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張悦楷講《三國演義》, 116

銀冶洞 二十一 洞主 楊鋒 , 帶 住 佢 五個 仔 率領 二萬 人馬 就 嚟 到 幫助 孟獲 啊 。 孟獲 啊 高興 非常 , 就 設宴款待 楊鋒 父子 嘞 。 飲到 咁 上下 , 楊鋒 話 喇 : 喺 軍隊 裡頭 , 冇 咩 嘢 消遣 取樂 , 我 有 一班 隨軍 姑娘 , 跳刀 牌舞 極好 嘅 , 等 我 叫 佢 哋 入 嚟 跳舞 助興 啦 。 好 啊 ! 好 啊 ! 哈哈哈哈 哈哈哈哈 。 楊鋒 拍 下手 板 , 冇 幾耐 就 有 幾十個 蠻族 姑娘 , 都 係 打散 頭髮 除大 赤腳 嘅 , 手執 藤牌 單刀 就 跳 住 舞 咁 入 嚟 嘞 喎 。 所有 嘅 蠻 兵 呀 都 唔 知 幾 高興 , 拍手 𨂽 腳 , 唱起歌 嚟 和 佢 哋 。 楊鋒 啊 叫 兩個 仔去 敬酒 。 噉 嗰 兩個 仔 捧住 酒行 到 孟獲 、 孟優 面前 。 佢 兩個 人接 咗 杯酒 正話 想 飲唧 。 楊鋒 大喝一聲 :逳 手 ! 佢 兩個 仔 一下 就 將孟獲 、 孟優 捉住 。 朵思 大王 想 鬆 人 , 哈哈 又 畀 楊鋒 捉實 。 嗰 幾十個 姑娘 攔住 門口 , 冇 人敢 行過 嚟 。 孟獲 就 嘈起 上 嚟 話 咯 : 喂喂 喂 , 誒 , 兔死狐悲 , 物傷其類 啊 。 我同 你 都 係 各洞 之主 , 往日 無冤 , 近日 又 無仇 , 你 為 咩 嘢 事 要害 我 啊 ? 楊鋒 話 喇 : 我 啲 兄弟 子侄 , 人人 都 感激 諸葛丞相 活命之恩 。 冇 咩 好 報答 佢 咯 , 你 而家作 反 , 梗 係 要 捉 咗 你 嚟 獻 畀 丞相 啦 ! 孟 獲 佢 哋 幾個 大 頭領 都 被 擒 嘞 , 於是 各洞 蠻兵 都 趯 晒 返去 本鄉 咯 。 楊鋒 就 將孟獲 、 孟優 、 朵思 就 綁住 , 押 去 蜀 軍營 寨 。 孔明 叫 佢 哋 入 嚟 。 入到 去 , 楊 鋒 佢 哋 都 跪 低 叩頭 行禮 , 佢 話 : 我 哋 都 好 感激 丞相 嘅 恩德 , 故此 捉 咗 孟 獲 佢 哋 嚟 獻 畀 丞相 啊 ! 孔明 重重 噉 賞賜 佢 。 然後 就 叫 人拉孟 獲入 嚟 , 孔明 見到 孟獲 呀 又 係 扮 蟹 入 嚟 就 笑 啦 : 哈哈哈哈 , 孟獲 , 你 呢 次 心服 未 啊 ? 又 唔 係 你 有 本事 , 係 我 哋 洞 裏頭 啲 人 , 自相殘害 , 所以 , 搞成 噉 樣 咋 嘛 。 要 殺 就 殺 , 我 , 就 係 唔 服 ! 你 氹 我入 到 啲 冇 水 嘅 地方 , 想用 啞泉 、 滅泉 、 黑泉 、 柔泉 咁 毒 嘅 水 , 嚟 害 我 哋 , 但 係 我 哋 啲 軍士 安然無恙 噃, 你 話 係 唔 係 天意 呢 ? 你 點解 仲 咁 執迷不悟 呢 ? 我 , 世世代代 , 住 喺 銀坑 山裏 便 , 嗰 度 , 有 三江 之險 , 重關 之固 。 你 , 如果 能夠 喺 嗰 度 捉 到 我 , 噉 就 唔 止 我 , 我 子子孫孫 都 服 咗 你 喇 。 好 啦 , 我 再 放 你 返去 , 等 你 重整 兵馬 同 我 決個 勝負 啦 。 如果 到 時 再 捉 到 你 , 你 仲 唔 服 呢 , 就滅 咗 你 九族 ! 孔明 講完 就 叫 武士 解開 繩索 , 放開 孟獲 。 孟獲 叩 幾個 頭 , 拜 咗 幾拜 就 走 喇 。 孔明 又 叫 人 解開 孟優 同朵 思 大王 , 請 佢 哋 飲酒 食飯 。 佢 兩個 驚 啊 , 真 係 正眼 都 唔 敢 望 下 孔明 啊 。 手 震震 噉 飲 咗 杯酒 , 就 告辭 嘞 , 孔明 呢 , 仲送 馬 畀 佢 哋 騎 返 去 添 。 噉 孔明 放走 咗 孟 獲 佢 哋 之後 啊 , 就 對 楊鋒 父子 呢 , 就 封官賜 爵 , 帶 嚟 嗰 啲 兵 啊 人人 有賞 。 楊 鋒 佢 哋 接受 咗 賞賜 多謝 一番 , 就 拜別 返去 。 而家 講下 孟 獲 佢 哋 , 佢 哋 日夜 趕路 呀 趯 返 去 銀 坑洞 。 銀 坑洞 係 點 嘅 地方 呢 ? 嘿 ! 緊要 咯 。 洞外 有 三條 江 , 就 係 瀘水 、 甘南 水同 西城 水 。 噉 啊 三路 水 匯合 , 所以 孟獲 就 話 銀 坑洞 有 三江 之險 啫 。 喺 洞 嘅 北方 啊 , 就 有 比較 平坦 嘅 田野 三百 幾里 , 物產 就 好 豐富 嘅 。 喺 洞 嘅 西 便 , 有 鹽井 , 噉 啊 鹽井 梗 係 出 鹽 啦 嗨 有 鹽 即 係 有 寶 啊 。 西南 二百里 一直 去 到 瀘水 、 甘南 水 。 正南方 三百里 , 就 係 梁 都 洞 嘞 。 呢 個 洞 四周圍 都 係 大山 環抱 住 , 山 上面 有 銀礦 , 故此 叫做 銀坑 山 啦 嘛 。 喺 山上 呢 , 就 起 咗 唔 少 宮殿 樓台 , 呢 個 就 係 蠻 王 嘅 老巢 喇 。 其中 仲有 一間 祖廟 噃。 噉 呢 間 祖廟 拜 咩 嘢 嘅 呢 ? 拜家 鬼 ,嚱, 家鬼 。 一年四季 , 春夏秋冬 都 要 殺 牛 劏 馬 嚟 拜祭 嘅 , 名之為 卜 鬼 噃。 每年 啊 , 仲要 搵 生人 嚟 祭 嘅 喎 。 噉 啊 梗 係 唔 係 搵 自己 啲 蠻 人 喇 , 係 搵 啲 西 蜀 人 或者 外鄉人 啊 。 銀 坑洞 啲 人 呢 如果 有病 呀 , 唔 食 藥 嘅 , 只 係 搵 啲 巫師 , 幫 佢 拜神 祈禱 個 啫 就 叫做 拜藥 鬼 。 呢 度 呢 , 亦 冇 刑法 嘅 , 一 犯罪 就 殺頭 , 誒 。 啲 女 仔大過 喇 , 就 同埋 啲 男仔 喺 溪水 處 沐浴 沖涼 , 男男女女 就 撈 撈 亂 任由 自己 選擇 配偶 , 父母 就 唔 理 咁 多 嘅 , 呢種 做法 就 叫做 學藝 喎 。 噉 每 一年 啊 , 如果 風調雨順 呢 就種 稻谷 。 如果 收成 唔 好 , 就 劏 蛇 食 蛇 羹 , 或者 煮 啲 象 肉 嚟 當 飯食 。 喺 每 一個 地區 , 上戶 啊 叫做 洞主 , 其次 嗰 啲 叫做 酋長 。 每個 月 嘅 初一 、 十五 兩日 呢 , 噉 啊 四周圍 啲 人 都 嚟 到 三 江城 做買賣 交易 貨物 嘅 。 呢 啲 就 係 銀 坑洞 一帶 嘅 風俗習慣 嘞 , 哈 噉 有 啲 都 幾 古怪 嘅 嚱。 而家 講下 孟 獲 佢 喺 銀 坑洞 啊 聚集 佢 嘅 同族 , 有 成千 幾人 。 孟獲 啊 對 佢 哋 話 喇 : 我 , 幾次三番 , 畀 蜀 兵 侮辱 , 我 , 發 咗 誓 要 報仇 , 你 哋 , 有 乜嘢 高見 呢 ? 說話 未 完 , 有 一個 人 就 話 喇 : 我 舉薦 一個 人 , 可以 破 得 諸葛亮 嘅 ! 講 說話 呢 個人 啊 , 係 孟 獲 嘅 舅 仔 , 而家 係 八番 部長 叫做 帶來 洞主 啊 。 孟獲 就 即刻 問 佢 舉薦 邊個 啦 , 帶來 洞主話 喇 : 呢 處 西南方 有個 八納洞 , 洞主木鹿 大王 佢 嘅 法術 呀 非常 厲害 嘅 。 出入 都 騎 隻 大象 , 有 呼風喚雨 嘅 本事 , 經常 有 虎豹 豺狼 , 毒蛇 惡蝎 噉 跟隨 佢 嘅 。 佢 手下 仲有 三萬 神兵 , 極之 英勇 。 誒 請 大王 你 寫 一封信 , 準備 好 禮物 , 等 我 帶 住 去 求 佢 啦 。 佢 如果 肯 應承 幫手 啊 , 仲使 乜怕 啲 蜀 兵 啊 。 嘿 噉 就 好 極咯 , 孟獲 好 高興 啊 。 寫 好 封信 , 準備 好 禮物 , 就 叫 國舅 帶住 出發 喇 。 同時 又 命令 朵思 大王 去 把守 三 江城 , 作為 前線 嘅 屏障 。 而家 講下 孔明 , 佢 啊 帶兵 直到 三 江城 。 遠遠 望見 呢 座 城 三面 傍江 , 一便 就 通 陸路 。 於是 孔明 就 命令 魏延 、 趙雲 , 共同 率領 一支 軍隊 , 由 陸路 攻城 。 當蜀 軍 到達 城下 嘅 時候 , 城樓 上 便啡啡聲 猛 咁 射箭 落 嚟 。 原來 呢 處 啲 人 啊 , 射箭 好 叻 嘅 , 一張 弩 , 可以 一 齊射 出 十支 箭 嘅 喎 。 箭頭 都 浸過 毒藥 嘅 , 噉 啊 但凡 中 到 佢 哋 嘅 毒箭 呀 啲 肉 就爛 , 爛到 入 五臟 就 死 人 㗎 喇 。 趙雲 、 魏延 又 唔 能夠 取勝 , 就 收兵 返去 見 孔明 , 將 毒箭 嘅 事 報告 咗 。 孔明 親自 坐車去 到 前線 觀察 下 虛實 。 觀察 完 , 就 下 命令 全軍 退後 幾里路 安營 扎寨 。 噉 啲 蠻兵 望見 蜀 軍退 到 咁 遠唄 , 都 嘰哩 呱 啦 又 笑 又 跳 喺 度 慶祝 添 噃。 佢 哋 都 即 估 蜀 軍 因 害怕 而 退兵 嘅 , 所以 夜晚 瞓覺 呢 個個 都 大安 主義 連 哨兵 都 唔 派 。 話 說 孔明 撤 咗 軍隊 返後便 之後 呢 , 就 吩咐 閂 實 營門 唔 準 出戰 。 噉 連氣 五日 , 一個 命令 都 冇 落到 。 呢 日 黃昏時分 , 微微 有 啲 風 。 孔明 傳令 落去 喇 : 每個 士兵 要 準備 衣襟 一幅 , 限一 更 時候 準備 妥當 。 冇 嘅 立即 斬首 。 乜 噉 嘅 命令 咁 得意 嘅 呢 吓 ? 所有 個 將官 都 唔 知道 孔明 係 咩 意思 喎 , 總之 照辦 就 係 啦 。 於是 全軍 士兵 啊 , 個個 都 遵照 命令 去 準備 嘞 。 到 咗 初 更 時分 , 孔明 又 傳令 話 : 每個 士兵 用 衣襟 一幅 , 包 一包 泥土 。 冇 嘅 , 立即 斬首 ! 噉 又 係 人人 都 唔 知 係 咩 意思 喎 , 總之 遵令 準備 就 係 喇 。 跟 住 , 孔明 又 傳令 話 喇 : 各 士兵 包 好 嘅 泥土 , 都 帶到 三江 城下 交割 , 先 到 嘅 有 賞 ! 嘿 , 全軍 將士 一 聽到 命令 呀 , 都 帶 住 包泥 飛 噉 跑 去 三江 城下 。 孔明 又 命令 將 啲 泥 啊 冧 成 一級 級 噉 嘅 斜坡 , 先 上城 嘅 立 頭功 ! 於是 十幾萬 蜀兵 同埋 幾萬名 降兵 啊 , 將所 包 嘅 泥土 , 一齊 冧 喺 城牆 下 便 。 霎眼間 , 積土成山 啊 , 堆到 城牆 咁 高 。 一聲 暗號 , 蜀兵 㗾 噉 就衝 咗 上城 。 等 啲 蠻兵 急急 要 射箭 嘅 時候 , 蜀兵 已經 衝 到 佢 哋 面前 啊 , 大半 都 做 咗 俘虜 咯 。 噉 其餘 嗰 啲 呢 , 有 咁 快 時 趯 咁 快 啦 。 朵思 大王 死 喺 亂軍 之中 。 於是 孔明 就 奪取 咗 三 江城 。 將所 繳獲 返 嚟 嘅 珍寶 , 全部 要 嚟 賞賜 畀 三軍 將士 。 孟獲 知道 三 江城 失陷 , 朵思 戰死 就 好 驚 啦 。 跟 住 又 接到 報告 話 蜀 兵 已經 渡過 江 , 逼近 本洞 前 便 扎營 喇 噉 。 孟獲 啊 更加 慌張 。 正 喺 度 手 揗 腳 震 嘅 時候 , 屏風 後 便 有 個人 騎騎 聲 放聲 大笑 , 行出 嚟 話 : 你 個 男人 大丈夫 , 一 啲 計都 冇 嘅 。 我 雖然 係 個 女人 唧 , 等 我 幫 你 出戰 啦 ! 孟獲 一 睇 , 原來 係 佢 老婆 祝融 夫人 啊 。 祝融 夫人 就 世世代代 都 係 住 喺 南蠻 嚟 嘅 , 乃 係 祝融氏 , 即 係 傳說 裏 便 遠古 嘅 一個 帝王 嘅 後代 。 佢 喺 善於 使 飛刀 個 噃, 百發百中 。 噉 啊 得到 夫人 出馬 , 孟獲 啊 即刻 起身 多謝 啊 。 噉 啊 祝融 夫人 披掛 上馬 , 率領 同族 嘅 猛將 幾百人 , 生力軍 五萬名 就 離開 銀坑 宮殿 , 出發 去 同 蜀 兵 交戰 嘞 。 佢 哋 啱 啱 轉過 洞口 , 就 遇到 一彪 人馬 攔住 去路 。 為 首一名 蜀將 乃 係 張嶷 啊 。 啲 蠻兵 一 見到 蜀 軍 攔截 , 早就 分開 兩路 擺開 。 祝融 夫人 背後 插住 五口 飛刀 , 手挺 丈八長 標 坐下 捲毛 赤兔馬 , 十分 威武 。 張嶷 見到 有個 噉 嘅 蠻 方 女將 , 個心 都 暗暗 稱奇 啊 。 噉 啊 兩個 縱馬 交鋒 , 打 咗 幾個 回合 , 夫人 撥馬 就 走 。 張嶷 就 即刻 追上去 啦 , 啡 噉 半空中 一把 飛刀 飛落 嚟 。 咦 呀 張嶷 急起 上 嚟 , 就 用 手 去 格 哎 吖 , 一刀 插中 左臂 , 噼啪 噉 啊 就 𢴈 咗 落馬 。 嗬 噉 啲 蠻兵 啊 齊聲 吶喊 , 衝 上前 嚟 就 綁 走 咗 張嶷 。 馬 忠 聽見 話 張嶷 畀 蠻兵 捉 咗 去 , 就 慌忙 出 嚟 救 啦 。 弊 ! 張嶷 已經 畀 蠻兵 扎 到 實實 咯 。 馬 忠 一眼 又 望見 祝融 夫人 , 挺住 長 標 勒馬 企 定 喺 處 。 佢 嬲 起 上 嚟 一 拍 隻 馬 就 向 住 祝融 夫人 衝過去 。 點知 隻 馬 就 畀 啲 蠻 兵用 絆馬索 𠽤 跌 , 噉 馬 忠 呢 , 又 畀 蠻兵 捉 埋 喇 。 嘩 嗨 厲害 啊 ! 夫人 一 出馬 , 就 捉 到 蜀 軍 兩員 大將 。 孟獲 就 吩咐 大排 筵席 嚟 慶賀 勝利 咯 喎 。 祝融 夫人 就 喝 啲 刀斧手 , 拉張 嶷 同馬忠 出去 殺頭 。 孟獲 就 制止 佢 話 喇 : 夫人 呀 , 諸葛亮 , 放過 我 五次 。 今日 , 我 哋 若果 殺 佢 嘅 將官 , 就 唔 夠 義氣 嘞 , 不如 , 韞 起 嚟 先 , 等 捉 埋 諸葛亮 , 再 殺 佢 哋 都 未 遲 啊 ! 噉 好 啦 。 嘿 , 兩 夫妻 呀 , 大飲 特飲 都 唔 知 幾 快樂 啊 。 而家 講下 孔明 。 佢 知道 咗 張嶷 、 馬 忠兵敗 被 擒 , 即刻 就 叫 馬岱 、 趙雲 、 魏延 嚟 , 吩咐 佢 哋 如此 如此 噉 , 於是 佢 哋 三個 各自 帶兵 出發 喇 。 到 咗 第日 , 孟 獲得 到 蠻兵 報告 話 趙雲 嚟 挑戰 。 祝融 夫人 就 即刻 上馬 出去 迎戰 啦 。 兩個 打 咗 幾個 回合 , 趙雲 撥馬 就 走 。 誒 , 夫人 都 精 啊 , 佢 怕 有 埋伏 , 唔 追 , 勒 轉馬 就 收兵 嘞 , 跟 住 魏延 又 帶兵 嚟 挑戰 咯 喎 。 夫人 縱馬 迎上去 , 打 咗 幾個 回合 , 正 打 得 緊張 , 魏延 詐敗 逃跑 嘞 。 夫人 係 由 你 走 啊 , 硬 係 唔 肯 追 。 第 日 , 趙雲 又試 帶兵 嚟 挑戰 。 夫人 出洞 同 趙雲 打 咗 幾個 回合 , 趙雲 詐敗 走 嘞 。 夫人 就 照板 煮 碗 按住 標槍 唔 追 。 當 佢 正話 收兵 想 回 洞 嘅 時候 , 魏延 帶兵 嚟 到 , 齊齊 大聲 咁 辱罵 。 嚱 夫人 嬲 咯 , 挺起 標槍 啊 直取 魏延 , 誒 魏延 撥馬 就 走 噃。 呢 次 祝融 夫人 就 唔 抵得 嘞 , 嬲 到 咕咕 聲 拍馬 猛追 。 魏延 跑 下 跑 下 就 跑 咗 去 啲 山路 。 忽然 後 便 𠽤 呖 𡃈 啪 噉 一 聲響 , 魏延 回身 一望 哈哈 , 只見 祝融 夫人 成個 𢴈 咗 落地 嘞 。 原來 馬岱 就 埋伏 定 喺 呢 度 , 用 絆馬索 𠽤 跌 咗 夫人 。 噉 就 冇 乜 客氣 喇 , 女人 都 照 綁 啊 , 扎起 祝融 夫人 就 押 返去 大本營 。 啲 蠻兵 蠻將 呀 急急 衝上 嚟 想 搶救 , 畀 趙雲 舞起 長槍 , 殺 到 佢 哋 散 晒 。 孔明 早就 坐 喺 中軍帳 等 住 㗎 嘞 。 馬岱 押 祝融 夫人 嚟 到 , 孔明 就 吩咐 同 佢 鬆綁 , 請 咗 佢 去 另外 一個 帳篷 , 請 佢 飲酒 定驚 。 然後 就 派 個 使者 去講 畀 孟獲 聽 , 話 願意 用 夫人 嚟 換返 張嶷 同馬忠 。 孟獲 梗 係 同意 啦 , 即刻 就 放 咗 張嶷 、 馬 忠 還返 畀 孔明 。 孔明 就 送 祝融 夫人 回洞 。 孟獲 兩 夫妻 見面 真 係 又 喜 又 嬲 啊 。 過 咗 幾日 , 八納洞 主木鹿 大王 嚟 到 嘞 。 孟獲 啊 出洞 去 迎接 啦 。 哎呀 只見 木鹿 大王 , 騎住 隻 白色 嘅 大象 , 個身 係 着 住 金珠 纓絡 , 叮叮 噔 唥, 腰間 就 懸掛 兩口 大刀 。 帶住 一班 餵養 虎豹 豺狼 嘅 武士 ,㗾㗾 聲 噉 湧 住 入 嚟 。 孟獲 跪 喺 地下 , 對木鹿 大王 叩頭 行禮 就 懇求 佢 幫助 殺退 蜀兵 。 木鹿 大王 一 啖 應承 幫 佢 報仇 。 孟獲 就 好 歡喜 啦 , 大排 筵席 嚟 款待 木鹿 大王 啊 。 第 日 , 大王 帶領 佢 本 洞 嘅 蠻 兵 , 牽住 成群 猛獸 出去 進攻 蜀 軍咯 喎 。 趙雲 、 魏延聽 聞蠻 兵出 嚟 , 就 擺好 陣勢 等 住 嘞 。 佢 兩個 一拍 噉 騎 住 馬 , 企 喺 陣前 。 蠻兵 嚟 到 喇 , 嗯 ? 古怪 咯 , 呢 啲 蠻 兵 嘅 旗幟 、 兵器 都 唔 同 人 嘅 。 啲 兵 呢 大多數 唔 着 衣服 , 更 唔 着 盔甲 喇 都 係 赤身裸體 , 個 樣子 又 醜怪 。 隨身帶 住 四把 尖刀 , 隊伍 裏頭 呢 就 唔 打鼓 唔 吹 號角 , 淨 係 打鑼 做 信號 個 啫 。 冇 幾耐 , 木鹿 大王 腰掛 兩口 大刀 , 隻 手 啊 揸 住 個 有 柄 嘅 唥 鐘 , 騎住 隻 白象 , 由 一面 大旗 引 住 佢 出陣 嘞 。 趙雲 見到 忍 唔 住 同 魏延話 喇 : 哼 ! 我 哋 一 世人 行軍 打仗 , 都 未曾 見過 噉 樣 嘅 人物 嘅 噃。 佢 兩個 正 喺 度 吟 沉 緊 , 哈 只見 木鹿 大王 個 嘴 啊 亂 噏 一通 , 都 唔 知 佢 念 咩 咒 啊 , 隻 手 就 瘟 咁 搖 個 唥 鐘 喎 。 突然 間 , 呼呼 聲 狂風 大作 飛沙走石 , 呼 噉 一聲 話 個響 。 柴狼 虎豹 毒蛇猛獸 , 張牙舞爪 啊 趁 住 狂風 衝過 嚟 , 哎呀 救命 啊 救命 啊 ! 啲 蜀 兵 啊點 頂得住 至 得 㗎 退 都 退 唔 切 啊 。 木鹿 大王 指揮 啲 蠻兵 , 跟 住 後 便 追殺 , 一直 將蜀兵 趕到 去 三江 邊界 先至 收兵 。 趙雲 同魏延 吃 咗 大虧 , 收拾 啲 敗兵 就 返 去 見 孔明 請罪 。 同時 係 將 戰敗 嘅 經過 詳詳細細 噉 報告 畀 孔明知 。 孔明笑 嘞 , 佢 話 : 呢 啲 唔 關你 哋 兩位 嘅 事 。 我 當年 未 出 茅廬 , 早就 知道 南蠻 有 驅使 虎豹 嘅 辦法 。 我 喺 西川 嘅 時候 就 已經 準備 好破 呢 個 猛獸 陣 嘅 物件 喇 。 隨軍 有 二十部 車 , 都 封住 嘅 , 今日 用 一半 先 , 留低 一半 以後 仲有 其他 用途 。 講完 , 孔明 就 叫 人 推 咗 十部 紅油 櫃車 嚟 嘞 。 噉 啊 仲有 十部 黑油 櫃車 呢 , 就 叫 唔 好 逳 住 。 噉 啊 大家 見到 都 唔 知 係 乜 喎 , 亦 唔 明白 係 咩 嘢 意思 。 孔明 將車櫃 打開 , 哦 原來 裏 便 呀 , 裝 住 嘅 都 係 啲 用 木頭 雕刻 , 油 咗 五彩 顏色 嘅 猛獸 嚟 㗎 。 隻 隻 都 褸 住 五色 絨線 做 嘅 毛衣 , 啲 爪牙 呢 , 都 係 用 鋼鐵 做 嘅 , 每 一隻 上面 可以 騎得 十個 人 嘅 。 孔明 就 挑選 咗 千 幾個 精壯 士兵 , 領 咗 一百隻 假 猛獸 。 又 喺 啲 假 猛獸 嘅 口裏 便 啊 裝滿 煙火 材料 , 然後 叫 佢 哋 喺 軍隊 裏 便 隱蔽 好 。 第 日 , 孔明 出動 大軍 就 逼近 洞口 , 佈 好 陣勢 。 木鹿 大王 啊 自以 為 天下無敵 㗎 嘛 , 好醒 噉 就 同孟獲 率領 蠻兵 出洞 迎敵 嘞 。 只見 孔明 頭 戴綸巾 , 身穿 道袍 , 手 搖鵝毛扇 坐 正 喺 架車 處 。 孟獲 指住 孔明同 木鹿 大王 話 : 呢 呢 呢 , 坐 喺 車 上面 , 嗰 個 , 就 係 諸葛亮 ! 若果 捉 到 佢 呀 , 大事 成功 喇 ! 好 ! 木鹿 大王 嘰里 咕嚕 念起 咒 嚟 , 同時 呀 猛 咁 搖 個 唥 鐘 。 霎眼間 又 試 狂風 大作 飛沙走石 , 成群 猛獸 嗷嗷 聲 噉 衝出 嚟 喇 。 孔明 不慌不忙 , 將 鵝毛扇 輕輕 一潑 , 呵呵 啲 風 呀 , 呼聲 下吹返 轉頭 , 吹返 去 啲 蠻 兵 嗰 便 。 跟 住 蜀 軍陣 內 啊 , 幾大群 假 猛獸 湧出 嚟 嘞 。 蠻 洞 嗰 啲 真 猛獸 見到 蜀 陣 嗰 啲 巨型 猛獸 , 個口 呀 會 噴火 嘅 , 鼻哥窿 會噴 黑煙 嘅 。 周身 都 掛滿 銅鈴 唥唥 聲 咁 響 , 張牙舞爪 噉 衝過 嚟 。 嗯 , 啲 真 猛獸 遇着 剋星 喇 , 唔 敢行 嘞 喎 , 夾住 條尾 , 擰 轉頭 向 住 蠻 洞 啊 狂奔 返去 , 嗨 噉 就 弊 喇 , 反而 將 啲 蠻兵 呀 衝到 亂 晒 坑 。 孔明 鵝毛扇 一 擪, 蜀 軍人 馬 就 長驅直進 , 鼓角齊鳴 追殺 過去 。 一場 大戰 結果 木鹿 大王 啊 死 喺 亂軍 之中 。 孟 獲 喺 洞 內 嗰 班 同族 黨羽 呢 , 乜嘢 都 放棄 晒 喇 , 翻山越嶺 啊 趯 更 咯 。 於是 孔明 嘅 大軍 就 佔領 咗 銀 坑洞 。 第 日 , 孔明 正 係 要 分兵 幾路 去 捉拿 孟獲 。 哈 ! 衛士 嚟 報告 話 , 孟 獲 嘅 舅 仔 帶來 洞主 啊 , 因為 孟獲 唔 肯 聽 佢 勸 , 拒絕 投降 , 所以 將孟 獲同 祝融 夫人 , 與 及 同族 嘅 幾百人 都 捉 晒 嚟 獻 畀 丞相 啊 噉 。 有 噉 嘅 事 咩 ? 孔明 即刻 叫 張嶷 、 馬 忠 嚟 , 吩咐 佢 哋 如此這般 噉 。 佢 兩個 接受 咗 命令 , 就 帶 住 二千名 精壯 士兵 , 喺 大殿 附近 埋伏 好 。 佈置 妥當 之後 呢 , 孔明 就 叫 守門 將官 , 將 帶來 洞 主 佢 哋 全部 放入 嚟 ! 一陣 間 , 帶來 洞主 同埋 一班 刀斧手 , 押住 孟獲 等等 幾百人 入 嚟 嘞 , 喺 大殿 下 便 叩頭 行禮 。 孔明 大喝一聲 : 將 佢 哋 捉起 嚟 ! 哼 一聲 , 啲 伏兵 湧出 嚟 就 兩個 服侍 一個 , 將 帶來 洞 主 嗰 幾百人 啊 ,冚𠾴唥 捉住 綁 起 晒 。 孔明 哈哈大笑 嘞 : 諒 你 呢 啲 小小 嘅 詭計 , 點 能夠 瞞得過 我 ? 你 見到 兩次 都 係 你 本 洞 嘅 人 捉 到 你 嚟 投降 , 我 又 唔 殺 佢 哋 。 你 又 即估 我 信 晒 佢 哋 嘞 , 所以 就 走 嚟 詐降 , 想 喺 呢 度 殺 咗 我 係 嘛 ? 哈哈哈 哈哈 , 人 嚟 , 搜 下 佢 哋 身 ! 一 搜 , 嘩 ! 果然 人人 嘅 身邊 都 擪 住 利刀 嘅 。 孔明問 喇 : 孟獲 , 你 原來 話 過 喺 你 嘅 老家 捉到 你 就 心服 喇 噉 , 而家點 啊 ? 呢 次 , 係 我 哋 自己 , 嚟 送死 嘅 啫 , 唔 係 你 嘅 本事 , 我 嘅 心 , 未服 ! 我 已經 捉到 你 六次 你 仲 唔 服 , 仲要 等到 幾時 啊 ? 你 , 第七次 , 捉到 我 啦 ! 我 , 就 死心塌地 , 噉 服 咗 你 , 發誓 唔 作反 喇 ! 你 嘅 巢穴 已經 破 咗 咯 , 我仲怕 咩 嘢 呢 ? 哈哈哈哈 , 人 嚟 , 同 佢 哋 鬆綁 。 孟獲 , 我講 你 聽 啊 , 下次 再 畀 我 捉 到 , 如果 你 仲 唔 肯 投降 我 就 唔 放過 你 喇 啊 ! 你 哋 走 啦 。 知道 喇 ! 孟 獲 佢 哋 抱頭鼠竄 走 咗 咯 。 而家 講下 孟獲 。 佢 趯 出 嚟 之後 啊 , 就 遇 着 有 千 幾名 蠻兵 , 多數 都 係 負 咗 傷 嘅 , 吖 噉 都 好 吖 , 孟獲個 心 稍 為 歡喜 返 啲 。 佢 同 舅 仔 帶來 洞主 商量 話 喇 : 而家 , 連 我 嘅 洞府 , 都 畀 蜀 軍 , 佔領 咗 咯 , 我 哋 , 去 邊度 踎 好 呢 ? 大王 啊 , 睇 嚟 , 只有 一個 國 可以 打得贏 西 蜀 嘅 啫 。 邊度 啊 ? 嗱, 由 呢 度 去 東南 便 七百里 , 有個國 叫做 烏戈國 。 國 主 叫做 兀突 骨 , 成丈 二 咁 高 嘅 。 佢 唔 食 五穀 㗎 , 就 係 食 啲 生 蛇肉 、 生 野獸 肉 當飯 㗎 嘞 。 佢 個 身 呀 生 滿 晒 鱗甲 , 刀 斬 唔 入 , 箭射 唔 穿 㗎 。 哦 ? 咁 犀利 㗎 ? 係 啊 , 佢 手下 啲 士兵 呀 , 都 係 着 藤甲 嘅 。 呢 啲 藤 呀 都 係 生 喺 啲 山澗 嗰 度 , 躝 住 喺 啲 石壁 上 便 嘅 。 當地 啲 人 斬 咗 啲 藤 , 浸 喺 啲 油 裏 便 , 足足 浸成 半年 先 至 攞 出 嚟 晒 , 晒 乾 又 浸 , 浸 咗 又 晒 。 如是者 十幾次 , 然後 先至 用 嚟 做成 盔甲 。 呢 種甲好 厲害 㗎 , 過水 唔 濕 , 游水 唔 沉 , 刀箭 不 入 , 因此 又 號稱 藤甲軍 。 大王 啊 。 吓 ? 去求 下 佢 啦 , 如果 佢 肯 幫手 , 打敗 諸葛亮 呀 , 就 好似 利刀 破竹 喇 。 孟獲極 之 歡喜 , 就 去 投奔 烏戈國 拜見 國 主 兀突 骨 嘞 。 各位 , 以上 所講 嘅 就 係 六 擒 孟 獲 , 下 一次 就要 講到 七擒 孟獲 咯 喎 。 各位 如果 唔 想 錯過 呢 , 就 請到 時 再 收聽 啦 。

