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張悦楷講《三國演義》, 016

嗰 日 , 呂布 第一 仗 就 打贏 咗 曹操 , 高興 非常 , 佢 收兵 回營 , 慰勞 士兵 。 陳 宮 就 提醒 佢 : 將軍 呀 , 西寨 係 個 緊要 嘅 地方 嚟 噃, 如果 曹操 今晚 走 去 偷襲 佢 , 噉 點啊 ? 呂布 話 嘞 : 嘿 , 佢 今日 先至輸 咗 一場 , 仲敢 嚟 咩 ! 唔 係 呀 , 將軍 , 曹操 此人 極會 用兵 㗎 , 要 提防 佢 攻 我 不備 呀 。 陳 宮 到底 講服 咗 呂布 , 就 派 高順 同埋 魏續 、 侯成 帶兵 去 守 西寨 。 好 喇 , 曹操 佢 呢 喺 天黑 嘅 時候 帶兵 嚟 到 西寨 , 四面 一齊 衝入 去 , 嗰 啲 寨 兵 抵擋 唔 住 就 四散 逃跑 。 曹操 順順利利 就 奪 咗 西寨 啦 。 到 咗 四 更天 , 高順 先至 帶兵 嚟 到 , 哦 ? 乜失 咗 呀 ? 即刻 就 殺入 去 。 曹操 佢 自己 帶兵 嚟 迎戰 就 撞 正高順 就 展開 一場 混戰 嘞 。 打 到 上下 天光 嘅 時候 , 喺 正西 便 , 鼓聲 大 震 。 咩 事 啊 ? 原來 係 呂布 親自 帶兵 嚟 到 啊 噫 呀 ! 不得了 ! 曹操 唔 要 西寨 咯 , 即刻 撤退 走 人 。 喺 佢 後 便 , 高順 、 魏續 、 侯成 搏命 咁 追住 嚟 。 前 便 呢 , 呂布 當頭 帶兵 嚟 到 咯 。 于禁 、 樂進 兩個 一齊 都 打 唔 過 呂布 。 曹操 轉左 就 向 咗 北方 走 。 行 咗 冇 耐 , 喺 山後 一彪 軍馬 撞出 嚟 , 哼 , 左有 張 遼 , 右有 臧霸 。 曹操 就 命令 呂虔 、 曹洪去 打 佢 哋 , 唔 夠打 。 曹操 馬上轉 左 , 去 咗 向 西 便 走 。 忽然間 , 嘩 哦 , 噉 吶喊聲 震天動地 , 一彪 軍馬 迎面 嚟 到 嘞 。 只見 郝萌 、 曹性 、 成廉 、 宋憲 四員 將領 呀 攔住 去路 。 弊 喇 ! 畀 人 哋 包圍住 喇 ! 曹操 手下 啲 將領 呀 死 打 啦 , 曹操 身先士卒 , 帶頭 沖 陣 。 啵 啵 啵 啵 啵 啵 , 梆子 一響 , 啲 箭 好似 驟雨 噉 射過 嚟 。 曹操 就 半步 都 唔 前進 得 , 就 冇 計甩 身 嘞 呢 勻 。 曹操 大聲 噉 嗌: 邊個 嚟 救 我 啊 ! 邊個 嚟 救 我 啊 ! 喺 呢 個 時候 , 只見 馬 軍隊 伍 裏頭 , 有個 將軍 飛馬 而出 。 原來 佢 係 典 韋 呀 , 佢 舞 住 一對 大 鐵戟 , 佢 話 : 主公 唔 使 怕 , 我 嚟 喇 ! 佢 飛身 落馬 , 插住 嗰 對 戟 , 另外 攞 咗 十幾支 短戟 , 就 夾住 喺 手 嚟 。 對 身邊 嘅 衛兵 講 : 賊兵 嚟 到 十步 遠 就 嗌 我 啦 。 講完 就 放開 腳步 , 冒住 箭 雨 向前 行 。 呂布 嗰 便 有 幾十個 馬 軍 追住 嚟 。 個 衛兵 大聲 嗌 話 : 十步 喇 ! 典韋話 : 五步 就 嗌 我 ! 好 快唧 , 個 衛兵 又 嗌 嘞 : 五步 喇 ! 五步 喇 ! 於是 典韋 就 𠻘 噉 一戟 ,𠻘 噉 一戟 , 將短 戟 飛過去 刺 嗰 啲 馬 軍 。 一戟 一個 , 跌 晒 落馬 , 冇 個 唔 中 嘅 , 眨 下眼 , 連氣 殺 咗 十幾個 人 。 其餘 嗰 啲 , 哎呀 , 咪 搵 條命 嚟 校飛 嘞 , 趯 返 扯 。 典韋 又 試飛 身上 馬 , 挺起 一對 大 鐵戟 衝殺 入去 。 郝萌 、 曹性 、 成廉 、 宋憲 , 四個 都 頂 佢 唔 住 呀 , 各有 各 逃跑 。 典韋 殺 散 咗 敵軍 , 救返 曹操 出 嚟 。 其他 嘅 將領 呢 隨後 亦 都 嚟 到 , 會 齊 之後 就 搵 路 返 去 啦 。 一路行 , 眼睇 住 就 嚟 到 黃昏 , 背後 又 聽見 吶喊聲 , 嘩 ! 原來 係 呂布 跑 衡馬 , 舞住 方天畫 戟 追到 嚟 佢 大聲 嗌 話 : 曹操 奸賊 ! 你 咪 走 啊 ! 呢 個 時候 真 係 人困馬乏 啊 , 大家 你 睇 我 我 睇 你 , 呢 趟 都 怕 實死 冇 生咯 。 曹操 正在 危急 萬分 , 喺 正南方 一彪 軍馬 趕到 , 原來 係 夏侯惇 帶兵 嚟 救 , 截住 呂布 大戰 。 一直 鬥到 黃昏時分 , 叭叭 聲落 起 傾盆大雨 , 噉 就 想 打 都 唔 打 得 嘞 , 各自 收兵 。 曹操 返到 營寨 呀 , 重重 賞賜 典韋 , 升 咗 佢 做 領軍 都尉 。 而家 講下 呂布 , 佢 回 營 之後 就 同陳宮 商量 。 陳 宮 就 同 佢 諗 到 條 計 仔 喎 , 佢 話 : 我 哋 濮陽 城裏 頭有 個 大 有錢 佬 姓 田 嘅 , 呢 淨 係 侍候 佢 嘅 幫 佢 做 嘢 嘅 人 就 成千成百 , 喺 一 郡 之中 , 講錢 多 就 數起 佢 㗎 嘞 。 嗯 , 噉 點呢 ? 將軍 , 我 哋 叫 佢 派 個人 送 封信 去 曹操 嗰 處 , 話 呂溫侯 太過 殘暴 喇 , 民心 怨恨 到極 啊 。 而 家 佢 要 帶兵 轉移 去 黎陽 , 城內 呢 就 淨 得 高 順 喺 度 唧 。 請 你 哋 喺 夜晚 進兵 偷襲 , 我 做 內應 啦 噉 。 曹操 如果 嚟 , 就 引 佢 入 城 , 四面 城門 一齊 放火 , 外便 就 埋伏 定 兵馬 。 到 其時 呀 , 哼哼 , 就算 曹操 佢 有 經天緯地 之才 , 叻 到 會 飛 都 好 , 亦 都 飛 唔 甩 啦 嘛 將軍 。 冇 錯 ! 就照 你 呢 條計 仔去 做 啦 ! 於是 呂布 就 秘密 噉 命令 嗰 個 有錢 佬 田氏 啊 , 叫 佢 派 個人 去 見 曹操 。 曹操 因為 新 新 打敗 咗 一場 仗 , 正 喺 諗 緊 辦法 。 忽然 報告 話田氏 有人 送 密信 嚟 喎 噉 , 曹操 就 叫 嗰 個人 入 嚟 。 接 咗 信 打開 嚟 一 睇 , 信 裏 便 話 : 呂布 已經 去 咗 黎陽 , 城內 空虛 。 萬望 速來 , 當為 內應 。 城頭 上 插 白旗 , 上面 寫住 義字 , 就 係 暗號 噉 。 曹操 一拍 大 髀 : 嘿 , 得 嘞 , 上天 整定 我 得 濮陽 喇 ! 佢 重重 噉 打賞 咗 送信 嘅 人 , 跟 住 就 吩咐 準備 起兵 。 劉曄 對 曹操 話 嘞 : 主公 啊 , 呂布 雖然 無謀 , 之陳宮 又 多 計 噃。 就 怕 佢 其中 有詐 , 不可不 防 啊 。 主公 你 要 去 嘅 話 , 就要 將 三軍 分為 三隊 。 兩隊 喺 城外 埋伏 接應 , 一隊 入 城 , 噉 至 好 啊 。 曹操 聽 佢 話 , 就將 啲 兵 分為 三隊 , 一直 就 嚟 到 濮陽 城下 。 曹操 佢 自己 首先 去 觀察 一下 , 見到 城頭 上 插 滿 晒 旗幟 。 誒 , 冇 錯 喇 冇 錯 喇 。 只見 喺 西門 角上 有 一面 義字 白旗 , 嗯 , 個心 就 暗暗 歡喜 嘞 噃。 當日 中午 , 城門 打開 , 兩員 將軍 帶兵 出 嚟 打過 : 前軍 係 侯成 , 後軍 係 高順 。 曹操 即刻 叫典 韋 出馬 就 直取 侯成 。 侯成 抵敵 唔 住 , 回馬 就 跑 返入 城 。 典韋 猛追 到 吊橋 邊 , 高順 呢 亦 都 攔 佢 唔 住 , 都 退 埋入 城 嘞 。 就 喺 人馬 垃雜 之間 啊 有 個 軍佬 乘機 混 咗 過 嚟 去 見 曹操 , 話 係 田 氏 嘅 使者 就 呈 上 一封 密信 。 封信 嘅 大意 話 : 今晚 初 更 時分 , 城上 打鑼 為號 , 聽見 鑼聲 就 可以 進兵 , 到 時 我 就 獻門 噉 。 好 喇 , 到 咗 夜晚 嘞 , 曹操 命令 夏侯惇 帶 一支 部隊 在 左 。 曹洪帶 一支 部隊 在 右 , 自己 就 帶 住 夏侯淵 、 李典 、 樂進 、 典韋 四員 大將 , 率 另 一支 部隊 呀 準備 衝入 城 。 李典 話 : 主公 , 你 仲 係 喺 城外 好 啊 , 等 我 哋 入 城先 啦 。 曹操 話 嘞 : 噉 唔 得 , 我 唔 親自 去 , 邊個 肯 向前 啊 ? 於是 曹操 一馬當先 就 帶兵 直入 。 當時 正 係 初 更 , 個 月 就 未曾 上 , 天色 黑 麻麻 。 突然 間 , 聽見 西門 上 便 嗚 —— 嗚嗚 咁 吹響 螺殼 。 哦 嗬 ! 吶喊聲 一起 , 門上 便 , 哄 聲點 起 晒 火把 , 跟 住 就 城門 大開 , 吊橋 放落 。 曹操 會錯意 喇 , 歡喜 過頭 啊 , 吹 螺殼 咋 嘛 佢 以 為 打 鑼 , 以為 真 係 田氏獻門 喇 就 出力 一鞭 隻 馬 , 放開 四蹄 就 爭先 衝入 去 。 一直 衝到 入 去 州 衙門 , 奇怪 嘞 , 一路 連 人影 都 冇 個 噃, 弊 ! 曹操 知道 中計 嘞 連忙 撥轉 馬頭 大喝一聲 : 退兵 ! 點知 衙門 裏 便 轟 噉 一聲 炮響 , 東南西北 四道 城門 , 烈火 沖天 而 起 啊 。 當時 金鼓齊鳴 , 喊 殺聲 呀 簡直 好似 倒海翻江 噉 。 只見 東 巷裏 便 殺出 張 遼 , 西 巷裏 便 殺出 臧霸 , 喺 兩 便 夾攻 掩殺 過 嚟 。 曹操 即刻 向 住 北門 走 , 哎呀 , 喺 路邊 又 殺出 郝萌 、 曹性 啊 截住 又 殺 咗 一陣 。 曹操 急急 走 去 南門 啦 , 嘿 , 又 畀 高順同 侯成 攔住 。 典韋 就 咬緊牙關 睩 大 雙眼 衝殺 出去 , 打到 高順 、 侯成 趯 咗 出城 。 典韋 殺 到 吊橋 , 一 擰 轉頭 , 咦 ? 唔 見 咗 曹操 , 弊 嘞 ! 乜 佢 冇 跟 出 嚟 咩 ? 一 翻身 又 殺 返入 去 城 , 喺 城門 下 便 撞見 李典 就 問 佢 嘞 : 主公 喺 邊 處 啊 ? 哎 , 我 都 搵 唔 到 啊 。 李將軍 , 你 出去 城外 催 救兵 , 我入 去 搵 主公 。 李典 啊 快馬加鞭 出 咗 去 。 典韋 就 殺 返入 去 城內 , 四圍 咁 搵 曹操 都 搵 唔 到 , 佢 又 發 返 出去 城壕 旁邊 。 呢 次 就 撞 到 樂進 嘞 , 樂進 問 : 主公 呢 ? 吓 , 喺 邊 處 啊 ? 哎 , 我 來回 搵 咗 兩次 都 搵 唔 到 啊 ! 誒 , 嚟 , 我 哋 一齊 殺入 去 救 主公 啦 。 兩個 人衝 到 去 門邊 , 城頭 上 揋 啲 火炮 落 嚟 , 樂進 隻 馬 衝唔 入 去 。 典韋 啊 真 係 搏命 喇 , 佢 冒煙 突火 , 又 殺 返入 去 , 到處 咁 搵 曹操 。 究竟 曹操 去 咗 邊度 呢 ? 先頭 , 佢 係 跟 住 典 韋 後 便 嘅 , 見典 韋殺 咗 出去 嘞 , 佢 又 想 跟 住 衝出去 嘞 噃, 唔 得 , 因為 四面 人馬 都 截住 過 嚟 嘞 , 出 唔 到 南門 。 佢 返 轉頭 再轉 北門 啦 , 喺 火光 掩映 之下 , 哎呀 , 弊 家伙 ! 撞 正 呂布 挺 戟 躍馬 迎面 而 嚟 。 曹操 即刻 用 隻 手 遮住 塊面 ,𢝵 噉 出力 將 隻 馬 一鞭 ,𠽤𠽤𡃈 噉 就 居然 就 跑 咗 過去 喎 。 呂布 一勒轉 隻 馬 追上 嚟 , 將支 戟 喺 曹操 個頭 盔 上 便 ,㩧 噉 打 咗 一下 , 喝 佢 話 : 喂 ! 曹操 喺 邊度 啊 ? 哈哈 曹操 真 係 鬼馬 , 佢 順手 一指 : 呢 , 前 便 騎 黃馬 嗰 個 就 係 啊 。 呂布 一聽 , 掉 開 呢 個 真 曹操 , 縱 馬向前 猛追 嘞 噃。 咦 呀 , 真好 彩數 啊 ! 曹操 即刻 撥轉 馬頭 , 向 住 東門 嗰 便 跑 過去 , 冇 幾耐 就 撞 啱 典韋 。 主公 , 你 跟 我 嚟 ! 典韋 啊 保護 住 曹操 , 殺 開條 血路 就 嚟 到 城門 邊 。 嘩 , 好 大火 啊 ! 喺 城頭 上推 啲 柴草 落 嚟 , 遍地 都 係 火 。 典韋用 支戟 撥開 啲 火 , 飛馬 冒煙 突火 衝出去 先 。 曹操 就 搏命 跟 到 實啦 。 哈 , 啱 啱 衝到 城門 下 便唧 , 點知 嘞 嘣 啊 , 一條 燒到 酣 酣 聲 嘅 大梁 啊 , 喺 城門 上面 跌落 嚟 , 哈有 咁 啱 , 打正 曹操 匹 馬 嘅 蘿 柚 , 匹馬 卟 聲 跌倒 咗 。 曹操 矛起 上 嚟 , 就 噉 用 手將 條梁 推開 落地 , 嘩 , 手 啊 鬍鬚 啊 頭髮 啊 都 畀 火燒 親 嘞 。 典韋出 咗 去 擰 轉頭 一睇 , 咦 , 危險 ! 即刻 回馬 嚟 救 , 啱 啱 夏侯淵 亦 趕到 嚟 。 兩個 人 一齊 救起 曹操 , 突火 衝出去 。 曹操 啊 騎 咗 夏侯淵 匹馬 , 典韋 在 前 , 殺 開條 大路 猛 走 啊 。 就 係 噉 樣 , 一直 混戰 到 天光 大白 , 曹操 先至 返到 去 營寨 。 曹操 險死 還生 , 所有 嘅 將官 都 嚟 請安 啦 。 哈 , 曹操 一 啲 都 唔 在意 噃, 佢 反而 哈哈大笑 噉 話 : 哈哈哈 哈哈哈 ! 誤中 匹夫 嘅 奸計 , 我 實要 報 返仇 ! 郭嘉話 嘞 : 如果 有 辦法 就 快 啲 打 好 啊 。 哈哈哈 哈哈哈 , 而家 最好 就 係 將計就計 , 話 我 畀 火燒 傷 , 已經 死 咗 嘞 , 噉 呂布 必定會 帶兵 嚟 攻 嘅 。 我 哋 喺 馬陵山 埋伏 定 人馬 , 等 呂布 嘅 部隊 過 咗 一半 嘅 時候 , 攔腰 打 佢 , 實捉 到 呂布 嘅 。 啊 , 主公 嘅 計策 係 使得 啊 ! 於是 就 通令 全軍 掛孝 , 扮 喪事 放聲大哭 , 詐諦 話 曹操 已經 死 咗 嘞 噉 。 啲 探子 探聽到 消息 , 即刻 就 去 濮陽 報告 呂布 , 話 曹操 畀 火燒 傷 咗 , 返到 軍營 就 死 咗 嘞 噉 。 呂布 真 係 點起 軍馬 , 就 殺 奔 馬陵山 噃。 點知 就 嚟 到 曹 營 嘅 時候 , 戰鼓 一響 , 伏兵 㗾 噉 衝出 嚟 圍住 猛打 。 呂布 就 搏命 打 咗 輪 先至 甩身 , 亦 損失 唔 少 人馬 , 趯 咗 返去 濮陽 城 , 從此 之後 呢 一直 堅守 再 唔 出 嚟 打 喇 。 呢 一年 啊 , 發生 咗 災害 , 咩 災呢 ? 蝗蟲 災 。 將 啲 禾 都 食 晒 。 喺 關東 嘅 地區 , 一石谷 呀 , 賣 到 五十 貫錢 。 唉 ! 慘咯 , 搞 到 人 食人 都 有 啊 ! 曹操 因為 軍隊 缺糧 , 就 率領 部隊 返去 鄄城 暫時 住 落先 。 呂布 呢 , 亦 帶兵 去 山陽 地區 , 即 係 而家 山東 金鄉縣 附近 嘞 嚟 搵 食 。 因此 呢 , 雙方 實際上 就 收兵 唔 打 嘞 。 而家返 轉頭 講下 陶謙 。 佢 當時 喺 徐州 就 已經 係 六十三歲 , 前 嗰 排 得 咗 病 , 病 就 越 嚟 越重 。 呢 一日 , 佢 叫 糜 竺 、 陳 登 嚟 商量 。 糜竺 就 話 : 上次 曹兵 撤走 咗 , 不過 係 因為 呂布 攻陷 咗 佢 嘅 兗州 唧 。 而家 遇到 荒年 , 佢 哋 罷兵 休戰 , 睇 嚟 到 咗 出年 春天 , 曹兵 一定 又 會 嚟 㗎 喇 。 以前 大人 你 兩次 想 讓位 畀 劉玄德 , 不過 嗰 陣 時 大人 你 嘅 身體 仲 係 好 強健 , 所以 玄德 就 唔 肯受 吖 。 而家 大人 嘅 病 已經 好 沉重 咯 , 趁 呢 個 時候 將 徐州 交 畀 佢 , 噉 劉玄德 就 唔 會 再 推辭 㗎 喇 。 陶謙好 同意 佢 呢 個 意見 , 立即 派 人 去 小沛 請 劉備 嚟 商量 軍務 。 劉備 帶 埋 關羽 、 張飛 , 仲有 幾十名 馬 軍 跟 住 一齊 嚟 到 徐州 。 陶謙 請 佢 哋 入 到 臥室 見面 。 劉備 問候 完 , 陶謙 就 話 嘞 : 誒 , 今日 , 今日 請 玄德公 你 嚟 , 誒 冇 咩 嘢 第樣 事 , 誒 只 係 因為 老夫 嘅 病 啊 , 已經 好 重好 危險 咯 , 咳咳 咳 咳 咳 咳 , 我話 去 就 去 㗎 喇 。 誒 萬望 玄德公 啊 , 可憐 下 , 以漢家 城池 為重 , 接受 咗 徐州 嘅 大印 , 噉 , 誒 噉 老夫 死 亦 眼閉 嘞 。 大人 , 你 有 兩個 仔 啊 , 點解 唔 傳 畀 佢 哋 呢 ? 唉 ! 大仔 阿商 , 二仔 阿應 , 佢 兩 兄弟 , 佢 兩 兄弟 嘅 本事 才學 , 都 擔當 唔 起 呢 個 責任 嘅 。 老夫 死 咗 之後 啊 , 仲 希望 玄德公 你 , 你 要 時時 指教 下 佢 哋 。 千祈千祈 唔 好 畀 佢 哋 掌管 徐州 嘅 軍政 大事 啊 ! 噉 , 我 一個 人點 能夠 擔當 呢 個 咁 重大 嘅 責任 呢 ? 玄德公 啊 , 等 老夫 舉薦 一個 人 畀 你 , 佢 啊 可以 輔助 你 嘅 。 呢 , 佢 係 北海 人 , 姓孫 , 名乾 , 字公 祐 , 呢 個人 可以 任命 佢 做 從事 嘅 。 陶謙 又 對 糜竺 話 嘞 : 劉公 係 當今 豪傑 , 你 以後 要 好好 噉 跟隨 侍奉 佢 啊 。 劉備 始終 都 係 推辭 。 講講 下 , 陶謙 唔 得 喇 , 唔 出得聲 嘞 , 就 用 隻 手指 下個 心 , 噉 就 斷氣 死 咗 嘞 。 陶謙一死 , 即刻 舉哀 發喪 , 啲 人 就將 徐州 嘅 大印 交 畀 劉玄德 。 劉玄德 仲 係 唔 肯 接 噃。 第二日 , 徐州 啲 老百姓 湧晒 嚟 衙門 前 便 跪 齊 喺 處 , 喊 啊 。 佢 哋 話 嘞 : 劉使君 , 如果 唔 肯 接手 管理 徐州 , 我 哋 就 好 難 好 難過 日 㗎 喇 。 關羽 、 張飛 兩個 亦 都 再三 勸 佢 , 劉備 呀 噉 先至 應承 暫時 管住 先 。 佢 任命 孫乾 、 糜竺 做 副手 , 陳 登 做幕官 , 就 調小 沛 嘅 全部 軍馬 入 城 , 出榜 安民 。 同時 呢 又 安排 陶 謙 嘅 喪事 , 以 劉備 為首 , 上下 大小 軍士 一律 掛孝 , 大設 祭奠 , 祭完 嘞 , 就 喺 黃河 個 平原 上 , 將陶謙 安葬 好 。 然後 , 就 將陶 謙 嘅 遺 表 , 即 係 陶謙 臨死 之前 嘞 寫 畀 皇帝 嘅 報告 , 申奏 朝廷 。 好 嘞 , 而家 講下 曹操 。 佢 喺 鄄城 聽聞 陶謙 已經 死 咗 , 劉玄德 接管 徐州 , 做 徐州 牧即 係 州長 , 佢 發 大火 嘞 : 吓 ! 啊 , 我大仇 都 未報 , 哦 , 你 不費吹灰之力 , 坐享其成 , 白白 得 咗 個 徐州 。 哼 ! 我點 都 要 先 殺 你 劉備 , 後 斬 陶謙 你 嘅 死屍 , 嚟 為 我 父親 報仇雪恨 啊 ! 曹操 馬上 傳令 , 定 咗 日期 起兵 去 攻打 徐州 。 曹操 呢 下太過 意氣用事 喇 , 荀彧 走 嚟 勸 佢 嘞 , 荀彧 話 : 往日 , 高祖 皇帝 保住 關中 , 光武帝 依據 住 河內 , 佢 哋 都 係 憑藉 一個 鞏固 嘅 根基 嚟 制服 天下 , 進 足以 勝敵 , 退 足以 堅守 , 所以 雖然 佢 哋 亦 經歷 過 艱難困苦 啊 , 但 係 終於 係 成功 嘅 。 主公 你 嘅 根本 , 應當 係 經營 兗州 , 黃河 、 濟水 嘅 呢 一帶 地區 乃 係 天下 嘅 要 地 , 亦 猶之乎 往日 嘅 關中 、 河內 噉 嘅 地方 嚟 𠺢 嘛 。 而家 , 如果 主公 要 去 奪取 徐州 , 呢 度 留兵 留得 多 , 打 徐州 就 唔 夠兵 用 ; 呢 度 如果 留得 兵少 , 噉 呂布 就 會 乘虛 侵犯 , 即 係 冇 咗 兗州 唧 。 如果 萬一 打 唔 到 徐州 , 噉 曹公 你 仲有 乜嘢 地方 落腳 啊 ? 嗯 , 你 講落 去 , 你 講落 去 。 而家 陶謙 雖然 死 咗 , 之 已經 有 劉備 喺 度 代替 佢 啦 。 徐州 嘅 人民 既然 係 咁 服 劉備 嘅 , 就 必定會 幫 劉備 死戰 嘅 噃。 主公 你 捨棄 兗州 , 而 要 去 奪取 徐州 , 乃 係 捨本求末 , 要細 唔 要 大 , 要 危險 唔 要 安穩 啊 。 請 主公 你 仔細 考慮 下 。 嗯 , 嗯 。 不過 今年 災荒 , 缺乏 糧食 , 啲 軍隊 一味 噉 守住 喺 呢 度 , 到底 唔 係 好 辦法 啊 。 主公 , 你 睇 噉 好 唔 好 呢 ? 我 哋 不如 向東 便 去 奪取 陳 地 , 噉 我 哋 嘅 軍隊 喺 汝南 、 潁川 地區 就 搵 到 食 㗎 嘞 。 黃巾 餘黨 嗰 個 何 儀 、 黃 劭 等等 劫掠 州郡 , 積蓄 埋 好多 金銀 糧食 嘅 , 呢 啲 噉 嘅 賊徒 好容易 打 嘅 啫 。 打敗 咗 佢 哋 , 沒收 咗 佢 哋 嘅 糧食 嚟 養 我 哋 嘅 軍隊 , 朝廷 喜歡 , 百姓 高興 , 呢 啲 呀 , 係 順應 天命 嘅 事 啊 主公 。 哦 ? 哈哈哈 哈哈哈 , 你 講得 好 , 你 講得 好 ! 曹操 十分 贊成 啊 , 於是 就 留低 夏侯惇 、 曹仁守 衛 鄄城 等等 地方 , 自己 就 親自 帶兵 去 奪取 陳 地 以及 汝南 、 潁川 一帶 。 嗰 班 黃巾 餘黨 何儀 、 黃 劭 佢 哋 呢 知道 曹操 兵到 , 就 出齊 人馬 嚟 迎敵 , 喺 羊山 遭遇 就 打起 上 嚟 。 當時 何儀 同 黃 劭 佢 哋 雖然 係 兵 多 , 不過 嗰 啲 兵 呢 都 係 啲 烏合 之眾 、 狐朋狗黨 , 排個 隊 都 排 唔 得 齊整 嘅 , 毫無 兵法 。 曹操 就 佈置 強攻 硬 弩 射住 陣角 , 命令 典韋 出馬 。 何儀 叫 佢 個 副 元帥 上 嚟 迎戰 , 嘿嘿 , 水 嘢 啦 , 冇 三個 回合 , 畀 典 韋一戟 就 刺 咗 落馬 嘞 。 曹操 馬鞭 一揮 , 帶住 部隊 就 趁勢 一路 掩殺 , 追過 咗 羊山 先至 扎落 營寨 。 第 日 , 黃 劭 自己 帶兵 嚟 。 佢 擺開陣勢 , 有個 將軍 步行 出 嚟 挑戰 。 呢 個 將軍 頭包 黃巾 , 身穿 綠袍 , 手提 鐵棍 出到 嚟 大聲 噉 話 : 我 係 截天 夜叉 何曼 , 邊個 敢 出 嚟 同 我 打過 ! 曹洪 見到 , 大喝一聲 : 嘿 ! 飛身 下馬 , 提住 把 大刀 , 亦 都 步行 上去 迎戰 。 兩個 就 喺 陣前 刀來 棍 去 啊 打 咗 四五十個 回合 , 不分勝負 。 曹洪打 打下 , 詐 假意 打輸 , 擰 轉頭就走 , 何曼 就 快步 追上去 。 點知 曹洪 用 嘅 係 拖 刀背 斬計 , 佢 轉身 一錯步 , 嘿 , 一刀斬 中何曼 , 再 一刀 , 當堂 攞 佢 大 命 啊 。 李典 乘機 飛馬 衝入 敵陣 。 黃 劭 啊 揦 手 唔 成勢 , 都 嚟 唔 切 防備 , 畀 李典 監生 捉住 。 哦 嗬 ! 殺 啊 —— 曹兵 就 掩殺 過去 , 奪取 到 金銀財寶 同埋 啲 糧食 啊 不計其數 啊 。 何儀 呢 趟 啊 打到 剩返 孤家寡人 , 唯有 帶住 幾百名 馬 軍 搏命 逃跑 咗 去 葛陂 。 走走 下 , 喺 山 背後 撞 出 一支 人馬 。 為首 係 一名 壯士 , 身長 八尺 , 腰大十圍 , 手提 大刀 , 攔住 去路 喎 。 何儀 挺 槍 衝上去 , 打 咗 僅僅 一個 回合 , 就 畀 嗰 個 壯士 一手 監生 夾 咗 過去 。 其餘 嗰 班 馬 軍 驚 晒 , 知道 冇 得 打 㗎 嘞 , 執返 條命 仔罷 啦 , 紛紛 落馬 跪低 , 舉手 投降 任綁 啊 。 呵呵 ,冚𠾴唥 就 畀 嗰 個 壯士 趕晒入 去 葛 陂 嘅 山窩 裏頭 。 典韋 一路 跟蹤追擊 何儀 吖 。 當 佢 嚟 到 葛 陂 , 嗰 個 壯士 帶兵 截住 佢 , 典韋 就問 嘞 : 喂 ! 你 都 係 黃巾 賊 係 嘛 ? 哼 ! 幾百名 黃巾 , 都 畀 我 捉住 困 喺 山窩 裏頭 嚟 嘞 。 噉 點解 唔 獻出 嚟 呢 ? 我 冇 所謂 啊 , 之 我 有 朋友 唔 肯 呢 。 啊 ? 你 朋友 喺 邊度 嚟 啊 ? 呢 , 就 係 我 手上 呢 把 寶刀 嘞 。 你 贏得 佢 , 我 就 獻出 嚟 係 啦 。 啊 —— 典韋 畀 佢 激 到 發火 咯 , 挺起 雙戟 上前 嚟 交戰 啊 。 兩個 人 由 辰時 打 到 午時 , 即 係 由 上午 八點 打 到 十二點 , 嘩 ! 打 得 燦爛 喇 。 仲 係 不分 輸贏 , 噉 啊 各自 休息 一陣 先 。 冇 幾耐 , 嗰 個 壯士 又 嚟 摟 打 嘞 喎 , 典韋 又 出馬 打 過 , 兩個 又 一直 打打 打 , 打 到 黃昏 。 呢 次 係 因為 大家 隻 馬 都 打 到 冇 力 , 口吐白沫 , 所以 就 暫時 休戰 。 典韋 手下 嘅 軍士 就 飛跑 去 報告 曹操 。 嘩 嗨 ! 曹操 好 驚奇 , 連忙 帶住 班 將領 趕到 嚟 要 睇 下 。 第 日 , 嗰 個 壯士 又 出馬 挑戰 。 曹操 見到 佢 一 貌 堂堂 , 威風凜凜 , 個心 就 好 歡喜 。 佢 吩咐 典韋 : 叫 佢 今日 要 詐輸 。 典韋 知道 曹操 要 出計 仔 嘞 , 就 應 一聲 : 遵命 ! 噉 就 出去 迎戰 嘞 喎 。 究竟 曹操 出 咗 咩 計仔 呢 ? 嗰 個 壯士 咁 打 得 又 係 邊個 呢 ?

