Nyheter för 2011-10-13
Noticias de 2011-10-13
News for 2011-10-13
Dawit Isaak får pris
Dawit Isaak recebe prêmio
Давит Исаак получает награду
Dawit Isaak ödül aldı
Dawit Isaak receives award
Den svenske journalisten Dawit Isaak får journalistpriset Golden Pen of Freedom i år.
The|Swedish|journalist|Dawit|Isaak|receives|journalist prize|Golden|Pen|of|Freedom|in|year
O jornalista sueco Dawit Isaak recebe este ano o prêmio de jornalismo Caneta de Ouro da Liberdade.
İsveçli gazeteci Dawit Isaak, bu yıl Özgürlüğün Altın Kalemi gazetecilik ödülünü aldı.
The Swedish journalist Dawit Isaak receives the journalism award Golden Pen of Freedom this year.
Dawit Isaak sitter sedan år 2001 i fängelse i landet Eritrea i Afrika.
Dawit|Isaak|has been sitting|since|year|in|prison|in|the country|Eritrea|in|Africa
Dawit Isaak está preso no país da Eritreia, na África, desde 2001.
Dawit Isaak, 2001'den beri Afrika'nın Eritre ülkesinde hapiste.
Dawit Isaak has been imprisoned since 2001 in the country of Eritrea in Africa.
Han sattes i fängelse utan rättegång.
He|was placed|in|prison|without|trial
Он был заключен в тюрьму без суда и следствия.
Yargılanmadan hapse atıldı.
He was imprisoned without trial.
Dawit Isaak fängslades för att han i en tidning hade kritiserat landets ledare.
Dawit|Isaak|was imprisoned|for|that|he|in|a|newspaper|had|criticized|the country's|leader
Давит Исаак был заключен в тюрьму за критику руководства страны в одной из газет.
Dawit Isaak, bir gazetede ülke liderini eleştirdiği için hapse atıldı.
Dawit Isaak was imprisoned for criticizing the country's leaders in a newspaper.
Priset delas ut av organisationen World Association of Newspapers.
The prize|is awarded|out|by|the organization|World|Association|of|Newspapers
Премия присуждается Всемирной газетной ассоциацией.
Ödül, Dünya Gazeteler Birliği organizasyonu tarafından verilir.
The award is given by the organization World Association of Newspapers.
Priset delas ut till människor som gjort stora insatser för tidningars rätt att skriva vad de vill.
The prize|is awarded|out|to|people|who|have made|great|contributions|for|newspapers'|right|to|write|what|they|want
Премия присуждается людям, внесшим значительный вклад в обеспечение права газет писать то, что они хотят.
Ödül, gazetelerin istediğini yazma hakkı için büyük çaba sarf eden kişilere verilir.
The award is given to people who have made significant contributions to the right of newspapers to write what they want.
Dawit Isaaks bror Esaya kommer att ta emot priset.
Dawit|Isaak's|brother|Esaya|will|to|receive|accept|the prize
Награду получит брат Давита Исаака - Эсайя.
Ödülü Dawit Isaak'ın kardeşi Esaya alacak.
Dawit Isaak's brother Esaya will receive the award.
Eva Karlsson fick Ruter dam
Eva|Karlsson|received|Ruter|female dog
Eva Karlsson, Ruter hanımını aldı
Eva Karlsson received Ruter dam.
Företaget SKFs Sverige-chef Eva Karlsson har fått priset Ruter dam.
The company|SKF's|||Eva|Karlsson|has|received|the prize|Ruter|lady
SKF şirketinin İsveçli yöneticisi Eva Karlsson, Ruter barajı ödülünü aldı.
The company's SKF Sweden manager Eva Karlsson has received the Ruter dam award.
Det är ett pris som går till den kvinna som fått det viktigaste chefsjobbet under året.
It|is|a|prize|that|goes|to|the|woman|who|has received|the|most important|executive job|during|the year
Yıl boyunca en önemli yöneticilik işini alan kadına verilen bir ödül.
It is an award given to the woman who has obtained the most important management position of the year.
- Det känns jätteroligt.
It|feels|really fun
- Ощущения отличные.
- It feels really great.
För att få ännu fler kvinnor på viktiga chefsjobb måste vi fundera över vad det är som får kvinnor att vilja och våga bli chefer, säger hon.
To|(infinitive marker)|get|even|more|women|in|important|managerial positions|must|we|think|about|what|it|is|that|makes|women|(infinitive marker)|want|and|dare|become|managers|says|she
To get even more women into important management positions, we need to think about what makes women want and dare to become managers, she says.
Inga skrivna regler, säger advokaten
No|written|rules|says|the lawyer
No written rules, says the lawyer.
Socialdemokraternas ledare Håkan Juholt anklagas för att ha brutit mot riksdagens regler om hyresbidrag.
