Šta geni otkrivaju o ponašanju | Snežana Smederevac | TEDxNoviSad - YouTube
Was Gene über Verhalten verraten | Snezana Smederevac | TEDxNoviSad – YouTube
Lo que los genes revelan sobre el comportamiento | Snezana Smederevac | TEDxNoviSad - YouTube
Cosa rivelano i geni sul comportamento | Snezana Smederevac | TEDxNoviSad - YouTube
O que os genes revelam sobre o comportamento | Snezana Smederevac | TEDxNoviSad - YouTube
Что гены говорят о поведении | Снежана Смедеревац | TEDxNoviSad – YouTube
Vad gener avslöjar om beteende | Snezana Smederevac | TEDxNoviSad - YouTube
Genler davranış hakkında neler ortaya koyuyor | Snezana Smederevac | TEDxNoviSad - YouTube
What genes reveal about behavior | Snežana Smederevac | TEDxNoviSad - YouTube
Transkript: Ivana Korom Lektor: Aleksandar Korom
Transcript: Ivana Korom Editor: Aleksandar Korom
Čemu služi nauka, da li ste se ikada zapitali?
What|serves|science|(particle for questions)|(particle for questions)|you (plural/formal)|reflexive pronoun|ever|wondered
Для чего нужна наука, задавались ли вы когда-нибудь вопросом?
What is the purpose of science, have you ever wondered?
Dugo se verovalo da će nauka da nam otkrije istinu.
For a long time|(reflexive particle)|was believed|that|will|science||to us|reveal|the truth
Долгое время считалось, что наука откроет нам истину.
For a long time, it was believed that science would reveal the truth to us.
Danas smo, međutim, najbliži verovanju da nam nauka pomaže da živimo bolje,
Today|we are|however|closest|belief|that|us|science|helps|to|live|better
Однако сегодня мы ближе всего к вере в то, что наука помогает нам жить лучше.
Today, however, we are closest to the belief that science helps us live better,
da živimo lakše, da putujemo lakše,
жить легче, путешествовать легче,
to live easier, to travel easier,
da prenosimo informacije lakše, da sviramo lakše.
легче передавать информацию, легче играть.
to transfer information easier, to play easier.
Dakle, u najmanju ruku, nauka,
|||в любом случае|
Так что, по крайней мере, наука,
So, at the very least, science,
na razvoj medicine, tehnologije i drugih naučnih disciplina
||||||научных дисциплин|
развитию медицины, технологий и других научных дисциплин
in the development of medicine, technology, and other scientific disciplines
pomaže nam, u stvari, da popravimo kvalitet naših života.
Фактически, это помогает нам улучшить качество нашей жизни.
helps us, in fact, to improve the quality of our lives.
U tom smislu, nauka se trudi
В этом смысле наука пытается
In that sense, science strives
da pruži objašnjenja za različite vrste fenomena,
to provide explanations for various types of phenomena,
i na taj način pomogne u rešavanju brojnih problema
and in this way help in solving numerous problems
sa kojima se ljudi suočavaju.
with|which|reflexive pronoun|people|face
that people face.
Jedno od najvažnijih pitanja u današnjoj nauci
One|of|most important|questions|in|today's|science
One of the most important questions in today's science
je pitanje koje je oduvek mučilo čoveka, a to je objašnjenje ljudskog ponašanja.
||||||||||||поведения человека
is a question that has always troubled humanity, and that is the explanation of human behavior.
Ljudsko ponašanje je, kao što svi znamo, veoma složeno.
Human behavior is, as we all know, very complex.
I ne može se predvideti;
And it cannot be predicted;
niko od nas ne može da predvidi da li će neka osoba da se ubije
никто из нас не может предсказать, убьет ли человек себя
none of us can predict whether a person will commit suicide
u subotu ili nedelju u 18 ili 16 časova popodne.
on Saturday or Sunday at 6 or 4 PM.
Dakle, pitanje predikcije izlazi iz domena naučnog objašnjenja.
So, the question of prediction goes beyond the domain of scientific explanation.
Ali, ono što nauka može da uradi,
But, what science can do,
to je da pruži objašnjenja za razloge ljudskog onašanja.
это значит дать объяснения причинам человеческого поведения.
is to provide explanations for the reasons behind human behavior.
Razlozi ljudskog ponašanja mogu da budu različiti,
The reasons|human|behavior|can|to|be|different
The reasons for human behavior can vary,
ali mi pokušavamo da vidimo
but|we|are trying|to|see
but we try to see
zašto su neki ljudi optimistični, druželjubivi, puni energije,
why|are|some|people|optimistic|sociable|full|of energy
why are some people optimistic, sociable, full of energy,
a neki drugi ljudi mrzovoljni, nedruželjubivi ili agresivni.
while others are grumpy, unsociable, or aggressive.
Nauka i naučna disciplina koja pokušava da pruži odgovor na ova pitanja
The science and scientific discipline that tries to provide answers to these questions
zove se bihejvioralna genetika.
is called|reflexive pronoun|behavioral|genetics
is called behavioral genetics.
