read.
To je stiglo za mene,
||it has arrived||
That came for me,
i za Viktora je stigao...
and for Victor arrived ...
ha, ovo je "Svemir"... ni... Za Viktora su...
ha, this is "Universe" ... not... For Victor there are ...
"Svemir" je stara knjiga,
"The Universe" is an old book,
to je ranije stiglo,
that has arrived earlier,
a danas je stigla ovakva knjiga
||||this kind of|
and today a book like this has arrived
isto "Mali istraživači", edicija "Mali istraživači",
||маленькие исследователи|||
||little researchers|edition||
also "Little Researchers", the "Little Researchers" edition,
ali o dinosaurusima.
but about dinosaurs.
Međutim, Viktor sada čita tu knjigu
However, Victor is now reading that book
tako da vam je ne mogu pokazati
so I can't show it to you
jer on upravo sada čita tu knjigu.
because he is reading that book right now.
I to je naša normalna rutina.
And that's our normal routine.
Ali, kada su praznici,
But when it's holidays,
kada ne radi vrtić,
when kindergarten doesn't work,
onda imamo zbrku.
||a mess
then we have a mess.
Sve je zbrkano, konfuzija je.
||всё перепутано||
||mixed up|confusion|
It's all messed up, it's confusion.
Zbrka nastane u našoj dnevnoj rutini.
Confusion arises in our daily routine.
I tada,
And then,
ujutru, teško je raditi.
in the morning, it's hard to work.
Ne može se raditi kada imate
You can't work when you have
malo dete u kući, malo dete koje traži
a little kid in the house, a little kid asking
da se sa njim čita, da se sa njim radi.
you to read with him, to do something with him.
Traži pažnju, ili samo ga čujete
|||||you hear
Asks for attention, or you just hear him
da ono stalno nešto priča i stalno je tu,
that he's constantly talking something and is always there,
tako da se ne možete fokusirati.
so you can't focus.
Zato su za mene praznici
That's why holidays are for me
jako teški
very difficult
jer za vreme praznika, za vreme raspusta,
because during the holidays, during the school holidays,
kada ne radi vrtić,
when kindergarten doesn't work,
ja imam sve obaveze, sve zadatke
I have all the responsibilities, all the tasks
koje sam i ranije imala:
which I had before:
moram da radim ono što radim
I have to do what I do
i kada nisu praznici,
when it's not holidays,
a osim toga još i
and in addition
nema niko drugi da brine o mom detetu,
there is no one else to take care of my child,
pa moram ja i to da radim.
so i have to do it too.
Danas smo se konačno vratili u normalu.
Today we are finally back to normal.
Danas je konačno
Today was finally
prvi radni dan posle praznika
the first business day after the holidays
and ...
danas, kako je izgledao dan?
today, what did the day look like?
Probudili smo se ujutru,
we woke up|||
We woke up in the morning,
moj sin i ja se obično zajedno budimo,
my son and i usually wake up together,
ili se on prvo probudi
||||wakes up
or he wakes up first
pa onda mene probudi.
then he wakes me up.
we get up
We get up,
postavimo doručak
we set|
set the table for breakfast
we take out
we bring out,
stavim na sto šta želi da jede,
I put||||||
I put on the table what he wants to eat,
ugrejem mu mleko,
I heat||milk
I warm up his milk,
dobro je da deca piju toplo mleko,
it's good for the kids to drink warm milk,
zato ugrejem mleko,
so I heat the milk,
i stavim nešto,
and I put something,
skuvam kačamak.
|cornmeal porridge
I cook polenta.
Kačamak ili palenta, to je neki tipičan doručak
Kachamak or polenta, it's a typical breakfast
koji moj sin jako voli.
which my son loves very much.
Palenta ili kačamak.
Polenta or kachamak.
Tako, danas sam... smo se probudili
So, today I ... we woke up
on je počeo da doručkuje
he started having breakfast
ja sam skuvala kafu, njemu sam ugrejala mleko,
||made||to him||heated|
I made coffee, I heated milk for him,
on je popio mleko.
he drank the milk.
Onda smo malo čitali.
Then we read a little.
Onda smo učili matematiku.
Then we learned math.
Viktor uči da napiše broj 1.
Victor's learning to write No. 1.
broj 2 i broj 3
number 2 and number 3
to je njegov zadatak.
that is his task.
