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LingQ Mini Stories, 26- Simba na Chumba Chake

Simba atasafisha chumba chake.

Ana mambo mengi ya kufanya.

Kwanza, ataweka nguo zake chafu kwenye rundo.

Kisha, atafua nguo zake kwenye mashine ya kufulia.

Pia atafanya usafi chini ya kitanda chake.

Atapata mwanasesere nyingi chini ya kitanda chake.

Ataweka mwanasesere zake zote kwenye chumba.

Mwishowe, atasafisha dawati lake na kuweka kazi yake ya shule kwenye dawati lake.

Anadhani Mama yake atafurahi sana.

Hapa kuna hadithi hiyo iliyosimuliwa kwa njia tofauti.

Nilikuwa nikisafisha chumba changu.

Nilikuwa na vitu vingi vya kufanya.

Kwanza, niliweka nguo zangu chafu kwenye rundo.

Halafu, niliosha nguo zangu kwenye mashine ya kuosha.

Pia nilisafisha chini ya kitanda changu.

Nilipata mwanasesere chini ya kitanda.

Niliweka mwanasesere zote chumbani.

Hatimaye, nilisafisha meza yangu na kuweka kazi yangu ya shule kwenye meza yangu.

Nilifikiri Mama yangu angefurahi sana.


Moja: Simba atasafisha chumba chake. Simba atafanya nini? Atasafisha chumba chake.

Mbili: Ana mambo mengi ya kufanya. Je Ana mambo machache ya kufanya? Hapana, yeye hana vitu vichache vya kufanya. Ana mambo mengi ya kufanya.

Tatu: kwanza, ataweka nguo zake chafu kwenye rundo. Atafanya nini kwanza? Ataweka nguo zake chafu kwenye rundo.

Nne: Basi, ataosha nguo zake kwenye mashine ya kuosha. Basi atafanya nini? Halafu, ataosha nguo zake kwenye mashine ya kuosha.

Tano: Simba pia atasafisha chini ya kitanda chake. Je Simba atafanya nini kingine? Simba pia atasafisha chini ya kitanda chake.

Sita: Simba alikuwa akipata vitu vya kuchezea chini ya kitanda chake. Simba alikuwa akipata nini chini ya kitanda chake? Alikuwa akipata vitu vya kuchezea chini ya kitanda chake.

Saba: Simba aliweka vitu vyote vya kuchezea chumbani. Aliweka wapi vitu vya kuchezea? Aliweka vitu vyote vya kuchezea kwenye kabati.

Nane: Mwishowe, Simba alisafisha dawati lake na kuweka kazi yake ya shule hapo. Je Simba alifanya nini mwishowe? Mwishowe, Simba alisafisha dawati lake na kuweka kazi yake ya shule hapo.

Tisa: Simba alifikiria mama yake atafurahi sana. Je Simba alifikiria mama yake angehisi aje? Simba alifikiria mama yake atafurahi sana.

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Simba atasafisha chumba chake. |va nettoyer|| Simba will clean|"will clean"|room|his room Alex will clean his room. Simba va nettoyer sa chambre. סימבה ינקה את החדר שלו.

Ana mambo mengi ya kufanya. |things|many||to do He has many things to do. Il a beaucoup de choses à faire. יש לו הרבה דברים לעשות.

Kwanza, ataweka nguo zake chafu kwenye rundo. ||||||tas de First|"will put"|clothes|his/her/their|dirty|on the|pile First, he will put his dirty clothes in a pile. ראשית, הוא ישים את בגדיו המלוכלכים בערימה.

Kisha, atafua nguo zake kwenye mashine ya kufulia. |||||||laver Then|will wash||his clothes|in the|washing machine||laundering machine Then, he will wash his clothes in the washing machine.

Pia atafanya usafi chini ya kitanda chake. |"will do"|cleaning|under||under the bed|his/her/its He will also clean under his bed. הוא גם ינקה מתחת למיטה שלו.

Atapata mwanasesere nyingi chini ya kitanda chake. |poupée||||| He will find|doll|many|under|of||his Unter seinem Bett wird er viele Puppen finden. He will find many toys under the bed. Il trouvera de nombreuses poupées sous son lit. הוא ימצא בובות רבות מתחת למיטתו.

Ataweka mwanasesere zake zote kwenye chumba. will put|dolls|her|all of them|in the room| Sie wird alle ihre Puppen im Zimmer behalten. He will put all of his toys in the closet. היא תשמור את כל הבובות שלה בחדר.