Social Democrats'|leader|Håkan|Juholt|is accused|of|to|have|broken|against|the parliament|rules|about|housing allowance
The leader of the Social Democrats, Håkan Juholt, is accused of violating the parliament's rules regarding housing allowances.
Han har fått skäll för att han tagit emot för mycket pengar i bidrag från riksdagen.
He|has|received|scolding|for|to|he|taken|in|too|much|money|in|grant|from|the parliament
He has been criticized for receiving too much money in allowances from the parliament.
Juholt bor i en lägenhet tillsammans med sin sambo.
Juholt lives in an apartment with his partner.
Han skulle därför bara få pengar för sin del av kostnaden, sade riksdagens kontor.
He|would|therefore|only|receive|money|for|his|share|of|cost|said|the parliament's|office
He should therefore only receive money for his share of the cost, said the parliament's office.
Men Juholt sökte fullt bidrag och fick alla pengarna.
But|Juholt|applied for|full|grant|and|received|all|money
But Juholt applied for the full allowance and received all the money.
Det har han fått hård kritik för och många kräver att Juholt ska avgå.
He has received harsh criticism for this and many are demanding that Juholt resign.
På torsdagen sade Juholts advokat Hans Strandberg att det inte finns några skrivna regler om riksdagspolitikernas hyresbidrag.
On|Thursday|said|Juholt's|lawyer|Hans|Strandberg|that|there|not|are|any|written|rules|about|the parliament politicians'|housing allowance
On Thursday, Juholt's lawyer Hans Strandberg stated that there are no written rules regarding the rental subsidies for parliamentarians.
Håkan Juholt kan alltså inte anklagas för att ha brutit mot riksdagens regler, säger advokaten.
Håkan|Juholt|can|therefore|not|be accused|for|to|have|broken|against|the parliament's|rules|says|the lawyer
Håkan Juholt cannot therefore be accused of violating the parliament's rules, says the lawyer.
Kris i Slovakien hindrar nödlån
Crisis|in|Slovakia|hinders|emergency loan
Crisis in Slovakia hinders emergency loans.
Euro-länderna ska godkänna ett stort nödlån till Grekland för att rädda Greklands ekonomi.
||shall|approve|a|large|emergency loan|to|Greece|to||save|Greece’s|economy
Eurozone countries are to approve a large emergency loan to Greece to save Greece's economy.
Det är bråttom, om bara någon vecka kan statens pengar vara slut.
It is urgent, in just a week the state's money could be gone.
Då räcker inte pengarna till att betala löner till alla stats-anställda.
Then|are enough|not|the money|to|to|pay|salaries|to|all||
Then there won't be enough money to pay the salaries of all state employees.
Men lånet kan dröja.
But|loan|can|take time
But the loan may take time.
I tisdags röstade Slovakiens parlament nej till lånet.
On Tuesday, Slovakia's parliament voted against the loan.
Landets regering ville godkänna lånet, och slutar nu i protest.
The country's|government|wanted|to approve|loan|and|ends|now|in|protest
The country's government wanted to approve the loan, and is now resigning in protest.
Slovakien kan snart rösta ja till ett lån till Grekland.
Slovakia may soon vote yes to a loan for Greece.
Parlamentet kan ha ett nytt möte, även om landet inte har någon regering.
The Parliament|can|have|a|new|meeting|even|if|the country|not|has|any|government
The parliament may have a new meeting, even though the country has no government.
Låga löner på populär teater
Low wages in popular theater
Glada Hudik-teatern har haft stora framgångar.
The Glada Hudik Theater has had great success.
Massor av människor har sett dem på film och teaterscenen.
Lots|of|people|have|seen|them|in|film|and|the theater stage
Lots of people have seen them in film and on the theater stage.
Nästa vecka spelar de sin Elvis-föreställning på Globen i Stockholm.
Next|week|will play|they|their|||at|Globen|in|Stockholm
Next week they will perform their Elvis show at Globen in Stockholm.
Men trots framgångarna har skådespelarna låga löner.
But|despite|the successes|have|the actors|low|salaries
But despite the successes, the actors have low salaries.
Skådespelarna, som har funktionsnedsättningar, får 920 kronor för varje föreställning.
The actors|who|have|disabilities|receive|kronor|for|each|performance
The actors, who have disabilities, receive 920 kronor for each performance.
De får inget betalt när de övar eller reser.
They do not get paid when they rehearse or travel.
Det berättar tv-programmet Uppdrag Granskning.
This is reported by the TV program Uppdrag Granskning.
- Det är helt fel.
- That is completely wrong.
Så får det inte gå till, säger Lars Åström på Teaterförbundet i programmet.
That|should|it|not|go|on|says|Lars|Åström|at|the Theatre Union|in|the program
It cannot be done like that, says Lars Åström from the Theatre Union in the program.
Teaterns ledare har tjänat många miljoner på teatern.
The theater|leader|has|earned|many|millions|from|the theater
The leaders of the theatre have earned many millions from the theatre.
