你 微笑 时 很 美 EP20 (2)
你 赞同 这样 的 比赛 态度 吗
Do you agree with his attitude then?
What's going on?
你 今天 的 提问 很 恐怖 诶
Your questions today are pretty scary.
我 不 知道
I don't know
这是 对方 的 战术
if it's their team's strategy
还是 选手 个人 的 想法
or his individual opinion,
但是 我 觉得 作为 一个 队伍 的 核心
but, as one of the team's cores,
就是 要 做出
we need to
对 队友 和 队伍 负责 的 行为
be responsible for our teammates and our team.
这 是 最 基本 的 吧
That's the most basic thing.
有 传闻 说 是因为 之前
I heard that he acted like this
关于 许泰伦 选手
because you talked about
跟 粉丝 约会 的 事件
Xu Tai Lun's affair with his fan
你 在 直播间 发表 的 一些 言论
when you were doing your live stream.
导致 一些 人 认为 这是 事实
That's why some people think that the rumor was true.
你 认为 和 这 有关 吗
Do you think it's related to that?
我 不 知道 我 说 了 什么
I don't know what I said,
如果 这个 人 本身 没有 问题 的话
if that person didn't do anything wrong,
任何人 任何 话 都 带 不了 任何 节奏
no one could affect him.
我 相信
I believe
许泰伦 选手 本身 也 知道 这个
that Xu Tai Lun knows that as well.
你 怎么 来 了
Why are you here?
话筒 给 我
Pass me the microphone.
童谣 只是 针对 你们 的 提问
Smiling is giving her answers
回答 问题
based on your questions.
我 由衷 地 希望 在场 各位
I sincerely hope that everyone here
能够 如实 报道
can publish the truth.
我 不 希望 等 她 走出 这 道门
I don't want her to realize that
才 发现自己 的 意思 被 完全 扭曲
her words were twisted by you only after she leaves the venue.
我 知道 某些 媒体
I know some media companies
有时候 会 为了 博取 眼球
will go to such lengths
而 做些 断章取义 的 手段
in order to attract attention.
但 事件 关乎 到 选手 的 声誉
But this incident concerns a pro gamer's reputation.
怎么 写 写 到 哪
What to write, and how to write it,
望 慎重
I hope you guys can think about that.
走 吧
Let's go.
Thank you.
I'm so happy!
陆岳 说好 了 打 一把 父子 局
Lu Yue, I thought you agreed to have a solo match with me?
来 单挑
Come on.
想 喝 微醺 冰 的 那种
I want some iced RIO.
老 K 请客
Why me?
为什么 要 我 请
因为 你 拿 了 全场 最佳 啊
Because you were the MVP.
童谣 也 拿 了 全场 最佳 啊
Smiling was the MVP as well.
童谣 大大 被 扣过 两个 月工资
Smiling has two months' worth of wage deducted from her.
他们 让我拿 全场 最佳
They let me become the MVP
只是 因为 他们 想 八卦 我 和 许泰伦
because they wanted to gossip about me and Xu Tai Lun.
走走 走
Let's go!
说 吧
想 好 了 再 开口
Think before you speak.
中场 休息 的 时候
During the break,
我 在 洗手间 门口 遇见 了 许泰伦
I met Xu Tai Lun by the toilet's entrance.
他 问 我 之前 直播
He asked me
被 问起 电影院 的 事情
why I didn't deny the allegation
为什么 不帮 他 洗白
that he went to the cinema
还要 说些 模棱两可 的话 带 节奏
and said some ambiguous things to affect people's judgment.
你 说 了 什么
What did you say to him?
嘴长 在 我 身上
I can say whatever I want to
我 爱 说 什么 说 什么
since it's my freedom to do so.
没 毛病 然后 呢
That's fine. And then?
然后 他 问 我 打假 赛 放水
And then, he said he'll lose to us on purpose
能 不能 让 我 闭上嘴
if I keep his secrets.
凭 本事 能 赢 的 比赛
Why do we need him to go easy on us
为什么 要 他 放水
when we can win against them easily?
我 说 不能
I said no.
然后 咬 了 他 一口
And I bit him.
就 跑啦
I ran away after that.
我 跑啦
I ran away after that.
前 一句
Before that.
我 说 不能
I said no.
后 一句
After that.
我 咬 了 他 一口
And I bit him.
是 你 说 不让 我 打人 的
You told me not to get into a fight.
我 咬 人 总 可以 了 吧
A bite is fine, right?
