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張悦楷講《三國演義》, 108

今日 講下 孫權 佢 任命 咗 陸遜 做 大 都督 。 當陸遜 去 到 猇 亭 上任 , 韓當 、 周泰 等等 一班 將官 呢 都 唔 服 佢 , 睇 佢 唔 起 。 嗰 日 , 陸遜 升帳 , 就 話 召集 眾位 將官 嚟 開會 。 嗰 班 將領 啊 勉勉強強 參拜 同 祝賀 咗 呢 位 新任 總督 。 噉 啊 接受 咗 眾 將官 嘅 參拜 之後 呢 陸遜 就 開聲講 嘞 : 主 上 任命 我 做 大將 , 總督 兵馬 , 同蜀兵 交戰 。 軍有 常法 , 各位 將軍 務必 要 遵守 。 有 違犯 嘅 , 王法 無親 。 今日 同 各位 言明在先 , 免致 後悔 。 大家 都 唔 出聲 。 過 咗 一陣 , 周泰話 : 安東 將軍 孫桓 係 主 上 嘅 侄兒 , 而家 , 佢 被困 喺 彝 陵 城裏 便 , 內 無 糧草 , 外 無 救兵 。 請 都督 早日 用個 好 辦法 救出 孫桓 , 使主上 安心 。 陸遜 話 : 我 一向 知道 孫將軍 深得 軍心 , 必定 能夠 堅守 。 唔 使 去 救 佢 , 等 我 擊破 蜀兵 之後 , 佢 自然 會 解圍 出 嚟 㗎 喇 。 嘿嘿 乜 噉 講都 有 嘅 , 嗰 班 將領 個心 呀 都 喺 度 笑 陸 遜 啊 。 散 咗 會議 之後 , 韓當同 周泰話 喇 : 任命 一個 噉 嘅 書生 做 大將 , 東吳 實亡 都 得 啦 。 將軍 , 你 睇 下 佢 係 點樣 處理 事情 嘅 。 周泰話 : 我 即 管用 句 說話 試 下 佢 唧 , 我 早就 知道 佢 乜 計 都 冇 㗎 喇 , 唉 ! 噉 點 能夠 打得敗 蜀 兵 㗎 ! 第 日 , 陸遜 下令 通知 全軍 , 各 將官 一律 要 嚴守 隘口 陣地 , 唔 準 出戰 。 點知 啲 將官 呀 個個 都 笑 佢 懦弱 就 唔 肯 堅守 噃。 第 日 , 陸遜 升帳 嘞 , 叫 齊 啲 將官 嚟 , 佢 話 : 我 秉承 王上 命令 , 總督 各路 軍馬 。 昨日 , 已經 三令五申 , 叫 你 哋 堅守 關隘 陣地 。 你 哋 個個 都 唔 遵守 我 嘅 命令 , 點解 ? 韓當話 喇 : 我 自從 跟隨 孫將軍 平定 江南 , 身經 幾百 戰 。 其餘 嘅 將官 , 有 啲 , 係 跟隨 討逆 將軍 , 有 啲 係 跟隨 當今 大王 , 個個 都 係 披堅執銳 , 出生入死 嘅 勇士 啊 。 今日 , 主 上 任命 將軍 你 做 大 都督 , 抗擊 蜀兵 , 就 應該 及早 制定 計策 , 調撥 人馬 , 分頭 進攻 去 奪取 勝利 。 但 係 而家 , 將軍 你 只 係 命令 堅守 關隘 唔 準 出戰 。 唔 通想 等 天公 去 殺退 蜀兵 咩 ? 我 哋 都 唔 係 貪生怕死 嘅 人 , 點解 要 挫傷 我 哋 嘅 銳氣 呢 ? 韓當 噉 樣一 放炮 呀 , 所有 嘅 將領 一齊 跟 住 話 喇 : 韓將軍 講得 有理 , 我 哋 情願 同蜀兵 決一死戰 啊 ! 陸遜 一 聽 完 , 撐聲 下 拔出 把 劍 揸 住 喺 手 , 佢 話 : 鄙人 雖然 係 一介書生 , 點解 會 得到 主 上 委以重任 呢 ? 皆 因 我 有 稍 為 可取之處 , 能夠 忍辱負重 嘅 緣故 啊 。 你 哋 只準 堅守 隘口 , 不準 妄動 , 違反 命令 者 一律 處斬 ! 冇 辦法 啦 , 眾 將官 唯有 憤憤然 講聲 遵命 噉 啊 走 係 啦 。 而家 講下 劉備 , 佢 喺 猇 亭 部署 兵力 , 一直 擺 到 村口 連綿 七百里 。 前後 四十個 營寨 啊 , 嘩 嗨 , 嘿 認真 夠晒 威勢 啊 。 白天 , 旌旗蔽日 , 晚上 火 光耀 天 。 呢 一日 , 間諜 嚟 報告 話 , 東吳 任用 陸遜 做 大 都督 , 掌管 全國 軍馬 。 陸遜 上任 之後 呢 , 就 命令 各 將官 堅守 險要 唔 準 出戰 噉 。 劉備 就問 馬良 嘞 : 陸遜 係 個 乜嘢 人 啊 , 吓 ? 陛下 , 陸遜 雖然 係 東吳 一個 書生 , 不過 佢 年幼 多才 , 極有 謀略 。 前次 襲擊 荊州 , 都 係 此人 嘅 詭計 啊 。 吓 ? 哼 ! 呢 個 衰仔 , 害死 我 二弟 , 呢 次 事 必要 捉 到 佢 ! 人 嚟 ! 同 朕 傳令 落 去 , 立即 進兵 ! 陛下 , 陸遜 此人 嘅 才能 , 不亞於 周郎 , 唔 好 輕敵 啊 。 朕 打 咗 成世仗 嘞 , 唔 通仲 唔 及 一個 乳臭未乾 嘅 細 佬 哥 咩 ! 劉備 唔 聽 馬良 勸 , 就 親自 率領 前鋒 部隊 , 去 攻打 東吳 各處 關隘 。 呢 一日 , 韓當 見到 劉備 帶兵 嚟 到 , 就 派 人 去 報告 陸遜 。 陸遜 怕 韓當 輕舉妄動 啊 , 就 急忙 飛馬 趕到 嚟 前線 睇 下 。 去 到 嘅 時候 呢 , 韓 當 喺 山上 瞭望 緊 。 佢 見到 蜀兵 漫山遍野 而來 , 喺 軍隊 當中 呢 隱隱約約 見到 有頂 黃羅傘 嘅 。 韓當 迎接 咗 陸遜 , 就 一 拍 噉 騎 住 馬 繼續 瞭望 。 韓當 指住 蜀 兵話 : 喺 敵軍 裏 便 , 劉備 一定 喺 處 , 我 想 出擊 啊 。 陸遜 話 喇 : 劉備 統率 大軍 東下 , 連勝 十幾場 , 銳氣 正盛 啊 。 所以 , 目前 我軍 只 係 宜於 據險 堅守 , 不能 輕出 , 出則 不利 。 我 哋 要 鼓勵 將士 , 想盡辦法 嚟 加強 防禦 , 等待 蜀兵 內部 起 變化 。 係 嘅 。 而 家 佢 哋 喺 平原 廣野 縱橫馳騁 , 係 非常 得意 嘅 , 由 得 佢 哋 得意 啦 , 我 哋 堅守 不 出 。 佢 哋 求戰 不成 , 必定會 將軍 隊 遷移 去 啲 山林 樹木 之間 駐扎 。 到 其時 , 我 就 有 妙計 取勝 。 韓當 聽 陸遜 噉 講 , 噉 個 口 呢 , 雖然 一味 話 係 係 係 噉 啊 , 之個 心硬 係 唔 服 嘅 。 喺 呢 段 時期 , 劉備 啊 日日 都 派 前軍 去 挑戰 百般 辱罵 。 陸遜 啊 吩咐 吳軍 將士 啊 塞 埋耳仔 唔 好聽 , 當 佢 冇 嚟 , 總之 就 唔 準 出去 迎戰 。 陸遜 呀 親自 視察 各個 關頭 隘口 , 去 安慰 將士 鼓舞士氣 , 要 佢 哋 一 於 堅守 啊 。 劉備 見吳 軍 唔 出 嚟 打 , 個心 啊 焦急 到 非常 啦 。 有 一日 馬良 勸 劉備 話 喇 : 陸 遜 嘅 為 人 極 有 謀略 㗎 。 現時 , 陛下 由 西川 咁 遠 嚟 到 進攻 , 由 春天 到 夏天 , 佢 唔 肯出 嚟 應戰 , 無非 係 想 等 我軍 出現 弱點 嘅 啫 , 希望 陛下 諗 清楚 至 好 啊 。 佢 有 乜嘢 計謀 吖 , 一味 膽怯 咋 嘛 。 前 嗰 排 佢 哋 連 氣 敗 咗 幾場 仗 , 仲點 敢 再 出 嚟 打 。 又過 咗 幾日 , 先鋒 馮習 嚟 稟奏 話 喇 : 而家 天氣 好熱 呀 , 軍隊 嘅 駐地 好似 畀 火燒 噉 , 而且 , 用水 極之 不便 啊 陛下 。 劉備 就 於是 命令 各個 營寨 , 全部 遷移 去 山林 茂盛 嘅 地方 , 要 靠近 啲 溪水 河流 嘅 。 等過 咗 夏天 , 秋高氣爽 嘅 時候 到 喇 , 再 嚟 合力 大舉進攻 。 馬良 一 諗 , 嗯 ? 唔 妥當 喎 , 就 稟奏 話 : 陛下 , 我軍 一 移動 嘅 時候 , 萬一 吳兵 突然 發起 攻擊 噉 如之奈何 呢 ? 吓 , 朕 早有打算 喇 。 朕 命令 吳班帶 住 萬 幾名 老弱 兵卒 , 喺 靠近 吳兵 營寨 嘅 平地 駐扎 。 朕 親自 挑選 八千名 精兵 , 喺 山谷 裏頭 埋伏 。 陸遜 知道 咗 朕 要 遷移 兵營 嘞 , 若果 佢 想 趁勢 攻擊 嘅 話 , 就 命令 吳班 詐敗 。 陸遜 如果 追 嚟 , 朕 就 帶兵 突然 衝出 , 截斷 佢 嘅 歸路 , 噉 陸遜 小子 仲走 得 去邊 吖 ! 啊 陛下 神機妙算 , 臣 等 無人 能及 啊 ! 嗰 班 文武 大臣 呀 三呼 萬歲 , 猛 咁 讚頌 劉備 英明 。 之 馬良 仲 係 比較 清醒 啊 , 佢 又 對 劉備 話 : 最近 聽聞 諸葛丞相 喺 東川 視察 各地 關隘 , 提防 魏兵 入侵 。 陛下 不如 將 各個 營寨 遷移 嘅 地點 畫成 圖樣 問 下 丞相 啦 , 好 唔 好 吖 ? 朕 亦 都 頗識 兵法 嘅 , 何必 又問 丞相 呢 ? 古語 話 兼聽則明 , 偏聽 則蔽 。 請 陛下 明察 。 噉 好 啦 , 你 自己 去 各個 營寨 畫好 地圖 , 標明 四至 , 然後 親自 送 去 東川 問 下 丞相 啦 。 誒 如果 有 唔 妥 嘅 地方 , 就 快 啲 返 嚟 報告 , 啊 。 馬良 接受 咗 命令 就 去 辦 嘞 。 而 劉備 呢 , 一 於 按 原定 計劃 , 將 大軍 遷移 去 啲 樹木 茂盛 陰涼 嘅 地方 駐扎 , 喺 度 避暑 啊 。 呢 件 事 呢 , 韓當 、 周泰 就 派 人 探聽到 , 高興 到 不得了 啊 , 即刻 去 見 陸遜 : 都督 , 而家 蜀 兵 四 十幾個 營寨 , 通通 遷移 去 啲 山林 茂盛 嘅 地方 , 靠近 溪河 , 避暑 唞 涼 噃, 好 機會 啊 ! 都督 , 趁勢 發起 攻擊 啦 ! 陸遜 一 聽 真 高興 啊 , 就 親自 帶兵 去 前線 觀察 下 蜀 兵 動靜 啊 。 啊 嗨 ! 只見 一片 平原 , 蜀兵 大概 有 萬零 人度 , 大半 都 係 啲 老弱殘兵 , 打住 先鋒 吳班 旗號 。 周泰話 喇 : 照 我 睇 呀 , 呢 啲 噉 嘅 兵 直 情 係 兒戲 噉 啊 。 我 想 同 韓將軍 分兩路 出擊 , 如果 打 唔 贏 , 甘當 軍令 ! 陸遜 先 唔 回答 , 睇 呀 睇 , 睇 咗 好 耐 , 佢 用 條 馬鞭 指住 前面 話 : 各位 請 仔細 睇 下 , 前 便 嘅 山谷 裏頭 隱隱約約 有 一股 殺氣 , 嗰 處 必 有 伏兵 。 劉備 啊 故意 喺 平地 擺開 呢 啲 老弱殘兵 , 想 引誘 我 哋 出擊 嘅 啫 。 各位 , 千祈 唔 好 出戰 ! 遵命 ! 所有 嘅 將官 聽 咗 , 人人 個心 都 話 陸遜 呀 你 怕死 咋 嘛 。 第 日 , 吳班 帶兵 嚟 到 關隘 前面 挑戰 , 嘿 呀 耀武揚威 噉 , 用 啲 污言爛語 啊 鬧 到 唔 停 。 鬧 到 咁 上下 呢 , 好多 人仲除 衫 卸甲 , 打大赤 肋 添 , 坐 嘅 亦 有 , 瞓 低 嘅 亦 有 , 哈 總之 當吳兵 唔 係 嘢 。 徐盛 、 丁奉 忍 唔 住 呢 啖 氣 , 就入 去 中軍帳 稟告 陸遜 話 : 蜀兵 欺人太甚 啊 , 請 都督 畀 我 哋 出去 打 佢 啦 ! 哈哈哈哈 哈哈哈哈 , 各位 將官 只 係 恃 住 血氣之勇 , 仲未 懂得 孫吳 兵法 嘅 妙處 啊 。 呢 啲 不過 係 蜀 兵 誘敵 之計 啫 , 三日 之後 , 大家 就 可以 睇 出 佢 哋 噉 樣 做 係 假 㗎 喇 。 徐盛話 喇 : 三日 之後 啊 , 佢 哋 嘅 營寨 都 遷移 妥當 咯 , 仲點 能夠 去 攻擊 佢 哋 啊 ? 我 正 係 想 佢 哋 遷移 營寨 喇 。 係 ! 所有 嘅 將官 聽 咗 , 人人 個 心 喺 度 嘲笑 陸遜 。 過 咗 三日 , 陸遜 召集 所有 嘅 將領 , 一齊 去 關隘 上 便 瞭望 , 噉 啊 見到 吳班 啲 兵 呢 已經 退走 晒 。 陸遜 指住 前面 話 : 大家 睇 , 殺氣 起 喇 ! 劉備 必定會 喺 山谷 裏頭 出現 嘅 。 嘩 ! 陸遜 話 口 未 完 啊 , 只見 前 便 嘅 山谷 裏頭 , 一 大隊 蜀兵 全副 披掛 , 簇擁 住 劉備 行 咗 過去 。 啲 吳兵見 到 呀 , 哎呀 嚇到 膽都 破 啊 。 陸遜 話 嘞 : 我 之所以 唔 聽 各位 話 去 攻擊 吳班 , 就 係 因為 噉 啊 。 而家 伏兵 已經 暴露 , 十日 之內 , 必定 擊敗 劉備 嘞 ! 大家 都 諗 唔 通 噃, 佢 哋 話 喇 : 都督 , 要 擊敗 劉備 應該 係 喺 初 初 嚟 嘅 時候 吖 。 而家 蜀 兵 連營 五六百里 , 相持 已經 七八個 月 。 所有 嘅 要害 地方 , 佢 哋 度度 都 守備 森嚴 , 仲點 能夠 擊敗 佢 哋 啊 ? 各位 都 唔 懂 兵法 啊 。 劉備乃 係 當代 梟雄 , 而且 老謀深算 。 佢 嘅 軍隊 初初 嚟 到 嘅 時候 , 紀律 非常 之 嚴明 。 之到 今日 呢 , 我 哋 堅守 咗 咁 耐 , 敵人 一 啲 都 睺 唔 到 我 哋 嘅 弱點 , 冇 機會 進攻 。 所以 , 敵人 已經 士氣 低落 情緒 疲沓 , 要 擊敗 佢 哋 而 家 正 係 時候 啊 ! 陸遜 噉 樣一 分析 呀 , 所有 嘅 將領 就 心悅誠服 喇 。 呢 , 有 詩為證 啊 : 虎帳 談兵 按 六韜 , 安排 香餌 釣鯨 鰲 。 三分 自是 多 英俊 , 又 顯 江南 陸遜 高 。 噉 陸遜 決定 咗 擊破 蜀 兵 嘅 計策 之後 呢 , 就 寫 一份 報告 派 使者 送 去 畀 孫權 , 大意 係 話 馬上 就 可以 打敗 劉備 喇 噉 。 孫權 睇 咗 報告 就 好 歡喜 噉 話 喇 : 江東 又 試出 咗 一位 噉 嘅 奇才 啊 ! 孤王仲使 乜 憂慮 吖 , 哈哈哈哈 哈哈哈哈 。 所有 嘅 將官 都 上書 嚟 話 佢 懦弱 , 唯獨 是 孤王 唔 信 。 呢 , 而家 睇 佢 噉 講 啊 , 果然 唔 係 懦弱 吖 嘛 。 於是 孫權 出動 大軍 去 接應 陸遜 嘞 。 而家 講下 劉備 , 佢 命令 全部 水軍 啊 , 由 猇 亭 順流而下 , 沿住 長江 安扎 水寨 , 深入 東吳 嘅 國境 。 黃權 就 勸諫 佢 話 喇 : 陛下 , 水軍 沿江 而 下 , 進 就 容易 啊 , 退 就 難 喇 。 請 陛下 派臣 作為 前鋒 , 陛下 就 喺 後 陣 , 噉 樣 嘅 安排 就 萬無一失 嘞 。 劉備 話 : 吳賊 已經 心寒 膽裂 喇 , 朕 何妨 長驅直進 呢 ? 嗰 班 大臣 就 苦苦 勸 劉備 唔 好 噉 樣 , 但 係 劉備 唔 聽 。 終歸 佢 決定 分 兵 兩路 , 命令 黃權 率領 江北 嘅 部隊 , 防備 魏兵 ; 劉備 自己 呢 就 統率 江南 各路 軍馬 , 一南 一北 , 夾江 啊 建立 營寨 準備 進攻 。 而家 講下 魏 兵 嘅 間諜 啊 , 佢 哋 探聽到 劉備 嘅 軍事行動 就 去 報告 曹丕 : 話 蜀 兵 呢 去 攻打 吳國 , 啲 營寨 就 連接 起 嚟 成 七百 幾里 , 分開 四廿 幾個 營地 , 都 係 呀 挨傍住 山林 溪澗 扎寨 嘅 。 黃權 呢 而 家 喺 江北 統率 兵馬 , 每日 呀 出哨 百幾里 , 就 唔 知 咩 用意 喎 噉 。 曹丕 一聽 哈哈大笑 噉 話 : 劉備 呀 , 就要 失敗 喇 佢 。 佢 嗰 班 大臣 就 問 佢 點解 啦 。 曹丕 話 : 劉備 唔 懂 兵法 , 邊度 有 連營 七百里 仲 可以 打 得到 敵人 㗎 ? 將 大軍 鋪開 駐 扎 喺 地形 複雜 嘅 大片 地方 , 係 兵法 之 大忌 嚟 嘅 嘛 。 劉備 必定 敗 於 東吳 陸遜之 手 嘅 , 十日 之內 , 實會 有 消息 嚟 㗎 嘞 。 嗰 班 大臣 都 唔 信 , 都 建議 曹丕 撥兵 去 防備 不測 。 曹丕 話 : 陸遜 如果 打勝 咗 呢 , 佢 必定 帶領 全部 吳兵 去 奪取 西川 。 吳兵遠 征 , 國內 就 空虛 。 朕 假意 話 出兵 助戰 , 下令 三路 大軍 一齊 進兵 。 噉 東吳 呀 , 哈哈哈哈 哈哈哈哈 , 舉手之勞 就 得到 喇 ! 嗰 班 大臣 都 服 晒 佢 啊 ! 於是 曹丕 下令 : 叫 曹仁帶 一支 軍隊 攻濡須 , 曹休 帶 一支 軍隊 攻 洞口 , 曹真帶 一支 軍隊 攻 南郡 , 噉 啊 三路 軍隊 定 好 日期 , 同時 偷襲 東吳 。 曹丕 呢 就 隨後 親自 帶兵 接應 。 噉 曹丕 呢頭 啊 , 就 部署 好 嘞 。 花開兩朵 又 各表 一支 , 而家 唔 講魏兵 去 偷襲 東吳 , 又 先 講下 馬良 佢 又 返 到 去 西川 , 拜見 咗 孔明 就 呈 上 營寨 嘅 圖樣 , 佢 話 : 而家 啲 營寨 都 係 夾住 長江 建立 起 嚟 , 連綿 七百里 , 總共 四 十幾個 營地 , 都 係 靠近 河流 , 林木 茂盛 嘅 地方 。 皇上 叫 我畫 咗 營地 嘅 圖樣 送 嚟 畀 丞相 睇 下 。 孔明 一睇 完 , 拍住 枱 猛 咁 叫苦 啊 苦 啊 噉 佢 話 : 係 邊個 教 皇上 噉 樣扎營 㗎 ? 要 斬 咗 佢 至 得 ! 呢 啲 都 係 主上 自己 嘅 主意 , 唔 關人 哋 事 㗎 。 唉 ! 漢朝 嘅 氣數 盡咯 ! 點解 噉 講呢 丞相 ? 將軍 隊 撒開 晒 , 擺 喺 地形 複雜 嘅 大片 地方 乃 係 兵家 之 大忌 , 敵人 如果 用 火攻 仲有 得救 嘅 咩 ! 仲有 啊 , 邊度 有話 連營 七百里 仲 可以 打 得到 敵人 嘅 呢 ? 大禍 就 到 喇 ! 陸遜 一直 堅守 不 出 , 就 係 為 咗 噉 嘅 啫 。 你 快 啲 去 見 皇上 , 請 佢 改過 啲 營地 , 唔 好 而家 噉 樣 。 丞相 呀 , 若果 而家 吳兵 已經 打贏 咗 喇 , 噉 點算 呢 ? 陸遜 唔 敢 嚟 追 嘅 , 成都 唔 會 有 危險 嘅 。 請問 丞相 , 陸遜 點解 唔 追住 嚟 呢 ? 佢 因 為 怕 魏兵襲 擊 佢 嘅 後方 吖 嘛 。 主 上 如果 打敗 咗 喇 , 就 去 白帝城 避開 敵人 啦 。 我入 西川 嘅 時候 , 已經 喺 魚腹 浦 嗰 個 地方 埋伏 定 十萬 人馬 喺 度 㗎 喇 。 吓 ? 丞相 啊 , 我 來來去去 經過 魚腹 浦 幾次 喇 , 都 未 見過 一兵一卒 噃。 丞相 你 噉 講 , 係 咩 嘢 意思 呢 ? 日後 你 就 知 㗎 喇 , 而家 不必 多問 。 係 ! 馬良 等 孔明 寫 好 咗 送呈 劉備 嘅 表章 , 就 火速 趕返 去 前線 劉備 嘅 大本營 。 孔明 呢 就 返去 成都 , 調撥 人馬 去 救應 , 呢 處 呢 , 就 暫時 放落 唔 講 。 而家 講下陸 遜 佢 發現 蜀兵 啊 已經 鬆懈 , 唔 再 提防 喇 。 呢 一日 , 陸遜 就 召集 大小 將士 嚟 到 中軍帳 , 佢 話 : 各位 , 我 自從 接受 任命 以來 , 未試過 出戰 。 而家 , 想先 去 奪取 佢 江南 岸 嘅 一個 營 , 邊位 將軍 願意 去 呢 ? 嘿 ! 嗰 班 將士 唔 知 等 陸遜 呢 句 說話 幾耐 㗎 喇 。 所以 啊 , 而家 陸遜 說話 未 完 , 韓當 、 周泰 、 凌統 等等 一班 大將 , 都 搶 住 行出 嚟 話 : 我 哋 願 去 啊 ! 但 係 呢 , 陸遜 一個 都 唔 派 佢 哋 去 。 只 係 叫 一名 末將 淳于丹 出 嚟 話 : 我 畀 四千 兵 你 , 派 你 去 攻佔 江南 岸 第四 營 。 呢 個營 , 係 蜀將 傅彤 把守 嘅 , 今晚 就要 成功 , 到 時 , 我會 帶兵 去 接應 你 。 得 令 ! 淳于丹 帶兵 出發 嘞 。 陸遜 跟 住 又 叫 徐盛 、 丁奉出 嚟 話 : 你 哋 各人 帶 三千 兵 , 出去 寨外 五里 駐扎 。 如果 淳于丹 打敗 返 嚟 , 有兵 追 佢 嘅 話 , 你 哋 就 出 嚟 救 佢 , 但 係 唔 準 追擊 。 得 吖 令 ! 徐盛 、 丁奉 各自 帶兵 出發 。 而家 講下 淳于丹 , 佢 喺 黃昏時分 就 帶兵 前進 , 去 到 蜀 兵 第四 營 嘅 時候 呢 已經 係 三 更 過後 。 淳于丹 一聲 號令 , 啲 兵卒 喎 嗬 噉 啊 大聲 吶喊 呀 衝殺 入去 。 傅彤 立即 帶兵 殺出 嚟 , 挺槍 直取 淳于丹 。 打 咗 幾個 回合 , 淳于丹 打 唔 過撥 馬 就 趯 返 轉頭 。 點知 殺聲 震天 , 一彪 軍馬 攔住 去路 , 為首 一員大將 乃 係 趙 融 啊 。 淳于丹 啊 搏命 殺 開條 血路 走 人 , 啲 兵馬 損失 咗 成 大半 。 走走 下 , 突然 間 喺 山後 一彪 蠻兵 截住 , 為 首 嘅 係 番 將 沙摩柯 。 淳于丹 係 死 打爛 打先 至 走 甩身 , 蜀兵 三路 人馬 就 喺 佢 後 便 猛 咁 追殺 。 一直 到 離營 五里 嘅 地方 , 徐盛 、 丁奉 兩個 人 , 由 兩 便 殺出 嚟 頂住 就 打退 咗 蜀 兵 , 救 咗 淳于丹 回營 。 淳于丹 中箭受 咗 傷 , 佢 都 未曾 掹 甩 支箭 唧就入 去 拜見 陸遜 請罪 。 陸遜 話 喇 : 唔 係 你 嘅 錯 , 唔 係 你 嘅 錯 。 我 不過 係 想 試探 一下 敵人 嘅 虛實 唧 。 擊破 蜀 兵 嘅 計策 , 我 已經 定 咗 喇 。 徐盛 、 丁奉 就 話 喇 : 蜀兵 十分 強大 , 好難 擊敗 佢 啊 , 夾硬 去 打 , 係 白白 損兵折將 嘅 啫 。 嘿嘿嘿 嘿嘿 , 我 呢條 計策 呢 , 就 係 呃 唔 過 諸葛亮 嘅 啫 , 好彩 此人 唔 喺 度 , 噉 我 就 成功 喇 。 於是 陸遜 召集 大小 將士 下達 命令 : 叫 朱然 , 由 水路 進兵 , 聽日 下午 , 一翻 起大 東南風 呢 , 就 用 船隻 裝運 茅草 , 如此 如此 依計 行事 。 叫 韓當帶 一支 軍隊 , 攻擊 江北岸 。 周泰 呀 帶 一支 軍隊 攻擊 江南 岸 。 叫 啲 士兵 啊 除 咗 帶槍 刀 之外 , 每人 都 帶 一把 茅草 , 裏 便 捲住 硫黃 硝石 , 帶備 火種 , 但凡 去 到 蜀 軍營 寨 啊 就 順風 放火 。 蜀兵 四十個 兵營 , 只 係 燒 佢 二十 營 , 每隔 一個 營就 燒 佢 一個 。 各路 軍馬 都 要 帶齊 乾糧 , 得勝 之後 要 日夜 追擊 , 務必 捉 到 劉備 為止 。 各 將官 接受 咗 命令 , 就 各個 分頭 準備 。 而家 講返 劉備 , 呢 一日 佢 喺 大本營 考慮 緊 擊敗 吳 兵 嘅 計策 。 忽然 見到 中軍帳 前 便 嘅 大旗 啊 無端 端成 支 噉 冧 咗 落 嚟 。 佢 又 問 參謀 程畿 話 喇 : 啊 , 呢 個 係 咩 嘢 兆頭 呢 ? 陛下 , 莫非 今晚 吳兵 要 嚟 劫營 ? 哼 ! 昨晚 先至 殺 到 佢 大敗 一場 , 佢 仲 敢 再 嚟 ? 陛下 , 若果 昨晚 係 陸遜 試探 下 我軍 嘅 兵力 唧 , 噉 又 如何 呢 ? 正 喺 度 商量 緊 , 侍臣 嚟 報告 話 喺 山上 啊 遠遠 望見 吳兵 , 跟 住 山邊 向東 便 去 咗 啊 噉 。 劉備 一 諗 , 認為 呢 啲 乃 係 疑兵 唧 , 叫 大家 唔 使 逳。 只 係 命令 關興 、 張苞 各帶 五百名 馬 軍 出去 巡視 。 到 咗 黃昏時分 , 關興 返 嚟 報告 話 , 江北 兵營 起火 噉 。 劉備 啊 急急 命令 關興 去 江北 , 張苞去 江南 探聽虛實 。 吩咐 佢 哋 , 若果 吳兵 一到 , 就 立即 返 嚟 報告 噉 。 關興 、 張苞 呢 帶兵 飛馬 去 咗 咯 。 當晚 嘅 初 更 時分 , 驟然 翻 起 東南風 。 只見 大本營 左便 營地 啊 含 含聲 燒着 火 。 啱 啱 要 去 救火 唧 , 大本營 右 便 嘅 營地 又 火燭 喇 。 風猛 火急 連 樹木 都 燒着 埋 。 嗰 啲 人 呀 嗌 到 震天動地 啊 , 兩個 營地 嘅 人馬 又 㗾㗾 聲 噉 趯 出 嚟 。 撞 到 嚟 大本營 , 而 大本營 嘅 軍 兵 呢 又 互相 踐踏 哎 都 唔 知死 咗 幾多 人 喇 。 呢 個 時候 , 後 便 吳兵 殺 到 嘞 , 又 唔 知 究竟 幾多 軍馬 嘅 噃。 劉備 急急 上馬 , 想 趯 去 馮 習 嘅 兵營 啦 。 點知 馮 習 嘅 兵營 裏頭 , 火光熊熊 沖天 而 起 。 江南 江北 啊 燒到 成天 都 紅晒 好似 日頭 咁 光 。 馮習 慌忙 上馬 , 帶住 幾十個 馬 軍 就 走 。 咪 撞 啱 徐盛 帶兵 嚟 到 , 截住 廝殺 。 劉備 見到 噉 嘅 情形 , 弊 啦 一撥 馬頭 就 向 住 西 便 逃跑 。 徐盛 啊 擗 低 馮習 , 帶兵 猛追 劉備 。 劉備 慌 喇 , 誰知 前 便 又 畀 一彪 軍隊 截住 , 係 丁奉 啊 ! 噉 啊 前後夾攻 , 嚇 到 劉備 失魂 啦 , 呢 趟 啊 實弊 喇 事關 四便 都 冇 路行 嘞 。 突然 間 , 響起 一陣 喊 殺聲 , 有 一彪 軍馬 殺入 重圍 喎 。 定眼 一 睇 , 嘿 有救 喇 , 張苞衝 到 嚟 , 救出 咗 劉備 就 帶 住 御林軍 猛跑 。 行到 半路 , 前 便 又 有 一支 軍隊 嚟 到 , 係 傅彤 啊 , 噉 就 合 埋 一齊 行 啦 。 呢 陣 時後便 吳兵 追到 嚟 嘞 。 當時 正 係 嚟 到 馬鞍山 呀 , 張苞 、 傅彤 請 劉備 快 啲 上山 。 啱 啱 上 咗 去唧 , 陸 遜 嘅 大隊人馬 追到 嚟 嘞 , 將 馬鞍山 沊沊𡃈 圍到 實一實 。 張苞 、 傅彤 拼命 據守 山口 , 頂住 吳 軍 嘅 進攻 。 劉備 喺 山上 望落 嚟 , 哎呀 漫山遍野 到處 火光 。 陣亡 兵卒 嘅 屍體 呀 一個 疊 一個 噉 , 塞滿 條 江流 落 去 , 哎 慘咯 ! 究竟 劉備 嘅 性命 如何 啊 就 且 聽 下回分解 。