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嗰 日 , 呂布 第一 仗 就 打贏 咗 曹操 , 高興 非常 , 佢 收兵 回營 , 慰勞 士兵 。 that|day|Lu Bu|first|battle|then|defeated|past tense marker|Cao Cao|happy|very|he|recalled his troops|returned to camp|rewarded|soldiers That day, Lu Bu won his first battle against Cao Cao, and he was very happy. He called back his troops to the camp to reward the soldiers. 陳 宮 就 提醒 佢 : 將軍 呀 , 西寨 係 個 緊要 嘅 地方 嚟 噃, 如果 曹操 今晚 走 去 偷襲 佢 , 噉 點啊 ? Chan|Gong|then|reminded|him|General|ah|West Fort|is|a|important|possessive particle|place|come||if|Cao Cao|tonight|go|to|sneak attack|it|then|what to do Chen Gong reminded him: "General, the western camp is an important place. If Cao Cao sneaks an attack tonight, what will we do?" 呂布 話 嘞 : 嘿 , 佢 今日 先至輸 咗 一場 , 仲敢 嚟 咩 ! Lu Bu|said|past tense marker|hey|he|today||past tense marker|one match||come|question particle Lu Bu replied: "Hey, he just lost a battle today. Does he still dare to come?" 唔 係 呀 , 將軍 , 曹操 此人 極會 用兵 㗎 , 要 提防 佢 攻 我 不備 呀 。 ||particle indicating exclamation||||||||||||| "No, General, Cao Cao is very skilled in warfare. We need to be on guard against him attacking us when we are unprepared." 陳 宮 到底 講服 咗 呂布 , 就 派 高順 同埋 魏續 、 侯成 帶兵 去 守 西寨 。 Chen|Gong|in the end|convinced|past tense marker|Lu Bu|then|sent|Gao Shun|and|Wei Xu|Hou Cheng|led troops|to|defend|West Stockade In the end, Chen Gong convinced Lu Bu and sent Gao Shun along with Wei Xu and Hou Cheng to guard the western camp. 好 喇 , 曹操 佢 呢 喺 天黑 嘅 時候 帶兵 嚟 到 西寨 , 四面 一齊 衝入 去 , 嗰 啲 寨 兵 抵擋 唔 住 就 四散 逃跑 。 good|particle indicating completed action|Cao Cao|he|particle indicating a question|at|dark|possessive particle|time|lead troops|||West Stockade|from all sides|together|||||||resist|||then|scatter|escape Alright, Cao Cao brought his troops to the West Stockade at night, charging in from all sides, and the stockade soldiers couldn't hold them off and scattered to escape. 曹操 順順利利 就 奪 咗 西寨 啦 。 Cao Cao|smoothly|then|captured|past tense marker|West Camp|sentence-final particle Cao Cao successfully captured the West Stockade. 到 咗 四 更天 , 高順 先至 帶兵 嚟 到 , 哦 ? 乜失 咗 呀 ? 即刻 就 殺入 去 。 arrive|past tense marker|four|dawn|Gao Shun|only then|led the troops|come|arrive|oh||past tense marker|question particle|immediately|then|charge in|inside By the fourth watch of the night, Gao Shun finally brought his troops there, oh? What happened? He immediately charged in. 曹操 佢 自己 帶兵 嚟 迎戰 就 撞 正高順 就 展開 一場 混戰 嘞 。 Cao Cao|he|himself|led troops|came|to fight|then|collided||then|launched|a|chaotic battle|past tense particle Cao Cao himself led his troops to confront them and ran into Gao Shun, leading to a chaotic battle. 打 到 上下 天光 嘅 時候 , 喺 正西 便 , 鼓聲 大 震 。 hit|until|up and down|daybreak|possessive particle|time|at|true west|then|sound of drums|very|loud As dawn broke, in the west, the sound of drums was thunderous. 咩 事 啊 ? 原來 係 呂布 親自 帶兵 嚟 到 啊 噫 呀 ! 不得了 ! 曹操 唔 要 西寨 咯 , 即刻 撤退 走 人 。 what|matter|particle|originally|is|Lü Bu|personally|lead troops|come|here|particle|exclamation|particle|incredible|Cao Cao|not|want|West Camp|particle|immediately|retreat|leave|people What’s going on? It turns out that Lü Bu personally led the troops here! Oh no! This is serious! Cao Cao doesn’t want to stay at the West Stockade anymore, he immediately retreats. 喺 佢 後 便 , 高順 、 魏續 、 侯成 搏命 咁 追住 嚟 。 at|him|behind|then|Gao Shun|Wei Xu|Hou Cheng|desperately|so|chasing|coming Behind him, Gao Shun, Wei Xu, and Hou Cheng are desperately chasing after him. 前 便 呢 , 呂布 當頭 帶兵 嚟 到 咯 。 in front|then|question particle|Lü Bu|leading|bringing troops|come|arrive|final particle In front, Lü Bu is leading the troops. 于禁 、 樂進 兩個 一齊 都 打 唔 過 呂布 。 Yu Jin|Le Jin|both|together|all||||Lu Bu Yuan Jin and Le Jin together cannot defeat Lü Bu. 曹操 轉左 就 向 咗 北方 走 。 Cao Cao|turned left|then|towards|past tense marker|north|walked Cao Cao turned left and headed north. 行 咗 冇 耐 , 喺 山後 一彪 軍馬 撞出 嚟 , 哼 , 左有 張 遼 , 右有 臧霸 。 walk|past tense marker|not|long|at||a group of|cavalry|charge out|come|humph||Zhang|Liao|| After walking for a while, a group of cavalry came out from behind the mountain, huh, with Zhang Liao on the left and Zang Ba on the right. 曹操 就 命令 呂虔 、 曹洪去 打 佢 哋 , 唔 夠打 。 Cao Cao|then|ordered|Lü Qian||fight|them|plural marker|not| Cao Cao immediately ordered Lü Qian and Cao Hong to fight them, but they were outnumbered. 曹操 馬上轉 左 , 去 咗 向 西 便 走 。 Cao Cao||left|went|past tense marker|towards|west|then|walked Cao Cao quickly turned left and headed west. 忽然間 , 嘩 哦 , 噉 吶喊聲 震天動地 , 一彪 軍馬 迎面 嚟 到 嘞 。 suddenly|wow|oh|that|shouting|earth-shattering|a group of|war horses|head-on|||past tense marker Suddenly, wow, the shouting was deafening, and a group of cavalry came straight towards them. 只見 郝萌 、 曹性 、 成廉 、 宋憲 四員 將領 呀 攔住 去路 。 only saw|Hao Meng|Cao Xing|Cheng Lian|Song Xian|four|generals|particle|blocking|way Only to see the four generals Hao Meng, Cao Xing, Cheng Lian, and Song Xian blocking the way. 弊 喇 ! 畀 人 哋 包圍住 喇 ! useless|particle indicating completed action|to give|people|plural marker|surrounded|particle indicating completed action It's over! We're surrounded! 曹操 手下 啲 將領 呀 死 打 啦 , 曹操 身先士卒 , 帶頭 沖 陣 。 Cao Cao|subordinates|possessive particle|generals|exclamatory particle|die|fight|completed action particle|Cao Cao||leading|charging|battle formation The generals under Cao Cao are fighting to the death, and Cao Cao leads the charge himself. 啵 啵 啵 啵 啵 啵 , 梆子 一響 , 啲 箭 好似 驟雨 噉 射過 嚟 。 pop|pop|pop|pop|pop|pop|gong||some|arrows|like|sudden rain|like|shot over|here Bang bang bang bang bang bang, as soon as the drum sounds, the arrows rain down like a storm. 曹操 就 半步 都 唔 前進 得 , 就 冇 計甩 身 嘞 呢 勻 。 Cao Cao|just|half a step|all|not|advance|able|then|have not|calculated|body|past tense particle|this|match Cao Cao couldn't advance even half a step, and there was no way to escape this situation. 曹操 大聲 噉 嗌: 邊個 嚟 救 我 啊 ! 邊個 嚟 救 我 啊 ! Cao Cao|loudly|like that|shouted|who|come|save|me|ah|who|come|save|me|ah Cao Cao shouted loudly: Who will come to save me! Who will come to save me! 喺 呢 個 時候 , 只見 馬 軍隊 伍 裏頭 , 有個 將軍 飛馬 而出 。 at|this|measure word|time|only saw|horse|army|unit|inside||general|galloping horse| At this moment, I saw a general flying out from the cavalry. 原來 佢 係 典 韋 呀 , 佢 舞 住 一對 大 鐵戟 , 佢 話 : 主公 唔 使 怕 , 我 嚟 喇 ! it turns out|he|is|||particle indicating exclamation|he|wielding|in a manner|a pair of|big|iron halberds|he|said|lord|not|need|afraid|I|come|particle indicating action completion It turned out to be Dian Wei, wielding a pair of large iron halberds, saying: "My lord, don't be afraid, I'm coming!" 佢 飛身 落馬 , 插住 嗰 對 戟 , 另外 攞 咗 十幾支 短戟 , 就 夾住 喺 手 嚟 。 He|leaped|off the horse|with|that|pair|spear|in addition|took|past tense marker|more than ten|short spears|then|clamped|at|hand|action particle He jumped off his horse, brandished the halberds, and grabbed a dozen short halberds, holding them in his hands. 對 身邊 嘅 衛兵 講 : 賊兵 嚟 到 十步 遠 就 嗌 我 啦 。 to|beside|possessive particle|guard|say|enemy soldier|come|到|ten steps|far|then|shout|me|sentence-final particle He told the guards beside him: "When the enemy soldiers are ten steps away, just call me." 講完 就 放開 腳步 , 冒住 箭 雨 向前 行 。 finish speaking|then|let go of|pace|braving|arrow|rain|forward|walk After saying that, he took a step forward, braving the rain of arrows as he moved forward. 呂布 嗰 便 有 幾十個 馬 軍 追住 嚟 。 Lu Bu|that|then|has|several dozen|horses|soldiers|chasing|coming Lü Bu had dozens of cavalry chasing after him. 個 衛兵 大聲 嗌 話 : 十步 喇 ! the|guard|loudly|shouted|said|ten steps|already The guard shouted loudly: "Ten steps away!" 典韋話 : 五步 就 嗌 我 ! Dian Wei said|five steps|then|call|me Dian Wei said: "Shout when it's five steps away!" 好 快唧 , 個 衛兵 又 嗌 嘞 : 五步 喇 ! 五步 喇 ! good|quickly|the|guard|again|shouted|past tense marker|five steps|completed action particle|| Very quickly, the guard shouted again: "Five steps away! Five steps away!" 於是 典韋 就 𠻘 噉 一戟 ,𠻘 噉 一戟 , 將短 戟 飛過去 刺 嗰 啲 馬 軍 。 then|Dian Wei|then|swung|like this|one halberd|||||halberd|flew over|to stab|those|plural marker|horse|soldiers So, Dian Wei thrust his halberd like this, thrust like this, and threw the short halberd over to stab those cavalry. 一戟 一個 , 跌 晒 落馬 , 冇 個 唔 中 嘅 , 眨 下眼 , 連氣 殺 咗 十幾個 人 。 