elder sister
離開 自己 屋企 , 一 個 人 走 出嚟
leave home|own|||||walks|
Leave your house and come out alone.
一 個 陌生 地方 , 乜 都 覺得 新奇
In a陌生 place, everything feels novel.
星期日 嘅 下午 , 難得 一 日 假期
On a Sunday afternoon, a rare day off.
識 到 新 嘅 朋友 , 佢 又 嚟自 印尼
know||new|||||comes from|Indonesia
Met a new friend, who is from Indonesia.
為咗 養家 我哋 決定 嚟 呢度 奮鬥
in order to|support the family||decide|||struggle
We decided to come here to fight for our family.
奮鬥 原因 當然 係 養活 一 家 幾 口
|reason|of course||support||||
Of course, the reason for the struggle is to support a family.
每 日 辛苦 做嘢 , 靠 我 自己 雙手
|||work|rely on|||two hands
I work hard every day, with my own hands.
視像 同 你 傾計 唔會 畀 你 睇 到 傷口
The video won't show you the wound when we talk to you.
有朝一日 我 揾 夠 錢 返去 起 大屋
One day||find|||||big house
One day I'll get enough money to go back to the house.
足夠 仔女 供書 教學 我 就 心滿意足
enough||provide education|teaching||then|contented
If I have enough children to teach, I'll be satisfied.
希望 佢哋 努力 讀書 做 一 個 有用 嘅 人
I want them to study hard and be useful.
做 自己 鍾意 做 嘅 嘢 去 睇 下 自由 女神
Do what you want to do. Go see Goddess of Liberty.
好 喇 乖仔 你 去 叫 爺爺 嫲嫲 過嚟 聽
||good boy|||||||listen
Okay, good boy, go and ask your great-grandmother to come and listen.
係 呀 呢度 冇 人 蝦 我 你哋 唔使 驚
Yes, there are no people here so you don't need to be afraid.
我 每 餐 都 有 食 飽 你哋 唔使 擔心
I have enough to eat at every meal, so you don't need to worry.
你 睇 我 瘦 咗 啲 咩 ?
Do you see I've lost some weight?
我 呢排 有 玩 健身
I've been playing fitness.
你哋 叫 我 注意 身體 我 全部 聽 得 到
而家 幫 我 叫 老公 過嚟 聽 啦 好 唔 好
And help me ask my husband to come over and listen to me, okay?
老公 我 喺 呢度 做嘢 都 唔係 咁 辛苦
Honey, I'm not that hard at work here.
我 匯 返去 啲 錢 你 數 清楚 唔好 斷估
I will transfer the money back, make sure you account for it clearly and don't make random guesses.
我 唔 喺度 嘅 日子 幫 我 照顧 好 父母
While I'm not here, please take good care of my parents.
仲有 仔女 啲 功課 幫手 睇 下 有冇 做 好
And help your son and daughter to see if they have done their homework well.
老闆 話 聖誕節 畀 我 放 足 三 個 星期 假
My boss told me to take three weeks off for Christmas.
我 已經 買 咗 機票 到時 你 先 出嚟 接 我 啦
||||plane ticket|||||pick up||
I've already bought the plane ticket. You'll pick me up first.
好 喇 講 住 咁 多 先 你 知道 我 愛 你哋
Okay, I've said so much. You know I love you.
我 要 瞓 喇 聽朝 六點 做嘢 又 要 早 起
I have to sleep in, listen to the 6:00 a.m., and get up early.
電話 收 咗 線 之後 我 都 嘆 咗 一 口 氣
I sighed when the phone was disconnected.
試問 有 邊個 出嚟 做嘢 嘅 人 會 唔 掛住 屋企
may I ask||||||||||
Whoever comes out to do something will not hang up the house?
日復一日 , 我哋 做嘢 年復一年
day after day|||year after year
幫 老闆 一 家 做嘢 已經 將近 十七 年
I've been helping my boss's family for almost 17 years.
好 多謝 佢哋 一 家 由始至終 都 咁 信任 我
|||||from start to finish|||trust|
由 阿B 啱啱 出世 畀 我 湊 到 而家 牛龜 咁 大 個
|Ah B|||||raise|||turtle|||
Bee was just born to give me a big cow turtle.
我 將 自己 最 美好 嘅 時光 貢獻 呢個 家
I dedicate my best moments to this family.
係 時候 要 返去 照顧 返 我 印尼 屋企 啦
It's time for me to go back to take care of my house in Indonesia.
你哋 一家人 嗰日 仲 特登 請假 一齊 送 我 機
|||||take leave||||
Your family took the day off to give me a lift.
阿B 個 傻豬 仲 攬 住 我 喊 到 企 都 企 唔 起
||silly pig||holding|||||||||
B's stupid ass held me up and yelled at me for not getting up.
希望 你哋 揾 到 一 個 同樣 愛 你哋 嘅 姐姐
I hope you find a sister who loves you as much as you do.
希望 你哋 會 好似 愛 我 一樣 噉樣 愛護 佢
||||||||care for|
I hope you'll love him as much as you love me.
你哋 隨時 過嚟 揾 我 我 都 歡迎 你 光臨
多謝 你哋 , 我 喺 呢個 世界 上 嘅 另外 一家人
Thanks to you, my other family in this world.