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今日 講下 孫權 佢 任命 咗 陸遜 做 大 都督 。 today|let's talk about|Sun Quan|he|appointed|past tense marker|Lu Xun|as|great|general Today, let's talk about Sun Quan and how he appointed Lu Xun as the Grand General. 當陸遜 去 到 猇 亭 上任 , 韓當 、 周泰 等等 一班 將官 呢 都 唔 服 佢 , 睇 佢 唔 起 。 when Lu Xun|went|to|Xiao|Ting|took office|Han Dang|Zhou Tai|and so on|a group of|military officers|particle indicating a question|all|not|respect|him|look|he|not|up When Lu Xun arrived at Xiaoting to take office, Han Dang, Zhou Tai, and other generals did not respect him and looked down on him. 嗰 日 , 陸遜 升帳 , 就 話 召集 眾位 將官 嚟 開會 。 that|day|Lu Xun|set up the tent|then|said|to summon|all|military officers|to|hold a meeting On that day, Lu Xun set up a tent and called for all the generals to come for a meeting. 嗰 班 將領 啊 勉勉強強 參拜 同 祝賀 咗 呢 位 新任 總督 。 that|group|generals|ah|reluctantly|pay respects|and|congratulate|past tense marker|this|measure word for people|newly appointed|governor The group of generals reluctantly paid their respects and congratulated the new governor. 噉 啊 接受 咗 眾 將官 嘅 參拜 之後 呢 陸遜 就 開聲講 嘞 : then|ah|accepted|past tense marker|all|generals|possessive particle|worship|after|this|Lu Xun|then||past tense marker After accepting the respects from the generals, Lu Xun then spoke up: 主 上 任命 我 做 大將 , 總督 兵馬 , 同蜀兵 交戰 。 Lord|above|appointed|I|to be|general|governor|troops||engage in battle The Lord appointed me as the general, overseeing the troops, to engage in battle with the Shu soldiers. 軍有 常法 , 各位 將軍 務必 要 遵守 。 |standing orders|all|generals|must|to|obey The army has its regulations, and all generals must adhere to them. 有 違犯 嘅 , 王法 無親 。 there is|violation|possessive particle|rule of law| Those who violate them will face the law without favoritism. 今日 同 各位 言明在先 , 免致 後悔 。 today|with|everyone|to clarify beforehand|to avoid|regret Today, I make this clear to everyone in advance to avoid any regrets later. 大家 都 唔 出聲 。 過 咗 一陣 , 周泰話 : everyone|all|not|speak|after|past tense marker|a while| Everyone remained silent. After a while, Zhou Tai said: 安東 將軍 孫桓 係 主 上 嘅 侄兒 , 而家 , 佢 被困 喺 彝 陵 城裏 便 , 內 無 糧草 , 外 無 救兵 。 Andong|General|Sun Huan|is|Lord|above|possessive particle|nephew|now|he|is trapped|in|Yi|Ling|inside the city|convenient|inside|no|food and supplies|outside|no|reinforcements General Sun Huan of Andong is the nephew of the Lord. Right now, he is trapped in Yiling City, with no supplies inside and no reinforcements outside. 請 都督 早日 用個 好 辦法 救出 孫桓 , 使主上 安心 。 please|commander|as soon as possible|use a|good|method|rescue|Sun Huan||at ease Please, Governor, find a good way to rescue Sun Huan as soon as possible, to ease the Lord's worries. 陸遜 話 : 我 一向 知道 孫將軍 深得 軍心 , 必定 能夠 堅守 。 Lu Xun|said|I|always|knew|General Sun|deeply trusted by|the army|definitely|able to|hold firm Lu Xun said: I have always known that General Sun is deeply trusted by the troops, and he will definitely be able to hold on. 唔 使 去 救 佢 , 等 我 擊破 蜀兵 之後 , 佢 自然 會 解圍 出 嚟 㗎 喇 。 not|need|go|save|him|wait|I|defeat|Shu soldiers|after|he|naturally|will|escape|come out|here|particle|particle There’s no need to rescue him; after I defeat the Shu soldiers, he will naturally break out. 嘿嘿 乜 噉 講都 有 嘅 , 嗰 班 將領 個心 呀 都 喺 度 笑 陸 遜 啊 。 hee hee|what|like that||have|particle indicating possession|that|group|generals||particle indicating exclamation|all|at|place|laugh|Lu|Xun|particle indicating exclamation Hehe, what are you talking about? Those generals are all laughing at Lu Xun. 散 咗 會議 之後 , 韓當同 周泰話 喇 : finish|past tense marker|meeting|after|||sentence-final particle After the meeting was over, Han Dong said to Zhou Tai: 任命 一個 噉 嘅 書生 做 大將 , 東吳 實亡 都 得 啦 。 appoint|a|like this|possessive particle|scholar|to be|general|Eastern Wu|actually perish|all|fine|sentence-final particle Appointing a scholar like this as a general, Eastern Wu is practically doomed. 將軍 , 你 睇 下 佢 係 點樣 處理 事情 嘅 。 General|you|look|at|he|is|how|handle|matters|particle indicating possession or description General, look at how he handles things. 周泰話 : 我 即 管用 句 說話 試 下 佢 唧 , 我 早就 知道 佢 乜 計 都 冇 㗎 喇 , 唉 ! 噉 點 能夠 打得敗 蜀 兵 㗎 ! Zhou Tai said|I|immediately|effective|a|statement|try|to|him|poke|I|long ago|knew|he|any|plan|all|have not|particle|particle|sigh|then|how|able to|defeat|Shu|soldiers|particle Zhou Tai said: I'll just use a few words to test him, I already knew he has no plans at all, sigh! How can we defeat the Shu army like this! 第 日 , 陸遜 下令 通知 全軍 , 各 將官 一律 要 嚴守 隘口 陣地 , 唔 準 出戰 。 the|day|Lu Xun|ordered|to notify|the whole army|each|general|uniformly|must|strictly defend|pass|position|not|allowed|to engage in battle The next day, Lu Xun ordered to notify the entire army that all generals must strictly defend the pass and are not allowed to engage in battle. 點知 啲 將官 呀 個個 都 笑 佢 懦弱 就 唔 肯 堅守 噃。 who would have known|the|officers|particle|everyone|all|laughed|he|cowardly|then|not|willing|to hold fast|particle Who would have thought that the generals would all laugh at him for being cowardly and unwilling to hold the fort? 第 日 , 陸遜 升帳 嘞 , 叫 齊 啲 將官 嚟 , 佢 話 : the|day|Lu Xun|raised the tent|past tense marker|called|together|plural marker|generals|to come|he|said The next day, Lu Xun set up a tent and called all the generals over. He said: 我 秉承 王上 命令 , 總督 各路 軍馬 。 I|uphold|His Majesty|order|governor|all routes|military horses I am carrying out the king's orders to supervise the various troops. 昨日 , 已經 三令五申 , 叫 你 哋 堅守 關隘 陣地 。 yesterday|already|repeatedly|told|you|plural marker|firmly defend|pass|position Yesterday, I have repeatedly instructed you all to hold the strategic positions. 你 哋 個個 都 唔 遵守 我 嘅 命令 , 點解 ? ||everyone|all|not|follow|I|possessive particle|orders|why Why is it that none of you are following my orders? 韓當話 喇 : 我 自從 跟隨 孫將軍 平定 江南 , 身經 幾百 戰 。 Han Dang said|particle indicating completion|I|since|followed|General Sun|pacified|Jiangnan|experienced|hundreds of|battles Han said: Since I followed General Sun to pacify Jiangnan, I have experienced hundreds of battles. 其餘 嘅 將官 , 有 啲 , 係 跟隨 討逆 將軍 , 有 啲 係 跟隨 當今 大王 , 個個 都 係 披堅執銳 , 出生入死 嘅 勇士 啊 。 the rest|possessive particle|military officers|there are|some|are|following|counter-rebellion|general|there are|some|are|following|current|king|everyone|all|are|armored and ready for battle|risking their lives|possessive particle|warriors|ah The other generals, some followed General Taoni, and some followed the current king, all of them are brave warriors who fight to the death. 今日 , 主 上 任命 將軍 你 做 大 都督 , 抗擊 蜀兵 , 就 應該 及早 制定 計策 , 調撥 人馬 , 分頭 進攻 去 奪取 勝利 。 today|lord|on|appointed|general|you|to be|great|governor|to resist|Shu soldiers|then|should|as early as possible|formulate|strategy|allocate|troops|separately|attack|to|seize|victory Today, His Majesty appointed you as the Grand Commander to resist the Shu army, and you should formulate strategies early, mobilize troops, and launch attacks to seize victory. 但 係 而家 , 將軍 你 只 係 命令 堅守 關隘 唔 準 出戰 。 |||general|you|||ordered|to defend|pass|||to go into battle But now, General, you only order to hold the pass and not to engage in battle. 唔 通想 等 天公 去 殺退 蜀兵 咩 ? ||wait|God of Heaven|go|drive back|Shu soldiers|question particle Do you expect the heavens to drive back the Shu army? 我 哋 都 唔 係 貪生怕死 嘅 人 , 點解 要 挫傷 我 哋 嘅 銳氣 呢 ? ||all|||overly cautious|possessive particle|people|why|need to|undermine|||possessive particle|ambition|question particle We are not people who fear death, so why should we dampen our spirits? 韓當 噉 樣一 放炮 呀 , 所有 嘅 將領 一齊 跟 住 話 喇 : 韓將軍 講得 有理 , 我 哋 情願 同蜀兵 決一死戰 啊 ! Han Dang|like this|this kind of|boasting|particle|all|possessive particle|generals|together|||said|particle|General Han|speaking|reasonably|we|plural marker|would rather|||particle When Han said that, all the generals immediately echoed: General Han is right, we would rather fight to the death against the Shu soldiers! 陸遜 一 聽 完 , 撐聲 下 拔出 把 劍 揸 住 喺 手 , 佢 話 : Lu Xun|one|hear|finish|loudly|then|draw out|measure word|sword|hold|firmly|at|hand|he|said As soon as Lu Xun heard this, he drew his sword and held it in his hand, saying: 鄙人 雖然 係 一介書生 , 點解 會 得到 主 上 委以重任 呢 ? 皆 因 我 有 稍 為 可取之處 , 能夠 忍辱負重 嘅 緣故 啊 。 I|although|am|a mere scholar|why|would|receive|||entrust with heavy responsibilities|question particle|all|because|I|have|||redeeming qualities|able to|endure humiliation and bear heavy burdens|possessive particle|reason|exclamatory particle Although I am just a scholar, why have I been entrusted with an important task by the lord? It is because I have some redeeming qualities and can endure humiliation and bear heavy burdens. 你 哋 只準 堅守 隘口 , 不準 妄動 , 違反 命令 者 一律 處斬 ! ||only allowed to|firmly hold|pass|not allowed to|act rashly|violate|order|one who|uniformly|be executed You are only allowed to hold the pass firmly and must not act rashly; anyone who disobeys the order will be executed! 冇 辦法 啦 , 眾 將官 唯有 憤憤然 講聲 遵命 噉 啊 走 係 啦 。 no|way|sentence-final particle|all|officers|only|angrily|to say|as ordered|like this|ah|leave|is|sentence-final particle There’s no way out, the generals can only angrily say 'At your command' and leave. 而家 講下 劉備 , 佢 喺 猇 亭 部署 兵力 , 一直 擺 到 村口 連綿 七百里 。 