one strike|one|fall|completely|off the horse|not have|classifier|not|hit|possessive particle|blink||in one breath|kill|past tense marker|over ten|people With one spear, he fell off the horse, and there was no one who wasn't hit. In the blink of an eye, he killed more than ten people. 其餘 嗰 啲 , 哎呀 , 咪 搵 條命 嚟 校飛 嘞 , 趯 返 扯 。 the rest|that|plural marker|oh no|don't|find|life|come|school|past tense marker|kick|back|pull As for the others, oh dear, they were just trying to save their lives, and they ran away. 典韋 又 試飛 身上 馬 , 挺起 一對 大 鐵戟 衝殺 入去 。 Dian Wei|again|test flight|on his body|horse|raised|a pair of|large|iron halberds|charged in|inside Dian Wei also tried to charge on his horse, brandishing a pair of large iron spears. 郝萌 、 曹性 、 成廉 、 宋憲 , 四個 都 頂 佢 唔 住 呀 , 各有 各 逃跑 。 Hao Meng|Cao Xing|Cheng Lian|Song Xian|four of them|all|withstand|he|||particle|each has|each|escape Hao Meng, Cao Xing, Cheng Lian, and Song Xian, all four couldn't withstand him and each ran away. 典韋 殺 散 咗 敵軍 , 救返 曹操 出 嚟 。 Dian Wei|kill|scatter|past tense marker|enemy army|rescue|Cao Cao|out|come Dian Wei scattered the enemy troops and rescued Cao Cao. 其他 嘅 將領 呢 隨後 亦 都 嚟 到 , 會 齊 之後 就 搵 路 返 去 啦 。 other|possessive particle|generals|question particle|afterwards|also|all|||will|together|after|then|find|way|||final particle Other generals also arrived later, and once they gathered, they would find a way to return. 一路行 , 眼睇 住 就 嚟 到 黃昏 , 背後 又 聽見 吶喊聲 , 嘩 ! 原來 係 呂布 跑 衡馬 , 舞住 方天畫 戟 追到 嚟 佢 大聲 嗌 話 : 曹操 奸賊 ! 你 咪 走 啊 ! walking all the way|watching|continuously|just|here||||||||||||||||||he|loudly|shouted|saying|Cao Cao|treacherous thief|you|don't|run|ah As they walked, they could see dusk approaching, and behind them, they heard shouting. Wow! It turned out to be Lü Bu chasing after them on horseback, wielding his Fangtianhua halberd, shouting loudly: Cao Cao the traitor! Don't you run away! 呢 個 時候 真 係 人困馬乏 啊 , 大家 你 睇 我 我 睇 你 , 呢 趟 都 怕 實死 冇 生咯 。 this|measure word|time|really|is|exhausted|ah|everyone|you|look|I|I|look|you|this|trip|all|afraid|die|not| At this moment, everyone was truly exhausted, looking at each other, fearing that this trip might end in death. 曹操 正在 危急 萬分 , 喺 正南方 一彪 軍馬 趕到 , 原來 係 夏侯惇 帶兵 嚟 救 , 截住 呂布 大戰 。 Cao Cao|is|in a critical situation|extremely|at|directly south|a group of|cavalry|arrived|it turns out|is|Xiahou Dun|leading troops|here|to rescue|intercepting|Lü Bu|battle Cao Cao was in a dire situation when suddenly a troop of cavalry arrived from the south. It was Xiahou Dun leading the troops to rescue, intercepting Lü Bu for a fierce battle. 一直 鬥到 黃昏時分 , 叭叭 聲落 起 傾盆大雨 , 噉 就 想 打 都 唔 打 得 嘞 , 各自 收兵 。 continuously|fight until|dusk|honking|sound of|started|heavy rain|then|just|wanted|fight|also|not|||past tense particle|each|withdraw troops They fought until dusk, and then suddenly, a heavy downpour began, making it impossible to continue fighting, so they each withdrew their troops. 曹操 返到 營寨 呀 , 重重 賞賜 典韋 , 升 咗 佢 做 領軍 都尉 。 Cao Cao|returned to|camp|particle|heavily|rewarded|Dian Wei|promoted|past tense marker|he|made|army|commander Cao Cao returned to the camp and heavily rewarded Dian Wei, promoting him to the position of General. 而家 講下 呂布 , 佢 回 營 之後 就 同陳宮 商量 。 now|talk about|Lu Bu|he|return|camp|after|then||discuss Now let's talk about Lü Bu. After he returned to the camp, he discussed with Chen Gong. 陳 宮 就 同 佢 諗 到 條 計 仔 喎 , 佢 話 : Chan|Gung|then|with|he|thought|of|the|plan|child|particle|he|said Chen Gong came up with a plan and said: 我 哋 濮陽 城裏 頭有 個 大 有錢 佬 姓 田 嘅 , 呢 淨 係 侍候 佢 嘅 幫 佢 做 嘢 嘅 人 就 成千成百 , 喺 一 郡 之中 , 講錢 多 就 數起 佢 㗎 嘞 。 I|we|Puyang|in the city||a|big|rich|man|surname|Tian|possessive particle|this|only|is|serving|him|possessive particle|helping|him|do|work|possessive particle|people|just|thousands|in|one|county|among||much|just|count|him|sentence-final particle|sentence-final particle "In the city of Puyang, there is a wealthy man with the surname Tian. He has thousands of people serving him and helping him with his work. In the entire county, if we talk about wealth, he is the one to mention." 嗯 , 噉 點呢 ? hmm|then|what about it Hmm, what should we do then? 將軍 , 我 哋 叫 佢 派 個人 送 封信 去 曹操 嗰 處 , 話 呂溫侯 太過 殘暴 喇 , 民心 怨恨 到極 啊 。 General|I|we|to call|he|to send|a person|to deliver|a letter|to|Cao Cao|that|place|to say|Lord Lü|too|cruel|particle indicating change|people's hearts|resentment||particle indicating exclamation General, we will send someone to deliver a letter to Cao Cao, saying that Lü Wenhou is too brutal, and the people's resentment has reached its peak. 而 家 佢 要 帶兵 轉移 去 黎陽 , 城內 呢 就 淨 得 高 順 喺 度 唧 。 and|family|he|needs|lead troops|relocate|to|Laiyang|inside the city|this|then|only|able to|Gao|Shun|at|place|shoot Now he wants to move his troops to Liyang, and inside the city, there is only Gao Shun left. 請 你 哋 喺 夜晚 進兵 偷襲 , 我 做 內應 啦 噉 。 please|you|plural marker|at|night|advance troops|surprise attack|I|act as|inside man|sentence-final particle|like this Please launch a night attack, and I will act as the inside informant. 曹操 如果 嚟 , 就 引 佢 入 城 , 四面 城門 一齊 放火 , 外便 就 埋伏 定 兵馬 。 Cao Cao|if|comes|then|lead|him|into|city|all sides|city gates|together|set fire|outside|then|ambush|set|troops If Cao Cao comes, we will lure him into the city, set fire to all the city gates, and have our troops ambushed outside. 到 其時 呀 , 哼哼 , 就算 曹操 佢 有 經天緯地 之才 , 叻 到 會 飛 都 好 , 亦 都 飛 唔 甩 啦 嘛 將軍 。 at|that time|particle|hmm|even if|Cao Cao|he|has|extraordinary||smart|to|can|fly|all|well|also|all|fly|not|escape|particle|particle|general At that time, hmm, even if Cao Cao has extraordinary talent, no matter how good he is, he won't be able to escape, General. 冇 錯 ! 就照 你 呢 條計 仔去 做 啦 ! not|wrong||you|this|||do|particle indicating suggestion No mistake! Just go ahead and do it your way! 於是 呂布 就 秘密 噉 命令 嗰 個 有錢 佬 田氏 啊 , 叫 佢 派 個人 去 見 曹操 。 then|Lü Bu|then|secretly|like that|ordered|that|classifier for people|rich|man|Tian family|particle|told|him|send|a person|to|meet|Cao Cao So, Lü Bu secretly ordered that rich man Tian to send someone to meet Cao Cao. 曹操 因為 新 新 打敗 咗 一場 仗 , 正 喺 諗 緊 辦法 。 Cao Cao|because|Xin||defeated|past tense marker|a|battle|just|at|||solution Cao Cao, having just won a new battle, was thinking of a plan. 忽然 報告 話田氏 有人 送 密信 嚟 喎 噉 , 曹操 就 叫 嗰 個人 入 嚟 。 suddenly|report||someone|delivered|secret letter|here|particle indicating realization|then|Cao Cao|then|called|that|person|in|here Suddenly, a report came that someone from Tian was delivering a secret letter, so Cao Cao called the person in. 接 咗 信 打開 嚟 一 睇 , 信 裏 便 話 : received|past tense marker|letter|opened|came|one|look|letter|inside|then|said After receiving the letter and opening it, it said: 呂布 已經 去 咗 黎陽 , 城內 空虛 。 萬望 速來 , 當為 內應 。 Lu Bu|already|go|past tense marker|Liyang|inside the city|empty|I hope|you come quickly|should be|internal support Lü Bu has already gone to Liyang, the city is empty. I hope you come quickly, you will be the inside informant. 城頭 上 插 白旗 , 上面 寫住 義字 , 就 係 暗號 噉 。 on the city wall|up|insert|white flag|on it|written|character for righteousness|then|is|secret signal|like that A white flag is raised on the city wall, with the character 'righteousness' written on it, that's the secret signal. 曹操 一拍 大 髀 : 嘿 , 得 嘞 , 上天 整定 我 得 濮陽 喇 ! Cao Cao|clapped|big|thigh|hey|got|particle indicating completed action|heaven|fixed|I|got|Puyang|particle indicating completed action Cao Cao clapped his thigh: Hey, great, heaven has decided that I will take Puyang! 佢 重重 噉 打賞 咗 送信 嘅 人 , 跟 住 就 吩咐 準備 起兵 。 He|heavily|like that|rewarded|past tense marker|messenger|possessive particle|person|||then|ordered|prepare|to raise troops He heavily rewarded the messenger, then instructed to prepare for the troops. 劉曄 對 曹操 話 嘞 : 主公 啊 , 呂布 雖然 無謀 , 之陳宮 又 多 計 噃。 Liu Ye|to|Cao Cao|said|past tense marker|lord|ah|Lu Bu|although|lacks strategy||also|very|cunning|particle indicating emphasis Liu Ye said to Cao Cao: My lord, although Lü Bu is reckless, Chen Gong is quite scheming. 就 怕 佢 其中 有詐 , 不可不 防 啊 。 then|afraid|he|among them|has deception|must not|guard against|ah Just in case there is a trick, we must be cautious. 主公 你 要 去 嘅 話 , 就要 將 三軍 分為 三隊 。 Your Lord|you|must|go|past tense marker|words|then must|divide|three armies|into|three teams My lord, if you want to go, you need to divide the army into three teams. 兩隊 喺 城外 埋伏 接應 , 一隊 入 城 , 噉 至 好 啊 。 two teams|at|outside the city|ambush|support|one team|enter|city|then|only|good|particle Two teams will ambush outside the city to support, while one team enters the city, that would be best. 曹操 聽 佢 話 , 就將 啲 兵 分為 三隊 , 一直 就 嚟 到 濮陽 城下 。 Cao Cao|heard|he|words||the|soldiers|||continuously|then|came|to|Puyang|under the city Cao Cao listened to him and divided the troops into three teams, heading straight to the foot of Puyang City. 曹操 佢 自己 首先 去 觀察 一下 , 見到 城頭 上 插 滿 晒 旗幟 。 Cao Cao|he|himself|first|to|observe|a bit|saw|city wall|on|inserted|full|completely|flags Cao Cao himself first went to observe and saw that the city walls were filled with flags. 誒 , 冇 錯 喇 冇 錯 喇 。 hey|not|wrong|particle indicating completed action|not|wrong|particle indicating completed action Ah, that's right, that's right. 只見 喺 西門 角上 有 一面 義字 白旗 , 嗯 , 個心 就 暗暗 歡喜 嘞 噃。 only saw|at|West Gate|on the corner|there is|one|with the character 'righteousness'|white flag|hmm|heart|then|secretly|happy|past action particle| I saw a white flag with the character 'righteousness' at the corner of Ximen, hmm, my heart secretly rejoiced. 當日 中午 , 城門 打開 , 兩員 將軍 帶兵 出 嚟 打過 : 前軍 係 侯成 , 後軍 係 高順 。 