又 不会 咬 死 他
I won't bite him to death.
所以 第二场 比赛 开始 的 时候
Is that why Xu Tai Lun
许泰伦 手臂 上 缠 着 纱布
has a bandage on his hand during our second match?
是 你 咬 的
Did you do that?
对 啊
在 这 站 着 不许 去 隔壁
Stand here. You're not allowed to go to our neighbor's base camp.
你们 谁 都 不许 给 她 开门
None of you are allowed to open the door for her.
Brother Cheng,
她 怎么 啦
what's wrong with her?
垃圾桶 里面 找 东西 吃
She tried to take a bite of something she found in the dumps.
外面 站 着 散散 味
I told her to stay outside to get rid of the stench.
The dumps?
她 这么 不 讲 干净 的 吗
Was she that unhygienic?
你 就 当 他 没 说
Just forget about it.
惹 我哥 生气 了 呗
I'm sure he made my brother angry.
什么 呀
What are you talking about?
胖 帮 我 开门
(Fatty, open the door for me.)
(Sorry, but I'm unable to do anything.)
陆先生 的 外卖
Delivery for Mr. Lu.
给 我 吧 给 我 吧
Pass it to me.
这么 热 的 天
it's so hot outside.
你 一个 人 在 外面 干吗 呢
Why are you here by yourself?
喂 蚊子 呢
I'm feeding the mosquitoes.
Thank you.
两个 选择
[fhdwhdb233] (You have two choices.)
要么 放 我 进去
(It's either you let me in,)
要么 我 被 蚊子 咬 死 在 外面
(or you guys can starve to death)
你们 被 饿死 在 里面
(as the mosquitoes kill me.)
自己 选
(Make your decision.)
您 的 外卖 齐 了
Your order is here.
您 点 一下
Please check your order.
不用 了 不用 了 谢谢
It's fine. Thank you.
我要 这个
I want this.
给 你 的 谢谢 给 你
-Here you go. -Thank you.
这是 什么 汉堡
What is this? A hamburger?
汉堡 啊
It's a hamburger?
给 你 拿 个 咖啡
I'll get you a cup of coffee.
好 谢谢
Okay, thank you.
没订 你 的
I didn't order your share.
有 我 都 看到 了
You did. I saw my share.
拿出 去 吃
Eat outside.
知道 错 了 吗
Do you know your mistake now?
知道 了 知道 了
I do.
下次 再 遇到 这样 的 情况 怎么办
What will you do when you encounter the same thing next time?
扭头 就 跑 报警 叫 救命
I'll run away, call the cops, or ask someone for help.
叫 谁
Ask whom to help you?
行 了 行 了 知道 了
叫 谁
Ask whom to help you?
坐下 来 吃
Sit down.
这个 人 这么 凶
(He's so fierce.)
你 怎么 还 一直 盯 着 他 看
(Why are you still staring at him?)
眼睛 都 不错 开 一下
You didn't even blink.
你 你 怎么 又 来 了
Why are you here again?
因为 你 需要 我 啊
Because you need me.
这个 人有 什么 好 的
There's nothing good about him.
你 懂 什么 呀
You know nothing.
他 是 能 在 赛场 上 带动 的 陆思诚
He's the Lu Si Cheng who can carry us to victory.
宣传照 帅得 能进 娱乐圈
He's so handsome that he can become a celebrity.
直播间 里 话 少 偶尔 怼 怼 粉丝
He doesn't speak much during his live stream, but he'll tease his fans occasionally.
我 偶像 他 没有 缺点 的
He's my idol. And he has no weaknesses.
骄傲 自负 嘴贱
He's proud, conceited and never speaks in a nice way.
习惯性 面瘫
He has no expression on his face.
套路 太 多数 不 清楚
He's extremely devious and scheming.
心情 好 的 时候 就 捉弄 队友
He will make fun of his teammates when he's in a good mood.
心情 不好 的 时候 就 鬼见愁
He shuns them away when he's in a bad mood.
只要 不 比赛 就 不 洗脸 不 刮胡子
He doesn't shave or wash his face if he doesn't need to attend matches.
明明 私服 一大堆 件 件 都 很 贵
He has plenty of expensive outfits,
却 偏偏 爱 穿 小胖 三十九 块 九
yet he only wears the cheap ones
淘宝 包邮 的 大 衬衫
Fatty bought from Taobao.
如果 你 还 想 听 我 还 可以 继续 说
If you want to know more, I can list all of them out.
