1.7. Hari Poter i Kamen mudrosti - Šešir koji razvrstava (audio knjiga) (2)
1.7. Harry Potter und der Stein der Weisen – Der sprechende Hut (Hörbuch) (2)
1.7. Harry Potter and the Philosopher's Stone - The Sorting Hat (audiobook) (2)
– Da li si siguran?
- Are you sure?
Mogao bi da postaneš veliki, znaš, sve je to tu, u tvojoj glavi, a Sliterin će ti pomoći na tom putu do veličine, bez sumnje – šta, nećeš?
|||become||you know||||||your|head||Slytherin|will||help||that|path||greatness||no doubt||you won't
You could be great, you know, it’s all here in your head, and Slytherin will help you on the way to greatness, there’s no doubt about that – what, you don't want to?
Pa, ako si siguran – onda bolje da to bude GRIFINDOR!
Well, if you're sure – then it's better be GRYFFINDOR!
Hari je čuo kako šešir poslednju reč izvikuje celoj sali.
||||hat|last||shouting|the whole|hall
Harry heard the hat shout its final word to the whole hall.
On skide šešir i krenu nesigurno ka stolu grifindoraca.
||||he goes||||of the Gryffindors
He took off the hat and walked uncertainly towards the Gryffindor table.
Osetio je toliko olakšanje što su ga ipak izabrali, a pri tom ga nisu poslali u Sliterin, da je jedva primetio kako je dobio najglasniji aplauz.
he felt|||relief|that|||after all|chosen|||then||not|sent him||Slytherin|||barely|noticed|how||received|the loudest|applause
He felt so relieved that he was chosen after all, and not sent to Slytherin, that he barely noticed he received the loudest applause.
Persi, asistent, ustade i živahno se rukova s njim, dok su Vizlijevi blizanci urlali: – Dobili smo Potera!
||||cheerfully||shook hands|||||the Vizlijevs|twins|screamed|We got|we got|Poter
Percy, der Assistent, stand auf und schüttelte ihm heftig die Hand, während die Weasley-Zwillinge riefen: „Wir haben Potter!“
Percy, the prefect, stood up and shook hands with him, while the Weasley twins yelled: – We got Potter!
Dobili smo Potera!
We got Potter!
– Hari sede za sto preko puta duha s nabranim okovratnikom kojeg je nešto ranije zapazio.
||||over|across|the spirit||wrinkled|collar|||something|earlier|noticed
Harry, who was getting warm and sleepy, looked back at the High Table.
– Хари сидит за столом напротив духа с собранным воротником, который он заметил немного ранее.
Duh ga potapša po ruci i Harija obuze iznenadan, užasan osećaj da ju je zaronio u kofu ledene vode.
Der Geist tätschelte seinen Arm und Harry hatte plötzlich das schreckliche Gefühl, dass er in einen Eimer mit Eiswasser getaucht war.
The ghost patted him on the hand and Harry was suddenly overwhelmed by a terrible feeling as if he had plunged it into a bucket of ice water.
Дух похлопал его по руке, и Хари охватило неожиданное, ужасное чувство, что он погрузился в ведро с ледяной водой.
Sada je mogao pobliže da osmotri Visoki sto.
|||more closely||observe|the High|
Jetzt konnte er sich den Hohen Tisch genauer ansehen.
Now he could take a closer look at the High table.
Теперь он мог повнимательнее рассмотреть Высокий стол.
Na ćošku, tik uz njega, sedeo je Hagrid, koji uhvati njegov pogled i pokaza mu palčeve.
On the corner, right next to it, was Hagrid, who caught his gaze and showed him thumbs up.
Hari mu se nasmeši.
Harry smiled at him.
A tamo, na sredini Visokog stola, u velikoj zlatnoj stolici, sedeo je Albus Dambldor.
|there|||of the high|table||big|golden|chair|was sitting|||
And there, in the middle of the High table, in a large golden chair, sat Albus Dumbledore.
Hari ga je iz cuga prepoznao sa sličice koju je izvukao iz čokoladne žabice u vozu.
||||the drink|recognized||the picture|||pulled|||frog||
Harry erkannte ihn von dem Schnaps auf einem Bild, das er von einem Schokoladenfrosch im Zug gezogen hatte.
Harry recognized him instantly from the picture he had pulled out of the chocolate frog card on the train.
Гарри мгновенно узнал его по картинке, которую он вытащил из шоколадной лягушки в поезде.
Dambldorova srebrnasta kosa bila je jedina stvar u čitavoj sali koja je sijala bleštavo poput duhova.
Dumbledore's|silver||||the only|thing||the whole|hall|||shone|brightly|like|ghosts
Dumbledores silbernes Haar war das Einzige in der ganzen Halle, das hell wie Geister glänzte.
Dumbledore's silver hair was the only thing in the whole hall that shone brilliantly like ghosts.
Серебристые волосы Дамблдора были единственной вещью в залe, которая блестела, как призраки.
Hari je zapazio i profesora Kvirela, nervoznog mladog čoveka iz Probušenog kotla.
Harry also noticed Professor Quirrell, the nervous young man from the Leaky Cauldron.
Гарри также заметил профессора Квиррелла, нервного молодого человека из Пробитого котла.
Izgledao je vrlo čudno s velikim ljubičastim turbanom.
||very|strange||a big|purple|turban
He looked very odd with a large purple turban.
A sada ih je ostalo još samo troje za razvrstavanje.
And now there were only three left for sorting.
„Terpin, Liza“ postade rejvenklovka, a onda dođe red na Rona.
"Terpin, Liza" became a ravenclaw, and then it was Ron's turn.
On je već bio bledozelen.
||||pale green
He was already pale green.
Hari mu je držao palčeve ispod stola i trenutak kasnije šešir povika: – GRIFINDOR!