that day|noon|city gate|opened|two|generals|led the troops|out|here|fought|front army|was|Hou Cheng|rear army||Gao Shun That day at noon, the city gate opened, and two generals led their troops out to fight: the front army was Hou Cheng, and the rear army was Gao Shun. 曹操 即刻 叫典 韋 出馬 就 直取 侯成 。 Cao Cao|immediately|||to go into battle|then|directly attacked|Hou Cheng Cao Cao immediately called Dian Wei to charge directly at Hou Cheng. 侯成 抵敵 唔 住 , 回馬 就 跑 返入 城 。 Hau Sing|resist the enemy|not|able to|counterattack|then|run|back into|city Hou Cheng couldn't withstand the enemy and turned his horse to run back into the city. 典韋 猛追 到 吊橋 邊 , 高順 呢 亦 都 攔 佢 唔 住 , 都 退 埋入 城 嘞 。 Dian Wei|fiercely chased|arrived|suspension bridge|side|Gao Shun|particle indicating a question|also|all|blocked|him|not|able to stop|all|retreated|into|city|past tense particle Dian Wei fiercely chased to the edge of the suspension bridge, and Gao Shun also blocked him, retreating back into the city. 就 喺 人馬 垃雜 之間 啊 有 個 軍佬 乘機 混 咗 過 嚟 去 見 曹操 , 話 係 田 氏 嘅 使者 就 呈 上 一封 密信 。 just|at|people and horses|mixed up|in between|ah|there is|a|soldier|taking the opportunity|to sneak|past tense marker|over|here|to|see|Cao Cao|said|is|Tian|family name|possessive particle|messenger|then|presented|up|a|secret letter Amidst the chaos of people and horses, a soldier took the opportunity to sneak over to see Cao Cao, claiming to be a messenger from the Tian family presenting a secret letter. 封信 嘅 大意 話 : 今晚 初 更 時分 , 城上 打鑼 為號 , 聽見 鑼聲 就 可以 進兵 , 到 時 我 就 獻門 噉 。 the letter|possessive particle|main idea|said|tonight|||around|on the city|beating the drum||hearing|drum sound|then|can|advance troops|||I|then|open the gate|like that The gist of the letter said: At the first watch tonight, when the gong is struck from the city, upon hearing the gong, the troops can advance, and at that time, I will open the gate. 好 喇 , 到 咗 夜晚 嘞 , 曹操 命令 夏侯惇 帶 一支 部隊 在 左 。 good|particle indicating completed action|arrive|past tense marker|night|particle indicating completed action|Cao Cao|ordered|Xiahou Dun|lead||army|at|left Alright, it was night now, and Cao Cao ordered Xiahou Dun to lead a troop on the left. 曹洪帶 一支 部隊 在 右 , 自己 就 帶 住 夏侯淵 、 李典 、 樂進 、 典韋 四員 大將 , 率 另 一支 部隊 呀 準備 衝入 城 。 |a|troop|at|right|he|then|led|with|Xiahou Yuan|Li Dian|Le Jin|Dian Wei|four|generals|commanded|another|a|troop|particle|prepared|to charge into|city Cao Hong led a troop on the right, while he himself took along four great generals: Xiahou Yuan, Li Dian, Le Jin, and Dian Wei, leading another troop to prepare to storm the city. 李典 話 : 主公 , 你 仲 係 喺 城外 好 啊 , 等 我 哋 入 城先 啦 。 Li Dian|said|lord|you|still|are|at|outside the city|fine|particle|wait|I|we|enter||particle Li Dian said: "My lord, it's better for you to stay outside the city. Let us enter the city first." 曹操 話 嘞 : 噉 唔 得 , 我 唔 親自 去 , 邊個 肯 向前 啊 ? Cao Cao|said|past tense marker|like that|not|okay|I|not|personally|go|who|willing|move forward|question particle Cao Cao replied: "That's not acceptable. If I don't go personally, who will lead the way?" 於是 曹操 一馬當先 就 帶兵 直入 。 then|Cao Cao|leading the charge|then|led his troops|straight in So Cao Cao took the lead and marched straight in. 當時 正 係 初 更 , 個 月 就 未曾 上 , 天色 黑 麻麻 。 at that time|just|was|first|watch|the|moon|then|had not|risen|sky|| At that time, it was just after dusk, and the moon had not yet risen, making the sky very dark. 突然 間 , 聽見 西門 上 便 嗚 —— 嗚嗚 咁 吹響 螺殼 。 suddenly|moment|heard|Ximen|on|then|whistle|wailing|so|blew|shell Suddenly, they heard a sound from the west gate, a horn blowing loudly. 哦 嗬 ! 吶喊聲 一起 , 門上 便 , 哄 聲點 起 晒 火把 , 跟 住 就 城門 大開 , 吊橋 放落 。 oh|ha|shouting|together|on the door|then|cheering|sound|light|shine|torch|||then|city gate|wide open|suspension bridge|lowered Oh, wow! As the shouts rose together, the door opened, and the sound of cheers ignited the torches, followed by the city gate swinging wide open and the drawbridge lowering. 曹操 會錯意 喇 , 歡喜 過頭 啊 , 吹 螺殼 咋 嘛 佢 以 為 打 鑼 , 以為 真 係 田氏獻門 喇 就 出力 一鞭 隻 馬 , 放開 四蹄 就 爭先 衝入 去 。 Cao Cao|misunderstood|particle indicating realization|happy|overly|particle indicating exclamation|blow|conch shell|how|particle indicating rhetorical question|he|||||thought|really|is|Tian family inviting in|particle indicating realization|then|exerted effort|one whip|measure word for animals|horse|let go of|four hooves|then|rushed forward|charged in|particle indicating direction Cao Cao misunderstood, he was overly joyful, thinking it was a signal to celebrate, believing it was really the Tian family opening the gates, so he urged his horse forward with a whip, letting it gallop ahead to rush in. 一直 衝到 入 去 州 衙門 , 奇怪 嘞 , 一路 連 人影 都 冇 個 噃, 弊 ! all the way|rushed to|||county|government office|strange|particle indicating completed action|all the way|even|shadow of a person|all|didn't have|particle||bad He charged all the way into the state office, strangely enough, there wasn't even a shadow of a person along the way, what a mess! 曹操 知道 中計 嘞 連忙 撥轉 馬頭 大喝一聲 : 退兵 ! Cao Cao|knew|tricked|past tense particle|hurriedly|turned|horse's head|shouted loudly|retreat Cao Cao realized he had fallen into a trap and quickly turned his horse around, shouting loudly: Retreat! 點知 衙門 裏 便 轟 噉 一聲 炮響 , 東南西北 四道 城門 , 烈火 沖天 而 起 啊 。 who would have thought|yamen|inside|then|with a bang|like that||cannon shot|east south west north|four|city gates|fierce fire|soaring into the sky|and|rose|ah Unexpectedly, inside the office, there was a loud explosion, and the four city gates erupted in flames! 當時 金鼓齊鳴 , 喊 殺聲 呀 簡直 好似 倒海翻江 噉 。 at that time|drums and gongs sounded together|shouting|killing sounds|ah|simply|was like|turning the sea upside down|like At that time, the drums and gongs were ringing, and the shouts of killing sounded like a raging sea. 只見 東 巷裏 便 殺出 張 遼 , 西 巷裏 便 殺出 臧霸 , 喺 兩 便 夾攻 掩殺 過 嚟 。 only saw|east|in the alley|then|rushed out|Zhang|Liao|west|in the alley|then|rushed out||at|both|then|flanking attack|ambush|past|come Suddenly, Zhang Liao charged out from the east alley, and Zang Ba charged out from the west alley, flanking and ambushing from both sides. 曹操 即刻 向 住 北門 走 , 哎呀 , 喺 路邊 又 殺出 郝萌 、 曹性 啊 截住 又 殺 咗 一陣 。 Cao Cao|immediately|towards|residing|North Gate|walked|oh no|at|roadside|again|jumped out|Hao Meng|Cao Xing|ah|intercepted|again|killed|past tense marker|a moment Cao Cao immediately ran towards the north gate, but alas, on the roadside, Hao Meng and Cao Xing appeared and intercepted him, killing him for a while. 曹操 急急 走 去 南門 啦 , 嘿 , 又 畀 高順同 侯成 攔住 。 Cao Cao|hurriedly|run|go|South Gate|particle indicating action|hey|again|by||Hou Cheng|stopped Cao Cao hurriedly ran to the south gate, but hey, he was blocked again by Gao Shun and Hou Cheng. 典韋 就 咬緊牙關 睩 大 雙眼 衝殺 出去 , 打到 高順 、 侯成 趯 咗 出城 。 Dian Wei|then|gritted his teeth|opened|big|eyes|charged out|outside|fought until|Gao Shun|Hou Cheng|kicked|past tense marker|out of the city Dian Wei gritted his teeth and charged out with wide-open eyes, fighting until Gao Shun and Hou Cheng were driven out of the city. 典韋 殺 到 吊橋 , 一 擰 轉頭 , 咦 ? 唔 見 咗 曹操 , 弊 嘞 ! 乜 佢 冇 跟 出 嚟 咩 ? Dian Wei|kill|arrive|drawbridge|one||turn around|huh|not|see|past tense marker|Cao Cao|bad|particle indicating realization|what|he|not|follow|come|out|question particle Dian Wei killed his way to the suspension bridge, turned his head, and said, "Huh? Can't see Cao Cao, this is bad! Did he not follow me out?" 一 翻身 又 殺 返入 去 城 , 喺 城門 下 便 撞見 李典 就 問 佢 嘞 : 主公 喺 邊 處 啊 ? one|turn over|again|kill|return|to|city|at|city gate|under|then|ran into|Li Dian|then|asked|him|past tense marker|lord|at|where|place|question particle He flipped over and killed his way back into the city, and at the city gate, he bumped into Li Dian and asked him, "Where is the lord?" 哎 , 我 都 搵 唔 到 啊 。 sigh|I|also|find|not|able to|particle Sigh, I can't find him either. 李將軍 , 你 出去 城外 催 救兵 , 我入 去 搵 主公 。 General Lee|you|go out|outside the city|hurry|reinforcements||go|find|Lord General Li, you go outside the city to urge the reinforcements, and I will go in to find the lord. 李典 啊 快馬加鞭 出 咗 去 。 Li Dian|ah|hurry up|go|past tense marker|leave Li Dian quickly rode out. 典韋 就 殺 返入 去 城內 , 四圍 咁 搵 曹操 都 搵 唔 到 , 佢 又 發 返 出去 城壕 旁邊 。 Dian Wei|then|kill|return|to|inside the city|all around|so|looking for|Cao Cao|all|looking for|not|found|he|again|send|return|outside|city moat|next to Dian Wei killed his way back into the city, searching all around but couldn't find Cao Cao, so he went back out next to the city moat. 呢 次 就 撞 到 樂進 嘞 , 樂進 問 : 主公 呢 ? 吓 , 喺 邊 處 啊 ? this|time|just|||Le Jin|past tense particle|Le Jin|asked|my lord|question particle|huh|at|||particle This time he ran into Le Jin, who asked: Where is the lord? Huh, where is he? 哎 , 我 來回 搵 咗 兩次 都 搵 唔 到 啊 ! sigh|I|round trip|search|past tense marker|two times|all|search|not|find|particle Sigh, I’ve searched back and forth twice and still can’t find him! 誒 , 嚟 , 我 哋 一齊 殺入 去 救 主公 啦 。 hey|come|I|we|together|rush in|to|save|lord|particle indicating suggestion or command Hey, come on, let’s charge in together to save the lord. 兩個 人衝 到 去 門邊 , 城頭 上 揋 啲 火炮 落 嚟 , 樂進 隻 馬 衝唔 入 去 。 two||to|go|by the door|city wall|on|fire|measure word for small things|cannon|fall|come|a person's name|measure word for animals|horse|cannot rush|enter|go The two of them rushed to the door, but the cannons on the city wall fired down, and Le Jin's horse couldn't charge in. 典韋 啊 真 係 搏命 喇 , 佢 冒煙 突火 , 又 殺 返入 去 , 到處 咁 搵 曹操 。 