now|let's talk about|Liu Bei|he|at|||deployed|troops|continuously|placed|until|village entrance|stretching|seven hundred miles Now let’s talk about Liu Bei, he deployed his troops at Xiaoting, stretching all the way to the village entrance for seven hundred miles. 前後 四十個 營寨 啊 , 嘩 嗨 , 嘿 認真 夠晒 威勢 啊 。 around|forty|camps|particle|wow|hi|hey|seriously|totally enough|intimidating|particle There are forty camps in total, wow, that’s really quite impressive. 白天 , 旌旗蔽日 , 晚上 火 光耀 天 。 daytime|flags block the sun|nighttime||| During the day, the flags block out the sun, and at night, the fire lights up the sky. 呢 一日 , 間諜 嚟 報告 話 , 東吳 任用 陸遜 做 大 都督 , 掌管 全國 軍馬 。 this|one day|spy|came|report|said|Eastern Wu|appointed|Lu Xun|as|great|commander|in charge of|the whole country|military horses On this day, a spy came to report that Eastern Wu appointed Lu Xun as the Grand General, in charge of the national cavalry. 陸遜 上任 之後 呢 , 就 命令 各 將官 堅守 險要 唔 準 出戰 噉 。 Lu Xun|took office|after|question particle|then|ordered|each|general|to defend|strategic points|not|allowed|to go into battle|like that After Lu Xun took office, he ordered all generals to hold their positions and not to engage in battle. 劉備 就問 馬良 嘞 : 陸遜 係 個 乜嘢 人 啊 , 吓 ? Liu Bei||Ma Liang|particle indicating past action|Lu Xun|is|a|what|person|ah|huh Liu Bei asked Ma Liang: What kind of person is Lu Xun? 陛下 , 陸遜 雖然 係 東吳 一個 書生 , 不過 佢 年幼 多才 , 極有 謀略 。 Your Majesty|Lu Xun|although|is|Eastern Wu|a|scholar|but|he|young|talented|extremely|strategy Your Majesty, although Lu Xun is a scholar from Eastern Wu, he is young and talented, and extremely strategic. 前次 襲擊 荊州 , 都 係 此人 嘅 詭計 啊 。 last time|attack|Jingzhou|all|is|this person|possessive particle|scheme|sentence-final particle The previous attack on Jingzhou was also this person's scheme. 吓 ? 哼 ! 呢 個 衰仔 , 害死 我 二弟 , 呢 次 事 必要 捉 到 佢 ! huh|hmph|this|classifier for people|bad kid|caused the death of|my|second younger brother|||matter|necessary|||him What? Hmph! This brat caused the death of my second brother, this time we must catch him! 人 嚟 ! 同 朕 傳令 落 去 , 立即 進兵 ! people|come|with|I (imperial pronoun)|issue orders|down|go|immediately|advance troops Someone is coming! Pass the order to me, and advance the troops immediately! 陛下 , 陸遜 此人 嘅 才能 , 不亞於 周郎 , 唔 好 輕敵 啊 。 Your Majesty|Lu Xun|this person|possessive particle|talent|not inferior to|Zhou Lang|||underestimate the enemy|sentence-final particle Your Majesty, Lu Xun's talents are not inferior to Zhou Lang's, do not underestimate him. 朕 打 咗 成世仗 嘞 , 唔 通仲 唔 及 一個 乳臭未乾 嘅 細 佬 哥 咩 ! I (the emperor)|fight|past tense marker|whole life battle|completed action particle|not|||match|a|immature|possessive particle|small|man|older brother|question particle I have fought battles my whole life, do you think I can't handle a young brat? 劉備 唔 聽 馬良 勸 , 就 親自 率領 前鋒 部隊 , 去 攻打 東吳 各處 關隘 。 Liu Bei|not|listen|Ma Liang|advise|then|personally|lead|vanguard|troops|go|attack|Eastern Wu|various places|passes Liu Bei did not listen to Ma Liang's advice and personally led the vanguard to attack various passes of Eastern Wu. 呢 一日 , 韓當 見到 劉備 帶兵 嚟 到 , 就 派 人 去 報告 陸遜 。 this|one day|Han Dang|saw|Liu Bei|leading troops|||then|sent|someone|to|report|Lu Xun On that day, Han Dang saw Liu Bei leading his troops and sent someone to report to Lu Xun. 陸遜 怕 韓當 輕舉妄動 啊 , 就 急忙 飛馬 趕到 嚟 前線 睇 下 。 Lu Xun|feared|Han Dang|rash actions|ah|then|hurriedly|fast horse|rushed to|come|front line|| Lu Xun was worried that Han Dang would act rashly, so he hurriedly rode a horse to the front line to take a look. 去 到 嘅 時候 呢 , 韓 當 喺 山上 瞭望 緊 。 go|arrive|possessive particle|time|question particle|Han|when|at|on the mountain|lookout|ongoing particle When he arrived, Han Dang was observing from the mountain. 佢 見到 蜀兵 漫山遍野 而來 , 喺 軍隊 當中 呢 隱隱約約 見到 有頂 黃羅傘 嘅 。 He|saw|Shu soldiers|all over the mountains and fields|coming|in|army|among|this|vaguely|saw||yellow silk umbrella|possessive particle He saw Shu soldiers coming from all directions and vaguely noticed a yellow umbrella among the troops. 韓當 迎接 咗 陸遜 , 就 一 拍 噉 騎 住 馬 繼續 瞭望 。 Han Dang|welcomed|past tense marker|Lu Xun|then|one|clap|like that|riding|continuous aspect marker|horse|continued|lookout Han Dang welcomed Lu Xun and continued to observe while riding his horse. 韓當 指住 蜀 兵話 : 喺 敵軍 裏 便 , 劉備 一定 喺 處 , 我 想 出擊 啊 。 Han Dang|pointing at|Shu|soldiers|at|enemy army|inside|then|Liu Bei|definitely|at|place|I|want|to attack|ah Han Dang pointed at the Shu soldiers and said: 'In the enemy army, Liu Bei must be present. I want to launch an attack.' 陸遜 話 喇 : 劉備 統率 大軍 東下 , 連勝 十幾場 , 銳氣 正盛 啊 。 Lu Xun|said|particle indicating completion|Liu Bei|commanded|large army|eastward|consecutive victories|over ten battles|morale|was at its peak|ah Lu Xun said: Liu Bei led a large army eastward, winning more than ten battles, and his momentum is very strong. 所以 , 目前 我軍 只 係 宜於 據險 堅守 , 不能 輕出 , 出則 不利 。 so|currently|our army|only|is|suitable for|holding the advantageous position|firmly defending|cannot|lightly venture out|if we venture out|unfavorable Therefore, at present, our army should only fortify and hold our position, and we cannot venture out lightly; going out would be disadvantageous. 我 哋 要 鼓勵 將士 , 想盡辦法 嚟 加強 防禦 , 等待 蜀兵 內部 起 變化 。 ||need|encourage|soldiers|try every possible way|to|strengthen|defense|waiting|Shu soldiers|internally|to|change We need to encourage our soldiers and think of ways to strengthen our defenses, waiting for changes within the Shu army. 係 嘅 。 yes|particle indicating affirmation That's right. 而 家 佢 哋 喺 平原 廣野 縱橫馳騁 , 係 非常 得意 嘅 , 由 得 佢 哋 得意 啦 , 我 哋 堅守 不 出 。 and|family|they|plural marker|at|plain|open field|galloping freely|is|very|happy|possessive particle|since|happy|they|plural marker|happy|sentence-final particle|I|plural marker|hold fast|not|retreat Right now, they are galloping across the vast plains, feeling very pleased; let them be pleased, we will hold our ground and not go out. 佢 哋 求戰 不成 , 必定會 將軍 隊 遷移 去 啲 山林 樹木 之間 駐扎 。 They|plural marker|seek battle|unsuccessful||general|troops|relocate|to|plural marker|mountains and forests|trees|among|garrison If they fail to seek battle, they will definitely relocate the army to camp among the mountains and trees. 到 其時 , 我 就 有 妙計 取勝 。 at|that time|I|then|have|brilliant plan|to win At that time, I will have a clever plan to win. 韓當 聽 陸遜 噉 講 , 噉 個 口 呢 , 雖然 一味 話 係 係 係 噉 啊 , 之個 心硬 係 唔 服 嘅 。 Han Dong|listen|Lu Xun|like that|talk|like that|that|mouth|question particle|although|stubbornly|say|yes|yes|yes|like that|ah|that|hard-hearted|is|not|convinced|particle indicating possession Han Dang listened to Lu Xun say this, although he kept saying yes, yes, yes, his heart was stubborn and unwilling. 喺 呢 段 時期 , 劉備 啊 日日 都 派 前軍 去 挑戰 百般 辱罵 。 in|this|period|time|Liu Bei|particle|every day|all|send|vanguard|to|challenge|all kinds of|insults During this period, Liu Bei sent the vanguard every day to challenge and insult. 陸遜 啊 吩咐 吳軍 將士 啊 塞 埋耳仔 唔 好聽 , 當 佢 冇 嚟 , 總之 就 唔 準 出去 迎戰 。 Lu Xun|ah|instructed|Wu army|soldiers|ah|block|ears|not|listen|when|he|not|come|in short|then|not|allowed|go out|fight Lu Xun instructed the Wu army soldiers to cover their ears and not listen, as if they were not coming, and in any case, they were not allowed to go out to meet the battle. 陸遜 呀 親自 視察 各個 關頭 隘口 , 去 安慰 將士 鼓舞士氣 , 要 佢 哋 一 於 堅守 啊 。 Lu Xun|particle indicating exclamation|personally|inspect|every|critical point|pass|go|comfort|soldiers||must|they|plural marker|||defend steadfastly|particle indicating exclamation Lu Xun personally inspected each critical pass, to comfort the soldiers and boost their morale, urging them to hold their ground. 劉備 見吳 軍 唔 出 嚟 打 , 個心 啊 焦急 到 非常 啦 。 Liu Bei||army|not|come out|to|fight|his heart|ah|anxious|to the point of|extremely|particle Liu Bei was extremely anxious when he saw that the Wu army did not come out to fight. 有 一日 馬良 勸 劉備 話 喇 : 陸 遜 嘅 為 人 極 有 謀略 㗎 。 there is|one day|Ma Liang|advised|Liu Bei|said|particle indicating completed action|Lu|Xun|possessive particle|as|person|extremely|has|strategy|particle indicating certainty One day, Ma Liang advised Liu Bei, saying: Lu Xun is very strategic. 現時 , 陛下 由 西川 咁 遠 嚟 到 進攻 , 由 春天 到 夏天 , 佢 唔 肯出 嚟 應戰 , 無非 係 想 等 我軍 出現 弱點 嘅 啫 , 希望 陛下 諗 清楚 至 好 啊 。 currently|Your Majesty|from|Xichuan|so|far|come|to|attack|from|spring|to|summer|he|not||out|to fight|nothing more than|is|want|to wait|our army|to show|weakness|possessive particle|only|hope|Your Majesty|think|clearly|to|good|particle Currently, Your Majesty has come all the way from Xichuan to attack, from spring to summer, and he refuses to come out to engage, which is merely to wait for our army to show weaknesses. I hope Your Majesty thinks this through. 佢 有 乜嘢 計謀 吖 , 一味 膽怯 咋 嘛 。 He|has|what|plan|particle|always|timid|particle|particle What schemes does he have? He is just being cowardly. 前 嗰 排 佢 哋 連 氣 敗 咗 幾場 仗 , 仲點 敢 再 出 嚟 打 。 before|that|period|they|plural marker|even|morale|lost|past tense marker|several|battles||dare|again|come|out|fight Previously, they lost several battles in a row, so how could they dare to come out and fight again? 又過 咗 幾日 , 先鋒 馮習 嚟 稟奏 話 喇 : 而家 天氣 好熱 呀 , 軍隊 嘅 駐地 好似 畀 火燒 噉 , 而且 , 用水 極之 不便 啊 陛下 。 a few more days have passed|past tense marker|a few days|Vanguard|Feng Xi|came|to report|said|sentence-final particle|now|weather|very hot|exclamatory particle|army|possessive particle|base|seems|by|fire|like|moreover|water usage|extremely|inconvenient|exclamatory particle|Your Majesty A few days later, the vanguard Feng Xi came to report: "Your Majesty, the weather is very hot now, the army's camp seems to be on fire, and also, it is extremely inconvenient to use water." 劉備 就 於是 命令 各個 營寨 , 全部 遷移 去 山林 茂盛 嘅 地方 , 要 靠近 啲 溪水 河流 嘅 。 Liu Bei|then|so|ordered|each|camp|all|to move|to|forest|lush|possessive particle|place|to be|close to|particle indicating plural|stream|river|possessive particle Liu Bei then ordered all the camps to relocate to a place with dense forests, closer to streams and rivers. 等過 咗 夏天 , 秋高氣爽 嘅 時候 到 喇 , 再 嚟 合力 大舉進攻 。 