Ovih dana to vežba
These days, he's practicing that
vežba da rukom piše crte:
||by hand||lines
He's practicing to write lines:
jedna kosa, jedna uspravna
one slash, one upright
I, pokazaću vam, imamo hrapave brojeve.
|I will show|||rough|numbers
And, I'll show you, we have rough numbers.
Samo malo...
Just a second...
Ovde su mi hrapavi brojevi.
Here are my rough numbers.
Hrapavi brojevi, koje smo isto napravili od palente.
Rough numbers, which we also made of polenta.
Stavi se lepak na broj
Put the glue on the number
i zalepi se palenta ili kačamak.
and paste polenta or kachamak.
I to su hrapavi brojevi,
And these are rugged numbers,
tako da dete može da oseti broj.
so the child can feel the number.
Fizički, da oseti kakav je broj.
Physically, to feel what the number's like.
Imamo broj 1 i broj 2
We have number 1 and number 2
i broj 3 nam je od šećera.
and number 3 is from sugar.
Ovde je šećer.
Here it's sugar.
Broj 3 je od šećera.
Number 3 is made from sugar.
Samo malo, da proverim je l' ovde sve u redu. Jeste, sve je u redu, OK.
Wait a minute, let me check if everything is all right here. Yeah, it's okay, OK.
Znači, Viktor je danas učio brojeve,
So Victor was learning numbers today,
učio je da piše 1, 2 i 3,
he practiced to write 1, 2 and 3,
i onda ga je moj muž odveo u vrtić
and then my husband took him to kindergarten
- odvezao.
- drove him.
Kad kažemo odveo,
When we say took,
onda se pretpostavlja da su hodali.
||it is assumed|||
then they are assumed to have walked.
Ali, pošto su išli autom, pošto je vozio auto,
But since they were going by car, since he was driving the car,
muž je vozio auto, i zato kažem:
the husband drove the car, and that's why i say:
on je odvezao Viktora u vrtić.
he drove Victor to the nursery.
Onda smo mi radili,
Then we worked,
Ja sam planirala
||I planned
I was planning
šta ću raditi
what am i going to do
ove godine i ovog meseca,
this year and this month,
kako ću organizovati svoje dane,
how will I organize my days,
kako ću organizovati podučavanje srpskog jezika,
how will i organize teaching of serbian language,
i pripremala časove,
|she was preparing|
and I was preparing classes,
pregledala domaće zadatke.
she reviewed||
checked homework.
Onda sam otišla po Viktora
Then I went to get Victor
u vrtić.
to kindergarten.
Otišla sam po njega
I went for him
da ga uzmem iz vrtića.
to take it from kindergarten.
Otišla sam po njega u vrtić.
I went to get him to kindergarten.
Pokupila sam ga iz vrtića.
I picked up||||
I picked it up from kindergarten.
Pokupila sam Viktora iz vrtića
I picked up Victor from kindergarten
i onda smo otišli u grad.
and then we went to town.
Otišli smo do grada
We went to town
u biblioteku.
|to the library
to the library.
Parkirala sam auto u centru
I parked||||
I parked the car downtown
zato što sam znala da
because I knew yes
neću se dugo zadržati,
I won't stay long,
da nećemo dugo ostati u gradu.
that we won't stay in town for long.
Onda sam parkirala u centru,
Then I parked downtown,
parkirala sam u crvenoj zoni,
I parked in the red zone,
zato što je jako hladno napolju
because it's very cold outside
i nisam želela da parkiram daleko od biblioteke.
||||park|||the library
and I didn't want to park far from the library.
Zato sam parkirala u crvenoj zoni
So I parked in the red zone
blizu biblioteke.
near the library.
Otišli smo u biblioteku,
We went to the library,
a usput do biblioteke smo trčali.
|по дороге||||
|by the way||||ran
and by the way we were running to the library.
Trčali smo, trkali smo se do biblioteke.
||we raced||||
We ran, we ran to the library.
Trkali smo se: ko će brže trčati,
We were racing: who will run faster,
ja ili Viktor.
me or Viktor.
I utrčali smo u biblioteku,
And we ran to the library,
ušli smo u biblioteku,
we went into the library,
i vratili smo knjige,
and we brought the books back,
ali smo jako kasnili.
but we are very late.