我 不 听 我 不 听
I won't listen to you!
你 是 吃 纸巾 长大 的 吗
(did you grow up eating the toilet roll?)
我 昨天 才 放 了 一包 新 的
(I put a new toilet roll yesterday,)
今天 就 没 了
(but it's already gone?)
我 怎么 擦屁股 啊
(How can I wipe my bottoms then?)
看来 偶像 也 是 要 亲自 上 厕所 的 呀
Seems like your idol needs to wash his bottoms by himself as well.
即使 是 这样
Even so,
就算 是 他 褪去 了 偶像 的 光环
even if he's not an idol anymore,
依然 很 吸引 我
he's still very attractive.
如果 连 骂骂咧咧 地
If you think he's cute
提 着 裤子 找 纸巾
even when
都 能 被 归类 于 可爱 的话
he's looking for toilet paper to wipe his bottoms,
那 你 就 麻烦 大 了
you're in huge trouble.
走 啦
Let's go.
要 去 哪
Where are you going?
带 大饼 感受一下 贵族 的 猫生
I'm going to let Da Bing experience the life of royalty.
Get in.
顺路 送 你
I'll send you there on the way.
你 去 哪儿 啊
Where are you going?
I'm going to send my car to a car wash.
你 不是 前天 刚洗 过 吗
Didn't you wash your car just two days ago?
Get in the car.
把 安全带 系 上
Fasten your seat belt.
别 乱跑 一会儿 来接 你
Don't go anywhere. I'll pick you up later.
您好 欢迎光临
Hello and welcome.
您好 我 今天 预约 了
Hello, I've made an appointment for today.
手机 尾号 是 零三 零五
The last four digits of my number are 0305.
好 的
好重 你 知道 我 有 多 难过 吗
-So heavy. -Do you know how sad I am?
我 每天晚上
I can only sleep
都 要 靠着 安眠药 才能 睡着
after I take the sleeping pills.
你 能 不能
Can you...
我 认识 你
I know who you are.
ZGDX 战队 的 中单 是 吧
You're Team ZGDX's Mid, right?
那天 在 花鸟 市场 见 过 的
We met each other at the plants and pets market that day.
我 和 泰伦哥 一起
I was with Brother Tai Lun back then.
小猫 怎么 了
What's wrong with your kitten?
可能 是 猫 瘟
Maybe it's because of feline distemper.
还有 带 去 基地 人太多
Or it's because the base camp was too crowded.
精神紧张 什么 的
My kitten was too nervous.
那天 确实 不该 带 去 电影院 的
I shouldn't have brought it to the cinema back then.
泰伦哥 没 时间 照顾 它
Brother Tai Lun is too busy to take care of it.
就让 我 带 它 来 宠物医院 了
So he told me to bring it to the pet hospital.
可 我 等会儿 还要 去 公司 打个 卡
But I still need to punch in later.
你 能 不能 帮 我 照看 它 一下
Can you help me take care of it for a second?
十分钟 以后 我 就 回来 接它
I'll pick it up after 10 minutes.
那 就 拜托 你 了
I'll leave it to you then.
乖 来
Good kitty, come on.
如果 当初 不想 养它 为什么 要 买 呢
Why did you buy it if you don't want to take care of it in the first place?
许泰伦 在 直播 的 时候 说 的话
didn't you hear what Xu Tai Lun said
你 听见 了 吗
on his live stream?
我 听到 了
I did.
值得 吗
Is this worth it?
怎么 了 小猫
What's wrong, little kitty?
这么 快
You're done already?
许泰伦 的 猫 怎么 在 你 这
Why are you holding Xu Tai Lun's cat?
刚刚 我 遇见 了 许泰伦 那个
Just now, I encountered Xu Tai Lun's...
那个 谁
I mean his fan.
她 带 小猫 来 看病
She brought the kitten here.
说 好像 是 得 了 什么 星期 猫猫 瘟
She said she was diagnosed with feline distemper or something like that.
但是 我 看 化验 结果显示
But I've read the report.
只是 普通 感冒 而已
It's just normal flu.
拐 别人 家 的 猫 要 被 禁赛 几场 啊
how long will I be suspended from abducting someone else's cat?
发 什么 神经 啊
Are you out of your mind?
我 想 犯罪
I want to commit crimes.
这 是 你 偷
You're stealing...
Lower your voice.
一会儿 店员 听到 了
The shopkeeper will think that
还 以为 我 真要 那 什么 呢
I'm committing a crime for real if she hears that.
