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張悦楷講《三國演義》, 042

曹操 召開 個 軍事 會議 , 搵 齊 啲 將官 謀士 嚟 就 商量 點樣 去 擊敗 袁紹 。 程昱 提出 一個 十面埋伏 之計 呀 。 建議 曹操 呢 , 將 部隊 退到 去 黃河 邊 , 埋伏 定 十隊 人馬 , 就 引誘 袁軍追到 嚟 黃河 邊啊 。 佢 話 : 喺 呢 個 時候 , 我軍 已經 冇 晒 退路 嘞 , 必定 死戰 嘅 , 噉 就 可以 打贏 袁紹 啦 。 曹操 採納 咗 佢 呢 條 計策 。 就 將軍 隊 呀 分為 左右 各 五隊 : 左便 , 一隊 夏侯惇 , 二隊 張 遼 , 三隊 李典 , 四隊 樂進 , 五隊 夏侯淵 ; 右 便 , 一隊 曹洪 , 二隊 張 郃 , 三隊 徐晃 , 四隊 于禁 , 五隊 高覽 。 中軍 呢 , 許褚 做 先鋒 。 第 日 , 十隊 兵馬 就 先行 出發 , 喺 左右兩 便 埋伏 好 嘞 。 到 咗 半夜 , 曹操 就 下令 許褚 呀 率領 兵馬 前進 , 偽裝成 劫寨 噉 樣 。 噉 袁紹 五個 寨 嘅 人馬 就 一齊 還擊 喇 。 許褚 打 一打 唧 , 馬上 回 軍 就 走 。 袁紹 指揮 大軍 猛追 , 一路 大聲 吶喊 喎 嗬 殺 啊 噉 。 上下 到 天光 嘅 時候 , 就 追到 黃河 岸邊 嘞 。 曹 軍 已經 冇 去路 嘞 喎 , 曹操 啊 大聲 噉 嗌: 前 無 去路 , 全軍 要 死戰 啊 ! 一聲 呼喚 啊 , 全軍 立即 回身 , 奮勇向前 。 許褚飛 馬 當先 , 力 斬 袁 軍 十幾員 將官 , 吓 袁 軍 啊 當堂 大亂 。 袁紹見 形勢 不妙 嘞 就 急急 退兵 啦 。 哈哈 , 呢 趟 就 輪 到 曹軍後便 猛追 嘞 喎 。 袁 軍 正在 撤退 緊 , 只 聽見 一聲 鼓響 , 左邊 夏侯淵 、 右邊 高覽 就 兩 軍 衝出 嚟 兜頭 截住 。 袁紹 叫 佢 三個 仔 一個 外甥 , 點都 唔 好 走散 啊 , 搏命 噉 衝開 條 血路 逃跑 。 走 咗 唔 到 十里 , 左便 樂進 、 右 便于 禁 呀 殺出 嚟 , 殺到 袁 軍 係 尸橫 遍野 血流成河 。 又行 咗 冇 幾多 里路 , 左便 李典 、 右 便 徐晃 , 兩 軍 衝出 嚟 又 截住 廝殺 一陣 。 嘿 , 打 到 袁紹 父子 呀 , 膽喪 心驚 , 就 趯 返入 去 舊寨 。 噉 袁紹 就 命令 三軍 煮飯 食 啦 。 點 知道 啱 啱 煮熟 飯 都 嚟 唔 切 食唧 , 左邊 張 遼 、 右邊 張 郃 就 直筆 嚟 衝寨 嘞 。 袁紹 就 慌忙 上馬 , 急急 奔去 倉亭 。 跑 呀 跑 呀 , 嘿 , 真 係 鐵打 嘅 都 頂 唔 順 啦 。 袁紹 就 人困馬乏 , 正話 想 唞 下氣 , 後 便 曹操 大軍 又 追到 嚟 嘞 。 袁紹 就 唔 要命 咁 趯 啊 。 走走 下 , 右 便 曹洪 、 左邊 夏侯惇 就 擋住 去路 。 袁紹 大聲 叫 話 : 如果 唔 死戰 就 畀 人 捉 㗎 喇 , 殺 啊 ! 真 係 最後 一點 力 都 出齊 嘞 , 左衝右 突就 終歸 畀 袁紹 佢 哋 呢 衝出 咗 重圍 。 但 係 袁熙 、 高幹 呢 都 受 咗 箭傷 , 人馬 都 差 唔 多 死傷 盡 嘞 。 袁紹 攬住 三個 仔 痛哭 一場 , 一下 就暈 咗 過去 , 啲 人 就 急 急救 返 醒 佢 啦 。 啊 ! 袁紹 嘔血 啊 , 嘔到 唔 停 。 嘿 ! 哎呀 ! 我 歷來 大戰 幾十場 , 唉 , 冇 想到 今日 狼狽 到 噉 樣 啊 ! 啊 ! 真 係 天喪 我 啊 ! 你 哋 , 你 哋 各回 本州 , 勢 與 曹賊 一決雌雄 ! 於是 袁紹 就 叫 辛評 、 郭圖 跟 埋 袁譚 , 火急 返去 青州 整頓 人馬 , 提防 曹操 進攻 。 又 命令 袁熙 就 返去 幽州 , 高幹 返去 並州 各自 去 收拾 兵馬 , 準備 隨時 調用 。 噉 袁紹 自己 呢 , 就 帶 住 袁尚 等等 一班人 就 返去 冀州 養病 。 叫 袁尚同 審配 、 逢紀 , 暫時 掌管 軍事 , 呢 啲 呢 , 就 暫時 放落 唔 講 佢 住 嘞 。 而家 再 講返 下 曹操 , 佢 喺 倉 亭 大勝 袁紹 啊 , 就 重賞 三軍 , 又 叫 人 去 探聽 冀州 嘅 情況 。 過 咗 一段時間 , 啲 探子 呀 返 嚟 報告 話 : 袁紹 病 咗 ; 袁尚 、 審配 呀 堅守 城池 ; 袁譚 、 袁熙 、 高幹 都 返 咗 去 本州 喇 噉 。 當時 , 大家 都 勸 曹操 立即 起兵 去 攻 冀州 , 但 係 曹操 唔 同意 喎 , 佢 話 : 冀州 糧食 極其 充足 , 審配 個人 又 好 有 機謀 , 唔 係 一時之間 就 可以 攻得 落 嘅 。 同時 , 而家 啲 禾 就 熟 喇 , 如果 喺 呢 個 時候 進兵 , 恐怕 會 荒廢 咗 百姓 嘅 衣食 。 仲 係 等 秋收 之後 , 再 嚟 打 佢 都 未 遲 吖 ! 正 喺 度 商量 緊 , 荀彧 派 人 送 咗 封信 嚟 , 報告 畀 曹操 聽 : 話 劉備 喺 汝南 啊 , 得 咗 劉辟 、 龔都 幾萬 人馬 。 知道 丞相 帶兵 出征 河北 , 就 叫 劉辟 守住 汝南 , 劉備 親自 帶兵 乘虛 嚟 進攻 許昌 , 請 丞相 從速 回 軍 防禦 噉 。 曹操 睇 咗 大吃一驚 , 哈 你 個 劉備 吖 都 算 可惡 喇吓 , 兜 篤 將軍 係 嘛 ? 於是 就 留低 曹洪 , 喺 黃河 沿岸 駐扎 部分 人馬 虛張聲勢 , 自己 呢 , 就 率領 大軍 去 汝南 迎擊 劉備 嘞 。 劉備 啊 同埋 關羽 、 張飛 、 趙雲 , 帶領 兵馬 想 去 襲擊 許昌 吖 。 行到 穰 山 呢 笪 地方 , 就 遇到 曹兵 殺 嚟 。 劉備 就 喺 穰 山 扎 落 營寨 , 佢 將 全軍 分為 三隊 喎 : 關雲長 , 駐 扎 喺 東南角 ; 張飛 , 駐 扎 喺 西南角 ; 劉備 同 趙雲 呀 喺 正南方 駐扎 。 當 曹操 兵 到 嘅 時候 , 劉備 就 帶領 兵馬 喎 噉 吶喊 住 出 嚟 迎敵 。 曹操 就 佈 好 陣勢 , 就 叫 劉備 出 嚟 答話 。 劉備 咪 出 嚟 咯 , 佢 立馬 喺 門 旗下 便 。 曹操 用條 馬鞭 指住 劉備 鬧 佢 : 我當 你 係 上賓 噉 嚟 款待 , 你 點解 要 忘恩負義 呀 ? 劉備 話 嘞 : 你 名義 上 叫做 漢朝 丞相 啊 , 其實 係 個 國賊 ! 我 乃 係 漢室 宗親 , 而家 奉天 子密詔 , 嚟 討伐 你 個 反賊 啊 ! 於是 劉備 就 大聲 朗誦 衣帶詔 嘞 喎 。 嗨 嬲 到 曹操 呀 不得了 , 即刻 叫許 褚 出戰 。 喺 劉備 背後 , 趙雲挺 槍 出馬 , 兩個 打 咗 三十個 回合 呀 不分勝負 。 正在 打 得 熱鬧 嘞 , 忽然 喎 嗬 殺 啊 噉 吶喊 連天 。 原來 關雲長 喺 東南角 帶兵 衝過 嚟 , 張飛 呢 喺 西南角 帶兵 衝過 嚟 。 三路 人馬 一齊 掩殺 。 曹軍因 為 長途 行軍 嚟 到 啊 , 太過 疲乏 頂 唔 順 , 於是 就 大敗 而 走 。 噉 劉備 呢 , 就 得勝 回營 嘞 。 第 日 , 劉備 食過 返 尋味 嘞 喎 , 又 派 趙雲 去 挑戰 。 哈點 知道 曹操 啊 唔 出 嚟 打 , 而且 連氣成 十幾日 都 唔 出 嚟 應戰 喎 。 劉備 又 派過 張飛 去 喽 打 , 曹軍亦 係 唔 出 嚟 。 咦 , 奇怪 嘞 喎 , 劉備 思疑 起 上 嚟 嘞 。 哈 , 突然 , 劉備 得到 報告 , 話 龔都 運糧 嚟 嘅 時候 , 喺 半路 畀 曹 軍 包圍住 。 劉備 就 急急 派 張飛 帶兵 去 救 。 誰知 一波未平 一波又起 呀 。 呢頭 又 嚟 報告 話 夏侯惇 帶 咗 支 人馬 , 抄後路 去 襲擊 汝南 嘞 。 劉備 大吃一驚 啊 ! 噉 呀 , 我 前後 受敵 , 冇 埞 返 嘅 嘞 噃。 即刻 就 派 關雲長 帶兵 去 救 汝南 , 噉 啊 兩支 軍隊 都 去 咗 啦 。 過 咗 幾日 , 飛馬 嚟 報告 話 夏侯惇 已經 攻破 汝南 , 劉辟 放棄 城池 逃走 出 嚟 嘞 。 關雲長 而家 被 包圍 呀 ! 劉備 慌 喇 , 跟 住 又 接到 消息 , 話 張飛 去 救 龔都 , 亦 都 畀 曹兵 包圍住 喇 噉 。 劉備 又 想 回兵 嘞 , 之 又 怕 曹 軍 喺 背後 襲擊 佢 喎 。 呢 個 時候 , 許褚 嚟 到 寨外 挑戰 嘞 。 劉備 唔 敢出去 打咯 。 一路 等到 第二 朝早 蒙蒙 光 , 叫 啲 士兵 飽餐一頓 。 步兵 行先 , 馬 軍 跟 住 尾 , 喺 寨 內 呢 留 低 幾個 人 , 敲住 更點 裝成 平時 一樣 , 就 想 用 呢 個 辦法 嚟 迷惑 敵人 。 噉 劉備 帶住 人馬 就 離開 營寨 。 大約 行 咗 幾里路 啦 , 以為 可以 走 甩身 啦 。 誰知 道 轉過 山咀 , 只見 火把 齊明 , 喺 山頭 上 曹兵 大 嗌 呀 : 唔 好 放走 劉備 呀 , 丞相 喺 處 等 咗 好 耐 喇 ! 劉備 慌 失失 噉 搵 路 趯 , 趙雲 話 : 主公 唔 使 憂 㗎 , 跟 住 我 嚟 啦 ! 趙雲 躍 馬挺槍 , 殺開 條路 。 劉備 呀 舞起 雙股 劍 跟 到 佢 貼 貼 。 正在 打緊 , 許褚 追到 嚟 嘞 , 同 趙雲 力戰 啊 。 跟 住 , 背後 于禁 、 李典 又 到 。 嘩 ! 唔 得 掂 咯 。 劉備 見 形勢危急 就 落荒而走 啦 , 走 呀 走 呀 , 聽見 後 便 嘅 喊 殺 聲 就 越 嚟 越遠 嘞 。 劉備 總之 向 住 啲 深山 小路 , 單人 匹馬 逃生 係 啦 。 係 噉 走 係 噉 走 , 一直 走 到 天光 , 突然 喺 側 跟 有 一 彪 人馬 衝出 嚟 , 嚇 到 劉備 一驚 。 定眼 一 睇 , 哦 , 原來 係 劉辟 帶 住 千 幾名 敗軍 , 護送 劉備 一家 大細 嚟 到 啊 。 孫乾 、 簡雍 、 糜芳 亦 都 跟 住 到 嘞 。 佢 哋 講 畀 劉備 聽 : 夏侯惇 軍勢 甚猛 啊 , 頂 唔 住 嘞 , 唯有 棄城 逃跑 啦 。 曹兵 又 追住 嚟 , 好彩 得到 雲長 擋住 , 噉 先 至 走 甩 咋 。 劉備 就問 嘞 : 噉 唔 知雲長 而 家 喺 邊 處 呢 ? 劉辟 話 : 將軍 你 快 啲 行 啦 , 唔 理得 咁 多 住 喇 ! 噉 又 向 前面 行 咗 幾里路 。 一聲 鼓響 , 前 便 湧出 一彪 人馬 , 當先 一名 大將 乃 係 張 郃 啊 。 劉備 ! 你 快 啲 落馬 投降 ! 哎呀 ! 弊 ! 劉備 正話 想 退後 , 只見 山頭 上 便 啊 , 一面 紅旗 氹 氹轉 咁 舞 。 有支 軍隊 , 喺 山坳 裏頭 湧出 嚟 , 為 首一名 大將 乃 係 高覽 。 哈哈 , 劉備 呀 兩頭 都 冇 路 咯 。 佢 仰天 大叫 話 : 天 啊 天 啊 ! 你 點解 使 我行 到 絕路 ? 哎 ! 既然 事到如今 , 我 不如 死 咗 佢 啦 ! 劉備 真 係 想 掹 劍 出 嚟 自刎 噃。 劉辟 立即 制止 佢 話 : 唔 好 啊 唔 好 啊 ! 我 就算 戰死 , 都 要 殺 開條 路 嚟 救 你 ! 一 講完 , 就 上前 同高覽 交鋒 , 但 係 打 咗 唔 夠 三個 回合 , 就 畀 高覽 一刀斬 咗 落馬 。 劉備 慌 啦 , 正話 想 自己 上前 打 嘞 喎 , 誒 ? 乜高 覽 嘅 後軍 忽然 自己 亂起 上 嚟 呀 喂 。 嘩 嗨 ! 有個 將軍 衝陣 殺過 嚟 喎 。 銀槍 一起 , 高覽 成個 舂 咗 落馬 。 劉備 定眼 一 睇 , 啊 , 原來 係 趙雲 嚟 到 嘞 , 歡喜 啦 。 只見 趙雲 縱 馬挺槍 , 殺散 咗 後 便 呢 一班 曹兵 。 又 去 前 便 曹 軍 嗰 處 呀 同 張 郃 交鋒 嘞 。 張 郃 同 趙雲 打 咗 卅 幾個 回合 ,嚱 唔 夠打 喇 , 撥轉 馬頭 走人 嘞 。 趙雲 趁勢 衝殺 , 哈 , 點知 畀 張 郃 啲 兵 守住 隘口 , 條路 又 窄 , 衝唔 出去 。 正 喺 度 苦戰 奪路 嘅 時候 , 只見 關雲長 、 關平 、 周倉 , 帶住 三百 人馬 嚟 到 。 噉 兩 便 夾攻 呀 殺退 咗 張 郃 , 於是 呢 就 出 咗 隘口 , 佔 住 山勢 險要 個 地方 扎落 營寨 。 跟 住 劉備 呢 , 就 叫 關雲長 去 搵 張飛 。 原來 張飛 呀 , 佢 係 去 救 龔 都 吖 , 去 到 嗰 陣 呢 , 龔都 已經 畀 夏侯淵 殺 咗 。 噉 張飛 奮力 殺退 咗 夏侯淵 , 就 一路 跟 住 猛追 。 追 追下 , 點知 畀 樂進 嘅 人馬 包圍住 。 噉 而家 關雲長 去 搵 佢 , 喺 路上 就 遇到 啲 敗兵 , 知道 咗 張飛 嘅 去向 , 就 跟蹤 而 去 , 殺退 咗 樂進 就 同 張飛 返 嚟 見 劉備 。 三 兄弟 正話 見 返面 , 嗬 ! 嗰 頭 曹操 大軍 又 追到 嚟 喇 。 劉備 叫孫 乾 佢 哋 保護 住 一家 大 細行 先 。 劉備 自己 同 關羽 、 張飛 、 趙雲 押後 , 且 戰且 走 。 噉 曹操 見 劉備 去 遠 咗 咯 , 就 收兵 唔 追 佢 。 劉備 打 剩 嘅 敗兵 呀 唔 夠 一千 , 狼 狼狽 狽 就 猛 咁 跑 。 佢 哋 嚟 到 一條 江邊 , 就 問下 當地人 係 咩 地方 啊 噉 , 啲 人 呢 就 話 , 呢條 係 漢江 。 劉備 就 叫 大家 喺 度 安營 先 。 當地 嘅 人 知道 呢 個 就 係 劉備 劉皇叔 唄 , 就 送 羊酒 嚟 畀 佢 哋 。 劉備 同埋 大家 就 坐 喺 沙灘 飲酒 。 飲過 兩杯 , 劉備 長 歎 一聲 話 : 唉 ! 諸君 都 係 有 王佐之才 , 不幸 跟 住 我 劉備 呀 。 我 條命 唔 好 , 累 埋 你 哋 咯 。 嚱, 今日 , 我身 無立錐之地 , 好怕誤 咗 諸君 啊 , 你 哋 各位 , 各位 , 不如 離開 我 , 去 投奔 一位 明主 , 博取 功名 罷啦 , 啊 。 劉備 噉 樣一講 , 講到 大家 都 揞 住 塊 面喊 起 上 嚟 。 關雲長 就 話 喇 : 兄長 你 噉 樣講 , 錯 喇 。 往日 漢高祖 同 項羽 爭霸 天下 , 幾次 敗 於 項羽 手下 , 最後 , 九里山 一戰 成功 , 開創 咗 四百年 基業 。 勝負 乃兵 家常事 , 何必 灰心喪氣 呢 ? 孫乾話 喇 : 關將軍 講得 好 啊 , 成敗 有時 , 不可 喪志 吖 嘛 。 呢 處 離開 荊州 冇 幾遠 , 劉景升 坐鎮 九郡 , 兵強 糧足 。 更 兼 同明 公都 係 漢室 宗親 , 不如 去 投奔 佢 唔 好 ? 啊 ? 劉備 話 嘞 : 就 係 怕 佢 唔 肯 收留 我 啫 。 等 我 先行一步 去 說 佢 , 我要 使 到 劉景升 親自 出城 嚟 歡迎 主公 。 劉備 極之 歡喜 , 就 叫 孫乾 日夜兼程 趕 去 荊州 。 去 到 嘞 , 見到 劉表 行過禮 。 劉表 就問 : 先生 你 跟 從 玄德 , 嚟 呢 處 有 咩 嘢 事 呢 ? 孫乾話 : 劉使君 乃 係 天下英雄 , 雖然 而家 兵微將寡 , 但 係 佢 志在 匡扶 社稷 啊 。 呢 汝南 嘅 劉 辟 、 龔都 , 佢 哋 同 劉使君 非親非故 , 亦 不惜 一死 為 佢 效力 。 明公同 使君 都 係 漢室 嘅 皇親 啊 。 而家 使君 新近 打敗 咗 仗 , 本來 想 去 江東 投奔 孫仲謀 嘅 。 我 就 同 佢 話 : 背親 而 向 疏 就 唔 好 啦 。 荊州 劉將軍 禮賢下士 , 歸附 劉將軍 嘅 人 就 好似 水 向東流 噉 , 何況 又 係 同宗 呢 ? 因此 劉使君 特意 叫 我 先 嚟 拜見 將軍 , 講一 講 佢 嘅 心意 , 就 係 睇 明公 你 嘅 意思 喇 。 玄德 係 我 嘅 兄弟 , 好耐以 嚟 , 就 想 同 佢 相會 喇 , 就 係 冇 機會 。 而家 , 佢 肯 惠 言 光臨 , 實在 幸甚 , 幸甚 啊 ! 蔡瑁 一 聽 , 唔 妥 , 佢 即刻 就 對 劉表 話 嘞 : 唔 好 啊 ! 劉備 此人 最先 係 跟隨 呂布 , 後 嚟 又 效力 於 曹操 , 最近 投靠 袁紹 , 每次 都 係 有始無終 嘅 。 噉 就 足見 佢 嘅 為 人 啦 。 而家 如果 收容 佢 , 曹操 必定 嚟 打 我 哋 嘅 , 噉 就 枉 動干戈 咯 。 不如 斬 咗 孫 乾 嘅 首級 , 獻 畀 曹操 , 噉 曹操 必定會 好好 噉 待 主公 㗎 嘞 。 孫乾好 嚴肅 噉 話 : 我 孫乾 唔 係 一個 怕死 嘅 人 。 劉使君 忠心 為國 , 絕非 曹操 、 呂布 、 袁紹之 流 可比 , 以前 之所以 要 投奔 佢 哋 , 都 係 不得已 唧 。 而家 , 因為 劉將軍 乃 係 漢朝 苗裔 , 有 同宗 之親 , 故此 千里 相投 。 你 點解 要 噉 樣 講人 壞話 , 妒忌 賢能 呢 ? 劉表 聽 咗 就 話 蔡瑁 喇 : 我 已經 揸 定 主意 喇 , 你 唔 好講 咁 多 喇 。 當堂 話 到 蔡瑁 面 懵懵 噉 行返 出去 。 於是 劉表 就 叫 孫乾去 通知 劉備 。 噉 劉備 嚟 到 嘅 時候 啊 , 劉表 啊 佢 真 係 親自 出 城 三十里 迎接 啊 。 劉備 見到 劉表 , 佢 態度 十分 恭敬 , 而 劉表 待 佢 呢 亦 非常 之 親熱 。 劉備 介紹 關羽 、 張飛 佢 哋 拜見 劉表 , 大家 都 好 高興 啦 。 噉 劉表 接 咗 劉備 一行 人 進入 荊州 , 撥 咗 房屋 畀 佢 哋 居住 , 噉 呢 啲 呢 就 暫時 放落 唔 講住 喇 。 而家 講返 下 曹操 啊 , 佢 探聽到 劉備 已經 去 咗 荊州 , 投奔 劉表 唄 , 就 想起 兵去 攻 佢 。 程昱 又 勸 曹操 話 喇 : 袁紹 都 仲 未曾 剷除 , 一下 又 要 去 進攻 荊州 。 如果 袁紹 喺 河北 再次 振作起 嚟 , 噉 誰 勝誰負 , 尚未可知 㗎 。 不如 收兵 返去 許都 , 養精蓄銳 。 等到 明年 春 暖 嘅 時候 , 然後 起兵 先破 袁紹 , 後 取 荊襄 。 一南 一北之利 一舉 而 得 啊 ! 嗯 , 哼哼 , 有 道理 ! 曹操 聽 佢 話 , 就 帶兵 返 許都 。 不經 不覺 , 又 到 建安 七年 正月 新春 。 曹操 又試 考慮 興兵 嘞 。 佢 首先 呢 派 夏侯惇 、 滿寵 , 去 鎮守 汝南 , 防禦 劉表 ; 留低 曹仁 、 荀彧 呀 守衛 許都 ; 自己 就 統率 大軍 , 出發 去 官渡 駐扎 。 噉 啊 再 講下 袁紹 。 佢 自從 舊年 打敗仗 啊 受 咗 刺激 , 得 咗 吐 血症 一直 到 咗 今年 年頭 呀 , 先至 稍 為 好 返 啲 。 佢 一 好 返 啲 , 又 搵 啲 謀士 嚟 商量 想 進攻 許都 嘞 喎 。 審配 唔 贊成 嘞 , 佢 話 : 舊年 我軍 喺 官渡 、 倉亭 打 咗 敗仗 , 軍心 都 未曾 振作起 嚟 呀 。 仲 係 要 深溝高壘 , 加強 防禦 , 積聚 下 軍民 嘅 力量 為 好 啊 。 正在 商量 緊 , 就 得到 報告 話 曹操 進兵 官渡 , 要 嚟 進攻 冀州 。 袁紹 就 話 嘞 : 哼 ! 如果 等到 兵臨城下 , 將至 壕邊 , 然後 先至 同人 哋 打 呀 , 噉 就 遲 咯 。 我要 親自 統率 大軍 出去 迎敵 。 袁尚話 嘞 : 父親 嘅 病 未曾 痊癒 , 唔 適宜 去 遠征 啊 。 孩兒 願意 領兵 前去 迎敵 ! 好 啊 ! 袁紹 同意 嘞 , 就 派 人 去 青州 通知 袁譚 , 去 幽州 通知 袁熙 , 去 並州 通知 高幹 , 決定 四路 一齊 出兵 去 攻打 曹操 。 嗱, 本來 係 計劃 四路 兵馬 一齊 去 攻打 曹操 㗎 嘛 。 但 係 袁尚 啊 , 佢 自從 上次 斬 咗 史 渙 之後 就 以 為 自己 好 打 得 , 夠晒 勇猛 嘞 。 所以 都 未 等 齊 袁 譚 佢 哋 啲 兵馬 到 呢 , 自己 就 率領 幾萬 士兵 出 咗 黎陽 。 佢 遇 正 曹 軍 前鋒 部隊 , 帶兵 嘅 係 大將 張 遼 。 兩 軍 相對 呀 張 遼 當先 出馬 。 袁尚 就 挺 槍 嚟 交戰 嘞 。 張 遼 就 唔 同史 渙 喇 。 袁尚 根本 就 唔 係 佢 手腳 , 都 未 到 三個 回合 唧 , 連 招架 遮攔 嘅 功夫 都 冇 晒 , 打 到 大敗 而 走 。 張 遼 趁勢 掩殺 。 袁尚 就 慌 到 冇 晒 主意 呀 , 急急 帶住 人馬 趯 返去 冀州 。 袁紹 聽聞 袁尚 打輸 咗 返 嚟 , 又嚇 咗 一驚 , 舊病復發 , 當堂 嘔 咗 幾斗血 𢴈 喺 地下 嚟 暈 咗 。 劉夫人 嚇死 嚟 咯 , 慌忙 叫 人 救 咗 袁紹 返入 房 。 過 咗 幾日 , 袁紹 病勢 危急 , 眼睇 住 冇 得 摱 㗎 嘞 。 劉夫人 即刻 請 審配 、 逢紀入 嚟 , 直情 嚟 到 袁紹 張床 前 便 商量 後事 。 呢 個 時候 , 袁紹 已經 講唔 出 說話 , 淨 係 識得 用 隻 手指 下 指下 。 劉夫人 就 問 佢 : 阿尚 可以 繼你位 吖 嘛 , 吓 ? 可以 吖 嘛 ? 你講 啦 。 袁紹 岌岌 頭 , 審配 就 喺 床 前 寫 咗 遺囑 。 忽然間 , 只見 袁紹 一翻 轉身 , 哎呀 ! 啊 ! 啊 啊 ! 大叫 一聲 , 又 嘔 咗 成斗血 , 就 嗚呼哀哉 死 咗 喇 。 袁紹 一死 , 就 由 審 配 佢 哋 主持 喪事 。 劉夫人 呀 , 即刻 將 袁紹 生前 所 寵愛 嘅 嗰 五個 妾 侍 全部 殺 咗 。 啊 噉 仲 唔 止 , 又 怕 佢 哋 嘅 陰魂 啊 喺 九泉之下 , 再同 袁紹 相聚 喎 。 故此 呀 仲割 咗 佢 哋 嘅 頭髮 , 劃花 佢 哋 塊 面 , 斬 爛 佢 哋 嘅 尸 體 嚱 你 哋 話 喇 , 劉夫人 陰毒 唔 陰毒 吖 嗱。 袁尚 就 幫 佢 老母 斬草除根 , 怕 嗰 幾個 愛妾 嘅 家屬 報仇 , 就 將 佢 哋 通通 捉起 嚟 殺死 晒 。 審配 同逢紀 呢 , 就立 袁尚 做 大司馬 將軍 , 領冀 、 青 、 幽 、 並四 州牧 。 派 使者 去 報喪 。 呢 個 時候 啊 , 袁譚 已經 帶兵 出發 離開 青州 。 佢 知道 父親 死 咗 , 就 同 郭圖 、 辛評 兩個 商量 啦 。 郭圖 話 嘞 : 主公 你 唔 喺 冀州 嚟 , 審配 同逢紀 必定 立顯甫 為 主 㗎 啦 。 要 快 啲 趕去 冀州 至 得 喇 。 顯甫 就 係 袁 尚 嘅 別字 咯 。 辛評 話 : 審配 、 逢 紀 佢 哋 兩個 人 , 必定 預先 定落 陰謀 㗎 喇 。 我 哋 如果 而家 趕住 去 , 實 遭 佢 哋 毒手 嘅 噃。 袁 譚話 : 噉 啊點 做好 呢 ? 郭圖 話 : 我 哋 將 人馬 駐 扎 喺 城外 先 , 睇 下 佢 嘅 動靜 , 等 我 親入 去 觀下 啦 。 袁譚 就 照 佢 說話 噉 做 嘞 。 各位 , 噉 啊 袁 譚同 袁尚 啊 , 兩個 人要 爭起 上 嚟 。 兩 兄弟 不 和 , 噉 啊 實有 個輸 有 個贏 嘞 。 或者 兩個 都 輸 ,嚱! 究竟 結果 點呢 ?