Ono što ćete sada videti
What|that|you will|now|see
Что ты увидишь сейчас
What you will see now
su - kao što možete da vidite - blizanci.
are|as|that|you can|to|see|twins
как видите, близнецы.
are - as you can see - twins.
To su blizanci koji su učestvovali u našim istraživanjima,
These are twins who participated in our research,
samo deo njih.
only|part|of them
только часть из них.
just a part of them.
Zašto blizanci?
Why twins?
Blizanci nam pružaju osnovu
The Twins|to us|provide|foundation
Близнецы дают нам основу
Twins provide us with a basis
za jedini takozvani prirodni eksperiment.
для единственного так называемого естественного эксперимента.
for the only so-called natural experiment.
Sad ćemo da vidimo kako to izgleda.
Now|we will|to|see|how|that|looks
Now we will see what that looks like.
Dakle, jednojajčani ili monozigotni blizanci
So, identical or monozygotic twins
dele 100 posto istih gena.
share 100 percent of the same genes.
To je nešto što nauka zna, što je do sada otkrila.
This is something that science knows, what has been discovered so far.
Dvojajčani ili dizigotni blizanci dele 50 posto istih gena,
Dizygotic or fraternal twins share 50 percent of the same genes,
kao bilo koji drugi brat i sestra.
just like any other brother and sister.
Međutim, i jedni i drugi odrastaju u istim fazama razvoja porodice
However|and|one|and|the other|grow up|in|the same||of development|family
However, both grow up in the same stages of family development
gde se roditelji na isti način ponašaju i prema jednom i prema drugom detetu.
where|reflexive pronoun|parents|in|same|way|behave|and|towards|one|and|towards|second|child
where parents behave in the same way towards both children.
Stoga kažemo da oni dele 100 posto istu deljenu sredinu.
Therefore|we say|that|they|share|percent|the same|divided|environment
Therefore, we say that they share 100 percent of the same shared environment.
A ono što ne znamo,
And|that|what|not|we know
And what we do not know,
i što ostaje, u stvari, u tim našim matematičkim modelima,
and what remains, in fact, in these our mathematical models,
pomoću kojih mi otkrivamo koji je udeo nasleđa,
with the help of which we discover what is the share of inheritance,
koji je udeo sredine u našem ponašanju,
what is the share of the environment in our behavior,
ono što ostaje kao nepoznanica,
what remains as an unknown,
to je uticaj nedeljene sredine,
it|is|influence|of the divided|environment
this is the influence of the shared environment,
to su ona iskustva koja svako od nas individualno prolazi,
those|are|those|experiences|which|each|of|us|individually|goes through
these are the experiences that each of us goes through individually,
nezavisno od porodičnih uslova.
regardless of family conditions.
Iako ta iskustva mogu da se dešavaju i u samoj porodici
Although|those|experiences|can|to|reflexive pronoun|happen|and|in|the very|family
Although these experiences can also occur within the family
kao različit roditeljski tretman ili doživljaj tog tretmana.
as different parental treatment or the experience of that treatment.
Drugim rečima,
In other|words
In other words,
ovo su istraživanja koja su u prvi mah
these are studies that initially
izazvala veliku pažnju naučne javnosti,
attracted great attention from the scientific community,
jer se očekivalo da ćemo konačno da dobijemo odgovor
because|reflexive pronoun|was expected|that|we will|finally|to|receive|answer
as it was expected that we would finally get an answer
na pitanje razloga našeg ponašanja,
to the question of the reasons for our behavior,
a taj odgovor je mogao da ide u pravcu da naši geni određuju našu sudbinu.
and that answer could go in the direction that our genes determine our fate.
Međutim, prvi rezultati pokazali su nešto što je daleko složenije.
However|first|results|showed|(auxiliary verb)|something|that|(auxiliary verb)|far|more complex
However, the first results showed something that is far more complex.
Prvi rezultati pokazali su
First|results|showed|(past tense auxiliary verb)
The first results showed
da naši geni određuju samo oko 50 posto našeg ponašanja,
that our genes determine only about 50 percent of our behavior,
a da drugih 50 posto određuje sredina.
while the other 50 percent is determined by the environment.
I to su upravo ona istraživanja kojima se mi bavimo,
And these are precisely the studies we are engaged in,
pokušavajući da otkrijemo koji su to uzroci našeg ponašanja
trying to uncover what the causes of our behavior are
i šta je to što doprinosi našem ponašanju,
and what contributes to our behavior,
u istraživanjima koja sprovodimo.
in|the research|that|we conduct
in the research we conduct.
Primer koji može da ilustruje ovaj odnos gena i sredine
An example that can illustrate this relationship between genes and environment
može da bude recimo fenomen koji je svima nama dobro poznat,
can|to|be|for example|phenomenon|that|is|to all|us|well|known
it can be, for example, a phenomenon that is well known to all of us,
a to je inteligencija.
and that is intelligence.
Ako imamo dete koje ima visoke intelektualne potencijale,
If|we have|child|that|has|high|intellectual|potentials
If we have a child with high intellectual potential,
onda je sredina svemoćna.
then the environment is all-powerful.
