주경이인가요? 여신강림메이크업💖Goddess Kangrim Makeupㅣ아랑 - YouTube
is it Jukyung|Goddess Kangrim Makeup||||YouTube
Is it Jukyung? Goddess Kangrim Makeup 💖 Goddess Kangrim Makeup | Arang - YouTube
여러분 안녕하세요 아랑입니다.
everyone|hello|I am Arang
Halo semuanya aku Arang.
皆さん こんにちは Arangです
Hello everyone, this is Arang.
사실 이 메이크업 영상은 업로드 할 생각은 없어서
Sebenarnya aku tidak berniat untuk mengupload video make up ini
正直このメイクアップ動画は アップするつもりはなくて
Actually, I didn't plan to upload this makeup video.
얼마 전에 메이크업을 하면서 간단하게 촬영을 했었던 영상이였거든요.
how much|ago|makeup|while|simply|filming|was|video
ini video yang aku buat dengan sederhana saat aku sedang berias beberapa hari yang lalu.
この前 メイクをしながら簡単に撮影した動画だったんです
It was a video that I simply filmed while doing my makeup a little while ago.
튜토리얼을 많이 원하길래 이번에 짧게 영상으로 제작을 해 봤어요.
the tutorial|a lot|wanted|this time|briefly|as a video|production|I did|I tried
Tapi karena banyak yang menginginkan tutorial jadi aku membuatnya sedikit.
Since many of you wanted tutorials, I decided to create a short video this time.
그럼 지금부터 저랑 같이 간단한 데일리 메이크업 보러 갈까요?
then|from now|with me|together|simple|daily|makeup|to see|shall we
Kalau begitu ayo kita mulai melakukan riasan sehari-hari yang sederhana bersamaku?
じゃあ 今から私と一緒に簡単なデイリーメイクを見に行きましょうか?
So shall we go check out a simple daily makeup together?
제가 한통은 다 비우고 지금 두 통째 사용을 하고 있는데
I|one bottle|completely|empty|now|second|bottle|using|am|am
Aku sudah memakai ini yang kedua kalinya
1箱は全部空にして いま2箱目を使ってるんですが
I finished one bottle and I'm currently using my second one.
지금은 거의 바닥이 보일 정도로 요즘 매일 매일 사용 중이에요.
now|almost|floor|visible||these days|every day|every day|using|is in progress
dan sekarang juga sudah mulai habis karena aku memakainya setiap hari.
今はほぼ底が見えるくらい 最近は毎日使用中です
Right now, it's almost empty because I've been using it every single day.
닥터지 수딩크림은 제가 올리브영에서 구매한 뒤로 매일 사용을 하고 있어요.
Dr G|soothing cream|I|at Olive Young|purchased|since|every day|using|am|I am
Setelah aku membeli Soothing cream dari Dr. G di Olive Young aku jadi sering memakainya sehari-hari.
The Dr. G soothing cream has been my daily use since I bought it at Olive Young.
생각보다 저한테 정말 잘 맞더라구요.
than I thought|to me|really|well|suited
Produk ini cukup cocok dengan kulitku.
It surprisingly suits me really well.
닥터지 브라이트닝 선크림은 일년 내내 사용할 정도로 완전 아랑템.
Dr G|brightening|sunscreen|year|throughout|usable||completely|must-have item
Kalau produk Brightening Sun Cream dari Dr. G sudah termasuk item penting bagiku.
Dr.G ブライトニング アップサンミルクは一年中使用するほど 完全にマイアイテム
The Dr. G brightening sunscreen is a total must-have that I use all year round.
자연스러운 톤업 효과가 있어서 화장 전에는 꼭 사용을 해주고 있어요.
natural|tone-up|effect|having|makeup|before|definitely|using|I do|I am
Aku harus selalu memakai ini sebelum berias karena membuat warna kulitku terlihat natural.
It has a natural tone-up effect, so I always use it before applying makeup.
이건 벌써 열통 넘게 사용을 하고 있는 헤라 블랙쿠션.
this|already|10|more than|usage|doing|is|Hera|black cushion
Ini adalah Black Cushion dari Hera yang sudah kesepuluh kalinya aku beli.
これはすでに10個以上使っているHERA ブラッククッション
This is the Hera Black Cushion that I've already used more than ten times.