Zato što su bili praznici
Because they were holidays
i zato što je naša rutina bila poremećena,
and because our routine was disrupted,
jako smo kasnili.
we are very late.
Kasno smo vratili knjige iz biblio... u biblioteku.
We were late returning books from the library ... to the library.
Dugo su bile kod nas
They've been with us for a long time
i zato smo se izvinili
and that's why we apologized
Rekli smo bibliotekarki:
We told the librarian:
"Izvinite što kasnimo."
sorry||we are late
"Sorry we're late."
"Izvinite što kasnimo sa vraćanjem knjiga."
"Sorry we're late for returning the books."
Onda smo pozajmili nove knjige.
Then we borrowed new books.
Viktor u dečjoj biblioteci, u biblioteci za decu,
Victor at the Children's Library, at the Children's Library,
može da pozajmi 5 knjiga.
can borrow 5 books.
To se čini jako puno,
That seems like a lot,
ali pošto su to dečje knjige,
but since these are children's books,
to nije mnogo.
that's not too much.
5 knjiga za 2 nedelje
5 books in 2 weeks
Ima pravo 2 nedelje da zadrži knjige.
She has 2 weeks to keep the books.
Posle 2 nedelje mora da ih vrati.
After 2 weeks he has to return them.
5 malih dečjih knjiga za 2 nedelje
5 small children's books in 2 weeks
uopšte nije mnogo.
not much at all.
Viktor je želeo knjige o gusarima.
Victor wanted books about pirates.
Želeo je da sazna ko su to gusari,
|||find out||||the pirates
He wanted to find out who the pirates were,
ili ko su pirati.
or who the pirates are.
I mi smo našli 2 knjige o gusarima
And we found 2 books about pirates
(gusari su pirati)
(pirates are pirates)
i jednu knjigu
and one book
"Petra Pana" za srpsku decu
"Peter Pan" for Serbian children
ali na engleskom. I pozajmili smo i "Petra Pana".
but in English. And we also borrowed "Peter Pan".
"Petar Pan"
"Peter Pan"
"Petar Pan" - to je knjiga koju svi sigurno znate
"Peter Pan" - it's a book you all know for sure
ima i crtani.
there are also cartoons.
Viktor je čitao tu knjigu,
Victor was reading that book,
imamo je i čitali smo je,
we have it and we read it,
a sada smo pozajmili
and now we have borrowed
"Petra Pana" na engleskom jeziku.
"Peter Pan" in English.
Zato što u "Petru Panu" takođe postoje gusari.
Because there are also pirates in "Peter Pan".
Kapetan Kuka je gusar.
|Капитан Кука||
Captain Cook is a pirate.
Kapetan Kuka i njegovi mornari su gusari.
Captain Cook and his sailors are pirates.
Nadam se da ste razumeli ko je Petar Pan.
I hope you understand who Peter Pan is.
It is.
Vratili smo se kući onda
We returned home then
iz biblioteke
from the library
i Viktor je zaspao u autu
and Viktor fell asleep in the car
to je jako tipično da on posle šetnje
It is very typical that he walks after a walk
zaspi u autu.
fall asleep||
fall asleep in the car.
Kada sam dovezla auto, kada smo došli,
When I brought the car, when we came,
ušla sam, uvezla sam auto
I entered||I imported||
I got in, I imported the car
u dvorište, uparkirala sam auto,
||I parked||
into the yard, I parked the car,
i morala sam da iznesem Viktora iz auta.
and I had to get Victor out of the car.
Morala sam da ga uzmem
I had to take it
i da ga iznesem iz auta
and get him out of the car
i da ga unesem u kuću.
|||I bring him in||
and bring it into the house.
Unela sam ga u kuću.
I brought||||
I brought him into the house.
Moj muž ga je uzeo
My husband took it
i odneo u krevet.
and took to bed.
da nastavi da spava
to continue sleeping
Znači, ja sam iznela Viktora iz auta,
|||brought out|||
So I took Victor out of the car,
unela sam ga u kuću.
I brought him into the house.
Muž ga je uzeo
The husband took it
i odneo u krevet.
and took to bed.