Harry was holding his thumbs under the table and a moment later the hat shouted: - GRYFFINDOR!
Hari je glasno pljeskao zajedno s ostalima dok se Ron ne sruči u stolicu pored njega.
|||applauded|together||the others|||||sits down||chair|next to|him
Harry clapped loudly along with everyone else as Ron collapsed into the chair next to him.
– Odlično, Rone, izvrsno – reče Persi Vizli pompezno, dok je poslednji učenik, „Zabini, Blejz“ poslat u Sliterin.
- Excellent, Ron, excellent - Percy Weasley said pompously, as the last student, "Zabini, Blaise" was sent to Slytherin.
Profesorka Mek Gonagal smota spisak i skloni Šešir za razvrstavanje.
|||rolls up|the list||puts away|the Hat||sorting
Professor McGonagall rollte die Liste zusammen und legte den Hut zum Sortieren beiseite.
Professor McGonagall rolls up the list and removes the Sorting Hat.
Hari spusti pogled na svoj prazan zlatni tanjir.
Harry looks down at his empty golden plate.
Tek tad shvati koliko je gladan.
It was then that he realized how hungry he was.
Već je zaboravio kada je pojeo onu pitu od bundeve.
Er hatte es schon vergessen, als er diesen Kürbiskuchen gegessen hatte.
He had already forgotten when he ate that pumpkin pie.
Albus Dambldor ustade.
Albus Dumbledore stood up.
Smešio se učenicima, širom raširenih ruku, kao da ga ništa na svetu ne bi više obradovalo od tog prizora.
|||with arms|spread|arms||||nothing||the world||||would make him happier|||sight
Er lächelte die Schüler mit ausgebreiteten Armen an, als würde ihn nichts auf der Welt glücklicher machen als dieser Anblick.
He smiled at the students, with arms wide open, as if nothing in the world could make him happier than that sight.
– Dobro došli!
- Welcome!
– reče.
- he said.
– Dobro došli u novu školsku godinu na Hogvortsu!
- Welcome to a new school year at Hogwarts!
Pre nego što počne svetkovina, hteo bih da vam kažem nekoliko reči.
||||celebration|||||say|a few|
Before the celebration begins, I would like to say a few words.
To su: Papan!
Diese sind: Papan!
Those are: Food!
– Hvala vam!
- Thank you!
Zatim ponovo sede.
Then they sat down again.
Svi su vikali i pljeskali.
Everyone was yelling and applauding.
Hari nije znao da li da se smeje ili ne.
Harry wusste nicht, ob er lachen sollte oder nicht.
Harry didn't know whether to laugh or not.
– Da nije on... malčice lud?
|||a little|
- Ist er nicht ... ein bisschen verrückt?
- Isn't he... a little crazy?
– nesigurno zapita Persija.
Percy asked uncertainly.
– Lud?
- Crazy?
– reče Persi živahno.
sagte Percy forsch.
- Persia replied lively.
– On je genije!
||a genius
- He is a genius!
Najbolji čarobnjak na svetu!
the best|wizard||
The best wizard in the world!
Ali jeste malo lud, dabome.
||||of course
Aber er ist natürlich ein bisschen verrückt.
But he is a bit crazy, of course.
Krompira, Hari?
Potatoes, Harry?
Hari zinu od čuda.
Harry seufzte verwundert.
Harry gaped in astonishment.
Posude ispred njega bile su sada pune hrane.
the dishes|||||now||
The dishes in front of him were now full of food.
Nikad nije video toliko stvari koje voli na jednom stolu: goveđe pečenje, pečeno pile, svinjske i jagnjeće kotlete, kobasice, slaninu i odrezak, barene krompire, pečene krompire, čips, jorkširski puding, grašak, šargarepe, moču, kečap i, iz njemu nepoznatog razloga, svilene mentol-bombone.
||||||he loves||||beef|roast|roast|chicken|pork||lamb|chops||bacon||steak|boiled|potatoes|roast|potatoes|chips|yorkshire pudding||peas|carrots|I|ketchup|||to him|unknown|reason|silk|mint|candies
Er hat noch nie so viele Dinge, die er liebt, an einem Tisch gesehen: Roastbeef, Brathähnchen, Schweine- und Lammkoteletts, Würstchen, Speck und Steak, gekochte Kartoffeln, Ofenkartoffeln, Pommes, Yorkshire Pudding, Erbsen, Karotten, Mokka, Ketchup und, daraus aus irgendeinem Grund Seiden-Menthol-Bonbons.
He had never seen so many things he loved on one table: roast beef, roast chicken, pork and lamb chops, sausages, bacon and steak, mashed potatoes, roast potatoes, chips, Yorkshire pudding, peas, carrots, piss, ketchup and, from him for an unknown reason, silk menthol candy.
Darslijevi nisu nikad zaista izgladnjivali Harija, ali nikada mu nisu dozvoljavali ni da jede koliko hoće.
||||starve|||never||they|allowed|||eat|as much|he wants
The Dursleys had never really starved Harry, but they never let him eat as much as he wanted either.
Dadli je uvek uzimao sve što bi Hari poželeo, makar mu od toga pripalo muka.
|||брал||||||хотя бы||||пришлось|
|||taking|||||wanted|even if|||that|fell to|suffering
Dudley nahm sich immer alles, was Harry wollte, auch wenn es ihn krank machte.
Dudley always took anything Harry wanted, even if it made him sick.
Hari napuni tanjir, uzevši od svega pomalo, izuzev mentolbombona, i poče da jede.
|fills|plate|taking||everything|a little|except|mint candy||began||eat
Harry filled his plate, taking a little bit of everything except the mint candies, and started eating.
Sve je bilo izvrsno.
Everything was excellent.
– Izgleda zbilja primamljivo – reče tužno duh s okovratnikom, posmatrajući kako Hari seče svoj odrezak.
