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English Conversations with Beth #1 LMA007, DEJAN w BETH #9.1


Hi thanks again for organising that extra session with me to make up for the one that we will miss on Friday when I have my graduation it was really nice speaking to you I am really still so impressed by you knocking down all the walls and building things in that house I think it's impressive that you're doing a lot of it on your own even if you're not doing all that on your own.

I was trying to think of ways that you can still watch some things in English without having Netflix and I managed to find on YouTube that Netflix has actually published some full episodes and you can watch them with subtitles and not sure if you can watch them necessarily with slovenian subtitles it will cheque but you can definitely have English subtitles so I will send you the link for that so you can have a wee watch.

DEJAN w BETH #9.1 DEJAN w BETH #9.1 DEJAN com BETH #9.1

Hi thanks again for organising that extra session with me to make up for the one that we will miss on Friday when I have my graduation it was really nice speaking to you I am really still so impressed by you knocking down all the walls and building things in that house I think it's impressive that you're doing a lot of it on your own even if you're not doing all that on your own. ||||||||||||||||||||||||||graduation ceremony||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||

I was trying to think of ways that you can still watch some things in English without having Netflix and I managed to find on YouTube that Netflix has actually published some full episodes and you can watch them with subtitles and not sure if you can watch them necessarily with slovenian subtitles it will cheque but you can definitely have English subtitles so I will send you the link for that so you can have a wee watch.