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Cantonese without toil, 第 七十五 堂

第 七十五 堂

探 人

陣間 去 醫院 探 阿愛 。 買 乜嘢 畀 佢 呀 ?

佢 啱啱 生 咗 個 女 , 咁 送 一 紮 靚 鮮花 啦 。

重 唔少得 一 籃 生果 添 。 佢 要 照顧 BB , 梗係 要 食 多 啲 有益 嘅 嘢 啦 。

練習 一 翻譯

佢哋 打算 唔 生 BB , 想 過 二 人 世界 喎 。

打麻雀 呀 ? 梗係 唔少得 星仔 啦 。

新年 嗰陣 , 個個 都 去 探 親戚 同 朋友 。

啲 媽媽 生 完 細路仔 會 好 攰 同 好 想 休息 㗎 。

呢啲 鮮花 好 抵 呀 , 買 一 紮 送 一 紮 喎 。

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第 七十五 堂 |seventy-five| Lesson 75 Salle 75 ホール75 Hal 75 第七十五堂

探 人 Seek out| Visiting Someone

陣間 去 醫院 探 阿愛 。 in a moment||hospital|visit|Ah Ai Let's go to the hospital to visit Ah Oi. 買 乜嘢 畀 佢 呀 ? ||to buy|| What should we buy for her?

佢 啱啱 生 咗 個 女 , 咁 送 一 紮 靚 鮮花 啦 。 |just now||||||give||a bunch||fresh flowers| She just gave birth to a baby girl, so let's get her a bunch of beautiful flowers.

重 唔少得 一 籃 生果 添 。 |"can't miss"||basket|fruit| And also a basket of fruits. 佢 要 照顧 BB , 梗係 要 食 多 啲 有益 嘅 嘢 啦 。 ||take care of|baby||||||beneficial||| She needs to take care of the baby, so she should eat more nutritious food.

練習 一 翻譯 Practicing Translation

佢哋 打算 唔 生 BB , 想 過 二 人 世界 喎 。 They don't plan to have a baby, they want to enjoy their life together.

打麻雀 呀 ? How about playing mahjong? 梗係 唔少得 星仔 啦 。 |must be|| Of course, we must have the tiles.

新年 嗰陣 , 個個 都 去 探 親戚 同 朋友 。 New Year|"that time"|everyone|||visit||| During Chinese New Year, everyone visits relatives and friends.

啲 媽媽 生 完 細路仔 會 好 攰 同 好 想 休息 㗎 。 |||give birth to|baby|will||tired||||rest|emphasis particle After giving birth, mothers will feel tired and want to rest.

呢啲 鮮花 好 抵 呀 , 買 一 紮 送 一 紮 喎 。 these|fresh flowers||worth it|emphasis particle||||||bunch| These flowers are reasonably priced, let's buy one bunch and get one bunch for free.