10. Takovej můj rutinní den, 16.08.2011
10. Such is my routine day, August 16, 2011.
čau linkaři, dneska je úterý 16. srpna 2011 a já právě nahrávám další díl do této kolekce.
hi|linkers|today|is|Tuesday|of August|and|I|just|am recording|another|episode|into|this|collection
Hi, listeners, today is Tuesday, August 16, 2011, and I am currently recording another episode for this collection.
Co bych vám dneska řekl?
What|would I|to you|today|would say
What should I tell you today?
O tom jsem zase nepřemýšlel předem.
||||nicht nachgedacht|
About|it|I|again|didn't think|in advance
I haven't thought about that in advance again.
Ovšem někdy bych tomu tak chtěl udělat a předem si připravit nějaké téma, ale dneska jsem to zase neudělal.
Of course|sometimes|I would|to it|that way|wanted|to do|and|in advance|myself|to prepare|some|topic|but|today|I|it|again|did not do
However, sometimes I would like to do that and prepare a topic in advance, but I didn't do it again today.
Takže co bych vám řekl...takže dneska byl takovej rutinní den, jako poslední dobou pořád.
So|what|I would|to you|said|so|today|was|such a|routine|day|like|last|time|all the time
So what I would tell you... so today was a pretty routine day, like it has been lately.
Ráno jsem vstal v 8 hodin nebo v půl devátý spíš, šel jsem do práce a tam jsem byl celý den až do šesti hodin do večera.
In the morning|I|woke up|at|o'clock|or|at|half|nine|rather|I went|I|to|work|and|there|I|was|whole|day|until|to|six|o'clock|in|the evening
I got up at 8 o'clock or rather half past eight, I went to work and was there all day until six in the evening.
Pak jsem si došel na jídlo.
Then I went to get some food.
Koupil jsem si u Vietnamce jídlo.
I bought|I|myself|at|the Vietnamese|food
I bought food from a Vietnamese place.
Bylo to kuře, respektive bylo to vepřový s rejží...což mi docela chutnalo.
It was|that|chicken|respectively|it was|that|pork|with|rice|which|to me|quite|tasted
It was chicken, or rather it was pork with rice... which I quite liked.
No...pak jsem se kouknul na LingQ, co je novýho...kdo studoval češtinu, abych mu mohl popřípadě něco napsat na zeď - jestli nepotřebuje pomoc a tak..takže se občas koukám, kdo co studuje.
No|then|I|reflexive pronoun|looked|at|LingQ|what|is|new|who|studied|Czech|so I could|him|could|possibly|something|write|on|wall|if|doesn't need|help|and|so|so|reflexive pronoun|occasionally|I look|who|what|studies
Well... then I looked at LingQ to see what's new... who has studied Czech so I could possibly write something on their wall - if they need help and so on... so I occasionally check who is studying what.
No..a viděl jsem, že Steve studuje tyto lekce spontálních monologů..tak to mě celkem potěšilo.
|||||||||||||||freute mich
No|and|I saw|I|that|Steve|studies|these|lessons|spontaneous|monologues|so|it|me|quite|pleased
Well.. and I saw that Steve is studying these lessons on spontaneous monologues.. so that made me quite happy.
Už jsem si myslel,že to snad nebude nikdo číst, protože jsem ještě nezaregistroval nikoho, kdo by si to četl.
Already|I|myself|thought|that|it|perhaps|will not|nobody|read|because|I|yet|had registered|nobody|who|would|himself|it|read
I was starting to think that maybe no one would read it, because I hadn't noticed anyone reading it yet.
Ono to je taky tím, že tady ještě není moc studentů češtiny, ale viděl jsem Steva, že si to četl a docela mě to potěšilo.
It|that|is|also|by|that|here|still|is not|many|students|of Czech|but|I saw|I|Steve|that|himself|it|read|and|quite|me|it|pleased
It's also because there aren't many Czech students here yet, but I saw Steve reading it and that made me quite happy.
Dále jsem se díval, že Reinhard něco napsal a poslal mi to, abych mu to opravil.
Furthermore|I|reflexive particle|looked|that|Reinhard|something|wrote|and|sent|to me|it|so that I|to him|it|corrected
Then I noticed that Reinhard wrote something and sent it to me to correct.
Takže hned po této nahrávce, co jí napíšu..a potom to nahraju na lingq - nasdílím...tak potom půjdu Reinhardovi opravit to jeho psaní.
So|immediately|after|this|recording|that|to her|I will write|and|then|it|I will upload|on|LingQ|I will share|so|then|I will go|to Reinhard|to correct|his|his|writing
So right after this recording, which I will write to her.. and then I will upload it to LingQ - I will share it... then I will go to fix Reinhard's writing.
No tak to by bylo pro dnešek všechno.
Well, that would be all for today.
Děkuju vám za pozornost a zase někdy příště...možná zejtra, děkuji čau čau.
Thank you|you|for|attention|and|again|sometime|next time|maybe|tomorrow|thank you|bye|bye
Thank you for your attention and see you next time... maybe tomorrow, thank you, bye bye.
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