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曹操 召開 個 軍事 會議 , 搵 齊 啲 將官 謀士 嚟 就 商量 點樣 去 擊敗 袁紹 。 Cao Cao|convened|(measure word)|military|meeting|find|gather|(plural marker)|generals|strategists|come|then|discuss|how|to|defeat|Yuan Shao Cao Cao held a military meeting, gathering the generals and strategists to discuss how to defeat Yuan Shao. 程昱 提出 一個 十面埋伏 之計 呀 。 Cheng Yu|proposed|a|encirclement from all sides|strategy|particle Cheng Yu proposed a strategy of encirclement. 建議 曹操 呢 , 將 部隊 退到 去 黃河 邊 , 埋伏 定 十隊 人馬 , 就 引誘 袁軍追到 嚟 黃河 邊啊 。 suggest|Cao Cao|question particle|will|troops|retreat to|past tense marker|Yellow River|bank|ambush|set||cavalry|then|lure||come|Yellow River|bank particle He suggested to Cao Cao to retreat the troops to the banks of the Yellow River, set up ten ambush units, and lure Yuan's army to chase them to the Yellow River. 佢 話 : 喺 呢 個 時候 , 我軍 已經 冇 晒 退路 嘞 , 必定 死戰 嘅 , 噉 就 可以 打贏 袁紹 啦 。 he|said|at|this|classifier for events|time|our army|already|has no|completely|retreat|past tense marker|definitely|fight to the death|particle indicating certainty|then|just|can|defeat|Yuan Shao|particle indicating suggestion or finality He said: At this time, our army has no way to retreat, we must fight to the death, and then we can win against Yuan Shao. 曹操 採納 咗 佢 呢 條 計策 。 Cao Cao|adopted|past tense marker|he|this|measure word for plan|strategy Cao Cao adopted his strategy. 就 將軍 隊 呀 分為 左右 各 五隊 : then|general|team|particle|divided into|left and right|each|five teams The army is divided into two sides, each with five teams: 左便 , 一隊 夏侯惇 , 二隊 張 遼 , 三隊 李典 , 四隊 樂進 , 五隊 夏侯淵 ; Zuo Bian|First Team|Xiahou Dun|Second Team|||Third Team|Li Dian|Fourth Team|Le Jin|Fifth Team|Xiahou Yuan On the left side, there is Team 1: Xiahou Dun, Team 2: Zhang Liao, Team 3: Li Dian, Team 4: Le Jin, Team 5: Xiahou Yuan; 右 便 , 一隊 曹洪 , 二隊 張 郃 , 三隊 徐晃 , 四隊 于禁 , 五隊 高覽 。 ||first team|Cao Hong|second team|||third team|Xu Huang|fourth team|Yu Jin|fifth team|Gao Lan On the right side, there is Team 1: Cao Hong, Team 2: Zhang He, Team 3: Xu Huang, Team 4: Yu Jin, Team 5: Gao Lan. 中軍 呢 , 許褚 做 先鋒 。 central army|question particle|Xu Chu|to be|vanguard In the center, Xu Chu serves as the vanguard. 第 日 , 十隊 兵馬 就 先行 出發 , 喺 左右兩 便 埋伏 好 嘞 。 the|day|ten squads|soldiers and horses|then|first|depart|at||sides|ambush|well|particle indicating completion On the day, the ten teams of soldiers will set off first and ambush well on both sides. 到 咗 半夜 , 曹操 就 下令 許褚 呀 率領 兵馬 前進 , 偽裝成 劫寨 噉 樣 。 By midnight, Cao Cao ordered Xu Chu to lead the troops forward, disguising themselves as if they were raiding a camp. 噉 袁紹 五個 寨 嘅 人馬 就 一齊 還擊 喇 。 then|Yuan Shao|five|camp|possessive particle|troops|then|together|counterattack|particle indicating completed action Then the troops from the five camps of Yuan Shao counterattacked together. 許褚 打 一打 唧 , 馬上 回 軍 就 走 。 Xu Chu|hit|one hit|sound of a whistle|immediately|||then|leave Xu Chu fought for a bit, then immediately retreated. 袁紹 指揮 大軍 猛追 , 一路 大聲 吶喊 喎 嗬 殺 啊 噉 。 Yuan Shao|commanded|large army|pursued fiercely|all the way|loudly|shouted|hey|ho|kill|ah|like this Yuan Shao commanded the army to chase fiercely, shouting loudly along the way, 'Kill!' 上下 到 天光 嘅 時候 , 就 追到 黃河 岸邊 嘞 。 up and down|at|dawn|possessive particle|time|then|caught up to|Yellow River|riverside|past action particle By the time it was dawn, they had chased to the banks of the Yellow River. 曹 軍 已經 冇 去路 嘞 喎 , 曹操 啊 大聲 噉 嗌: 前 無 去路 , 全軍 要 死戰 啊 ! ||already|no|escape route|past action particle|sentence-final particle|Cao Cao|exclamatory particle|loudly|like that|shouted|front|no|escape route|entire army|must|fight to the death|exclamatory particle Cao Jun has no way out now, Cao Cao shouted loudly: "There is no way out in front, the whole army must fight to the death!" 一聲 呼喚 啊 , 全軍 立即 回身 , 奮勇向前 。 one call|call|ah|entire army|immediately|turned around|bravely advanced forward With a single call, the whole army immediately turned around and bravely charged forward. 許褚飛 馬 當先 , 力 斬 袁 軍 十幾員 將官 , 吓 袁 軍 啊 當堂 大亂 。 Xu Chu Fei|horse|leading|with strength|beheaded|Yuan|army||officers|frightened|Yuan|army|ah|on the spot|in great disarray Xu Chu led the charge on horseback, forcefully cutting down more than ten of Yuan's generals, causing Yuan's army to fall into chaos. 袁紹見 形勢 不妙 嘞 就 急急 退兵 啦 。 |situation|unfavorable|past action particle|then|hurriedly|withdrew troops|sentence-final particle Seeing the situation was not good, Yuan Shao quickly retreated. 哈哈 , 呢 趟 就 輪 到 曹軍後便 猛追 嘞 喎 。 haha|this|trip|then||||chase fiercely|past tense marker|sentence-final particle Haha, this time it was Cao Jun's turn to chase fiercely after them. 袁 軍 正在 撤退 緊 , 只 聽見 一聲 鼓響 , 左邊 夏侯淵 、 右邊 高覽 就 兩 軍 衝出 嚟 兜頭 截住 。 Yuan|army|currently|retreating|intensively|only|heard|one sound|drum sound|on the left|Xiahou Yuan|on the right|Gao Lan|then|two|armies|charged out|here|from behind|intercepted Yuan's army is currently retreating, and suddenly there is a drum sound. On the left, Xiahou Yuan, and on the right, Gao Lan, both armies charge out to intercept. 袁紹 叫 佢 三個 仔 一個 外甥 , 點都 唔 好 走散 啊 , 搏命 噉 衝開 條 血路 逃跑 。 Yuan Shao|called|him|three|sons|one|nephew|no matter how|||get separated|ah|risking his life|like that|broke through|the|bloody path|escape Yuan Shao told his three sons and one nephew that they must not get separated, and they should fight their way through the blood path to escape. 走 咗 唔 到 十里 , 左便 樂進 、 右 便于 禁 呀 殺出 嚟 , 殺到 袁 軍 係 尸橫 遍野 血流成河 。 walk|past tense marker|not|reach|ten miles|left side|a general|right||stop|particle|kill out|come|kill until|Yuan|army|is|||blood flows like a river They hadn't run for even ten miles when on the left, Le Jin, and on the right, Yu Jin, came out to kill, resulting in Yuan's army being strewn with corpses and blood flowing like rivers. 又行 咗 冇 幾多 里路 , 左便 李典 、 右 便 徐晃 , 兩 軍 衝出 嚟 又 截住 廝殺 一陣 。 walked again|past tense marker|not|how many|miles|to the left|Li Dian|||Xu Huang|two|armies|charged out|here|again|intercepted|fighting|for a while After walking a few more miles, on the left, Li Dian, and on the right, Xu Huang, both armies charged out again to intercept and fought for a while. 嘿 , 打 到 袁紹 父子 呀 , 膽喪 心驚 , 就 趯 返入 去 舊寨 。 hey|||Yuan Shao|father and son|particle indicating exclamation|frightened|scared|then|hurriedly|returned|to|old fort Hey, they fought until Yuan Shao and his son were frightened and scared, and they hurried back into the old fort. 噉 袁紹 就 命令 三軍 煮飯 食 啦 。 then|Yuan Shao|then|ordered|the three armies|to cook rice|to eat|sentence-final particle So Yuan Shao ordered the three armies to cook and eat. 點 知道 啱 啱 煮熟 飯 都 嚟 唔 切 食唧 , 左邊 張 遼 、 右邊 張 郃 就 直筆 嚟 衝寨 嘞 。 how|to know|||cooked|rice|all|come|not|cut|eat|left|surname|Liao|right|surname|He|then|directly|come|charge the fort|past tense particle Little did he know that just as the rice was cooked, they couldn't even cut it to eat, and on the left was Zhang Liao and on the right was Zhang He charging straight at the camp. 袁紹 就 慌忙 上馬 , 急急 奔去 倉亭 。 Yuan Shao|then|hurriedly|mounted his horse|urgently|rushed to|Cangting Yuan Shao hurriedly mounted his horse and rushed to Cangting. 跑 呀 跑 呀 , 嘿 , 真 係 鐵打 嘅 都 頂 唔 順 啦 。 run|particle|||hey|||ironclad|possessive particle|all||||particle Running and running, hey, it really is exhausting and overwhelming. 袁紹 就 人困馬乏 , 正話 想 唞 下氣 , 後 便 曹操 大軍 又 追到 嚟 嘞 。 Yuan Shao|then|his men were exhausted and his horses were tired|just as he was|wanted|to catch|his breath|later|then|Cao Cao|army|again|caught up to|here|past tense particle Yuan Shao was exhausted and was just thinking of taking a break when Cao Cao's army caught up. 袁紹 就 唔 要命 咁 趯 啊 。 Yuan Shao|then|not|life-threatening|so|urgent|particle Yuan Shao just doesn't care about his life. 走走 下 , 右 便 曹洪 、 左邊 夏侯惇 就 擋住 去路 。 walk|down|||Cao Hong|left|Xiahou Dun|then|block|path As they moved, on the right was Cao Hong, and on the left was Xiahou Dun blocking their way. 袁紹 大聲 叫 話 : 如果 唔 死戰 就 畀 人 捉 㗎 喇 , 殺 啊 ! Yuan Shao|loudly|shouted|saying|if|not|fight to the death|then|be|people|captured|particle indicating certainty|particle indicating completed action|kill|particle indicating exclamation Yuan Shao shouted loudly: If we don't fight to the death, we'll be captured, so let's kill! 