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銀冶洞 二十一 洞主 楊鋒 , 帶 住 佢 五個 仔 率領 二萬 人馬 就 嚟 到 幫助 孟獲 啊 。 Silver Mine Cave|twenty-one|cave master|Yang Feng|||he|five|sons|leading|twenty thousand|troops|just|come|arrive|help|Meng Huo|ah Yin Ye Cave, the leader Yang Feng, brought his five sons and led twenty thousand troops to come and help Meng Huo. 孟獲 啊 高興 非常 , 就 設宴款待 楊鋒 父子 嘞 。 Meng Huo|ah|happy|very|then|held a banquet to entertain|Yang Feng|father and son|past tense marker Meng Huo was very happy and set up a banquet to entertain Yang Feng and his sons. 飲到 咁 上下 , 楊鋒 話 喇 : drink to|so|up and down|Yang Feng|said|particle indicating completed action After drinking for a while, Yang Feng said: 喺 軍隊 裡頭 , 冇 咩 嘢 消遣 取樂 , 我 有 一班 隨軍 姑娘 , 跳刀 牌舞 極好 嘅 , 等 我 叫 佢 哋 入 嚟 跳舞 助興 啦 。 in|army|inside|no|anything|thing|entertainment|fun|I|have|a group of|accompanying the army|girls|||very good|particle indicating possession|let|I|call|they|plural particle|come|in|dance|liven up|particle indicating suggestion In the army, there isn't much entertainment, I have a group of girls who follow the army, their knife dance is really good, let me call them in to dance and liven things up. 好 啊 ! 好 啊 ! 哈哈哈哈 哈哈哈哈 。 ||||hahaha|hahaha Great! Great! Hahahaha Hahahaha. 楊鋒 拍 下手 板 , 冇 幾耐 就 有 幾十個 蠻族 姑娘 , 都 係 打散 頭髮 除大 赤腳 嘅 , 手執 藤牌 單刀 就 跳 住 舞 咁 入 嚟 嘞 喎 。 Yang Feng|hit|strike|board|not|long|then|have|dozens of|barbarian|girls|all|are|loose|hair||barefoot|possessive particle|holding|rattan shield|single knife|then|jumping|continuous aspect particle|dance|like this|enter|come|past action particle|sentence-final particle Yang Feng clapped his hands, and before long, dozens of barbarian girls, all with loose hair and bare feet, came in dancing while holding shields and sabers. 所有 嘅 蠻 兵 呀 都 唔 知 幾 高興 , 拍手 𨂽 腳 , 唱起歌 嚟 和 佢 哋 。 all|possessive particle|quite|soldiers|sentence-final particle|all|not|know|how much|happy|clap|stamp|feet|sing|to|with|they|plural marker All the barbarian soldiers were very happy, clapping their hands and stomping their feet, singing along with them. 楊鋒 啊 叫 兩個 仔去 敬酒 。 Yang Feng|ah|called|two||toast Yang Feng called two boys to offer a toast. 噉 嗰 兩個 仔 捧住 酒行 到 孟獲 、 孟優 面前 。 then|that|two|boys|carrying|liquor store|to|Meng Huo|Meng You|in front of So the two boys carried the wine and walked up to Meng Huo and Meng You. 佢 兩個 人接 咗 杯酒 正話 想 飲唧 。 He|two||past tense marker|glass of wine|just said|wants|to drink The two of them received the cups and were just about to drink. 楊鋒 大喝一聲 :逳 手 ! Yang Feng|shouted loudly|dodge|hand Yang Feng shouted loudly: "Catch them!" 佢 兩個 仔 一下 就 將孟獲 、 孟優 捉住 。 He|two|sons|in one go|then||Meng You|caught His two sons quickly captured Meng Huo and Meng You. 朵思 大王 想 鬆 人 , 哈哈 又 畀 楊鋒 捉實 。 Dorsey|King|wants|to release|person|haha|again|by|Yang Feng|caught King Duosi wanted to let them go, but was again caught by Yang Feng. 嗰 幾十個 姑娘 攔住 門口 , 冇 人敢 行過 嚟 。 that|several dozen|girls|blocked|entrance|no||walk past|here The dozens of girls blocked the entrance, and no one dared to come over. 孟獲 就 嘈起 上 嚟 話 咯 : 喂喂 喂 , 誒 , 兔死狐悲 , 物傷其類 啊 。 Meng Huo|then|argued|up|here|said|particle|hey hey||eh|the death of the rabbit brings sorrow to the fox|one should feel for others of the same kind|ah Meng Huo shouted out: "Hey, hey, hey, you know, when the rabbit dies, the fox grieves; it's a pity for the same kind!" 我同 你 都 係 各洞 之主 , 往日 無冤 , 近日 又 無仇 , 你 為 咩 嘢 事 要害 我 啊 ? |you|both|are|each faction||in the past||recently|again||you|for|what|thing|matter|want to harm|me|question particle You and I are both leaders of our respective factions. In the past, we had no grievances, and recently, we have no enmity. Why do you want to harm me? 楊鋒 話 喇 : 我 啲 兄弟 子侄 , 人人 都 感激 諸葛丞相 活命之恩 。 Yang Feng|said|particle indicating completed action|I|plural marker|brothers|nephews|everyone|all|grateful|Prime Minister Zhuge|life-saving grace Yang Feng said: My brothers and nephews are all grateful for the mercy of Zhuge Liang. 冇 咩 好 報答 佢 咯 , 你 而家作 反 , 梗 係 要 捉 咗 你 嚟 獻 畀 丞相 啦 ! not have|what|good|repay|him|particle indicating realization|you||against|||must|catch|past tense marker|you|come|present|to|prime minister|particle indicating suggestion There’s not much to repay him, but now that you are rebelling, of course, you will be captured and presented to the Prime Minister! 孟 獲 佢 哋 幾個 大 頭領 都 被 擒 嘞 , 於是 各洞 蠻兵 都 趯 晒 返去 本鄉 咯 。 ||he|plural marker|several|great|leaders|all|passive marker|captured|past tense marker|so||barbarian soldiers|all|hurriedly|completely|returned to|homeland|sentence-final particle Meng Huo and several of their leaders have been captured, so the soldiers from each faction have all returned to their hometowns. 楊鋒 就 將孟獲 、 孟優 、 朵思 就 綁住 , 押 去 蜀 軍營 寨 。 Yang Feng|then||Meng You|Duo Si|then|tied up|escort|to|Shu|military camp|fort Yang Feng then tied up Meng Huo, Meng You, and Duo Si, and escorted them to the Shu army camp. 孔明 叫 佢 哋 入 嚟 。 Kongming|told|he|they|come|in Kong Ming asked them to come in. 入到 去 , 楊 鋒 佢 哋 都 跪 低 叩頭 行禮 , 佢 話 : enter|go|Yang|Feng|they|plural marker|all|kneel|down|bow|pay respects|he|said Once inside, Yang Feng and the others all knelt down and bowed in greeting, and he said: 我 哋 都 好 感激 丞相 嘅 恩德 , 故此 捉 咗 孟 獲 佢 哋 嚟 獻 畀 丞相 啊 ! ||all|very|grateful|Prime Minister|possessive particle|kindness|therefore|captured|past tense marker|||||come|present|to|Prime Minister|sentence-final particle We are all very grateful for the Prime Minister's kindness, so we captured Meng Huo to present him to the Prime Minister! 孔明 重重 噉 賞賜 佢 。 Kongming|repeatedly|like that|reward|him Kong Ming rewarded them generously. 然後 就 叫 人拉孟 獲入 嚟 , 孔明 見到 孟獲 呀 又 係 扮 蟹 入 嚟 就 笑 啦 : then|just|called||captured|here|Kongming|saw|Meng Huo|ah|again|is|pretending|crab|to come|here|just|laughed|particle Then he called for Meng Huo to be brought in, and when Kong Ming saw Meng Huo, he laughed as he pretended to be a crab. 哈哈哈哈 , 孟獲 , 你 呢 次 心服 未 啊 ? Hahaha|Meng Huo|you|question particle|time|completely convinced|not yet|final particle Hahaha, Meng Huo, are you convinced this time? 又 唔 係 你 有 本事 , 係 我 哋 洞 裏頭 啲 人 , 自相殘害 , 所以 , 搞成 噉 樣 咋 嘛 。 ||is|||||||||plural marker|people|self-destructive|so|ended up|||particle indicating surprise|particle indicating obviousness It's not that you have the ability, it's that the people inside our cave are harming each other, that's why it turned out like this. 要 殺 就 殺 , 我 , 就 係 唔 服 ! to want|to kill|then|kill|I|just|am|not|submit If you want to kill, then kill, but I just won't accept it! 你 氹 我入 到 啲 冇 水 嘅 地方 , 想用 啞泉 、 滅泉 、 黑泉 、 柔泉 咁 毒 嘅 水 , 嚟 害 我 哋 , 但 係 我 哋 啲 軍士 安然無恙 噃, 你 話 係 唔 係 天意 呢 ? you|drive||arrive|plural marker|no|water|possessive particle|place||mute spring|extinguishing spring|black spring|soft spring|so|poisonous|possessive particle|water|come|harm|us|plural marker||is|||||||||is|||divine will|question particle You lured me into a place without water, wanting to use poisonous waters like mute spring, extinguishing spring, black spring, and soft spring to harm us, but our soldiers are safe and sound, don't you think that's fate? 你 點解 仲 咁 執迷不悟 呢 ? you|why|still|so|stubbornly attached to delusions|question particle Why are you still so stubborn and unrepentant? 我 , 世世代代 , 住 喺 銀坑 山裏 便 , 嗰 度 , 有 三江 之險 , 重關 之固 。 I|for generations|live|in|Yin Hang|in the mountains|then|that|place|has|three rivers||heavy pass| I, for generations, have lived in the Silver Pit Mountain, where there are the dangers of the Three Rivers and the stronghold of the Heavy Pass. 你 , 如果 能夠 喺 嗰 度 捉 到 我 , 噉 就 唔 止 我 , 我 子子孫孫 都 服 咗 你 喇 。 you|if|can|at|that|place|catch|to|me|then|just|not|stop|me||descendants|all|submit|past tense marker|you|completed action particle You, if you can catch me there, then not only I, but my descendants will also submit to you. 好 啦 , 我 再 放 你 返去 , 等 你 重整 兵馬 同 我 決個 勝負 啦 。 |particle|||||||||||||| Alright, I will let you go again, so you can regroup your troops and we can settle this. 如果 到 時 再 捉 到 你 , 你 仲 唔 服 呢 , 就滅 咗 你 九族 ! if|arrive|time|again|catch|to|you|you|still|not|submit|question particle||past tense marker|you|nine clans If I catch you again at that time, and you still refuse to submit, I will annihilate your entire clan! 孔明 講完 就 叫 武士 解開 繩索 , 放開 孟獲 。 Kongming|finished speaking|then|ordered|warrior|untie|rope|release|Meng Huo After Kongming finished speaking, he ordered the warrior to untie the ropes and release Meng Huo. 孟獲 叩 幾個 頭 , 拜 咗 幾拜 就 走 喇 。 Meng Huo|knock|several|heads|bow|past tense marker|several bows|then|leave|completed action particle Meng Huo bowed several times, paid his respects a few times, and then left. 孔明 又 叫 人 解開 孟優 同朵 思 大王 , 請 佢 哋 飲酒 食飯 。 Kongming|again|called|people|to untie|Mengyou||Si|king|please|they|plural marker|drink alcohol|eat meal Kong Ming then asked someone to release Meng You and Duo Si Da Wang, inviting them to drink and eat. 佢 兩個 驚 啊 , 真 係 正眼 都 唔 敢 望 下 孔明 啊 。 