절망의 나날, 네 번째-100
of despair|days|fourth|hundred
Tage der Verzweiflung, Vierte - 100
Дни отчаяния, четвертый - 100
Days of Despair, Fourth-100
절망의 나날, 네 번째
of despair|days|fourth|fourth
Days of Despair, Fourth
잠이 들면 악몽에 시달려 식은땀이 온몸을 적셨다.
sleep|when|to the nightmare|suffering|cold sweat|whole body|drenched
When I fell asleep, I was tormented by nightmares, and cold sweat drenched my whole body.
하루는 내가 폭파시킨 남조선 려객기에 우리 가족들과 나, 김승일이 타고 있었다.
one day|I|blew up|South Korean|passenger plane|our|with family|I|Kim Seung-il|was on|was
One day, I was on a South Korean passenger plane that I had blown up, along with my family and me, Kim Seung-il.
내가 우물쭈물 망설이자 김승일은 내게 시한폭탄 라지오를 빨리 비행기 선반 위에 올려놓고 내리자고 재촉했다.
I|hesitating|when|Kim Seung-il|to me|time bomb|radio|quickly|airplane|shelf|on|putting|suggesting to get off|urged
As I hesitated, Kim Seung-il urged me to quickly place the time bomb radio on the airplane shelf and get off.
눈을 부라리고 있는 김 선생의 얼굴은 죽어 있는 사람이었다.
the eye|glaring|that is|Kim|teacher's|face|dead|that is|person
Mr. Kim's face, glaring, looked like that of a dead person.
무섭게 굳어 있으면서도 아무런 움직임이 없는 표정이었다.
frightening|stiff|while|no|movement|absent|was expression
It was a terrifyingly stiff expression with no movement at all.
눈동자도 움직이지 않고 얼굴 색깔은 푸르댕댕한 색깔이었다.
the eyes|not moving|not|face|color|bluish|was
His pupils did not move, and his face was a pale blue color.
내가 우리 식구들에게 ‘어서 이 비행기에서 내리라'고 말을 하려 하자 죽은 것 같던 김승일이 내 팔을 와락 잡아 나를 비행기에서 끌어 내렸다.
I|our|family|quickly|this|from the airplane||words|trying|when|dead|thing|seemed|Kim Seung-il|my|arm|tightly|grabbed|me|from the airplane|pulling|down
As I was about to tell my family to 'hurry and get off this plane,' the seemingly dead Kim Seung-il suddenly grabbed my arm and pulled me out of the airplane.
그 힘이 어찌나 센지 꼼짝할 수가 없었다.
that|strength|how|strong|move||was not
The strength was so great that I couldn't move.
‘할아버지, 안 돼요.
'Grandpa, no.
우리 엄마, 아버지가 저기 있어요.
our|mom|father|over there|is
My mom and dad are over there.
현옥아, 현수야! '
Hyun-ok, Hyun-soo! '
나는 팔을 허우적거리며 동생들을 향해 고함을 질렀다.
I|arm|flailing|at my younger siblings|towards|shout|shouted
I flailed my arms and shouted towards my siblings.
김선생은 내 발버둥질에도 아랑곳하지 않고 기계처럼 나를 잡아 눌렀다.
Mr Kim|my|struggling|not caring|not|like a machine|me|grabbing|pinned down
Mr. Kim pressed me down like a machine, ignoring my struggles.
나는 그의 팔 힘에 꼼짝없이 비행기에서 끌려 내려오면서 엄마, 아버지, 동생들을 부르며 울부짖었다.
I|his|arm|strength|helplessly|from the airplane|being dragged|down|mom|father|siblings|calling|was crying out
I was helplessly dragged down from the plane by his strength, crying out for my mom, dad, and siblings.
“마유미, 마유미!
"Mayumi, Mayumi!"
wake up
"Get a hold of yourself."
간호원들은 영어로 혹은 바레인 말로 나를 악몽에서 깨어나게 도와주기도 여러 번이었다.
the nurses|in English|or|Bahraini|language|me|from the nightmare|waking|helping|several|times
The nurses often helped me wake up from the nightmare in English or in Bahraini.