这 已经 是 别人 的 猫 了
This cat belongs to someone else.
我 知道
I know that.
又 不 可能 真的 把 它 偷走
It's impossible for me to steal it.
您 的 猫 已经 好 了
Your cat is ready.
看 这 猫 多 讨厌 你
Look, the cat hates you.
走 了
Let's go.
童谣 谢谢 你 帮 我 照顾 它
Smiling, thank you for taking care of my kitten.
走 吧
Let's go.
她 不会 还要 把 猫 送回 DQ.Five 吧
Don't tell me she's going to send the cat back to DQ.Five?
许泰伦 的 粉丝
I think Xu Tai Lun's fan
应该 挺 喜欢 那 只 猫 的
does like that cat.
应该 会 送 回去 吧
I think she'll send it back.
不要 跟 我 说 你 要 去 基地 偷 啊
Don't tell me you're going to steal it from their base camp?
想都别想 走
Don't even think about it. Let's go.
是 啊 打针 了
(Yeah, she got a jab.)
下午 找 了 工作人员
(I asked one of our crew to bring it)
带 它 去 打针 代替 我
(to the pet hospital for a jab this afternoon.)
One of their crew, huh?
没事 没事
(It's fine.)
不是 猫 瘟
(It wasn't feline distemper.)
感冒 而已
(It's just normal flu.)
现在 已经 好 很多 了
(It's much better now.)
我 想 送 它
I wanted to send it to the pet hospital,
但是 我 下午 要 打 训练赛
but I have practice matches this afternoon.
训练赛 赢 了
(We won our practice matches.)
你 说 跟 谁 打
(Who was our opponent?)
不 告诉 你们
(That's a secret.)
(My girlfriend?)
对 啊 佳琪 也 很 喜欢 它
(Yeah, Jia Qi likes it as well.)
我 和 她 一起 养 的
(We're taking care of the kitten together.)
这 还 不如 李恒硕 那个 二 傻子 呢
He's much worse than that fool, Lee Hang Suk.
有 什么 毛病 又 讨厌 又 要 看
What's wrong with you? Don't watch his live stream if you hate him.
你 让开 别关 我 直播
Move aside. Don't close my live stream.
虽然 我 讨厌 他
Although I hate him,
但是 也 不 妨碍 我 看 他 直播 演戏 啊
I enjoy watching his pretense.
这个 人 满嘴 谎话
He's full of lies.
张嘴 就 能 骗人 的 人
He can deceive others with every word he utters.
多 难得 呀
He's a rare find.
这 就是 活生生 的 教科书
What a living example.
教育 我们
that all male pro gamers are unreliable.
电 竞圈 的 男人 不 可取
说 什么 疯话
What nonsense are you spouting?
男人 的 嘴 骗人 的 鬼
A man's words cannot be trusted.
自己 遇不到 好 的
You're insulting every man
在 这 说来说去
just because you couldn't find a good one.
什么 叫 我 遇不到 好 的
What do you mean by I couldn't find a good one?
那 还 怪 我 咯
Is that my fault?
那 你 跟 我 说 说
Tell me then.
电 竞圈 里面 有 几个 这样 的 好 男人
How many good men do you have in the industry?
打游戏 打得 又 好
Like who's great at gaming,
长得 又 帅 又 有 耐心
handsome, patient,
不 乱搞 还 不 骗人 那种
and doesn't deceive others?
有 啊
There is.
谁 啊
Who is it?
我 啊 要 不要 试试
It's me. Do you want to give it a try?
你 在 说 什么
What are you saying?
什么 情况
What's going on?
I'm just saying.
看 你 那样 有没有 出息
Look at you. Useless.
这种 话 是 能 随便 乱说 的 吗
Can you just say that kind of thing without thinking it through?
是 啊
Of course.
我 想 乱说 就 乱说
I can say whatever I want to say.
觉 不 觉得 队长 最近 有点儿 古怪
Don't you think our leader has been acting weird lately?
For example?
先是 千年 不遇 地 出门 看 电影 约会
First, he went to catch a movie with her.
然后 又 当众 开 撩
After that, he flirted with her in public.
经常 出门 车 都 洗得勤 了
They went out often and he's washing his car more often as well.
你 这么 一说
Now that you've mentioned it,
队长 最近 确实 古怪
I do think that our leader has been acting weird lately.
对 吧
Am I right?
是 吗
Is that so?