真 係 最後 一點 力 都 出齊 嘞 , 左衝右 突就 終歸 畀 袁紹 佢 哋 呢 衝出 咗 重圍 。 ||last|a little|strength|all|came out together|past tense marker|||ultimately|by|Yuan Shao|they|plural marker|this|broke through|past tense marker|encirclement They really put in their last bit of strength, and after charging left and right, they finally broke through Yuan Shao's encirclement. 但 係 袁熙 、 高幹 呢 都 受 咗 箭傷 , 人馬 都 差 唔 多 死傷 盡 嘞 。 ||Yuan Xi|Gao Gan|particle indicating a question|all|suffered|past tense marker|arrow wounds|soldiers and horses|all||||casualties|completely|particle indicating completed action However, Yuan Xi and Gao Gan were also injured by arrows, and their troops were almost completely dead or wounded. 袁紹 攬住 三個 仔 痛哭 一場 , 一下 就暈 咗 過去 , 啲 人 就 急 急救 返 醒 佢 啦 。 Yuan Shao|holding|three|children|crying|a lot|suddenly||past tense marker|over|plural marker|people|then|hurriedly|first aid|return|awake|him|sentence final particle Yuan Shao held onto his three sons and cried bitterly, then fainted. The people hurried to revive him. 啊 ! 袁紹 嘔血 啊 , 嘔到 唔 停 。 ah|Yuan Shao|coughing up blood|ah|cough until|not|stop Ah! Yuan Shao is vomiting blood, he can't stop. 嘿 ! 哎呀 ! 我 歷來 大戰 幾十場 , 唉 , 冇 想到 今日 狼狽 到 噉 樣 啊 ! hey|oh no|I|throughout history|major battles|dozens of|sigh|not|thought|today|in a difficult situation|to|such|appearance|ah Hey! Oh no! I have fought in dozens of battles, sigh, I never expected to be in such a miserable state today! 啊 ! 真 係 天喪 我 啊 ! ah|||unfortunate|me|ah Ah! Truly, heaven has forsaken me! 你 哋 , 你 哋 各回 本州 , 勢 與 曹賊 一決雌雄 ! ||||||situation|with|Cao thief|have a final showdown You all, return to your home states, and confront the Cao bandits to determine the victor! 於是 袁紹 就 叫 辛評 、 郭圖 跟 埋 袁譚 , 火急 返去 青州 整頓 人馬 , 提防 曹操 進攻 。 then|Yuan Shao|then|called|Xin Ping|Guo Tu|to|together|Yuan Tan|urgently|return to|Qingzhou|organize|troops|guard against|Cao Cao|attack So Yuan Shao ordered Xin Ping and Guo Tu to accompany Yuan Tan and urgently return to Qingzhou to organize the troops and guard against Cao Cao's attack. 又 命令 袁熙 就 返去 幽州 , 高幹 返去 並州 各自 去 收拾 兵馬 , 準備 隨時 調用 。 again|ordered|Yuan Xi|then|return|Youzhou|Gao Gan|return|Bingzhou|each|go|prepare|troops|prepare|at any time|mobilization He also commanded Yuan Xi to return to Youzhou, and Gao Gan to return to Bingzhou to each gather their troops and prepare for immediate deployment. 噉 袁紹 自己 呢 , 就 帶 住 袁尚 等等 一班人 就 返去 冀州 養病 。 then|Yuan Shao|himself|question particle|then|||Yuan Shang|and so on|a group of people|then|return|Jizhou|recuperate As for Yuan Shao himself, he took Yuan Shang and a group of people back to Jizhou to recuperate. 叫 袁尚同 審配 、 逢紀 , 暫時 掌管 軍事 , 呢 啲 呢 , 就 暫時 放落 唔 講 佢 住 嘞 。 called|Yuan Shangtong|Shen Pei|Feng Ji|temporarily|in charge of|military|this|||then|temporarily|put aside|not|mention|him|for now|particle indicating completed action He instructed Yuan Shang, Shen Pei, and Feng Ji to temporarily take charge of military affairs, and these matters were to be set aside for the time being. 而家 再 講返 下 曹操 , 佢 喺 倉 亭 大勝 袁紹 啊 , 就 重賞 三軍 , 又 叫 人 去 探聽 冀州 嘅 情況 。 now|again|talk about|next|Cao Cao|he|at|Chang|Ting|great victory|Yuan Shao|ah|then|heavily reward|three armies|also|ordered|people|to go|spy on|Ji Province|possessive particle|situation Now, back to Cao Cao, he achieved a great victory over Yuan Shao at Chang Ting, rewarding the three armies heavily and sending people to investigate the situation in Jizhou. 過 咗 一段時間 , 啲 探子 呀 返 嚟 報告 話 : past|completed action particle||plural marker|scouts|sentence-final particle|return|come|report|said After a period of time, the scouts returned to report that: 袁紹 病 咗 ; 袁尚 、 審配 呀 堅守 城池 ; 袁譚 、 袁熙 、 高幹 都 返 咗 去 本州 喇 噉 。 Yuan Shao|illness|past tense marker|Yuan Shang|Shen Pei|particle|defend|city|Yuan Tan|Yuan Xi|Gao Gan|all|return|past tense marker|go|Benzhou|particle|like that Yuan Shao is ill; Yuan Shang and Shen Pei are firmly defending the city; Yuan Tan, Yuan Xi, and Gao Gan have all returned to their home states. 當時 , 大家 都 勸 曹操 立即 起兵 去 攻 冀州 , 但 係 曹操 唔 同意 喎 , 佢 話 : at that time|everyone|all|advised|Cao Cao|immediately|raise troops|to|attack|Jizhou||||not|agree|sentence-final particle|he|said At that time, everyone urged Cao Cao to immediately raise troops to attack Jizhou, but Cao Cao disagreed, saying: 冀州 糧食 極其 充足 , 審配 個人 又 好 有 機謀 , 唔 係 一時之間 就 可以 攻得 落 嘅 。 Jizhou|food|extremely|sufficient|Shen Pei|person|also|very|has|strategy|not|is|in a moment|then|can|attack|down|particle Jizhou has an extremely abundant supply of food, and Shen Pei is very resourceful; it cannot be easily conquered. 同時 , 而家 啲 禾 就 熟 喇 , 如果 喺 呢 個 時候 進兵 , 恐怕 會 荒廢 咗 百姓 嘅 衣食 。 at the same time|now|plural marker|rice|already|ripe|particle indicating completed action|if|at|this|classifier for events|time|advance troops|I'm afraid|will|neglect|past tense marker|common people|possessive particle|basic necessities of life At the same time, the crops are ripe now; if we advance troops at this time, it is feared that the livelihoods of the common people will be neglected. 仲 係 等 秋收 之後 , 再 嚟 打 佢 都 未 遲 吖 ! ||wait|autumn harvest|after|again|come|fight|him|also|not yet|late|particle It's still not too late to deal with him after the autumn harvest! 正 喺 度 商量 緊 , 荀彧 派 人 送 咗 封信 嚟 , 報告 畀 曹操 聽 : currently|at|place|discussing|ongoing|Xun Yu|sent|someone|deliver|past tense marker|a letter|here|report|to|Cao Cao|heard While we were discussing this, Xun Yu sent a letter to report to Cao Cao: 話 劉備 喺 汝南 啊 , 得 咗 劉辟 、 龔都 幾萬 人馬 。 said|Liu Bei|at|Ruyin|particle|gathered|past tense marker|Liu Pi|Gong Du|several thousand|troops He said Liu Bei is in Runan, with Liu Pi and Gong Du having several tens of thousands of troops. 知道 丞相 帶兵 出征 河北 , 就 叫 劉辟 守住 汝南 , 劉備 親自 帶兵 乘虛 嚟 進攻 許昌 , 請 丞相 從速 回 軍 防禦 噉 。 know|Prime Minister|lead troops|go to war|Hebei|then|ordered|Liu Bi|defend|Runan|Liu Bei|personally|lead troops|take advantage of the opportunity|to|attack|Xuchang|request|Prime Minister|quickly|return|army|defense|like this Knowing that the Prime Minister has led troops to campaign in Hebei, he asked Liu Pi to guard Runan, while Liu Bei personally led troops to take advantage of the situation and attack Xuchang, urging the Prime Minister to return quickly to defend. 曹操 睇 咗 大吃一驚 , 哈 你 個 劉備 吖 都 算 可惡 喇吓 , 兜 篤 將軍 係 嘛 ? Cao Cao|see|past tense marker|greatly surprised|haha|you|classifier|Liu Bei|particle|all|considered|despicable||Dou|Duh|general|is|particle Cao Cao was shocked after reading this, saying, 'Ah, that Liu Bei is quite despicable, isn't he? Is he trying to outsmart the general?' 於是 就 留低 曹洪 , 喺 黃河 沿岸 駐扎 部分 人馬 虛張聲勢 , 自己 呢 , 就 率領 大軍 去 汝南 迎擊 劉備 嘞 。 then|just|left behind|Cao Hong|at|Yellow River|along the bank|stationed|part|troops|bluffed|himself|particle indicating a question|then|led|main army|to|Runan|confront|Liu Bei|particle indicating completed action So, Cao Hong was left behind, stationed some troops along the Yellow River to create a false show of strength, while he himself led the main army to meet Liu Bei in Runan. 劉備 啊 同埋 關羽 、 張飛 、 趙雲 , 帶領 兵馬 想 去 襲擊 許昌 吖 。 Liu Bei|ah|and|Guan Yu|Zhang Fei|Zhao Yun|lead|troops|want|to|attack|Xuchang|ah Liu Bei, along with Guan Yu, Zhang Fei, and Zhao Yun, led their troops intending to attack Xuchang. 行到 穰 山 呢 笪 地方 , 就 遇到 曹兵 殺 嚟 。 walk to|Yang|mountain|this|place|place|then|encountered|Cao soldiers|kill|come When they reached the area of Rang Mountain, they encountered Cao's soldiers attacking. 劉備 就 喺 穰 山 扎 落 營寨 , 佢 將 全軍 分為 三隊 喎 : Liu Bei|then|at|Rang|Mountain|set up|down|camp|he|will|whole army||three teams|particle indicating certainty Liu Bei set up camp at Rang Mountain, dividing the entire army into three teams. 關雲長 , 駐 扎 喺 東南角 ; Guan Yu|stationed|set up|at|southeast corner Guan Yun Chang was stationed at the southeast corner. 張飛 , 駐 扎 喺 西南角 ; 劉備 同 趙雲 呀 喺 正南方 駐扎 。 Zhang Fei|stationed|camped|at|southwest corner|Liu Bei|and|Zhao Yun|particle|at|directly south|stationed Zhang Fei is stationed at the southwest corner; Liu Bei and Zhao Yun are stationed directly to the south. 當 曹操 兵 到 嘅 時候 , 劉備 就 帶領 兵馬 喎 噉 吶喊 住 出 嚟 迎敵 。 when|Cao Cao|troops|arrived|past tense marker|time|Liu Bei|then|led|soldiers and horses|particle indicating certainty|like this|shouted|continuous aspect marker|out|come|to meet the enemy When Cao Cao's troops arrived, Liu Bei led his soldiers out to shout and confront the enemy. 曹操 就 佈 好 陣勢 , 就 叫 劉備 出 嚟 答話 。 Cao Cao|then|deploy|good|formation|then|called|Liu Bei|come|out|respond Cao Cao set up his formation and called Liu Bei out to respond. 劉備 咪 出 嚟 咯 , 佢 立馬 喺 門 旗下 便 。 Liu Bei|don't|come out|here|particle indicating completed action|he|immediately|at|door|under|sit down Liu Bei came out immediately, standing under the gate. 曹操 用條 馬鞭 指住 劉備 鬧 佢 : 我當 你 係 上賓 噉 嚟 款待 , 你 點解 要 忘恩負義 呀 ? Cao Cao||riding whip|pointed at|Liu Bei|scolded|him||you|are|honored guest|like this|come|entertain|you|why|want|ungrateful|question particle Cao Cao pointed at Liu Bei with a whip and scolded him: I treated you as a distinguished guest, why have you forgotten your gratitude? 