They|two|scared|particle|really|are|direct eye|also|not|dare|look|at|Kong Ming|particle The two of them were scared, they really didn't dare to look at Kong Ming at all. 手 震震 噉 飲 咗 杯酒 , 就 告辭 嘞 , 孔明 呢 , 仲送 馬 畀 佢 哋 騎 返 去 添 。 hand|shaking|like that|drink|past tense marker|glass of wine|then|take leave|past tense marker|Kongming|question particle||horse|to|he|plural marker|ride|return|to|also With trembling hands, they drank a cup of wine, then took their leave. Kong Ming even sent horses for them to ride back. 噉 孔明 放走 咗 孟 獲 佢 哋 之後 啊 , 就 對 楊鋒 父子 呢 , 就 封官賜 爵 , 帶 嚟 嗰 啲 兵 啊 人人 有賞 。 then|Kongming|let go|past tense marker|Meng|Huo|they|plural marker|after|particle|then|towards|Yangfeng|father and son|particle|then|||brought|here|those|plural marker|soldiers|particle|everyone|has rewards After letting Meng Huo and the others go, Kong Ming then conferred titles and rewards to Yang Feng and his son, and everyone among the soldiers received a reward. 楊 鋒 佢 哋 接受 咗 賞賜 多謝 一番 , 就 拜別 返去 。 Yang|Fung|they|plural marker|accepted|past tense marker|reward|thank you|a lot|then|bid farewell|returned home Yang Feng and the others accepted the reward and thanked them, then took their leave to return. 而家 講下 孟 獲 佢 哋 , 佢 哋 日夜 趕路 呀 趯 返 去 銀 坑洞 。 now|let's talk about|Meng|Huo|they|plural marker|||day and night|travel fast|sentence-final particle|hurry|return|to|silver|mine Now let's talk about Meng Huo and his group, they are traveling day and night to return to the Silver Pit. 銀 坑洞 係 點 嘅 地方 呢 ? 嘿 ! 緊要 咯 。 silver|pothole|is|where|possessive particle|place|question particle|hey|important|particle indicating realization or emphasis What kind of place is the Silver Pit? Hey! It's important. 洞外 有 三條 江 , 就 係 瀘水 、 甘南 水同 西城 水 。 outside the cave|there are|three|rivers|||Lushui|Gannan||Xicheng|River Outside the cave, there are three rivers, which are the Lu River, the Gan Nan River, and the West City River. 噉 啊 三路 水 匯合 , 所以 孟獲 就 話 銀 坑洞 有 三江 之險 啫 。 like this|ah|three rivers|water|converge|so|Meng Huo|then|said|silver|pit|has|three rivers||only So, these three rivers converge, that's why Meng Huo said the Silver Pit has the danger of the three rivers. 喺 洞 嘅 北方 啊 , 就 有 比較 平坦 嘅 田野 三百 幾里 , 物產 就 好 豐富 嘅 。 in|cave|possessive particle|north|particle|then|has|relatively|flat|possessive particle|fields|three hundred|miles|produce|then|very|abundant| To the north of the cave, there is a relatively flat field for over three hundred miles, and the resources are very abundant. 喺 洞 嘅 西 便 , 有 鹽井 , 噉 啊 鹽井 梗 係 出 鹽 啦 嗨 有 鹽 即 係 有 寶 啊 。 at|cave|possessive particle|west|side|has|salt well|then|ah|salt well|certainly|is|produce|salt|particle indicating completed action|hi|has|salt|then|is|has|treasure|ah To the west of the cave, there are salt wells, and these salt wells produce salt, which means there is treasure. 西南 二百里 一直 去 到 瀘水 、 甘南 水 。 southwest|two hundred miles|straight|go|arrive|Lushui|Gannan|water Two hundred miles to the southwest leads directly to Lushui and Gannan rivers. 正南方 三百里 , 就 係 梁 都 洞 嘞 。 due south|three hundred miles|then|is||||particle indicating completed action Three hundred miles to the south is Liangdu Cave. 呢 個 洞 四周圍 都 係 大山 環抱 住 , 山 上面 有 銀礦 , 故此 叫做 銀坑 山 啦 嘛 。 this|measure word|cave|all around|all|is|big mountain|||mountain|on top|has|silver mine|therefore|called|Silver Pit|mountain|sentence-final particle|particle indicating obviousness This cave is surrounded by large mountains, and there are silver mines on the mountains, which is why it is called Silver Pit Mountain. 喺 山上 呢 , 就 起 咗 唔 少 宮殿 樓台 , 呢 個 就 係 蠻 王 嘅 老巢 喇 。 at|on the mountain|this|then|built|past tense marker|||palaces|pavilions|||then|is|||possessive particle|lair|sentence-final particle On the mountain, many palaces and towers have been built, this is the lair of the barbarian king. 其中 仲有 一間 祖廟 噃。 among them|there is still|one|ancestral temple|particle indicating suggestion or confirmation Among them, there is also an ancestral temple. 噉 呢 間 祖廟 拜 咩 嘢 嘅 呢 ? like this|this|measure word for buildings|ancestral temple|worship|what|thing|possessive particle|question particle So, what does this ancestral temple worship? 拜家 鬼 ,嚱, 家鬼 。 worship family|ghost|sound of a ghost|family ghost It worships the family spirits, yes, the family spirits. 一年四季 , 春夏秋冬 都 要 殺 牛 劏 馬 嚟 拜祭 嘅 , 名之為 卜 鬼 噃。 all year round|spring summer autumn winter|all|must|kill|cow|butcher|horse|come|worship|possessive particle|is called|fortune telling|spirits|particle indicating suggestion Throughout the year, in spring, summer, autumn, and winter, they must kill cattle and horses for worship, known as divination for the spirits. 每年 啊 , 仲要 搵 生人 嚟 祭 嘅 喎 。 every year|ah|still need to|find|living person|come|sacrifice|possessive particle|sentence-final particle Every year, they still need to find living people to offer sacrifices. 噉 啊 梗 係 唔 係 搵 自己 啲 蠻 人 喇 , 係 搵 啲 西 蜀 人 或者 外鄉人 啊 。 like this|particle||is|||looking for||plural marker||people|||||||people|||particle Of course, they are not looking for their own people, but for people from Sichuan or outsiders. 銀 坑洞 啲 人 呢 如果 有病 呀 , 唔 食 藥 嘅 , 只 係 搵 啲 巫師 , 幫 佢 拜神 祈禱 個 啫 就 叫做 拜藥 鬼 。 silver|pothole|plural marker|people|question particle|if|are sick|sentence-final particle|not|eat|medicine|possessive particle|only|is|looking for|plural marker|shamans|help|them|worshipping gods|praying|that|only|then|called|worshipping medicine|ghost If the people in the Silver Pit Cave are sick and do not take medicine, they only look for shamans to help them pray to the gods, which is called offering medicine to the ghosts. 呢 度 呢 , 亦 冇 刑法 嘅 , 一 犯罪 就 殺頭 , 誒 。 this|place|this|also|has no|criminal law|possessive particle|one|crime|then|death penalty|interjection Here, there is also no criminal law; if you commit a crime, you get executed. 啲 女 仔大過 喇 , 就 同埋 啲 男仔 喺 溪水 處 沐浴 沖涼 , 男男女女 就 撈 撈 亂 任由 自己 選擇 配偶 , 父母 就 唔 理 咁 多 嘅 , 呢種 做法 就 叫做 學藝 喎 。 plural marker|girl||particle indicating change of state|then|and|plural marker|boy|at|stream|place|bathe|shower|men and women|then||||allowing|themselves|to choose|spouse|parents|then|not|care|||possessive particle|this kind of|practice|then|is called|learning arts|particle indicating affirmation When the girls grow up, they bathe in the creek with the boys, and both men and women can freely choose their partners, and parents do not care much about it. This practice is called learning the arts. 噉 每 一年 啊 , 如果 風調雨順 呢 就種 稻谷 。 then|every||ah|if|favorable weather|then||rice So every year, if the weather is good, we plant rice. 如果 收成 唔 好 , 就 劏 蛇 食 蛇 羹 , 或者 煮 啲 象 肉 嚟 當 飯食 。 if|harvest|not|good|then|gut|snake|eat|snake|soup|or|cook|some|elephant|meat|come|as| If the harvest is not good, we will eat snake soup or cook some elephant meat for meals. 喺 每 一個 地區 , 上戶 啊 叫做 洞主 , 其次 嗰 啲 叫做 酋長 。 in|every|one|region|household|particle|called|cave owner|next|those|particle|called|chieftains In every region, the head of the household is called the cave master, and the others are called chiefs. 每個 月 嘅 初一 、 十五 兩日 呢 , 噉 啊 四周圍 啲 人 都 嚟 到 三 江城 做買賣 交易 貨物 嘅 。 every|month|possessive particle|first day|fifteenth day|two days|question particle|then|ah|all around|plural marker|people|all|come|to||||transaction|goods|possessive particle On the first and fifteenth of every month, people from all around come to Sanjiang City to trade goods. 呢 啲 就 係 銀 坑洞 一帶 嘅 風俗習慣 嘞 , 哈 噉 有 啲 都 幾 古怪 嘅 嚱。 |some||||||possessive particle|||||||||||things These are the customs and habits of the Silver Pit Cave area, which are quite peculiar. 而家 講下 孟 獲 佢 喺 銀 坑洞 啊 聚集 佢 嘅 同族 , 有 成千 幾人 。 now|let's talk about|Meng|Huo|he|at|silver|pit|ah|gathered|his|possessive particle|clansmen|there are|thousands|of people Now let's talk about Meng Huo gathering his clansmen in the Silver Pit, there are thousands of them. 孟獲 啊 對 佢 哋 話 喇 : 我 , 幾次三番 , 畀 蜀 兵 侮辱 , 我 , 發 咗 誓 要 報仇 , 你 哋 , 有 乜嘢 高見 呢 ? Meng Huo|ah|to|he|plural marker|said|particle indicating completed action|I|repeatedly|by|Shu|soldiers|insulted|I|made|past tense marker|vow|to|take revenge|you|plural marker|have|what|good advice|question particle Meng Huo said to them: I have been insulted by the Shu soldiers several times, I have sworn to take revenge, what suggestions do you have? 說話 未 完 , 有 一個 人 就 話 喇 : 我 舉薦 一個 人 , 可以 破 得 諸葛亮 嘅 ! speaking|not|finished|there is|one|person|then|said|particle indicating completed action|I|recommend|one|person|can|defeat|particle indicating successful action|Zhuge Liang|possessive particle Before he finished speaking, someone said: I recommend a person who can defeat Zhuge Liang! 講 說話 呢 個人 啊 , 係 孟 獲 嘅 舅 仔 , 而家 係 八番 部長 叫做 帶來 洞主 啊 。 to speak|talking|this|person|particle|is|||possessive particle|||now|is|Eight Division|minister|called|Dai Lai|cave lord|particle The person speaking is Meng Huo's cousin, currently the leader of the Eight Tribes, called the Master of the Coming Cave. 孟獲 就 即刻 問 佢 舉薦 邊個 啦 , 帶來 洞主話 喇 : Meng Huo|then|immediately|asked|he|recommend|who|particle|brought||particle Meng Huo immediately asked him who he was recommending, and the Master of the Coming Cave said: 呢 處 西南方 有個 八納洞 , 洞主木鹿 大王 佢 嘅 法術 呀 非常 厲害 嘅 。 this|place|southwest||Banat Cave||great king|he|possessive particle|magic|sentence-final particle|very|powerful|possessive particle In the southwest, there is a cave called the Eight-Nan Cave, and its master, King Mu Lu, has very powerful magic. 出入 都 騎 隻 大象 , 有 呼風喚雨 嘅 本事 , 經常 有 虎豹 豺狼 , 毒蛇 惡蝎 噉 跟隨 佢 嘅 。 coming and going|all|riding|measure word for animals|elephant|has|calling the wind and rain|possessive particle|ability|often|has|tigers and leopards|jackals and wolves|poisonous snakes|scorpions|like that|following|him/her|possessive particle He travels on a large elephant and has the ability to summon wind and rain, often followed by tigers, leopards, wolves, poisonous snakes, and scorpions. 佢 手下 仲有 三萬 神兵 , 極之 英勇 。 