- It looks really tempting - sadly said the spirit with a collar, watching Harry cut his steak.
– Zar ti ne možeš...?
- Can't you...?
– Nisam ništa okusio već skoro petsto godina – reče duh.
||tasted||almost|five hundred|years||ghost
– "I haven't tasted anything in almost five hundred years," the ghost said.
– Ne treba mi, naravno, ali ipak mi nedostaje.
|||of course||still||I miss
- I don't need it, of course, but I still miss it.
Ne verujem da smo se upoznali?
Ich glaube nicht, dass wir uns getroffen haben?
I don't believe we've met?
Ser Nikolas de MimsiPorpington, vama na usluzi.
Sir Nicholas de Mimsi Porpington, zu Ihren Diensten.
"Sir Nicholas de Mimsy Porpington, at your service."
Stalni duh Grifindorove kule.
the permanent||of Gryffindor|tower
"The resident ghost of Gryffindor Tower."
– Znam ko ste vi!
– "I know who you are!"
– reče Ron iznenada.
– Ron said suddenly.
– Braća su mi pričala o vama... vi ste Skoro Obezglavljeni Nik!
the brothers|||told||you|||almost|Decapitated|Nik
- Die Brüder haben mir von dir erzählt ... du bist fast geköpft, Nick!
– "My brothers told me about you... you're Nearly Headless Nick!"
– Radije bih voleo da me zoveš ser Nikolas de Mimsi... – poče duh oštro, ali ga dečak s kosom boje peska, Šejmus Finigan, prekide.
|||||call|sir|||Mimsi|began|spirit|sharply|||the boy||hair|the color of|sand|Seamus|Finigan|interrupted
„Ich würde es vorziehen, wenn Sie mich Sir Nicolas de Mimsi nennen …“, begann der Geist scharf, aber der sandfarbene Junge, Seamus Finigan, unterbrach ihn.
– "I'd rather you call me Sir Nicholas de Mimsy..." the ghost started sharply, but was interrupted by the sandy-haired boy, Seamus Finnigan.
– Skoro obezglavljeni?
– "Nearly headless?"
Kako možete biti skoro obezglavljeni?
"How can you be nearly headless?"
Ser Nikolas je delovao krajnje iznervirano, kao da njihov razgovor ne ide tokom koji je on želeo.
|Nikolas||seemed|extremely|nervously|||their|conversation|||in the course of||||
Sir Nicholas wirkte äußerst verärgert, als liefe ihr Gespräch nicht so, wie er es wollte.
Sir Nicholas appeared extremely annoyed, as if their conversation wasn't going in the direction he wanted.
– Evo ovako – reče on razdražljivo.
|like this|||irritably
– "Well, it's like this," he said irritably.
Uhvati se za levo uvo i povuče ga.
he grabs||||||pulls|
Er packte sein linkes Ohr und zog.
He grabbed his left ear and pulled it.
Glava mu skliznu s vrata i pade preko ramena kao da se drži na šarkama.
Sein Kopf glitt von seinem Hals und fiel über seine Schultern, als würde er sich an Scharnieren festhalten.
His head slipped from his neck and fell over his shoulder as if it were hinged.
Neko je očito hteo da ga obezglavi, ali mu to nije sasvim pošlo za rukom.
Irgendjemand wollte ihn offensichtlich enthaupten, aber es gelang ihm nicht ganz.
Someone obviously wanted to behead him, but he didn't quite succeed.
Zadovoljan zaprepašćenjem na njihovim licima, Skoro Obezglavljeni Nik ponovo nasadi svoju glavu na vrat, nakašlja se i reče: – Dakle, novi grifindorci, nadam se da ćete nam pomoći da osvojimo Školski pehar ove godine?
|with surprise||their||almost|Decapitated|||settle|his|head||neck|he coughed||||so|new|Gryffindors|I hope|||you will|us|help||we win|School|cup|Cup|
Zufrieden mit dem Erstaunen in ihren Gesichtern legte der fast enthauptete Nick seinen Kopf in den Nacken, hustete und sagte: „Also, neue Gryffindors, ich hoffe, Sie helfen uns, dieses Jahr den Schulpokal zu gewinnen?“
Satisfied with the astonishment on their faces, Nearly Headless Nick put his head back on his neck, cleared his throat, and said, "So, new Gryffindors, I hope you'll help us win the House Cup this year?"
Grifindor nikad nije toliko dugo bio bez pobede, dok Sliterin već šest godina zaredom osvaja pehar!
||||long|||victory||Slytherin|||years|in a row|wins|the cup
Gryffindor has never gone so long without a victory, while Slytherin has won the cup six years in a row!
Krvavi Baron postaje skoro nepodnošljiv – on je, znate, duh Sliterina.
Bloody|Baron|becomes|almost|unbearable|||you know||Slytherin
Der Bloody Baron wird fast unerträglich – er ist, wissen Sie, der Geist von Slytherin.
The Bloody Baron is becoming unbearable - he's, you know, the ghost of Slytherin.
Hari baci pogled na sliterinski sto i vide za njim jednog užasnog duha, bezbojnih razrogačenih očiju, izduženog lica, u odori poprskanoj srebrnastom krvlju.
|cast|||slitern table||||||a|horrible|ghost|colorless|bulging|eyes|elongated|||uniform|splattered|silver|blood
Harry warf einen Blick auf den Slytherin-Tisch und sah dahinter einen schrecklichen Geist, ein farbloses, weit aufgerissenes, langgestrecktes Gesicht, in einer Uniform, die mit silbernem Blut besprenkelt war.
Harry glanced at the Slytherin table and saw behind him a horrible ghost, colorless wide eyes, elongated face, in robes spattered with silvery blood.