Ako je ta sredina loša,
If that environment is bad,
to dete može da ispolji simptome mentalne retardacije.
that child may exhibit symptoms of mental retardation.
Ako je ta sredina stimulativna i dobra za to dete,
If the environment is stimulating and good for that child,
ono može da ostvari visoke intelektualne sposobnosti.
they can achieve high intellectual abilities.
Obrnuto, ako imamo dete koje ima nasledne predispozicije
Conversely|if|we have|child|that|has|hereditary|predispositions
Conversely, if we have a child with hereditary predispositions
za mentalnu retardaciju,
for mental retardation,
sredina, ako je nestimulativna,
the environment, if it is unstimulating,
će naravno uticati na to da dete ostane na tom nivou.
will|of course|affect|on|that|the|child|remains|at|that|level
will of course affect the child to remain at that level.
I ako je najstimulativnija,
And|if|is|the most stimulating
And if it is the most stimulating,
dete može da napreduje do određenog stepena,
the child can progress to a certain degree,
ali nikada ne može doći do stepena normalne inteligencije
but can never reach the level of normal intelligence.
ili do toga da bude genije.
or to be a genius.
Dakle, taj odnos gena i sredine
So, the relationship between genes and the environment
je takav da nam geni daju određenu predispoziciju,
is|such|that|to us|genes|give|certain|predisposition
is such that our genes provide a certain predisposition,
geni jesu moćni,
genes are powerful,
ali njihova ekspresija u potpunosti zavisi od sredinskih činilaca.
||||||||факторов среды
but their expression completely depends on environmental factors.
Sredina jeste moćna, ali nije svemoćna.
The middle|is|powerful|but|is not|all-powerful
The center is powerful, but it is not omnipotent.
Međutim, ova istraživanja i dalje nam ne govore
However|this|research|and|still|to us|not|tell
However, this research still does not tell us
o razlozima za ljudsko ponašanje.
about the reasons for human behavior.
Razlozi za ljudsko ponašanje su, u stvari, geni.
The reasons|for|human|behavior|are|in|fact|genes
The reasons for human behavior are, in fact, genes.
Time se bavi posebna naučna disciplina
Time|reflexive pronoun|is engaged in|special|scientific|discipline
This is the focus of a special scientific discipline.
koja se zove molekularna bihejvioralna genetika,
which|reflexive particle|is called|molecular|behavioral|genetics
which is called molecular behavioral genetics,
i do sada imamo oko 99,9 posto identifikovanih ljudskih gena -
and|until|now|we have|about|percent|identified|human|genes
and so far we have about 99.9 percent of identified human genes -
gena, ne ljudskih, izvinjavam se -
gene|not|human|I apologize|reflexive pronoun
genes, not humans, I apologize -
koji se nalaze na određenim hromozomima.
which|reflexive pronoun|are located|on|certain|chromosomes
that are located on certain chromosomes.
Ti geni mogu u određenoj meri da regulišu naše ponašanje.
These genes can regulate our behavior to some extent.
Naravno, ne postoji nikada jedan gen za jedno ponašanje,
Of course|not|there is|never|one|gene|for|one|behavior
Of course, there is never one gene for one behavior,
nego više različitih gena
but rather multiple different genes
mogu da doprinesu varijansi određenog fenomena,
can contribute to the variance of a certain phenomenon,
kao što je agresivnost, impulsivnost, druželjubivost, itd.
such as aggressiveness, impulsiveness, sociability, etc.
Videćemo na još jednom primeru
We will see|in|one more|one|example
We will see this in another example.
na koji način geni mogu da utiču na naše ponašanje.
in what way genes can influence our behavior.
Ako imamo dete koje ispoljava neku vrstu problema u ponašanju u školi,
If|we have|child|that|exhibits|some|kind|problem|in|behavior|in|school
If we have a child who exhibits some kind of behavioral problem at school,
dakle, ima problem sa pažnjom, vrpolji se na času,
so|he has|problem|with|attention|fidgets|himself|in|class
that is, has attention issues, fidgets in class,
ne može da prati nastavu,
cannot follow the lesson,
tuče se sa drugom decom itd,
fights with other children, etc.
naš školski sistem, roditelji itd,
our school system, parents, etc.
uglavnom prepoznaju takvo dete kao bezobrazno.
generally recognize such a child as rude.
Međutim, to je dete koje može da ima
However, this is a child who may have
nizak nivo dopamina -
a low level of dopamine -
dopamin je neurotransmiter koji utiče na kontrolu našeg ponašanja.
dopamine is a neurotransmitter that affects the control of our behavior.
Utiče i na intelektualne sposobnosti,
It affects|and|on|intellectual|abilities
It affects intellectual abilities,
i na emocionalne reakcije itd.
and emotional reactions, etc.