after|past tense marker|summer|autumn is clear and cool|possessive particle|time|arrives|particle indicating completed action|again|come|work together| After summer, when autumn arrives and the weather is cool, they will launch a major offensive together. 馬良 一 諗 , 嗯 ? 唔 妥當 喎 , 就 稟奏 話 : Ma Liang|one|thought|hmm|not|appropriate|particle|then|report|said Ma Liang thought for a moment, hmm? This doesn't seem right, so he reported: 陛下 , 我軍 一 移動 嘅 時候 , 萬一 吳兵 突然 發起 攻擊 噉 如之奈何 呢 ? Your Majesty|our army|one|moves|possessive particle|time|in case|Wu troops|suddenly|launch|attack|like that|what to do|question particle Your Majesty, what if our army moves and the Wu troops suddenly launch an attack? 吓 , 朕 早有打算 喇 。 huh|I (imperial pronoun)||particle indicating completed action Ah, I have already made plans. 朕 命令 吳班帶 住 萬 幾名 老弱 兵卒 , 喺 靠近 吳兵 營寨 嘅 平地 駐扎 。 I (the emperor)|command||to|ten thousand|several|elderly and weak|soldiers|at|near|Wu army|camp|possessive particle|flat ground|camp I have ordered Wu Ban to lead over ten thousand old and weak soldiers to camp on the flat ground near the Wu troops' encampment. 朕 親自 挑選 八千名 精兵 , 喺 山谷 裏頭 埋伏 。 I (imperial pronoun)|personally|selected|8000|elite soldiers|in|valley|inside|ambush I personally selected eight thousand elite soldiers to ambush in the valley. 陸遜 知道 咗 朕 要 遷移 兵營 嘞 , 若果 佢 想 趁勢 攻擊 嘅 話 , 就 命令 吳班 詐敗 。 Lu Xun|knows|past tense marker|I (imperial pronoun)|want|relocate|barracks|completed action marker|if|he|wants|take advantage of the situation|attack|possessive particle|statement|then|orders|Wu's troops|feign defeat If Lu Xun knows that I want to relocate the camp, if he wants to take advantage of the situation to attack, then he should order Wu Ban to feign defeat. 陸遜 如果 追 嚟 , 朕 就 帶兵 突然 衝出 , 截斷 佢 嘅 歸路 , 噉 陸遜 小子 仲走 得 去邊 吖 ! Lu Xun|if|chases|comes|I (the emperor)|then|lead the troops|suddenly|charge out|cut off|he|possessive particle|escape route|then|Lu Xun|kid||able|to where|question particle If Lu Xun comes after us, I will lead the troops to suddenly charge out and cut off his way back. Where else can that little Lu Xun run to! 啊 陛下 神機妙算 , 臣 等 無人 能及 啊 ! ah|Your Majesty|brilliant strategy|I (your servant)|and others|no one|can match|ah Ah, Your Majesty, your strategy is unparalleled, no one can match it! 嗰 班 文武 大臣 呀 三呼 萬歲 , 猛 咁 讚頌 劉備 英明 。 that|group|civil and military|ministers|particle||long live|fiercely|so|praise|Liu Bei|wise The group of civil and military officials shouted 'Long live!' three times, praising Liu Bei's brilliance. 之 馬良 仲 係 比較 清醒 啊 , 佢 又 對 劉備 話 : possessive particle|Zhuge Liang|still|is|relatively|clear-headed|sentence-final particle|he|again|to|Liu Bei|said Zhi Maliang is still relatively clear-headed. He then said to Liu Bei: 最近 聽聞 諸葛丞相 喺 東川 視察 各地 關隘 , 提防 魏兵 入侵 。 recently|heard|Prime Minister Zhuge|at|Dongchuan|inspected|various places|passes|guard against|Wei army|invasion Recently, I heard that Prime Minister Zhuge is inspecting various passes in Dongchuan, guarding against the invasion of Wei troops. 陛下 不如 將 各個 營寨 遷移 嘅 地點 畫成 圖樣 問 下 丞相 啦 , 好 唔 好 吖 ? Your Majesty|might as well|to move|each|camp|relocation|possessive particle|location|drawn into|diagram|to ask|polite particle|Prime Minister|final particle|good|not|good|final particle Your Majesty, why not draw a map of the locations for the relocation of each camp and ask the Prime Minister? 朕 亦 都 頗識 兵法 嘅 , 何必 又問 丞相 呢 ? I (the emperor)|also|already|quite knowledgeable about|military strategy|possessive particle|why||prime minister|question particle I also know a bit about military strategy, so why should I ask the Prime Minister? 古語 話 兼聽則明 , 偏聽 則蔽 。 請 陛下 明察 。 ancient saying|says|listening to both sides is enlightening|||please|Your Majesty|discern wisely As the old saying goes, listening to both sides makes one enlightened, while listening to only one side leads to ignorance. Please, Your Majesty, be discerning. 噉 好 啦 , 你 自己 去 各個 營寨 畫好 地圖 , 標明 四至 , 然後 親自 送 去 東川 問 下 丞相 啦 。 like this|good|sentence-final particle|you|by yourself|go|each|camp|draw well|map|mark|boundaries|then|personally|deliver|to|Dongchuan|ask|lower|prime minister|sentence-final particle Alright then, you go to each camp, draw the map clearly, mark the boundaries, and then personally deliver it to the East River to ask the Prime Minister. 誒 如果 有 唔 妥 嘅 地方 , 就 快 啲 返 嚟 報告 , 啊 。 hey|if|there is|not|appropriate|possessive particle|place|then|quickly|more|return|here|report|particle for emphasis If there are any issues, come back quickly to report. 馬良 接受 咗 命令 就 去 辦 嘞 。 Ma Liang|accepted|past tense marker|order|then|went|handle|completed action marker Ma Liang accepted the order and went to handle it. 而 劉備 呢 , 一 於 按 原定 計劃 , 將 大軍 遷移 去 啲 樹木 茂盛 陰涼 嘅 地方 駐扎 , 喺 度 避暑 啊 。 and|Liu Bei|question particle|once|at|according to|originally planned|plan|will|army|move|to|plural marker|trees|lush|shady|possessive particle|place|garrison|at|place|summer retreat|particle As for Liu Bei, he decided to follow the original plan and moved the army to a place with dense trees and shade to camp, to avoid the heat. 呢 件 事 呢 , 韓當 、 周泰 就 派 人 探聽到 , 高興 到 不得了 啊 , 即刻 去 見 陸遜 : this|classifier for events|matter|particle indicating a question|Han Dang|Zhou Tai|then|send|person|found out|happy|to|extremely|particle indicating exclamation|immediately|go|meet|Lu Xun This news was reported to Han Dang and Zhou Tai, who were extremely happy and immediately went to see Lu Xun: 都督 , 而家 蜀 兵 四 十幾個 營寨 , 通通 遷移 去 啲 山林 茂盛 嘅 地方 , 靠近 溪河 , 避暑 唞 涼 噃, 好 機會 啊 ! governor|now|Shu|troops|||camps|all|move|to|plural marker|mountains and forests|lush|possessive particle|place|near|streams and rivers|escape the heat|rest|cool|particle indicating suggestion|very|opportunity|particle indicating exclamation Commander, right now the Shu army has over forty camps, all of which have moved to the lush mountains and forests, near the streams, to escape the heat and cool off, what a great opportunity! 都督 , 趁勢 發起 攻擊 啦 ! Commander|take advantage of the situation|launch|attack|particle indicating suggestion or encouragement Commander, let's take advantage of this and launch an attack! 陸遜 一 聽 真 高興 啊 , 就 親自 帶兵 去 前線 觀察 下 蜀 兵 動靜 啊 。 Lu Xun|one|heard|really|happy|ah|then|personally|led troops|to|front line|observe|Xia|Shu|troops|movements|ah Lu Xun was really happy to hear this, so he personally led the troops to the front line to observe the movements of the Shu army. 啊 嗨 ! 只見 一片 平原 , 蜀兵 大概 有 萬零 人度 , 大半 都 係 啲 老弱殘兵 , 打住 先鋒 吳班 旗號 。 ah|hi|only saw|a stretch of|plain|Shu soldiers|probably|have|over ten thousand|people|most|all|are|(plural marker)|old weak and disabled soldiers|under the command of|vanguard|Wu's unit|banner Ah hey! All I saw was a vast plain, with the Shu army probably numbering around ten thousand, most of whom were old, weak, and disabled soldiers, leading the vanguard under the Wu banner. 周泰話 喇 : 照 我 睇 呀 , 呢 啲 噉 嘅 兵 直 情 係 兒戲 噉 啊 。 |particle indicating completion|according to|I|see|particle for emphasis|these|plural marker|like this|possessive particle|soldiers|||are|child's play|like this|particle for emphasis Zhou Tai said: In my opinion, these soldiers are simply a joke. 我 想 同 韓將軍 分兩路 出擊 , 如果 打 唔 贏 , 甘當 軍令 ! I|want|with|General Han||attack|if|fight|not|win|then consider|military order I want to split into two routes to attack with General Han; if we can't win, then we will accept the military order! 陸遜 先 唔 回答 , 睇 呀 睇 , 睇 咗 好 耐 , 佢 用 條 馬鞭 指住 前面 話 : Lu Xun|first|not|answer|look|particle|look||past tense marker|very|long|he|used|measure word for long objects|riding whip|pointing at|in front|said Lu Xun did not respond immediately, he looked and looked for a long time, then pointed ahead with his riding whip and said: 各位 請 仔細 睇 下 , 前 便 嘅 山谷 裏頭 隱隱約約 有 一股 殺氣 , 嗰 處 必 有 伏兵 。 everyone|please|carefully|look|down|front|convenient|possessive particle|valley|inside|faintly|has|a sense of|killing intent|that|place|must|have|ambush troops Everyone, please take a close look. There is a faint killing intent in the valley ahead; there must be an ambush there. 劉備 啊 故意 喺 平地 擺開 呢 啲 老弱殘兵 , 想 引誘 我 哋 出擊 嘅 啫 。 Liu Bei|ah|intentionally|at|open ground|deploy|these|plural marker|old weak and disabled soldiers|wants|to lure|us|plural marker|to attack|possessive particle|only Liu Bei is deliberately placing these old, weak, and disabled soldiers on flat ground to lure us into attacking. 各位 , 千祈 唔 好 出戰 ! everyone|please|||go to war Everyone, please do not engage in battle! 遵命 ! 所有 嘅 將官 聽 咗 , 人人 個心 都 話 陸遜 呀 你 怕死 咋 嘛 。 at your command|all|possessive particle|generals|heard|past tense marker|everyone|heart|all|said|Lu Xun|particle|you|afraid of death|why|particle Understood! All the officers have heard this, and everyone is thinking, 'Lu Xun, are you afraid of death?' 第 日 , 吳班 帶兵 嚟 到 關隘 前面 挑戰 , 嘿 呀 耀武揚威 噉 , 用 啲 污言爛語 啊 鬧 到 唔 停 。 the|day|Wu's team|led the troops|came|to|pass|in front of|challenge|hey|particle|showing off|like that|using|some|foul language|particle|scolded|until|not|stopped The next day, the Wu troops came to challenge us in front of the pass, boasting and using foul language without stopping. 鬧 到 咁 上下 呢 , 好多 人仲除 衫 卸甲 , 打大赤 肋 添 , 坐 嘅 亦 有 , 瞓 低 嘅 亦 有 , 哈 總之 當吳兵 唔 係 嘢 。 quarrel|to|so|up and down|question particle|many||shirt|||ribs|also|sitting|possessive particle|also|have|sleeping|lying down|possessive particle|also|have|haha|in short||not|is|something With all this commotion, many people are still taking off their clothes and armor, some are even sitting down or lying down, haha, in short, they treat Wu Bing as nothing. 徐盛 、 丁奉 忍 唔 住 呢 啖 氣 , 就入 去 中軍帳 稟告 陸遜 話 : 蜀兵 欺人太甚 啊 , 請 都督 畀 我 哋 出去 打 佢 啦 ! Xu Sheng|Ding Feng|||||||||the central army tent|reported|Lu Xun|said|Shu soldiers|are too overbearing|ah|please|commander|let|||go out|fight|them|particle indicating suggestion Xu Sheng and Ding Feng couldn't hold back their anger and went into the central army tent to report to Lu Xun, saying: The Shu army is being too arrogant, please allow us to go out and fight them! 