Sedeo je desno od Melfoja koji, što je Hariju bilo milo, nije izgledao zadovoljan takvim rasporedom sedenja.
||||||||||||looked|satisfied|such a|arrangement|seating
Er saß rechts von Melfoi, der zu Harrys Freude über eine solche Sitzordnung nicht erfreut zu sein schien.
He sat to the right of Malfoy who, to Harry's delight, did not seem pleased with the seating arrangement.
– Kako to da je obliven krvlju?
- Wie kommt es, dass er blutüberströmt ist?
- How come he's covered in blood?
– upita Šejmus s velikim interesovanjem.
- Seamus asked with great interest.
– Nisam nikada pitao – reče Skoro Obezglavljeni Nik taktično.
"I never asked," said Almost Headless Nick tactfully.
Kada se svi najedoše do mile volje, ostaci hrane nestadoše s tanjira, koji zablistaše od čistoće kao i ranije.
|||ate||merry|satisfaction|the leftovers||disappeared||the plate||shone||cleanliness|||earlier
When everyone had eaten to their heart's content, the remains of the food disappeared from the plate, which shone with purity as before.
Trenutak kasnije stigoše pudinzi.
- A moment later, puddings arrived.
Kocke sladoleda svih mogućih aroma, pite od jabuka, tortice s kremom, čokoladni ekleri i krofnice s pekmezom, voćni kolači sa šlagom, jagode, želei, pirinčani puding... Dok se Hari služio torticama s kremom, povede se razgovor o njihovim porodicama.
Cubes|ice cream||possible||pies||apples|cakes||cream|chocolate|eclairs||doughnuts||jam|fruit|cakes||whipped cream|strawberries|jelly|rice|||||was serving himself|with the cakes||cream|picking||conversation||their|families
Ice cream cubes of all possible flavors, apple pies, cream cakes, chocolate eclairs and donuts with jam, fruit cakes with whipped cream, strawberries, jellies, rice pudding... While Harry was enjoying the cream cakes, the conversation started about their families.
– Ja sam pola-pola – reče Šejmus.
- I'm half-half - said Seamus.
– Moj tata je Normalac.
- My dad is a Muggle.
Mama mu nije rekla da je veštica sve dok se nisu venčali.
Mom didn't tell him she was a witch until they were married.
Bio je to gadan šok za njega.
That was a nasty shock for him.
Ostali se nasmejaše.
The others laughed.
– Šta je s tobom, Nevile?
- What about you, Neville?
– upita Ron.
- Ron asked.
– Pa, odrastao sam s bakom, a ona je veštica – reče Nevil – ali je moja porodica godinama verovala da sam ja pravi Normalac.
|I grew up|||grandmother||||witch|said||||my|family|for years|believed||||real|Normal person
- Well, I grew up with my grandmother, and she's a witch - said Neville - but my family believed for years that I was a real Normal.
Moj deda-ujak Aldži stalno je pokušavao da me uhvati na prepad, kako bi izvukao nešto magije iz mene – jednom me je čak gurnuo s doka na obali Blekpula, i samo što se nisam udavio – ali ništa se nije desilo dok nisam napunio osam godina.
|||Альджи||||||поймать||засаду||||||||один раз||||толкнул||||берегу|Блекпул||||||удался||||||||||
|grandfather|uncle|Aldži|constantly||trying|||catch||ambush|||pull out|something|magic|||once|||even|pushed||dock||the shore|Blackpool||only||||drowned||nothing|||happened||I wasn't|filled|eight|
Mein Onkel Opa Algie versuchte immer wieder, mich bei einem Überfall zu erwischen, um etwas Magie aus mir herauszuholen – er stieß mich sogar einmal vom Dock in Blackpool, und ich wäre beinahe ertrunken –, aber nichts geschah, bis ich acht war.
My grand-uncle Algie kept trying to ambush me, to get some of the magic out of me – once he even pushed me off a dock on the Blackpool seafront, and I almost drowned – but nothing happened until I was eight .
Deda Aldži je došao na čaj i, baš kada me je okačio da visim naglavačke s prozora na spratu, moja prababa Enid ga je ponudila puslicama i on me slučajno ispusti.
|||пришел|||||когда|||||висеть|вверх ногами|||||||Энид|||предложила|песочком||он|||
|||||tea||just||||hung|||upside down||the window||the floor|my|great-grandmother|Enid|||offered|cookies||||accidentally|dropped
Opa Algie kam zum Tee und gerade als er mich kopfüber am Fenster im Obergeschoss aufgehängt hatte, bot ihm meine Urgroßmutter Enid einen Kuss an und er ließ mich aus Versehen fallen.
Grandpa Algie came to tea and just as he hung me upside down from the upstairs window, my great-grandmother Enid offered him some tea and he accidentally dropped me.
Деда Алджи пришел на чай, и именно когда он повесил меня вверх ногами из окна на этаже, моя прабабушка Энид угостила его пирожками, и он меня случайно уронил.
Pao sam i počeo da odskakujem po celoj bašti i po putu.
I fell|||||bounce||the whole|garden|||the road
Ich fiel hin und fing an, im ganzen Garten und auf der Straße herumzuhüpfen.
I fell and started bouncing all over the garden and on the road.
Я упал и начал отскакивать по всему саду и по дороге.
Bili su zaista oduševljeni.
They were really thrilled.
Они были действительно в восторге.
Baka je plakala od sreće.
Grandma cried with happiness.
Da ste samo videli njihova lica kad sam dobio pismo s Hogvortsa... mislili su da nemam dovoljno magije u sebi da bi me primili, znate.
||||their||||received|letter|||they thought|||I don't have|enough|magic||myself||||accepted|you know
Wenn du nur ihre Gesichter gesehen hättest, als ich den Brief aus Hogwarts bekam … sie dachten, ich hätte nicht genug Magie in mir, um mich zu empfangen, weißt du.