Dakle, ako mi znamo da to dete ima nizak nivo dopamina
So, if we know that this child has a low level of dopamine
i da njegovo ponašanje, u stvari, ima za cilj da nadomesti nivo dopamina,
and that their behavior, in fact, aims to compensate for the level of dopamine,
onda možemo da prilagodimo
then|we can|to|adjust
then we can adjust
te vaspitne tretmane, edukativne, tretmane,
those educational treatments, educational, treatments,
specifičnostima tog deteta,
the specificities of that child,
pa da mu omogućimo određeni trening pažnje,
so|to|him|we enable|certain|training|attention
so that we can provide him with a certain attention training,
ili da ga vaspitavamo tako što ćemo prilagoditi određene nagrade
or|to|him|we raise|so|that|we will|adjust|certain|rewards
or to educate him by adjusting certain rewards
upravo njegovim specifičnostima.
to his specificities.
I mi, u stvari, možemo da od tog deteta napravimo osobu
And we, in fact, can turn that child into a person
koja će biti funkcionalna,
who will be functional,
koja će taj nedostatak dopamina
which|will|that|deficiency|of dopamine
who will compensate for that lack of dopamine
da nadomesti na neke funkcionalne načine.
in some functional ways.
U suprotnom, kažnjavajući ga,
Otherwise, by punishing him,
mi možemo da napravimo osobu koja će biti ili kriminalac
we can create a person who will be either a criminal
ili depresivna osoba u odraslom dobu.
or a depressed person in adulthood.
Dakle, to su teme kojima se mi bavimo u prvoj blizanačkoj studiji
So, these are the topics we are dealing with in the first twin study
koja se realizuje u Srbiji.
that is being conducted in Serbia.
Koju realizuju savetnici i nastavnici sa odseka za psihologiju
||советники||||психологии (1)||
Which is being carried out by counselors and teachers from the psychology department.
Filozofskog fakulteta u Novom Sadu
Faculty of Philosophy|of the|in|Novi|Sad
Faculty of Philosophy in Novi Sad
i Medicinskog fakulteta u Novom Sadu.
and Faculty of Medicine in Novi Sad.
Naš tim broji oko 20 ljudi,
Our team consists of about 20 people,
i multidisciplinaran je
and is multidisciplinary
drugim rečima, tu su i psiholozi i lekari i neurolozi,
in other words, there are psychologists, doctors, and neurologists,
biolozi, hemičari, itd,
biologists, chemists, etc,
i svi mi u stvari, pokušavamo da istrajemo u pokušajima
and all of us, in fact, are trying to persevere in our attempts
da ovu prvu blizanačku studiju napravimo uspešnom.
to make this first twin study successful.
Ono što ne smem da zaboravim da kažem ni na jednom mestu, pa ni ovde,
What|that|not|I am allowed|to|forget|to|say|not even|in|one|place|so|not even|here
What I must not forget to mention anywhere, not even here,
to je da nam u realizaciji ove studije pomažu studenti psihologije
it|is|that|us|in|realization|this|study|help|students|of psychology
is that psychology students are helping us in the realization of this study.
bez kojih nijedno od ovih istraživanja koja smo do sada sproveli
without which none of these studies we have conducted so far
ne bi moglo da se realizuje
not|would|could|to|reflexive pronoun|be realized
could have been realized
jer su ispitivanja duga
because the examinations are lengthy
i obuhvataju čitav niz različitih procedura.
and encompass a whole range of different procedures.
Tako da ja uvek koristim priliku da im se zahvalim,
So I always take the opportunity to thank them,
bez obzira da li su oni prisutni u publici ili ne.
regardless|consideration|whether|question particle|are|they|present|in|audience|or|not
regardless of whether they are present in the audience or not.
Registar blizanaca koji smo osnovali
Register|of twins|that|we|established
The twins registry that we established
predstavlja osnov za naše istraživanje.
represents the basis for our research.
Osnovan je 2011. godine.
It was established in 2011.
Do sada smo radili ispitivanja u Nišu, Beogradu,
Until|now|we|have conducted|tests|in|Niš|Belgrade
So far, we have conducted examinations in Niš, Belgrade,
Novom Pazaru, Zrenjaninu,
In Novi Pazar, Zrenjanin,
pokušavajući, u stvari, da mi odemo u ona mesta
trying, in fact, to get me to go to those places
odakle je teško blizancima da doputuju do Novog Sada,
from where|is|difficult|for the twins|to|travel|to|Novi|Sad
from where it is difficult for twins to travel to Novi Sad,
jer je centar tih istraživanja u stvari u Novom Sadu,
because|is|center|of those|research|in|fact|in|Novi|Sad
because the center of that research is actually in Novi Sad,
a pokušavamo da ispitamo blizance iz cele zemlje.
and|we try|to|test|twins|from|entire|country
and we are trying to examine twins from all over the country.
2014\. godine osnovali smo Centar za bihejvioralnu genetiku,
year|we founded|(past tense marker)|Center|for|behavioral|genetics
In 2014, we established the Center for Behavioral Genetics,
i u okviru tog centra bavimo se ispitivanjem blizanaca,
and|in|the framework of|that|center|we engage|in|the study of|twins
and within that center, we study twins,
ali radimo i neke druge stvari
but|we do|and|some|other|things
but we also do some other things
koje i popularizuju nauku,
that both popularize science,
ali i pomažu mladim naučnicima da steknu određena znanja i veštine.
and help young scientists acquire certain knowledge and skills.