Dian Wei|ah|really|is|fighting for his life|particle indicating completed action|he|smoking|rushing in|again|kill|return|to|everywhere|so|looking for|Cao Cao Dian Wei is really fighting for his life, he charges in with smoke and fire, killing his way in, searching everywhere for Cao Cao. 究竟 曹操 去 咗 邊度 呢 ? exactly|Cao Cao|go|past tense marker|where|question particle Where exactly has Cao Cao gone? 先頭 , 佢 係 跟 住 典 韋 後 便 嘅 , 見典 韋殺 咗 出去 嘞 , 佢 又 想 跟 住 衝出去 嘞 噃, 唔 得 , 因為 四面 人馬 都 截住 過 嚟 嘞 , 出 唔 到 南門 。 at first|he|was|||||behind|then|past tense particle|||past tense particle|go out|past tense particle|he|again|wanted|||rush out|past tense particle|sentence-final particle|||because|all around|enemies|all|blocked|come|here|past tense particle|exit|||south gate At first, he was following behind Dian Wei, but when he saw Dian Wei kill his way out, he wanted to rush out too, but it was no good because there were troops surrounding him, and he couldn't get out through the south gate. 佢 返 轉頭 再轉 北門 啦 , 喺 火光 掩映 之下 , 哎呀 , 弊 家伙 ! 撞 正 呂布 挺 戟 躍馬 迎面 而 嚟 。 he|return|turn around||North Gate|particle indicating suggestion|at|firelight|shadowed|under|oh no|this|guy|||Lü Bu|wielding|halberd|riding|head-on|and|coming He turned back and headed for the north gate. Under the cover of the firelight, oh no! He ran straight into Lü Bu, who was charging at him with a spear. 曹操 即刻 用 隻 手 遮住 塊面 ,𢝵 噉 出力 將 隻 馬 一鞭 ,𠽤𠽤𡃈 噉 就 居然 就 跑 咗 過去 喎 。 Cao Cao|immediately|used|a (measure word for animals)|hand|covered|face|then|like that|exerted effort|to take|a (measure word for animals)|horse|a whip|very hard|like that|then|unexpectedly|just|ran|past tense marker|over there|particle indicating realization Cao Cao immediately covered his face with one hand, and with all his strength, he whipped the horse, and surprisingly, he managed to run past. 呂布 一勒轉 隻 馬 追上 嚟 , 將支 戟 喺 曹操 個頭 盔 上 便 ,㩧 噉 打 咗 一下 , 喝 佢 話 : Lu Bu|with a pull of the reins|one|horse|caught up|here||halberd|at|Cao Cao||helmet|on|then|to strike|like that|hit|past tense marker|one blow|to shout|he|said Lü Bu turned his horse and chased after him, striking his spear on Cao Cao's helmet, and then hit him once, shouting at him: 喂 ! 曹操 喺 邊度 啊 ? hey|Cao Cao|is|where|question particle Hey! Where is Cao Cao? 哈哈 曹操 真 係 鬼馬 , 佢 順手 一指 : 呢 , 前 便 騎 黃馬 嗰 個 就 係 啊 。 haha|Cao Cao|really|is|witty|he|casually|pointed|this|in front|then|riding|yellow horse|that|classifier for people|just|is|ah Haha, Cao Cao is really clever, he casually pointed and said: This one, the one riding the yellow horse in front, is him. 呂布 一聽 , 掉 開 呢 個 真 曹操 , 縱 馬向前 猛追 嘞 噃。 Lu Bu|upon hearing|||this|measure word|really|Cao Cao|spurred||fiercely chased|past tense particle| As soon as Lü Bu heard this, he turned and charged forward to chase after the real Cao Cao. 咦 呀 , 真好 彩數 啊 ! eh|particle|really good|lottery number|particle Wow, what a stroke of luck! 曹操 即刻 撥轉 馬頭 , 向 住 東門 嗰 便 跑 過去 , 冇 幾耐 就 撞 啱 典韋 。 Cao Cao|immediately|turned|horse's head|towards|located|East Gate|that|then|ran|over there|not|long|then|collided|right|Dian Wei Cao Cao immediately turned the horse's head and ran towards the east gate, and soon bumped into Dian Wei. 主公 , 你 跟 我 嚟 ! lord|you|follow|me|come My lord, follow me! 典韋 啊 保護 住 曹操 , 殺 開條 血路 就 嚟 到 城門 邊 。 Dian Wei|ah|protect|continuously|Cao Cao|kill|open a|path of blood|then|come|arrive|city gate|side Dian Wei, protect Cao Cao, and carve a bloody path to the city gate. 嘩 , 好 大火 啊 ! wow|very|big fire|exclamation particle Wow, what a big fire! 喺 城頭 上推 啲 柴草 落 嚟 , 遍地 都 係 火 。 at|city wall||measure word for small objects|firewood|fall|down|everywhere|all|is|fire They are pushing firewood down from the city wall, and the ground is covered in flames. 典韋用 支戟 撥開 啲 火 , 飛馬 冒煙 突火 衝出去 先 。 |spear|pushed aside|some|fire|flying horse|smoking|sudden fire|rushed out|first Dian Wei used a halberd to push aside the fire, and the flying horse rushed out through the smoke. 曹操 就 搏命 跟 到 實啦 。 Cao Cao|then|fight to the death|follow|reach|reality Cao Cao fought desperately to follow. 哈 , 啱 啱 衝到 城門 下 便唧 , 點知 嘞 嘣 啊 , 一條 燒到 酣 酣 聲 嘅 大梁 啊 , 喺 城門 上面 跌落 嚟 , 哈有 咁 啱 , 打正 曹操 匹 馬 嘅 蘿 柚 , 匹馬 卟 聲 跌倒 咗 。 ha|coincidentally||||||||||||||sound||||||||||||||||||||||fell|past tense marker Ha, just as he charged to the city gate, suddenly, a large beam that was burning fiercely fell from above the city gate, and it just happened to hit Cao Cao's horse, causing it to fall without a sound. 曹操 矛起 上 嚟 , 就 噉 用 手將 條梁 推開 落地 , 嘩 , 手 啊 鬍鬚 啊 頭髮 啊 都 畀 火燒 親 嘞 。 Cao Cao|raised his spear|up|here|then|like this|using|||pushed aside|to the ground|wow|hand|particle|beard|particle|hair|particle|all|by||close|particle Cao Cao raised his spear and pushed the beam off to the ground with his hands, wow, his hands, beard, and hair were all burned. 典韋出 咗 去 擰 轉頭 一睇 , 咦 , 危險 ! 即刻 回馬 嚟 救 , 啱 啱 夏侯淵 亦 趕到 嚟 。 |past tense marker|to||turn around||eh|danger|immediately|turn back|come|save|||Xiahou Yuan|also|arrived|come Dian Wei turned around to take a look and exclaimed, 'Oh no, danger!' He immediately turned back to save him, just as Xiahou Yuan also arrived. 兩個 人 一齊 救起 曹操 , 突火 衝出去 。 two|people|together|rescued|Cao Cao|in a rush|rushed out Two people rescued Cao Cao together and rushed out. 曹操 啊 騎 咗 夏侯淵 匹馬 , 典韋 在 前 , 殺 開條 大路 猛 走 啊 。 Cao Cao|ah|riding|past tense marker|Xiahou Yuan|on a single horse|Dian Wei|at|front|clearing|opening a|wide road|fiercely|running|ah Cao Cao rode on a horse with Xiahou Yuan, while Dian Wei was in front, clearing a path and running fiercely. 就 係 噉 樣 , 一直 混戰 到 天光 大白 , 曹操 先至 返到 去 營寨 。 ||||continuously|fighting|until|dawn|fully bright|Cao Cao|only then|returned|to|camp In this way, they fought until dawn, and only then did Cao Cao return to the camp. 曹操 險死 還生 , 所有 嘅 將官 都 嚟 請安 啦 。 Cao Cao|almost died|still alive|all|possessive particle|generals|all|come|pay respects|sentence-final particle Cao Cao narrowly escaped death, and all the generals came to pay their respects. 哈 , 曹操 一 啲 都 唔 在意 噃, 佢 反而 哈哈大笑 噉 話 : 哈哈哈 哈哈哈 ! 誤中 匹夫 嘅 奸計 , 我 實要 報 返仇 ! ha|Cao Cao|one|a little|all|not|care about|particle|he|instead|laughed heartily|like that|said|haha||fell for|commoner|possessive particle|cunning plan|I|really must|repay|take revenge Ha, Cao Cao didn't care at all; instead, he laughed heartily and said: Hahaha! I was fooled by a petty trick, I must take revenge! 郭嘉話 嘞 : 如果 有 辦法 就 快 啲 打 好 啊 。 |particle indicating past action|if|has|way|then|quickly|particle indicating degree|||particle indicating urgency Guo Jia said: If there is a way, then hurry up and do it well. 哈哈哈 哈哈哈 , 而家 最好 就 係 將計就計 , 話 我 畀 火燒 傷 , 已經 死 咗 嘞 , 噉 呂布 必定會 帶兵 嚟 攻 嘅 。 hahaha||now|best|just|is|take it as it comes|said|I|by|fire|injury|already|dead|past tense marker|sentence final particle|then|Lü Bu||bring troops|come|attack|possessive particle Hahaha, right now the best thing to do is to set a trap. If I say I was burned and injured, and have already died, then Lü Bu will definitely come to attack. 我 哋 喺 馬陵山 埋伏 定 人馬 , 等 呂布 嘅 部隊 過 咗 一半 嘅 時候 , 攔腰 打 佢 , 實捉 到 呂布 嘅 。 we|plural marker|at|Maling Mountain|ambush|capture|enemy forces|wait|Lü Bu|possessive particle|troops|pass|past tense marker|half|possessive particle|time|waist|strike|him|successfully capture|catch|Lü Bu|possessive particle We will ambush our troops at Malingshan, and when Lü Bu's forces have crossed halfway, we will strike them from the side and capture Lü Bu. 啊 , 主公 嘅 計策 係 使得 啊 ! ah|lord|possessive particle|strategy|is|effective|ah Ah, the lord's strategy is effective! 於是 就 通令 全軍 掛孝 , 扮 喪事 放聲大哭 , 詐諦 話 曹操 已經 死 咗 嘞 噉 。 then|immediately|issued an order|the whole army|wear mourning clothes|pretend|funeral|cry loudly|deceitfully|said|Cao Cao|already|dead|past tense marker|particle indicating completed action|like that So, a command was issued for the entire army to wear mourning clothes, pretend to be in mourning, and loudly cry out, pretending that Cao Cao has already died. 啲 探子 探聽到 消息 , 即刻 就 去 濮陽 報告 呂布 , 話 曹操 畀 火燒 傷 咗 , 返到 軍營 就 死 咗 嘞 噉 。 plural marker|scout|heard|news|immediately|then|go|Puyang|report|Lu Bu|said|Cao Cao|by|fire|injury|past tense marker|returned to|barracks|then|died|past tense marker|final particle|like that The scouts heard the news and immediately went to report to Lü Bu in Puyang, saying that Cao Cao was burned and injured, and died as soon as he returned to the camp. 呂布 真 係 點起 軍馬 , 就 殺 奔 馬陵山 噃。 Lu Bu|really|is|how to raise|war horses|then|kill|rushing|Maling Mountain|particle indicating a suggestion or realization Lü Bu really gathered the cavalry and rushed to Mount Maling. 點知 就 嚟 到 曹 營 嘅 時候 , 戰鼓 一響 , 伏兵 㗾 噉 衝出 嚟 圍住 猛打 。 unexpectedly|then|come|arrive|||possessive particle|time|war drum||ambush troops|suddenly|like that|charge out|come|surround|fiercely attack Unexpectedly, when they arrived at Cao's camp, as soon as the war drums sounded, the ambush troops rushed out and surrounded them, attacking fiercely. 呂布 就 搏命 打 咗 輪 先至 甩身 , 亦 損失 唔 少 人馬 , 趯 咗 返去 濮陽 城 , 從此 之後 呢 一直 堅守 再 唔 出 嚟 打 喇 。 Lu Bu|then|fight to the death|hit|past tense marker|turn|only then|escape|also|loss|not|few|troops|hurriedly|past tense marker|return to|Puyang|city|from then on|after|this|always|defended|again|not|come out|to|fight|sentence-final particle Lü Bu fought desperately and managed to break free after a while, but he also lost quite a few troops and hurried back to Puyang City, from then on he firmly defended and no longer went out to fight. 呢 一年 啊 , 發生 咗 災害 , 咩 災呢 ? 蝗蟲 災 。 