哈哈哈哈 哈哈哈哈 , 各位 將官 只 係 恃 住 血氣之勇 , 仲未 懂得 孫吳 兵法 嘅 妙處 啊 。 hahaha||everyone|general|only|is|||youthful bravado|still not|understand|Sun Wu|military strategy|possessive particle|subtleties|ah Hahahaha, everyone, the generals are only relying on their youthful bravery, they still don't understand the subtleties of Sun Wu's military tactics. 呢 啲 不過 係 蜀 兵 誘敵 之計 啫 , 三日 之後 , 大家 就 可以 睇 出 佢 哋 噉 樣 做 係 假 㗎 喇 。 ||but|are|Shu|soldiers|lure enemy|strategy|only|three days|later|everyone|then|can|||||like this|appearance|act|are|fake|particle|particle This is just a tactic by the Shu army to lure the enemy, after three days, everyone will see that their actions are just a ruse. 徐盛話 喇 : 三日 之後 啊 , 佢 哋 嘅 營寨 都 遷移 妥當 咯 , 仲點 能夠 去 攻擊 佢 哋 啊 ? Xu Sheng said|particle indicating completed action|three days|later|particle for emphasis|they|plural marker|possessive particle|camp|all|relocate|properly|particle indicating certainty||able to|go|attack|them|plural marker|particle for emphasis Xu Sheng said: After three days, their camp will have moved properly, how can we still attack them? 我 正 係 想 佢 哋 遷移 營寨 喇 。 I|currently|am|want|they|plural marker|to relocate|camp|sentence-final particle I am really thinking about having them relocate the camp. 係 ! 所有 嘅 將官 聽 咗 , 人人 個 心 喺 度 嘲笑 陸遜 。 yes|all|possessive particle|generals|heard|past tense marker|everyone|measure word|heart|at|location particle|laughed at|Lu Xun Yes! All the generals heard it, and everyone is secretly mocking Lu Xun. 過 咗 三日 , 陸遜 召集 所有 嘅 將領 , 一齊 去 關隘 上 便 瞭望 , 噉 啊 見到 吳班 啲 兵 呢 已經 退走 晒 。 past|completed action marker|three days|Lu Xun|gathered|all|possessive particle|generals|together|go|pass|on|then|scout|like that|ah|saw|Wu army|plural marker|soldiers|this|already|retreated|completely After three days, Lu Xun gathered all the generals to go to the pass and observe together, and they saw that the Wu soldiers had already retreated. 陸遜 指住 前面 話 : 大家 睇 , 殺氣 起 喇 ! 劉備 必定會 喺 山谷 裏頭 出現 嘅 。 Lu Xun|pointing|in front|said|everyone|look|killing intent|rising|particle indicating completed action|Liu Bei||in|valley|inside|appear|particle indicating possession or modification Lu Xun pointed ahead and said: "Everyone look, the killing intent is rising! Liu Bei will definitely appear in the valley." 嘩 ! 陸遜 話 口 未 完 啊 , 只見 前 便 嘅 山谷 裏頭 , 一 大隊 蜀兵 全副 披掛 , 簇擁 住 劉備 行 咗 過去 。 wow|Lu Xun|said|mouth|not|finished|ah|only saw|front|then|possessive particle|valley|inside|one|large group|Shu soldiers|fully|equipped|surrounded|particle indicating ongoing action|Liu Bei|walked|past tense marker|past Wow! Before Lu Xun finished speaking, they saw a large group of Shu soldiers fully equipped, surrounding Liu Bei as they walked past. 啲 吳兵見 到 呀 , 哎呀 嚇到 膽都 破 啊 。 particle indicating plural||arrived|particle for exclamation|oh no|scared||broken|particle for exclamation The Wu soldiers saw it, oh my, they were so scared that their courage was shattered. 陸遜 話 嘞 : 我 之所以 唔 聽 各位 話 去 攻擊 吳班 , 就 係 因為 噉 啊 。 Lu Xun|said|past tense marker|I|the reason why|not|listen|everyone|advice|to|attack|Wu's army|just|is|because|like that|particle Lu Xun said: The reason I didn't listen to everyone and attack the Wu side is because of this. 而家 伏兵 已經 暴露 , 十日 之內 , 必定 擊敗 劉備 嘞 ! now|ambush|already|exposed|ten days|within|definitely|defeat|Liu Bei|past action particle Now the ambush has been exposed, within ten days, we will definitely defeat Liu Bei! 大家 都 諗 唔 通 噃, 佢 哋 話 喇 : 都督 , 要 擊敗 劉備 應該 係 喺 初 初 嚟 嘅 時候 吖 。 everyone|all|think|not|through|particle|he|they|said|particle|governor|should|defeat|Liu Bei|should|be|at|first|initial|come|possessive particle|time|particle Everyone is puzzled, they said: Commander, to defeat Liu Bei should have been at the very beginning. 而家 蜀 兵 連營 五六百里 , 相持 已經 七八個 月 。 right now|Shu|troops|encamped continuously|five to six hundred miles|stalemate|already|seven to eight|months Now the Shu soldiers have been camped for five or six hundred miles, and the standoff has lasted for seven or eight months. 所有 嘅 要害 地方 , 佢 哋 度度 都 守備 森嚴 , 仲點 能夠 擊敗 佢 哋 啊 ? all|possessive particle|vital|places|they|plural marker|everywhere|all|defense|strict||able to|defeat|them|plural marker|question particle All the key locations are heavily guarded by them, how can we defeat them? 各位 都 唔 懂 兵法 啊 。 everyone|all|not|understand|military strategy|sentence-final particle Everyone doesn't understand military strategy. 劉備乃 係 當代 梟雄 , 而且 老謀深算 。 Liu Bei is|is|contemporary|hero|moreover|very cunning Liu Bei is a contemporary hero and very cunning. 佢 嘅 軍隊 初初 嚟 到 嘅 時候 , 紀律 非常 之 嚴明 。 he|possessive particle|army|initially|||possessive particle|time|discipline|very|particle indicating possession|strict When his army first arrived, their discipline was extremely strict. 之到 今日 呢 , 我 哋 堅守 咗 咁 耐 , 敵人 一 啲 都 睺 唔 到 我 哋 嘅 弱點 , 冇 機會 進攻 。 until|today|question particle|I|we|hold our ground|past tense marker|so|long|enemy|one|a little|all|see|not|reach|our|we|possessive particle|weakness|no|opportunity|attack Until today, we have held our ground for so long that the enemy hasn't been able to find our weaknesses, and they have no opportunity to attack. 所以 , 敵人 已經 士氣 低落 情緒 疲沓 , 要 擊敗 佢 哋 而 家 正 係 時候 啊 ! so|enemy|already|morale|low|emotion|fatigued|need to|defeat|them|plural marker|||just|is|time|ah So, the enemy's morale is already low and their emotions are exhausted, it is the right time to defeat them now! 陸遜 噉 樣一 分析 呀 , 所有 嘅 將領 就 心悅誠服 喇 。 Lu Xun|like this|this way|analysis|particle|all|possessive particle|generals|then|completely convinced|particle After Lu Xun analyzed it this way, all the generals were convinced. 呢 , 有 詩為證 啊 : this|has||ah Here, there is a poem as evidence: 虎帳 談兵 按 六韜 , 安排 香餌 釣鯨 鰲 。 三分 自是 多 英俊 , 又 顯 江南 陸遜 高 。 tiger tent|discussing military strategy|according to|Six Secret Teachings|arrange|fragrant bait|fishing for whales|a type of fish|three parts|naturally|more|handsome|again|showing|Jiangnan|Lu Xun|tall In the tiger's tent, discussing military strategy according to the Six Secret Teachings, arranging fragrant bait to fish for whales. Three parts are indeed very talented, and it also shows Lu Xun's greatness in Jiangnan. 噉 陸遜 決定 咗 擊破 蜀 兵 嘅 計策 之後 呢 , 就 寫 一份 報告 派 使者 送 去 畀 孫權 , 大意 係 話 馬上 就 可以 打敗 劉備 喇 噉 。 then|Lu Xun|decided|past tense marker|to defeat|Shu|troops|possessive particle|strategy|after|particle indicating a question|then|to write|a|report|to send|messenger|to deliver|to|to|Sun Quan|main idea|is|to say|immediately|then|can|defeat|Liu Bei|particle indicating completion|like this After Lu Xun decided on the strategy to defeat the Shu army, he wrote a report and sent a messenger to Sun Quan, stating that they could defeat Liu Bei immediately. 孫權 睇 咗 報告 就 好 歡喜 噉 話 喇 : Sun Quan|read|past tense marker|report|then|very|happy|like this|said|sentence-final particle Sun Quan looked at the report and happily said: 江東 又 試出 咗 一位 噉 嘅 奇才 啊 ! 孤王仲使 乜 憂慮 吖 , 哈哈哈哈 哈哈哈哈 。 Jiangdong|again|tested out|past tense marker|a|like this|possessive particle|genius|exclamatory particle||what|worry|exclamatory particle|hahaha|hahaha Jiangdong has produced such a talent! What does this king have to worry about, hahaha! 所有 嘅 將官 都 上書 嚟 話 佢 懦弱 , 唯獨 是 孤王 唔 信 。 all|possessive particle|military officers|all|submit a letter|here|say|he|cowardly|only|is|the lonely king|not|believe All the generals wrote to say he was cowardly, but only this king did not believe it. 呢 , 而家 睇 佢 噉 講 啊 , 果然 唔 係 懦弱 吖 嘛 。 this|now|see|he|like that|talk|particle|indeed|not|is|weak|particle|particle Now, looking at what he said, it really isn't cowardice. 於是 孫權 出動 大軍 去 接應 陸遜 嘞 。 then|Sun Quan|mobilized|large army|to|support|Lu Xun|past action particle So Sun Quan mobilized the army to support Lu Xun. 而家 講下 劉備 , 佢 命令 全部 水軍 啊 , 由 猇 亭 順流而下 , 沿住 長江 安扎 水寨 , 深入 東吳 嘅 國境 。 now|talk about|Liu Bei|he|ordered|all|navy|particle|from|||downstream|along|Yangtze River|set up|water fortress|deep into|Eastern Wu|possessive particle|border Now let's talk about Liu Bei. He ordered all the navy to go downstream from Xiaoting, along the Yangtze River to set up water forts, deep into the territory of Eastern Wu. 黃權 就 勸諫 佢 話 喇 : 陛下 , 水軍 沿江 而 下 , 進 就 容易 啊 , 退 就 難 喇 。 Huang Quan|then|advised|he|said|particle indicating completed action|Your Majesty|navy|along the river|and|move down|advance|then|easy|particle indicating exclamation|retreat|then|difficult|particle indicating completed action Huang Quan advised him, saying: Your Majesty, the navy is going down the river; advancing is easy, but retreating will be difficult. 請 陛下 派臣 作為 前鋒 , 陛下 就 喺 後 陣 , 噉 樣 嘅 安排 就 萬無一失 嘞 。 please|Your Majesty||as|forward|Your Majesty|then|at|rear|line|such|arrangement|possessive particle|||foolproof|sentence-final particle Please, Your Majesty, send a minister as the vanguard, and you can stay in the rear. This arrangement will be foolproof. 劉備 話 : 吳賊 已經 心寒 膽裂 喇 , 朕 何妨 長驅直進 呢 ? Liu Bei|said|Wu bandits|already|disheartened|terrified|particle indicating completion|I (imperial pronoun)|why not|charge straight ahead|question particle Liu Bei said: The Wu bandits are already frightened and their courage shattered, so why shouldn't I advance directly? 嗰 班 大臣 就 苦苦 勸 劉備 唔 好 噉 樣 , 但 係 劉備 唔 聽 。 that|group|ministers|then|desperately|advised|Liu Bei|not|good|like|way||||not|listened The ministers desperately advised Liu Bei not to do this, but Liu Bei did not listen. 終歸 佢 決定 分 兵 兩路 , 命令 黃權 率領 江北 嘅 部隊 , 防備 魏兵 ; ultimately|he|decided|divide|troops|into two routes|ordered|Huang Quan|to lead|Jiangbei|possessive particle|troops|to guard against|Wei troops In the end, he decided to split the troops into two routes, ordering Huang Quan to lead the forces in the north of the river to guard against the Wei troops; 劉備 自己 呢 就 統率 江南 各路 軍馬 , 一南 一北 , 夾江 啊 建立 營寨 準備 進攻 。 Liu Bei|himself|question particle|then|to command|Jiangnan|all routes|troops|one to the south|one to the north|to flank the river|ah|to establish|camp|to prepare|attack Liu Bei himself would command the various troops in the south of the river, one to the south and one to the north, flanking the river to establish camps in preparation for the attack. 