he|subordinates|still have|thirty thousand|elite soldiers|extremely|brave He also has thirty thousand divine soldiers under his command, who are extremely brave. 誒 請 大王 你 寫 一封信 , 準備 好 禮物 , 等 我 帶 住 去 求 佢 啦 。 hey|please|king|you|write||prepare|good|gift|wait|I|bring|along|go|ask|him|particle indicating suggestion or request Hey, please, King, write a letter and prepare some gifts so that I can take them to ask for his help. 佢 如果 肯 應承 幫手 啊 , 仲使 乜怕 啲 蜀 兵 啊 。 he|if|willing|promises|to help|particle|||some|Shu|soldiers|particle If he is willing to help, then what do we have to fear from the Shu soldiers? 嘿 噉 就 好 極咯 , 孟獲 好 高興 啊 。 hey|like this|then|very|extremely|Meng Huo|very|happy|ah Hey, that's great! Meng Huo is very happy. 寫 好 封信 , 準備 好 禮物 , 就 叫 國舅 帶住 出發 喇 。 write|good|letter|prepare|good|gift|then|ask|uncle|take|depart|particle indicating completed action Write a good letter, prepare a gift, and then ask the national uncle to take it out. 同時 又 命令 朵思 大王 去 把守 三 江城 , 作為 前線 嘅 屏障 。 at the same time|also|ordered|Dorsey|king|to go|guard|three|River City|as|frontline|possessive particle|barrier At the same time, order King Dosi to guard the Three Rivers City as a frontline barrier. 而家 講下 孔明 , 佢 啊 帶兵 直到 三 江城 。 now|let's talk about|Kongming|he|ah|led the troops|until|| Now let's talk about Kongming, he led the troops to the Three Rivers City. 遠遠 望見 呢 座 城 三面 傍江 , 一便 就 通 陸路 。 far away|saw|this|measure word for buildings|city|three sides|by the river|conveniently|then|accessible|land route From a distance, you can see that this city is surrounded by rivers on three sides, and there is a land route. 於是 孔明 就 命令 魏延 、 趙雲 , 共同 率領 一支 軍隊 , 由 陸路 攻城 。 then|Kongming|then|ordered|Wei Yan|Zhao Yun|together|to lead|a|army|by|land|attacking the city So, Kongming ordered Wei Yan and Zhao Yun to jointly lead an army to attack the city by land. 當蜀 軍 到達 城下 嘅 時候 , 城樓 上 便啡啡聲 猛 咁 射箭 落 嚟 。 |army|arrived|at the city|possessive particle|time|city tower|on||fiercely|so|shooting arrows|down|coming When the Shu army arrived at the foot of the city, arrows began to rain down fiercely from the city walls. 原來 呢 處 啲 人 啊 , 射箭 好 叻 嘅 , 一張 弩 , 可以 一 齊射 出 十支 箭 嘅 喎 。 it turns out|this|place|plural marker|people|particle|archery|very|skilled|particle indicating possession|one|crossbow|can|one|shoot together|shoot out|ten|arrows|particle indicating possession|particle indicating realization It turned out that the people here were very skilled at archery; a single crossbow could shoot out ten arrows at once. 箭頭 都 浸過 毒藥 嘅 , 噉 啊 但凡 中 到 佢 哋 嘅 毒箭 呀 啲 肉 就爛 , 爛到 入 五臟 就 死 人 㗎 喇 。 arrow|all|soaked in|poison|possessive particle|then|ah|anyone|||they|plural marker|possessive particle|poisoned arrow|ah|plural marker|flesh||rotten to|inside|five organs|then|die|person|sentence-final particle|completed action particle The arrowheads were also dipped in poison, so anyone hit by their poisoned arrows would have their flesh rot, rotting to the point of reaching the internal organs and causing death. 趙雲 、 魏延 又 唔 能夠 取勝 , 就 收兵 返去 見 孔明 , 將 毒箭 嘅 事 報告 咗 。 Zhao Yun|Wei Yan|again|not|able to|win|then|withdraw troops|return|see|Kongming|to|poisoned arrow|possessive particle|matter|report|past tense marker Zhao Yun and Wei Yan were unable to achieve victory, so they retreated to report the situation regarding the poisoned arrows to Kongming. 孔明 親自 坐車去 到 前線 觀察 下 虛實 。 Kongming|personally|drive|arrive|front line|observe|the|reality and deception Kong Ming personally took a vehicle to the front line to observe the situation. 觀察 完 , 就 下 命令 全軍 退後 幾里路 安營 扎寨 。 observe|complete|then|issue|order|entire army|retreat|several miles|set up camp|build fortifications After the observation, he ordered the entire army to retreat a few miles to set up camp. 噉 啲 蠻兵 望見 蜀 軍退 到 咁 遠唄 , 都 嘰哩 呱 啦 又 笑 又 跳 喺 度 慶祝 添 噃。 like this|plural marker|barbarian soldiers|saw|Shu||to|so||all|chattering|laughing|particle|again|laughing|again|jumping|at|place|celebrating|also|particle When the barbarian soldiers saw the Shu army retreating so far, they all cheered and celebrated. 佢 哋 都 即 估 蜀 軍 因 害怕 而 退兵 嘅 , 所以 夜晚 瞓覺 呢 個個 都 大安 主義 連 哨兵 都 唔 派 。 they|plural marker|all|immediately|guess|Shu|army|because|fear|and|retreat|past tense marker|so|night|sleep|this|everyone|all|great peace|principle|even|sentry|all|not|send They all guessed that the Shu army retreated out of fear, so at night, everyone slept soundly, and even the sentries were not posted. 話 說 孔明 撤 咗 軍隊 返後便 之後 呢 , 就 吩咐 閂 實 營門 唔 準 出戰 。 said|to speak|Kongming|withdraw|past tense marker|army|after returning|afterwards|question particle|then|ordered|to lock|securely|camp gate|not|allowed|to go to battle It is said that after Kong Ming withdrew the troops, he instructed to lock the camp gates and not to engage in battle. 噉 連氣 五日 , 一個 命令 都 冇 落到 。 like this|continuously|five days|one|order|at all|not|received It's been five days without a single command. 呢 日 黃昏時分 , 微微 有 啲 風 。 this|day||slightly|has|a little|wind This evening, there is a slight breeze. 孔明 傳令 落去 喇 : Kongming|send the order|go down|particle indicating completion or change of state Kong Ming has issued a command: 每個 士兵 要 準備 衣襟 一幅 , 限一 更 時候 準備 妥當 。 each|soldier|must|prepare|uniform|one set||more|time|preparation|proper Every soldier must prepare a uniform, ready by the end of the next watch. 冇 嘅 立即 斬首 。 not|possessive particle|immediately|beheading Those who do not will be executed immediately. 乜 噉 嘅 命令 咁 得意 嘅 呢 吓 ? what|like this|possessive particle|command|so|cute|possessive particle|question particle|huh What kind of command is this, so strange? 所有 個 將官 都 唔 知道 孔明 係 咩 意思 喎 , 總之 照辦 就 係 啦 。 all|measure word for people|military officer|all|not|know|Kongming|is|what|meaning|sentence-final particle|in short|follow orders|then|is|sentence-final particle All the generals don't know what Kongming means, but they just follow the orders. 於是 全軍 士兵 啊 , 個個 都 遵照 命令 去 準備 嘞 。 then|the whole army|soldiers|ah|everyone|all|following|orders|went|prepare|past tense marker So all the soldiers in the army, each one followed the command to prepare. 到 咗 初 更 時分 , 孔明 又 傳令 話 : 每個 士兵 用 衣襟 一幅 , 包 一包 泥土 。 arrive|past tense marker|first|watch|time|Kongming|again|issue orders|said|every|soldier|use|collar|a piece|wrap|a bag|soil When it reached the time of the first watch, Kongming issued another order: each soldier should take a piece of their clothing and wrap up some soil. 冇 嘅 , 立即 斬首 ! not|possessive particle|immediately|beheaded If not, immediate execution! 噉 又 係 人人 都 唔 知 係 咩 意思 喎 , 總之 遵令 準備 就 係 喇 。 then|again|is|everyone|all|not|know|is|what|meaning|particle|in short|following orders|prepare|just|is|particle So, again, no one knows what it means, but in short, just prepare as ordered. 跟 住 , 孔明 又 傳令 話 喇 : 各 士兵 包 好 嘅 泥土 , 都 帶到 三江 城下 交割 , 先 到 嘅 有 賞 ! ||Kongming|again|issued an order|said|particle indicating completed action|each|soldier|pack|well|possessive particle|soil|all|bring to|Sanjiang|under the city|deliver|first|arrive|possessive particle|has|reward Then, Kongming issued another order: all soldiers must bring the packed soil to the foot of Sanjiang City for delivery, and those who arrive first will be rewarded! 嘿 , 全軍 將士 一 聽到 命令 呀 , 都 帶 住 包泥 飛 噉 跑 去 三江 城下 。 hey|the whole army|soldiers|once|heard|order|particle|all|||mud|quickly|like that|ran|to|Sanjiang|under the city wall Hey, as soon as the entire army heard the command, they all ran to the foot of Sanjiang City with their bags of soil. 孔明 又 命令 將 啲 泥 啊 冧 成 一級 級 噉 嘅 斜坡 , 先 上城 嘅 立 頭功 ! Kongming|again|ordered|to take|the|mud|particle|to dump|into|one level|grade|like this|possessive particle|slope|first|to ascend the city|possessive particle|standing|head start Kongming also ordered that the soil be piled up in a sloped manner, as this would be the first step to entering the city! 於是 十幾萬 蜀兵 同埋 幾萬名 降兵 啊 , 將所 包 嘅 泥土 , 一齊 冧 喺 城牆 下 便 。 then|over a hundred thousand|Shu soldiers|and|several thousand|defected soldiers|ah||include|possessive particle|soil|together|dump|at|city wall|under|convenient Thus, over a hundred thousand Shu soldiers and several thousand defected soldiers all dumped the soil they had packed at the foot of the city wall. 霎眼間 , 積土成山 啊 , 堆到 城牆 咁 高 。 in the blink of an eye|accumulating dirt can form a mountain|ah|piled up to|city wall|so|high In the blink of an eye, the accumulated earth has formed a mountain, piled up to the height of the city wall. 一聲 暗號 , 蜀兵 㗾 噉 就衝 咗 上城 。 one sound|signal|Shu soldiers|then|like that||past tense marker|up the city With a signal, the Shu soldiers charged up the city. 等 啲 蠻兵 急急 要 射箭 嘅 時候 , 蜀兵 已經 衝 到 佢 哋 面前 啊 , 大半 都 做 咗 俘虜 咯 。 ||barbarian soldiers|urgently|needed|shooting arrows|possessive particle|time|Shu soldiers|already|charged|to|||in front of|particle indicating surprise|most|all|||prisoners|particle indicating completed action Just when the barbarian soldiers were eager to shoot arrows, the Shu soldiers had already rushed in front of them, and most of them were captured. 噉 其餘 嗰 啲 呢 , 有 咁 快 時 趯 咁 快 啦 。 then|the rest|that|plural marker|question particle|have|so|fast|time|to arrive|so|fast|final particle As for the rest, they couldn't escape so quickly. 朵思 大王 死 喺 亂軍 之中 。 Dorsey|king|died|in|chaotic army|within King Dosi died amidst the chaos of the battle. 於是 孔明 就 奪取 咗 三 江城 。 then|Kongming|then|captured|past tense marker|three|Jiangcheng So, Kongming took over Sanjiang City. 將所 繳獲 返 嚟 嘅 珍寶 , 全部 要 嚟 賞賜 畀 三軍 將士 。 the place where|captured|return|come|possessive particle|treasures|all|must|come|reward|to|three armies|soldiers All the treasures that were captured must be given as rewards to the soldiers. 孟獲 知道 三 江城 失陷 , 朵思 戰死 就 好 驚 啦 。 Meng Huo|knows|||has fallen|Duo Si|died in battle|then|very|scared|particle indicating change of state Meng Huo knew that Sanjiang City had fallen and that Duosi had died in battle, which made him very scared. 跟 住 又 接到 報告 話 蜀 兵 已經 渡過 江 , 逼近 本洞 前 便 扎營 喇 噉 。 ||again|received|report|saying|Shu|army|already|crossed|river|approaching|our cave|in front|then|set up camp|particle indicating completed action|like this Then he received another report saying that the Shu army had already crossed the river and was camping close to the entrance. 孟獲 啊 更加 慌張 。 Meng Huo|ah|even more|panicked Meng Huo was even more panicked. 正 喺 度 手 揗 腳 震 嘅 時候 , 屏風 後 便 有 個人 騎騎 聲 放聲 大笑 , 行出 嚟 話 : just|at|here|hand|hit|foot|shake|possessive particle|time|screen|behind|then|there is|a person|sneaky|sound|loud|laugh|walk out|here|said Just when I was shaking my hands and feet, someone behind the screen suddenly laughed loudly and came out saying: 你 個 男人 大丈夫 , 一 啲 計都 冇 嘅 。 you|measure word for people|man|real man|one|a little||have not|possessive particle You, man, are a big man, but you have no plans at all. 我 雖然 係 個 女人 唧 , 等 我 幫 你 出戰 啦 ! I|although|am|the|woman|particle indicating emphasis|wait|I|help|you|fight|particle indicating suggestion Although I am a woman, let me help you fight! 孟獲 一 睇 , 原來 係 佢 老婆 祝融 夫人 啊 。 Meng Huo|one|look|originally|is|his|wife|Zhu Rong|lady|ah Meng Huo looked and realized it was his wife, Lady Zhu Rong. 祝融 夫人 就 世世代代 都 係 住 喺 南蠻 嚟 嘅 , 乃 係 祝融氏 , 即 係 傳說 裏 便 遠古 嘅 一個 帝王 嘅 後代 。 Zhu Rong|wife|then|generations|all|are|live|in|Southern Barbarians|come|possessive particle|only|is|clan of Zhu Rong|that is|is|legend|inside|then|ancient times|possessive particle|one|emperor|possessive particle|descendant Lady Zhu Rong has been living in the southern barbarians for generations, and she is of the Zhu Rong clan, which is said to be a descendant of an ancient emperor. 佢 喺 善於 使 飛刀 個 噃, 百發百中 。 He|is|good at|using|throwing knives|particle||every throw hits the target He is skilled at using flying knives, hitting the target every time. 噉 啊 得到 夫人 出馬 , 孟獲 啊 即刻 起身 多謝 啊 。 like this|particle|to get|lady|to come out|Meng Huo|particle|immediately|got up|thank you|particle So, when Lady Zhu Rong came out, Meng Huo immediately stood up to thank her. 噉 啊 祝融 夫人 披掛 上馬 , 率領 同族 嘅 猛將 幾百人 , 生力軍 五萬名 就 離開 銀坑 宮殿 , 出發 去 同 蜀 兵 交戰 嘞 。 then|ah|Zhu Rong|wife|donning armor|mounting a horse|leading|same clan|possessive particle|fierce generals|several hundred men|fresh troops|50000 men|then|left|Yin Keng|palace|departed|to|with|Shu|soldiers|engage in battle|past tense particle Then, Lady Zhu Rong donned her armor, leading several hundred fierce warriors from her clan, along with fifty thousand fresh troops, leaving the Silver Pit Palace to head into battle against the Shu soldiers. 佢 哋 啱 啱 轉過 洞口 , 就 遇到 一彪 人馬 攔住 去路 。 They|plural marker|||turned|intersection|then|encountered|a group of|people and horses|blocking|the way Just as they turned the cave entrance, they encountered a group of cavalry blocking their way. 為 首一名 蜀將 乃 係 張嶷 啊 。 as|first|Shu general|||Zhang Yi|particle The leader of the Shu army was Zhang Yi. 啲 蠻兵 一 見到 蜀 軍 攔截 , 早就 分開 兩路 擺開 。 the|barbarian troops|one|saw|Shu|army|interception|already|separated|into two routes|deployed The barbarian soldiers, upon seeing the Shu army intercepting, quickly split into two routes. 祝融 夫人 背後 插住 五口 飛刀 , 手挺 丈八長 標 坐下 捲毛 赤兔馬 , 十分 威武 。 Zhu Rong|wife|behind|inserted|five|flying daggers|hand straight|eight-foot long|spear|sitting|curly|Red Hare horse|very|mighty Lady Zhu Rong had five flying daggers stuck in her back, and she sat on her long spear, riding the mighty red rabbit horse, looking very imposing. 張嶷 見到 有個 噉 嘅 蠻 方 女將 , 個心 都 暗暗 稱奇 啊 。 Cheung Ngai|saw|there was|like that|possessive particle|quite|square|female general|his heart|also|secretly|wondered|particle Zhang Yi, upon seeing such a barbarian female general, couldn't help but feel amazed. 噉 啊 兩個 縱馬 交鋒 , 打 咗 幾個 回合 , 夫人 撥馬 就 走 。 like this|ah|the two|riding|clashed|fought|past tense marker|several|rounds|the lady|turned her horse|then|left Then, the two of them charged at each other on horseback, fighting for several rounds, before the lady turned her horse and left. 張嶷 就 即刻 追上去 啦 , 啡 噉 半空中 一把 飛刀 飛落 嚟 。 Cheung Ngai|then|immediately|chased after|particle indicating completed action|Fei|like that|in mid-air|one|flying knife|fell|down Zhang Yi immediately chased after her, and a flying dagger came down from the air. 咦 呀 張嶷 急起 上 嚟 , 就 用 手 去 格 哎 吖 , 一刀 插中 左臂 , 噼啪 噉 啊 就 𢴈 咗 落馬 。 eh|ah|Cheung Ng|quickly got up|on|here|then|use|hand|to|hit|ah|ah|one stab|stabbed into|left arm|with a bang|like that|ah|then|fell|past tense marker|off the horse Oh, Zhang Yi suddenly got up and used his hand to block, but was stabbed in the left arm, and then fell off the horse with a crash. 嗬 噉 啲 蠻兵 啊 齊聲 吶喊 , 衝 上前 嚟 就 綁 走 咗 張嶷 。 hey|like that|plural marker|barbarian soldiers|ah|in unison|shouted|rush|forward|come|then|tie|take away|past tense marker|Zhang Yi Wow, the barbarian soldiers shouted in unison, rushed forward, and captured Zhang Yi. 馬 忠 聽見 話 張嶷 畀 蠻兵 捉 咗 去 , 就 慌忙 出 嚟 救 啦 。 Ma|Chung|heard|that|Cheung Ng|by|barbarian soldiers|captured|past tense marker|away|then|hurriedly|out|came|rescue|sentence final particle Ma Zhong heard that Zhang Yi was captured by the barbarian soldiers, so he hurried out to save him. 弊 ! 張嶷 已經 畀 蠻兵 扎 到 實實 咯 。 damn|Zhang Yi|already|by|barbarian soldiers|pierced|to|really|particle indicating completed action Oh no! Zhang Yi has already been seriously injured by the barbarian soldiers. 馬 忠 一眼 又 望見 祝融 夫人 , 挺住 長 標 勒馬 企 定 喺 處 。 horse|loyal|at a glance|again|saw|Zhu Rong (a fire god)|lady|holding|long|spear||stood|firmly|at|place Ma Zhong glanced and saw Lady Zhu Rong, holding a long spear, standing firm on her horse. 佢 嬲 起 上 嚟 一 拍 隻 馬 就 向 住 祝融 夫人 衝過去 。 He|angry|rise|up|come|one|slap|measure word for animals|horse|then|towards|continuous aspect particle|Zhu Rong (a fire god)|lady|rush over She got angry and with a slap, the horse charged towards Lady Zhu Rong. 點知 隻 馬 就 畀 啲 蠻 兵用 絆馬索 𠽤 跌 , 噉 馬 忠 呢 , 又 畀 蠻兵 捉 埋 喇 。 how did I know|measure word for animals|horse|then|by|some|barbarian||lasso|pull|fall|so|horse|loyal|question particle|again|by|barbarian soldiers|capture|together|particle indicating completed action Unexpectedly, the horse was tripped by the barbarian soldiers using a lasso, and Ma Zhong was also captured by the barbarians. 嘩 嗨 厲害 啊 ! 夫人 一 出馬 , 就 捉 到 蜀 軍 兩員 大將 。 wow|hi|amazing|ah|lady|one|takes action|then|||Shu|army|two|generals Wow, amazing! As soon as the lady made her move, she captured two generals of the Shu army. 孟獲 就 吩咐 大排 筵席 嚟 慶賀 勝利 咯 喎 。 Meng Huo|then|ordered|large|banquet|to come|celebrate|victory|particle indicating completed action|particle indicating suggestion or confirmation Meng Huo then ordered a grand banquet to celebrate the victory. 祝融 夫人 就 喝 啲 刀斧手 , 拉張 嶷 同馬忠 出去 殺頭 。 Zhu Rong|wife|then|order|some|executioners|arrest Zhang|Yi||go out|beheaded Lady Zhu Rong commanded the swordsmen to take Zhang Yi and Ma Zhong out to be executed. 孟獲 就 制止 佢 話 喇 : 夫人 呀 , 諸葛亮 , 放過 我 五次 。 Meng Huo|then|stop|him|said|particle indicating completed action|lady|particle for emphasis|Zhuge Liang|let go|me|five times Meng Huo said to stop him: "Madam, Zhuge Liang has let me go five times." 今日 , 我 哋 若果 殺 佢 嘅 將官 , 就 唔 夠 義氣 嘞 , 不如 , 韞 起 嚟 先 , 等 捉 埋 諸葛亮 , 再 殺 佢 哋 都 未 遲 啊 ! today||plural particle||||||||||||||||||||||||all|not yet|late|ah particle Today, if we kill his general, it would be lacking in righteousness. Instead, let's hold off for now, wait to capture Zhuge Liang, and then we can kill them later!" 噉 好 啦 。 then|good|particle indicating suggestion or agreement That's fine then. 嘿 , 兩 夫妻 呀 , 大飲 特飲 都 唔 知 幾 快樂 啊 。 hey|two|couple|particle|drink heavily|special drink|all|not|know|how much|happy|particle Hey, the couple is drinking heavily and they don't even know how happy they are. 而家 講下 孔明 。 now|talk about|Kongming Now let's talk about Kongming. 佢 知道 咗 張嶷 、 馬 忠兵敗 被 擒 , 即刻 就 叫 馬岱 、 趙雲 、 魏延 嚟 , 吩咐 佢 哋 如此 如此 噉 , 於是 佢 哋 三個 各自 帶兵 出發 喇 。 he|knew|past tense marker|Zhang Yi|Ma|Zhong Bing's defeat|by|captured|immediately|then|called|Ma Dai|Zhao Yun|Wei Yan|here|instructed|he|plural marker|like this|like this|like this|so|they|plural marker|three|each|lead troops|set off|sentence-final particle He learned that Zhang Yi and Ma Zhong were defeated and captured, so he immediately called for Ma Dai, Zhao Yun, and Wei Yan, instructing them to do this and that. Thus, the three of them set off with their troops. 到 咗 第日 , 孟 獲得 到 蠻兵 報告 話 趙雲 嚟 挑戰 。 arrive|past tense marker|the next day|Meng|received|the|barbarian soldiers|report|saying|Zhao Yun|come|challenge The next day, Meng Huo received a report from the barbarian soldiers that Zhao Yun was coming to challenge. 祝融 夫人 就 即刻 上馬 出去 迎戰 啦 。 Zhu Rong|wife|then|immediately|mount (a horse)|go out|face the battle|particle indicating urgency or emphasis Madam Zhurong immediately mounted her horse to go out and face the challenge. 兩個 打 咗 幾個 回合 , 趙雲 撥馬 就 走 。 the two|fight|past tense marker|several|rounds|Zhao Yun|push the horse|then|leave The two fought for several rounds, and Zhao Yun turned his horse and left. 誒 , 夫人 都 精 啊 , 佢 怕 有 埋伏 , 唔 追 , 勒 轉馬 就 收兵 嘞 , 跟 住 魏延 又 帶兵 嚟 挑戰 咯 喎 。 hey|lady|all|clever|particle|he|afraid|has|ambush|not|chase|then|turn around|then|withdraw troops|past action particle|||Wei Yan|again|lead troops|come|challenge|particle|particle Ah, the lady is quite skilled; she feared there might be an ambush, so she did not pursue, turned her horse around, and called off the troops. Then Wei Yan came to challenge again. 夫人 縱馬 迎上去 , 打 咗 幾個 回合 , 正 打 得 緊張 , 魏延 詐敗 逃跑 嘞 。 lady|riding fast|charged forward|fight|past tense marker|several|rounds|just|||intensely|Wei Yan|feigned defeat|ran away|past tense marker The lady rode out to meet him, and after a few rounds of fighting, Wei Yan pretended to be defeated and ran away. 夫人 係 由 你 走 啊 , 硬 係 唔 肯 追 。 madam|is|by|you|leave|ah|stubbornly|is|not|willing|chase The lady let you go, but she stubbornly refused to chase. 第 日 , 趙雲 又試 帶兵 嚟 挑戰 。 the|day|Zhao Yun||leading troops|to|challenge The next day, Zhao Yun tried to bring troops to challenge again. 