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Inter-War Period (between WW 1 and II), Poland Rises in the East I BETWEEN 2 WARS I 1921 Part 2 of 2 - YouTube (2)

Poland Rises in the East I BETWEEN 2 WARS I 1921 Part 2 of 2 - YouTube (2)

Covered by the chaos of the strikes, forces led by Alfons "Rakoczy" Zgrzebniok

destroy the entire communication infrastructure of the region

to stop the Germans from coordinating a response.

The insurgents then waged skirmishes all over the region to intimidate the German-speaking population.

The uprising succeeds, a mixed Polish-German police force is introduced and the militias on both sides are disbanded.

Although the Polish militia continues to exist clandestinely in the guise of a sport association

under the new name : "Headquarters of Physical Education".

The plebiscite can go ahead. But before it does, both sides come up with a new trick :

they start bringing in ethnic Poles and ethnic Germans that were born in Silesia but have since moved away.

By the rules of the plebiscite, these people can vote as long as they move back "home".

The population of Upper Silesia suddenly increases by over 20% to over 2 million people.

In the end the vote comes out with a majority of over 59% for staying in Germany.

Regionally, the results are very different,

with some areas voting with huge majorities to go with Poland and others the opposite.

Also, the plebiscite was only supposed to happen for the regions with Polish language majority,

but was then extended to the whole region?

Enraged by all the machinations and attempts at manipulation,

although to be fair both sides were trying to manipulate the results,

Polish militias re-emerge and start the third Silesian uprising.

The whole affair causes uproar all over Poland, Germany and in diplomatic circles worldwide.

Finally, instead of keeping the whole region in Germany, the inter-allied Commission on Upper Silesia

decides to split the region with the eastern parts going to Poland, and the western parts remaining in Germany.

Two problems though : first, there are still ethnic poles in Germany and ethnic Germans in Poland

that feel like they're in the wrong country ; and second,

the part that goes to Poland is the most valuable part from an industrial and natural resource perspective.

So there we are, at the end of 1921,

and instead of resolving ethnic strife on the borders between Poland and Germany,

the impossibility of dividing culturally mixed regions has created tensions that won't disappear over the next 18 years.

Although Piłsudski has failed to establish a new Polish-Lithuanian Commonwealth,

he has created what looks like a stable polish Republic that has stood both the tests of international diplomacy

and war against a much larger enemy.

The wars in Eastern Europe are over, for now, and in the next few years

Poland and the Baltic States will experience growing prosperity and quality of life.

But as we shall see, the good years will eventually end in economic depression, fascism

or renewed communist agitation and eventually a new world war that will physically begin in Poland.

To get our episodes ahead of time, and to support the effort to make more credible content like this, yeah I said that...

Okay, join the TimeGhost army on patreon or directly the timeghost.tv website,

now there you can also sign up to our forum for free and if you haven't already,

subscribe to TimeGhost and subscribe to World War two on YouTube.

World War two week by week starts September 1st 2018

and if you missed the episode of Between 2 Wars about the polish-soviet war and the miracle at the Vistula,

which is a really exciting episode it was one of my favorite ones, it's right here. Ok, See you next time. Na zdrowie !

Poland Rises in the East I BETWEEN 2 WARS I 1921 Part 2 of 2 - YouTube (2) Polen erhebt sich im Osten I ZWISCHEN 2 KRIEGEN I 1921 Teil 2 von 2 - YouTube (2) Polonia se alza en el Este I ENTRE 2 GUERRAS I 1921 Parte 2 de 2 - YouTube (2) La Pologne s'élève à l'Est I ENTRE 2 GUERRES I 1921 Partie 2 de 2 - YouTube (2) 東方で台頭するポーランド I BETWEEN 2 WARS I 1921 Part 2 of 2 - YouTube (2) 폴란드, 동방에서 부상하다 제1차 세계대전 1921년 2부 - YouTube (2) Polska powstaje na wschodzie I MIĘDZY 2 WOJNAMI I 1921 Część 2 z 2 - YouTube (2) Polónia Sobe no Oriente I ENTRE 2 GUERRAS I 1921 Parte 2 de 2 - YouTube (2) Польша поднимается на Востоке I МЕЖДУ 2 войнами I 1921 Часть 2 из 2 - YouTube (2) Polonya Doğu'da Yükseliyor I 2 SAVAŞ ARASINDA I 1921 Bölüm 2 / 2 - YouTube (2) Польща повстає на Сході I МІЖ 2 ВІЙНАМИ I 1921 Частина 2 з 2 - YouTube (2) 波兰在东方崛起 I BETWEEN 2 WARS I 1921 第 2 部分(共 2 部分) - YouTube (2) 波蘭在東方崛起 I BETWEEN 2 WARS I 1921 第 2 部分(共 2 部分) - YouTube (2)

Covered by the chaos of the strikes, forces led by Alfons "Rakoczy" Zgrzebniok ||||||huelgas|||||| des forces menées par Alfons "Rakoczy" Zgrzebniok Cobertos pelo caos das paralisações, forças lideradas por Alfons "Rakoczy" Zgrzebniok

destroy the entire communication infrastructure of the region détruisent l'entièreté des infrastructures de communication de la région destroem toda a infraestrutura de comunicação da região

to stop the Germans from coordinating a response. afin d'empêcher les allemands de coordonner une réponse. para parar os alemães de coordenar uma resposta.