而家 講下 魏 兵 嘅 間諜 啊 , 佢 哋 探聽到 劉備 嘅 軍事行動 就 去 報告 曹丕 : now|let's talk about|Wei|soldiers|possessive particle|spy|ah|they|plural marker|overheard|Liu Bei|possessive particle|military actions|then|go|report|Cao Pi Now let's talk about the spies of the Wei troops. They heard about Liu Bei's military actions and went to report to Cao Pi: 話 蜀 兵 呢 去 攻打 吳國 , 啲 營寨 就 連接 起 嚟 成 七百 幾里 , 分開 四廿 幾個 營地 , 都 係 呀 挨傍住 山林 溪澗 扎寨 嘅 。 say|Shu|army|question particle|go|attack|Wu state|plural marker|camps|then|connected|up|come|total|seven hundred|miles|separated|forty|several|encampments|all|are|particle|adjacent to|mountains and forests|streams|set up camp|possessive particle saying that the Shu troops were going to attack the Wu state, and their camps were connected for over seven hundred miles, divided into more than twenty camps, all located near mountains and streams. 黃權 呢 而 家 喺 江北 統率 兵馬 , 每日 呀 出哨 百幾里 , 就 唔 知 咩 用意 喎 噉 。 Huang Quan|this|and|family|at|Jiangbei|commanding|troops|every day|particle indicating surprise|patrol|over a hundred miles|then|||what|intention|particle indicating realization|like that Huang Quan is currently commanding the troops in the north of the river, sending out scouts every day for over a hundred miles, but the purpose is unclear. 曹丕 一聽 哈哈大笑 噉 話 : 劉備 呀 , 就要 失敗 喇 佢 。 Cao Pi|upon hearing|laughed heartily|then|said|Liu Bei|particle|is about to|fail|particle|he Cao Pi laughed heartily and said: "Liu Bei is going to fail." 佢 嗰 班 大臣 就 問 佢 點解 啦 。 he|that|group|ministers|then|asked|him|why|particle His ministers asked him why. 曹丕 話 : 劉備 唔 懂 兵法 , 邊度 有 連營 七百里 仲 可以 打 得到 敵人 㗎 ? Cao Pi|said|Liu Bei|not|understand|military strategy|where|has|continuous encampment|seven hundred miles|still|can|||enemy|question particle Cao Pi said: "Liu Bei doesn't understand military strategy. How can he possibly defeat the enemy when he has camped over seven hundred miles?" 將 大軍 鋪開 駐 扎 喺 地形 複雜 嘅 大片 地方 , 係 兵法 之 大忌 嚟 嘅 嘛 。 to deploy|large army|spread out|stationed|entrenched|in|terrain|complex|possessive particle|large area|area|is|military strategy|possessive particle|major taboo|to come|particle indicating past action|particle indicating obviousness Deploying a large army in a complex terrain is a major taboo in military strategy. 劉備 必定 敗 於 東吳 陸遜之 手 嘅 , 十日 之內 , 實會 有 消息 嚟 㗎 嘞 。 Liu Bei|will definitely|be defeated|by|Eastern Wu||hand|particle indicating possession|ten days|within|will really|have|news|come|particle indicating certainty|particle indicating past action Liu Bei will definitely be defeated by Lu Xun of Eastern Wu. We will have news within ten days." 嗰 班 大臣 都 唔 信 , 都 建議 曹丕 撥兵 去 防備 不測 。 that|group|ministers|all|not|trust|all|suggested|Cao Pi|deploy troops|to|guard against|unforeseen events Those ministers do not believe it, and they all suggest that Cao Pi send troops to guard against unforeseen events. 曹丕 話 : 陸遜 如果 打勝 咗 呢 , 佢 必定 帶領 全部 吳兵 去 奪取 西川 。 Cao Pi|said|Lu Xun|if|wins|past tense marker|this|he|definitely|will lead|all|Wu soldiers|to|capture|Western Shu Cao Pi said: If Lu Xun wins, he will definitely lead all the Wu troops to seize Xichuan. 吳兵遠 征 , 國內 就 空虛 。 Wu's troops leave|campaign|the country|then|becomes empty With the Wu troops far away, the country will be left vulnerable. 朕 假意 話 出兵 助戰 , 下令 三路 大軍 一齊 進兵 。 I (the emperor)|feigned|to say|to send troops|to assist in battle|ordered|three routes|large army|together|to advance I pretended to say that I would send troops to assist in the battle, ordering three large armies to advance together. 噉 東吳 呀 , 哈哈哈哈 哈哈哈哈 , 舉手之勞 就 得到 喇 ! then|Dongwu|particle|hahaha||a small effort|then|get|particle So, Eastern Wu, hahahaha, it will be an easy victory! 嗰 班 大臣 都 服 晒 佢 啊 ! that|group|ministers|all|submit|completely|him|particle Those ministers are all in agreement with him! 於是 曹丕 下令 : then|Cao Pi|gave an order So Cao Pi ordered: 叫 曹仁帶 一支 軍隊 攻濡須 , 曹休 帶 一支 軍隊 攻 洞口 , 曹真帶 一支 軍隊 攻 南郡 , 噉 啊 三路 軍隊 定 好 日期 , 同時 偷襲 東吳 。 to command||a unit of|army|attack Ruxu|Cao Xiu|to lead|a unit of|army|attack|Dongkou||a unit of|army|attack|Nanjun|then|ah|three routes|armies|set|good|date|at the same time|surprise attack|Eastern Wu To have Cao Ren lead an army to attack Ruxu, Cao Xiu to lead an army to attack Dongkou, and Cao Zhen to lead an army to attack Nanjun. Thus, the three armies set a date and simultaneously launched a surprise attack on Eastern Wu. 曹丕 呢 就 隨後 親自 帶兵 接應 。 Cao Pi|this|then|soon after|personally|lead the troops|provide support Cao Pi then personally led the troops to support. 噉 曹丕 呢頭 啊 , 就 部署 好 嘞 。 then|Cao Pi|over here|ah|then|deployment|well|completed So Cao Pi on this side had everything deployed. 花開兩朵 又 各表 一支 , 而家 唔 講魏兵 去 偷襲 東吳 , 又 先 講下 馬良 佢 又 返 到 去 西川 , 拜見 咗 孔明 就 呈 上 營寨 嘅 圖樣 , 佢 話 : |and|each represent|one branch|now|not||go|surprise attack|Eastern Wu|again|first|talk about|Ma Liang|he|again|||to|Western Sichuan|visit|past tense marker|Kongming|then|||camp|possessive particle|map|he|said Two flowers bloom, each representing a branch. Now, let's not talk about Wei soldiers ambushing Eastern Wu, but first let's talk about Ma Liang who has returned to Xichuan. He paid a visit to Kongming and presented the layout of the camp, saying: 而家 啲 營寨 都 係 夾住 長江 建立 起 嚟 , 連綿 七百里 , 總共 四 十幾個 營地 , 都 係 靠近 河流 , 林木 茂盛 嘅 地方 。 now|plural marker|camps|all|are|built along|Yangtze River|established|up|come|continuous|700 miles|in total|||camps|all|are|near|river|trees|dense|possessive particle|places Currently, the camps are built along the Yangtze River, stretching for seven hundred miles, with a total of over forty camps, all located near the river in areas rich in forests. 皇上 叫 我畫 咗 營地 嘅 圖樣 送 嚟 畀 丞相 睇 下 。 the Emperor|ordered||past tense marker|camp|possessive particle|blueprint|to send|here|to|Prime Minister|to see|a particle indicating suggestion or request The Emperor asked me to draw the layout of the camps and send it to the Prime Minister for review. 孔明 一睇 完 , 拍住 枱 猛 咁 叫苦 啊 苦 啊 噉 佢 話 : Kongming|at a glance|finished|slapping|table|fiercely|so|complaining|ah|suffering|ah|then|he|said Once Kongming finished looking at it, he slammed the table and exclaimed in distress, saying: 係 邊個 教 皇上 噉 樣扎營 㗎 ? 要 斬 咗 佢 至 得 ! is|who|teach|the Emperor|like||question particle|must|kill|past tense marker|him|only|acceptable Who taught the Emperor to set up camps like this? That person must be executed! 呢 啲 都 係 主上 自己 嘅 主意 , 唔 關人 哋 事 㗎 。 ||all|are|the master|himself|possessive particle|ideas|not|||matters|sentence-final particle These are all the ideas of the Lord himself, it has nothing to do with others. 唉 ! 漢朝 嘅 氣數 盡咯 ! sigh|Han Dynasty|possessive particle|fortune|has run out Alas! The fate of the Han Dynasty is coming to an end! 點解 噉 講呢 丞相 ? why|like this|say this|prime minister Why do you say that, Prime Minister? 將軍 隊 撒開 晒 , 擺 喺 地形 複雜 嘅 大片 地方 乃 係 兵家 之 大忌 , 敵人 如果 用 火攻 仲有 得救 嘅 咩 ! general|team|spread out|completely|placed|in|terrain|complex|possessive particle|large area|area|is|is|military|possessive particle|major taboo|enemy|if|use|fire attack|still have|salvation|question particle|what The general's troops are all spread out, placing them in a large area with complex terrain is a major taboo in warfare. If the enemy uses fire attacks, is there any chance of survival? 仲有 啊 , 邊度 有話 連營 七百里 仲 可以 打 得到 敵人 嘅 呢 ? 大禍 就 到 喇 ! ||where||continuous camp|700 miles|still|can|||enemy|possessive particle|question particle|great disaster|then|arrive|particle indicating action completion Moreover, where is it said that a camp can be set up for seven hundred miles and still be able to fight the enemy? Disaster is coming! 陸遜 一直 堅守 不 出 , 就 係 為 咗 噉 嘅 啫 。 Lu Xun|always|hold his ground|not|come out|then|is|for|past tense marker|like that|possessive particle|only Lu Xun has been holding his ground and not coming out, just for this. 你 快 啲 去 見 皇上 , 請 佢 改過 啲 營地 , 唔 好 而家 噉 樣 。 you||some||||||||camp|||now|like this|appearance You should hurry to see the Emperor and ask him to change the camp, it shouldn't be like this now. 丞相 呀 , 若果 而家 吳兵 已經 打贏 咗 喇 , 噉 點算 呢 ? Prime Minister|ah|if|now|Wu Bing|already|won|past tense marker|sentence-final particle|then|what to do|question particle Prime Minister, what if the Wu army has already won now, what should we do? 陸遜 唔 敢 嚟 追 嘅 , 成都 唔 會 有 危險 嘅 。 Lu Xun|not|dare|come|chase|particle indicating possession or emphasis|Chengdu|not|will|have|danger|particle indicating possession or emphasis Lu Xun doesn't dare to pursue, Chengdu will not be in danger. 請問 丞相 , 陸遜 點解 唔 追住 嚟 呢 ? may I ask|Prime Minister|Lu Xun|why|not|pursue|come|question particle May I ask, Prime Minister, why isn't Lu Xun pursuing? 佢 因 為 怕 魏兵襲 擊 佢 嘅 後方 吖 嘛 。 He|because|for|afraid|||him|possessive particle|rear|sentence-final particle|question particle He is afraid that the Wei troops will attack his rear. 主 上 如果 打敗 咗 喇 , 就 去 白帝城 避開 敵人 啦 。 lord|up|if|defeat|past tense marker|sentence-final particle|then|go|Baidi City|avoid|enemy|sentence-final particle If the lord is defeated, he will go to Baidi City to avoid the enemy. 我入 西川 嘅 時候 , 已經 喺 魚腹 浦 嗰 個 地方 埋伏 定 十萬 人馬 喺 度 㗎 喇 。 |Xichuan|possessive particle|time|already|at|||that|measure word|place|ambushed|or|one hundred thousand|troops|at|there|sentence-final particle|completed action particle When I entered Xichuan, I had already ambushed a hundred thousand troops at Yufu Port. 吓 ? 丞相 啊 , 我 來來去去 經過 魚腹 浦 幾次 喇 , 都 未 見過 一兵一卒 噃。 huh|Prime Minister|ah|I|coming and going|passing|Fish Belly|Port|several times|particle indicating completion|all|not yet|seen|a single soldier|particle indicating surprise Huh? Prime Minister, I have passed by Yufu Port several times, but I have not seen a single soldier. 丞相 你 噉 講 , 係 咩 嘢 意思 呢 ? Prime Minister|you|like this|say|is|what|thing|meaning|question particle Prime Minister, what do you mean by that? 日後 你 就 知 㗎 喇 , 而家 不必 多問 。 in the future|you|will|know|particle indicating certainty|particle indicating completed action|now|no need to|ask too much In the future, you will know, there is no need to ask too much now. 