this|year|particle|happened|past tense marker|disaster|what||locust|disaster This year, a disaster occurred, what kind of disaster? A locust plague. 將 啲 禾 都 食 晒 。 to put|plural marker|rice|all|eat|finished All the crops have been eaten. 喺 關東 嘅 地區 , 一石谷 呀 , 賣 到 五十 貫錢 。 in|Guangdong|possessive particle|region|a stone of rice|sentence-final particle|sells|for|fifty|coins In the Guangdong region, a stone of grain sells for fifty coins. 唉 ! 慘咯 , 搞 到 人 食人 都 有 啊 ! sigh|how terrible|||people|cannibalism|even|have|particle Alas! It's tragic, it's come to the point where people are eating each other! 曹操 因為 軍隊 缺糧 , 就 率領 部隊 返去 鄄城 暫時 住 落先 。 Cao Cao|because|army|lacked food|then|led|troops|returned to|Juancheng|temporarily|stay|settle down Cao Cao, due to his army's lack of food, led his troops back to Juancheng to temporarily settle down. 呂布 呢 , 亦 帶兵 去 山陽 地區 , 即 係 而家 山東 金鄉縣 附近 嘞 嚟 搵 食 。 Lu Bu|question particle|also|lead troops|to|Shanyang|region|that is|is|now|Shandong|Jinxing County|nearby|past action particle|come|find|food As for Lü Bu, he also took his troops to the Shanyang region, which is near present-day Jinxing County in Shandong, to find food. 因此 呢 , 雙方 實際上 就 收兵 唔 打 嘞 。 therefore|question particle|both sides|actually|then|withdraw troops|not|fight|past tense particle Therefore, both sides actually stopped fighting. 而家返 轉頭 講下 陶謙 。 |later|talk about|Tao Qian Now let's go back and talk about Tao Qian. 佢 當時 喺 徐州 就 已經 係 六十三歲 , 前 嗰 排 得 咗 病 , 病 就 越 嚟 越重 。 he|at that time|in|Xuzhou|already|already|was|sixty-three years old|before|that|period|got|past tense marker|illness|illness|then|more|coming|more serious At that time, he was already sixty-three years old in Xuzhou, and he had been ill for a while, with his condition getting worse. 呢 一日 , 佢 叫 糜 竺 、 陳 登 嚟 商量 。 this|one day|he|called|Mi|Zhu|Chen|Deng|to come|discuss One day, he called Mi Zhu and Chen Deng to discuss. 糜竺 就 話 : 上次 曹兵 撤走 咗 , 不過 係 因為 呂布 攻陷 咗 佢 嘅 兗州 唧 。 Mi Zhu|then|said|last time|Cao's troops|retreated|past tense marker|but|was|because|Lü Bu|captured|past tense marker|his||Yan Province|city Mi Zhu said: Last time, Cao's troops withdrew, but it was because Lü Bu had attacked his Yanzhou. 而家 遇到 荒年 , 佢 哋 罷兵 休戰 , 睇 嚟 到 咗 出年 春天 , 曹兵 一定 又 會 嚟 㗎 喇 。 now|encountering|famine|they|plural marker|ceasefire|truce|looks|coming|arriving|past tense marker|next year|spring|Cao's troops|definitely|again|will|come|sentence final particle|sentence final particle Now, encountering a year of famine, they have called for a ceasefire. It seems that by next spring, the troops will definitely come again. 以前 大人 你 兩次 想 讓位 畀 劉玄德 , 不過 嗰 陣 時 大人 你 嘅 身體 仲 係 好 強健 , 所以 玄德 就 唔 肯受 吖 。 before|sir|you|twice|wanted|to give up his seat|to|Liu Xuande|but|that|time|when|sir|you|possessive particle|body|still|was|very|strong|so|Xuande|then|not|willing to accept|particle In the past, you wanted to pass the position to Liu Xuande twice, but at that time, your health was still very strong, so Xuande was unwilling to accept. 而家 大人 嘅 病 已經 好 沉重 咯 , 趁 呢 個 時候 將 徐州 交 畀 佢 , 噉 劉玄德 就 唔 會 再 推辭 㗎 喇 。 now|adult|possessive particle|illness|already|very|serious|sentence-final particle|take advantage of|this|measure word|time|to hand over|Xuzhou|to hand over|to|him|then|Liu Xuande|then|not|will|again|refuse|sentence-final particle|sentence-final particle Now that your illness has become quite serious, it would be a good time to hand over Xuzhou to him, so Liu Xuande will no longer refuse. 陶謙好 同意 佢 呢 個 意見 , 立即 派 人 去 小沛 請 劉備 嚟 商量 軍務 。 |agrees|he|this|classifier for opinions|opinion|immediately|send|person|to|Xiao Pei|invite|Liu Bei|to come|discuss|military affairs Tao Qian fully agreed with this opinion and immediately sent someone to Xiaopei to invite Liu Bei to discuss military affairs. 劉備 帶 埋 關羽 、 張飛 , 仲有 幾十名 馬 軍 跟 住 一齊 嚟 到 徐州 。 Liu Bei|brought|along|Guan Yu|Zhang Fei|and also|several dozen|cavalry|soldiers|followed|continuously|together|came|to|Xu Zhou Liu Bei brought along Guan Yu, Zhang Fei, and several dozen cavalrymen to Xuzhou. 陶謙 請 佢 哋 入 到 臥室 見面 。 Tao Qian|please|they|plural marker|enter|into|bedroom|meet Tao Qian asked them to enter the bedroom to meet. 劉備 問候 完 , 陶謙 就 話 嘞 : Liu Bei|greeting|finished|Tao Qian|then|said|particle indicating completed action After Liu Bei finished his greetings, Tao Qian said: 誒 , 今日 , 今日 請 玄德公 你 嚟 , 誒 冇 咩 嘢 第樣 事 , 誒 只 係 因為 老夫 嘅 病 啊 , 已經 好 重好 危險 咯 , 咳咳 咳 咳 咳 咳 , 我話 去 就 去 㗎 喇 。 hey|today|today|invite|Lord Xuande|you|come|hey|not have|what|thing|first|matter|hey|only|is|because|I (old man)|possessive particle|illness|ah|already|very|seriously|dangerous|particle indicating realization|cough||||||go|then|go|particle indicating certainty|particle indicating completed action Hey, today, today I invited Lord Xuande here, it's nothing serious, it's just because of my illness, it's already very serious and dangerous, cough cough cough cough cough, I could go at any time. 誒 萬望 玄德公 啊 , 可憐 下 , 以漢家 城池 為重 , 接受 咗 徐州 嘅 大印 , 噉 , 誒 噉 老夫 死 亦 眼閉 嘞 。 eh|I hope|Lord Xuande|ah|pity|me||city||accepted|past tense marker|Xuzhou|possessive particle|great seal|then|||old man|die|also|eyes closed|past tense marker I hope Lord Xuande, please have mercy, prioritize the Han family's territories, accept the great seal of Xuzhou, then, I can die with my eyes closed. 大人 , 你 有 兩個 仔 啊 , 點解 唔 傳 畀 佢 哋 呢 ? adult|you|have|two|sons|sentence-final particle|why|not|pass|to|them|plural marker|question particle Sir, you have two sons, why not pass it on to them? 唉 ! 大仔 阿商 , 二仔 阿應 , 佢 兩 兄弟 , 佢 兩 兄弟 嘅 本事 才學 , 都 擔當 唔 起 呢 個 責任 嘅 。 sigh|eldest son|Ah Sheung|second son|Ah Ying|they|two|brothers|they|two|brothers|possessive particle|ability|talent|all|bear|||this|measure word|responsibility| Sigh! The eldest son, Ah Seung, and the second son, Ah Ying, these two brothers, their abilities and skills, are not enough to take on this responsibility. 老夫 死 咗 之後 啊 , 仲 希望 玄德公 你 , 你 要 時時 指教 下 佢 哋 。 I (old man)|die|past tense marker|after|particle|still|hope|Lord Xuande (Liu Bei)|you||must|always|instruct|a little|he|plural marker After I die, I still hope that you, Lord Xuande, will guide them from time to time. 千祈千祈 唔 好 畀 佢 哋 掌管 徐州 嘅 軍政 大事 啊 ! please please|not|well|let|he|they|control|Xuzhou|possessive particle|military and political|major affairs|ah particle Please, please do not let them take charge of the military and political affairs of Xuzhou! 噉 , 我 一個 人點 能夠 擔當 呢 個 咁 重大 嘅 責任 呢 ? then|I|||can|bear|this|classifier|so|heavy|possessive particle|responsibility| Then, how can I alone bear such a significant responsibility? 玄德公 啊 , 等 老夫 舉薦 一個 人 畀 你 , 佢 啊 可以 輔助 你 嘅 。 Lord Xuande|ah|let|old man|recommend|one|person|to|you|he|ah|can|assist|you|possessive particle Lord Xuande, let me recommend someone to you, he can assist you. 呢 , 佢 係 北海 人 , 姓孫 , 名乾 , 字公 祐 , 呢 個人 可以 任命 佢 做 從事 嘅 。 this|he|is|Beihai|person||||You|this||can|appoint|him|do|engaged in|possessive particle This person is from Beihai, surname Sun, given name Qian, courtesy name Gongyou. This person can be appointed to do the work. 陶謙 又 對 糜竺 話 嘞 : 劉公 係 當今 豪傑 , 你 以後 要 好好 噉 跟隨 侍奉 佢 啊 。 Tao Qian|again|to|Mi Zhu|said|past tense marker|Liu Gong|is|present|hero|you|in the future|must|well|like this|follow|serve|him|sentence-final particle Tao Qian also said to Mi Zhu: Liu Gong is a hero of our time, you should follow and serve him well in the future. 劉備 始終 都 係 推辭 。 Liu Bei|always|all|is|declining Liu Bei always declined. 講講 下 , 陶謙 唔 得 喇 , 唔 出得聲 嘞 , 就 用 隻 手指 下個 心 , 噉 就 斷氣 死 咗 嘞 。 talk about|next|Tao Qian|||already|||past tense particle|then|use|measure word for one|finger|next|heart|like this|then|breathe his last|die|past tense particle|past tense particle After talking for a while, Tao Qian could no longer speak, and then pointed to his heart with his finger, and just died. 陶謙一死 , 即刻 舉哀 發喪 , 啲 人 就將 徐州 嘅 大印 交 畀 劉玄德 。 |immediately|mourned|held a funeral|the|people||Xuzhou|possessive particle|great seal|handed|to|Liu Xuande As soon as Tao Qian died, there was immediate mourning and funeral arrangements, and the people handed over the great seal of Xuzhou to Liu Xuande. 劉玄德 仲 係 唔 肯 接 噃。 Liu Xuande|still|is|not|willing|accept|particle Liu Xuande still refuses to take over. 第二日 , 徐州 啲 老百姓 湧晒 嚟 衙門 前 便 跪 齊 喺 處 , 喊 啊 。 the next day|Xuzhou|possessive particle|common people|all rushed|to|yamen|in front of|then|kneel|together|at|place|shout|exclamation particle The next day, the common people of Xuzhou flocked to the government office and knelt down in front of it, crying. 佢 哋 話 嘞 : 劉使君 , 如果 唔 肯 接手 管理 徐州 , 我 哋 就 好 難 好 難過 日 㗎 喇 。 They|plural marker|said|past tense marker|Liu Shijun|if|not|willing|take over|management|Xuzhou|I|plural marker|then|very|difficult|very|sad|life|sentence-final particle|completed action particle They said: Liu Shijun, if you refuse to take over the management of Xuzhou, it will be very difficult for us to live. 關羽 、 張飛 兩個 亦 都 再三 勸 佢 , 劉備 呀 噉 先至 應承 暫時 管住 先 。 Guan Yu|Zhang Fei|both|also|all|repeatedly|advised|him|Liu Bei|ah|like this|only then|agreed|temporarily|control|first Guan Yu and Zhang Fei also repeatedly urged him, and Liu Bei finally agreed to temporarily take charge. 佢 任命 孫乾 、 糜竺 做 副手 , 陳 登 做幕官 , 就 調小 沛 嘅 全部 軍馬 入 城 , 出榜 安民 。 He|appointed|Sun Qian|Mi Zhu|as|deputy|||as chief aide|then|||possessive particle|all|war horses|into|the city|issued a list|to settle the people He appointed Sun Qian and Mi Zhu as assistants, and Chen Deng as an advisor, then ordered all the horses from Xiaopei to be brought into the city and issued a decree to pacify the people. 