The insurgents then waged skirmishes all over the region to intimidate the German-speaking population. ||||小競り合い|||||||||| |||libraron|escaramuzas|||||||||| Os insurgentes então travaram escaramuças por toda a região para intimidar a população falante de alemão.

The uprising succeeds, a mixed Polish-German police force is introduced and the militias on both sides are disbanded. ||成功する||||||||||||||||解散された Une force de police mixte polono-allemande est créée et les milices des deux bords sont dissoutes. A revolta tem sucesso. Uma polícia composta por poloneses e alemães é introduzida e milícias dos dois lados debandam.

Although the Polish militia continues to exist clandestinely in the guise of a sport association |||||||秘密裏に||||||| Apesar de que a milícia polonesa continuou a existir clandestinamente sob o disfarce de uma associação esportiva

under the new name : "Headquarters of Physical Education". sob o novo nome: "Quartel general da educação física"

The plebiscite can go ahead. But before it does, both sides come up with a new trick : Le plébiscite peut être entrepris, mais avant qu'il le soit, les deux camps trouvent une nouvelle ruse : O plebiscito pode acontecer. Mas antes que aconteça, ambos os casos tem um novo truque:

they start bringing in ethnic Poles and ethnic Germans that were born in Silesia but have since moved away. ils attirent les ethnies polonaises et allemandes nées en Silésie mais qui avaient émigrées depuis. eles começam a trazer poloneses e alemães nascidos na Silesia mas que se mudaram.

By the rules of the plebiscite, these people can vote as long as they move back "home". Selon les règles du plébiscite, ces gens peuvent voter tant qu'ils rentrent "à la maison". Pelas regras do plebiscito, essas pessoas podiam votar desde que ela voltassem para suas "terras natais".

The population of Upper Silesia suddenly increases by over 20% to over 2 million people. La population de Haute-Silésie augmente soudain de plus de 20% jusqu'à plus de 2 millions d'habitants. A população da Alta Silésia aumenta, de repente, 20% para mais de 2 milhões de pessoas.

In the end the vote comes out with a majority of over 59% for staying in Germany. Au final, le vote se termine avec une majorité de plus de 59% en faveur de rester en Allemagne. No final, os votos mostram uma maioria de 59% que querem permanecer na Alemanha.

Regionally, the results are very different, Régionalement, les résultats sont très différents avec certaines zones votant avec une énorme majorité Regionalmente, os resultados foram muito diferentes,

with some areas voting with huge majorities to go with Poland and others the opposite. pour se rattacher à la Pologne, et d'autres l'inverse. com algumas áreas votando com enorme maioria para irem para a Polônia e outras o oposto.

Also, the plebiscite was only supposed to happen for the regions with Polish language majority, De plus, le plébiscite devait avoir lieu uniquement dans les régions avec une majorité de locuteurs polonais, Além disso, o plebiscito deveria acontecer apenas em lugares de maioria polonesa

but was then extended to the whole region? mais a ensuite été étendu à la région toute entière. mas foi estendida a toda a região?

Enraged by all the machinations and attempts at manipulation, ||||陰謀||||操作 Enfurecido por todas|||||||| Furieux de toutes ces machinations, et tentatives de manipulation, Enraivecidos pela conspiração e tentativas de manipulação,

although to be fair both sides were trying to manipulate the results, même si pour être honnête, les deux côtés tentaient de manipuler les résultats, apesar de que, para sermos justos, ambos tentaram manipular os resultados,

Polish militias re-emerge and start the third Silesian uprising. les milices polonaises refont surface, et débutent la troisième insurrection de Silésie. milícias polonesas surgem mais uma vez e começam a Terceira Revolta da Silésia.

The whole affair causes uproar all over Poland, Germany and in diplomatic circles worldwide. L'affaire provoque un tumulte dans la Pologne et l'Allemagne toutes entières ainsi que dans les cercles diplomatiques du monde entier. O problema causa euforia em toda a Polônia, Alemanha e em círculos diplomáticos ao redor do mundo.