係 ! 馬良 等 孔明 寫 好 咗 送呈 劉備 嘅 表章 , 就 火速 趕返 去 前線 劉備 嘅 大本營 。 yes|Ma Liang|wait|Kong Ming|write|well|past tense marker|present|Liu Bei|possessive particle|official document|then|quickly|return|to|front line|Liu Bei|possessive particle|headquarters Yes! Ma Liang waited for Kong Ming to finish writing the memorial to Liu Bei, and then hurried back to the front line to Liu Bei's main camp. 孔明 呢 就 返去 成都 , 調撥 人馬 去 救應 , 呢 處 呢 , 就 暫時 放落 唔 講 。 Kongming|this|then|return to|Chengdu|redeploy|troops|to|assist|this|||then|temporarily|let go|not|say As for Kong Ming, he returned to Chengdu to mobilize troops for support, and this matter will be temporarily set aside. 而家 講下陸 遜 佢 發現 蜀兵 啊 已經 鬆懈 , 唔 再 提防 喇 。 now||Xun|he|discovered|Shu soldiers|ah|already|relaxed|not|anymore|vigilant|particle indicating completed action Now let's talk about Lu Xun, who discovered that the Shu army had already become lax and was no longer on guard. 呢 一日 , 陸遜 就 召集 大小 將士 嚟 到 中軍帳 , 佢 話 : 各位 , 我 自從 接受 任命 以來 , 未試過 出戰 。 this|day|Lu Xun|then|summoned|all|soldiers|||the central army tent|he|said|everyone|I|since|accepting|appointment|since|have never|fought On this day, Lu Xun gathered the officers and soldiers to the central army tent, and he said: Everyone, since I took office, I have never been in battle. 而家 , 想先 去 奪取 佢 江南 岸 嘅 一個 營 , 邊位 將軍 願意 去 呢 ? now||to go|to capture|his|Jiangnan|shore|possessive particle|a|camp|which|general|willing|to go|question particle Now, I want to first go and capture a camp on the Jiangnan shore. Which general is willing to go? 嘿 ! 嗰 班 將士 唔 知 等 陸遜 呢 句 說話 幾耐 㗎 喇 。 hey|that|group|soldiers|not|know|wait|Lu Xun|this|sentence|speech|how long|particle|particle Hey! That group of soldiers doesn't know how long they've been waiting for Lu Xun to say this. 所以 啊 , 而家 陸遜 說話 未 完 , 韓當 、 周泰 、 凌統 等等 一班 大將 , 都 搶 住 行出 嚟 話 : 我 哋 願 去 啊 ! so|ah|now|Lu Xun|speaking|not yet|finished|Han Dang|Zhou Tai|Ling Tong|etc|a group of|great generals|all|hurriedly|to|step out|here|say|we|plural marker|willing|go|ah So, right now, while Lu Xun hasn't finished speaking, Han Dang, Zhou Tai, Ling Tong, and other great generals are all rushing out to say: We are willing to go! 但 係 呢 , 陸遜 一個 都 唔 派 佢 哋 去 。 ||this|Lu Xun|one|at all|not|send|he|they|go But, Lu Xun doesn't send any of them. 只 係 叫 一名 末將 淳于丹 出 嚟 話 : 我 畀 四千 兵 你 , 派 你 去 攻佔 江南 岸 第四 營 。 ||to call|one|humble general|Chunyu Dan|to come|here|to say|I|give|four thousand|soldiers|you|to send|you|to|occupy|Jiangnan|bank|fourth|camp He only calls a subordinate, Chunyu Dan, to say: I will give you four thousand soldiers, and send you to capture the fourth camp on the Jiangnan shore. 呢 個營 , 係 蜀將 傅彤 把守 嘅 , 今晚 就要 成功 , 到 時 , 我會 帶兵 去 接應 你 。 this||is|Shu general|Fu Tong|garrisoned|possessive particle|tonight||succeed|arrive|time||lead troops|to|support|you This camp is guarded by the Shu general Fu Tong. We must succeed tonight, and at that time, I will lead the troops to support you. 得 令 ! 淳于丹 帶兵 出發 嘞 。 okay|command|Chunyu Dan|lead the troops|depart|past tense particle Understood! Chunyu Dan is setting out with the troops. 陸遜 跟 住 又 叫 徐盛 、 丁奉出 嚟 話 : 你 哋 各人 帶 三千 兵 , 出去 寨外 五里 駐扎 。 Lu Xun|with|stay|again|called|Xu Sheng||here|said|you|plural marker|each person|bring|three thousand|soldiers|go out|outside the camp|five li|stationed Lu Xun then called out to Xu Sheng and Ding Feng, saying: Each of you take three thousand soldiers and set up camp five miles outside. 如果 淳于丹 打敗 返 嚟 , 有兵 追 佢 嘅 話 , 你 哋 就 出 嚟 救 佢 , 但 係 唔 準 追擊 。 if|Chunyu Dan|defeats|return|here||pursuing|him|possessive particle|saying|you|plural particle|then|come|here|rescue|him|||not|allowed|pursuit If Chunyu Dan is defeated and there are soldiers pursuing him, you must come out to rescue him, but do not pursue the enemy. 得 吖 令 ! 徐盛 、 丁奉 各自 帶兵 出發 。 okay|particle|command|Xu Sheng|Ding Feng|each|lead troops|depart Understood! Xu Sheng and Ding Feng each set out with their troops. 而家 講下 淳于丹 , 佢 喺 黃昏時分 就 帶兵 前進 , 去 到 蜀 兵 第四 營 嘅 時候 呢 已經 係 三 更 過後 。 now|talk about|Chunyu Dan|he|at||then|led the troops|advance|to|arrive|Shu|army|fourth|camp|possessive particle|time|particle indicating a question|already|is|||after Now let's talk about Chunyu Dan. He led his troops forward at dusk, and by the time he reached the fourth camp of the Shu army, it was already past midnight. 淳于丹 一聲 號令 , 啲 兵卒 喎 嗬 噉 啊 大聲 吶喊 呀 衝殺 入去 。 Chunyu Dan|with one command|order|the|soldiers|particle indicating realization|particle indicating agreement|like that|ah|loudly|shout|ah|charge and kill|go in With a command from Chunyu Dan, the soldiers shouted loudly and charged in. 傅彤 立即 帶兵 殺出 嚟 , 挺槍 直取 淳于丹 。 Fu Tong|immediately|lead the troops|charge out|here|raising his spear|directly targeting|Chunyu Dan Fu Tong immediately led his troops out, aiming straight for Chunyu Dan. 打 咗 幾個 回合 , 淳于丹 打 唔 過撥 馬 就 趯 返 轉頭 。 hit|past tense marker|several|rounds|Chunyu Dan|hit|not||horse|then|kicked|back|turned around After a few rounds of fighting, Chunyu Dan couldn't hold his ground and quickly turned to retreat. 點知 殺聲 震天 , 一彪 軍馬 攔住 去路 , 為首 一員大將 乃 係 趙 融 啊 。 who would have known|sound of killing|earth-shattering|a group|war horses|blocked|path|leading||||||ah Unexpectedly, the sound of battle was deafening, and a group of cavalry blocked the way, led by a general named Zhao Rong. 淳于丹 啊 搏命 殺 開條 血路 走 人 , 啲 兵馬 損失 咗 成 大半 。 Chunyu Dan|ah|fight to the death|kill|open up|blood path|escape|people|the|soldiers|loss|past tense marker|whole|majority Chunyu Dan fought desperately to carve a bloody path to escape, and his troops suffered heavy losses. 走走 下 , 突然 間 喺 山後 一彪 蠻兵 截住 , 為 首 嘅 係 番 將 沙摩柯 。 walk|down|suddenly|moment|at|behind the mountain|a group of|barbarian soldiers|blocked|||possessive particle|is|foreign|general|Shamo Ke As he was fleeing, suddenly a group of barbarian soldiers ambushed him from behind the mountain, led by the foreign general Shamo Ke. 淳于丹 係 死 打爛 打先 至 走 甩身 , 蜀兵 三路 人馬 就 喺 佢 後 便 猛 咁 追殺 。 Chunyu Dan|is|die|defeat|strike first|only|escape|slip away|Shu soldiers|three routes|troops|then|at|him|back|then|fiercely|so|chase and kill Chunyu Dan fought fiercely to break free, while the Shu soldiers pursued him relentlessly from three directions. 一直 到 離營 五里 嘅 地方 , 徐盛 、 丁奉 兩個 人 , 由 兩 便 殺出 嚟 頂住 就 打退 咗 蜀 兵 , 救 咗 淳于丹 回營 。 continuously|until|leaving camp|five miles|possessive particle|place|Xu Sheng|Ding Feng|two|men|from|both|sides|charged out|here|holding up|then|repelled|past tense marker|Shu|soldiers|rescued|past tense marker|Chunyu Dan|returned to camp It wasn't until they were five miles away from the camp that Xu Sheng and Ding Feng emerged from both sides to fend off the Shu soldiers, saving Chunyu Dan and bringing him back to the camp. 淳于丹 中箭受 咗 傷 , 佢 都 未曾 掹 甩 支箭 唧就入 去 拜見 陸遜 請罪 。 Chunyu Dan||past tense marker|injury|he|also|never|pull|out|arrow|just shot in|to|pay respects to|Lu Xun|apologize Chunyu Dan was injured by an arrow, and he had not even pulled it out before going to see Lu Xun to apologize. 陸遜 話 喇 : 唔 係 你 嘅 錯 , 唔 係 你 嘅 錯 。 Lu Xun|said|particle indicating completed action|not|is|you|possessive particle|wrong||||| Lu Xun said: It's not your fault, it's not your fault. 我 不過 係 想 試探 一下 敵人 嘅 虛實 唧 。 I|just|am|want|test|a little|enemy|possessive particle|true intentions|sound of a small action I just wanted to test the enemy's strengths and weaknesses. 擊破 蜀 兵 嘅 計策 , 我 已經 定 咗 喇 。 break|Shu|soldiers|possessive particle|strategy|I|already|decided|past tense marker|final particle I have already decided on the strategy to defeat the Shu army. 徐盛 、 丁奉 就 話 喇 : 蜀兵 十分 強大 , 好難 擊敗 佢 啊 , 夾硬 去 打 , 係 白白 損兵折將 嘅 啫 。 Xu Sheng|Ding Feng|then|said|particle indicating completed action|Shu soldiers|very|strong|very hard|defeat|them|particle indicating exclamation|forcefully|to|fight|is|in vain|lose troops and generals|particle indicating possession|only Xu Sheng and Ding Feng said: The Shu army is very strong, it's hard to defeat them. If we force an attack, it will just be a waste of troops. 嘿嘿嘿 嘿嘿 , 我 呢條 計策 呢 , 就 係 呃 唔 過 諸葛亮 嘅 啫 , 好彩 此人 唔 喺 度 , 噉 我 就 成功 喇 。 hehehe||I|this|plan|particle indicating a question|just|is|to deceive|not|surpass|Zhuge Liang|possessive particle|only|fortunately|this person|not|at|here|then|I|then|succeeded|particle indicating completed action Hehehe, this strategy of mine is just to deceive Zhuge Liang. Fortunately, this person is not here, so I will succeed. 於是 陸遜 召集 大小 將士 下達 命令 : then|Lu Xun|gathered|all|soldiers|issued|orders So Lu Xun gathered the officers and soldiers to issue orders: 叫 朱然 , 由 水路 進兵 , 聽日 下午 , 一翻 起大 東南風 呢 , 就 用 船隻 裝運 茅草 , 如此 如此 依計 行事 。 called|Zhu Ran|by|waterway|advance troops|tomorrow|afternoon|once||southeast wind|particle|then|use|boats|transport|thatch|like this|like this|according to plan|act Tell Zhu Ran to advance by waterway. Tomorrow afternoon, when a strong southeast wind arises, use the boats to transport straw, and proceed according to plan. 叫 韓當帶 一支 軍隊 , 攻擊 江北岸 。 call||a|army|attack|north bank of the river Tell Han Dang to lead a troop to attack the northern bank of the river. 周泰 呀 帶 一支 軍隊 攻擊 江南 岸 。 Zhou Tai|ah|lead|a|army|attack|Jiangnan|shore Zhou Tai will lead a troop to attack the southern bank of the river. 叫 啲 士兵 啊 除 咗 帶槍 刀 之外 , 每人 都 帶 一把 茅草 , 裏 便 捲住 硫黃 硝石 , 帶備 火種 , 但凡 去 到 蜀 軍營 寨 啊 就 順風 放火 。 call|particle indicating plural|soldiers|particle indicating exclamation|||carrying guns|knives|besides|everyone|all|carry|one|straw|inside|then|rolled up|sulfur|saltpeter|prepared|fire starter|whenever|||Shu|military camp|fort|particle indicating exclamation|then|with the wind|set fire Tell the soldiers that besides carrying their weapons, each person should also carry a bundle of straw, which should contain sulfur and saltpeter, and bring fire starters. When they reach the Shu army camp, they should set fire to it with the wind at their backs. 蜀兵 四十個 兵營 , 只 係 燒 佢 二十 營 , 每隔 一個 營就 燒 佢 一個 。 