劉備 話 嘞 : 你 名義 上 叫做 漢朝 丞相 啊 , 其實 係 個 國賊 ! Liu Bei|said|past tense marker|you|nominally|on|called|Han Dynasty|Prime Minister|sentence-final particle|actually|is|a|traitor Liu Bei said: You are nominally the Prime Minister of the Han Dynasty, but in reality, you are a traitor! 我 乃 係 漢室 宗親 , 而家 奉天 子密詔 , 嚟 討伐 你 個 反賊 啊 ! I|am|is|Han dynasty|clan member|now|Heaven||come|attack|you|possessive particle|rebel|exclamation particle I am a member of the Han royal family, and now I am here under the secret decree of the Son of Heaven to punish you, the rebel! 於是 劉備 就 大聲 朗誦 衣帶詔 嘞 喎 。 then|Liu Bei|then|loudly|recited|the edict of the sash|past tense marker|sentence-final particle So Liu Bei loudly recited the Edict of the Clothes and Belt. 嗨 嬲 到 曹操 呀 不得了 , 即刻 叫許 褚 出戰 。 Hi|angry|arrive|Cao Cao|particle|incredible|immediately||Zhu|go to battle Cao Cao was furious and immediately called Xu and Chu to battle. 喺 劉備 背後 , 趙雲挺 槍 出馬 , 兩個 打 咗 三十個 回合 呀 不分勝負 。 at|Liu Bei|behind||spear|charged out|the two|fought|past tense marker|thirty|rounds|sentence-final particle|no clear winner Behind Liu Bei, Zhao Yun brandished his spear and charged into battle, and the two fought for thirty rounds without a clear winner. 正在 打 得 熱鬧 嘞 , 忽然 喎 嗬 殺 啊 噉 吶喊 連天 。 currently|fighting|in a|lively|past action particle|suddenly|particle indicating realization|exclamation|kill|exclamation|like this|shouting|endlessly It was lively and bustling, when suddenly there was a shout that echoed through the sky. 原來 關雲長 喺 東南角 帶兵 衝過 嚟 , 張飛 呢 喺 西南角 帶兵 衝過 嚟 。 originally|Guan Yu|at|southeast corner|leading troops|charging over|here|Zhang Fei|particle indicating contrast|at|southwest corner|leading troops|charging over|here It turned out that Guan Yu was leading his troops charging in from the southeast, while Zhang Fei was leading his troops charging in from the southwest. 三路 人馬 一齊 掩殺 。 three routes|cavalry|together|ambush The three forces launched a surprise attack together. 曹軍因 為 長途 行軍 嚟 到 啊 , 太過 疲乏 頂 唔 順 , 於是 就 大敗 而 走 。 ||long-distance|march|||particle|too|fatigued||||so|then|suffered a great defeat|and|retreated The Cao army, having marched a long distance, was too exhausted to hold their ground, and thus suffered a great defeat and fled. 噉 劉備 呢 , 就 得勝 回營 嘞 。 then|Liu Bei|question particle|then|victorious|return to camp|past action particle So Liu Bei returned to camp victorious. 第 日 , 劉備 食過 返 尋味 嘞 喎 , 又 派 趙雲 去 挑戰 。 the|day|Liu Bei|had eaten|return|seeking flavor|past tense marker|sentence-final particle|again|sent|Zhao Yun|to|challenge On that day, Liu Bei had a meal and felt good, so he sent Zhao Yun to challenge. 哈點 知道 曹操 啊 唔 出 嚟 打 , 而且 連氣成 十幾日 都 唔 出 嚟 應戰 喎 。 how come|knows|Cao Cao|ah|not|come|out|fight|moreover||over ten days|all|not|come|out|respond to battle|particle indicating suggestion or realization How come Cao Cao didn't come out to fight, and he hasn't responded for over ten days? 劉備 又 派過 張飛 去 喽 打 , 曹軍亦 係 唔 出 嚟 。 Liu Bei|again|sent|Zhang Fei|to|a particle indicating action|fight||is|not|come out|here Liu Bei also sent Zhang Fei to attack, but the Cao army still didn't come out. 咦 , 奇怪 嘞 喎 , 劉備 思疑 起 上 嚟 嘞 。 eh|strange|past tense particle|question particle|Liu Bei|suspicion|rise|on|come|past tense particle Hmm, that's strange, Liu Bei started to suspect something. 哈 , 突然 , 劉備 得到 報告 , 話 龔都 運糧 嚟 嘅 時候 , 喺 半路 畀 曹 軍 包圍住 。 ha|suddenly|Liu Bei|received|report|said|Gong Du|transporting grain|coming|possessive particle|time|at|halfway|by|Cao|army|surrounded Suddenly, Liu Bei received a report that when Gong Du was transporting supplies, he was surrounded by the Cao army on the way. 劉備 就 急急 派 張飛 帶兵 去 救 。 Liu Bei|then|urgently|dispatched|Zhang Fei|led troops|to|rescue Liu Bei urgently sent Zhang Fei to lead troops to rescue. 誰知 一波未平 一波又起 呀 。 who would have thought|one wave has not yet settled|another wave rises|particle indicating exclamation Who would have thought that one wave has not settled and another wave is rising. 呢頭 又 嚟 報告 話 夏侯惇 帶 咗 支 人馬 , 抄後路 去 襲擊 汝南 嘞 。 here|again|come|report|said|Xiahou Dun|bring|past tense marker|a measure word for troops|cavalry|outflank|to|attack|Runan|past tense marker Here comes the report that Xiahou Dun has brought a troop to ambush Ruyin from the rear. 劉備 大吃一驚 啊 ! 噉 呀 , 我 前後 受敵 , 冇 埞 返 嘅 嘞 噃。 Liu Bei|greatly shocked|ah|then|particle|I|front and back|surrounded by enemies|not have|way|return|possessive particle|past action particle| Liu Bei was greatly shocked! This means I am surrounded by enemies in front and behind, and there is no way to retreat. 即刻 就 派 關雲長 帶兵 去 救 汝南 , 噉 啊 兩支 軍隊 都 去 咗 啦 。 immediately|then|send|Guan Yu|lead troops|go|rescue|Ruyin|then|ah|two|armies|all|go|past tense marker|completed action particle Immediately, he sent Guan Yu to lead troops to rescue Ruyin, so both armies have gone. 過 咗 幾日 , 飛馬 嚟 報告 話 夏侯惇 已經 攻破 汝南 , 劉辟 放棄 城池 逃走 出 嚟 嘞 。 past|completed action marker|several days|fast horse|come|report|said|Xiahou Dun|already|captured|Runan|Liu Bi|abandoned|city|fled|out|come|past action marker A few days later, the Pegasus came to report that Xiahou Dun had already captured Runan, and Liu Biao had abandoned the city and fled. 關雲長 而家 被 包圍 呀 ! Guan Yu|right now|be|surrounded|sentence-final particle Guan Yu is now surrounded! 劉備 慌 喇 , 跟 住 又 接到 消息 , 話 張飛 去 救 龔都 , 亦 都 畀 曹兵 包圍住 喇 噉 。 Liu Bei|panicked|already|||again|received|news|saying|Zhang Fei|went|rescue|Gong Du|||be|Cao's soldiers|surrounded|already|like this Liu Bei is in a panic, and then he receives news that Zhang Fei went to rescue Gong Du, but he is also surrounded by Cao's troops. 劉備 又 想 回兵 嘞 , 之 又 怕 曹 軍 喺 背後 襲擊 佢 喎 。 Liu Bei|again|wanted|to recall his troops|past action particle|he|again|feared|Cao|army|at|behind|attack|him|sentence-final particle Liu Bei wants to recall his troops, but he is also afraid that Cao's army will attack him from behind. 呢 個 時候 , 許褚 嚟 到 寨外 挑戰 嘞 。 this|measure word|time|Xu Chu|||outside the village|challenge|past tense marker At this time, Xu Chu came to the camp to challenge. 劉備 唔 敢出去 打咯 。 Liu Bei|not||fight Liu Bei didn't dare to go out and fight. 一路 等到 第二 朝早 蒙蒙 光 , 叫 啲 士兵 飽餐一頓 。 all the way|waiting until|second|morning|||ordered|some|soldiers|to have a hearty meal They waited until the next morning when it was dim light, and called the soldiers to have a hearty meal. 步兵 行先 , 馬 軍 跟 住 尾 , 喺 寨 內 呢 留 低 幾個 人 , 敲住 更點 裝成 平時 一樣 , 就 想 用 呢 個 辦法 嚟 迷惑 敵人 。 infantry|advance|cavalry|troops|||rear|at|camp|inside|this|||a few|people|keep|watch|pretending|usual|same|then|want|use|this|measure word|method|to|confuse|enemy The infantry went first, followed by the cavalry, leaving a few people in the camp to keep watch and pretend everything was normal, intending to use this method to confuse the enemy. 噉 劉備 帶住 人馬 就 離開 營寨 。 then|Liu Bei|brought|troops|then|left|camp So Liu Bei led his troops away from the camp. 大約 行 咗 幾里路 啦 , 以為 可以 走 甩身 啦 。 about|walk|past tense marker|several miles|sentence-final particle|thought|could|run|escape|sentence-final particle After walking a few miles, they thought they could escape. 誰知 道 轉過 山咀 , 只見 火把 齊明 , 喺 山頭 上 曹兵 大 嗌 呀 : 唔 好 放走 劉備 呀 , 丞相 喺 處 等 咗 好 耐 喇 ! who would have known|road|turned|mountain pass|only saw|torches|brightly lit|at|mountain top|on|Cao's soldiers|very|shouted|particle||very||||||||||long|particle Who would have thought that as they turned the corner of the mountain, they saw torches shining brightly, and on the mountaintop, Cao's soldiers were shouting: Don't let Liu Bei escape, the Prime Minister has been waiting here for a long time! 劉備 慌 失失 噉 搵 路 趯 , 趙雲 話 : 主公 唔 使 憂 㗎 , 跟 住 我 嚟 啦 ! Liu Bei|panicked|lost|like this|find|way|run|Zhao Yun|said|lord|not|need|worry|particle|||me|come|particle Liu Bei was panicking and looking for a way out, Zhao Yun said: My lord, don't worry, just follow me! 趙雲 躍 馬挺槍 , 殺開 條路 。 Zhao Yun|leaped||fought his way through|path Zhao Yun leaped on his horse and brandished his spear, cutting a path. 劉備 呀 舞起 雙股 劍 跟 到 佢 貼 貼 。 Liu Bei|ah|brandish|double-edged|sword|||he|| Liu Bei waved his dual swords and followed closely behind him. 正在 打緊 , 許褚 追到 嚟 嘞 , 同 趙雲 力戰 啊 。 currently|fighting|Xu Chu|caught up|here|past tense particle|with|Zhao Yun|fought fiercely|exclamation particle While they were fighting, Xu Chu caught up and battled fiercely with Zhao Yun. 跟 住 , 背後 于禁 、 李典 又 到 。 ||behind|Yu Jin|Li Dian|again|arrived Then, behind him, Yu Jin and Li Dian arrived. 嘩 ! 唔 得 掂 咯 。 wow|not|possible|good|particle indicating finality or realization Wow! This is not good. 劉備 見 形勢危急 就 落荒而走 啦 , 走 呀 走 呀 , 聽見 後 便 嘅 喊 殺 聲 就 越 嚟 越遠 嘞 。 Liu Bei|saw||then|fled in panic|sentence-final particle|run|sentence-final particle|run|sentence-final particle|heard|behind|then|possessive particle|shout|kill|sound|then|more|come||sentence-final particle Seeing the situation was critical, Liu Bei fled in a hurry. As he ran, the sounds of shouting and killing behind him grew fainter. 劉備 總之 向 住 啲 深山 小路 , 單人 匹馬 逃生 係 啦 。 