Nya misstankar om fusk
New suspicions of fraud
Socialdemokraternas ledare Håkan Juholt misstänks nu för mer fusk.
Social Democrats'|leader|Håkan|Juholt|is suspected|now|of|more|fraud
The leader of the Social Democrats, Håkan Juholt, is now suspected of more fraud.
Han har fått pengar i ersättning av riksdagen för hyrbil.
He|has|received|money|in|compensation|from|the parliament|for|rental car
He has received money in compensation from the parliament for a rental car.
Det fick han till exempel den 22 mars 2007.
He received this, for example, on March 22, 2007.
Då reste han från Stockholm till Oskarshamn.
At that time, he traveled from Stockholm to Oskarshamn.
Men samma dag fick Juholt pengar för en resa med egen bil på precis samma sträcka.
But on the same day, Juholt received money for a trip with his own car on exactly the same route.
Sex-säljare från EU får jobba i Sverige
||from|EU|are allowed|to work|in|Sweden
Sex workers from the EU are allowed to work in Sweden.
Det är förbjudet att köpa sex i Sverige.
It is illegal to buy sex in Sweden.
Men trots det kan prostituerade från andra EU-länder sälja sex i Sverige.
But despite that, prostitutes from other EU countries can sell sex in Sweden.
Det har Migrationsdomstolen i Göteborg bestämt.
It|has|the Migration Court|in|Gothenburg|decided
This has been determined by the Migration Court in Gothenburg.
Sex-säljare från länder utanför EU kan den svenska polisen utvisa.
The Swedish police can deport sex sellers from countries outside the EU.
Men sex-säljare från EU-länder får rätt att stanna i Sverige i tre månader.
But|||from|||are allowed|right|to|stay|in|Sweden|for|three|months
But sex sellers from EU countries have the right to stay in Sweden for three months.
Alla EU-medborgare har rätt att röra sig fritt mellan länderna, säger EUs regler.
All|||have|right|to|move|themselves|freely|between|the countries|says|EU's|rules
All EU citizens have the right to move freely between the countries, according to EU rules.
Det är den regeln som Migrationsdomstolen har följt.
It|is|the|rule|that|Migration Court|has|followed
It is this rule that the Migration Court has followed.
Det är samma regel som förbjuder utvisning av tiggare från Sverige.
It is the same rule that prohibits the expulsion of beggars from Sweden.
De svenska poliserna är bekymrade över domen i Migrationsdomstolen.
The|Swedish|police officers|are|worried|about|ruling|in|Migration Court
The Swedish police are concerned about the ruling in the Migration Court.
De tycker att den minskar polisens möjlighet att stoppa sexhandeln.
They|think|that|it|reduces|police|ability|to|stop|sex trafficking
They believe it reduces the police's ability to stop sex trafficking.
Sverige tog silver i bordtennis-EM
Sweden won silver in the table tennis European Championship.
Sveriges herrlag tog silvermedalj i europamästerskapet i bordtennis.
Sweden|men's team|won|silver medal|in|the European Championship|in|table tennis
Sweden's men's team won the silver medal in the European Championship in table tennis.
Tyskland vann finalen med 3-0 i matcher.
Germany|won|the final|by|in|matches
Germany won the final with 3-0 in matches.
Men svenskarna kan vara nöjda ändå.
But|the Swedes|can|be|satisfied|anyway
But the Swedes can still be satisfied.
Det här var Sveriges första EM-final i bordtennis sedan 2002.
This|here|was|Sweden|first|||in|table tennis|since
This was Sweden's first European Championship final in table tennis since 2002.
I det svenska laget spelade Jörgen Persson, Per Gerell och Jens Lundquist.
In the Swedish team played Jörgen Persson, Per Gerell, and Jens Lundquist.
Utnyttjad arbetare fick pengar i skadestånd
Exploited workers received compensation.
En man från Kina arbetade 80 timmar i veckan på en restaurang i Göteborg.
A man from China worked 80 hours a week at a restaurant in Gothenburg.
Han fick knappt några pengar i lön för sitt hårda jobb.
He barely received any money in wages for his hard work.
En dag svimmade mannen på gatan.
One|day|fainted|the man|on|the street
One day the man fainted on the street.
Han var helt utmattad av det hårda jobbet.
He was completely exhausted from the hard work.
Då upptäckte myndigheterna hur mannen hade haft det på sitt jobb.
Then|discovered|the authorities|how|the man|had|had|it|at|his|job
Then the authorities discovered how the man had been treated at his job.
Nu har han fått 400 tusen kronor i skadestånd.
Now he has received 400 thousand kronor in compensation.
Restaurangen ska också betala 100 tusen kronor till fackförbundet Hotell och Restaurang.
The restaurant|shall|also|pay|thousand|kronor|to|trade union|Hotel|and|Restaurant
The restaurant will also pay 100 thousand kronor to the trade union Hotel and Restaurant.
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