夫人 出洞 同 趙雲 打 咗 幾個 回合 , 趙雲 詐敗 走 嘞 。 lady|come out|with|Zhao Yun|fight|past tense marker|several|rounds|Zhao Yun|feigned defeat|run away|past tense marker The lady came out of the cave and fought a few rounds with Zhao Yun, who pretended to be defeated and ran away. 夫人 就 照板 煮 碗 按住 標槍 唔 追 。 madam|then|according to the rules|cook|bowl|holding down|javelin|not|chase The lady just followed the rules and held the spear without chasing. 當 佢 正話 收兵 想 回 洞 嘅 時候 , 魏延 帶兵 嚟 到 , 齊齊 大聲 咁 辱罵 。 when|he|was saying|retreat|wanted|return|cave|possessive particle|time|Wei Yan|led his troops|||all together|loudly|like that|insulted When he was just about to retreat and return to the cave, Wei Yan arrived with his troops, loudly cursing. 嚱 夫人 嬲 咯 , 挺起 標槍 啊 直取 魏延 , 誒 魏延 撥馬 就 走 噃。 to scold|lady|angry|particle indicating completed action|to raise|spear|particle indicating surprise|to directly attack|Wei Yan|hey|Wei Yan|to turn the horse|then|to run|particle indicating completed action Lady Zhurong was angry, raising her spear directly at Wei Yan, who quickly turned his horse and fled. 呢 次 祝融 夫人 就 唔 抵得 嘞 , 嬲 到 咕咕 聲 拍馬 猛追 。 this|time|Zhu Rong|Mrs|then|not|able to withstand|past tense particle|angry|to|sound of a chicken|sound|riding fast|chasing fiercely This time, Lady Zhurong couldn't hold back, angrily making a clucking sound as she fiercely chased after him. 魏延 跑 下 跑 下 就 跑 咗 去 啲 山路 。 Wei Yan|run|down|||then|||to|plural marker|mountain road Wei Yan ran and ran until he reached the mountain path. 忽然 後 便 𠽤 呖 𡃈 啪 噉 一 聲響 , 魏延 回身 一望 哈哈 , 只見 祝融 夫人 成個 𢴈 咗 落地 嘞 。 suddenly|after|then|to strike|a sound|to fall|a sound|like that|one|sound|Wei Yan|turned around|a glance|haha|only saw|Zhu Rong|wife|whole|to burn|past tense marker|on the ground|particle indicating completed action Suddenly, there was a loud crash, and when Wei Yan turned around, he saw Lady Zhurong had fallen to the ground. 原來 馬岱 就 埋伏 定 喺 呢 度 , 用 絆馬索 𠽤 跌 咗 夫人 。 it turns out|Ma Dai|then|ambushed|definitely|at|this|place|using|lasso|to trip|fall|past tense marker|lady It turns out that Ma Dai was lying in ambush here, using a lasso to trip the lady. 噉 就 冇 乜 客氣 喇 , 女人 都 照 綁 啊 , 扎起 祝融 夫人 就 押 返去 大本營 。 then|just|no|any|politeness|particle indicating completed action|woman|also|according to|tie|particle indicating exclamation|tie up|Zhu Rong (a deity)|wife|then|escort||headquarters Then there was no need for politeness, the woman was tied up anyway, and Lady Zhu Rong was taken back to the base. 啲 蠻兵 蠻將 呀 急急 衝上 嚟 想 搶救 , 畀 趙雲 舞起 長槍 , 殺 到 佢 哋 散 晒 。 plural marker|barbarian soldiers|barbarian general|sentence-final particle|urgently|charge up|here|want|rescue|by|Zhao Yun|wield|spear|kill|until|they|plural marker|scatter|completely The barbarian soldiers rushed up urgently wanting to rescue her, but Zhao Yun wielded his spear and killed them all. 孔明 早就 坐 喺 中軍帳 等 住 㗎 嘞 。 Zhuge Liang|already|sit|at|the central army tent|waiting|for||particle indicating past action Kong Ming had already been sitting in the central army tent waiting. 馬岱 押 祝融 夫人 嚟 到 , 孔明 就 吩咐 同 佢 鬆綁 , 請 咗 佢 去 另外 一個 帳篷 , 請 佢 飲酒 定驚 。 Ma Dai|to escort|Zhu Rong|wife|||Kongming|then|instructed|with|him|to untie|invited|past tense marker|him|to go|another|one|tent|invited|him|to drink|to be frightened When Ma Dai brought Lady Zhu Rong, Kong Ming instructed to untie her, invited her to another tent, and offered her wine to calm her down. 然後 就 派 個 使者 去講 畀 孟獲 聽 , 話 願意 用 夫人 嚟 換返 張嶷 同馬忠 。 then|just|send|a|messenger||to|Meng Huo|hear|that|willing|use|wife|to|exchange back|Zhang Yi| Then, a messenger was sent to tell Meng Huo that he was willing to exchange his wife for Zhang Yi and Ma Zhong. 孟獲 梗 係 同意 啦 , 即刻 就 放 咗 張嶷 、 馬 忠 還返 畀 孔明 。 Meng Huo|obviously|is|agree|particle|immediately|then|released|past tense marker|Zhang Yi|Ma|Zhong|returned|to|Kongming Meng Huo naturally agreed and immediately released Zhang Yi and Ma Zhong back to Kong Ming. 孔明 就 送 祝融 夫人 回洞 。 Kongming|then|sent|Zhu Rong|wife| Kong Ming then sent Lady Zhu Rong back to the cave. 孟獲 兩 夫妻 見面 真 係 又 喜 又 嬲 啊 。 Meng Huo|two|husband and wife|meet|really|is|both|happy|again|angry|particle When Meng Huo and his wife met, they were truly both happy and angry. 過 咗 幾日 , 八納洞 主木鹿 大王 嚟 到 嘞 。 passed|past tense marker||Banatong|the main deer|king|come|arrived|past action marker A few days later, the king of Ba Na Cave, Mu Lu, arrived. 孟獲 啊 出洞 去 迎接 啦 。 Meng Huo|ah|come out|to|welcome|particle indicating action completion Meng Huo came out to greet. 哎呀 只見 木鹿 大王 , 騎住 隻 白色 嘅 大象 , 個身 係 着 住 金珠 纓絡 , 叮叮 噔 唥, 腰間 就 懸掛 兩口 大刀 。 oh no|only saw|the Wood Deer|king|riding|measure word for animals|white|possessive particle|elephant||is||continuous aspect particle|gold beads|tassel|jingling|sound of footsteps||waist|then|hanging|two|big swords Oh, I saw King Mu Lu, riding a white elephant, dressed in golden beads and ornaments, jingling as he walked, with two large swords hanging at his waist. 帶住 一班 餵養 虎豹 豺狼 嘅 武士 ,㗾㗾 聲 噉 湧 住 入 嚟 。 bringing|a group of|feeding|tigers and leopards|jackals|possessive particle|warriors|sound of rushing|sound|like that|rushing|continuous aspect particle|in|coming He was accompanied by a group of warriors who raised tigers, leopards, and wolves, rushing in with a roar. 孟獲 跪 喺 地下 , 對木鹿 大王 叩頭 行禮 就 懇求 佢 幫助 殺退 蜀兵 。 Meng Huo|kneel|at|ground||great king|bow|salute|then|earnestly request|he|help|drive back|Shu soldiers Meng Huo knelt on the ground, bowed to King Mu Lu, and earnestly requested his help to drive away the Shu soldiers. 木鹿 大王 一 啖 應承 幫 佢 報仇 。 Mulu|King|one|bite|promised|help|him|take revenge King Mu Lu readily agreed to help him take revenge. 孟獲 就 好 歡喜 啦 , 大排 筵席 嚟 款待 木鹿 大王 啊 。 Meng Huo|then|very|happy|particle|grand|banquet|come|entertain|Mu Lu|king|particle Meng Huo was very happy, preparing a grand banquet to entertain King Mu Lu. 第 日 , 大王 帶領 佢 本 洞 嘅 蠻 兵 , 牽住 成群 猛獸 出去 進攻 蜀 軍咯 喎 。 the|day|the great king|led|his|original|cave|possessive particle|barbarian|soldiers|drove|in droves|fierce beasts|out|attack|Shu||sentence-final particle The next day, the king led his barbarian soldiers, bringing a whole pack of fierce beasts to attack the Shu army. 趙雲 、 魏延聽 聞蠻 兵出 嚟 , 就 擺好 陣勢 等 住 嘞 。 Zhao Yun||||here|then|set up|formation|||past tense particle Zhao Yun and Wei Yan heard that the barbarian soldiers were coming out, so they set up their formation and waited. 佢 兩個 一拍 噉 騎 住 馬 , 企 喺 陣前 。 He|two|in unison|like that|rides|continuously|horse|stands|at|the front of the formation The two of them mounted their horses and stood at the front of the formation. 蠻兵 嚟 到 喇 , 嗯 ? 古怪 咯 , 呢 啲 蠻 兵 嘅 旗幟 、 兵器 都 唔 同 人 嘅 。 barbarian soldiers|come|arrive|particle indicating completed action|hmm|strange|particle indicating realization|this|plural marker|barbarian|soldiers|possessive particle|flags|weapons|all|not|like|people|possessive particle The barbarian soldiers arrived, huh? How strange, these barbarian soldiers' flags and weapons are different from ours. 啲 兵 呢 大多數 唔 着 衣服 , 更 唔 着 盔甲 喇 都 係 赤身裸體 , 個 樣子 又 醜怪 。 the|soldiers|question particle|most|not|wear|clothes|even more|not|wear|armor|particle indicating completed action|all|are|naked|classifier for people|appearance|also|ugly The soldiers mostly do not wear clothes, and they certainly do not wear armor; they are all naked, and they look quite ugly. 隨身帶 住 四把 尖刀 , 隊伍 裏頭 呢 就 唔 打鼓 唔 吹 號角 , 淨 係 打鑼 做 信號 個 啫 。 carry with you|to have|four|daggers|team|inside|this|then|not|beat the drum|not|blow|horn|only|is|strike the gong|make|signal|classifier|only They carry four sharp knives with them, and in the troop, there is no drumming or horn blowing, only the sound of gongs as signals. 冇 幾耐 , 木鹿 大王 腰掛 兩口 大刀 , 隻 手 啊 揸 住 個 有 柄 嘅 唥 鐘 , 騎住 隻 白象 , 由 一面 大旗 引 住 佢 出陣 嘞 。 not|long|Wood Deer|King|wearing|two|big swords|measure word for animals|hand|particle|holding|holding|measure word for objects|have|handle|possessive particle|bell|bell|riding|measure word for animals|white elephant|by|one side|big flag|leading|holding|he|going to battle|past tense particle Before long, King Mulu, with two large swords hanging at his waist, holding a handled gong in one hand, rode on a white elephant, led by a large flag as he went into battle. 趙雲 見到 忍 唔 住 同 魏延話 喇 : 哼 ! 我 哋 一 世人 行軍 打仗 , 都 未曾 見過 噉 樣 嘅 人物 嘅 噃。 Zhao Yun|saw||||with||particle indicating completion|humph|||||marching|fighting|all|never|seen|such|appearance|possessive particle|person|possessive particle| Zhao Yun couldn't help but say to Wei Yan: Hmph! In our lifetime of marching and fighting, we have never seen such a person. 佢 兩個 正 喺 度 吟 沉 緊 , 哈 只見 木鹿 大王 個 嘴 啊 亂 噏 一通 , 都 唔 知 佢 念 咩 咒 啊 , 隻 手 就 瘟 咁 搖 個 唥 鐘 喎 。 He|two|currently|at|in|reciting|deep|continuous|Ha|only saw|Wood Deer|King|possessive particle|mouth|ah|randomly|talking|a lot|all|not|know|he|reciting|what|spell|ah|one|hand|then|pestilence|so|shaking|possessive particle|large|bell|particle indicating suggestion While the two of them were pondering, they suddenly saw King Mulu's mouth babbling nonsensically, not knowing what spell he was chanting, while his hand was shaking the gong like crazy. 突然 間 , 呼呼 聲 狂風 大作 飛沙走石 , 呼 噉 一聲 話 個響 。 suddenly|moment|whistling|sound|strong wind|became fierce|flying sand and rolling stones|a sound of exhaling|like that||said| Suddenly, a howling sound of strong winds arose, with flying sand and stones, and a loud noise followed. 柴狼 虎豹 毒蛇猛獸 , 張牙舞爪 啊 趁 住 狂風 衝過 嚟 , 哎呀 救命 啊 救命 啊 ! 啲 蜀 兵 啊點 頂得住 至 得 㗎 退 都 退 唔 切 啊 。 wolf|tiger and leopard|venomous snakes and fierce beasts|baring fangs and brandishing claws|ah|taking advantage of|in|strong wind|rushing over|here|oh no|help|ah|help|ah|some|Shu|soldiers|how|withstand|only|okay|particle|retreat|all||||ah The wolves, tigers, leopards, and venomous snakes, with their claws bared, took advantage of the strong winds to charge over. Oh no, help! Help! How can the Shu soldiers withstand this? They can't even retreat properly! 