Liu Bei|in short|towards|live|some|deep mountains|small road|single|on horseback|escape|is|particle indicating completion or change of state In any case, Liu Bei headed towards the small paths in the deep mountains, escaping alone on horseback. 係 噉 走 係 噉 走 , 一直 走 到 天光 , 突然 喺 側 跟 有 一 彪 人馬 衝出 嚟 , 嚇 到 劉備 一驚 。 is|like this|walk|||walk|||until|dawn|suddenly|at|side|behind|there are|a|group|cavalry|charged out|here|scared|to|Liu Bei|startled He kept running like this until dawn, when suddenly a group of cavalry charged out from the side, startling Liu Bei. 定眼 一 睇 , 哦 , 原來 係 劉辟 帶 住 千 幾名 敗軍 , 護送 劉備 一家 大細 嚟 到 啊 。 focus|one|look|oh|originally|is|Liu Pi|bringing|with|thousand||defeated soldiers|escorting|Liu Bei|family|all|come|here|particle Looking closely, oh, it turns out that Liu Pi is leading over a thousand defeated soldiers, escorting Liu Bei and his family here. 孫乾 、 簡雍 、 糜芳 亦 都 跟 住 到 嘞 。 Sun Qian|Jian Yong|Mi Fang|also|all|||arrived|past tense marker Sun Qian, Jian Yong, and Mi Fang are also following along. 佢 哋 講 畀 劉備 聽 : 夏侯惇 軍勢 甚猛 啊 , 頂 唔 住 嘞 , 唯有 棄城 逃跑 啦 。 They|plural marker|said|to|Liu Bei|hear|Xiahou Dun|army||particle||||past tense particle|only|abandon the city|escape|particle They told Liu Bei: The army of Xiahou Dun is very fierce, we can't hold on, we can only abandon the city and flee. 曹兵 又 追住 嚟 , 好彩 得到 雲長 擋住 , 噉 先 至 走 甩 咋 。 Cao Bing|again|chasing|coming|fortunately|got|Yun Chang|blocked|like that|first|then|||only The Cao soldiers are also chasing after us, luckily we have Yun Chang to block them, that's how we managed to escape. 劉備 就問 嘞 : 噉 唔 知雲長 而 家 喺 邊 處 呢 ? Liu Bei||particle indicating past action|then|not||but|home|at|where|place|question particle Liu Bei then asked: So, where is Yun Chang right now? 劉辟 話 : 將軍 你 快 啲 行 啦 , 唔 理得 咁 多 住 喇 ! Liu Pik|said|General|you|quickly|more|go|particle|not|care about|so|much|stay|particle Liu Bei said: General, you should hurry up and move, don't stay here for too long! 噉 又 向 前面 行 咗 幾里路 。 like this|again|towards|front|walk|past tense marker| Then they walked a few miles forward. 一聲 鼓響 , 前 便 湧出 一彪 人馬 , 當先 一名 大將 乃 係 張 郃 啊 。 one sound|drum sound|in front|then|surged out|a group of|soldiers and horses|leading|one|general|||||ah With a sound of drums, a group of cavalry surged forward, and the first among them was the great general Zhang He. 劉備 ! 你 快 啲 落馬 投降 ! Liu Bei|you|||dismount|surrender Liu Bei! You should quickly dismount and surrender! 哎呀 ! 弊 ! 劉備 正話 想 退後 , 只見 山頭 上 便 啊 , 一面 紅旗 氹 氹轉 咁 舞 。 oh no|bad|Liu Bei|just about|wanted|to retreat|only saw|hilltop|on|then|ah|one|red flag|||so|waving Oh no! Liu Bei was just thinking of retreating when he saw a red flag waving on the mountain top. 有支 軍隊 , 喺 山坳 裏頭 湧出 嚟 , 為 首一名 大將 乃 係 高覽 。 there is a|army|at|mountain pass|inside|surged out|coming|||general|was|is|Gao Lan A troop emerged from the mountain pass, led by a general named Gao Lan. 哈哈 , 劉備 呀 兩頭 都 冇 路 咯 。 haha|Liu Bei|particle|both ends|all|have not|road|particle Haha, Liu Bei, there is no way out for you now. 佢 仰天 大叫 話 : 天 啊 天 啊 ! 你 點解 使 我行 到 絕路 ? He|looked up to the sky|shouted|said|heaven|ah|heaven|ah|you|why|make||to|dead end He looked up to the sky and shouted: Heaven, oh Heaven! Why have you forced me to a dead end? 哎 ! 既然 事到如今 , 我 不如 死 咗 佢 啦 ! sigh|since|things have come to this point|I|might as well|||him|sentence-final particle Sigh! Since it has come to this, I might as well die! 劉備 真 係 想 掹 劍 出 嚟 自刎 噃。 Liu Bei|really|is|wants|draw|sword|out|come|commit suicide|particle indicating finality Liu Bei really wanted to draw his sword and commit suicide. 劉辟 立即 制止 佢 話 : 唔 好 啊 唔 好 啊 ! 我 就算 戰死 , 都 要 殺 開條 路 嚟 救 你 ! Liu Pi|immediately|stop|he|said|||||||I|even if|die in battle|still|must|kill||road|to|save|you Liu Bi immediately stopped him, saying: "No, no! Even if I die in battle, I will fight my way through to save you!" 一 講完 , 就 上前 同高覽 交鋒 , 但 係 打 咗 唔 夠 三個 回合 , 就 畀 高覽 一刀斬 咗 落馬 。 one|finished speaking|then|stepped forward||sparred|but|was|fought|past tense marker|not|enough|three|rounds|then|was|Gao Lan|a single strike|past tense marker|off the horse As soon as he finished speaking, he charged forward to confront Gao Lan, but after less than three exchanges, he was struck down by Gao Lan's sword. 劉備 慌 啦 , 正話 想 自己 上前 打 嘞 喎 , 誒 ? 乜高 覽 嘅 後軍 忽然 自己 亂起 上 嚟 呀 喂 。 Liu Bei|panicked|particle indicating completed action|just|wanted|himself|to step forward|fight|past action particle|particle indicating realization|eh||Lan|possessive particle|rear army|suddenly|himself|chaotically|rise|come|particle indicating surprise|hey Liu Bei was panicking, just as he was thinking of stepping forward to fight, suddenly, Gao Lan's rear troops started to get chaotic. 嘩 嗨 ! 有個 將軍 衝陣 殺過 嚟 喎 。 wow|hi|there is a|general|charge into battle|killed|come|particle indicating certainty Wow! A general charged through the ranks and came over. 銀槍 一起 , 高覽 成個 舂 咗 落馬 。 silver spear|together|Gao Lan|whole|beaten|past tense marker|off the horse With a silver spear, Gao Lan was completely knocked off his horse. 劉備 定眼 一 睇 , 啊 , 原來 係 趙雲 嚟 到 嘞 , 歡喜 啦 。 Liu Bei|focused his eyes|one|look|ah|originally|is|Zhao Yun|||past tense particle|happy|particle indicating a change of state Liu Bei looked closely and said, "Ah, it turns out it's Zhao Yun who has arrived, how delightful!" 只見 趙雲 縱 馬挺槍 , 殺散 咗 後 便 呢 一班 曹兵 。 only saw|Zhao Yun|riding||scattered|past tense marker|after|then|this|a group of|Cao's soldiers He saw Zhao Yun charging on horseback with his spear, scattering this group of Cao soldiers. 又 去 前 便 曹 軍 嗰 處 呀 同 張 郃 交鋒 嘞 。 again|go|before|then|Cao|army|that|place|particle|with|Zhang|He|clash|past action particle Then he went forward to confront Zhang He of the Cao army. 張 郃 同 趙雲 打 咗 卅 幾個 回合 ,嚱 唔 夠打 喇 , 撥轉 馬頭 走人 嘞 。 Zhang|He|and|Zhao Yun|fought|past tense marker|thirty|several|rounds|he|not||past action marker|turned|horse's head|ran away|past action marker Zhang He and Zhao Yun fought for over thirty rounds, but feeling outmatched, he turned his horse around and fled. 趙雲 趁勢 衝殺 , 哈 , 點知 畀 張 郃 啲 兵 守住 隘口 , 條路 又 窄 , 衝唔 出去 。 Zhao Yun|take advantage of the situation|charge and kill|ha|unexpectedly|by|Zhang|He|some|soldiers|guarding|narrow pass||again|narrow|charge not|go out Zhao Yun took the opportunity to charge after him, but unexpectedly, Zhang He's soldiers were guarding the narrow pass, making it impossible to break through. 正 喺 度 苦戰 奪路 嘅 時候 , 只見 關雲長 、 關平 、 周倉 , 帶住 三百 人馬 嚟 到 。 just|at|place|fierce battle|fighting for a path|possessive particle|time|suddenly saw|Guan Yu|Guan Ping|Zhou Cang|leading|three hundred|troops|come|arrived Just at the moment of fierce battle for the route, Guan Yu, Guan Ping, and Zhou Cang appeared, leading three hundred troops. 噉 兩 便 夾攻 呀 殺退 咗 張 郃 , 於是 呢 就 出 咗 隘口 , 佔 住 山勢 險要 個 地方 扎落 營寨 。 then|two|immediately|attack from both sides|particle|repelled|past tense marker|surname|He|so|this|then|exit|past tense marker|pass|occupy|holding|mountain position|strategic|particle|place|set up|camp So they attacked from both sides and drove back Zhang He, and then they exited the narrow pass, occupying the strategically important mountain area to set up camp. 跟 住 劉備 呢 , 就 叫 關雲長 去 搵 張飛 。 ||Liu Bei|particle indicating a question or emphasis|then|called|Guan Yu|to go|find|Zhang Fei Following Liu Bei, he called Guan Yu to find Zhang Fei. 原來 張飛 呀 , 佢 係 去 救 龔 都 吖 , 去 到 嗰 陣 呢 , 龔都 已經 畀 夏侯淵 殺 咗 。 it turns out|Zhang Fei|particle|he|is|to go|rescue|||particle|||that|time|particle|Gong Du|already|by|Xiahou Yuan|killed|past tense particle It turned out that Zhang Fei was going to rescue Gong Du, but by the time he arrived, Gong Du had already been killed by Xiahou Yuan. 噉 張飛 奮力 殺退 咗 夏侯淵 , 就 一路 跟 住 猛追 。 then|Zhang Fei|with all his might|drove back|past tense marker|Xiahou Yuan|then|all the way|||fiercely pursued So Zhang Fei fought fiercely to drive back Xiahou Yuan and then continued to pursue him. 追 追下 , 點知 畀 樂進 嘅 人馬 包圍住 。 chase|continued chasing|unexpectedly|by|a person|possessive particle|cavalry|surrounded Chasing and chasing, unexpectedly, they were surrounded by the troops of Le Jin. 噉 而家 關雲長 去 搵 佢 , 喺 路上 就 遇到 啲 敗兵 , 知道 咗 張飛 嘅 去向 , 就 跟蹤 而 去 , 殺退 咗 樂進 就 同 張飛 返 嚟 見 劉備 。 then|now|Guan Yu|go|find|him|at|on the road|then|encountered|some|defeated soldiers|knew|past tense marker|Zhang Fei|possessive particle|whereabouts|then|followed|and|went|drove back|past tense marker|Le Jin|then|with|Zhang Fei|return|come|see|Liu Bei Now Guan Yu went to find him, and on the way, he encountered some defeated soldiers, learned about Zhang Fei's whereabouts, and followed them. After driving back Le Jin, he returned with Zhang Fei to meet Liu Bei. 三 兄弟 正話 見 返面 , 嗬 ! 嗰 頭 曹操 大軍 又 追到 嚟 喇 。 three|brothers|just said|see|turn around|hey|that|time|Cao Cao|army|again|caught up|here|particle indicating completed action The three brothers were just talking about meeting again when, oh! The Cao Cao's army has caught up. 劉備 叫孫 乾 佢 哋 保護 住 一家 大 細行 先 。 Liu Bei||Qian|he|they|protect|live|family|big|small business|first Liu Bei instructed Sun Qian to protect the family first. 劉備 自己 同 關羽 、 張飛 、 趙雲 押後 , 且 戰且 走 。 