If you could have seen their faces when I received the letter from Hogwarts... they thought I didn't have enough magic in me to be accepted, you know.
Deda-ujka Aldži bio je toliko oduševljen da mi je kupio žabu.
Grandpa|uncle|||||excited|||||a frog
Uncle Algi was so excited that he bought me a toad.
S Harijeve druge strane, Persi Vizli i Hermiona razgovarali su o predavanjima („Nadam se da će odmah početi, ima toliko toga da se nauči, posebno me interesuje Preobražavanje, znaš, pretvaranje nečega u nešto drugo, dabome, to je navodno izuzetno teško...“ „Počećete od malih stvari, recimo pretvaranja šibica u igle i slično...“).
||||Percy||||were talking|||classes|I hope||||immediately|start||so much|it|||learn|especially||I'm interested in|Transfiguration||transfiguration|into something||into something|the other|of course|||supposedly|exceptionally|hard|start||||let's say|transfiguration|match||Transfiguration||similar
Auf Harrys anderer Seite unterhielten sich Percy Weasley und Hermine über die Vorlesungen …“ „Du wirst mit kleinen Dingen anfangen, wie zum Beispiel Streichhölzer in Nadeln verwandeln und dergleichen …“).
On the other side, Percy Weasley and Hermione were talking about classes ("I hope they start right away, there's so much to learn, especially Transfiguration, you know, turning something into something else, it's supposed to be really difficult..." "You'll start with small things, like turning matches into needles and such...").
Hari, kome je počelo da bude toplo i koji je već bio pospan, pogleda ponovo prema Visokom stolu.
|||started|||warm||who||||sleepy|looked|again|towards|the high table|table
Harry, starting to feel warm and already sleepy, looked back at the High Table.
Hagrid je upravo pokušavao da iskapi svoj pehar do dna.
||just|was trying||empty||cup||bottom
Hagrid versuchte nur, seinen Kelch auf den Boden zu leeren.
Hagrid was just trying to drain his goblet to the bottom.
Profesorka Mek Gonagal razgovarala je s profesorom Dambldorom.
Professor McGonagall was talking to Professor Dumbledore.
Profesor Kvirel, u svom grotesknom turbanu, govorio je nešto učitelju masne crne kose, povijenog nosa i žućkaste kože.
||||||||||с жирными|||изогнутого|||желтоватой|
|||his own|grotesque|turban|was saying||something|to the teacher|of the fat||hair|curved|||yellowish|skin
Professor Quirrell, in seinem grotesken Turban, sagte etwas zu dem Lehrer mit dem fettigen schwarzen Haar, der schiefen Nase und der gelblichen Haut.
Professor Quirrell, in his grotesque turban, was speaking to a teacher with greasy black hair, a hooked nose, and yellowish skin.
A onda, iznenada, učitelj s kukastim nosem pogleda preko Kvirelovog turbana pravo u Harijeve oči – i dečak oseti oštar, vreo bol duž ožiljka na čelu.
|then||teacher||hooked|nose|looked|over|Kvi relov|turban|||Harry's|||the boy|felt|sharp|burning|pain|along the|scar||forehead
And then, suddenly, the teacher with the hooked nose looked over Quirrell's turban right into Harry's eyes - and the boy felt a sharp, hot pain along the scar on his forehead.
– Jao!
- Ouch!
– Hari prisloni ruku na glavu.
- Harry put his hand on his head.
– Šta bi?
- What's wrong?
– upita ga Persi.
- Percy asked.
– N-ništa.
- N-Nothing.
Bol je prošao isto tako brzo kao što se pojavio.
The pain disappeared as quickly as it came.
Hariju je, međutim, bilo teže da se otrese osećanja koje je u njemu izazvao nastavnikov pogled – osećanja da ga taj nastavnik uopšte ne voli.
|||||||shakes off|feelings||||him|caused|the teacher's|gaze||||that|teacher|at all||
However, it was harder for Harry to shake off the feelings that the teacher's gaze had caused in him - the feeling that the teacher didn't like him at all.
– Ko je onaj nastavnik što priča s profesorom Kvirelom?
- Who's that teacher talking to Professor Quirrell?
– upita on Persija.
- he asked Percy.
– O, već poznaješ Kvirela, je li?
||you know|||
- Oh, you already know Quirrell, do you?
Nije ni čudo što izgleda tako nervozno, taj s njim ti je profesor Snejp.
No wonder he looks so nervous, that's Professor Snape with him.
On predaje Napitke, ali to ne želi – svi znaju da se namerio na Kvirelov posao.
|teaches|Potions||||wants||know|||he set his mind||Kvirelov|job
Er unterrichtet Zaubertränke, aber er will nicht – jeder weiß, dass er beabsichtigt, für Quirrell zu arbeiten.
He teaches Potions, but he doesn't want to - everyone knows he's after Quirrell's job.
Snejp ti zna baš dosta o Mračnim veštinama.
Snape|you||just|a lot||the Dark|arts
Snape weiß viel über die Dunklen Künste.
Snape, you know quite a lot about Dark Arts.
Hari je još neko vreme posmatrao Snejpa, ali ga ovaj više ne pogleda.
|||some|time|watched|Snape|||he|||looked at
Harry beobachtete Snape eine Weile, aber er sah ihn nicht wieder an.
Harry watched Snape for a while longer, but he didn't look back.
Najzad i pudinzi nestadoše, i profesor Dambldor ponovo ustade.
||puddings|||Professor||again|stood up
Finally, the puddings disappeared and Professor Dumbledore stood up again.
Sala se utiša.
The room fell silent.
– Hm, hm – još samo nekoliko reči sada, pošto ste se najeli i napili.
||||a few||now|since|||eaten||drunk
- Ahem, ahem - just a few more words now that you've eaten and drunk.
Imam još nekoliko obaveštenja na početku polugođa.