木鹿 大王 指揮 啲 蠻兵 , 跟 住 後 便 追殺 , 一直 將蜀兵 趕到 去 三江 邊界 先至 收兵 。 Mulu|Great King|commanded|particle|barbarian soldiers|||behind|then|pursued|continuously||drove to|the|Three Rivers|border|only then|recalled the troops King Mu Lu commanded the barbarian troops, who then pursued and chased the Shu soldiers all the way to the Sanjiang border before calling off the attack. 趙雲 同魏延 吃 咗 大虧 , 收拾 啲 敗兵 就 返 去 見 孔明 請罪 。 Zhao Yun||suffer|past tense marker|a great loss|gather|particle indicating plural|defeated soldiers|then|return|to|see|Kongming|ask for forgiveness Zhao Yun and Wei Yan suffered a great loss, and after gathering the defeated soldiers, they returned to see Kong Ming to apologize. 同時 係 將 戰敗 嘅 經過 詳詳細細 噉 報告 畀 孔明知 。 at the same time|is|will|defeat|possessive particle|process|in detail|like this|report|to give| At the same time, they reported the details of the defeat to Kong Ming. 孔明笑 嘞 , 佢 話 : 呢 啲 唔 關你 哋 兩位 嘅 事 。 |past tense marker|he|said|||not||plural marker|two people|possessive particle|matter Kong Ming laughed and said: This has nothing to do with you two. 我 當年 未 出 茅廬 , 早就 知道 南蠻 有 驅使 虎豹 嘅 辦法 。 I|back then|not yet|leave|home|long ago|knew|southern barbarians|have|to drive|tigers and leopards|possessive particle|method Back when I had not yet emerged from my humble beginnings, I already knew that the southern barbarians had methods to control tigers and leopards. 我 喺 西川 嘅 時候 就 已經 準備 好破 呢 個 猛獸 陣 嘅 物件 喇 。 I|at|Xichuan|possessive particle|time|already|already|prepared||this|measure word|beast|formation|possessive particle|object|completed action particle When I was in Xichuan, I had already prepared the items to break this fierce beast formation. 隨軍 有 二十部 車 , 都 封住 嘅 , 今日 用 一半 先 , 留低 一半 以後 仲有 其他 用途 。 military convoy|has|twenty|vehicles|all|sealed|possessive particle|today|use|half|first|leave|half|later|still have|other|uses There are twenty carts with the army, all sealed. Today we will use half, leaving the other half for future purposes. 講完 , 孔明 就 叫 人 推 咗 十部 紅油 櫃車 嚟 嘞 。 finished speaking|Kongming|then|called|people|push|past tense marker|ten units|red oil|container truck|come|completed action particle After speaking, Kong Ming ordered ten red oil trucks to be pushed over. 噉 啊 仲有 十部 黑油 櫃車 呢 , 就 叫 唔 好 逳 住 。 like that|ah|still have|ten units|diesel|truck|particle indicating a question|then|to tell|||drive|parked Well, there are still ten black oil trucks, so don't run away. 噉 啊 大家 見到 都 唔 知 係 乜 喎 , 亦 唔 明白 係 咩 嘢 意思 。 like this|ah|everyone|saw|all|not|know|is|what|particle|also|not|understand|is|what|thing|meaning Well, everyone sees it and doesn't know what it is, and also doesn't understand what it means. 孔明 將車櫃 打開 , 哦 原來 裏 便 呀 , 裝 住 嘅 都 係 啲 用 木頭 雕刻 , 油 咗 五彩 顏色 嘅 猛獸 嚟 㗎 。 Kongming||open|oh|originally|inside|then|particle|||possessive particle|all|are|particle indicating plural|made of|wood|carvings|painted|past tense marker|multicolored|colors|possessive particle|fierce beast|come|particle indicating certainty Kong Ming opened the truck, oh it turns out that inside, it is filled with carved wooden beasts painted in colorful colors. 隻 隻 都 褸 住 五色 絨線 做 嘅 毛衣 , 啲 爪牙 呢 , 都 係 用 鋼鐵 做 嘅 , 每 一隻 上面 可以 騎得 十個 人 嘅 。 measure word for animals|measure word for animals|all|wear|past action marker|five colors|yarn|made|possessive particle|sweater|plural marker|henchmen|question particle|all|are|using|steel|made|possessive particle|every|one|on top|can|ride|ten|people| Each one is wearing a sweater made of multicolored yarn, and the claws are made of steel, with each one able to carry ten people. 孔明 就 挑選 咗 千 幾個 精壯 士兵 , 領 咗 一百隻 假 猛獸 。 Zhuge Liang|then|selected|past tense marker|thousand|several|strong|soldiers|led|past tense marker|one hundred|fake|fierce beasts Kong Ming selected over a thousand strong soldiers and took a hundred fake beasts. 又 喺 啲 假 猛獸 嘅 口裏 便 啊 裝滿 煙火 材料 , 然後 叫 佢 哋 喺 軍隊 裏 便 隱蔽 好 。 again|at|plural marker|fake|beasts|possessive particle|inside the mouth|then|particle indicating surprise|filled with|fireworks|materials|then|told|they|plural marker|in|army|inside|then|hide|well Again, in the mouths of the fake fierce beasts, they filled it with fireworks materials, and then told them to hide well in the army. 第 日 , 孔明 出動 大軍 就 逼近 洞口 , 佈 好 陣勢 。 the|day|Kongming|deployed|large army|then|approached|cave entrance|arranged|well|formation The next day, Kongming mobilized a large army and approached the cave entrance, setting up a good formation. 木鹿 大王 啊 自以 為 天下無敵 㗎 嘛 , 好醒 噉 就 同孟獲 率領 蠻兵 出洞 迎敵 嘞 。 Mulu|King|ah|||invincible under heaven|particle|particle|very smart|like this|then||leading|barbarian soldiers|out of the cave|to face the enemy|past action particle The Great King Mulu thought he was invincible in the world, so he confidently led Meng Huo and the barbarian soldiers out of the cave to meet the enemy. 只見 孔明 頭 戴綸巾 , 身穿 道袍 , 手 搖鵝毛扇 坐 正 喺 架車 處 。 only saw|Kongming|head||wearing|Daoist robe|hand||sitting|right|at|chariot|place One could see Kongming wearing a silk cap on his head, dressed in a Taoist robe, and sitting upright in the carriage while shaking a goose feather fan. 孟獲 指住 孔明同 木鹿 大王 話 : 呢 呢 呢 , 坐 喺 車 上面 , 嗰 個 , 就 係 諸葛亮 ! Meng Huo|pointing||Mu Lu|king|said|this|this|this|sitting|in|chariot|on|that|one|just|is|Zhuge Liang Meng Huo pointed at Kongming and the Great King Mulu and said: "This, this, this, the one sitting in the carriage, is Zhuge Liang!" 若果 捉 到 佢 呀 , 大事 成功 喇 ! if|catch|to|him|particle|big event|successful|particle If we catch him, it will be a great success! 好 ! 木鹿 大王 嘰里 咕嚕 念起 咒 嚟 , 同時 呀 猛 咁 搖 個 唥 鐘 。 good|Wood Deer|King|gurgling|sound|reciting|spell|coming|at the same time|ah|fiercely|so|shaking|the|loud|bell Alright! The Wood Deer King is chanting spells while vigorously shaking the bell. 霎眼間 又 試 狂風 大作 飛沙走石 , 成群 猛獸 嗷嗷 聲 噉 衝出 嚟 喇 。 in the blink of an eye|again|tried|strong wind|arose|flying sand and rolling stones|in droves|ferocious beasts|howling|sound|like that|rushed out|here|particle indicating completed action In the blink of an eye, a fierce wind rises, with flying sand and stones, and a pack of ferocious beasts rushes out. 孔明 不慌不忙 , 將 鵝毛扇 輕輕 一潑 , 呵呵 啲 風 呀 , 呼聲 下吹返 轉頭 , 吹返 去 啲 蠻 兵 嗰 便 。 Kongming|unhurriedly|to use|goose feather fan|gently|one splash|haha|some|wind|particle|call||turning around|blow back|away|some|barbarian|soldiers|that|side Kongming remains calm and lightly splashes his goose feather fan, causing the wind to blow back towards the barbarian soldiers. 跟 住 蜀 軍陣 內 啊 , 幾大群 假 猛獸 湧出 嚟 嘞 。 ||Shu|army formation|inside|particle indicating realization||fake|fierce beasts|surge out|come|particle indicating completed action Then, within the Shu army formation, several large groups of fake ferocious beasts surge out. 蠻 洞 嗰 啲 真 猛獸 見到 蜀 陣 嗰 啲 巨型 猛獸 , 個口 呀 會 噴火 嘅 , 鼻哥窿 會噴 黑煙 嘅 。 very|hole|that|plural marker|really|fierce beast|saw|Shu|army|that|plural marker|giant|fierce beast|its mouth|particle|will|breathe fire|particle|nostrils||black smoke| The fierce beasts in the barbarian cave, when they see the giant beasts of Shu, their mouths will spit fire, and their nostrils will spew black smoke. 周身 都 掛滿 銅鈴 唥唥 聲 咁 響 , 張牙舞爪 噉 衝過 嚟 。 all over the body|all|covered with|copper bells|ringing|sound|so|loud|baring its teeth and claws|like that|charged over|here They are covered in copper bells, making a loud clanging sound, rushing over with bared fangs and claws. 嗯 , 啲 真 猛獸 遇着 剋星 喇 , 唔 敢行 嘞 喎 , 夾住 條尾 , 擰 轉頭 向 住 蠻 洞 啊 狂奔 返去 , 嗨 噉 就 弊 喇 , 反而 將 啲 蠻兵 呀 衝到 亂 晒 坑 。 hmm|particles indicating plural or more|really|fierce beast|encountered|nemesis|particle indicating completed action|not||past tense particle|particle indicating suggestion or reminder|caught|its tail||head|towards|particle indicating action|barbarian|cave|particle indicating exclamation|ran wildly|back|oh|like this|then|bad|particle indicating completed action|on the contrary|to take|particles indicating plural or more|barbarian soldiers|particle indicating exclamation||chaotic|completely|pit Hmm, the fierce beasts have met their nemesis, they dare not move, they tuck their tails and turn back towards the barbarian cave, running wildly. Oh no, this is bad, instead, they charge the barbarian soldiers into chaos. 孔明 鵝毛扇 一 擪, 蜀 軍人 馬 就 長驅直進 , 鼓角齊鳴 追殺 過去 。 Zhuge Liang|feather fan|one|waved|Shu|soldiers|horses|then|charged forward||pursued|past Kongming waves his feather fan, and the Shu soldiers charge forward, with drums and horns sounding as they pursue. 一場 大戰 結果 木鹿 大王 啊 死 喺 亂軍 之中 。 a|great war|result|Mulu|king|ah|died|in|chaotic army|among In the end, the Great King of the Wood Deer died amidst the chaotic army. 孟 獲 喺 洞 內 嗰 班 同族 黨羽 呢 , 乜嘢 都 放棄 晒 喇 , 翻山越嶺 啊 趯 更 咯 。 ||at|cave|inside|that|group|same clan|followers|particle indicating a question|anything|all|give up|completely|particle indicating completed action|over mountains and across ridges|ah|to escape|even more|particle indicating finality Meng Huo and his clan members in the cave have given up everything and are fleeing over the mountains. 於是 孔明 嘅 大軍 就 佔領 咗 銀 坑洞 。 then|Kongming|possessive particle|army|then|occupied|past tense marker|silver|mine As a result, Kongming's army occupied the Silver Pit Cave. 第 日 , 孔明 正 係 要 分兵 幾路 去 捉拿 孟獲 。 the|day|Kongming|just|is|to|divide troops|several routes|to|capture|Meng Huo The next day, Kongming was planning to divide his troops to capture Meng Huo. 哈 ! 衛士 嚟 報告 話 , 孟 獲 嘅 舅 仔 帶來 洞主 啊 , 因為 孟獲 唔 肯 聽 佢 勸 , 拒絕 投降 , 所以 將孟 獲同 祝融 夫人 , 與 及 同族 嘅 幾百人 都 捉 晒 嚟 獻 畀 丞相 啊 噉 。 ha|guard|come|report|said|||possessive particle|||brought|master of the cave|ah|because|Meng Huo|not|willing|to listen|he|advice|refused|surrender|so|||Zhu Rong|wife|and|and|clansmen|possessive particle|several hundred people|all|captured|completely|come|present|to|prime minister|ah|like this Ha! The guards reported that Meng Huo's uncle brought the cave master, because Meng Huo refused to listen to his advice and rejected surrender, so they captured Meng Huo, Lady Zhu Rong, and several hundred of his clan members to present them to the Prime Minister. 