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Inter-War Period (between WW 1 and II), Willkommen in Jugoslawien Part 1 I BETWEEN 2 WARS I 1929 Part 2 von 3 - YouTube (2)

Willkommen in Jugoslawien Part 1 I BETWEEN 2 WARS I 1929 Part 2 von 3 - YouTube (2)

parliamentary blocs now emerge. On one side is the powerful Radical party and on the other

is the uneasy coalition of the Croat Republican Peasant Party, the Slovenes People's Party,

the Yugoslav Muslim Organization, Serbian agrarians, and a growing number of Democrats,

who all don't really have much in common apart from their hatred of the Radicals.

Radić emerges as a leading figure of opposition and a thorn in the side of the radicals. On

14 July 1923, Bastille Day, he holds a speech comparing the Kingdom to the infamous French

prison. He is met with death threats, flees to Hungary, and then embarks on a European

tour, visiting Vienna, London, and most controversially, Moscow, where he attends the Peasant International

Congress. His continued agitation continues to anger the Radicals even from abroad. His

visit to Moscow is seen as a personal slight by Aleksandar, now King, who is a staunch

anti-communist and victim of a failed communist assassination plot in 1921.

Meanwhile, Yugoslavia is spiraling deeper into crisis. Supported by the King, Pašić

forms a minority government in March 1924. Without support in the parliament it falls

after only a month. In an attempt to bridge the partisan divide, Aleksandar gives the

mandate to govern to the Democrat leader, Davidović. But he isn't even able to form

a government, returning Pašić to power once again in early May. The chaos does not subside

as parliament blocks the government from any meaningful governance and the government refuses

to bow to the reform demands of the federalist opposition. Aleksandar fears that the opposition

might gain the upper hand, so he recesses parliament and refuses to hold elections to

avert constitutional reform forces coming to power. The next two months see Yugoslavia

come extremely close to royal dictatorship.

Finally, in July, he asks Davidović to once again try to form a government. The Democrats

manage to form a coalition which, to the extreme anger of the Radical party, includes Radić's

Croat Republican Peasant Party. Radić returns in August and declares himself ready to participate

in government but still continues to espouse anti-monarchical views in his speeches. Furious,

the King demands the resignation of Davidović. He hands it in, but remains as PM because

no new government is formed. That might not make sense to you, but that is, in fact, how

it worked.

Yugoslavia is now basically without a legislative body and the King and his politicla party

are facing a showdown over who controls the country.

So there it is, in late 1924, after barely six years of existence, the Kingdom of Serbs,

Croats and Slovenes looks like it might not survive. And let us be clear here, there are

a number of forces in Europe that wouldn't mind if it fell apart. The Italians are aggressively

pursuing their Mediterranean interests in Albania. The newly formed USSR might have

abandoned expansionism for now, but are still very much interested in fostering new Socialist

movements in Eastern Europe. The old central powers are pretty much powerless now, but

a collapse of Yugoslavia might shine new hope to regain a foothold to their south, at least

for economic reasons.

When we return in our next episode, we will see how the struggle over Yugoslavia continues

and it becomes a matter of personal life or death as Radić and King Aleksander move closer

and closer

to a showdown.

Willkommen in Jugoslawien Part 1 I BETWEEN 2 WARS I 1929 Part 2 von 3 - YouTube (2) Willkommen in Jugoslawien Teil 1 I ZWISCHEN 2 KRIEGEN I 1929 Teil 2 von 3 - YouTube (2) ユーゴスラヴィア国際映画祭にようこそ! Part 1 I BETWEEN 2 WARS I 1929 Part 2 von 3 - YouTube (2) 유고슬라비엔의 환영 1편 1929년 2차 세계대전 중 2부 3편 - YouTube (2) Willkommen in Jugoslawien Part 1 I BETWEEN 2 WARS I 1929 Part 2 von 3 - YouTube (2) Willkommen in Jugoslawien Parte 1 I ENTRE 2 GUERRAS I 1929 Parte 2 von 3 - YouTube (2) Willkommen in Jugoslawien Part 1 I BETWEEN 2 WARS I 1929 Part 2 von 3 - YouTube (2) Willkommen in Jugoslawien Part 1 I BETWEEN 2 WARS I 1929 Part 2 von 3 - YouTube (2) Willkommen in Jugoslawien 第 1 部分 I BETWEEN 2 WARS I 1929 第 2 部分 von 3 - YouTube (2)