同時 呢 又 安排 陶 謙 嘅 喪事 , 以 劉備 為首 , 上下 大小 軍士 一律 掛孝 , 大設 祭奠 , 祭完 嘞 , 就 喺 黃河 個 平原 上 , 將陶謙 安葬 好 。 at the same time|this|also|arrange|Tao|Qian|possessive particle|funeral|with|Liu Bei||upper and lower|big and small|soldiers|uniformly|wear mourning clothes|grandly set up|memorial service|after the sacrifice|past tense particle|then|at|Yellow River|particle|plain|on||bury|well At the same time, arrangements were made for Tao Qian's funeral. Led by Liu Bei, all soldiers, big and small, wore mourning attire, and a grand ceremony was held. After the rituals, they buried Tao Qian on the plains of the Yellow River. 然後 , 就 將陶 謙 嘅 遺 表 , 即 係 陶謙 臨死 之前 嘞 寫 畀 皇帝 嘅 報告 , 申奏 朝廷 。 then|just||Qian|possessive particle|will|document|||Tao Qian|before death|before|past tense marker|wrote|to|emperor|possessive particle|report|submit|court Then, they submitted Tao Qian's memorial, which was a report he wrote to the emperor before his death, to the court. 好 嘞 , 而家 講下 曹操 。 ||now|talk about|Cao Cao Alright, now let's talk about Cao Cao. 佢 喺 鄄城 聽聞 陶謙 已經 死 咗 , 劉玄德 接管 徐州 , 做 徐州 牧即 係 州長 , 佢 發 大火 嘞 : He|at|Xuancheng|heard|Tao Qian|already|died|past tense marker|Liu Xuande|took over|Xuzhou|became|Xuzhou||is|prefect|He|burst|into anger|past tense marker He heard in Juancheng that Tao Qian had died, and Liu Xuande took over Xuzhou, becoming the governor of Xuzhou, which is the state leader. He was furious: 吓 ! 啊 , 我大仇 都 未報 , 哦 , 你 不費吹灰之力 , 坐享其成 , 白白 得 咗 個 徐州 。 huh|ah||all||oh|you||sitting back and enjoying the fruits of others' labor|for nothing|gained|past tense marker|measure word|Xuzhou What! Ah, I haven't avenged my great hatred yet, and you effortlessly sit back and enjoy the benefits, gaining Xuzhou for nothing. 哼 ! 我點 都 要 先 殺 你 劉備 , 後 斬 陶謙 你 嘅 死屍 , 嚟 為 我 父親 報仇雪恨 啊 ! hum||all|must|first|kill|you|Liu Bei|later|chop|Tao Qian|you|possessive particle|corpse|come|for|my|father|avenge|ah Hmph! I must first kill you, Liu Bei, and then chop up the corpse of Tao Qian to avenge my father! 曹操 馬上 傳令 , 定 咗 日期 起兵 去 攻打 徐州 。 Cao Cao|immediately|issued orders|set|past tense marker|date|mobilize|to|attack|Xuzhou Cao Cao immediately issued an order, setting a date to mobilize troops to attack Xuzhou. 曹操 呢 下太過 意氣用事 喇 , 荀彧 走 嚟 勸 佢 嘞 , 荀彧 話 : Cao Cao|this||impulsive|particle indicating completed action|Xun Yu|to come|here|to persuade|him|particle indicating completed action|Xun Yu|said Cao Cao was being too impulsive at this moment, so Xun Yu came to advise him, saying: 往日 , 高祖 皇帝 保住 關中 , 光武帝 依據 住 河內 , 佢 哋 都 係 憑藉 一個 鞏固 嘅 根基 嚟 制服 天下 , 進 足以 勝敵 , 退 足以 堅守 , 所以 雖然 佢 哋 亦 經歷 過 艱難困苦 啊 , 但 係 終於 係 成功 嘅 。 in the past|Emperor Gaozu|emperor|secured|Guanzhong|Emperor Guangwu|based on|residing|Hanoi|they|plural marker|all|are|relying on|a|solid|possessive particle||||||||||||||||||||||||| In the past, Emperor Gaozu secured Guanzhong, and Emperor Guangwu based himself in Henei. They both relied on a solid foundation to conquer the world, advancing enough to defeat the enemy and retreating enough to hold their ground. Therefore, although they also experienced hardships, they ultimately succeeded. 主公 你 嘅 根本 , 應當 係 經營 兗州 , 黃河 、 濟水 嘅 呢 一帶 地區 乃 係 天下 嘅 要 地 , 亦 猶之乎 往日 嘅 關中 、 河內 噉 嘅 地方 嚟 𠺢 嘛 。 Your Majesty|you|possessive particle|fundamental|should|be|managing|Yan Province|Yellow River|Luo River|possessive particle|this|area|region|indeed|be|world|possessive particle|important|place|also|similar to|past|possessive particle|Guanzhong|Henei|like|possessive particle|place|come|similar|particle Your foundation, my lord, should be to manage Yanzhou. The area around the Yellow River and Jishui is a crucial part of the world, just like the past Guanzhong and Henei. 而家 , 如果 主公 要 去 奪取 徐州 , 呢 度 留兵 留得 多 , 打 徐州 就 唔 夠兵 用 ; 呢 度 如果 留得 兵少 , 噉 呂布 就 會 乘虛 侵犯 , 即 係 冇 咗 兗州 唧 。 now|if|lord|wants|to go|to capture|Xuzhou|this|place|garrison troops|garrisoned|many|attacking|Xuzhou|then|not||use|this|place|if|garrisoned|few troops|then|Lü Bu|then|will|take advantage of the situation|invade|||no|past tense marker|Yanzhou|left behind Right now, if the lord wants to take Xu Province, if we leave too many troops here, we won't have enough soldiers to fight for Xu Province; if we leave too few troops here, then Lü Bu will take advantage of the situation and invade, which means we will lose Yan Province. 如果 萬一 打 唔 到 徐州 , 噉 曹公 你 仲有 乜嘢 地方 落腳 啊 ? if|in case|hit|not|reach|Xuzhou|then|Lord Cao|you||what|place|to settle down|question particle If by any chance we can't take Xu Province, what other place do you have to fall back to, Cao Gong? 嗯 , 你 講落 去 , 你 講落 去 。 hmm|you|||you|| Hmm, you go ahead and speak, you go ahead and speak. 而家 陶謙 雖然 死 咗 , 之 已經 有 劉備 喺 度 代替 佢 啦 。 now|Tao Qian|although|die|past tense marker|he|already|has|Liu Bei|at|place|replace|him|sentence-final particle Now that Tao Qian is dead, Liu Bei is already here to take his place. 徐州 嘅 人民 既然 係 咁 服 劉備 嘅 , 就 必定會 幫 劉備 死戰 嘅 噃。 Xuzhou|possessive particle|people|since|are|so|loyal to|Liu Bei|possessive particle|then||help|Liu Bei|fight to the death|particle indicating assertion| Since the people of Xu Province are so loyal to Liu Bei, they will definitely fight to the death for him. 主公 你 捨棄 兗州 , 而 要 去 奪取 徐州 , 乃 係 捨本求末 , 要細 唔 要 大 , 要 危險 唔 要 安穩 啊 。 lord|you|abandon|Yan Province|but|want|to|capture|Xu Province|actually|is|sacrificing the root for the branches|wanting small|not|wanting|||dangerous|not|||ah My lord, you are abandoning Yan Province to seize Xu Province, which is to give up the root for the leaves, to seek the small and not the big, to choose danger over safety. 請 主公 你 仔細 考慮 下 。 please|lord|you|carefully|consider|a polite particle Please, my lord, consider this carefully. 嗯 , 嗯 。 hmm|hmm Hmm, hmm. 不過 今年 災荒 , 缺乏 糧食 , 啲 軍隊 一味 噉 守住 喺 呢 度 , 到底 唔 係 好 辦法 啊 。 but|this year|famine|lack of|food|the|army|only|like this|stay|at|this|place|after all|not|is|good|solution|ah However, this year there is a famine, and food is scarce. The troops just stay here, which is not a good solution. 主公 , 你 睇 噉 好 唔 好 呢 ? Your Majesty|you|see|like this|good|not|good|question particle My lord, what do you think about this? 我 哋 不如 向東 便 去 奪取 陳 地 , 噉 我 哋 嘅 軍隊 喺 汝南 、 潁川 地區 就 搵 到 食 㗎 嘞 。 we|plural marker|might as well||then|go|capture|Chen|territory|then|we|plural marker|possessive particle|army|at|Runan|Yingchuan|region|then|find|to|food|sentence-final particle|past action particle We might as well head east to seize Chen's territory, then our army can find food in the Ruyin and Yingchuan regions. 黃巾 餘黨 嗰 個 何 儀 、 黃 劭 等等 劫掠 州郡 , 積蓄 埋 好多 金銀 糧食 嘅 , 呢 啲 噉 嘅 賊徒 好容易 打 嘅 啫 。 Yellow Turban|remnants|that|measure word|He|Yi|Huang|Shao|etc|plunder|counties|accumulate|together|a lot of|gold and silver|food|possessive particle|this|plural marker|like this|particle indicating state|bandits||to defeat|particle indicating state|only The remnants of the Yellow Turbans, like He Yi and Huang Shang, are plundering the states and counties, hoarding a lot of gold, silver, and food. These bandits are easy to defeat. 打敗 咗 佢 哋 , 沒收 咗 佢 哋 嘅 糧食 嚟 養 我 哋 嘅 軍隊 , 朝廷 喜歡 , 百姓 高興 , 呢 啲 呀 , 係 順應 天命 嘅 事 啊 主公 。 defeated|past tense marker|they|plural marker|confiscated|past tense marker|they|plural marker|possessive particle|food|in order to|support|we|plural marker|possessive particle|army|court|likes|common people|happy|this|plural marker|particle|is|in accordance with|mandate of heaven|possessive particle|matter|particle|lord If we defeat them and confiscate their food to support our army, the court will be pleased, the people will be happy, and this is in accordance with the mandate of heaven, my lord. 哦 ? oh Oh? 哈哈哈 哈哈哈 , 你 講得 好 , 你 講得 好 ! hahaha||you|speak|well|you|speak|well Hahaha, well said, well said! 曹操 十分 贊成 啊 , 於是 就 留低 夏侯惇 、 曹仁守 衛 鄄城 等等 地方 , 自己 就 親自 帶兵 去 奪取 陳 地 以及 汝南 、 潁川 一帶 。 Cao Cao|very|agreed|ah|so|then|left|Xiahou Dun||Wei|Juecheng|etc|places|he himself|then|personally|led troops|to|capture|Chen|territory|and|Runan|Yingchuan|area Cao Cao fully agreed, so he left Xiahou Dun and Cao Ren to guard places like Wei Jiancheng, while he personally led troops to seize Chen and the areas of Runan and Yingchuan. 嗰 班 黃巾 餘黨 何儀 、 黃 劭 佢 哋 呢 知道 曹操 兵到 , 就 出齊 人馬 嚟 迎敵 , 喺 羊山 遭遇 就 打起 上 嚟 。 that|group|Yellow Turban|remnants|He Yi|Huang|Shao|they|plural marker|question particle|know|Cao Cao||then||soldiers and horses|come|to confront the enemy|at|Yang Mountain|encounter|then|fight|up|come The remnants of the Yellow Turbans, He Yi and Huang Shao, knowing that Cao Cao's troops had arrived, gathered their forces to confront the enemy, and encountered them at Yangshan. 當時 何儀 同 黃 劭 佢 哋 雖然 係 兵 多 , 不過 嗰 啲 兵 呢 都 係 啲 烏合 之眾 、 狐朋狗黨 , 排個 隊 都 排 唔 得 齊整 嘅 , 毫無 兵法 。 at that time|He Yi|with|Huang|Shao|they|plural marker|although|are|soldiers|many|but|those|plural marker|soldiers|question particle|all|are|plural marker|hastily assembled|crowd|||team|all|line up|not|able to|orderly|possessive particle|without|military strategy At that time, although He Yi and Huang Shao had many soldiers, those troops were just a rabble, a bunch of misfits, unable to form a proper formation, completely lacking military strategy. 曹操 就 佈置 強攻 硬 弩 射住 陣角 , 命令 典韋 出馬 。 Cao Cao|then|arranged|strong attack|hard|crossbow|shoot at|corner of the formation|ordered|Dian Wei|to charge out Cao Cao arranged a strong attack, using crossbows to shoot at the corners of the formation, and ordered Dian Wei to charge. 何儀 叫 佢 個 副 元帥 上 嚟 迎戰 , 嘿嘿 , 水 嘢 啦 , 冇 三個 回合 , 畀 典 韋一戟 就 刺 咗 落馬 嘞 。 