有 噉 嘅 事 咩 ? have|like this|possessive particle|thing|question particle Is that really the case? 孔明 即刻 叫 張嶷 、 馬 忠 嚟 , 吩咐 佢 哋 如此這般 噉 。 Kongming|immediately|call|Zhang Yi|Ma|Zhong|here|instructed|they|plural marker|like this|in this way Kongming immediately called Zhang Yi and Ma Zhong, instructing them to do this and that. 佢 兩個 接受 咗 命令 , 就 帶 住 二千名 精壯 士兵 , 喺 大殿 附近 埋伏 好 。 He|two|accepted|past tense marker|orders|then|||2000|strong|soldiers|at|main hall|nearby|ambush|well The two of them accepted the orders and brought two thousand strong soldiers to ambush near the main hall. 佈置 妥當 之後 呢 , 孔明 就 叫 守門 將官 , 將 帶來 洞 主 佢 哋 全部 放入 嚟 ! arrangement|proper|after|question particle|Kongming|then|called|gatekeeper|general|to bring|bring|hole|master|he|plural marker|all|put in|in After everything was arranged, Kongming called the gatekeeper and ordered him to bring in all the cave masters! 一陣 間 , 帶來 洞主 同埋 一班 刀斧手 , 押住 孟獲 等等 幾百人 入 嚟 嘞 , 喺 大殿 下 便 叩頭 行禮 。 a moment|time|brought|the leader of the cave|and|a group of|axe and sword men|escorting|Meng Huo|and other|several hundred people|enter|here|past tense marker|at|main hall|under|then|bowing|paying respects A moment later, the cave masters and a group of knife and axe men, escorting Meng Huo and several hundred others, entered and bowed in the main hall. 孔明 大喝一聲 : 將 佢 哋 捉起 嚟 ! Kongming|shouted loudly|to|them|plural marker|capture|up Kongming shouted loudly: 'Capture them!' 哼 一聲 , 啲 伏兵 湧出 嚟 就 兩個 服侍 一個 , 將 帶來 洞 主 嗰 幾百人 啊 ,冚𠾴唥 捉住 綁 起 晒 。 hum|a sound|the|ambushers|rushed out|here|then|two|serve|one|will|bring|cave|master|those|few hundred people|ah|completely|caught|tied|up|all Hmph, with a sound, the ambushers surged out, just two serving one, capturing all those hundreds of people from the main cave, tying them up completely. 孔明 哈哈大笑 嘞 : 諒 你 呢 啲 小小 嘅 詭計 , 點 能夠 瞞得過 我 ? Kongming|laughed heartily|particle indicating past action|to understand|you|||small|possessive particle|tricks|how|able to|deceive|me Kongming laughed heartily: "I doubt your little tricks, how could they possibly fool me?" 你 見到 兩次 都 係 你 本 洞 嘅 人 捉 到 你 嚟 投降 , 我 又 唔 殺 佢 哋 。 you|saw|twice|both|are|you|original|hole|possessive particle|person|caught|to|you|come|surrender|I|again|not|kill|them|plural particle You see, twice it was people from your own cave who were captured and came to surrender, and I didn't kill them. 你 又 即估 我 信 晒 佢 哋 嘞 , 所以 就 走 嚟 詐降 , 想 喺 呢 度 殺 咗 我 係 嘛 ? you|again|immediately guess|I|trust|completely|he|plural marker|past action particle|so|then|||trick|want|at|this|place|||I|am|question particle You also guessed that I trust them completely, so you came to feign surrender, wanting to kill me here, right? 哈哈哈 哈哈 , 人 嚟 , 搜 下 佢 哋 身 ! hahaha|ha|people|come|search|down|he|they|body Hahaha, people, search them! 一 搜 , 嘩 ! 果然 人人 嘅 身邊 都 擪 住 利刀 嘅 。 one|search|wow|as expected|everyone|possessive particle|around|all|holding|continuous aspect particle|sharp knife| One search, wow! Indeed, everyone around has a sharp knife. 孔明問 喇 : 孟獲 , 你 原來 話 過 喺 你 嘅 老家 捉到 你 就 心服 喇 噉 , 而家點 啊 ? |particle indicating completed action|Meng Huo|you|originally|said|past tense marker|at|your|possessive particle|hometown|captured|you|then|completely convinced|particle indicating completed action|like that||particle indicating question Kong Ming asked: Meng Huo, you originally said that if you were caught in your hometown, you would be convinced, so what about now? 呢 次 , 係 我 哋 自己 , 嚟 送死 嘅 啫 , 唔 係 你 嘅 本事 , 我 嘅 心 , 未服 ! this|time|is|I|||||(possessive particle)|||||||||heart| This time, we are the ones who came to die ourselves, it’s not your ability, my heart is still not convinced! 我 已經 捉到 你 六次 你 仲 唔 服 , 仲要 等到 幾時 啊 ? I|already|caught|you|six times|you|still|not|convinced|still need to|wait until|when|ah I have already caught you six times, when will you be convinced? How much longer do we have to wait? 你 , 第七次 , 捉到 我 啦 ! you|seventh time|caught|me|particle indicating completed action You, catch me for the seventh time! 我 , 就 死心塌地 , 噉 服 咗 你 , 發誓 唔 作反 喇 ! I|then|wholeheartedly|like this|submit|past tense marker|you|swear|not|rebel|sentence-final particle I, wholeheartedly, have submitted to you, and I swear I won't rebel anymore! 你 嘅 巢穴 已經 破 咗 咯 , 我仲怕 咩 嘢 呢 ? 哈哈哈哈 , 人 嚟 , 同 佢 哋 鬆綁 。 you|possessive particle|nest|already|broken|past tense marker|final particle||what|thing|question particle|hahaha|people|come|with|them|plural marker|untie Your lair has already been broken, what else am I afraid of? Hahahaha, let them go, and untie them. 孟獲 , 我講 你 聽 啊 , 下次 再 畀 我 捉 到 , 如果 你 仲 唔 肯 投降 我 就 唔 放過 你 喇 啊 ! Meng Huo||you|listen|ah|next time|again|let|I|||if|you|still|not|willing|surrender|I|then|not|let go|you|particle indicating completed action|ah Meng Huo, let me tell you, if I catch you again next time, if you still refuse to surrender, I won't let you go! 你 哋 走 啦 。 ||go|particle indicating action completion You all can leave. 知道 喇 ! 孟 獲 佢 哋 抱頭鼠竄 走 咗 咯 。 know|particle indicating completed action|Meng|Huo|they|plural marker|flee in panic|run|past tense marker|particle indicating finality Got it! Meng Huo and his group have fled in panic. 而家 講下 孟獲 。 now|let's talk about|Meng Huo Now, let's talk about Meng Huo. 佢 趯 出 嚟 之後 啊 , 就 遇 着 有 千 幾名 蠻兵 , 多數 都 係 負 咗 傷 嘅 , 吖 噉 都 好 吖 , 孟獲個 心 稍 為 歡喜 返 啲 。 He|jumped|out|come|after|particle|then|||there are|||barbarian soldiers|most|all|were|carrying|past tense marker|injuries|possessive particle|particle|like this|still|good|particle||heart|slightly|for|happy|return|a bit After he came out, he encountered over a thousand barbarian soldiers, most of whom were injured. This is good, and Meng Huo's heart felt a bit happier. 佢 同 舅 仔 帶來 洞主 商量 話 喇 : 而家 , 連 我 嘅 洞府 , 都 畀 蜀 軍 , 佔領 咗 咯 , 我 哋 , 去 邊度 踎 好 呢 ? He|with|||brought|landlord|discuss|said|particle|now|including|I|possessive particle|residence|also|by|||occupied|past tense marker|particle|||go|where|live|well|question particle He and his cousin brought the cave master to discuss: Now, even my cave residence has been occupied by the Shu army. Where should we go? 大王 啊 , 睇 嚟 , 只有 一個 國 可以 打得贏 西 蜀 嘅 啫 。 Your Majesty|ah|||only|one|country|can|defeat|||possessive particle|only My king, it seems that there is only one country that can defeat the Western Shu. 邊度 啊 ? where|question particle Which one? 嗱, 由 呢 度 去 東南 便 七百里 , 有個國 叫做 烏戈國 。 well|from|this|place|to|southeast|then|seven hundred miles||called|Wugo country Well, from here to the southeast is seven hundred miles, and there is a country called the Kingdom of Ugo. 國 主 叫做 兀突 骨 , 成丈 二 咁 高 嘅 。 country|lord|is called|||about 6 feet|2|so|tall|possessive particle The king is named Wutugul, and he is twelve feet tall. 佢 唔 食 五穀 㗎 , 就 係 食 啲 生 蛇肉 、 生 野獸 肉 當飯 㗎 嘞 。 He|not|eat|grains|sentence-final particle|then|is|eat|some|raw|snake meat|raw|wild animal|meat||sentence-final particle|past action particle He doesn't eat grains; he only eats raw snake meat and raw wild animal meat as his meals. 佢 個 身 呀 生 滿 晒 鱗甲 , 刀 斬 唔 入 , 箭射 唔 穿 㗎 。 he|possessive particle|body|sentence-final particle|born|full|completely|armor|sword|slash|not|penetrate||not|pierce|sentence-final particle His body is covered in scales, and swords can't cut through it, and arrows can't pierce it. 哦 ? 咁 犀利 㗎 ? oh|so|impressive|question particle Oh? Is it that powerful? 係 啊 , 佢 手下 啲 士兵 呀 , 都 係 着 藤甲 嘅 。 are|||||||||wearing|bamboo armor|possessive particle Yes, their soldiers are all wearing rattan armor. 呢 啲 藤 呀 都 係 生 喺 啲 山澗 嗰 度 , 躝 住 喺 啲 石壁 上 便 嘅 。 |plural marker||||||on|plural marker||||||||rock wall|on|easily|particle These rattan vines grow in the mountain streams, clinging to the rock walls. 當地 啲 人 斬 咗 啲 藤 , 浸 喺 啲 油 裏 便 , 足足 浸成 半年 先 至 攞 出 嚟 晒 , 晒 乾 又 浸 , 浸 咗 又 晒 。 local|plural marker|people|cut|past tense marker|plural marker|vines|soaked|in|plural marker|oil||then|fully|soaked for|half a year|||||come|dry|dry||||||| The locals cut the rattan, soak it in oil, and let it soak for a full six months before taking it out to dry, then soak it again, and dry it again. 如是者 十幾次 , 然後 先至 用 嚟 做成 盔甲 。 in this way|more than ten times|then|only then|used|to|make|armor This process is repeated more than ten times, and only then is it used to make armor. 呢 種甲好 厲害 㗎 , 過水 唔 濕 , 游水 唔 沉 , 刀箭 不 入 , 因此 又 號稱 藤甲軍 。 this||powerful|particle|water|not|wet|swimming||sink|swords and arrows|not|penetrate|therefore|also|known as|the vine armor army This type of armor is very powerful; it doesn't get wet in water, doesn't sink when swimming, and is impervious to knives and arrows, hence it is also known as rattan armor troops. 大王 啊 。 king|ah Great King! 吓 ? huh Huh? 去求 下 佢 啦 , 如果 佢 肯 幫手 , 打敗 諸葛亮 呀 , 就 好似 利刀 破竹 喇 。 go ask|for|him|particle|if|he|willing|help|defeat|Zhuge Liang|particle|then|just like|sharp knife|split bamboo|particle Go and ask him, if he is willing to help, defeating Zhuge Liang would be as easy as cutting through bamboo. 孟獲極 之 歡喜 , 就 去 投奔 烏戈國 拜見 國 主 兀突 骨 嘞 。 Meng Huo Ji|possessive particle|joy|then|go|seek refuge|Wu Ge Kingdom|pay respects to|country|lord|Wu Tu|Gu|particle indicating completed action Meng Huo was extremely happy, so he went to seek refuge in the Wugo Kingdom to meet the king, Wutugu. 各位 , 以上 所講 嘅 就 係 六 擒 孟 獲 , 下 一次 就要 講到 七擒 孟獲 咯 喎 。 everyone|above|what was said|possessive particle|just|is|six|capture|||next|time|will|talk about|seven captures|Meng Huo|sentence-final particle|particle indicating realization Everyone, what I've mentioned above is the Six Captures of Meng Huo, next time we will talk about the Seven Captures of Meng Huo. 各位 如果 唔 想 錯過 呢 , 就 請到 時 再 收聽 啦 。 everyone|if|not|want|to miss|this|then||time|again|listen|particle Everyone, if you don't want to miss this, please tune in again on time.

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