parliamentary blocs now emerge. On one side is the powerful Radical party and on the other parlamentarna bloka se sada stvaraju. Na jednoj strani je moćna Radikalna Stranka a na drugoj Blöcke bilden sich nun. Auf einer Seite ist die einflussreiche Radikale Partei und auf der anderen ist

is the uneasy coalition of the Croat Republican Peasant Party, the Slovenes People's Party, je nesigurna koalicija Hrvatske Republikanske Seljačke Stranke, Slovenske Ljudske Stranke, die fragile Koalition der Kroatischen Republikanischen Bauernpartei, der Slowenischen Volkspartei,

the Yugoslav Muslim Organization, Serbian agrarians, and a growing number of Democrats, Jugoslovenske Muslimanske Organizacije, srpskih agrarnih stranki, i rastućeg broja Demokrata, dem Jugoslawischen Muslimkommitee, den Serbischen Argrariern und einer wachsenden Anzahl an Demokraten,

who all don't really have much in common apart from their hatred of the Radicals. koji jedni sa drugima nemaju puno zajedničkoga osim njihove mržnje prema Radikalima. welche alle nicht viel gemeinsam haben außerhalb ihrer Abneigung gegenüber den Radikalen.

Radić emerges as a leading figure of opposition and a thorn in the side of the radicals. On Radić proizilazi kao vodeća figura opozicije i kao trn u oku radikala. Radic ist zu dieser Zeit das Oberhaupt der Opposition und den Radikalen ein Dorn im Auge.

14 July 1923, Bastille Day, he holds a speech comparing the Kingdom to the infamous French 14\. jula 1923., na dan bombardovanja Bastilje, on održava govor upoređujući Kraljevinu sa neslavnim francuskim Am 14. Juli 1923, dem Bastille-Tag, hält er eine Rede in welcher er das Königreich mit dem berüchtigten französischen

prison. He is met with death threats, flees to Hungary, and then embarks on a European zatvorom. On se suočava sa prijetnjama smrću, bježi u Mađarsku, a onda kreće na europsku Gefängnis vergleicht. Darauf folgen Morddrohungen, einer Flucht nach Ungarn und einer Reise

tour, visiting Vienna, London, and most controversially, Moscow, where he attends the Peasant International turneju, posjetivši Beč, London, i najkontroverznije, Moskvu, gdje prisustvuje Međunarodnom Seljačkom durch Europa, in welcher er Wien, London, und, kontroverserweise, Moskau besichtigt, in welcher er am internationalen

Congress. His continued agitation continues to anger the Radicals even from abroad. His Kongresu. Njegovo stalno rovarenje nastavlja da ljuti Radikale čak i iz inostranstva. Njegova Bauernkongress teilnimmt. Seine Agitation sorgt für noch weitere Abneigung der Radikalen ihm gegenüber.

visit to Moscow is seen as a personal slight by Aleksandar, now King, who is a staunch posjeta Moskvi je viđena kao lično nipodaštavanje Aleksandra, sada kralja, koji je zagriženi Sein Besuch in Moskau wird als persönlicher Affront gegenüber König Alexander angesehen, welcher entschiedener

anti-communist and victim of a failed communist assassination plot in 1921. antikomunist i žrtva propalog komunističkog pokušaja atentata iz 1921. Antikommunist sowie Opfer eines fehlgeschlagenen kommunistischen Mordkomplottes im Jahr 1921 ist.