I have a few more announcements at the beginning of the semester.
Prvaci treba da znaju da je svim učenicima zabranjeno da idu u šumu na školskom imanju.
||||||all|to the students|forbidden||||the forest||school|school property
Die Champions sollten wissen, dass es allen Schülern verboten ist, auf dem Schulgelände in den Wald zu gehen.
First years should know that all students are forbidden from going into the forest on the school grounds.
A bilo bi dobro da ni neki stariji učenici to ne zaborave.
And it would be good if some older students don't forget that either.
Dambldorove svetlucave oči blesnuše u pravcu Vizlijevih blizanaca.
|||||в направлении||
Dumbledore's|sparkling||flashed||direction of|of the Weasleys|twins
Dumbledore's twinkling eyes flashed towards the Weasley twins.
– Takođe, gospodin Filč, domar, zamolio me je da vas podsetim da se magija ne sme praktikovati u hodniku za vreme odmora.
|||дворецкий|||||||||||||||во время||
also||Filč|janitor|asked|||to|you|remind|||magic|||practice||the hallway|||break
- Also, Mr. Filch, the caretaker, asked me to remind you that magic is not to be practiced in the hallways during breaks.
– Selekcije za kvidičke timove održaće se u toku druge nedelje prvog polugodišta.
Selections|||teams|will be held|||during|the second|week|first|semester
- Quidditch team tryouts will be held during the second week of the first semester.
Svi zainteresovani za mesto u timu svoje kuće neka kontaktiraju Madam Bućkuriš.
|interested||||the team|their||should|contact|Madam|Bucchurish
All those interested in a spot on their house team should contact Madam Hooch.
– I konačno, moram vam reći da je ove godine zabranjen pristup desnom hodniku na trećem spratu svima onima koji ne žele da umru vrlo bolnom smrću.
|finally|I must|you||||this||forbidden|access|right|hallway||the third|floor|to everyone|to those|||want||die|very|painful|death
- Und schließlich muss ich Ihnen sagen, dass der Zugang zum rechten Korridor im dritten Stock in diesem Jahr all denen verboten ist, die keinen sehr qualvollen Tod sterben wollen.
- And finally, I must tell you that access to the right corridor on the third floor is forbidden this year to anyone who doesn't want to die a very painful death.
Hari se nasmeja, ali bio je jedan od retkih koji je to učinio.
Harry lachte, aber er war einer der wenigen, die das taten.
Harry laughed, but he was one of the few who did.
Хари рассмеялся, но он был одним из немногих, кто это сделал.
– Nije valjda ozbiljan?
- He can't be serious, surely?
– Неужели он серьезен?
– promrmlja on Persiju.
- he muttered to Percy.
– пробормотал он Персие.
– Mora da jeste – reče Persi, mršteći se na Dambldora.
|||||сжав лицо|||
- He must be - said Percy, frowning at Dumbledore.
– To je čudno, jer nam obično kaže razlog zašto negde ne bismo smeli da idemo... šuma je puna opasnih zveri, to svi znaju.
||strange|because|to us|usually|it says|the reason|why|somewhere||would|should||go|||full of|dangerous|beasts|||know
- That's strange, because he usually tells us the reason why we shouldn't go somewhere... the forest is full of dangerous beasts, everyone knows that.
Mislim da je mogao reći makar nama asistentima.
|||||хотя бы||
|||||at least|to us|assistants
Ich denke, er könnte uns Assistenten wenigstens sagen.
I think he could have at least told us assistants.
– A sad, pre nego što odemo na spavanje, otpevajmo školsku pesmu!
|||||we go||sleeping|let's sing|school|song
- And now, before we go to bed, let's sing the school song!
– uzviknu Dambldor.
– Dumbledore exclaimed.
Hari primeti da su osmesi ostalih profesora postali izrazito usiljeni.
||||smiles|of the other||become|extremely|forced
Harry bemerkte, dass das Lächeln der anderen Professoren extrem gezwungen geworden war.
Harry noticed that the smiles of the other professors had become extremely forced.
Dambldor protrese svoj štapić, kao da pokušava da otera muvu s njega, a iz njegovog vrha izlete duga zlatna traka, koja se diže visoko iznad stolova i poče zmijoliko da se uvija, oblikujući reči.
|потряс|||||||прогнать|муху||||||||дуга||лента|||поднимается||над||||змеиным образом||||формируя|
|shook||wand|as||is trying||drive away|a fly||it|||its|tip of the wand|flew out|a|golden|ribbon|which||rises|high|above|the tables||began|snake-like|||twisting|forming|words
Dumbledore schüttelte seinen Zauberstab, als wollte er eine Fliege davon vertreiben, und ein langes goldenes Band flog aus seiner Spitze, erhob sich hoch über die Tische und begann, sich wie eine Schlange zu winden und Worte zu bilden.
Dumbledore shook his wand as if trying to shoo a fly off of it, and from its tip, a long golden ribbon shot out, rising high above the tables and started to snake around, forming words.
Дамблдор трясет свою палочку, как будто пытается прогнать с нее муху, а из ее верхушки вылетает длинная золотая лента, которая поднимается высоко над столами и начинает змеевидно извиваться, формируя слова.
– Svako neka peva po svojoj omiljenoj melodiji – reče Dambldor – i krećemo!
everyone|||||favorite|melody||||we start
– Everyone, sing your favorite melody – Dumbledore said – and let's begin!
– Пусть каждый поет свою любимую мелодию – сказал Дамблдор – и мы начинаем!
Uto cela škola zabruja: Hogvorts, Hogvorts, Hogi Vorti Hogvorts, Molimo te, nauči nas nešto, Bilo da smo ćelavi i stari Ili mladi što igraju vešto, Glavama našim dobro bi došlo Da naučimo ovde štošta, Jer sad su prazne i vazduha pune, Trica, kučina i komadića vune, Nauči nas nešto što vredi znati, Sve što smo lane zaboravili vrati, Daj sve od sebe, do ostalog sami ćemo doći, Učeći i bubajući, dok nam se glava ne rastoči.