Shu soldiers|forty|barracks|||burned|them|twenty|barracks|every other|one|barrack then|burned|them|one The Shu army has forty barracks, but only twenty of them were burned, with one barrack burned for every other barrack. 各路 軍馬 都 要 帶齊 乾糧 , 得勝 之後 要 日夜 追擊 , 務必 捉 到 劉備 為止 。 all routes|cavalry|all|must|bring enough|provisions|after victory|afterwards|must|day and night|pursue|without fail|||Liu Bei|until All troops must bring enough rations, and after achieving victory, they must pursue day and night until Liu Bei is captured. 各 將官 接受 咗 命令 , 就 各個 分頭 準備 。 each|officer|accepted|past tense marker|order|then|each|separately|prepared Each general received the order and began to prepare separately. 而家 講返 劉備 , 呢 一日 佢 喺 大本營 考慮 緊 擊敗 吳 兵 嘅 計策 。 now|talk about|Liu Bei|this|one day|he|at|headquarters|considering|ongoing|defeating|Wu|army|possessive particle|strategy Now, speaking of Liu Bei, on this day he was in the main camp considering strategies to defeat the Wu army. 忽然 見到 中軍帳 前 便 嘅 大旗 啊 無端 端成 支 噉 冧 咗 落 嚟 。 suddenly|saw|the central army tent|in front of|then|possessive particle|large flag|ah|out of nowhere||unit|like this|fell|past tense marker|down|come Suddenly, he saw the large flag in front of the central army tent unexpectedly collapse. 佢 又 問 參謀 程畿 話 喇 : 啊 , 呢 個 係 咩 嘢 兆頭 呢 ? He|again|asked|advisor|Cheng Kei|said|particle|ah|this|classifier|is|what|thing|omen|this He asked the advisor Cheng Ji: Ah, what is this sign? 陛下 , 莫非 今晚 吳兵 要 嚟 劫營 ? Your Majesty|perhaps|tonight|Wu Bing|will|come|raid the camp Your Majesty, could it be that the Wu army is coming to raid the camp tonight? 哼 ! 昨晚 先至 殺 到 佢 大敗 一場 , 佢 仲 敢 再 嚟 ? hum|last night|only then|||he|lost badly|one match|he|still|dare|again|come Hmph! We just defeated them badly last night, do they still dare to come again? 陛下 , 若果 昨晚 係 陸遜 試探 下 我軍 嘅 兵力 唧 , 噉 又 如何 呢 ? Your Majesty|if|last night|was|Lu Xun|testing|our|army|possessive particle|strength|attack|then|again|how|question particle Your Majesty, what if last night was just Lu Xun testing our army's strength? 正 喺 度 商量 緊 , 侍臣 嚟 報告 話 喺 山上 啊 遠遠 望見 吳兵 , 跟 住 山邊 向東 便 去 咗 啊 噉 。 just|at|place|discussing|ongoing|attendant|came|to report|saying|at|on the mountain|ah|far away|saw|Wu troops|following|along|the mountain side||then|went|past tense marker|ah|like this Just as we were discussing this, a servant came to report that from the mountain, they saw the Wu army in the distance, heading east along the mountain. 劉備 一 諗 , 認為 呢 啲 乃 係 疑兵 唧 , 叫 大家 唔 使 逳。 Liu Bei|one|thought|believed|these|plural marker|indeed|are|false troops|to confuse|called|everyone|not|to use|to flee Liu Bei thought that these were just feints, telling everyone not to panic. 只 係 命令 關興 、 張苞 各帶 五百名 馬 軍 出去 巡視 。 ||ordered|Guan Xing|Zhang Bao|||horse|troops|out|patrol He only ordered Guan Xing and Zhang Bao to each take five hundred cavalry to patrol. 到 咗 黃昏時分 , 關興 返 嚟 報告 話 , 江北 兵營 起火 噉 。 arrived|past tense marker||Kwan Hing|returned|here|report|said|Jiangbei|barracks|caught fire|like that By dusk, Guan Xing returned to report that there was a fire in the Jiangbei barracks. 劉備 啊 急急 命令 關興 去 江北 , 張苞去 江南 探聽虛實 。 Liu Bei|ah|urgently|ordered|Guan Xing|to go|Jiangbei||Jiangnan| Liu Bei urgently ordered Guan Xing to go to Jiangbei, and Zhang Bao to go to Jiangnan to investigate the situation. 吩咐 佢 哋 , 若果 吳兵 一到 , 就 立即 返 嚟 報告 噉 。 instruct|he|they|if|Wu Bing|arrives|then|immediately|return|here|report|like that He instructed them that if the Wu troops arrived, they should immediately return to report. 關興 、 張苞 呢 帶兵 飛馬 去 咗 咯 。 Guan Xing|Zhang Bao|this|leading troops|Feima|go|past tense marker|sentence-final particle Guan Xing and Zhang Bao led the cavalry to go. 當晚 嘅 初 更 時分 , 驟然 翻 起 東南風 。 that night|possessive particle|first|watch|time|suddenly|turned|up|southeast wind That night, during the first watch, a sudden southeast wind arose. 只見 大本營 左便 營地 啊 含 含聲 燒着 火 。 only saw|headquarters|left side|campsite|ah|containing|muffled sound|burning|fire I saw that the camp on the left side of the main base was burning with a crackling sound. 啱 啱 要 去 救火 唧 , 大本營 右 便 嘅 營地 又 火燭 喇 。 ||need|go|firefighting|sound of a whistle|headquarters|right|then|possessive particle|campsite|again|fire|particle indicating completed action Just as I was about to go put out the fire, the camp on the right side of the main base caught fire again. 風猛 火急 連 樹木 都 燒着 埋 。 strong wind|raging fire|even|trees|all|burning|completely The wind was fierce and the fire was urgent, even the trees were burning. 嗰 啲 人 呀 嗌 到 震天動地 啊 , 兩個 營地 嘅 人馬 又 㗾㗾 聲 噉 趯 出 嚟 。 that|plural marker|people|sentence-final particle|shout|to|earth-shattering|exclamatory particle|two|camps|possessive particle|personnel|again|noisy|sound|like that|rush|out|come Those people are shouting to the heavens, and the troops from the two camps are rushing out with a loud noise. 撞 到 嚟 大本營 , 而 大本營 嘅 軍 兵 呢 又 互相 踐踏 哎 都 唔 知死 咗 幾多 人 喇 。 |||base|||possessive particle|||plural marker|again|mutually|trample|sigh|all|not|||how many|people|sentence-final particle They crashed into the main camp, and the soldiers in the main camp are trampling each other, not knowing how many people have died. 呢 個 時候 , 後 便 吳兵 殺 到 嘞 , 又 唔 知 究竟 幾多 軍馬 嘅 噃。 this|measure word|time|later|then|Wu Bing|kill|arrive|past action particle|again|not|know|exactly|how many|cavalry|possessive particle|sentence-final particle At this time, the Wu troops are attacking, and it's unclear how many cavalry there are. 劉備 急急 上馬 , 想 趯 去 馮 習 嘅 兵營 啦 。 Liu Bei|urgently|get on the horse|wants|rush|to|Feng|Xi|possessive particle|barracks|sentence-final particle Liu Bei hurriedly mounted his horse, wanting to rush to Feng Xi's camp. 點知 馮 習 嘅 兵營 裏頭 , 火光熊熊 沖天 而 起 。 unexpectedly|Fung|Xi|possessive particle|barracks|inside||soaring|and|rising Little did he know, inside Feng Xi's camp, flames were rising high into the sky. 江南 江北 啊 燒到 成天 都 紅晒 好似 日頭 咁 光 。 Jiangnan|Jiangbei|ah|burned until|all day|all|sunburned|like|sun|so|bright The south and the north are burning all day long, looking as bright as the sun. 馮習 慌忙 上馬 , 帶住 幾十個 馬 軍 就 走 。 Feng Xi hurriedly mounted his horse, leading dozens of cavalry to flee. 咪 撞 啱 徐盛 帶兵 嚟 到 , 截住 廝殺 。 don't|crash|right|Xu Sheng|lead troops|come|arrive|intercept|fight to the death Just as Xu Sheng arrived with his troops, they clashed in battle. 劉備 見到 噉 嘅 情形 , 弊 啦 一撥 馬頭 就 向 住 西 便 逃跑 。 Liu Bei|saw|such|possessive particle|situation|we|particle indicating completed action|a group of|cavalry|then|towards|particle indicating direction|west|quickly|ran away Seeing this situation, Liu Bei quickly turned his horse westward and fled. 徐盛 啊 擗 低 馮習 , 帶兵 猛追 劉備 。 Xu Sheng|ah|strike|down|Feng Xi|lead troops|fiercely chase|Liu Bei Xu Sheng knocked down Feng Xi and led his troops to chase after Liu Bei. 劉備 慌 喇 , 誰知 前 便 又 畀 一彪 軍隊 截住 , 係 丁奉 啊 ! Liu Bei|panicked|particle indicating completed action|who would have thought|ahead|then|again|by|a group of|soldiers|intercepted|is|Ding Feng|particle indicating exclamation Liu Bei is in a panic, and who knows that ahead there is another group of troops blocking the way, it's Ding Feng! 噉 啊 前後夾攻 , 嚇 到 劉備 失魂 啦 , 呢 趟 啊 實弊 喇 事關 四便 都 冇 路行 嘞 。 like this|particle|front and back attack|scare|to|Liu Bei|lose his mind|particle|this|trip|particle|really bad|particle|concerning|four directions|all|no|road travel|particle With attacks from both sides, Liu Bei is so scared that he loses his mind. This time, it's really bad because there are no routes for the four of them to escape. 突然 間 , 響起 一陣 喊 殺聲 , 有 一彪 軍馬 殺入 重圍 喎 。 suddenly|moment|sounded|a burst of|shouting|killing sounds|there is|a group of|cavalry|charged into|the encirclement|particle indicating certainty Suddenly, a shout of killing sounds erupts, and a group of cavalry charges into the encirclement. 定眼 一 睇 , 嘿 有救 喇 , 張苞衝 到 嚟 , 救出 咗 劉備 就 帶 住 御林軍 猛跑 。 focus|one|look|hey|there is hope|particle indicating completed action||arrive|here|rescue|past tense marker|Liu Bei|then|lead|holding|Imperial Guard|run fast Looking closely, there's hope! Zhang Bao rushes over, rescues Liu Bei, and leads the Imperial Guard to run wildly. 行到 半路 , 前 便 又 有 一支 軍隊 嚟 到 , 係 傅彤 啊 , 噉 就 合 埋 一齊 行 啦 。 walk to|halfway|in front|then|again|have|a|army|||is|Fu Tong|ah|then|just|||together|walk|particle indicating suggestion or completion Halfway through, another army arrives ahead, it's Fu Tong, so they join forces and move together. 呢 陣 時後便 吳兵 追到 嚟 嘞 。 this|time||Wu Bing|caught up|here|past tense marker At this time, Wu Bing has caught up. 當時 正 係 嚟 到 馬鞍山 呀 , 張苞 、 傅彤 請 劉備 快 啲 上山 。 at that time|just|was|||Ma On Shan|particle|Zhang Bao|Fu Tong|invited|Liu Bei|||go up the mountain At that time, they had just arrived at Ma On Shan, and Zhang Bao and Fu Tong urged Liu Bei to go up the mountain quickly. 啱 啱 上 咗 去唧 , 陸 遜 嘅 大隊人馬 追到 嚟 嘞 , 將 馬鞍山 沊沊𡃈 圍到 實一實 。 ||go|past tense marker||Lu|Xun|possessive particle|large army|caught up|here|past action marker|to take|Ma On Shan|a place|surrounded|tightly Just as they went up, Lu Xun's large army caught up and surrounded Ma On Shan tightly. 張苞 、 傅彤 拼命 據守 山口 , 頂住 吳 軍 嘅 進攻 。 Zhang Bao|Fu Tong|desperately|held|mountain pass|withstood|Wu|army|possessive particle|attack Zhang Bao and Fu Tong fought desperately to hold the mountain pass, resisting the attack of the Wu army. 劉備 喺 山上 望落 嚟 , 哎呀 漫山遍野 到處 火光 。 Liu Bei|at|on the mountain|looking down|coming|oh no|all over the mountains and fields|everywhere|fire light Liu Bei looked down from the mountain and saw, oh no, the whole mountain was filled with flames. 陣亡 兵卒 嘅 屍體 呀 一個 疊 一個 噉 , 塞滿 條 江流 落 去 , 哎 慘咯 ! fallen|soldier|possessive particle|corpse|exclamatory particle|one|stacked|one|like this|filled|measure word for long objects|river|flowing|away|sigh|tragic The bodies of the fallen soldiers are piled one on top of another, filling the river as it flows down. Oh, how tragic! 究竟 劉備 嘅 性命 如何 啊 就 且 聽 下回分解 。 exactly|Liu Bei|possessive particle|life|how|ah|then|and|listen| As for Liu Bei's fate, let's wait for the next installment to find out.

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