Meanwhile, Yugoslavia is spiraling deeper into crisis. Supported by the King, Pašić U međuvremenu, Jugoslavija tone sve dublje u krizu. Podržan od kralja, Pašić Mittlerweile rutscht Jugoslawien weiter in eine Krise ab. Unterstützt durch den König bildet Pasic

forms a minority government in March 1924. Without support in the parliament it falls formira manjinsku vladu u martu 1924. Bez podrške u parlamentu ona pada eine Minderheitsregierung im März 1924. Ohne Unterstützung im Parlament fällt diese auseinander nach

after only a month. In an attempt to bridge the partisan divide, Aleksandar gives the nakon samo mjesec dana. U pokušaja da smanji partijsku podjelu, Aleksandar daje nur einigen Monaten. In einem Versuch die parteiischen Spaltungen zu überwinden überreicht Alexander das

mandate to govern to the Democrat leader, Davidović. But he isn't even able to form mandat lideru Demokrata, Davidoviću. Ali on također nije sposoban oformiti Regierungsmandat an den Anführer der Demokraten, Davidovic. Jedoch ist er nicht einmal in der Lage eine Regierung

a government, returning Pašić to power once again in early May. The chaos does not subside vladu, vraćajući Pašića ponovo na vlast početkom maja. Haos se ne stišava zu bilden, was Pasic im frühen Mai erneut an die Macht bringt. Das Chaos hört nicht auf, da

as parliament blocks the government from any meaningful governance and the government refuses jer parlament blokira vladu od bilo kakvog značajnog oblika upravljanja a vlada odbija parlamentarische Blocks die Regierung von allen wirkungsvollen Entscheidungen abhalten und die Regierung sich weigert,

to bow to the reform demands of the federalist opposition. Aleksandar fears that the opposition da se povinuje zahtjevima federalističke opozicije. Aleksandar se boji da bi opozicija dem Verlangen nach Reform durch die föderalistische Opposition einzugeben. Alexander befürchtet das die Opposition

might gain the upper hand, so he recesses parliament and refuses to hold elections to mogla steći prevlast, pa on raspušta parlament i odbija raspisati izbore da die Oberhand erlangen könnte, daher setzt er das Parlament aus und weigert sich Wahlen abhalten zu lassen um die

avert constitutional reform forces coming to power. The next two months see Yugoslavia bi izbjegao snage koje zagovaraju ustavne reforme da dođu na vlast. Sljedeća dva mjeseca djeluju kao da se Jugoslavija Reformkräfte von der Macht zu halten. Die nächsten zwei Monate beinhalten den jugoslawischen Abrutsch

come extremely close to royal dictatorship. značajno približava kraljevskoj diktaturi. an die Grenzen einer königlichen Diktatur.

Finally, in July, he asks Davidović to once again try to form a government. The Democrats Konačno, u julu, on traži od Davidovića da ponovo formira vladu. Demokrate Im Juli bittet er Davidovic erneuet eine Regierung zu bilden. Die Demokraten

manage to form a coalition which, to the extreme anger of the Radical party, includes Radić's uspjevaju da formiraju koaliciju koja, na veliki bijes Radikalne stranke, uključuje Radićevu schaffen es, eine Koalition aufzubauen welche Radics Kroatische Republikanische Bauernpartei beinhaltet, was

Croat Republican Peasant Party. Radić returns in August and declares himself ready to participate Hrvatsku Republikansku Seljačku Stranku. Radić se vraća u augustu i izjavljuje spremnost za učestvovanje von deutlicher Gegenwehr durch die Radikalen getroffen wird. Radic kehrt im August zurück und erklärt sich bereit in

in government but still continues to espouse anti-monarchical views in his speeches. Furious, u vladi, ali i dalje se zalaže za anti-monarhističke poglede u svojim govorima. Bijesan, der Regierung teilzunehmen, zeigt jedoch nach wie vor antimonarchische Ansichten in seinen Reden.

the King demands the resignation of Davidović. He hands it in, but remains as PM because kralj zahtijeva ostavku Davidovića. On je predaje, ali ostaje premijer jer Erzürnt verlangt der König einen Rücktritt Davidovics. Trotz der Tatsache das dieser eingereicht wird verbleibt er als

no new government is formed. That might not make sense to you, but that is, in fact, how nijedna nova vlada nije formirana. To možda nema smisla za vas, ali tako je to u suštini Premierminister da keine neue Regierung gebildet wird. Dies könnte so klingen als würde es für Sie keinen Sinn ergeben,

it worked. radilo. jedoch ist dies tatsächlich wie es ablief.