Uto||school|buzzed|Hogwarts|Hogwarts|Hogi|Hogwarts|Hogwarts|Please||teach us|us|something||||bald and old||old||young||play|well|our heads|our|||would do||learn|here|a lot||||empty||air|full of|trivia|fluff||pieces|wool pieces|teach|us||something|it is worth|to learn||||lane|forgot|return|give|||||the rest|ourselves will manage|we|come|learning||cramming||||||melts down
Dann brummt die ganze Schule: Hogwarts, Hogwarts, Hogi Worthy Hogwarts, Bitte bringt uns etwas bei, Ob wir kahlköpfig und alt sind Oder junge, die geschickt spielen, Es wäre gut für unsere Köpfe, hier etwas zu lernen, Denn jetzt sind sie leer und leer voller Luft, Drei, ein Hund und ein Stück Wolle, Bring uns etwas Wissenswertes bei, Gib alles zurück, was wir letztes Jahr vergessen haben, Gib dein Bestes, den Rest kriegen wir schon alleine, Lernen und schlagen, bis uns die Köpfe schmelzen.
Suddenly, the whole school erupted in noise: Hogwarts, Hogwarts, Hogsmeade it be, Please teach us something, Whether we're bald and old, Or young and clever, Our heads could use some filling, With things we've forgotten, The air is full of emptiness, Tricks, nonsense, and bits of wool, Teach us something worth knowing, Bring back all we've forgotten, Do your best, the rest we'll figure out, Learning and studying until our heads burst.
Вдруг вся школа зашумела: Хогвартс, Хогвартс, Хоги Ворти Хогвартс, Пожалуйста, научи нас чему-нибудь, Будь мы лысые и старые Или молодые, что играют ловко, Нашим головам было бы хорошо Научиться здесь многому, Потому что сейчас они пусты и полны воздуха, Трясина, пух и комки шерсти, Научи нас чему-то, что стоит знать, Все, что мы забыли в прошлом году, верни, Дай все от себя, остальное мы сами доберемся, Уча и зубря, пока голова не треснет.
Niko od njih nije završio pesmicu istovremeno.
||||finished|the poem|at the same time
None of them finished the song at the same time.
Na kraju, samo su još Vizlijevi blizanci pevali pesmu uz melodiju laganog pogrebnog marša.
|||||the Vizlijevs|twins|sang|song|to|melody|of the slow|funeral|march
Am Ende sangen nur die Weasley-Zwillinge ein Lied zur Melodie eines leichten Trauermarsches.
In the end, only the Weasley twins were singing the song to the tune of a slow funeral march.
Dambldor je i njima do kraja dirigovao svojim čarobnim štapićem, a kada su završili, bio je među onima koji su najglasnije pljeskali.
|||||the end|directed|his|magical|wand||when||finished|||among|those|||the loudest|applauding
Dumbledore dirigierte sie mit seinem Zauberstab bis zum Ende, und als sie fertig waren, gehörte er zu denen, die am lautesten applaudierten.
Dumbledore conducted them till the end with his magic wand, and when they finished, he was among those who applauded the loudest.
– Ah, ta muzika – reče on brišući oči.
– Ah, that music – he said, wiping his eyes.
– Magija veća od svih koje ovde izvodimo!
|greater|||||we perform
- Magie größer als alles, was wir hier aufführen!
– Magic greater than any we perform here!
A sada, vreme je za spavanjac.
And now, it's time for bed.
Gotovo, brišite!
All done, off you go!
Grifindorski prvaci pođoše za Persijem kroz gomilu koja je žamorila, izađoše iz Velike sale i popeše se uz mermerno stepenište.
Gryffindor|champions|||Persia|through|the crowd|that||was murmuring|they exited||the Great|hall||climbed|||marble|staircase
Die Gryffindor-Champions folgten Persie durch die murmelnde Menge, verließen die Große Halle und stiegen die Marmortreppe hinauf.
The Gryffindor champions followed Percy through the bustling crowd, exited the Great Hall, and climbed up the marble staircase.
Harijeve noge ponovo su bile kao od olova, ali samo zato što je bio i suviše umoran i sit.
Harrys Beine waren wieder wie Blei, aber nur, weil er zu müde und voll war.
Harry's legs felt like lead again, but only because he was too tired and full.
Bio je toliko pospan da ga uopšte nije iznenadilo što ljudi na portretima duž hodnika šapuću i pokazuju na njih dok su prolazili, ili što ih je Persi dvaput proveo kroz prolaze skrivene iza pokretnih panoa i visećih tapiserija.
||||||at all||surprised|that|people||portraits|along|the hallway|whispering||pointing||them|||passing||||||twice|passed|through|passages|hidden||movable|panels||hanging|tapestry
Er war so schläfrig, dass es ihn überhaupt nicht überraschte, dass die Leute auf den Porträts entlang des Korridors flüsterten und auf sie zeigten, als sie vorbeigingen, oder dass Percy sie zweimal durch Gänge führte, die hinter beweglichen Werbetafeln und hängenden Wandteppichen verborgen waren.
He was so sleepy that he didn't even find it surprising when people in the portraits along the hallway whispered and pointed at them as they passed, or when Percy led them twice through passageways hidden behind moving panels and hanging tapestries.
Popeše se još jednim stepeništem, zevajući i jedva vukući noge, i baš kad je Hari počinjao da se pita koliko će još morati da idu, najednom stadoše.
Popeše|||one|staircase|yawning||barely|pulling|legs||just||||was starting|||wonder|how much|||to have to|||suddenly|they stopped
They climbed another staircase, yawning and dragging their feet, and just as Harry was starting to wonder how much more they would have to go, they suddenly stopped.