Šta je naš cilj?
What is our goal?
Cilj nam je da, u stvari, kreiramo jedinstvenu bazu podataka
The goal|us|is|to|in|fact|we create|unique|database|of data
Our goal is to actually create a unique database
koja će biti osnov za istraživanja u psihologiji, medicini, biologiji,
that will serve as a foundation for research in psychology, medicine, biology,
u narednim, mogu slobodno da kažem, decenijama.
in|upcoming|I can|freely|to|say|decades
in the coming, I can freely say, decades.
Zato što trenutno u našem registru imamo oko 1.000 blizanačkih parova,
Because|that|currently|in|our|registry|we have|about|twin|pairs
Because currently, we have about 1,000 twin pairs in our registry,
ispitano je 536 blizanaca,
A total of 536 twins were examined,
i mi od svakog blizanca imamo oko 1.500 određenih podataka.
and we have about 1,500 specific data points for each twin.
Dakle, naša baza je veoma, veoma velika.
So, our database is very, very large.
Blizanci se prijavljuju na našem sajtu
The Twins|themselves|register|on|our|website
Twins register on our website
i nakon toga dolaze kod nas.
and|after|that|they come|to|us
and then come to us.
Ovo je primer ispitivanja nekih kognitivnih funkcija,
This|is|example|of testing|some|cognitive|functions
This is an example of testing some cognitive functions,
ovo je atmosfera sa ispitivanja testovima,
this is the atmosphere from the testing with tests,
znači nekih psiholoških fenomena,
meaning some psychological phenomena,
kao što su osobine ličnosti itd.
as|that|are|traits|of personality|etc
such as personality traits, etc.
Oni prolaze kroz medicinski pregled,
They undergo a medical examination,
i uzimamo im uzorak bukalnog brisa,
and|we take|them|sample|buccal|swab
and we take a sample of buccal swab,
odnosno uzorak pljuvačke,
that is, a sample of saliva,
da bismo radili DNK analize.
to|we would|perform|DNA|analyses
to perform DNA analyses.
Ovo je primer matrice podataka,
This|is|example|of matrix|data
This is an example of a data matrix,
samo deo te matrice,
just a part of that matrix,
a ovo je primer matematičkih modela
and this is an example of mathematical models
pomoću kojih mi izračunavamo udeo sredine, udeo deljene sredine,
through which we calculate the share of the mean, the share of the divided mean,
udeo nedeljene sredine, udeo gena, odnosno nasleđa,
the share of the undivided mean, the share of genes, or inheritance,
u objašnjenju našeg ponašanja.
in|the explanation|our|behavior
in explaining our behavior.
Deo naših analiza,
Part of our analyses,
onaj skuplji deo za koji mi nemamo dovoljno sredstava,
that|more expensive|part|for|which|we|do not have|enough|funds
the more expensive part for which we do not have enough funds,
sprovodi se na Džon Džej koledžu u Njujorku.
is conducted|reflexive pronoun|at|John|Jay|College|in|New York
is being carried out at John Jay College in New York.
To je institucija koja identifikuje žrtve posle jedanaestog septembra -
It|is|institution|that|identifies|victims|after|eleventh|of September
It is an institution that identifies victims after September eleventh -
kažem "identifikuje," zato što ih još uvek identifikuju,
I say|identifies|because|that|them|still|always|identify
I say "identifies," because they are still identifying them,
jer nisu sve žrtve identifikovane -
because|are not|all|victims|identified
since not all victims have been identified -
koja raspolaže resursima za one vrste analiza
which has resources for those types of analyses
koje mi ne možemo da uradimo u Srbiji.
that we cannot perform in Serbia.
Oni nam rade zigotnost za blizance,
They perform zygosity testing for twins,
i određuju neke druge vrste molekularnih i epigenetičkih analiza,
and determine some other types of molecular and epigenetic analyses,
o kojima će biti reči nešto malo kasnije.
about|which|will|be|talk|something|a little|later
which will be discussed a little later.
Ovo je fotografija profesorke Nataše Vučinić sa medicinskog fakulteta,
This|is|photograph|of Professor|Natasha|Vučinić|from|medical|faculty
This is a photograph of Professor Nataša Vučinić from the medical faculty,
koja je bila u poseti Džon Džej koledžu
which|was|female subject past tense verb|in|visit|John|Jay|College
who was visiting John Jay College
u jednom od tih zajedničkih istraživanja.
in one of those joint research projects.
Šta pokazuju naši rezultati?
What|do show|our|results
What do our results show?
Krenućemo od nekih fenomena koji su nam svima dobro poznati.
We will start|from|some|phenomena|that|are|to us|to everyone|well|known
We will start with some phenomena that are well known to all of us.
Na primer,
For example,
rezultati pokazuju da je opšta inteligencija u preko 70 posto
the results show that general intelligence is determined by hereditary factors in over 70 percent.
određena naslednim činiocima.