Pročitala sam šta piše Dona ***
I read what Dona writes ***
da je njen tata bio Srbin
that her dad was a Serb
da joj nedostaje srpski jezik
that she lacks the Serbian language
speling bi pomogao
spelling would help
Aha, Danica... Donica?
Yeah Danica ... Donica?
Danica, verovatno. Danica, sa A,
Danica, probably. Danica, with A,
ja bih očekivala.
||I would expect
I would have expected.
Danica je srpsko ime, Danica.
Danica is a Serbian name, Danica.
I, današnji dan još traje.
And, today is still going on.
Nije se još završio.
It's not over yet.
Sada kad završim sa ovom pričom sa vama
Now that I'm done with this story with you
Danas ću...
Today I will ...
Danas kad završim ovu priču sa vama
Today when I finish this story with you
postaviću sto za ručak.
I will set|||
I'll set a table for lunch.
I sešćemo svi zajedno za sto da ručamo,
|we'll sit||||||
And we're all going to have lunch together,
a posle toga, ja onda moram da držim čas,
and then, after that, I have to take a class,
imam čas, moram da održim čas.
I have a class, I have to have a class.
Za to vreme, Viktor će se igrati sa svojim tatom,
During this time, Victor will play with his dad,
a posle toga, uveče,
and then, in the evening,
nastavljamo našu redovnu dnevnu rutinu.
we continue||regular|daily|
we continue our regular daily routine.
Još sam htela da vam kažem na kraju
I still wanted to tell you in the end
možda ste primetili, možda niste primetili
you may have noticed, you may not have noticed
(zavisi na kom ste nivou
(depends on what level you are at
u srpskom jeziku)
in Serbian)
Kada govorimo o normalnoj rutini,
When we talk about a normal routine,
o nečemu što radimo svakog dana
|about something||||
about something we do every day
iznova i iznova
over and over again
onda možemo da koristimo
then we can use
bilo perfektivne, bilo imperfektivne glagole.
either perfective or imperfect verbs.
Ako ne znate šta su perfektivni, šta su imperfektivni glagoli,
If you don't know what perfective, imperfect verbs are,
ostaviću link ispod ovog videa,
I will leave|link|||video
I'll leave a link below this video,
to sam objasnila,
I explained that,
pa ćete saznati.
||find out
so you will find out.
Možete da koristite, dakle,
So you can use
imperfektivne glagole za nešto što se ponavlja,
imperfect verbs for something that is repeated,
što je rutina, što radimo svakog dana.
which is routine, what we do every day.
Ali isto tako
But also
koristimo normalno perfektivne glagole
we use normally perfective verbs
Ako koristimo perfektivne glagole
If we use perfective verbs
onda je naša priča dinamična.
then our story is dynamic.
To što govorimo je vrlo...
What we are saying is very ...
zvuči aktivno i dinamično.
sounds active and dynamic.
Radnje se smenjuju,
Actions alternate,
glagoli se smenjuju jedan za drugim.
the verbs alternate one after the other.
Mi svako jutro ustanemo -
We get up every morning -
- to je perfektivni glagoli
- it's perfective verbs
Ustanemo u 7 sati, ja skuvam kafu,
We get up at 7am, I make coffee,
dam Viktoru doručak, popijemo kafu,
|Viktor||we drink|
I give Victor breakfast, have coffee,
Bojan odveze Viktora u vrtić.
Bojan drove Victor to the nursery.
To su sve perfektivni glagoli
These are all perfective verbs
i moja priča je dinamična.
and my story is dynamic.
To je jako tipično za naraciju
This is very typical of narration
(kada pričamo o tome šta se događa)
(when we talk about what's going on)
da koristimo perfektivne glagole
to use perfective verbs
kada bi neko očekivao imperfektivne.
when one would expect imperfect.
Kada pričamo o tome
When we talk about it
šta smo danas radili,
what we did today,
opet mogu da koristim
i can use again
bilo perfektivne, bilo imperfektivne glagole.
either perfective or imperfect verbs.
Ja sam koristila imperfektivne glagole.
I used imperfect verbs.
Da? "Išli smo u biblioteku."
Yes? "We went to the library."
Ili perfektivne:
Or perfective:
"Dobila sam knjige. Stigle su knjige."
|||they arrived||
"I got the books. The books have arrived."
"Poštar je doneo knjige."
the postman||brought|
"The postman brought the books."