다른 쿠션들도 잘 사용을 하고 있지만 헤라 블랙쿠션만의 특이한 매력이 있어서
other|cushions|well|using|doing|but|Hera|of the black cushion|unique|charm|is
Walaupun aku juga memakai cushion dari merk lain tapi produk ini memiliki pesona yang unik untukku
他のクッションも使ってますが HERAのブラッククッションだけの独特な魅力があって
I use other cushions well too, but there is a unique charm to the Hera Black Cushion.
데일리 메이크업에서도 종종 사용하는 것 같아요.
daily|in makeup|often|using|thing|seems
Aku juga terkadang memakainya untuk riasan sehari-hari.
I think I often use it even for daily makeup.
이제 에스쁘아 컨실러로 콕콕 찍어주고
now|Espoir|with concealer|dotting|applying
Sekarang aku akan memakai Concealer dari Espair
次は espoirのコンシーラーをちょんちょんと塗ってあげて
Now, I will apply the Espoir concealer by dabbing it on.
헤라 블랙퍼프로 통통통 두드려 줍니다.
Hera|Black Puff|thumping|tapping|gives
lalu ratakan dengan cushio dari Hera ini
HERA ブラックパフでとんとんと叩きます
Tap with Hera Black Puff.
이게 퍼프가 좋아서인지 헤라 블랙쿠션이 좋아서인지
this|puff|whether I like|Hera|black cushion|whether I like
Aku merasa sangat sering memakai cushion ini
パフがいいからか HERAブラッククッションがいいからか
I don't know if it's because the puff is good or if it's because Hera Black Cushion is good.
자꾸자꾸 사용하게 되는 느낌이에요.
aku tidak tau apa karena aku menyukainya atau karena cushion ini bagus.
I feel like I keep wanting to use it.
에뛰드의 피지 쏙 팩트로 통통통 두드려서 유분기를 완벽하게 제거해 줄 거예요.
Etude's|sebum|penetrating|with the pact|lightly|tapping|oiliness|perfectly|remove|will|be
Aku akan menghilangkan minyak dengan sempurna menggunakan Sebum Soak Pack dari Etude House.
I will perfectly remove excess oil by tapping with Etude's Pore Silky Pact.
제가 정말 애정하고 좋아하는 스무더 팔레트잖아요.
Ini adalah Smoother palette yang sangat aku sukai.
私が本当に大好きな somootherパレットじゃないですか
This is the smoothie palette that I really love and adore.
스무더 팔레트로 모발 컬러에 맞게 톤을 맞춰 줄거에요.
smoother|with the palette|hair|to the color|appropriately|tone|adjusted|will be
Aku akan membuat warna yang sama dengan wambutku menggunakan smoother palette ini.
I will adjust the tone to match the hair color with the smoothie palette.
어둡게 톤 다운을 했다가 지금은 살짝 밝아진 염색 컬러가 마음에 들더라구요.
dark|tone|down|was|now|slightly|brightened|dyed|color|to my liking|is
Aku sempat memakai warna yang gelap dan sekarang aku mulai menyukai memakai warna yang lebih terang.
I darkened it down, but now I like the slightly lighter dye color.
너무 붉지 않게 컬러만 맞춰주는 느낌으로 해줬어요.
too|red|not|only color|matching|in a way|did
Aku akan menyamakan warna dengan tidak membuatnya terlalu merah.
I made it so that the color matches without being too red.
제가 얼마 전에 눈썹에 상처가 난 뒤로는 아이브로우를 사용하는 게 조심스럽더라구요.
I|a little|ago|on my eyebrow|wound|occurred|since|eyebrow pencil|using|thing|is cautious
Aku sedikit berhati-hati saat memakai eyebrow setelah aku melukai alisku baru-baru ini.
私がこの前 眉毛に傷がついてからはアイブロウを使うのにも注意するようにしています
Since I got a cut on my eyebrow a while ago, I've been careful about using eyebrow products.
눈썹의 끝 부분 모양을 잡아주는 역할로만 사용을 해 줄거에요.
eyebrow|end|part|shape|defining|only as|use|will|be
Aku hanya akan menggambarkan bagian ujung saja untuk alis.
I will only use it to shape the ends of my eyebrows.
슥슥슥 그려서 결 살려줄게요.
swish|drawing|line|will bring to life
Menggambar dengan membuat bentuknya.