However, general intelligence does not guarantee us
Međutim, opšta inteligencija nam ne garantuje
However|general|intelligence|to us|not|guarantees
that we will successfully adapt.
da ćemo se uspešno adaptirati.
that|we will|reflexive pronoun|successfully|adapt
Neki kriterijumi manifestacije inteligencije u životu
Some|criteria|manifestation|of intelligence|in|life
Some criteria for the manifestation of intelligence in life
mogu da budu stepen obrazovanja ili školski uspeh.
can be the level of education or academic success.
A naša istraživanja pokazuju
And our research shows
da je u tim fenomenima
that in these phenomena
uticaj naslednih činilaca nešto malo manji,
the influence of hereditary factors is somewhat smaller,
ali da se povećava uticaj sredinskih činilaca,
but|that|reflexive pronoun|increases|influence|environmental|factors
but the influence of environmental factors is increasing,
posebno onih deljenih.
especially those that are shared.
Drugim rečima,
In other|words
In other words,
i ako imamo visoke intelektualne potencijale,
and|if|we have|high|intellectual|potentials
even if we have high intellectual potentials,
od atmosfere u porodici koju će kreirati,
it depends on the atmosphere in the family that will be created,
dete koje je radoznalo ili samodisciplinovano
a child who is curious or self-disciplined
ili na neki drugi način poseduje osobine koje su mu neophodne
or|in|some|other|way|possesses|qualities|that|are|to him|necessary
or in some other way possesses the qualities necessary for him
da završi školu ili bude dobar đak u školi,
to finish school or be a good student in school,
će, u stvari, zavisiti i ti aspekti ponašanja.
will, in fact, depend on these aspects of behavior.
Takođe, ovo su neka ponašanja
Also, these are some behaviors
koja su svima nama dobro poznata,
which|are|to everyone|us|well|known
which are well known to all of us,
to je konzumiranje cigareta, konzumiranje alkohola,
that is, the consumption of cigarettes, the consumption of alcohol,
zloupotreba alkohola,
abuse|of alcohol
alcohol abuse,
samostalno prepisivanje terapije.
self-prescribing therapy.
Sva ova ponašanja smatraju se rizičnim ponašanjima.
All|this|behaviors|are considered|reflexive particle|risky|behaviors
All these behaviors are considered risky behaviors.
Naši rezultati pokazuju
Our results show
da je, recimo, konzumiranje alkohola
that|is|for example|consumption|of alcohol
that, for example, alcohol consumption
u potpunosti određeno deljenim i nedeljenim sredinskim činiocima.
is completely determined by shared and unshared environmental factors.
Zato što mi u stvari živimo u kulturi koja je tolerantna ka alkoholu,
Because|that|we|in|fact|live|in|a culture|which|is|tolerant|towards|alcohol
Because we actually live in a culture that is tolerant of alcohol,
ne postoji dete koje nije probalo alkohol.
no|exists|child|that|has not|tried|alcohol
There is no child who hasn't tried alcohol.
Međutim, zloupotreba alkohola, konzumiranje cigareta itd,
However|abuse|of alcohol|consumption|of cigarettes|etc
However, alcohol abuse, cigarette consumption, etc.,
zavise i od naslednih i od sredinskih činilaca.
depends on both hereditary and environmental factors.
To ne znači da postoji gen za konzumiranje alkohola.
It|not|means|that|there is|gene|for|consumption|alcohol
This does not mean that there is a gene for alcohol consumption.
To znači da postoji nasledna osnova
That|means|that|there is|hereditary|basis
It means that there is a hereditary basis.
za određenu vrstu povećanja napetosti,
for a certain type of tension increase,
i to je ono što nam pružaju naši geni.
and|that|is|thing|what|to us|provide|our|genes
and that is what our genes provide us.
A sredina nam pruža model kako smanjujemo tu napetost.
The|environment|us|provides|model|how|we reduce|that|tension
And the environment provides us with a model of how we reduce that tension.
I onda neko to čini kroz konzumiranje alkohola,
And|then|someone|that|does|through|consumption|of alcohol
And then someone does it through alcohol consumption,
neko kroz konzumiranje cigareta,
someone through cigarette consumption,
ili na neke treće funkcionalne ili manje funkionalne načine.
or in some other functional or less functional ways.
Međutim, rekli smo da je nama osnovna ideja sa, u stvari,
However|we said|are|that|is|to us|basic|idea|with|in|fact
However, we said that our basic idea is, in fact,
želimo da objasnimo ljudsko ponašanje.
we want|to|explain|human|behavior
we want to explain human behavior.
Zašto se ljudi ponašaju na određeni način?
Why|(reflexive particle)|people|behave|in|certain|way
Why do people behave in a certain way?
Postoje različite teorije.
There are|different|theories
There are different theories.
Ovde je primer jedne od teorija u psihologiji
Here is an example of one of the theories in psychology.
koja u obzir uzima i različite sredinske činioce
It takes into account various environmental factors.
i neke nasledne i biološke predispozicije.
And some hereditary and biological predispositions.
Na primer, ako se bilo ko od nas suoči sa potencijalnom opasnošću,
For|example|if|reflexive pronoun|any|one|of|us|faces|with|potential|danger
For example, if any of us faces a potential danger,
doživeće povećanje anksioznosti.
will experience|increase|of anxiety
we will experience an increase in anxiety.