你 觉得 哪个 部分 比较 古怪
队长 最近
Our leader
爱 喝水 了
has been drinking a lot of water lately.
电 竞圈 的 男人 啊 呵呵
(Male pro gamers?)
我想静 一静
(I want to be alone for a second.)
许泰伦 出事 了
Xu Tai Lun is in trouble!
看 这个
Look at this.
许泰伦 劈 腿 实锤
[Evidence of Xu Tai Lun's affair] (Xu Tai Lun is cheating on his girlfriend.)
许泰伦骗 粉 有图 有 真相
-(Xu Tai Lun deceived his fans.) -(We have pictures of his affair.)
渣 男 谎话 精
(He's a despicable liar.)
买买 买
(Buy them all.)
这个 以 你 之名 是 谁 呀
Who's this In Your Name?
DQ.Five 打野 睡粉 实锤 啊
It's been proved that the Jungler of DQ.Five is sleeping with his fan.
今天 逛 花鸟 市场 买回来 的 小猫
(We bought a kitten from the plants and pets market today.)
(I'm so happy.)
仿佛 有 了 羁绊 也 有 了 寄托
(I feel as if I have someone to depend on right now.)
这以 你 之名 到底 是 谁 啊
Who's this In Your Name?
这 不会 就是 那个 被 嗯 的 粉丝
Don't tell me she's the fan he's having an affair with?
还给 买 衣服
She even bought him some clothes?
怎么 没 粉丝 给 我 买 衣服
Why aren't my fans buying clothes for me?
因为 你 没有 粉丝 啊
It's because you have no fans.
但是 我 有 你 啊
But I have you.
渣 男
果果 你 不配 粉 龙哥 疯病 犯 了 吗
-(Guo Guo, you don't deserve Dragon.) -(Are you out of your mind?)
那 这个 给 以 你 之 名点 赞 的 果果
Then who's that Guo Guo who keeps giving likes
又 是 谁
to In Your Name?
You retard.
还 能 是 谁
Who else could it be?
当然 是 以 你 之名 本人 一个 人
Of course it's In Your Name herself.
还 能 这样 玩
You can do that?
许泰伦 不是 天天 在 直播间 说
Didn't Xu Tai Lun show off during his live streams
他 和 女朋友 宁佳琪
that he and his girlfriend, Ning Jia Qi,
有 多么 多么 得 好
are having a great relationship?
又 要 在 微博秀 恩爱
He's showing off their relationship on Weibo as well.
也 不 知道 是 哪 一次
I don't know when it happened,
成为 了 压死 骆驼 的 最后 一根 稻草
but he was the last straw that broke the camel's back.
妹子 被 逼急 了
His fan was frustrated.
直接 爆发 了 一波 四 一连 招 二连
定向 爆破 直接 满血 带走
to reduce his HP to 0.
你们 怎么 这么 八卦
Why are you guys so nosey?
他 还 说 其他 战队
He even said
决战 ! 平安 京 职业联赛 水平 臭 呢
that the other teams in OPL are lousy.
我 觉得 我 被 地图 炮 了
I think he's stereotyping us.
胖爷 上 一周 才 在 训练赛
Last week,
把 他 捶 得 螺旋 升天
I decimated him during our practice match.
老 K 在野 区 把 他 支配 得 瑟瑟 发抖
K was slaying him in his own jungle as well.
他 跟 我 说 别人
Now, he's saying
决战 ! 平安 京 职业联赛 水平 臭
other teams in OPL are lousy?
这个 真的 不能 忍
I can't stand this.
不能 忍
No way.
又 有 一条 新 的 爆料
There's a new gossip in town.
You're allowed to speak.
我 是 DQ.Five 战队 的 工作人员
I'm one of the crew members of Team DQ.Five.
I've had enough.
DQ.Five 战队
[DQ.Five's crew have something to say.] Team DQ.Five
本来 就是 韩国 人 说了算
was dominated by the Korean in the first place.
他 说 往东 队友 不敢 往西 的
If he gives out an order, no one dares to disobey him.
其实 上周
Actually, last week,
打 我们 ZGDX 战队 的 时候
when they were going against Team ZGDX,
傻子 都 知道 这么 抓
even fools know that the other lanes
其他 几条 线 根本 打 不过
will be done for if he only focuses on Mid.
但是 还是 这么 干 了
But he still did so.
因为 睡粉 怪 恨 ZGDX 中单
Because the monster hated ZGDX's Mid
那天 关于 电影院 的 事情
for not speaking up for him
不帮 他 说话
during the cinema incident.