サッサッと描いて 毛流れを生かしてあげます
I'll lightly draw it to enhance the texture.
지금은 힌스를 사용할 건데요.
now|hints|will use|
Sekarang aku akan memakai Hince ini.
Right now, I'm going to use a hint.
상처가 난 뒤로는 눈썹 결을 살려서 상처를 커버하는 작업을 꼭 하게 되더라구요.
the wound|occurred|after|eyebrow|hair|preserving|the wound|covering|task|definitely|I do|
Setelah alisku terluka aku jadi harus menutupinya dengan menyelamatkan bentuk alisku.
傷が出来た後は 眉毛を生かして傷口をカバーする作業を必ずするようになったんです
Since I got injured, I always make sure to cover the scar by enhancing the eyebrow texture.
힌스 제품이 진짜 컬도 잘 잡아주고 마음에 들고
HINSE|product|really|curl|well|holds|pleasing|to me
Aku sangat menyukai produk dari Hince ini karena warna yang cocok
hince製品は 本当にカールもしっかり押さえてくれて気に入ってるし
The Hince products really hold the curl well and I like them.
고정력도 좋아서 요즘 완전 필수템이에요.
the fixation|is good|these days|completely|is an essential item
dan sangat bagus untuk memperbaiki alisku.
キープ力も良いので 最近は完全に必須アイテムです
The hold is also great, so it's totally a must-have item these days.
이거 하프이프 팔레트는 지난 번에 메이크업 영상에서도 사용을 했는데
this|Half-If|palette|last|time|makeup|video also|used|I did
Pada video sebelumnya juga aku memakai Hapeaf palette ini
I used this Half & Half palette in my last makeup video as well.
코랄/핑크/브라운의 컬러조합이 좋기도 하고
coral|pink|brown|color combination|is good|and
perpaduan warna koral/pink/coklat yang sangat cocok
The combination of coral/pink/brown colors is nice.
글리터도 부담스럽지 않게 입자가 작아서 활용하기에도 좋더라구요.
the glitter|not overwhelming|in a way|particles|small|for use|is good
ini juga sangat nyaman dipakai karena tempatnya yang kecil dan glitternya tidak terlalu tebal.
The glitter is also small in particle size, making it easy to use without being overwhelming.
다 제가 잘 사용하는 컬러 조합이라서 자주 사용을 하고 있어요.
Aku sangat sering memakai ini karena perpaduan warna yang suka aku pakai.
These are all color combinations that I use well, so I use them often.
저랑 취향이 비슷한 몰랑이 분들에게 추천하는 팔레트에요.
with me|taste|similar|people|to|recommending|palette
Aku merekomendasikan palette ini untuk orang seperti Molang yang memiliki selera sama sepertiku.
This is a palette I recommend to those who have similar tastes to mine.
제가 좋아하는 핑크와 코랄의 조합을 메인으로 눈두덩이, 그리고 언더에 포인트를 주었어요.
I|like|pink|coral|combination|as the main|eyelid|and|under|point|was given
Aku akan mengaplikasikan warna pink dan koral ke kelopak mata dan bagian bawah mata.
I focused on the combination of pink and coral that I like for the main part of the eyelids and added points underneath.
눈 메이크업을 할 때 부어보이지 않게 하기 위해서
eye|makeup|do|when|looking puffy|not|to make|in order to
Saat melakukan riasan mata buat untuk menutupi mata yang bengkak
アイメイクをする時 腫れぼったく見えないようにするために
When doing eye makeup, I try to avoid looking puffy.
점점 채도를 올리고 톤을 다운시키는 컬러 조합으로 사용을 해요.
gradually|saturation|increasing|tone|lowering|color|combination|using|I am
aku memakai perpaduan warna yang membuat tenang dan menambahkan sedikit-sedikit saturasi warnanya.
I use a color combination that gradually increases saturation and decreases tone.
메인은 핑크와 코랄을 사용했다면 그보다는
the main|pink|coral|was used|than that
Dibanding kalau memakai warna pink dan koral untuk warna inti
メインはピンクとコーラルを使ったなら それよりも
If the main colors are pink and coral, then rather than that,
조금 더 진한 붉은 브라운을 사용해서
a little|more|dark|red|brown|using
dengan memakai warna coklat yang lebih gelap
Use a slightly darker reddish brown.
