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Cantonese without toil, 第 十六 堂

第 十六 堂


今晚 食 乜嘢 呀 ?

唔 知道 呀 。 你 話 啦 。

食 中國菜 吖 。

唔好 。

咁 試 日本 嘢 , 好 唔好 呀 ?

好 吖 。

練習 一 翻譯

我哋 係 中國人 。

馬仔 唔 知道 去 邊度 。

尋晚 你 食 咗 乜嘢 呀 ?

佢 要 唔要 水 ?

你 話 佢哋 襯 唔 襯 ?

練習 三 聽讀



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第 十六 堂 number|Lesson Sixteen|class Lektion 16 Lesson 16 Sala Decimosexta Classe 16 クラス16 클래스 16 Igreja 16 16 класс 第十六堂

食嘢 manger quelque chose Eat food 食べ物 Eat something.

今晚 食 乜嘢 呀 ? ce soir||| tonight|"eat"|"What"| 今晩||| What are we eating tonight?

唔 知道 呀 。 |"don't know"| I don't know. 你 話 啦 。 |"say"| You decide.

食 中國菜 吖 。 ||particule finale |Chinese food|"okay" |中華料理| Let's eat Chinese food.

唔好 。 Don't. No, let's not.

咁 試 日本 嘢 , 好 唔好 呀 ? ||Japon|||| |try|Japan|things||Don't want| How about trying Japanese food, is it good?

好 吖 。 |ah Yes, it is.

練習 一 翻譯 ||translation Practice translation.

我哋 係 中國人 。 ||Chinois "We"||Chinese people We are Chinese.

馬仔 唔 知道 去 邊度 。 Lackey||"know"|to go|where to go 아기 말|||| The child doesn't know where to go.

尋晚 你 食 咗 乜嘢 呀 ? hier soir||||| last night||ate|"did"|what|"did you" 어젯밤||||| What did you eat last night?

佢 要 唔要 水 ? ||ne pas| ||want or not| Does he want water?

你 話 佢哋 襯 唔 襯 ? ||they/them|match||match well |||지지||지지 ||彼ら||| Do you think it suits them? 你 話 佢哋 襯 唔 襯 ?

練習 三 聽讀 연습|| Practice listening and reading.

知道 Know Know.

呢度 Here Here.

soir Evening Evening.


食 - Eat

translate 번역 譯 - Translate

pays Country 國 - Country

wok Wok 鑊 - Wok

ce livre Book 本 - Book

cup 杯 - Cup

Vegetable 菜 - Dish

Table 枱 - Table

丫 - You

啦 - Particle used to indicate a completed action or suggestion