为什么 这么 恨
Why does he hate her so much?
还 不是 因为 他们 俱乐部 的 队员
It's all because his teammates
对于 他 太 过于 百依百顺
follow his every order.
他 就 以为 中国 人 都 是 这样
That's why he thought every Chinese is like them.
一个 人站 出来 反对 他
He doesn't like it when
他 就 不 习惯 了
someone stands against him.
我 看看
So arrogant.
不能 一棍子打死 啊
We can't paint everyone with the same brush.
决战 ! 平安 京 职业联赛
也 有 好 的 韩援
does have great Korean players as well.
教皇 金恩硕
Hierophant, Kim Eun Suk,
还有 李恒硕 都 不错
and Lee Hang Suk are great Korean players.
这种 事
This incident
跟 俱乐部 纪律性 有 直接 关系
is directly related to the discipline of a club.
我 觉得 无论 全华班 还是 韩援
No matter if it's a Chinese or a Korean player,
你 再 带 飞 都 得 按照 规矩 办事
[Argument, troubled, am I not good enough?] you mustn't exceed your boundaries.
DQ.Five 春季 赛 打 得 是 不错
[I did my best, yet I can't win against her.] DQ.Five did do well in the Spring Playoffs,
但 也 就是 昙花一现
but it was short-lived.
从 他们 俱乐部 开始
The club is already doomed
默许 许泰伦 乱来 的 那 一刻起
ever since they allowed Xu Tai Lun
就 已经 完 了
to do whatever he likes.
现在 决战 ! 平安 京 职业联赛
Now, in the OPL,
像 DQ.Five 这种
there is more than one team
管理层 都 压不住
like Team DQ.Five,
主力 韩国 人 说话 权 的 俱乐部
where the Korean players have more say
可 不止 这 一家
than the entirety of the club.
这种 歪风邪气 要是 再 不 改
If we don't change this trend,
决战 ! 平安 京 职业联赛
the OPL
才 是 真的 要 完
will be done for.
完蛋 喽
We're done for.
早就 该管 一管 了
They should have meddled with this long ago.
如果 国内 的 俱乐部
If the clubs in our country
都 能够 好好 反思 一下 韩援 问题
can think about the problems with importing Korean players,
那么 他 被 爆出 丑 这件 事情
his scandal isn't necessarily
未必 是 件 坏事
a bad thing.
这个 圈子 早该 肃清 了
The e-sports scene should have done this long ago.
真是 正义感 爆棚
He really has a sense of justice.
恭喜 我们 的 DQ.Five 战队 获胜
(Let's congratulate Team DQ.Five for winning the match.)
下面 有 请 他们 的 队长 许泰伦
(Next, let's invite their leader, Dragon,)
分享 一下 比赛 心得
(to share his thoughts with us.)
非常 荣幸
I'm very honored
我们 队 能够 赢得 这 一次 的 比赛
and grateful that our team was able to win the match.
然后 呢
不仅 要 感谢 我 的 队友
not only do I need to thank my teammates,
在 这里
我 也 非常 地 想要 感谢 一个 人
I would like to thank someone special to me.
是因为 她
Our team was able to grow
我们 的 队伍 才 能够
慢慢 地 茁壮成长
of her presence.
也 希望 这个 人 呢 可以
And I hope this person
陪伴 我们 一直 走 下去
can stay beside us forever.
Show some love.
Here's some love.
走 了 兄弟 们
Brother, let's go.
今晚 我 请客
I'll treat you guys to a meal tonight.
走走 走 太好了 走
-Let's go. -That's great.
吃饭 喽 走 喽
-Time for dinner. -Let's go.
喜欢 吗
Do you like it?
挺 好 的
It's pretty nice.
我 可以 跟 你 合 张照 吗
Can I take a picture with you?
用 我 手机 拍 吧
Let's use my phone then,
好 吗
来 笑 一下
Three, two, one.
给 我 看 一眼 吧
Let me take a look.
那个 我 下次 发给你
I'll send it to you next time.
吹 蜡烛
I'll blow out the candles now.
果果 你 没事 吧
(Guo Guo, are you okay?)
微博 清空 了
(There's nothing on your Weibo account anymore.)
是 要 退圈 了 吗
(Are you going to deactivate your account?)
不 明白 你 为什么 要 这么 做
(I don't understand why you're doing this.)
不是 说好 了
(we are going to keep this a secret?)