눈의 붉은기는 살려주면서 음영은 그대로 짙게 넣어주는 거예요.
the eye|redness|while preserving|shadow|as is|dark|applying|
bisa membuat lebih tebal dan membuat bayangan dengan memberikan warna yang lebih merah.
目の赤みは生かしつつ 陰影はそのまま濃く入れます
While keeping the redness of the eyes, apply the shading more intensely.
제가 영상에서 꾸준히 보여드리는 스태리아이즈 나인투나인 아이라이너인데요.
I|in the video|consistently|showing|Stariaize|929|eyeliner
Ini adalah Eyeliner Starryeyes 9 to 9 yang sangat sering aku perlihatkan kepada kalian.
私の動画でもスタメンの スターリーアイズナインtoナイン アイライナーです
This is the Stariaize 929 eyeliner that I consistently show in my videos.
언더 밑트임을 좋아하시는 분들은 정말 꼭 구매를 해보세요.
Kalian bisa membeli ini bagi kalian yang menyukai Under-bottom.
If you like under-eye extensions, you really should try purchasing this.
얼마 전에 올리브영 영상을 올리면서 다시 구매를 한 클리오 마스카라인데
how much|ago|Olive Young|video|while|again|purchase|made|Clio|mascara
Ini adalah Maskara dari Clio yang aku beli lagi setelah mengupload video tentang Olive Young
この前 オリーブヤングの動画をアップするときにまた購入したCLIOのマスカラです
A little while ago, I uploaded a video about Olive Young and repurchased the Clio mascara.
와 다시 써보니까 왜 클리오가 마스카라가 좋은지 알겠더라구요.
wow|again|when I write|why|Clio|mascara|is good|I understand
aku jadi mengetahuinya kenapa maskara dari Clio sangat bagus setelah membelinya lagi.
もう一回使ってみたら なんでCLIOのマスカラがいいのか 分かりました
Wow, using it again, I understand why Clio mascara is so good.
진짜 깔끔하면서도
Sangat bersih
It's really neat and
잘 올라가는 게 요즘에 얘만 쓰면 속눈썹이 그렇게 예뻐 보이더라구요.
well|lifting|thing|these days|this one|using|eyelashes|so|pretty|looks
dan bisa membuat bulu mataku lentik dan aku merasa bulu mataku terlihat lebih bagus kalau memakai ini.
よく伸びるので 最近これだけ使ってもまつげがとっても綺麗に見えるんです
when I use this lately, my eyelashes look so beautiful.
요즘에 마스카라 할 때 저도 모르게 손이 자주 가더라구요.
these days|mascara|when I put on|at the time|I also|unconsciously|my hand|often|goes
Aku sekarang mulai terbiasa saat memakai maskara akhir-akhir ini.
最近マスカラをする時 自分でも知らないうちによく手が伸びますね
These days, I find myself reaching for mascara more often without even realizing it.
얼굴의 윤곽을 살려서 쉐이딩도 넣어주고요.
of the face|contour|enhancing|shading also|I will add
Aku akan memakai shading untuk membuat kontur wajah.
I also add shading to enhance the contours of my face.
눈썹 앞머리 뼈랑 콧볼, 콧대도 가볍게 윤곽을 살려줄게요.
eyebrow|bangs|bone|nostril|nose bridge|lightly|contour|will enhance
Aku juga mengaplikasikan sedikit pada bagian depan alis, batang hidung, dan sekitar hidung juga.
I'll lightly define the front of my eyebrows, the sides of my nose, and the bridge of my nose.
이날은 핑크컬러를 돋보이게 하기 위해서 페리페라의 핑크 짬바를 메인으로 사용하고
on this day|pink color|to stand out|in order to|for|of Peripera|pink|product|as the main|using
Aku memakai warna Rosy pink dari Peripera untuk membuat terlihat bernuansa pink koral
On this day, I used Peripera's pink jam as the main product to make the pink color stand out.
입못다물은 코랄 컬러인데 이 코랄 컬러를 입술 외곽에 자연스럽게 블랜딩시켜서
unable to close|coral|color|this|coral|color|lip|on the outer|naturally|blending
lalu aku akan membuat gradasi naturan pada bagian luar dengan warna Soft Coral.
It's a coral color that leaves you speechless, and I blended this coral color naturally on the outer edges of the lips.
코랄핑크 색상으로 연출을 해줬어요.
coral pink|with color|styling|was done
Aku sudah membuat warna Pink koral.
