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Crash Course Kids, Gotta Eat! - Crash Course Kids 1.1 -

Gotta Eat! - Crash Course Kids 1.1 -


We all eat right?

But have you ever wondered why we eat?

I mean some animals only eat plants, others just eat other animals, and some creatures

eat both plants and meat.

But the thing is, all animals, including humans, eat.

And we don't just eat because we're hungry, or bored, or tired, or it tastes good.

Although I could really go for a slice of pizza right now.

We eat because we need food to live.

More exactly, we need the energy that food gives our bodies to grow, move, and stay warm.

You've probably figured this out already from the things you've heard about how and when we eat.

Like you've probably heard that breakfast is the most important meal of the day, or

you might know that runners will 'carb load' before a big race.

But food is necessary for all living things, all the time.

You may have noticed that your collection of cool rocks that you have under your bed,

never needs a lunch of club sandwiches and baby carrots.

That's because they're nonliving things.

But food is most definitely a necessity for animals, and plants too.

Even though we don't think of plants as 'eating' because they don't have mouths, they still

need food to grow and repair themselves, just like we do.

In fact plants make a nifty model that can help us understand how the energy from food

affects living things.

To see how food affects plants, we can test what happens when they get more or less food.

Plants get most of their food from the sun, water, and carbon dioxide in the air.

More on that another time.

But to test how food affects plants for yourself, you can use liquid plant food, that way you

can control how much food or nutrients a plant gets.

So consider this little investigation.

Say you have two little plastic cups filled with potting soil, and you planted a lima

bean seed in each one, then you give each plant a different amount of food.

Plant number one will be your control, that means that you don't give it any additional

food at all, just a little water and sunlight, and it will do what plants do all on its own.

Then you can make plant two your extra food plant.

Ask your parents for some liquid plant fertilizer and add the recommended amount to plant two.

Now it you kept watering and feeding your plants the same amount for, say, four weeks,

what do you think will happen?

Would you expect both of the plants to grow the same amount?

Or would one grow more than the other?

If so, which ones?

Well, what you'd find is that plant two grew bigger than plant one because living things

need food to give them energy, so they can repair themselves and stay healthy, and in

this case, grow.

So with more food, plant two got more energy, and that allowed it to grow bigger.

Now got eat your vegetables.

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[Intro] (مقدمة)

We all eat right? جميعنا نأكل صحيح؟ لكن هل فكرت يومًا لماذا نأكل؟

But have you ever wondered why we eat?

I mean some animals only eat plants, others just eat other animals, and some creatures

eat both plants and meat.

But the thing is, all animals, including humans, eat.

And we don't just eat because we're hungry, or bored, or tired, or it tastes good.

Although I could really go for a slice of pizza right now. من أنني قد أتناول شريحة بيتزا الآن. نتناول الطعام لأننا نحتاجه للبقاء على قيد الحياة Obwohl ich jetzt wirklich Lust auf ein Stück Pizza hätte.

We eat because we need food to live.

More exactly, we need the energy that food gives our bodies to grow, move, and stay warm.

You've probably figured this out already from the things you've heard about how and when we eat. Das haben Sie wahrscheinlich schon herausgefunden, nachdem Sie gehört haben, wie und wann wir essen.

Like you've probably heard that breakfast is the most important meal of the day, or

you might know that runners will 'carb load' before a big race.

But food is necessary for all living things, all the time. الأحياء دائمًا.

You may have noticed that your collection of cool rocks that you have under your bed, قد تكون لاحظت أن مجموعة الصخور الرائعة التي تحتفظ بها أسفل سريرك Vielleicht hast du schon bemerkt, dass du eine Sammlung von coolen Steinen unter deinem Bett hast,

never needs a lunch of club sandwiches and baby carrots. لم تحتج يومًا لغداءٍ من شطائر اللحم أو جزرالأطفال. والسبب في ذلك هو أنها مخلوقات غير حية.

That's because they're nonliving things.

But food is most definitely a necessity for animals, and plants too. بينما الطعام وبكل تأكيد ضروري للحيوانات والنباتات أيضًا. وعلى الرغم من أننا لا نفكر في النباتات

Even though we don't think of plants as 'eating' because they don't have mouths, they still على أنها تتناول الطعام فعليًا إذ أنها لا تملك أفواهًا، لكنها تبقى في حاجة للطعام لكي تنمو

need food to grow and repair themselves, just like we do.

In fact plants make a nifty model that can help us understand how the energy from food

affects living things.

To see how food affects plants, we can test what happens when they get more or less food. Um zu sehen, wie sich die Nahrung auf die Pflanzen auswirkt, können wir testen, was passiert, wenn sie mehr oder weniger Nahrung bekommen.

Plants get most of their food from the sun, water, and carbon dioxide in the air.

More on that another time. والكثير منه في أحيان أخرى

But to test how food affects plants for yourself, you can use liquid plant food, that way you ولكن لتختبر بنفسك يمكنك استخدام المواد الغذائية النباتية السائلة، وتمكنك هذه الطريقة

can control how much food or nutrients a plant gets. من التحكم بكمية الطعام أو المواد الغذائية التي يحتاجها النبات

So consider this little investigation. ولنضع هذا التحقيق الصغير في الاعتبار

Say you have two little plastic cups filled with potting soil, and you planted a lima لنقل أن لديك كأسين بلاستكيين صغيرين مملوءين بالتربة وزرعت بذرة نبات فاصولياء

bean seed in each one, then you give each plant a different amount of food. في كل منهما وبعد ذلك أعطيت كل نبتة مقدارًا مختلفًا من الطعام.

Plant number one will be your control, that means that you don't give it any additional وستتحكم بالنبتة الأولى مما يعني أنك لن تزودها بغذاءٍ إضافي على الإطلاق

food at all, just a little water and sunlight, and it will do what plants do all on its own. فقط القليل من الماء وضوء الشمس وستنمو كما تنمو النباتات بمفردها

Then you can make plant two your extra food plant. وبعد ذلك يمكنك اتخاذ النبتة الثانية كنبتة تزودها بغذاء إضافي واسأل والديك تزويدك بسمادٍ نباتي سائل

Ask your parents for some liquid plant fertilizer and add the recommended amount to plant two. وأضف الكمية المقترحة للنبتة الثانية.

Now it you kept watering and feeding your plants the same amount for, say, four weeks, والآن، إن داومت على سقاية وتغذية نبتتيك خلال مدة مماثلة ولتكن أربعة أسابيع

what do you think will happen? ماذا سيحدث برأيك؟ هل تتوقع أن تنمو النبتتين بذات القدر؟

Would you expect both of the plants to grow the same amount?

Or would one grow more than the other?

If so, which ones?

Well, what you'd find is that plant two grew bigger than plant one because living things

need food to give them energy, so they can repair themselves and stay healthy, and in

this case, grow. in diesem Fall: wachsen.

So with more food, plant two got more energy, and that allowed it to grow bigger.

Now got eat your vegetables. والآن اذهب وتناول خضرواتك.. @Autrjim