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English Convos with Camille (Caleb Interview), PART 3.4 Caleb Interview — Learn English with Camille

PART 3.4 Caleb Interview — Learn English with Camille

Caleb: Yeah, because, I think it…

Camille: Yeah, who we are, what's going on?

Caleb: Exactly, like again, like those things may not necessarily be bad, but I always say, what are we gonna do with them? Like are we gonna tell a friend? Are we gonna you know tell someone that we trust? And that can be kind of scary too because you're like well, what is that person gonna think? What is that person gonna think of me? Um, but just knowing and again surrounding yourself with people that you trust and that genuinely are for you and sharing, hey like this actually was going through my mind today, or this is what I was thinking about today when I was sitting in silence, and I don't really know what to do with it, can you help me process that? Or maybe you just need someone to listen to you, you know, maybe you don't need a response, but you just need to voice it and get it out there, um, I think people are scared of silence because it goes completely against what society tells us to do, and anything that goes against something else can always be kind of scary. We're not really taught to step away, we're not really told to be in silence. And so doing something that actually it may be kind of new, like being in silence can be new for people. Because I don't think we realize how noisy our lives can get. When like until we're like we actually take that time and step away, and I'm not perfect at it, I don't do it enough, I don't feel like, um, but just knowing that if you just sit in silence, something can be spoken in that moment, a dream, a thought, an action can be spoken too, um, that can spark something that completely changes your life really. And I don't know what that looks like. So, yeah…

Camille: This course actually came about in silence. Like I made myself be silent, because I had just been procrastinating, and I'm like, I've been wanting to do this course, I've been wanting to create something to help people, but I'd been too noisy, yeah, so I didn't like sit, and just give it time. And so I was like no, today I'm going to like, it wasn't today, but like when I decided I was like, I'm going to give this some time, some thought and it was in the silence when I started getting all these ideas, to do the course.

Caleb: Yeah, that's cool, it's like, man, I don't know, silence is just very interesting, um, yeah, I mean crazy things can happen in the silence.

Camille: It's really good. I like that. I feel like it was a deep interview,

Caleb: Yeah?

Camille: Yeah, like I think this is going to be good, for you, the language learner, to hear a conversation that's a little deeper, a little more profound and I'm curious to see if you understood it. I know I'll encourage you guys to do all of the worksheets, and exercises that accompany this video, so that way you can continue to grow in your English knowledge as well, but I really enjoyed being here with you, I enjoyed hearing your heart. We always have fun! You never know…

Caleb: Right.

Camille: You know if you're born, when you're five, right?

Caleb: Oh, my gosh, yes.

Camille: Yes, no, but thank you for giving me your time, and all of them your time as well.

Caleb: Yeah, yeah, it was a pleasure.

Camille: We hope that you guys enjoyed this video as well and we'll see you soon.

Both: Tchau, Ciao, bye!

PART 3.4 Caleb Interview — Learn English with Camille PARTE 3.4 Entrevista a Caleb - Aprenda inglés con Camille PARTIE 3.4 Interview de Caleb - Apprendre l'anglais avec Camille PART 3.4 カレブ・インタビュー - カミーユと英語を学ぼう PARTE 3.4 Entrevista Caleb - Aprenda Inglês com Camille ЧАСТЬ 3.4 Интервью с Калебом - Учим английский с Камиллой BÖLÜM 3.4 Caleb Röportajı - Camille ile İngilizce Öğrenin ЧАСТИНА 3.4 Інтерв'ю з Калебом - Вивчайте англійську з Каміллою 第 3.4 部分 Caleb 访谈 — 和 Camille 学英语

**Caleb**: Yeah, because, I think it…

**Camille**: Yeah, who we are, what's going on?

**Caleb**: Exactly, like again, like those things may not necessarily be bad, but I always say, what are we gonna do with them? Like are we gonna tell a friend? Are we gonna you know tell someone that we trust? And that can be kind of scary too because you're like well, what is that person gonna think? What is that person gonna think of me? Um, but just knowing and again surrounding yourself with people that you trust and that genuinely are for you and sharing, hey like this actually was going through my mind today, or this is what I was thinking about today when I was sitting in silence, and I don't really know what to do with it, can you help me process that? Or maybe you just need someone to listen to you, you know, maybe you don't need a response, but you just need to voice it and get it out there, um, I think people are scared of silence because it goes completely against what society tells us to do, and anything that goes against  something else can always be kind of scary. We're not really taught to step away, we're not really told to be in silence. And so doing something that actually it may be kind of new, like being in silence can be new for people. Because I don't think we realize how noisy our lives can get. When like until we're like we actually take that time and step away, and I'm not perfect at it, I don't do it enough, I don't feel like, um, but just knowing that if you just sit in silence, something can be spoken in that moment, a dream, a thought, an action can be spoken too, um, that can spark something that completely changes your life really. And I don't know what that looks like. So, yeah…

**Camille**: This course actually came about in silence. Like I made myself be silent, because  I had just been procrastinating, and I'm like, I've been wanting to do this course, I've been wanting to create something to help people, but I'd been too noisy, yeah, so I didn't like sit, and just give it time. And so I was like no, today I'm going to like, it wasn't today, but like when I decided I was like, I'm going to give this some time, some thought and it was in the silence when I started getting all these ideas, to do the course.

**Caleb**: Yeah, that's cool, it's like, man, I don't know, silence is just very interesting, um, yeah, I mean crazy things can happen in the silence.

**Camille**: It's really good. I like that. I feel like it was a deep interview,

**Caleb**: Yeah?

**Camille**: Yeah, like I think this is going to be good, for you, the language learner, to hear a conversation that's a little deeper, a little more profound and I'm curious to see if you understood it. I know I'll encourage you guys to do all of the worksheets, and exercises that accompany this video, so that way you can continue to grow in your English knowledge as well, but I really enjoyed being here with you, I enjoyed hearing your heart. We always have fun! You never know…

**Caleb**: Right.

**Camille**: You know if you're born, when you're five, right?

**Caleb**: Oh, my gosh, yes.

**Camille**: Yes, no, but thank you for giving me your time, and all of them your time as well.

**Caleb**: Yeah, yeah, it was a pleasure.

**Camille**: We hope that you guys enjoyed this video as well and we'll see you soon.

**Both:** Tchau, Ciao, bye!