He Yi|called|him|measure word for people|vice|marshal|up|come|to face the battle|hehe|water|thing|particle indicating completion|not have|three|rounds|by|Dian||then|stab|past tense marker|off the horse|particle indicating completed action He Yi called his deputy marshal to come up and engage in battle, but in just three rounds, he was struck down by Dian Wei's spear. 曹操 馬鞭 一揮 , 帶住 部隊 就 趁勢 一路 掩殺 , 追過 咗 羊山 先至 扎落 營寨 。 Cao Cao|whip|with a single swing|leading|troops|then|taking advantage of the situation|all the way|ambush|chased past|past tense marker|Yangshan|only then|set up|camp Cao Cao waved his whip, leading the troops to take advantage of the situation and swiftly ambushed, chasing past Yang Mountain before finally settling in the camp. 第 日 , 黃 劭 自己 帶兵 嚟 。 the|day|Wong|Siu|by himself|led the troops|here The next day, Huang Shao personally led the troops. 佢 擺開陣勢 , 有個 將軍 步行 出 嚟 挑戰 。 He|||general|walked|out|here|challenge He set up the formation, and a general walked out to challenge. 呢 個 將軍 頭包 黃巾 , 身穿 綠袍 , 手提 鐵棍 出到 嚟 大聲 噉 話 : this|measure word|general|head wrapped|yellow scarf|wearing|green robe|holding|iron rod|came out|here|loudly|like that|said This general had a yellow scarf wrapped around his head, wore a green robe, and came out holding an iron rod, loudly declaring: 我 係 截天 夜叉 何曼 , 邊個 敢 出 嚟 同 我 打過 ! I|am|a character name|Yasha|Heman|who|dares|||with|I|fought I am the Night Demon He Man, who dares to come out and fight me! 曹洪 見到 , 大喝一聲 : 嘿 ! 飛身 下馬 , 提住 把 大刀 , 亦 都 步行 上去 迎戰 。 Cao Hong|saw|shouted loudly|hey|leaped|dismounted|holding|measure word for knives|big sword|||walked|up|to meet the battle Cao Hong saw this and shouted loudly: Hey! He jumped off his horse, drew his big sword, and walked forward to meet the challenge. 兩個 就 喺 陣前 刀來 棍 去 啊 打 咗 四五十個 回合 , 不分勝負 。 the two of them|just|at|the front line|with swords|||ah|fought|past tense marker|forty to fifty|rounds|no clear winner The two of them fought fiercely in front of the formation, exchanging blows for about forty to fifty rounds, with no clear winner. 曹洪打 打下 , 詐 假意 打輸 , 擰 轉頭就走 , 何曼 就 快步 追上去 。 |hit down|pretending|false intention|lost the fight|||He Man|then|quickly|caught up As Cao Hong fought, he pretended to be losing, turned around, and started to walk away, but He Man quickly chased after him. 點知 曹洪 用 嘅 係 拖 刀背 斬計 , 佢 轉身 一錯步 , 嘿 , 一刀斬 中何曼 , 再 一刀 , 當堂 攞 佢 大 命 啊 。 who would have thought|Cao Hong|used|possessive particle|is|dragging|back of the knife|slashing technique|he|turned around|one misstep|hey|||again|one slash|on the spot|took|his|big|life|ah Little did he know, Cao Hong was using a feigned retreat tactic; as he turned around and took a misstep, he struck He Man with a sword, and with another blow, he took his life on the spot. 李典 乘機 飛馬 衝入 敵陣 。 Li Dian|take the opportunity|Flying Horse|charge into|enemy formation Li Dian seized the opportunity and charged into the enemy formation on horseback. 黃 劭 啊 揦 手 唔 成勢 , 都 嚟 唔 切 防備 , 畀 李典 監生 捉住 。 Wong|Siu|ah|wave|hand|not|successful|all|come|not|completely|guard|by|Lee Din|student|caught Wong Shao was caught off guard, and was captured by Li Dian's student. 哦 嗬 ! 殺 啊 —— 曹兵 就 掩殺 過去 , 奪取 到 金銀財寶 同埋 啲 糧食 啊 不計其數 啊 。 ||kill|particle|Cao's soldiers|then|ambush|past|seize|arrive|gold and silver treasures|and|plural particle|food|particle|countless|particle Oh no! The soldiers of Cao attacked and seized countless treasures and food. 何儀 呢 趟 啊 打到 剩返 孤家寡人 , 唯有 帶住 幾百名 馬 軍 搏命 逃跑 咗 去 葛陂 。 He Yi|this|trip|ah|beaten to|left with|lonely person|only|bringing|several hundred|horses|soldiers|risking their lives|escape|past tense marker|to|Ge Bi He Yi was left with only a few people, and could only escape with a few hundred cavalry. 走走 下 , 喺 山 背後 撞 出 一支 人馬 。 walk|down|at|mountain|behind|bump|out|one|centaur As they were fleeing, they ran into a group of people behind the mountain. 為首 係 一名 壯士 , 身長 八尺 , 腰大十圍 , 手提 大刀 , 攔住 去路 喎 。 leading|is|a|warrior|height|eight feet||holding|broadsword|blocking|way|particle indicating certainty Leading them was a strong man, eight feet tall, with a waist ten spans wide, holding a large knife, blocking their way. 何儀 挺 槍 衝上去 , 打 咗 僅僅 一個 回合 , 就 畀 嗰 個 壯士 一手 監生 夾 咗 過去 。 He Yi|raised|gun|charged forward|hit|past tense marker|only|one|round|then|was given|that|classifier for people|warrior|one hand|student|pinned|past tense marker|past He Yi charged forward with a gun, and after just one round, he was caught by that warrior with a hand grip. 其餘 嗰 班 馬 軍 驚 晒 , 知道 冇 得 打 㗎 嘞 , 執返 條命 仔罷 啦 , 紛紛 落馬 跪低 , 舉手 投降 任綁 啊 。 the rest|that|group|horse|army|scared|completely|know|not|able|fight|particle|particle|take back|||particle|one after another|fall off|kneel down|raise hands|surrender|be tied up|particle The rest of the cavalry were terrified, knowing they couldn't fight back, so they just wanted to save their lives, and one by one, they dismounted and knelt down, raising their hands to surrender and be tied up. 呵呵 ,冚𠾴唥 就 畀 嗰 個 壯士 趕晒入 去 葛 陂 嘅 山窩 裏頭 。 haha|cover up|then|let|that|classifier for people|warrior||to|a type of plant||possessive particle|mountain den|inside Haha, they were all driven into the mountain hideout in Ge Po by that warrior. 典韋 一路 跟蹤追擊 何儀 吖 。 Dian Wei|all the way|pursued and attacked|He Yi|particle indicating a question or exclamation Dian Wei followed closely behind, chasing He Yi. 當 佢 嚟 到 葛 陂 , 嗰 個 壯士 帶兵 截住 佢 , 典韋 就問 嘞 : when|he|||||||warrior|led the troops|intercepted|him|Dian Wei||particle indicating past action When he arrived at Ge Po, that warrior led his troops to intercept him, and Dian Wei asked: 喂 ! 你 都 係 黃巾 賊 係 嘛 ? hey|you|also|are|Yellow Turban|bandit|are|question particle Hey! You're also a Yellow Turban bandit, right? 哼 ! 幾百名 黃巾 , 都 畀 我 捉住 困 喺 山窩 裏頭 嚟 嘞 。 hum|several hundred|Yellow Turbans|all|by|me|caught|trapped|in|mountain hideout|inside|come|past tense particle Hmph! Hundreds of Yellow Turbans have been captured by me and are trapped in the mountain hideout. 噉 點解 唔 獻出 嚟 呢 ? then|why|not|offer|come|this Then why not hand them over? 我 冇 所謂 啊 , 之 我 有 朋友 唔 肯 呢 。 I|don't have|care|ah|possessive particle|I|have|friend|not|willing|question particle I don't mind, but my friend doesn't want to. 啊 ? 你 朋友 喺 邊度 嚟 啊 ? ah|you|friend|at|where|from|ah Ah? Where is your friend from? 呢 , 就 係 我 手上 呢 把 寶刀 嘞 。 你 贏得 佢 , 我 就 獻出 嚟 係 啦 。 this|then|is|I|in hand|this|measure word for tools|precious sword|past action particle|you|win|he|I|then|offer|come|is| This is the treasured sword in my hand. If you win it, I will present it. 啊 —— 典韋 畀 佢 激 到 發火 咯 , 挺起 雙戟 上前 嚟 交戰 啊 。 ah|Dian Wei|give|he|provoke|to|anger|particle indicating completed action|raise|dual halberds|step forward|come|engage in battle| Ah—Dian Wei got so provoked that he stood up with his dual halberds and engaged in battle. 兩個 人 由 辰時 打 到 午時 , 即 係 由 上午 八點 打 到 十二點 , 嘩 ! 打 得 燦爛 喇 。 two|people|from|morning|fight|until|noon|that is|is|from|morning|8 o'clock|fight|until|12 o'clock|wow|fight|done|brilliantly|already The two of them fought from dawn until noon, that is, from eight in the morning until twelve, wow! They fought brilliantly. 仲 係 不分 輸贏 , 噉 啊 各自 休息 一陣 先 。 ||no distinction|win or lose|then|ah|each|rest|for a while|first Still no winner was determined, so they each took a break for a while. 冇 幾耐 , 嗰 個 壯士 又 嚟 摟 打 嘞 喎 , 典韋 又 出馬 打 過 , 兩個 又 一直 打打 打 , 打 到 黃昏 。 not|long|that|measure word for people|warrior|again|come|hug|fight|past tense marker|sentence-final particle|Dian Wei|again|come out to fight|fight|past tense marker|the two|again|continuously|fighting|fight||until|dusk Not long after, that warrior came back to fight again, and Dian Wei went out to battle again, and the two kept fighting until dusk. 呢 次 係 因為 大家 隻 馬 都 打 到 冇 力 , 口吐白沫 , 所以 就 暫時 休戰 。 this|time|is|because|everyone|measure word for animals|horse|all|fight|to|no|strength|foaming at the mouth|so|then|temporarily|ceasefire This time it was because everyone's horse was exhausted, foaming at the mouth, so they temporarily ceased fighting. 典韋 手下 嘅 軍士 就 飛跑 去 報告 曹操 。 Dian Wei|subordinate|possessive particle|soldier|then|ran away|to|report|Cao Cao Dian Wei's soldiers ran to report to Cao Cao. 嘩 嗨 ! 曹操 好 驚奇 , 連忙 帶住 班 將領 趕到 嚟 要 睇 下 。 wow|hi|Cao Cao|very|surprised|hurriedly|brought|group|generals|rushed|here|want|see|what Wow! Cao Cao was very surprised and quickly brought his generals to see. 第 日 , 嗰 個 壯士 又 出馬 挑戰 。 the|day|that|measure word for people|warrior|again|come out to fight|challenge The next day, that warrior came out to challenge again. 曹操 見到 佢 一 貌 堂堂 , 威風凜凜 , 個心 就 好 歡喜 。 Cao Cao|saw|him|one|appearance|dignified|imposing|heart|then|very|happy When Cao Cao saw him, looking majestic and imposing, he felt very pleased. 佢 吩咐 典韋 : 叫 佢 今日 要 詐輸 。 he|instructed|Dian Wei|to tell|him|today|must|lose intentionally He instructed Dian Wei: Tell him to lose on purpose today. 典韋 知道 曹操 要 出計 仔 嘞 , 就 應 一聲 : 遵命 ! 噉 就 出去 迎戰 嘞 喎 。 Dian Wei|knows|Cao Cao|wants|to devise a plan|child|past tense particle|then|should|reply|as you command|then|then|go out|to face the battle|past tense particle|sentence-final particle Dian Wei knew that Cao Cao was up to something, so he replied: Understood! Then he went out to face the battle. 究竟 曹操 出 咗 咩 計仔 呢 ? exactly|Cao Cao|come up with|past tense marker|what|plan|question particle What scheme did Cao Cao come up with? 嗰 個 壯士 咁 打 得 又 係 邊個 呢 ? that|measure word for people|warrior|so|||again|is|who|question particle Who is that strong warrior fighting so well?

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