Liu Bei|himself|with|Guan Yu|Zhang Fei|Zhao Yun|retreating|while|| Liu Bei himself, along with Guan Yu, Zhang Fei, and Zhao Yun, held the rear and fought while retreating. 噉 曹操 見 劉備 去 遠 咗 咯 , 就 收兵 唔 追 佢 。 then|Cao Cao|saw|Liu Bei|go|far|past tense marker|sentence-final particle|then|recall troops|not|chase|him So Cao Cao saw that Liu Bei had gone far away, so he ordered his troops to stop chasing him. 劉備 打 剩 嘅 敗兵 呀 唔 夠 一千 , 狼 狼狽 狽 就 猛 咁 跑 。 Liu Bei|to defeat|remaining|possessive particle|defeated soldiers|sentence-final particle|not|enough|one thousand|wolf|in a difficult situation||then|fiercely|so|run Liu Bei had less than a thousand defeated soldiers left, and they were in a desperate situation, running away frantically. 佢 哋 嚟 到 一條 江邊 , 就 問下 當地人 係 咩 地方 啊 噉 , 啲 人 呢 就 話 , 呢條 係 漢江 。 They|plural marker|come|arrive|a|riverbank|then|ask|local people|is|what|place|particle|like this|plural marker|people|this|then|said|this|is|Han River When they arrived at a riverbank, they asked the locals what place it was, and the people said, this is the Han River. 劉備 就 叫 大家 喺 度 安營 先 。 Liu Bei|then|instructed|everyone|at|this place|set up camp|first Liu Bei then told everyone to set up camp there first. 當地 嘅 人 知道 呢 個 就 係 劉備 劉皇叔 唄 , 就 送 羊酒 嚟 畀 佢 哋 。 local|possessive particle|people|knew|||then|is|Liu Bei|Liu Huangshu|particle indicating certainty|then|sent|sheep wine|come|to|them|plural marker The locals knew that this was Liu Bei, Liu the Prince, so they sent sheep and wine to them. 劉備 同埋 大家 就 坐 喺 沙灘 飲酒 。 Liu Bei|and|everyone|then|sit|at|beach|drink alcohol Liu Bei and everyone sat on the beach drinking. 飲過 兩杯 , 劉備 長 歎 一聲 話 : 唉 ! 諸君 都 係 有 王佐之才 , 不幸 跟 住 我 劉備 呀 。 after drinking|two cups|Liu Bei|let out|sigh|one sound|said|alas|everyone|all|are|have|the talent of a supporting minister|unfortunately|||me|Liu Bei|particle After drinking a couple of cups, Liu Bei sighed and said: "Alas! You all have the talent of a king's assistant, but unfortunately, you are following me, Liu Bei." 我 條命 唔 好 , 累 埋 你 哋 咯 。 I|life|not|good|burden|including|you|plural marker|sentence-final particle My life is not good, and it burdens you all. 嚱, 今日 , 我身 無立錐之地 , 好怕誤 咗 諸君 啊 , 你 哋 各位 , 各位 , 不如 離開 我 , 去 投奔 一位 明主 , 博取 功名 罷啦 , 啊 。 ah|today||||past tense marker|everyone|ah|you|plural marker|everyone||might as well|leave|me|go|seek refuge with|a|wise ruler|gain|fame and success|| Ah, today, I have no place to stand, and I am afraid of dragging you down. You all, why not leave me and go seek a wise ruler to gain fame and fortune? Ah. 劉備 噉 樣一講 , 講到 大家 都 揞 住 塊 面喊 起 上 嚟 。 Liu Bei|like that|as soon as he said that|when it came to|everyone|all|||a||up|on|came When Liu Bei said this, everyone couldn't help but cover their faces and start crying. 關雲長 就 話 喇 : 兄長 你 噉 樣講 , 錯 喇 。 Guan Yu|then|said|particle indicating completed action|elder brother|you|like this||wrong|particle indicating completed action Guan Yunchang said: "Brother, what you said is wrong." 往日 漢高祖 同 項羽 爭霸 天下 , 幾次 敗 於 項羽 手下 , 最後 , 九里山 一戰 成功 , 開創 咗 四百年 基業 。 in the past|Emperor Gaozu of Han|and|Xiang Yu|fought for supremacy|the world|several times|was defeated|by|Xiang Yu|subordinates|finally|Jiu Li Mountain|battle|succeeded|established|past tense marker|four hundred years|foundation of the dynasty In the past, Emperor Gaozu of Han fought against Xiang Yu for supremacy over the world, and was defeated several times under Xiang Yu's command. In the end, he succeeded in the battle of Jiu Li Mountain, establishing a foundation that lasted for four hundred years. 勝負 乃兵 家常事 , 何必 灰心喪氣 呢 ? victory or defeat||everyday matter|why|discouraged|question particle Victory and defeat are common matters in warfare, so why be discouraged? 孫乾話 喇 : 關將軍 講得 好 啊 , 成敗 有時 , 不可 喪志 吖 嘛 。 Sun Qian said|particle indicating finality|General Guan|spoke|well|particle of affirmation|success or failure|sometimes|cannot|lose heart|particle of emphasis|particle of concession Sun Qian said: "General Guan speaks well, success and failure are sometimes inevitable, we must not lose our determination." 呢 處 離開 荊州 冇 幾遠 , 劉景升 坐鎮 九郡 , 兵強 糧足 。 this|place|leaving|Jingzhou|not|very far|Liu Jingsheng|stationed|nine commanderies|strong army|sufficient supplies This place is not far from Jingzhou, Liu Jingsheng is stationed in the nine counties, with strong troops and ample supplies. 更 兼 同明 公都 係 漢室 宗親 , 不如 去 投奔 佢 唔 好 ? even more|also|Tong Ming|Kong Dou|is|Han family|clan|might as well|go|seek refuge|him|not|good Moreover, Lord Ming is also a relative of the Han family, why not go and seek refuge with him? 啊 ? 劉備 話 嘞 : 就 係 怕 佢 唔 肯 收留 我 啫 。 ah|Liu Bei|said|past tense marker|||afraid|he|||take in|me|only Ah? Liu Bei said: It's just that I'm afraid he won't be willing to take me in. 等 我 先行一步 去 說 佢 , 我要 使 到 劉景升 親自 出城 嚟 歡迎 主公 。 wait|I|will go one step ahead|to|tell|him|I want|make|arrive|Liu Jing Sheng|personally|out of the city|come|welcome|lord Let me go ahead and speak to him; I want Liu Jing Sheng to personally come out of the city to welcome the lord. 劉備 極之 歡喜 , 就 叫 孫乾 日夜兼程 趕 去 荊州 。 Liu Bei|extremely|happy|then|ordered|Sun Qian|to travel day and night|hurry|to|Jingzhou Liu Bei was extremely happy and asked Sun Qian to travel day and night to Jingzhou. 去 到 嘞 , 見到 劉表 行過禮 。 go|arrive|past tense marker|saw|Liu Biao|exchanged greetings When he arrived, he saw Liu Biao and paid his respects. 劉表 就問 : 先生 你 跟 從 玄德 , 嚟 呢 處 有 咩 嘢 事 呢 ? Liu Biao||sir|you|with|from|Xuande|come|this|place|have|what|thing|matter|this Liu Biao asked: "Sir, what brings you here with Xuande?" 孫乾話 : 劉使君 乃 係 天下英雄 , 雖然 而家 兵微將寡 , 但 係 佢 志在 匡扶 社稷 啊 。 Sun Qian said|Liu Shijun||||although|now|troops are few and generals are few|||he|is determined to|restore|state|ah Sun Qian replied: "Liu Shijun is a hero of the world. Although his troops are currently few and his generals are scarce, his ambition is to restore the state." 呢 汝南 嘅 劉 辟 、 龔都 , 佢 哋 同 劉使君 非親非故 , 亦 不惜 一死 為 佢 效力 。 this|a place name|possessive particle|Liu|Pi||they|plural marker|with|Liu Shijun||also|not hesitate||for|him|serve In this Ruyin, Liu Bi and Gong Du, they are neither relatives nor friends of Liu Shijun, yet they are willing to die for him. 明公同 使君 都 係 漢室 嘅 皇親 啊 。 |Sir|both|are|Han dynasty|possessive particle|royal relatives|sentence-final particle Both Ming Gong and Shijun are royal relatives of the Han dynasty. 而家 使君 新近 打敗 咗 仗 , 本來 想 去 江東 投奔 孫仲謀 嘅 。 now|Lord|recently|defeated|past tense marker|battle|originally|wanted|to go|Jiangdong|seek refuge|Sun Zhongmou|possessive particle Now, Shijun has recently defeated an enemy and originally intended to go to Jiangdong to seek refuge with Sun Zhongmou. 我 就 同 佢 話 : 背親 而 向 疏 就 唔 好 啦 。 I|then|with|he|said|backstab|and|towards|distance|then|not|good|particle I told him: It's not good to be close and then become distant. 荊州 劉將軍 禮賢下士 , 歸附 劉將軍 嘅 人 就 好似 水 向東流 噉 , 何況 又 係 同宗 呢 ? Jingzhou|General Liu|treating the worthy with respect|surrendering|General Liu|possessive particle|people|then|just like|water||like this|let alone|again|is|of the same clan|question particle General Liu of Jingzhou treats the worthy with respect, and those who join General Liu flow in like water to the east, especially since they are of the same clan. 因此 劉使君 特意 叫 我 先 嚟 拜見 將軍 , 講一 講 佢 嘅 心意 , 就 係 睇 明公 你 嘅 意思 喇 。 therefore|Liu Shijun|specially|asked|me|first|to come|pay respects to|general|||he|possessive particle|intentions|then|is|understanding|honorable sir|you|possessive particle|meaning|final particle Therefore, Lord Liu specifically asked me to come and pay my respects to the general, to express his intentions, which is to understand your thoughts, my lord. 玄德 係 我 嘅 兄弟 , 好耐以 嚟 , 就 想 同 佢 相會 喇 , 就 係 冇 機會 。 Xuande|is|I|possessive particle|brother|for a long time|come|then|want|with|him|meet|particle indicating completed action|just|is|no|opportunity Xuande is my brother, and for a long time, I have wanted to meet him, but there has been no opportunity. 而家 , 佢 肯 惠 言 光臨 , 實在 幸甚 , 幸甚 啊 ! now|he|willing|to bestow|to speak|to visit|really|very fortunate|very fortunate|ah Now, he is graciously visiting, and I am truly fortunate, truly fortunate! 蔡瑁 一 聽 , 唔 妥 , 佢 即刻 就 對 劉表 話 嘞 : 唔 好 啊 ! Cai Mao|one|heard|not|appropriate|he|immediately|then|to|Liu Biao|said|past tense marker|not|good|ah Cai Mao heard this and immediately said to Liu Biao: "This is not good!" 劉備 此人 最先 係 跟隨 呂布 , 後 嚟 又 效力 於 曹操 , 最近 投靠 袁紹 , 每次 都 係 有始無終 嘅 。 Liu Bei|this person|initially|was|following|Lü Bu|later|came|again|served|under|Cao Cao|recently|defected to|Yuan Shao|every time|all|was|without a lasting conclusion|particle indicating possession or description Liu Bei initially followed Lü Bu, later served Cao Cao, and recently allied with Yuan Shao, but he has always been inconsistent. 噉 就 足見 佢 嘅 為 人 啦 。 then|just|fully see|he|possessive particle|||final particle This shows his character. 而家 如果 收容 佢 , 曹操 必定 嚟 打 我 哋 嘅 , 噉 就 枉 動干戈 咯 。 now|if|shelter|him|Cao Cao|definitely|come|fight|us|our|possessive particle|then|just|in vain|resort to arms|particle indicating finality If we take him in now, Cao Cao will definitely come to attack us, so it would be pointless to stir up trouble. 