Yugoslavia is now basically without a legislative body and the King and his politicla party Jugoslavija je sada praktično bez zakonodavnog tijela i kralj i njegove političke stranke Jugoslawien besitzt nun grundsätzlich keine legislative Kraft und der König und seine politische Parteien laufen auf

are facing a showdown over who controls the country. suočavaju se sa obračunom oko toga ko upravlja zemljom. einen Showdown über die Kontrolle des Landes zu.

So there it is, in late 1924, after barely six years of existence, the Kingdom of Serbs, Eto tako, kasne 1924, nakon svega šest godina postojanja, Kraljevina Srba, Hrvata i Slovenaca Und dort stehen wir, im späten 1924, nach gerade einmal 6 Jahren der Existenz, sieht das Königreich der Serben, Kroaten und

Croats and Slovenes looks like it might not survive. And let us be clear here, there are djeluje kao da neće preživjeti. I dozvolite da budemo jasni ovdje, postoji Slowenen danach aus, dass es nicht mehr lange existieren wird. Und lassen Sie mich hier klar sein: Es gibt eine große Zahl

a number of forces in Europe that wouldn't mind if it fell apart. The Italians are aggressively mnoštvo snaga u Europi kojima nebi smetalo da se ona rspadne. Talijani agresivno an Mächten in Europa die es nicht unbedingt schlecht finden würden wenn es auseinanderfallen würde. Die Italiener versuchen

pursuing their Mediterranean interests in Albania. The newly formed USSR might have guraju svoje Sredozemne interese u Albaniji. Novostvorena SSSR možda je aggressiv ihre Interessen im Mittelmeer in Albanien zu bewahren. Die neukreierte UdSSR hat zwar den Expansionismus

abandoned expansionism for now, but are still very much interested in fostering new Socialist odustala od ekspanzionizma za sada, ali i dalje je vrlo zainteresovana za gajenjem novih socialističkih für den jetzigen Zeitpunkt beiseitegelegt, ist jedoch nach wie vor sehr interessiert in das Auftauchen neuer sozialistischen

movements in Eastern Europe. The old central powers are pretty much powerless now, but pokreta u istočnoj Europi. Stare centralne sile su za sada prilično nemoćne, ali Bewegungen in Osteuropa. Die alten Mittelmächte sind zwar ziemlich machtlos zur jetzigen Zeit, aber ein Zerfall

a collapse of Yugoslavia might shine new hope to regain a foothold to their south, at least raspad Jugoslavije možda ulije novu nadu da vrate uporište prema jugu, barem Jugoslawiens könnte neue Hoffnungen auf eine Expansion im Süden geben, selbst wenn es nur

for economic reasons. zbog ekonomskih razloga. aus wirtschaftlichen Gründen ist.

When we return in our next episode, we will see how the struggle over Yugoslavia continues Kada se vratimo u našoj sljedećoj epizodi, vidjet ćemo kako se borba oko Jugoslavije nastavlja Wenn wir in unserer nächsten Episode wiederkehren, werden wir sehen wie diese Konflikte in Jugoslawien fortgeführt werden

and it becomes a matter of personal life or death as Radić and King Aleksander move closer i postaje pitanje ličnog života ili smrti jer se Radić i kralj Aleksandar kreću bliže und das Ganze mehr zu einer persönlichen Angelegenheit zwischen Leben und Tod wird da Radic und König Alexander näher

and closer i bliže und näher

to a showdown. prema obračunu. auf einen Showdown zuschlittern.