Ako je osoba sklona da sve situacije u životu, ili većinu njih,
If|is|person|prone|to|all|situations|in|life|or|most|of them
If a person tends to view all situations in life, or most of them,
posmatra kao potencijalnu opasnost,
as a potential danger,
onda će razviti anksioznost kao osobinu ličnosti.
then|will|develop|anxiety|as|trait|of personality
then they will develop anxiety as a personality trait.
Ako imamo biološku predispoziciju da reagujemo na nagradu,
If|we have|biological|predisposition|to|react|to|reward
If we have a biological predisposition to react to reward,
na potencijalnu nagradu, je l' tako,
to|potential|reward|is|question particle|right
to potential reward, right,
onda postoji mogućnost da razvijemo ona ponašanja
then|there is|possibility|to|develop|those|behaviors
then there is a possibility that we develop those behaviors
koja su u vezi sa lošijom kontrolom sa impulsivnošću:
that are related to poorer control over impulsivity:
hoću sad, hoću odmah da dobijem tu neku nagradu koju sam zamislio.
I want|now|I want|immediately|to|receive|that|some|prize|that|I|imagined
I want it now, I want to immediately receive that reward I imagined.
Ako se bilo ko od nas suoči sa stvarnom opasnošću,
If|reflexive particle|anyone|who|of|us|faces|with|real|danger
If any of us faces a real danger,
koja je, naravno, uvek opasnost za naše samopoštovanje,
which|is|of course|always|danger|to|our|self-esteem
which is, of course, always a threat to our self-esteem,
to je nešto sa čim se susrećemo svakoga dana u životu,
this is something we encounter every day in life,
onda možemo da se ili borimo
then|we can|to|ourselves|or|fight
then we can either fight
ili da bežimo ili da se blokiramo.
either|to|run away|or|to|ourselves|block
or flee or block ourselves.
Cela ta teorija zahteva možda i posebno predavanje,
The whole theory may require a special lecture,
nemamo sada vremena da pričamo o svim tim detaljima.
we don't have|now|time|to|talk|about|all|those|details
we don't have time to talk about all those details right now.
Međutim, šta su pokazala naša istraživanja?
However|what|(verb to be)|showed|our|research
However, what did our research show?
Pokazala su da je udeo nasleđa,
showed|(plural past tense verb ending)|that|is|share|inheritance
It showed that the share of heredity,
udeo sredine,
part|of the middle
the share of the environment,
u objašnjenju svih ovih osobina ličnosti
in|the explanation|all|these|traits|of personality
in explaining all these personality traits
onakav kakav smo i očekivali.
was as we expected.
Drugim rečima,
In other|words
In other words,
udeo nasleđa je tu negde između 40 i 50 posto,
the share of inheritance is somewhere between 40 and 50 percent,
ostatak je udeo sredine.
the remainder|is|share|of the middle
the rest is the share of the environment.
Dakle, mi možemo imati naslednu predispoziciju
So, we may have a hereditary predisposition
da reagujemo više, da budemo reaktivniji na nagradu
to|react|more|to|be|more reactive|to|reward
to react more, to be more reactive to reward.
ili budemo reaktivniji na kaznu,
or|we are|more reactive|to|punishment
or we will be more reactive to punishment,
ali će sredina da oblikuje način na koji ćemo mi to da radimo.
but|will|environment|to|shape|way|in|which|we will|we|it|to|do
but the environment will shape the way we do it.
Neko će da se bavi rizičnim sportovima,
Someone|will|to|himself|engage in|risky|sports
Some will engage in risky sports,
a neko će drugi da traži senzaciju u čitanju knjiga.
while others will seek excitement in reading books.
To su sve načini koje u stvari oblikuje sredina,
These are all ways that are actually shaped by the environment,
pružajući svoj model.
providing their model.
Dalje, mi pokušavamo u stvari da vidimo
Furthermore, we are actually trying to see
koja je genska osnova ovih ponašaja.
what the genetic basis of these behaviors is.
Trenutno smo imali sredstava za četiri gena, svi su dopaminski.
Currently, we have had resources for four genes, all of which are dopaminergic.
Ja ću prikazati rezultate za dva,
I will present the results for two,
to su COMT i DRD2.
these are COMT and DRD2.
U pitanju su geni koji regulišu nivo dopamina u organizmu.
These are genes that regulate dopamine levels in the body.
Kao što sam već rekla,
As I already mentioned,
niži nivo dopamina dovodi do impulsivnijeg ponašanja,
lower|level|of dopamine|leads|to|more impulsive|behavior
lower dopamine levels lead to more impulsive behavior,
odnosno ponašanja koje će da nadomesti nivo dopamina u organizmu.
that is, behavior that will compensate for the dopamine levels in the body.
Ovde imamo rezultat
Here|we have|result
Here we have a result
koji pokazuje da je COMT gen zadužen, u stvari,
that shows that the COMT gene is responsible, in fact,
za regulaciju impulsivnosti.
for the regulation of impulsivity.