不如 斬 咗 孫 乾 嘅 首級 , 獻 畀 曹操 , 噉 曹操 必定會 好好 噉 待 主公 㗎 嘞 。 might as well|behead|past tense marker|Sun|Qian|possessive particle|head|present|to|Cao Cao|then|Cao Cao||well|then|treat|our lord|sentence-final particle|sentence-final particle It would be better to behead Sun Qian and present his head to Cao Cao; then Cao Cao will surely treat our lord well. 孫乾好 嚴肅 噉 話 : 我 孫乾 唔 係 一個 怕死 嘅 人 。 Sun Kwan is good|serious|like that|said|I|Sun Kwan|not|am|a|afraid of death|(possessive particle)|person Sun Qian said seriously: I, Sun Qian, am not a person who is afraid of death. 劉使君 忠心 為國 , 絕非 曹操 、 呂布 、 袁紹之 流 可比 , 以前 之所以 要 投奔 佢 哋 , 都 係 不得已 唧 。 Liu Shijun|loyalty|for the country|absolutely not|Cao Cao|Lu Bu||people|comparable|previously|the reason|to|defect to|them|plural marker|all|were|had no choice|to do something reluctantly Liu Shijun is loyal to the country, far surpassing the likes of Cao Cao, Lü Bu, and Yuan Shao. The reason I had to join them before was out of necessity. 而家 , 因為 劉將軍 乃 係 漢朝 苗裔 , 有 同宗 之親 , 故此 千里 相投 。 now|because|General Liu|is|is|Han Dynasty|descendant|has|same clan||therefore|a thousand miles|like-minded Now, because General Liu is a descendant of the Han dynasty and has kinship with us, we are united from afar. 你 點解 要 噉 樣 講人 壞話 , 妒忌 賢能 呢 ? you|why|must|||talk about others|bad things|jealous|capable|question particle Why do you speak ill of others like this? Are you jealous of the capable? 劉表 聽 咗 就 話 蔡瑁 喇 : 我 已經 揸 定 主意 喇 , 你 唔 好講 咁 多 喇 。 Liu Biao|heard|past tense marker|then|said|Cai Mao|sentence-final particle|I|already|drive|firm|decision|sentence-final particle|you|not||so|much|sentence-final particle Liu Biao heard this and said to Cai Mao: I have already made up my mind, so you don't need to say so much. 當堂 話 到 蔡瑁 面 懵懵 噉 行返 出去 。 on the spot|said|to|Choi Mau|face|confused|like that|walked back|outside At that moment, it was said that Cai Mao was confused and walked out. 於是 劉表 就 叫 孫乾去 通知 劉備 。 then|Liu Biao|then|called||inform|Liu Bei So Liu Biao called Sun Qian to inform Liu Bei. 噉 劉備 嚟 到 嘅 時候 啊 , 劉表 啊 佢 真 係 親自 出 城 三十里 迎接 啊 。 then|Liu Bei|||possessive particle|time|particle|Liu Biao|particle|he|||personally|out|city|thirty li|welcomed|particle When Liu Bei arrived, Liu Biao personally went out of the city to welcome him thirty miles. 劉備 見到 劉表 , 佢 態度 十分 恭敬 , 而 劉表 待 佢 呢 亦 非常 之 親熱 。 Liu Bei|saw|Liu Biao|he|attitude|very|respectful|and|Liu Biao|treated|him|this|also|very|particle indicating possession|warmly When Liu Bei saw Liu Biao, he was very respectful, and Liu Biao treated him very warmly. 劉備 介紹 關羽 、 張飛 佢 哋 拜見 劉表 , 大家 都 好 高興 啦 。 Liu Bei|introduced|Guan Yu|Zhang Fei|they|plural marker|paid respects to|Liu Biao|everyone|all|very|happy|sentence-final particle Liu Bei introduced Guan Yu and Zhang Fei to pay their respects to Liu Biao, and everyone was very happy. 噉 劉表 接 咗 劉備 一行 人 進入 荊州 , 撥 咗 房屋 畀 佢 哋 居住 , 噉 呢 啲 呢 就 暫時 放落 唔 講住 喇 。 then|Liu Biao|welcomed|past tense marker|Liu Bei|his entourage|people|entered|Jingzhou|allocated|past tense marker|housing|to|them|plural marker|live|then|this|||just|temporarily|put down|not|talking about|sentence-final particle So Liu Biao received Liu Bei and his group into Jingzhou, and allocated houses for them to live in, so let's temporarily not talk about these matters. 而家 講返 下 曹操 啊 , 佢 探聽到 劉備 已經 去 咗 荊州 , 投奔 劉表 唄 , 就 想起 兵去 攻 佢 。 now|talk about|next|Cao Cao|ah|he|found out|Liu Bei|already|go|past tense marker|Jingzhou|defected to|Liu Biao|particle indicating suggestion|then|remembered||attack|him Now let's talk about Cao Cao, he heard that Liu Bei had already gone to Jingzhou to seek refuge with Liu Biao, and he thought of sending troops to attack him. 程昱 又 勸 曹操 話 喇 : 袁紹 都 仲 未曾 剷除 , 一下 又 要 去 進攻 荊州 。 Cheng Yu|again|advised|Cao Cao|said|particle indicating completion|Yuan Shao|all|still|not yet|eliminated|suddenly|again|wants|to|attack|Jingzhou Cheng Yu also advised Cao Cao, saying: Yuan Shao has not yet been eliminated, and now you want to attack Jingzhou. 如果 袁紹 喺 河北 再次 振作起 嚟 , 噉 誰 勝誰負 , 尚未可知 㗎 。 if|Yuan Shao|at|Hebei|again|rise up|come|then|who|||particle indicating uncertainty If Yuan Shao regains strength in Hebei, then who will win and who will lose is still uncertain. 不如 收兵 返去 許都 , 養精蓄銳 。 might as well|withdraw troops|return to|Xudu|rest and recuperate It would be better to withdraw the troops back to Xuchang to recuperate. 等到 明年 春 暖 嘅 時候 , 然後 起兵 先破 袁紹 , 後 取 荊襄 。 wait until|next year|spring|warm|possessive particle|time|then|raise troops||Yuan Shao|later|capture|Jingxiang Wait until next spring when it is warm, then raise troops to first defeat Yuan Shao, and later take Jingxiang. 一南 一北之利 一舉 而 得 啊 ! one south||one move|and|gain|ah The benefits of both the south and the north can be obtained in one go! 嗯 , 哼哼 , 有 道理 ! hmm|uh-huh|has|reason Hmm, hmm, that makes sense! 曹操 聽 佢 話 , 就 帶兵 返 許都 。 Cao Cao|heard|he|words|then|led the troops|back|Xu Du Cao Cao listened to him and then led his troops back to Xudu. 不經 不覺 , 又 到 建安 七年 正月 新春 。 without realizing|unconsciously|again|arrived|Jian'an||first month|New Year Before you know it, it is already the first month of the seventh year of Jian'an, the new spring. 曹操 又試 考慮 興兵 嘞 。 Cao Cao||to consider|to raise troops|past tense marker Cao Cao was considering raising troops. 佢 首先 呢 派 夏侯惇 、 滿寵 , 去 鎮守 汝南 , 防禦 劉表 ; He|first|this|sent|Xiahou Dun|Man Chong|to|garrison|Runan|defend|Liu Biao He first sent Xiahou Dun and Man Chong to guard Runan, to defend against Liu Biao; 留低 曹仁 、 荀彧 呀 守衛 許都 ; leave behind|Cao Ren|Xun Yu|particle|guard|Xu Du leaving Cao Ren and Xun Yu to defend Xudu; 自己 就 統率 大軍 , 出發 去 官渡 駐扎 。 he himself|then|to lead|the army|to depart|to|Guandu|to station while he himself led the main army to set up camp at Guandu. 噉 啊 再 講下 袁紹 。 like this|ah|again|talk about|Yuan Shao Now, let's talk about Yuan Shao. 佢 自從 舊年 打敗仗 啊 受 咗 刺激 , 得 咗 吐 血症 一直 到 咗 今年 年頭 呀 , 先至 稍 為 好 返 啲 。 he|since|last year|lost a battle|ah|received|past tense marker|shock|developed|past tense marker|||continuously|until|past tense marker|this year|beginning of the year|ah|only then|||||a bit Since he was defeated last year, he was stimulated and developed a blood vomiting condition that lasted until the beginning of this year, before he finally started to feel a bit better. 佢 一 好 返 啲 , 又 搵 啲 謀士 嚟 商量 想 進攻 許都 嘞 喎 。 He|very|well|return|more|also|find|some|strategists|come|discuss|wants|to attack|Xudu|past tense marker|sentence-final particle Once he felt a bit better, he sought out some strategists to discuss plans to attack Xudu. 審配 唔 贊成 嘞 , 佢 話 : review|not|agree|past tense particle|he|said Shen Pei disagreed, saying: 舊年 我軍 喺 官渡 、 倉亭 打 咗 敗仗 , 軍心 都 未曾 振作起 嚟 呀 。 last year|our army|at|Guandu|Cangting|fought|past tense marker|defeat|morale|also|not yet|lifted up|up|particle Last year, our army suffered defeats at Guandu and Cangting, and the morale has not yet recovered. 仲 係 要 深溝高壘 , 加強 防禦 , 積聚 下 軍民 嘅 力量 為 好 啊 。 ||need|deep moats and high walls|strengthen|defense|accumulate|lower|military and civilians|possessive particle|strength|for|good|particle We still need to dig deep trenches and build high walls, strengthen our defenses, and gather the strength of the military and civilians. 正在 商量 緊 , 就 得到 報告 話 曹操 進兵 官渡 , 要 嚟 進攻 冀州 。 currently|discussing|intensively|then|received|report|saying|Cao Cao|advancing troops|Guandu|needs|to|attack|Jizhou They are currently discussing and have received a report that Cao Cao is advancing to Guandu to attack Jizhou. 袁紹 就 話 嘞 : 哼 ! 如果 等到 兵臨城下 , 將至 壕邊 , 然後 先至 同人 哋 打 呀 , 噉 就 遲 咯 。 Yuan Shao|then|said|past tense particle|humph|if|wait until|enemy arrives at the city|approaching|by the moat|then|only then|with others|plural marker|fight|question particle|like that|then|late|final particle Yuan Shao said: Hmph! If we wait until the enemy is at the city gates and at the trenches before we fight back, it will be too late. 我要 親自 統率 大軍 出去 迎敵 。 I want|personally|to lead|army|to go out|to confront the enemy I want to personally lead the army out to meet the enemy. 袁尚話 嘞 : 父親 嘅 病 未曾 痊癒 , 唔 適宜 去 遠征 啊 。 Yuan Shang said|past tense marker|father|possessive particle|illness|not yet|recovered|not|suitable|to go|expedition|sentence-final particle Yuan Shang said: Father is still unwell, it is not suitable to go on a campaign. 孩兒 願意 領兵 前去 迎敵 ! child|willing|lead the troops|go forward|confront the enemy The child is willing to lead the troops to meet the enemy! 好 啊 ! 袁紹 同意 嘞 , 就 派 人 去 青州 通知 袁譚 , 去 幽州 通知 袁熙 , 去 並州 通知 高幹 , 決定 四路 一齊 出兵 去 攻打 曹操 。 Alright! Yuan Shao agreed, so he sent people to Qingzhou to notify Yuan Tan, to Youzhou to notify Yuan Xi, and to Bingzhou to notify Gao Gan, deciding that the four routes would send troops together to attack Cao Cao. 嗱, 本來 係 計劃 四路 兵馬 一齊 去 攻打 曹操 㗎 嘛 。 well|originally|was|planned|four routes|troops|together|to|attack|Cao Cao|particle indicating certainty|particle indicating obviousness Originally, the plan was for the four armies to attack Cao Cao together. 