معلومات عن الجزائر 2021 🇩🇿 | دولة تيوب
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Information about Algeria 2021 🇩🇿 | Tube country
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Informations sur l'Algérie 2021 🇩🇿 | État du tube
Informazioni su Algeria 2021 🇩🇿 | Paese della metropolitana
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État|tube|accueille|mes abonnés|the dear
||welcomes|its dear followers|dear
Tube State welcomes our dear followers
YouTube'un ülkesi siz değerli takipçilerimizi ağırlıyor.
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State Tube is a specialized channel
Dawlat YouTube özel bir kanaldır
في تقديم معلومات عن دول العالم
Providing information about countries of the world
Dünya ülkeleri hakkında bilgi verirken
الجمهوريه الجزائريه الديموقراطيه الشعبيه
the republic|Algerian||popular
Demokratische Volksrepublik Algerien
People's Democratic Republic of Algeria
Cezayir Demokratik Halk Cumhuriyeti
وتعرف ب الجزائر ولقبها بلد
and is known|in|Algeria|et son surnom|pays
is known|with||its nickname|
Es ist als Algerien bekannt und sein Titel ist ein Land
It is known as Algeria and its title is a country
Cezayir olarak bilinir ve unvanı bir ülkedir.
المليون ونصف المليون شهيد
million|et demi|million|
the million|and a half|one million|martyrs
Eineinhalb Millionen Märtyrer
One and a half million martyrs
Bir buçuk milyon şehit
وترجع تلك التسميه نسبة لعدد شهداء
"refers back"||the naming||the number of (1)|martyrs
This name is due to the number of martyrs
Bu isim şehit sayısından kaynaklanmaktadır.
الذين وقعوا خلال ثورة التحرير الوطني
Der während der Nationalen Befreiungsrevolution stattfand
Who took place during the National Liberation Revolution
ulusal kurtuluş devrimi sırasında gerçekleşen
التي استمرت 7.5 سنه
Was 7,5 Jahre dauerte
Which lasted 7.5 years
7.5 yıl süren
تطل شمالا علي البحر الأبيض المتوسط
looks out|northward||||Mediterranean Sea
It overlooks the north to the Mediterranean Sea
Kuzey Akdeniz'e bakıyor
وتحدها من الشمال الشرقي تونس
"and is bordered"|||northeast|Tunisia
It is bordered to the northeast by Tunisia
Tunus tarafından kuzeydoğuya sınırlanmıştır.
وشرقا ليبيا وغربا المغرب
and east||and westward|
To the east is Libya and to the west is Morocco
Ve doğu Libya ve batı Fas
عاصمته الجزائر وتقسم اداريا الي
its capital||is divided|administratively|
Its capital, Algeria, is administratively divided into:
Başkenti Cezayir'dir ve idari olarak ikiye bölünmüştür.
48 ولاه
And He appointed him
48 And he did not
48 Valah
و1541 بلديه أو مقاطعه
And 1,541 municipalities or provinces
هي اكبر دوله في افريقيا والعالم العربي
|the largest|||||
It is the largest country in Africa and the Arab world
والبحر الابيض المتوسط
and the sea||
And the Mediterranean Sea
وتبلغ مساحتها 2.382.000 كم مربع
Its area is 2,382,000 square km
اللغه الرسميه هي العربيه وتليها
||||and followed by
The official language is Arabic, followed by Arabic
اللغه الامازيغيه وبعدها اللغه الفرنسيه
|the Amazigh language|and after that||French
The Amazigh language, then the French language
دينار جزائري
Algerian Dinar
1 دولار=116,14 دينار جزائري
|dinar|Algerian dinar
1 dollar = 116.14 Algerian dinars
نظام جمهوري شبه رئاسي
A semi-presidential republic
ورئيسها عبد العزيز بوتفليقه
and its president|Abdel||Bouteflika
Its president is Abdelaziz Bouteflika
يحتل المرتبة 26 عالميا
It is ranked 26th globally
والثالث عربيا وتنفق الدولة
The third||the state spends|
The third is Arab, and the state spends