Ili: išla sam / otišla sam po Viktora
Or: I went / went for Victor
"uzela sam Viktora iz vrtića"
"I took Viktor from kindergarten"
"pokupila sam ga, odvela sam ga u biblioteku"
|||I took||||
"I picked him up, I took him to the library"
Znači, jako tipično, za dnevnu rutinu,
So, very typical of a daily routine,
za svakodnevno šta se nešto događa
for everyday what's happening
za svakodnevne događaje
for everyday events
kada opisujemo, u stvari,
|we describe||
when we describe, in fact,
narativno opisujemo događaje,
narratively describe events,
koristimo perfektivne glagole.
we use perfective verbs.
Naročito ćemo koristiti perfektivne glagole
In particular, we will use perfective verbs
ako kažemo "svaki dan", "uvek",
if we say "every day", "always",
znači neki prilog
means some attachment
neki adverb, neki prilog,
some adverb, some adverb,
koji pokazuje da je to frekventna aktivnost
which indicates that it is a frequency activity
nešto što se stalno ponavlja
something that keeps repeating itself
stalno se događa
it happens all the time
ponovo, ponovo, ponovo.
again, again, again.
Puno puta, redovno.
Many times, regularly.
to je za danas otprilike to.
that is about it for today.
Opisala sam vam naš dan
I described||||
I described our day to you
u mojoj porodici, otprilike, i svoj dan,
in my family, about my day,
kako izgleda naša rutina. A sada...
what our routine looks like. And now...
Kakva je vaša rutina?
What is your routine?
Opišite svoju rutinu. To je odlična vežba.
Describe your routine. This is a great exercise.
Kakva je vaša rutina...
What is your routine ...
svakodnevna? Šta vi radite svaki dan?
everyday? What do you do every day?
U koliko sati se budite?
What time do you wake up?
Da li prvo pijete kafu,
Do you drink coffee first,
ili prvo doručkujete?
||have breakfast
or do you have breakfast first?
U koliko sati idete na posao?
What time do you go to work?
Kada se vraćate s posla?
When are you coming back from work?
Gde ručate?
Where do you dine?
Šta ručate? U koliko sati ručate?
What do you have for lunch? What time do you have lunch?
S kim ručate?
Who are you having lunch with?
Šta radite uveče? Šta radite posle?
What are you doing in the evening? What do you do afterwards?
Šta radite pred spavanje?
What do you do at bedtime?
U koliko sati idete na spavanje?
What time do you go to sleep?
Koliko sati spavate obično?
||do you sleep|
How many hours do you usually sleep?
Tako, puno mogućih pitanja, puno mogućih ideja
So, lots of possible questions, lots of possible ideas
da se opiše
||to describe
to describe itself
svakodnevna rutina svakog od nas.
the daily routine of each of us.
Onda, dodatna vežba:
Then, an additional exercise:
Šta ste radili danas?
What did you do today?
Šta ste radili nekog dana
What were you doing the other day?
kada ste imali zbrku, kada je bio zbrkan dan,
when you had a mess, when it was a messy day,
kada je vaša rutina bila zbrkana?
when was your routine messed up?
To je sjajna vežba
It's a great exercise
da opišete... i da napišete.
to describe ... and to write.
Možete da napišete ovde u komentarima,
You can write here in the comments,
na Fejsbuk grupi,
on the Facebook group,
u komentarima ispod videa, recimo, i tako.
in the comments below the video, say so.
Ja ću svakome dati fidbek,
||to everyone||feedback
I'll give everyone a feed back,
ili povratnu informaciju
or feedback
o tome
ako treba ispraviti neke greške
if some errors need to be corrected
koje su baš kritične, i tako...
which are very critical, and so ...
Još jednom hvala
Once again, thank you
i još jednom, ja sam Magdalena sa sajta Serbian Courses
|||||Magdalena||the site||
and once again, I'm Magdalen from the Serbian Courses site
i hvala vam što me pratite, hvala vam što ste tu
and thank you for following me, thank you for being here
||сербские курсы|
Ako još uvek oklevate
If you still hesitate
Hvala puno!
Thanks a lot!
Vidimo se ponovo u novoj godini.
See you again in the new year.
Srećna vam Nova godina!
Happy New Year!
Srećna svima Srpska nova godina!
Happy New Year Serbian New Year!