但 係 袁尚 啊 , 佢 自從 上次 斬 咗 史 渙 之後 就 以 為 自己 好 打 得 , 夠晒 勇猛 嘞 。 ||Yuen Seung|ah|he|since|last time|killed|past tense marker|||after|then|||himself|very|||quite|brave|past action marker But Yuan Shang, ever since he beheaded Shi Huan last time, thought he was very capable and quite brave. 所以 都 未 等 齊 袁 譚 佢 哋 啲 兵馬 到 呢 , 自己 就 率領 幾萬 士兵 出 咗 黎陽 。 so|all|not yet|waiting|together|Yuan|Tan|they|plural marker|measure word|troops|arrive|here|himself|then|led|tens of thousands|soldiers|go out|past tense marker|Liyang So before Yuan Tan and the others' troops even arrived, he led several thousand soldiers out of Liyang. 佢 遇 正 曹 軍 前鋒 部隊 , 帶兵 嘅 係 大將 張 遼 。 He|encountered|just|Cao|army|vanguard|troops|leading|possessive particle|is|General|Zhang|Liao He happened to encounter the vanguard of Cao's army, led by the general Zhang Liao. 兩 軍 相對 呀 張 遼 當先 出馬 。 two|armies|face each other|particle|Zhang|Liao||charge out The two armies faced each other, and Zhang Liao was the first to charge. 袁尚 就 挺 槍 嚟 交戰 嘞 。 Yuan Shang|then|to draw|gun|to|engage in battle|past tense marker Yuan Shang came forward with his spear to engage in battle. 張 遼 就 唔 同史 渙 喇 。 ||just|not|||particle indicating finality or change of state Zhang Liao was not like Shi Huan. 袁尚 根本 就 唔 係 佢 手腳 , 都 未 到 三個 回合 唧 , 連 招架 遮攔 嘅 功夫 都 冇 晒 , 打 到 大敗 而 走 。 Yuen Seung|basically|just|not|is|his|skills|all|not yet|reach|three|rounds|fight|even|defense|blocking|possessive particle|techniques|all|have not|completely|fight|to|defeat|and|run away Yuan Shang was simply no match for him; in less than three exchanges, he couldn't even defend himself, and he was defeated and fled. 張 遼 趁勢 掩殺 。 Zhang|Liao|take advantage of the situation|ambush Zhang Liao took the opportunity to launch a surprise attack. 袁尚 就 慌 到 冇 晒 主意 呀 , 急急 帶住 人馬 趯 返去 冀州 。 Yuan Shang|then|panic|to|have no|all|ideas|particle|hurriedly|bringing|troops|hurriedly|return|Jizhou Yuan Shang was so flustered that he had no ideas left, and hurriedly took his men back to Jizhou. 袁紹 聽聞 袁尚 打輸 咗 返 嚟 , 又嚇 咗 一驚 , 舊病復發 , 當堂 嘔 咗 幾斗血 𢴈 喺 地下 嚟 暈 咗 。 Yuan Shao|heard|Yuan Shang|lost|past tense marker|return|come||past tense marker|a fright||on the spot|vomited|past tense marker|several dou of blood|fell|at|ground|come|fainted|past tense marker Yuan Shao heard that Yuan Shang had lost and returned, which scared him again, causing his old illness to relapse, and he vomited several buckets of blood on the ground and fainted. 劉夫人 嚇死 嚟 咯 , 慌忙 叫 人 救 咗 袁紹 返入 房 。 Mrs Liu|scared to death|came|particle indicating completed action|hurriedly|called|someone|to save|past tense marker|Yuan Shao|returned|room Lady Liu was terrified and hurriedly called for someone to save Yuan Shao and bring him back into the room. 過 咗 幾日 , 袁紹 病勢 危急 , 眼睇 住 冇 得 摱 㗎 嘞 。 passed|past tense marker|several days|Yuan Shao|illness condition|critical|in sight|continuing|not|able|recover|sentence-final particle|past action marker A few days later, Yuan Shao's condition became critical, and it was clear that he was not going to make it. 劉夫人 即刻 請 審配 、 逢紀入 嚟 , 直情 嚟 到 袁紹 張床 前 便 商量 後事 。 Lady Liu|immediately|please|Shen Pei||come|directly|||Yuan Shao|Zhang's bed|in front of|then|discuss|future matters Lady Liu immediately summoned Shen Pei and Feng Ji to come in, and they went straight to Yuan Shao's bedside to discuss his final arrangements. 呢 個 時候 , 袁紹 已經 講唔 出 說話 , 淨 係 識得 用 隻 手指 下 指下 。 this|measure word|time|Yuan Shao|already|||speech|||able to|use|measure word for animals|finger|down|point At this time, Yuan Shao could no longer speak, only able to point with his finger. 劉夫人 就 問 佢 : 阿尚 可以 繼你位 吖 嘛 , 吓 ? 可以 吖 嘛 ? 你講 啦 。 Mrs Liu|then|asked|him|Ah Shang|can||particle|particle|huh|can|particle|particle||particle Lady Liu asked him: "Can Ah Shang take your place? Huh? Can he? You tell me." 袁紹 岌岌 頭 , 審配 就 喺 床 前 寫 咗 遺囑 。 Yuan Shao|precarious|head|Shen Pei|then|at|bed|in front of|wrote|past tense marker|will Yuan Shao was in a precarious state, and Shen Pei wrote a will in front of the bed. 忽然間 , 只見 袁紹 一翻 轉身 , 哎呀 ! 啊 ! 啊 啊 ! 大叫 一聲 , 又 嘔 咗 成斗血 , 就 嗚呼哀哉 死 咗 喇 。 suddenly|suddenly saw|Yuan Shao|one|turned around|oh no|ah|||shouted|one time|again|vomited|past tense marker||then|alas|died|past tense marker|final particle Suddenly, Yuan Shao turned around, and exclaimed, "Oh no! Ah! Ah!" He shouted loudly, then vomited a bowl full of blood, and passed away. 袁紹 一死 , 就 由 審 配 佢 哋 主持 喪事 。 Yuan Shao|dies|then|by|Shen|Pei|he|plural marker|to handle|funeral After Yuan Shao's death, Shen Pei and the others took charge of the funeral. 劉夫人 呀 , 即刻 將 袁紹 生前 所 寵愛 嘅 嗰 五個 妾 侍 全部 殺 咗 。 Lady Liu|ah|immediately|to take|Yuan Shao|while alive|(possessive particle)|favored|(possessive particle)|those|five|concubines|servants|all|kill|past tense marker Madam Liu, immediately kill all five concubines that Yuan Shao favored during his lifetime. 啊 噉 仲 唔 止 , 又 怕 佢 哋 嘅 陰魂 啊 喺 九泉之下 , 再同 袁紹 相聚 喎 。 ah|like this|still|not|stop|again|afraid|they|plural marker|possessive particle|ghost|ah|at|underworld||Yuan Shao|reunite|sentence-final particle Ah, it doesn't stop there, she is also afraid that their spirits will reunite with Yuan Shao in the underworld. 故此 呀 仲割 咗 佢 哋 嘅 頭髮 , 劃花 佢 哋 塊 面 , 斬 爛 佢 哋 嘅 尸 體 嚱 你 哋 話 喇 , 劉夫人 陰毒 唔 陰毒 吖 嗱。 therefore|sentence-final particle||past tense marker|they|plural marker|possessive particle|hair|slashed|they|plural marker|face|face|chopped|ruined|they|plural marker|possessive particle|corpse|body|sentence-final particle|you|plural marker|say|sentence-final particle|Mrs Liu|vicious|not|vicious|sentence-final particle|look Therefore, she also cut off their hair, disfigured their faces, and mutilated their bodies. What do you think, is Madam Liu cruel or not? 袁尚 就 幫 佢 老母 斬草除根 , 怕 嗰 幾個 愛妾 嘅 家屬 報仇 , 就 將 佢 哋 通通 捉起 嚟 殺死 晒 。 Yuan Shang|then|help|him|mother|eliminate completely|afraid|those|several|concubines|possessive particle|family members|take revenge|then|take|them|plural marker|all|capture|particle indicating action|kill|all Yuan Shang helped his mother eliminate all potential threats, fearing that the families of those beloved concubines would seek revenge, so he captured and killed them all. 審配 同逢紀 呢 , 就立 袁尚 做 大司馬 將軍 , 領冀 、 青 、 幽 、 並四 州牧 。 Shen Pei|Tong Fengji|particle indicating a question||Yuan Shang|serve as|Grand General|General||Qing|You||provincial governor Shen Pei and Feng Ji then appointed Yuan Shang as the Grand General, overseeing the four provinces of Ji, Qing, You, and Bing. 派 使者 去 報喪 。 send|messenger|to|deliver the news of death Send a messenger to report the death. 呢 個 時候 啊 , 袁譚 已經 帶兵 出發 離開 青州 。 this|measure word|time|particle|Yuan Tan|already|led the troops|departed|left|Qingzhou At this time, Yuan Tan had already set out with his troops, leaving Qingzhou. 佢 知道 父親 死 咗 , 就 同 郭圖 、 辛評 兩個 商量 啦 。 he|knows|father|died|past tense marker|then|with|Guo Tu|Xin Ping|the two|discuss|sentence-final particle Upon learning of his father's death, he discussed it with Guo Tu and Xin Ping. 郭圖 話 嘞 : 主公 你 唔 喺 冀州 嚟 , 審配 同逢紀 必定 立顯甫 為 主 㗎 啦 。 Guo Tu|said|past tense marker|my lord|you|not|are|Ji Province|from|Shen Pei||definitely|Li Xianfu|as|master|particle indicating certainty|particle indicating finality Guo Tu said: "My lord, since you are not in Jizhou, Shen Pei and Feng Ji will definitely support Xianfu as the leader." 要 快 啲 趕去 冀州 至 得 喇 。 must|||go to|Jizhou|arrive|able|particle indicating completion We need to hurry to Jizhou. 顯甫 就 係 袁 尚 嘅 別字 咯 。 Hin Fu|just|is|Yuen|Shang|possessive particle|courtesy name|sentence-final particle Xianfu is the courtesy name of Yuan Shang. 辛評 話 : 審配 、 逢 紀 佢 哋 兩個 人 , 必定 預先 定落 陰謀 㗎 喇 。 Sin Ping|said|Shen Pei|Feng|Ji|he|plural marker|two|people|definitely|in advance|set up|conspiracy|sentence-final particle|particle indicating completed action Xin Ping said: Shen Pei and Feng Ji, the two of them, must have premeditated a conspiracy. 我 哋 如果 而家 趕住 去 , 實 遭 佢 哋 毒手 嘅 噃。 ||if|now|in a hurry|go|really|suffer|||malicious actions|possessive particle| If we hurry over now, we will surely fall into their trap. 袁 譚話 : 噉 啊點 做好 呢 ? Yuen|said|then||do well|question particle Yuan Tan said: What should we do then? 郭圖 話 : 我 哋 將 人馬 駐 扎 喺 城外 先 , 睇 下 佢 嘅 動靜 , 等 我 親入 去 觀下 啦 。 Guo Tu|said|I||||||||||||||||||observe|sentence-final particle Guo Tu said: Let's station our troops outside the city first, observe their movements, and I will personally go in to take a look. 袁譚 就 照 佢 說話 噉 做 嘞 。 Yuen Tam|just|according to|he|speech|like that|do|past tense marker Yuan Tan just did as he said. 各位 , 噉 啊 袁 譚同 袁尚 啊 , 兩個 人要 爭起 上 嚟 。 everyone|like this|particle|Yuan|||particle|two||compete|up|here Everyone, so Yuan Tan and Yuan Shang, the two of them need to compete. 兩 兄弟 不 和 , 噉 啊 實有 個輸 有 個贏 嘞 。 two|brothers|not|get along|then|ah|actually have||||particle indicating completed action The two brothers are not on good terms, so there will definitely be one winner and one loser. 或者 兩個 都 輸 ,嚱! 究竟 結果 點呢 ? maybe|both|all|lose|exclamation|exactly|result| Or maybe both will lose, huh! What will the outcome be?

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