Mwishowe, atasafisha dawati lake na kuweka kazi yake ya shule kwenye dawati lake. Enfin||bureau||||||||sur|bureau| In the end|will clean|desk|||to place|work|his|of|school|on|desk| Finally, he will clean up his desk and put his school work on his desk. Enfin, il nettoiera son bureau et déposera ses travaux scolaires sur son bureau.

Anadhani Mama yake atafurahi sana. He thinks|Mom||will be happy| He thinks his Mom will be very happy. Il pense que sa mère sera très heureuse.

Hapa kuna hadithi hiyo iliyosimuliwa kwa njia tofauti. Here is the same story told in a different way. Voici cette histoire racontée d’une manière différente.

Nilikuwa nikisafisha chumba changu. |en train de nettoyer|| |cleaning||my room I was cleaning my room.

Nilikuwa na vitu vingi vya kufanya. ||things|many things|| I had many things to do.

Kwanza, niliweka nguo zangu chafu kwenye rundo. |I put|||dirty|| First, I put my dirty clothes in a pile.

Halafu, niliosha nguo zangu kwenye mashine ya kuosha. Then|I washed||||||to wash Then, I washed my clothes in the washing machine.

Pia nilisafisha chini ya kitanda changu. |cleaned|||| I also cleaned under my bed.

Nilipata mwanasesere chini ya kitanda. I found|||| I found many toys under the bed.

Niliweka mwanasesere zote chumbani. ||all of them|in the room I put all of the toys in the closet.

Hatimaye, nilisafisha meza yangu na kuweka kazi yangu ya shule kwenye meza yangu. Finally||table|||||||||| Finally, I cleaned up my desk and put my school work on my desk.

Nilifikiri Mama yangu angefurahi sana. I thought|||would be happy| I thought my Mom would be very happy.

Maswali: Questions:

Moja: Simba atasafisha chumba chake. |lion||room| One: Alex will clean his room. Simba atafanya nini? What will Alex do? Atasafisha chumba chake. He will clean his room.

Mbili: Ana mambo mengi ya kufanya. ||things||| Two: Alex has many things to do. Je Ana mambo machache ya kufanya? |||a few|| Does he have a few things to do? Hapana, yeye hana vitu vichache vya kufanya. ||||few things|| No, he does not have a few things to do. Ana mambo mengi ya kufanya. He has many things to do.

Tatu: kwanza, ataweka nguo zake chafu kwenye rundo. Three: First, he will put his dirty clothes in a pile. Atafanya nini kwanza? What will he do first? Ataweka nguo zake chafu kwenye rundo. First, he will put his dirty clothes in a pile.

Nne: Basi, ataosha nguo zake kwenye mashine ya kuosha. Four||will wash|||||| Four: Then, he will wash his clothes in the washing machine. Basi atafanya nini? So|| Then what will he do? Halafu, ataosha nguo zake kwenye mashine ya kuosha. Then, he will wash his clothes in the washing machine.

Tano: Simba pia atasafisha chini ya kitanda chake. Five: Alex will also clean under his bed. Je Simba atafanya nini kingine? What||||else What else will Alex do? Simba pia atasafisha chini ya kitanda chake. Alex will also clean under his bed.

Sita: Simba alikuwa akipata vitu vya kuchezea chini ya kitanda chake. |||getting|||toys|||| Six: Alex was finding many toys under his bed. Simba alikuwa akipata nini chini ya kitanda chake? ||getting||under||| What was Alex finding under his bed? Alikuwa akipata vitu vya kuchezea chini ya kitanda chake. He was finding many toys under his bed.

Saba: Simba aliweka vitu vyote vya kuchezea chumbani. Seven||he put||all the|for playing||in the room Seven: Alex put all of the toys in the closet. Aliweka wapi vitu vya kuchezea? Where did he put the toys? Aliweka vitu vyote vya kuchezea kwenye kabati. ||all||||cabinet He put all of the toys in the closet.

Nane: Mwishowe, Simba alisafisha dawati lake na kuweka kazi yake ya shule hapo. |||cleaned|desk|||||||| Eight: Finally, Alex cleaned up his desk and put his school work there. Je Simba alifanya nini mwishowe? What did Alex do finally? Mwishowe, Simba alisafisha dawati lake na kuweka kazi yake ya shule hapo. ||cleaned||||||||| Finally, Alex cleaned up his desk and put his school work there.

Tisa: Simba alifikiria mama yake atafurahi sana. ||thought|||| Nine: Alex thought his Mom would be very happy. Je Simba alifikiria mama yake angehisi aje? |||||would feel| Glaubte Simba, seine Mutter würde spüren, wie er kam? How did Alex think his Mom would feel? Simba alifikiria mama yake atafurahi sana. Alex thought his Mom would be very happy.