Gomila štapova za hodanje lebdela je u vazduhu ispred njih, a kad Persi zakorači ka njima počeše jedan po jedan da se bacaju na njega.
a pile of|of sticks||walking|hovering|||||||||steps toward||them|began to||one||||throwing||
Ein Haufen Spazierstöcke schwebte vor ihnen in der Luft, und als Percy auf sie zutrat, begannen sie, sich einer nach dem anderen auf ihn zu werfen.
A crowd of walking sticks floated in the air in front of them, and as Percy approached them, they started to throw themselves at him one by one.
Куча тростей для ходьбы висела в воздухе перед ними, и когда Перси шагнул к ним, они начали один за другим бросаться на него.
– Pivs – prošaputa Persi prvacima.
Pivs|whispered||to the champions
„Bier“, flüsterte Percy den Champions zu.
– Peeves – Percy whispered to the champions.
– Пивс – прошептал Перси первоклассникам.
– Poltergajst, kućna utvara.
– Poltergeist, the household ghost.
– Полтергейст, домашний призрак.
On povisi ton: – Pivse – pokaži se!
Er erhob seine Stimme: - Bier - zeig dich!
He raised his voice: – Peeves – show yourself!
Odgovori mu glasan i nepristojan zvuk, poput onog kad se ispušta vazduh iz balona.
Ein lautes und obszönes Geräusch antwortete ihm, wie wenn Luft aus einem Ballon entweicht.
A loud and rude sound answered him, like the one when air is released from a balloon.
– Hoćeš li da ti dovedem Krvavog Barona?
- Do you want me to bring you the Bloody Baron?
Začu se jedno malo pop i pojavi se čovečuljak s opakim crnim očima i širokim ustima, koji je lebdeo u vazduhu skrštenih nogu, čvrsto stežući štapove.
||||||appeared||little man||sinister|black|black eyes||wide|mouth|||was floating||air|crossed|legs|firmly|holding|sticks
Ein leises Knallen war zu hören, und ein kleiner Mann mit bösen schwarzen Augen und einem großen Mund erschien, der mit gekreuzten Beinen in der Luft schwebte und die Stöcke fest umklammerte.
A small 'pop' was heard and a little man with wicked black eyes and a wide mouth appeared, floating in the air with crossed legs, firmly gripping his staffs.
– Ooooooooh – reče on, zlurado se cerekajući.
Ooooooooh|||maliciously||sneeringly grinning
„Ooooooooh“, sagte er und grinste boshaft.
- Ooooooooh - he said, grinning maliciously.
– Majušni prvačići!
"Kleine Champions!"
- Tiny first-years!
Eto meni zabave!
Here's some fun for me!
A onda se, iznenada, stušti na njih.
Und dann starrt er sie plötzlich an.
And then, suddenly, he pounced on them.
Svi se naglo sagnuše.
||suddenly|bent down
They all quickly ducked.
– Odlazi, Pivse, ili će Baron čuti za ovo, ne šalim se!
he is leaving|Pivse||||hear||this||I'm not|
- Geh weg, Beers, oder der Baron erfährt davon, ich mache keine Witze!
- Leave, Peeves, or the Baron will hear about this, I'm not joking!
– zagrme Persi.
- Percy thundered.
Pivs se isplazi i iščeze, ispustivši štapove na Nevilovu glavu.
Pease kroch heraus und verschwand, wobei er Stöcke auf Nevilles Kopf fallen ließ.
Peeves stuck out his tongue and disappeared, dropping his staves on Neville's head.
Čuli su ga kako je prozujao, zakačivši u odlasku oklope koji zazvečaše.
|||||murmured|hooking||leaving|the armor||rattled
Sie hörten ihn summen und seine Rüstung anhängen, während er rasselte.
They heard him whizzing away, hitting the armor with a clang.
Они слышали, как он шуршал, зацепив в выходе доспехи, которые позвенели.
– Morate da se čuvate Pivsa – reče Persi kada su ponovo krenuli.
Вы должны|||беречься|||||||
You must|||be careful|Pivsa|||||again|set off
- You have to watch out for Peeves - Percy said when they started moving again.
– Вы должны остерегаться Пивса, – сказал Перси, когда они снова тронулись в путь.
– Krvavi Baron je jedini koji može da ga kontroliše, pošto Pivs neće da sluša čak ni nas asistente.
Bloodthirsty|||the only|who|can||it|controls|because|Pivs|will not||listen|even||us|assistants
- Der Blutige Baron ist der einzige, der ihn kontrollieren kann, denn Peeves hört nicht einmal auf uns Assistenten.
- The Bloody Baron is the only one who can control him, since Peeves won't even listen to us prefects.
– Кровавый барон -- единственный, кто может его контролировать, так как Пивс даже нас, ассистентов, не слушает.
Evo nas, stigli smo.
Hier sind wir.
Here we are, we've arrived.
Na samom kraju hodnika visio je portret vrlo debele žene u ružičastoj svilenoj haljini.
|the very|||||portrait||very thick|||pink|silk|dress
At the end of the corridor hung a portrait of a very fat woman in a pink silk dress.
– Lozinka?
- Password?
– upita ona.
- she asked.
– Kaput Drakonis – reče Persi, i portret skliznu u stranu kako bi otkrio okruglu rupu u zidu.
|of Drakonis||||the portrait|slid||the side|||reveal|round|hole||the wall
„Drachenmantel“, sagte Percy und das Porträt glitt zur Seite, um ein rundes Loch in der Wand freizulegen.
- Dragon's Coat - Percy said, and the portrait slid aside to reveal a round hole in the wall.
– Плащ Драконис – сказал Перси, и портрет сдвинулся в сторону, открывая круглое отверстие в стене.