Finally, instead of keeping the whole region in Germany, the inter-allied Commission on Upper Silesia Enfin, au lieu de laisser toute la région en Allemagne, La commission interalliée de gouvernement et de plébiscite de Haute-Silésie Finalmente, ao invés de manter toda a região na Alemanha, a Comissão da Alta Silésia

decides to split the region with the eastern parts going to Poland, and the western parts remaining in Germany. décide de couper la zone en deux, la partie est revenant à la Pologne, et la ouest à l'Allemagne. decide dividir a região com as partes orientais indo à Polônia e as ocidentais para a Alemanha.

Two problems though : first, there are still ethnic poles in Germany and ethnic Germans in Poland Cependant, deux problèmes apparaissent : premièrement, il reste toujours des ethnies polonaises en Allemagne, et des ethnies allemandes en Pologne, Temos dois problemas: primeiro, ainda existem poloneses na Alemanha e alemães na Polônia

that feel like they're in the wrong country ; and second, qui ont le sentiment d'être dans le mauvais pays. que sentiam que estavam no país errado; e segundo,

the part that goes to Poland is the most valuable part from an industrial and natural resource perspective. Secondement, le morceau qui revient à la Pologne est le plus riche industriellement et du point de vue des ressources naturelles. a parte que foi para a Polônia é a parte mais valiosa de uma perspectiva industrial e de recursos minerais.

So there we are, at the end of 1921, Voilà où nous en sommes à la fin de 1921. Então, aqui estamos no final de 1921,

and instead of resolving ethnic strife on the borders between Poland and Germany, |||||conflicto étnico||||||| Et au lieu de résoudre un conflit ethnique aux frontières entre la Pologne et l'Allemagne, e ao invés de resolver os problemas na fronteira polonesa e alemã,

the impossibility of dividing culturally mixed regions has created tensions that won't disappear over the next 18 years. l'impossibilité de diviser des régions à cultures mixtes a créé des tensions qui subsisteront les 18 prochaines années. a impossibilidade de regiões divididas culturalmente criou tensões que não desaparecerão nos próximos 18 anos.

Although Piłsudski has failed to establish a new Polish-Lithuanian Commonwealth, Bien que Piłsudski ait échoué à établir une nouvelle République des Deux Nations, Apesar de Piłsudski ter falhado em estabelecer uma nova Comunidade Polaco-Lituana,

he has created what looks like a stable polish Republic that has stood both the tests of international diplomacy ele criou, o que parece ser, uma República polonesa estável que aguentou tanto os testes da diplomacia internacional

and war against a much larger enemy. quanto uma guerra contra um inimigo muito maior.

The wars in Eastern Europe are over, for now, and in the next few years Les guerres en Europe de l'est son terminées, pour l'instant, et dans les prochianes années, As guerras na Europa Oriental terminaram, por enquanto, e nos próximos anos

Poland and the Baltic States will experience growing prosperity and quality of life. la Pologne et les États Baltiques vont faire l'expérience d'une prospérité et d'une qualité de vie croissantes. a Polônia e os estados Bálticos vão experienciar prosperidade e qualidade de vida crescentes.

But as we shall see, the good years will eventually end in economic depression, fascism Mais comme nous le verrons, les années agréables se termineront en récession économique, en fascisme, Mas, como nós veremos, os bons anos serão, eventualmente, terminar em depressão econômica, fascismo

or renewed communist agitation and eventually a new world war that will physically begin in Poland. en agitation communiste renouvelée et finalement, une nouvelle Guerre Mondiale qui commencera physiquement en Pologne. ou agitação comunista renovada e, eventualmente, uma nova guerra mundial que vai começar fisicamente na Polônia.

To get our episodes ahead of time, and to support the effort to make more credible content like this, yeah I said that... Para conseguir nossos episódios antes do tempo e para apoiar o esforço de fazer maior conteúdo acreditável como esse, é eu disse mesmo...

Okay, join the TimeGhost army on patreon or directly the timeghost.tv website, Okay, junte-se ao exército do TimeGhost no Patreon ou diretamente no website timeghost.tv,

now there you can also sign up to our forum for free and if you haven't already, você também pode ir ao nosso fórum de graça e, se você não fez ainda,

subscribe to TimeGhost and subscribe to World War two on YouTube. se inscrever em TimeGhost e em World War two no Youtube

World War two week by week starts September 1st 2018 A segunda guerra mundial semana a semana começa em 1 de Setembro de 2018

and if you missed the episode of Between 2 Wars about the polish-soviet war and the miracle at the Vistula, y||||||||||||||||||| e se você perdeu o episódio "Entre 2 guerras" sobre a guerra polaco-soviética e o "Milagre no Vistula",

which is a really exciting episode it was one of my favorite ones, it's right here. Ok, See you next time. Na zdrowie ! ||||||||||||||||||||||健康 que é um episódio realmente legal, foi um dos meus preferidos, está bem aqui. Ok, te venho na próxima. Na zdrowie ! ( "Te abençoe/até mais" em polonês)