또 이런 꿈도 꾸었다.
also|this kind of|dream|I dreamed
I also had this dream.
엄마, 아버지를 비롯한 모든 식구들이 너덜너덜한 옷을 입고 맨발로 눈길을 따라 산을 오르고 있었다.
mom|father|including|all|family members|tattered|clothes|wearing|barefoot|snowy path|along|mountain|climbing|was
My mom, dad, and all my family members were climbing the mountain barefoot in tattered clothes along a snowy path.
나와 딱 마주쳤는데도 쌀쌀한 표정을 지으며 모른 척하고 그냥 지나치는 것이었다.
with me|exactly|even though|cold|expression|while|not knowing|pretending|just|passing by|was
They passed right by me, but they had a cold expression and pretended not to know me.
나를 원쑤보듯 하는 것 같았다.
me|as if an enemy|doing|thing|seemed
It felt like they were looking at me as if I were their enemy.
나는 너무 섭섭해서 식구들을 뒤쫓아가려 했다.
I|too|was sad|to my family|trying to chase after|was
I was so upset that I tried to chase after my family.
그때 외할머니가 영화에서 본 적이 있는 무당이 되어 나를 눕혀 놓고 커다란 칼로 내리치려 했다.
at that time|my maternal grandmother|in the movie|seen|instance|that is|shaman|becoming|me|lying|down|large|with a knife|trying to strike|was
At that time, my grandmother became a shaman I had seen in a movie and tried to strike me down with a large knife.
알록달록한 옷을 입은 채 입에서는 불을 뿜고 있었다.
colorful|clothes|wearing|while|from the mouth|fire|spitting|was
Dressed in colorful clothes, she was breathing fire from her mouth.
마침 지난 봄(87년 5월)에 피부암으로 죽은 막내 동생 범수가 내 손을 끌어 주어 우리는 날듯이 달리기 시작했다.
just then|last|||||from skin cancer|died|youngest|younger sibling|Beom-soo|my|hand|pulling|giving|we|as if flying|running|started
Just then, my youngest brother Beom-soo, who had died of skin cancer last spring (May 1987), pulled my hand and we started to run as if we were flying.
땅 위를 달리는 것이 아니라 허공을 달렸다.
ground|on|running|thing|not|in the air|ran
We were not running on the ground, but in the air.
비행기처럼 빠르게 달리다가 범수가 갑자기 잡았던 손을 놓아 버린다.
like an airplane|quickly|while running|Beom-soo|suddenly|was holding|hand|let go|lets go
Running as fast as an airplane, Beom-soo suddenly let go of the hand he was holding.
나는 어디론지 끝없이 아래로 떨어져 내리는데 간이 써늘하고 오금이 저려 비명을 질렀다.
I|somewhere|endlessly|down|falling|down|my liver|cold|knee|numb|scream|let out
I was falling endlessly down somewhere, my stomach felt cold and my knees were weak, and I screamed.
역시 간호사가 나를 흔들어 깨워준다.
as expected|the nurse|me|shaking|wakes up
As expected, the nurse shook me awake.
수건으로 이마와 가슴에 흐른 땀을 닦아 주었다.
with a towel|my forehead|on my chest|flowing|sweat|wiping|I wiped
She wiped the sweat off my forehead and chest with a towel.
얼마 동안을 눈만 감으면 악몽에 시달리고 깨어 있으면 육체적인 통증에 시달리면서 보냈다.
how much|for a period of|only my eyes|if I close|to nightmares|suffering|awake|if I am|physical|to pain|suffering|I spent
For a while, whenever I closed my eyes, I was tormented by nightmares, and when I was awake, I suffered from physical pain.
죽음과 삶의 갈림길에서 정신이 오락가락하면서도 워낙 건강하고 젊었던 탓인지 나날이 회복되어 갔다.
death|of life|at the crossroads|my mind|wavering|very|healthy|young|perhaps due to|day by day|recovering|was going
At the crossroads of death and life, my mind was wandering, but perhaps because I was so healthy and young, I was recovering day by day.