ما مقداره 10.5 مليار دولار سنويا عليه
|its amount|billion||annually|
It amounts to $10.5 billion annually
حيث بلغت أرقام قوة الجيش كالآتي
The army's strength numbers were as follows
عدد الجنود الجزائريين 512 ألف جندي
||Algerian soldiers||
The number of Algerian soldiers is 512 thousand soldiers
و400 ألف جندي احتياط
And 400 thousand reserve soldiers
451 طائرة بينها
|between them
451 aircraft among them
89 طائرة اعتراضية
89 interceptor aircraft
و99 طائرة هجومية
And 99 attack aircraft
و255 طائرة نقل
And 255 transport aircraft
و64 طائرة تدريب
And 64 training aircraft
210 هيلوكوبتر
210 helicopters
975 دبابة
975 tanks
1898 مدرعة
1898 armored
69 معدة بحرية
69 marine equipment
بها العديد من المعالم الاثريه ومنها
||||archaeological sites|
It has many archaeological landmarks, including
حديقه طاسيلي ناجر الوطنيه
|Tassili N'Ajjer|National Park|national
Tassili N'Ajjer National Park
بها العجائب عدي الطبيعيه
|the wonders|my natural|The supernatural
It has natural wonders
وادرجت من ضمن مواقع التراث العالمي
was included||among|||
It is listed among the World Heritage Sites
في قائمة واليونسكو
||and UNESCO's
On the UNESCO list
حديقه كالا الوطنيه التي ادرجت ضمن مواقع التراث العالمي
|Kala|||was listed||||
Kala National Park, which is listed as a World Heritage Site
مدينه القصبه وبها القلعه القديمه
|the Citadel||The castle|the old
The city of the Kasbah and its old castle
ومتحف حي القصوروالعديد من المنازل
and a museum|of the neighborhood|the palaces and many||houses
The Al-Qosour District Museum and many houses
والمساجد التي تتميز بهندستها المعماريه
the mosques||are distinguished|its architecture|architecture
And mosques that are distinguished by their architecture
التي تعود الي العصر العثماني
Which dates back to the Ottoman era
كنيسه نوتردام افريقيا
church|Notre Dame|
Church of Notre Dame Africa
والتي يرجع تاريخها الي القؤن التاسع عشر
||||the 19th century||
Which dates back to the nineteenth century
بها الاثار الرومانيه عدي مثل
|the ruins|Roman ruins|like|
It has Roman ruins such as Adi
(معبد تيبازه - المسرح الروماني)
(Tipaza Temple - Roman Theater)
وانشأ الرومان مكتبه عموميه وكانت تاني
and established|the Romans|library|public||"the second"
The Romans established a public library and it was again
اكبر مكتبه في العالم في ذلك الوقت
The largest library in the world at that time
مدينه وهران السياحيه وبها
city|Oran city|tourist|
The tourist city of Oran and its
قلعه سانتا كروز - قصر الثقافه
castle|Santa|Cruz|palace|culture palace
Santa Cruz Castle - Palace of Culture
ومسرح عبد القادر علوله
and theater||Abdelkader|Aloulah
And Abdel Qader Alloula Theater
تتمتع الجزائر بمناخ البحر الأبيض المتوسط
Algeria has a Mediterranean climate
حيث يكون صيفها حارا وجافا
||its summer season||and dry
Where summers are hot and dry
في حين يكون فصل الشتاء معتدلا ماطرا
هناك طريقتان للحصول علي الجنسيه الجزائريه
|two ways||||
There are two ways to obtain Algerian citizenship
وهو ان يتزوج اجنبي جزائريه
|||foreign man|Algerian woman
It is for a foreigner to marry an Algerian woman
او يتزوج جزائري اجنبيه
Or an Algerian marries a foreigner
40,263,711 نسمه منهم
99% مسلمين 1% مسيحيين ويهود
Muslims|Christians|and Jews
99% Muslims, 1% Christians and Jews
التسامح والمحبه والحريه
tolerance|and love|and freedom
Tolerance, love and freedom
والبساله ومساندة المظلوم
bravery|supporting|the oppressed
Valor and support of the oppressed
الاسلام هو الدين الكثر شيوعا
|||most widely|
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