Imamo njegovu citogenetičku lokaciju,
We have|his|cytogenetic|location
We have its cytogenetic location,
on se nalazi na 22. hromozomu.
it|reflexive pronoun|is located|on|chromosome
it is located on chromosome 22.
Sa druge strane,
On the other hand,
interakcija dva gena, COMT-a i DRD2 -
the interaction of two genes, COMT and DRD2 -
oni utiču, u stvari, na ona ponašanja
they actually influence those behaviors
koja doprinose tome da se osoba manje blokira i manje beži
which||to that|to|reflexive pronoun|person|less|feels blocked|and|less|escapes
that contribute to a person being less inhibited and less likely to flee
u opasnim situacijama.
in dangerous situations.
Šta nam govore ova istraživanja?
What|to us|tell|these|research
What do these studies tell us?
Govore nam, prvo, da ne postoji jedan gen za jednu osobinu,
They tell|us|first|that|not|there is|one|gene|for|one|trait
They tell us, first, that there is not one gene for one trait,
da je naše ponašanje složeno,
that our behavior is complex,
i da veći broj gena doprinosi, u stvari, oblikovanju našeg ponašanja.
and that a larger number of genes actually contribute to shaping our behavior.
Ono što mi želimo sada da počnemo,
What we want to start now,
to je da ispitujemo i set serotoninskih gena
it|is|to|we examine|and|set|serotonin|genes
that is to examine a set of serotonin genes
koji više utiču na emocionalne reakcije.
that have a greater impact on emotional reactions.
I to su neki planovi.
And these are some plans.
Takođe, planiramo da istraživanja proširimo
Also|we plan|to|research|expand
We also plan to expand the research
ispitujući maloletne blizance,
by studying juvenile twins,
i s tim krećemo do kraja godine.
and|with|that|we start|by|the end|of the year
and with that we are moving towards the end of the year.
A takođe sa Džon Džej koledžom u Njujorku
And|also|with|John|Jay|college|in|New York
And also with John Jay College in New York
pokušavamo da uvedemo još jednu novu disciplinu
we are trying|to|introduce|one more|new|new|discipline
we are trying to introduce one more new discipline
koja se zove epigenetika.
which|reflexive particle|is called|epigenetics
called epigenetics.
Drugim rečima, naši geni uče, naši geni se menjaju
In other|words|our|genes|learn|our|genes|reflexive particle|change
In other words, our genes learn, our genes change.
pod uticajem učenja i vaspitanja.
under the influence of learning and upbringing.
I to su neka istraživanja koja planiramo da uradimo.
I|those|are|some|research|which|we plan|to|do
And these are some studies that we plan to conduct.
Zašto je sve to važno?
Why is all of this important?
Zašto je cela ova priča o genetici i o sredini važna?
Why is this whole story about genetics and the environment important?
Pa, naš cilj je da,
Well, our goal is to,
ako pružimo objašnjenje
if|we provide|explanation
if we provide an explanation
za ovu vrstu razloga za ljudsko ponašanje,
for this type of reasons for human behavior,
koje će biti u genima,
which will be in the genes,
koje će biti u specifičnostima sredine,
which will be in the specificities of the environment,
smatramo da ćemo kreirati humanije okruženje
||||более гуманное|
we believe|that|we will|create|more humane|environment
we believe that we will create a more humane environment
koje će odgovarati specifičnostima svakog pojedinca.
which|will|correspond to|specificities|every|individual
which will correspond to the specificities of each individual.
I ako samo delimično uspemo u tome,
And if we only partially succeed in this,
možemo reći da smo ostvarili svoj cilj.
we can|say|that|we|achieved|our|goal
we can say that we have achieved our goal.
Pored ovih naučnih rezultata,
In addition to these scientific results,
naš tim može da se pohvali i generalno,
our|team|can|to|reflexive pronoun|boast|and|generally
our team can also boast generally,
uvođenjem jedne nove naučne discipline u naš akademski prostor.
by introducing a new scientific discipline into our academic space.
Isto tako, mi, angažujući veliki broj građana,
Likewise, we, engaging a large number of citizens,
u ovom slučaju blizanaca,
in|this|case|of twins
in this case twins,
u našim istraživanjima,
in our research,
pokušavamo da razvijemo neke osnovne principe otvorene nauke.
we are trying|to|develop|some|basic||open|science
are trying to develop some basic principles of open science.
Zašto i kako?
Why and how?
Tako što naši blizanci svi dobiju rezultate svojih istraživanja,
By having all our twins receive the results of their research,
i medicinskih istraživanja i procena osobina ličnosti,
including medical research and assessments of personality traits,
intelektualnih sposobnosti, rezultate DNK analiza itd.
intellectual abilities, DNA analysis results, etc.
Mi, u stvari, pokušavamo da otvorimo nauku za sve građane,
We|in|fact|are trying|to|open|science|for|all|citizens
We are, in fact, trying to open science to all citizens,
zato što smatramo da svi građani
because|that|we believe|that|all|citizens
because we believe that all citizens
treba da daju doprinos u kreiranju naučnih rezultata.
should contribute to the creation of scientific results.
Thank you
Thank you.
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