몸이 조금 회복되자 예상했던 대로 바레인 경찰이 와서 지문을 찍어 가고 사진도 박아 갔다.
my body|a little|recovered|expected|as|Bahrain|police|came|fingerprints|taking|away|photo|putting|took
As my body began to recover a little, the Bahraini police came as expected to take my fingerprints and photos.
병원으로 옮겨 온 지 얼마나 되었는지 날짜를 도무지 짐작할 수 없는 시간이 흘러갔다.
to the hospital|moved|that|since|how|has been|date|at all|guessing|possibility|not|time|has passed
I had no idea how long it had been since I was moved to the hospital; time had passed in a way that was completely ungraspable.
아주 기나긴 시간이 흐른 것도 같고 며칠 안 된 시간인 것도 같았다.
very|long|time|has passed|thing|||||||seemed
It felt like an incredibly long time had passed, yet it also felt like it had only been a few days.
크고 부드러운 눈을 가진 30대의 흑인 간호사가 물수건으로 얼굴을 닦아 주고 머리도 벗겨 주었다.
big|soft|eyes|having|in his/her 30s|black|nurse|with a wet towel|face|wiping|giving|head|shaving|did
A Black nurse in her 30s, with large and gentle eyes, wiped my face with a wet towel and shaved my head.
어디에서도 그런 따뜻한 대접을 받아 본 적이 없는 나로서는 그녀의 그런 행동을 있는 그대로 감동스럽게 받아들이기까지는 제법 많은 시간이 걸렸다.
anywhere|such|warm|treatment|receiving|having|experience|not|for me|her|such|behavior|||movingly|until accepting|quite|many|time|took
Having never received such warm treatment anywhere, it took me quite a while to accept her actions as genuinely touching.
‘따뜻하다, 고맙다'는 마음이 들면서도 한편으로는 그 속에 숨겨진 저의를 알고 싶어 했고 그녀의 친절을 의심했다.
warm||heart|while feeling|on the other hand|that|inside|hidden|ulterior motive|knowing|want to|was|her|kindness|doubted
Even though I felt a warm and grateful heart, I also wanted to know the hidden intentions behind it and doubted her kindness.
흑인 간호사는 교대할 시간이 되면 내 손을 꼭 잡고 헤어지는 것을 아쉬워했다.
black|nurse|shift|time|when|my|hand|tightly|holding|parting|thing|was regretting
The Black nurse would hold my hand tightly when it was time to change shifts, expressing her reluctance to part.
“마유미, 나중에 만나.
"Mayumi, see you later.
우리는 친구야.”
we|are friends
We are friends."
속삭이듯 귓가에 들려주는 그녀의 영어는 가슴을 촉촉이 적셨고 언니 같다는 마음도 들게 했다.
whispering|to my ear|giving|her|English|heart|moist|wet|older sister|like|feeling|made|was
Her English, whispered softly in my ear, moistened my heart and made me feel like she was an older sister.
난 뭐라 대답할 수도 없어 그저 그녀의 이야기를 듣고 있을 뿐이었다.
I couldn't respond; I was just listening to her story.
그 흑인 간호사가 나가고 어딘지 마음 한구석이 허전하여 나는 눈을 감고 있었다.
that|black|nurse|left|somewhere|heart|corner|feeling empty|I|eyes|closed|was
After the black nurse left, I felt a void in my heart, so I closed my eyes.
죽어야 한다는 생각, 앞으로 어떻게 대처해 나가야 하는가 하는 생각 등으로 심란하고 우울해 있는데 남자들 몇 명이 경찰의 안내를 받고 내 병실로 들어섰다.
should die|that|thought|in the future|how|cope|should||with|thought|etc|troubled|depressed|I am|men|few|people|police|guidance|receiving|my|hospital room|entered
With thoughts of needing to die and how to cope moving forward, I was anxious and depressed when several men entered my hospital room, guided by the police.
나레이션 : 대남공작원 김현희의 고백, 랑독에 박수현이였습니다.
narration|South Korean agent|Kim Hyun-hee's|confession|in the dialogue|was Park Soo-hyun
Narration: The confession of North Korean agent Kim Hyun-hee, it was Park Soo-hyun.
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