I created a coral pink shade.
컬러 조합 진짜 예쁘죠?
Perpaduan warna yang sangat bagus, kan/
The color combination is really pretty, right?
꼭 사세요.
Kalian harus membeli ini.
You must buy it.
완전 완전 제 스타일이에요.
Aku sangat menyukai ini.
すっごくすっごく 私好みです
It's totally my style.
지금 사용하는 봉고데기는 보다나의 40mm예요.
now|using|curling iron|Bodana's|is 40mm
Pelurus rambut yang sekarang aku pakai adalah Vodana 40mm.
The curling iron I'm currently using is the Bodana 40mm.
제가 머리가 길다 보니까 40mm를 사용해야지
I|hair|long|since|40mm|should use
Karena rambutku cukup panjang jadi kalau memakai yang 40mm ini
私は髪が長いから 40mmを使う事で
Since my hair is long, I have to use the 40mm.
자연스럽고 내추럴한 컬이 연출이 되더라구요.
natural|natural|curl|styling|is possible
akan terlihat lebih natural lagi.
It creates a natural and effortless curl.
보다나 고데기로 컬을 앞/뒤로 넣어줘서
Bodana|with a curling iron|curl|||putting in
Membuat bergelombang pada bagian depan dan belakang dengan menggunakan Vodana ini
Use a curling iron to curl the hair in both directions.
내추럴하면서도 자연스러운 컬을 연출해주고요.
dengan begitu bisa membuat terlihat lebih natural.
This creates a natural and effortless curl.
저만의 팁이 있다면 머리의 윗 부분은
my|tip|if|of the head|upper|part
Kalau aku bisa memberikan tips untuk kalian
私だけのコツがあるとしたら 頭の上の部分は
If I have my own tip, it's to focus on the top part of the hair.
컬을 오랫동안 주어서 컬이 빵실빵실하게 올라오게 해주고요.
the curl|for a long time|giving|curl|plump|to rise|makes
membuat keriting rambut bagian atas rambut akan membuat rambut terlihat mengembang.
Curl it for a long time to make the curls fluffy and voluminous.
맨 아랫부분은 고데기를 빠르게 지나가서 최대한 내추럴하게 연출을 해 주는 거에요.
the|bottom|with the hair straightener|quickly|passing|as much as possible|naturally|styling|do|giving|is
Dan pada bagian bawah buat keriting dengan cepat untuk membuat terlihat lebih natural.
The very bottom part is quickly passed through the curling iron to create the most natural look possible.
컬감이 더 내추럴하게 표현이 되서 예쁘더라구요.
Hasilnya sangat bagus karena membuat terlihat lebih natural.
The curls are expressed more naturally, which looks pretty.
로레알 스프레이로 가볍게 뿌려서 마무리 해줍니다.
L'Oreal|with spray|lightly|spraying|finishing|I do
Menyelesaikan dengan menyemprotkan hair spray dari Loreal.
I lightly spray with L'Oreal spray to finish it off.
원래는 업로드 할 생각이 없었지만 여러분들 요청이 정말 많아서
originally|upload|to|thought|wasn't|you all|requests|really|many
Awalnya aku tidak akan mengupload video ini tapi karena banyak yang ingin video seperti ini
I originally didn't plan to upload this, but there were so many requests from you all.
이제 편집을 해서 올려봐요.
jadi aku mengeditnya dan menguploadnya.
Now try editing and uploading it.
연말 데일리로 활용하기 좋은 메이크업이니까요.
year-end|for daily|useful|good|makeup
Ini adalah make up yang bagus dipakai sehari-hari pada akhir tahun.
年末 普段使いするのに いいメイクなので
It's a makeup look that's great for daily use at the end of the year.
집에 있는 화장품으로 예쁘게 메이크업 해보길 바랄게요.
at home|that is|with the cosmetics|beautifully|makeup|I hope you try|I wish
Aku harap kalian bisa berias dengan alat make up yang kalian punya dirumah.
家にあるコスメで 綺麗にメイクしてください
I hope you can do a pretty makeup with the cosmetics you have at home.
그럼 오늘도 무슨 하루?
Hari ini adalah hari apa?
それじゃあ 今日は何の日?
So, how was your day today?
아랑하는 하루 되세요.
Semoga harimu menyenangkan.
Have a wonderful day.
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